HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/2000Y b DATE: MARCH 6, 2000 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS W , v ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of a meeting of Council held on February 21, 2000 PRESENTATIONS 1. John Weirsma, President, Veridian Connections, 1920 Bayly Street, Pickering, L1W 3R6 - Veridian Rates 2. John Abati, Friends of Kawartha Conservation, Kenrei Park Road, R.R. #1, Lindsay, K9V 4R1 - Advertisement in 1999 Bird Report DELEGATIONS 1. Port Darlington Community Association, 119 Cove Road, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3K3 - Report PD- 022 -00 2. Blue Circle Canada Inc., 400 Waverly Road South, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3K3 - Report PD- 022 -00 3. Ian McNaughton, McNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson, Planning Consultants, 171 Victoria Street North, Kitchener, N2H 5C5 - Report PD- 022 -00 4. Bill Humber, 15 Beech Street, Bowmanville, L1C 3A1 - Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Group 5. Norm Monaghan, 15 Westmore Street, Courtice, L I C 21-18 - Black Farewell Creek Provincial Significantly Wetland 6. Kerry Meydam, 3828 Trulls Road, Courtice, LIE 2L3 - Ministry of Natural Resources Mapping for Birchdale Development CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARIN ETON ,Nf;F �,TRFFT . rfl AINAA1,1\81 i F . Im s 11 "1 . -,- .,n ., ry-,n ,-.., Council Agenda - 2 - March 6, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information I- 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated January 17, 2000 I - 2 John Abati, Friends of Kawartha Conservation Authority, Kenrei Park Road, R.R. #1, Lindsay, K9V 4R1 - Advertisement in 1999 Bird Report I - 3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Nutrient Management and Intensive Agricultural Operations I - 4 William Humber, 15 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, L1C 3A1 - Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association I - 5 Walter E. Taylor, Township Clerk, Township of Uxbridge - Heritage Uxbridge, Superbuild Growth Fund I - 6 Ross L. McDougall, Mayor, City of Belleville - OSUM 2000 Conference I - 7 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham - Modified Two -Tier System I - 8 Anthony Polci, Special Assistant - Ontario, Office of the Minister of Transport - Hours of Service for Commercial Truck Drivers I - 9 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee dated December 2, 1999 1-10 Mrs. Carveth and Mr. and Mrs. Eilbeck, residents of Mill Street South, Newcastle - Senior Citizen Snow Clearing I - 11 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Open House - Golf Course Proposal for Heber Down Conservation Area 1-12 K. Johansen, Project Manager - Environmental Assessment, Ontario Power Generation, 1675 Montgomery Park Road, P.O. Box 150, Pickering, L1V 2R5 - Pickering A: Return to Service Environmental Assessment 1-13 CAA Central Ontario, 60 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhill, L3T 7P9 - Greater Toronto Services Board Transportation Accord 1-14 Bruce Taylor, City Cleric, The Corporation of the City of Pickering - Joint Fire Communications Centre 1-15 Linda J. Laliberte, General Manager /Secretary - Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - 2000 General Levy Council Agenda -3 - March 6, 2000 I - 16 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Request for Provincial Funding of Costs Related to the Gan Eden Application I - 17 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - 2000 Regional Budget Timetable I - 18 Atomic Energy Control Board, Communications Division, P.O. Box 1046, 280 Slater Street, Ottawa, KIP 5S9 - Radiation Dose I - 19 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - 25th Annual Maple Syrup Festival Receive for Direction D - 1 Fred Upshaw, Secretary- Treasurer, Durham Region Labour Council, P.O. Box 946, Oshawa, L1H 7N1 - "Day of Mourning" D - 2 Heather Farquhar, Secretary, Liberty Pentecostal Church, 1965 Martin Road North, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3K4 - Canada Day - Fireworks Display D-3 J. Laing, Secretary, Navy League of Canada, P.O. Box 491, Bowmanville, L I C 3Z2 - Navy League Tag Days for 2000 D - 4 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Durham Region Community Care Association, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3A2 - Annual "Tag Days" D - 5 Sam Synard, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities - UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination D - 6 Hilda Gatchell, Volunteer Coordinator, Organ Donation Ontario, 250 Dundas Street West, Suite 406, Toronto, M5T 2Z5 - Organ Donor Awareness Week D - 7 Craig Brown, Library Board Chairman, Clarington Public Library - Library Board's Current Budget Request D - 8 Gavin M. Stephenson, Secretary /Treasurer, Clarington Museums, Clarke Museum and Archives, P.O. Box 152, Orono, LOB 1MO - Vacancies on Board D - 9 Lynn Morrow, Executive Director, Greater Toronto Services Board - GTSB Strategic Transportation Plan D -10 Sgt. Paul A. Malik, Community Services Coordinator, Community Services Unit, Durham Regional Police Services, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, L 1 G 4137 - Implementation of a Community Neighbourhood Watch - Victoria Woods Council Agenda - 4 - March 6, 2000 D-11 Don Yeo, President, Clarington Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, P.O. Box 42, Bowmanville, L1C 3K8 - Cancer Month in Clarington and Daffodil Day D -12 Gail Johnson, President, Clarington Tiger Cats, 76 Prospect Street, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3 H2 - Grant Request D-13 Gene Chartier, Manager, Transportation Planning and Design, Transportation and Construction Services Branch, Region of Durham - Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan Study, Inter - Agency Team Commencement Meeting D-14 Marcel L. Brunelle, Mayor, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby -Canada Geese D-15 Association of Municipalities -Child Pornography MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 28, 2000 2. Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 28, 2000 3. Report PD- 022 -00 - Request for Amendments to Aggregates Extraction Licence - Blue Circle Canada Inc. 4. Confidential Verbal Report from the Solicitor - Legal Matter UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY -LAWS OTHER BUSINESS BY -LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE MARCH 6, 2000 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated January 17, 2000. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-2 John Abati, Friends of Kawartha Conservation, Kenrei Park Road, R.R. #1, Lindsay, K9V 4R1, advising Council that they are producing their 4th Annual Bird Report for Victoria County. The report highlights sightings, programs, natural areas and feature articles relating to a variety of environmental issues. In 1998, they had to eliminate some sections of the report due to cost. This year they are approaching all their watershed municipalities for their support. The ads run between $20 and $100 with revenues going to cover the costs of printing. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, 393 University Avenue, Suite 1701, Toronto, M5 1E6, advising that the AMO has submitted reports to Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) outlining solutions to deal with the impacts of Intensive Farming. Ontario municipalities recognize and are very proud of the province's agricultural industry. At the same time, there are emerging environmental, economic and social issues arising from intensive livestock operations that create conflicts within Ontario's rural communities. Municipalities want a balanced approach and want to work with provincial officials, the agricultural industry and stakeholders within Ontario's communities to resolve these problems. AMO is proposing several initiatives: i. Research; ii. Education and Communication; iii. Voluntary Initiatives; iv. Regulatory Framework; V. Monitoring /Enforcement. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 2 - March 6, 2000 I - 4 William Humber, Chair, Old Bowmanville, Neighbourhood Association, 15 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, L I C 3A1, advising Council of their organization. Neighbours in that part of the historic residential area bound by Wellington, Concession and Liberty streets in the old town of Bowmanville have recently organized themselves for the purposes of developing proactive ideas for the future enhancement of their neighbourhood. This initiative is partly in response to the future implications of increasing traffic and public works upgrades to sewers and water services, etc. Their primary goal is to develop a well- founded streetscape plan for the entire area which respects the existing character of the neighbourhood, and provides for the area's environmental and aesthetic enhancement. They are interested in ensuring that future upgrades to area services occur within the context of a streetscape plan. They would also like to recommend the introduction of positive design features in response to traffic and public safety concerns. (Receive for Information) I - 5 Walter E. Taylor, Township Clerk, Township of Uxbridge, 51 Toronto Street South, P.O. Box 190, Uxbridge, L9P 1T1, writing to The Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation advising that the Council of the Township of Uxbridge on February 14, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS construction involving resolution/renovation of buildings provides opportunities for private sector job creation; WHEREAS restoration of heritage structures provides opportunities for training of skilled workers; WHEREAS the restoration/renovation of buildings contributes to the conservation of built and natural resources, extends their economic lifespan and represents a wise reuse of resources; WHEREAS heritage structures contribute to tourism's economic benefits; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Heritage Uxbridge request that heritage structures be included in the proposed Government of Ontario's Infrastructure Program of the $20 billion public /private SuperBuild Growth Fund." (Receive for Information) 1-6 Ross L. McDougall, Mayor, City of Belleville, inviting all OSUM members to participate in the OSUM 2000 Conference being hosted in their "Friendly City" on May 3, 4 and 5, 2000. The OSUM Conference is being held at the Ramada Inn on the beautiful Bay of Quinte and the Trade Show will be situated on site at the Ramada on May 3 and 4. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence -3 - March 6, 2000 I - 7 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham, thanking the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce for their letter of January 28, 2000. Mr. Anderson would like to respond to several of the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce's points and clarify the position of the Regional Municipality of Durham. When Regional Councillors adopted the eight resolutions at Fern Resort, they did so unanimously and were aware of the Oshawa Chamber of .Commerce's position regarding governance. The recommendations indeed do not define a modified two -tier system or slimmed down Region. Those issues are part of the discussion regarding future governance in Durham. They need to decide what modifications they would like to see implemented. In the final analysis, they will require cost analysis data and business case models before they are able to make an informed decision on what model(s) best meet these objectives. He would appreciate receipt of the data and existing information the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce has used to lead them to your position on a preferred model. The Region agrees completely with their statement "governments must be more cost effective, efficient and accountable to the people ". This is exactly why they are conducting such a review process. It is the position of the Region of Durham that a two -tier system is the most realistic model at this time, particularly with all the major services added to the Region from the Province, and is in the best interests of their citizens. While at Fern they recognized it might be that some lower tier municipalities need to consider potential amalgamations. However, that is an issue that needs to be discussed and resolved at the lower tier level. (Receive for Information) 1-8 Anthony Polci, Special Assistant - Ontario Office of the Minister of Transport, thanking Council for their letter dated January 5, 2000, to the Honourable David M. Collenette, Minister of Transport, regarding the hours of service for commercial truck drivers. The hours of service standard that currently applies to commercial vehicle drivers is being reviewed by a committee under the auspices of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators ( CCMTA). This committee is composed of federal and provincial regulators, industry and labour representatives and other interested parties. The task of the committee is to undertake a review of the current regime covering the work rules that apply to commercial vehicle drivers and to improve safety by employing recent findings in the areas of fatigue and fatigue countermeasures. It has been noted that the current rules are difficult to understand and enforce and would benefit from simplification and updating. The department shares our views that commercial vehicle drivers' on -duty hours should not be increased. Indeed, discussions by the CCMTA committee have focused on providing greater opportunities for drivers to obtain more rest on a daily basis by increasing the minimum off -duty time that a driver must observe. This being the case, a 25 per cent increase in mandatory off - duty time has been proposed, which would result in a reduced workday. This proposal has been well received by industry representatives. Summary of Correspondence - 4 - March 6, 2000 The committee is also recommending changes to several other aspects of the regime in order to provide further opportunities for drivers to rest and intends to develop the text of a revised standard later this year. At that time, it is anticipated that information sessions will be conducted in selected locations across Canada. Subsequently, federal and provincial governments will consider the committee's recommendations. (Receive for Information) I — 9 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee dated December 2, 1999. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-10 Mrs. Carveth and Mr. and Mrs. Eilbeck, residents of Mill Street South, Newcastle, writing to thank the Municipality for their quick and efficient service in clearing senior citizen's driveways of snow after a snow fall. They are most impressed, pleased and satisfied with the service. (Receive for Information) I - 11 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation, advising that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has received a proposal for a golf course at Heber Down Conservation Area. Prior to proceeding with the environmental evaluation of this proposal, the Authority is hosting a public open house to provide an opportunity for their partners in conservation and the general public to provide their comments. The open house will be held at the Cullen Garden's Restaurant, 300 Taunton Road West, Whitby on March 9 and 10 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on both days. The proposal is to develop a golf course using 100 acres of land in the northeast section of the conservation area that is largely degraded and in the past has been used as a landfill site and gravel pit. The proposal also includes 60 acres of adjacent lands that are primarily worked out gravel pits and currently not under Authority ownership, (Receive for Information) I - 12 K. Johansen, Project Manager - Environmental Assessment, Ontario Power Generation, providing Council with a copy of the fourth issue of their newsletter about the Environmental Assessment (EA) being conducted on OPG's Pickering. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 5 - March 6, 2000 I - 13 CAA Central Ontario, 60 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhill, UT 7P9, advising Council that it has been CAA's policy to support an integrated and balanced plan for urban transportation, a plan that calls for investment in roads as well as public transit. Although the clubs were an active partner in the process leading up to the signing of the Greater Toronto Services Board Transportation Accord, they declined to sign the accord because they believe the GTSB transportation plan does not call for a balanced approach to transportation in the GTA. They are concerned that the focus of the GTSB, as outlined in its Removing Roadblocks study, is transit - centered and ignores motorists or proposes to penalize them. As they told GTSB staff, they agree with parts of the accord and disagree with others. We need a solution that is acceptable to the public and embraced by residents living and working in the GTA and Hamilton - Wentworth. Without a balanced approach in shaping the plan or widening the scope to include a multi - disciplined proposal, CAA can not, and will not support the GTSB Transportation Accord. (Receive for Information) I - 14 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Pickering, advising that the Council of the City of Pickering on February 21, 2000, passed the following resolution: "THAT Report to Council CAO 03 -00, concerning the establishment of a Joint Fire Communications Centre be received for information; THAT City Council agree to proceed with Phase 1 of the Joint Fire Communications Project, and authorize the expenditure of $3,672 as the City's contribution to this Phase; THAT a copy of this Report be forwarded to the municipalities of Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, and Clarington." (Receive for Information) I - 15 Linda J. Laliberte, General Manager /Secretary- Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, advising that the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority on January 20, 2000, approved the 2000 general levy as per the notification, which was forwarded to each municipality on December 17, 1999, with a copy of the 2000 preliminary budget. The general levy chargeable to our municipality is $144,946.66. The levy is payable in two installments, April 15th and October 15"'. Copies of the Authority's 1999 financial statements and the Annual Report were forwarded also. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 6 - March 6, 2000 I - 16 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham writing to the Minister of Finance, advising that Regional Council on February 23, 2000, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to provide funding to the Region of Durham to recover the legal and consulting costs to be incurred in preparing and presenting a defense with regard to the Gan Eden application before the Ontario Municipal Board; and b) THAT a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Tony Clement, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Ernie Eves, the Minister of Finance, the Durham MPPs, the Township of Uxbridge and all municipalities within the Greater Toronto Area." (Receive for Information) I - 17 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham writing to the Minister of Finance, advising that Regional Council on February 23, 2000, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the preliminary timetable be approved for the 2000 Regional Budgets for Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage, Solid Waste Management and General Tax Purposes as set forth in Attachment #1 to Report #2000 -F -11 of the Commissioner of Finance, as amended, which provides for Council approval of the 2000 Budgets and Regional Tax Rates on March 29, 2000 contingent upon the receipt by the Region of the Provincial estimates for the 2000 Local Services Realignment and the GTA Pooling costs; b) THAT if the receipt of the Provincial financial data for the Local Services Realignment and GTA Pooling is delayed, then the 2000 Regional Budget Timetable be revised accordingly to ensure that the 2000 Regional Budget for General Tax Purposes and 2000 Regional Tax Rates are not approved by Regional Council until such time as the Provincial information is received and incorporated into the Regional Budgets; and C) THAT a copy of Report #2000 -F -11 of the Commissioner of Finance be forwarded to the Durham Regional Police Services Board, the Area Municipalities and the Conservation Authorities." (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 7 - March 6, 2000 I - 18 Atomic Energy Control Board, Communications Division, P.O. Box 1046, 280 Slater Street, Ottawa, K1P 5S9, reporting to Council the radiation dose due to emissions from the Darlington Nuclear Station. Anyone wishing to receive copies of future editions directly from the AECB may do so by contacting them by telephone. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-19 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, advising Council of the 251h Annual Maple Syrup Festival being held at Purple Woods Conservation Area on March 11 to 19 and March 25, 2000. With the approach of spring a person may be sure of several things; birds will be singing, sap will be flowing and pancakes will be flipping at Purple Woods Conservation Area. The syrup festival will be open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Fred Upshaw, Secretary- Treasurer, Durham Region Labour Council, P.O. Box 946, Oshawa, LIH 7Nt, requesting that Council proclaim Friday, April 28, 2000 as "Day of Mourning" in recognition of workers killed, injured or disabled on the job. The Day of Mourning was officially recognized by the Ontario Provincial Legislature in 1988. In 19991, (An Act Respecting a Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace) passed through all stages of the House of Commons and the Senate. The Bill which now proclaims April 28 of each year as a National Day of Mourning received Royal Assent on February 1, 19991, and is now law. (Motion to Proclaim) D-2 Heather Farquhar, Secretary, Liberty Pentecostal Church, 1965 Martin Road North, Bowmanville, L1C 3K4, requesting permission to set off fireworks on their property on Canada Day, July 1, 2000. As in previous years, the fireworks will be set well back from the public in a cleared off field. There will also be two flat bed trucks which will assist as barriers and separate the public from the display. The s fireworks will be supervised by a fireworks display company as well as a member of their congregation who is a fireman and several adults over the age of 21. The fireworks will be lit by a licensed supervisor from the fireworks company. This company will also be providing the permit. (Motion to approve provided the organizers apply for and obtain the necessary permit) Summary of Correspondence - 8 - March 6, 2000 D - 3 J. Laing, Secretary, Navy League of Canada, P.O. Box 491, Bowmanville, L1C 3Z2, advising the Municipality when the Navy League Tag Days for 2000 will occur. As in the past, this is a major fund - raiser for the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps, #279 Bowmanville, and their Cadets will once again be in uniform in front of businesses throughout Clarington. The days specified for the Tag Day canvassing are October 5, 6 and 7, 2000. (Motion to grant permission to the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps, #279 to hold their Tag days October 5 to 7, 2000) D - 4 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Durham Region Community Care Association, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3A2, requesting permission for Community Care to once again canvas the local municipality in support of their Annual "Tag s" on June 1, 2 and 3, 2000. They plan to utilize their volunteers to cover locations in Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville and Courtice areas. All dollars collected will once again go towards service provision in Clarington. (Motion to grant permission for Durham Region Community Care Association to hold their Tag Days June 1 to 3, 2000) D - 5 Sam Synard, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, requesting that March 21, 2000, be proclaimed as the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Participation by municipalities from all parts of Canada has become an annual tradition which he urges us to follow. Our society is changing and becoming more diverse. Appreciating diversity and showing respect and tolerance for everyone go hand -in -hand with human rights. Canada has become a good example to the rest of the world. At the local and community level where it counts most, municipal governments continue to lead the way. With the Department of Canadian Heritage, FCM urges all communities to make 2000 the best year in planning March 21 initiatives. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 6 Hilda Gatchell, Volunteer Coordinator, Organ Donation Ontario, 250 Dundas Street West, Suite 406, Toronto, M5T 2Z5, requesting that the week of April 22 through 29, 2000, be proclaimed Organ Donor Awareness Week. The Volunteer Committee of Durham Region was activated in May of 1999. Since that time they have worked to increase awareness providing speakers for Service Clubs, Church Groups, Women's Institutes, etc., as requested, attending Blood Donor Clinics, and providing information pamphlets and donor cards to various sites within the Region. Organ donation and transplantation offers positive outcomes for recipient patients as well as donor families. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 9 - March 6, 2000 D- 7 Craig Brown, Library Board Chairman, Clarington Public Library, submitting to Council the Library's Board current budget request. The request, including non- controllable impact items for 2000, is $1,235,705.00. The detailed budget adopted by the Board is background materials for this request. That documentation has been submitted directly to the Municipal Treasurer for inclusion in the overall current budget presentation materials which will come before members of Council in the course of the budget process. In submitting this budget, the Library Board continues its commitment to the provision of library service to all residents of the Municipality. Their 2000 request includes a provision for access to library service on Sundays and Mondays, days which they are not currently open to the public. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Treasurer for inclusion in the 2000 budget process) D - 8 Gavin M. Stephenson, Secretary /Treasurer, Clarington Museums, Clarke Museum and Archives, P.O. Box 152, Orono, LOB 1MO, requesting that Council fill two vacant positions on the Board one due to absenteeism in violation of Board policy. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Clerk for appropriate action) D-9 Lynn Morrow, Executive Director, Greater Toronto Services Board, 1000 Murray Ross Parkway, Toronto, M3J 2P3, advising that the Greater Toronto Services Board on February 4, 2000, adopted the following recommendation: "The GTSB Strategic Transportation Plan for the Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton - Wentworth be circulated to member municipalities and other stakeholders for comments by April 3, 2000, and staff report back on comments at the May 26t" Transportation Committee meeting." (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development) Summary of Correspondence - 10 - March 6, 2000 D- 10 Sgt. Paul A. Malik, Community Services Coordinator, Community Services Unit, Durham Regional Police Service, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, L 1 G 4137, requesting permission to erect approved Neighbourhood Watch signs in the area of Victoria Woods. Through the implementation of Crime Prevention Programs, dedicated community volunteers work with police to help reduce crime in their communities. One such "Citizen Involved" Crime Prevention Program is Neighbourhood Watch. It is a project which employs an elegantly simple technique of "neighbours looking out for neighbours" to reduce threats of crime against potential victims. This letter is to introduce us to a group of concerned citizens who want to get involved in such a program. Through persistence, devotion and hard work, these people have made an honourable effort to form a Neighbourhood Watch within their community with at least 75% participation from.their fellow neighbours. (Motion to approve the installation of approved Neighbourhood Watch signs in this area) D - 11 Don Yeo, President, Clarington Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, P.O. Box 42, Bowmanville, L1C 3K8, requesting Council to declare April as "Cancer Month in Clarington ". He is also requesting permission to have a Cancer Society flag fly from the flag poles at the Newcastle Town Hall, the Courtice Recreation Complex and the Bowmanville Town Hall, with the official flag raising ceremony taking place at the Bowmanville Town Hall at 10:00 a.m., Monday, March 27, 2000. Mr. Yeo is also requesting that Friday, March 31, 2000, be declared "Daffodil Day ". (Motion to Proclaim) D - 12 Gail Johnson, President, Clarington Tiger Cats, 76 Prospect Street, Bowmanville, L I C 31-12, requesting from Council that the Clarington Tiger Cats be considered for a late grant. A considerable amount of money is required to run a Minor Football Organization; for example equipment, field rentals, payment of game officials, League registration which includes adequate insurance, footballs, blocking pads, busing, etc. The Founder of this club is the same one who organized the Minor Football Clubs in Pickering and in Oshawa, so there is no lacking of experience in this endeavour. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Treasurer for inclusion in the 2000 budget process) Summary of Correspondence - 11 - March 6, 2000 D- 13 Gene Chartier, Manager, Transportation Planning and Design, Transportation and Construction Services Branch, Region of Durham, regarding the Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan Study, Inter - agency Team Commencement Meeting. The Region of Durham is preparing a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to help guide the Region's transportation programs and investments for the next twenty years and beyond. The Plan will identify str, 4 --: - growth and the transportation system improvements requ growth in an environmentally and economically sustainal is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of t] Environmental Assessment (EA), and will address Phase: and 2 (identify alternative solutions to the problem) of thi Study is intended to satisfy the consultation and documen any Schedule "A" and `B" projects covered by the Munic plan to meet with the Inter - agency Team at least three times during the project. These meetings, in addition to written documentation, will provide us an opportunity to remain informed and give them our feedback as the project proceeds. They recognize that it may be necessary to meet with individual members during the TMP Study to discuss specific issues. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development) D - 14 Marcel L. Brunelle, Mayor, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, advising that the Town of Whitby is experiencing on -going problems with the high numbers of Canadian Geese inhabiting their community. Clarington is one of nine G.T.A. lakeshore municipalities. He is confiul- +'' itizens of and the visitors to the parks and waterfrnn* pality of Clarington have all too soon discovered t - !on has increased immensely and continues to ei the outdoors. Mayor Brunelle has contacted the Car. ( ting approval of culling and /or any other effecti s and financial assistance. He is requesting Cl, endeavour to remedy this situation and will bk ether lakeshore municipalities in the Greater Toi lopes that collectively we may persuade the Federal Government, Lo approve such measures to control the adult molt population. (Motion for Direction) D - 15 Mayor Wayne Arthurs, advising that the Council of the City of Pickering on February 7, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the City of Pickeri - recognize the highest r ' 0 ddents of the City impassionedly children; and Summary of Correspondence - 12 - March 6, 2000 WHEREAS it has been reported that the Canadian Council on Social Development in its report entitled "the progress of Canada's Children in the Millennium" notes that the child sex trade is increasing in Canada; and WHEREAS the Supreme Court of Canada is hearing an appeal from a British Columbia Court of Appeal decision that found the Criminal Code law against possession of child pornography to be unconstitutional; and WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has intervened to argue that Ontario must continue to have the authority to charge and prosecute child pornographers; NOW THEREFORE the City of Pickering and its residents respectfully request that the Provincial and the Federal Governments give the utmost priority to the protection of children from sexual exploitation as they deliberate this important case; and THAT this resolution be distributed to the Honourable Anne McLellan, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honourable Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Attorney General of Ontario, the Honourable Janet Ecker, M.P.P., Pickering- Ajax- Uxbridge, Dan McTeague, M.P., Pickering- Ajax- Uxbridge, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and Save the Children (Canada); and THAT the City of Pickering requests that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario distribute this City of Pickering resolution to their membership requesting their support and similar resolutions to be sent to the Honourable Anne McLellan and copies to the City of Pickering. (Motion for Direction) SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE MARCH 6, 2000 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated January 17, 2000. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-2 John Abati, Friends of Kawartha Conservation, Kenrei Park Road, R.R. 41, Lindsay, K9V 4R1, advising Council that they are producing their 4t1' Annual Bird Report for Victoria County. The report highlights sightings, programs, natural areas and feature articles sections of the report environmental g they had to eliminate so due t cost. This year they are approaching all their watershed municipalities for their support. The ads run between $20 and $100 with revenues going to cover the costs of printing. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, 393 University Avenue, Suite 1701, Toronto, M5G 1E6, advising that the AMO has submitted reports to Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) outlining solutions to deal with the impacts of Intensive Farming. Ontario municipalities recognize and are very proud of the province's agricultural industry. At the same time, there are emerging environmental, economic and social issues arising from intensive livestock operations that create conflicts within Ontario's rural communities. Municipalities want a balanced approach and want to work with provincial officials, the agricultural industry and stakeholders within Ontario's communities to resolve these problems. AMO is proposing several initiatives: i. Research; ii. Education and Communication; iii. Voluntary Initiatives; iv. Regulatory Framework; V. Monitoring /Enforcement. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 2 - March 6, 2000 I - 4 William Humber, Chair, Old Bowmanville, Neighbourhood Association, 15 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, L1C 3A1, advising Council of their organization. Neighbours in that part of the historic residential area bound by Wellington, Concession and Liberty streets in the old town of Bowmanville have recently organized themselves for the purposes of developing proactive ideas for the future enhancement of their neighbourhood. This initiative is partly in response to the future implications of increasing traffic and public works upgrades to sewers and water services, etc. Their primary goal is to develop a well- founded streetscape plan for the entire area which respects the existing character of the neighbourhood, and provides for the area's environmental and aesthetic enhancement. They are interested in ensuring that future upgrades to area services occur within the context of a streetscape plan. They would also like to recommend the introduction of positive design features in response to traffic and public safety concerns. (Receive for Information) 1- 5 Walter E. Taylor, Township Clerk, Township of Uxbridge, 51 Toronto Street South, P.O. Box 190, Uxbridge, L9P 1T1, writing to The Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation advising that the Council of the Township of Uxbridge on February 14, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS construction involving resolution/renovation of buildings provides opportunities for private sector job creation; WHEREAS restoration of heritage structures provides opportunities for training of skilled workers; WHEREAS the restoration/renovation of buildings contributes to the conservation of built and natural resources, extends their economic lifespan and represents a wise reuse of resources; WHEREAS heritage structures contribute to tourism's economic benefits; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Heritage Uxbridge request that heritage structures be included in the proposed Government of Ontario's Infrastructure Program of the $20 billion public /private SuperBuild Growth Fund." (Receive for Information) 1-6 Ross L. McDougall, Mayor, City of Belleville, inviting all OSUM members to participate in the OSUM 2000 Conference being hosted in their "Friendly City" on May 3, 4 and 5, 2000. The OSUM Conference is being held at the Ramada Inn on the beautiful Bay of Quinte and the Trade Show will be situated on site at the Ramada on May 3 and 4. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence -3 - March 6, 2000 -7 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham, thanking the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce for their letter of January 28, 2000. Mr. Anderson would like to respond to several of the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce's points and clarify the position of the Regional Municipality of Durham. When Regional Councillors adopted the eight resolutions at Fern Resort, they did so unanimously and were aware of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce's position regarding governance. The recommendations indeed do not define a modified two -tier system or slimmed down Region. Those issues are part of the discussion regarding future governance in Durham. They need to decide what modifications they would like to see implemented. In the final analysis, they will require cost analysis data and business case models before they are able to make an informed decision on what model(s) best meet these objectives. He would appreciate receipt of the data and existing information the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce has used to lead them to your position on a preferred model. The Region agrees completely with their statement "governments must be more cost effective, efficient and accountable to the people ". This is exactly why they are conducting such a review process. It is the position of the Region of Durham that a two -tier system is the most realistic model at this time, particularly with all the major services added to the Region from the Province, and is in the best interests of their citizens. While at Fern they recognized it might be that some lower tier municipalities need to consider potential amalgamations. However, that is an issue that needs to be discussed and resolved at the lower tier level. (Receive for Information) I - 8 Anthony Polci, Special Assistant - Ontario Office of the Minister of Transport, thanking Council for their letter dated January 5, 2000, to the Honourable David M. Collenette, Minister of Transport, regarding the hours of service for commercial truck drivers. The hours of service standard that currently applies to commercial vehicle drivers is being reviewed by a committee under the auspices of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators ( CCMTA). This committee is composed of federal and provincial regulators, industry and labour representatives and other interested parties. The task of the committee is to undertake a review of the current regime covering the work rules that apply to commercial vehicle drivers and to improve safety by employing recent findings in the areas of fatigue and fatigue countermeasures. It has been noted that the current rules are difficult to understand and enforce and would benefit from simplification and updating. The department shares our views that commercial vehicle drivers' on -duty hours should not be increased. Indeed, discussions by the CCMTA committee have focused on providing greater opportunities for drivers to obtain more rest on a daily basis by increasing the minimum off -duty time that a driver must observe. This being the case, a 25 per cent increase in mandatory off - duty time has been proposed, which would result in a reduced workday. This proposal has been well received by industry representatives. Summary of Correspondence - 4 - March 6, 2000 The committee is also recommending changes to several other aspects of the regime in order to provide further opportunities for drivers to rest and intends to develop the text of a revised standard later this year. At that time, it is anticipated that information sessions will be conducted in selected locations across Canada. Subsequently, federal and provincial governments will consider the committee's recommendations. (Receive for Information) I — 9 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee dated December 2, 1999. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) I - 10 Mrs. Carveth and Mr. and Mrs. Eilbeck, residents of Mill Street South, Newcastle, writing to thank the Municipality for their quick and efficient service in clearing senior citizen's driveways of snow after a snow fall. They are most impressed, pleased and satisfied with the service. (Receive for Information) I - 11 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation, advising that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has received a proposal for a golf course at Heber Down Conservation Area. Prior to proceeding with the environmental evaluation of this proposal, the Authority is hosting a public open house to provide an opportunity for their partners in conservation and the general public to provide their comments. The open house will be held at the Cullen Garden's Restaurant, 300 Taunton Road West, Whitby on March 9 and 10 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on both days. The proposal is to develop a golf course using 100 acres of land in the northeast section of the conservation area that is largely degraded and in the past has been used as a landfill site and gravel pit. The proposal also includes 60 acres of adjacent lands that are primarily worked out gravel pits and currently not under Authority ownership. (Receive for Information) I - 12 K. Johansen, Project Manager - Environmental Assessment, Ontario Power Generation, providing Council with a copy of the fourth issue of their newsletter about the Environmental Assessment (EA) being conducted on OPG's Pickering. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 5- March 6, 2000 1-13 CAA Central Ontario, 60 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhill, UT 7P9, advising Council that it has been CAA's policy to support an integrated and balanced plan for urban transportation, a plan that calls for investment in roads as well as public transit. Although the clubs were an active partner in the process leading up to the signing of the Greater Toronto Services Board Transportation Accord, they declined to sign the accord because they believe the GTSB transportation plan does not call for a balanced approach to transportation in the GTA. They are concerned that the focus of the GTSB, as outlined in its Removing Roadblocks study, is transit - centered and ignores motorists or proposes to penalize them. As they told GTSB staff, they agree with parts of the accord and disagree with others. We need a solution that is acceptable to the public and embraced by residents living and working in the GTA and Hamilton - Wentworth. Without a balanced approach in shaping the plan or widening the scope to include a multi - disciplined proposal, CAA can not, and will not support the GTSB Transportation Accord. (Receive for Information) 1-14 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Pickering, advising that the Council of the City of Pickering on February 21, 2000, passed the following resolution: "THAT Report to Council CAO 03 -00, concerning the establishment of a Joint Fire Communications Centre be received for information; THAT City Council agree to proceed with Phase 1 of the Joint Fire Communications Project, and authorize the expenditure of $3,672 as the City's contribution to this Phase; THAT a copy of this Report be forwarded to the municipalities of Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, and Clarington." (Receive for Information) I - 15 Linda J. Laliberte, General Manager /Secretary- Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, advising that the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority on January 20, 2000, approved the 2000 general levy as per the notification, which was forwarded to each municipality on December 17, 1999, with a copy of the 2000 preliminary budget. The general levy chargeable to our municipality is $144,946.66. The levy is payable in two installments, April 151h and October 1511i. Copies of the Authority's 1999 financial statements and the Annual Report were forwarded also. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 6 - March 6, 2000 I - 16 P.M. Madill, Regional Cleric, Region of Durham writing to the Minister of Finance, advising that Regional Council on February 23, 2000, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to provide funding to the Region of Durham to recover the legal and consulting costs to be incurred in preparing and presenting a defense with regard to the Gan Eden application before the Ontario Municipal Board; and b) THAT a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Tony Clement, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Ernie Eves, the Minister of Finance, the Durham MPPs, the Township of Uxbridge and all municipalities within the Greater Toronto Area." (Receive for Information) I - 17 P.M. Madill, Regional Cleric, Region of Durham writing to the Minister of Finance, advising that Regional Council on February 23, 2000, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the preliminary timetable be approved for the 2000 Regional Budgets for Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage, Solid Waste Management and General Tax Purposes as set forth in Attachment #1 to Report #2000 -F -11 of the Commissioner of Finance, as amended, which provides for Council approval of the 2000 Budgets and Regional Tax Rates on March 29, 2000 contingent upon the receipt by the Region of the Provincial estimates for the 2000 Local Services Realignment and the GTA Pooling costs; b) THAT if the receipt of the Provincial financial data for the Local Services Realignment and GTA Pooling is delayed, then the 2000 Regional Budget Timetable be revised accordingly to ensure that the 2000 Regional Budget for General Tax Purposes and 2000 Regional Tax Rates are not approved by Regional Council until such time as the Provincial information is received and incorporated into the Regional Budgets; and c) THAT a copy of Report #2000 -F -11 of the Commissioner of Finance be forwarded to the Durham Regional Police Services Board, the Area Municipalities and the Conservation Authorities." (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 7 - March 6, 2000 1-18 Atomic Energy Control Board, Communications Division, P.O. Box 1046, 280 Slater Street, Ottawa, KIP 5S9, reporting to Council the radiation dose due to emissions from the Darlington Nuclear Station. Anyone wishing to receive copies of future editions directly from the AECB may do so by contacting them by telephone. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-19 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, advising Council of the 25th Annual Maple Syrup Festival being held at Purple Woods Conservation Area on March 11 to 19 and March 25, 2000. With the approach of spring a person may be sure of several things; birds will be singing, sap will be flowing and pancakes will be flipping at Purple Woods Conservation Area. The syrup festival will be open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Fred Upshaw, Secretary- Treasurer, Durham Region Labour Council, P.O. Box 946, Oshawa, L1H 7N1, requesting that Council proclaim Friday, April 28, 2000 as "Day of Mourning" in recognition of workers killed, injured or disabled on the job. The Day of Mourning was officially recognized by the Ontario Provincial Legislature in 1988. In 19991, (An Act Respecting a Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace) passed through all stages of the House of Commons and the Senate. The Bill which now proclaims April 28 of each year as a National Day of Mourning received Royal Assent on February 1, 19991, and is now law. (Motion to Proclaim) D-2 Heather Farquhar, Secretary, Liberty Pentecostal Church, 1965 Martin Road North, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3K4, requesting permission to set off fireworks on their property on Canada Day, July 1, 2000. As in previous years, the fireworks will be set well back from the public in a cleared off field. There will also be two flat bed trucks which will assist as barriers and separate the public from the display. The fireworks will be supervised by a fireworks display company as well as a member of their congregation who is a fireman and several adults over the age of 21. The fireworks will be lit by a licensed supervisor from the fireworks company. This company will also be providing the permit. (Motion to approve provided the organizers apply for and obtain the necessary permit) Summary of Correspondence - 8 - March 6, 2000 D - 3 J. Laing, Secretary, Navy League of Canada, P.O. Box 491, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3Z2, advising the Municipality when the Navy League Tag Days for 2000 will occur. As in the past, this is a major fund - raiser for the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps, #279 Bowmanville, and their Cadets will once again be in uniform in front of businesses throughout Clarington. The days specified for the Tag Day canvassing are October 5, 6 and 7, 2000. (Motion to grant permission to the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps, #279 to hold their Tag days October 5 to 7, 2000) D-4 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Durham Region Community Care Association, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, L1C 3A2, requesting permission for Community Care to once again canvas the local municipality in support of their Annual "Tag Days" on June 1, 2 and 3, 2000. They plan to utilize their volunteers to cover locations in Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville and Courtice areas. All dollars collected will once again go towards service provision in Clarington. (Motion to grant permission for Durham Region Community Care Association to hold their Tag Days June 1 to 3, 2000) D - 5 Sam Synard, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, requesting that March 21, 2000, be proclaimed as the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Participation by municipalities from all parts of Canada has become an annual tradition which he urges us to follow. Our society is changing and becoming more diverse. Appreciating diversity and showing respect and tolerance for everyone go hand -in -hand with human rights. Canada has become a good example to the rest of the world. At the local and community level where it counts most, municipal governments continue to lead the way. With the Department of Canadian Heritage, FCM urges all communities to make 2000 the best year in planning March 21 initiatives. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 6 Hilda Gatchell, Volunteer Coordinator, Organ Donation Ontario, 250 Dundas Street West, Suite 406, Toronto, M5T 2Z5, requesting that the week of April 22 through 29, 2000, be proclaimed Organ Donor Awareness Week. The Volunteer Committee of Durham Region was activated in May of 1999. Since that time they have worked to increase awareness providing speakers for Service Clubs, Church Groups, Women's Institutes, etc., as requested, attending Blood Donor Clinics, and providing information pamphlets and donor cards to various sites within the Region. Organ donation and transplantation offers positive outcomes for recipient patients as well as donor families. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 9 - March 6, 2000 D- 7 Craig Brown, Library Board Chairman, Clarington Public Library, submitting to Council the Library's Board current budget request. The request, including non- controllable impact items for 2000, is $1,235,705.00. The detailed budget adopted by the Board is background materials for this request. That documentation has been submitted directly to the Municipal Treasurer for inclusion in the overall current budget presentation materials which will come before members of Council in the course of the budget process. In submitting this budget, the Library Board continues its commitment to the provision of library service to all residents of the Municipality. Their 2000 request includes a provision for access to library service on Sundays and Mondays, days which they are not currently open to the public. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Treasurer for inclusion in the 2000 budget process) Gavin M. Stephenson, Secretary /Treasurer, Clarington Museums, Clarke Museum jjand Archives, P.O. Box 152, Orono, LOB 1MO, requesting that Council fill two vacant positions on the Board one due to absenteeism in violation of Board policy. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Clerk for appropriate action) D-9 Lynn Morrow, Executive Director, Greater Toronto Services Board, 1000 Murray Ross Parkway, Toronto, M3J 2P3, advising that the Greater Toronto Services Board on February 4, 2000, adopted the following recommendation: "The GTSB Strategic Transportation Plan for the Greater Toronto Area o and Hamilton - Wentworth be circulated to member municipalities and other stakeholders for comments by April 3, 2000, and staff report back on ~ comments at the May 26th Transportation Committee meeting." (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development) Summary of Correspondence - 10 - March 6, 2000 D-10 Sgt. Paul A. Malik, Community Services Coordinator, Community Services Unit, Durham Regional Police Service, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, L 1 G 4137, requesting permission to erect approved Neighbourhood Watch signs in the area of Victoria Woods. Through the implementation of Crime Prevention Programs, dedicated community volunteers work with police to help reduce crime in their communities. One such "Citizen Involved" Crime Prevention Program is Neighbourhood Watch. It is a project which employs an elegantly simple technique of "neighbours looking out for neighbours" to reduce threats of crime against potential victims. This letter is to introduce us to a group of concerned citizens who want to get involved in such a program. Through persistence, devotion and hard work, these people have made an honourable effort to form a Neighbourhood Watch within their community with at least 75% participation from their fellow neighbours. (Motion to approve the installation of approved Neighbourhood Watch signs in this area) D - 11 Don Yeo, President, Clarington Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, P.O. Box 42, Bowmanville, L1C 3K8, requesting Council to declare April as "Cancer Month in Clarington ". He is also requesting permission to have a Cancer Society flag fly from the flag poles at the Newcastle Town Hall, the Courtice Recreation Complex and the Bowmanville Town Hall, with the official flag raising ceremony taking place at the Bowmanville Town Hall at 10:00 a.m., Monday, March 27, 2000. Mr. Yeo is also requesting that Friday, March 31, 2000, be declared "Daffodil Day ". (Motion to Proclaim) D- 12 Gail Johnson, President, Clarington Tiger Cats, 76 Prospect Street, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3H2, requesting from Council that the Clarington Tiger Cats be considered for a late grant. A considerable amount of money is required to run a Minor Football Organization; for example equipment, field rentals, payment of game officials, League registration which includes adequate insurance, footballs, blocking pads, busing, etc. The Founder of this club is the same one who organized the Minor Football Clubs in Pickering and in Oshawa, so there is no lacking of experience in this endeavour. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Treasurer for inclusion in the 2000 budget process) Summary of Correspondence - 11 - -ch 6, 2000 D- U Gene Chartier, Manager, Transportation ) J/ rtation and Construction Services Branch, Region of n of Durham Transportation Master Plan Stuc mcement Meeting. The Region of Durham is prep _ Plan (TMP) to help guide the Region's transportation programs and investments for the next twenty years and beyond. The Plan will identify strategic directions for growth and the transportation system improvements required to achieve this growth in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner. The project is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA), and will address Phases 1 (identify the problem) and 2 (identify alternative solutions to the problem) of this process. The TMP Study is intended to satisfy the consultation and documentation requirements for any Schedule "A" and "B" projects covered by the Municipal Class EA. They plan to meet with the Inter - agency Team at least three times during the project. These meetings, in addition to written documentation, will provide us an opportunity to remain informed and give them our feedback as the project proceeds. They recognize that it may be necessary to meet with individual members during the TMP Study to discuss specific issues. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development) D - 14 Marcel L. Brunelle, Mayor, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, advising "WHEREAS the City of Pickering and residents of the City impassionedly recognize the highest priority of protecting children; and that the Town of Whitby is experiencing on -going problems with the high numbers of Canadian Geese inhabiting their community. Clarington is one of nine G.T.A. lakeshoi -- inalities. He is confident the citizens of and the visitors to the parks "- Mvs in the Municipality of Clarington have all too soon di / ;e population has increased immensely and coy oyment of the outdoors. Mayor Brunelle has contE ° rvice requesting approval of culling and /or and (�' Arol measures and financial ,assistance. He is rt of Whitby's endeavour to ( remedy this situ, me request to other lakeshore municipalities in the GreaLt,. _ he hopes that collectively we may persuade the Federal Government to apps,_ _ such measures to control the adult molt population. (Motion for Direction) or Wayne Arthurs, advising that the Council of the City of Pickering on tfl� nary 7, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the City of Pickering and residents of the City impassionedly recognize the highest priority of protecting children; and Summary of Correspondence -12- March 6, 2000 WHEREAS it has been reported that the Canadian Council on Social Development in its report entitled "the progress of Canada's Children in the Millennium" notes that the child sex trade is increasing in Canada; and WHEREAS the Supreme Court of Canada is hearing an appeal from a British Columbia Court of Appeal decision that found the Criminal Code law against possession of child pornography to be unconstitutional; and WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has intervened to argue that Ontario must continue to have the authority to charge and prosecute child pornographers; NOW THEREFORE the City of Pickering and its residents respectfully request that the Provincial and the Federal Governments give the utmost priority to the protection of children from sexual exploitation as they deliberate this important case; and THAT this resolution be distributed to the Honourable Anne McLellan, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honourable Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Attorney General of Ontario, the Honourable Janet Ecker, M.P.P., Pickering- Ajax- Uxbridge, Dan McTeague, M.P., Pickering- Ajax- Uxbridge, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and Save the Children (Canada); and THAT the City of Pickering requests that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario distribute this City of Pickering resolution to their membership requesting their support and similar resolutions to be sent to the Honourable Anne McLellan and copies to the City of Pickering. (Motion for Direction) SUMMARY OF BY -LAWS MARCH 6, 2000 BY -LAWS 2000 -31 being a by -law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -1984 as not being subject to Part Lot Control (Item #4 of Report #1) 2000 -32 being a by -law to appoint Kenneth Sherwood as a By -law Enforcement Officer (Item #7 of Report #1) 2000 -33 being a by -law to appoint Terry Beauvais as a By -law Enforcement Officer (Item #7 of Report #1) 2000 -34 being a by -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Animal Licencing Services Inc. (Item #5 of Report #1) 2000-35 being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (approved by Council on July 5, 1999) 2000 -36 being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Clarington Fieldcrest Developments Limited of Plan of Subdivision 18T -99006 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -99006 (approved by Council on July 5, 1999); 2000 -37 being a by -law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year 2000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 6, 2000 - 7:00 P.M. FILE MUNICIPALITY OF Harington ONTARIO DATE: MARCH 6, 2000 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRAYERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of a meeting of Council held on February 21, 2000 PRESENTATIONS John Weirsma, President, Veridian Connections, 1920 Bayly Street, Pickering, LI W 3R6 - Veridian Rates 2. John Abati, Friends of Kawartha Conservation, Kenrei Park Road, R.R. # 1, Lindsay, K9V 4R1 - Advertisement in 1999 Bird Report DELEGATIONS 1. Port Darlington Community Association, 119 Cove Road, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3K3 - Report PD -022-00 2. Blue Circle Canada Inc., 400 Waverly Road South, Bowmanville, LIC 3K3 - Report PD -022-00 3. Ian McNaughton, McNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson, Planning Consultants, 171 Victoria Street North, Kitchener, N2H 5C5 - Report PD -022-00 4. Bill Humber, 15 Beech Street, Bowmanville, LIC 3A1 - Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Group 5. Norm Monaghan, 15 Westmore Street, Courtice, LIC 21-18 - Black Farewell Creek Provincial Significantly Wetland 6. Kerry Meydam, 3828 Trulls Road, Courtice, L1 E 2L3 - Ministry of Natural Resources Mapping for Birchdale Development LCORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET • BOWMANVILLE • ONTARIO • LIC JAB • (905) 623.3379 - FAX 623 4169 WE S IT E: www. mu nice pal it y.cla ring l o n.o n.ca R0 Council Agenda - 2 - March 6, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information I - I Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated January 17, 2000 I - 2 John Abati, Friends of Kawartha Conservation Authority, Kenrei Park Road, R.R. #1, Lindsay, K9V 4R1 - Advertisement in 1999 Bird Report I - 3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Nutrient Management and Intensive Agricultural Operations 1-4 William Humber, 15 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, LIC 3A1 - Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association I - 5 Walter E. Taylor, Township Clerk, Township of Uxbridge - Heritage Uxbridge, Superbuild Growth Fund I - 6 Ross L. McDougall, Mayor, City of Belleville - OSUM 2000 Conference I - 7 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham - Modified Two -Tier System I - 8 Anthony Polci, Special Assistant - Ontario, Office of the Minister of Transport - Hours of Service for Commercial Truck Drivers 1-9 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee dated December 2, 1999 I - 10 Mrs. Carveth and Mr. and Mrs. Eilbeck, residents of Mill Street South, Newcastle - Senior Citizen Snow Clearing I - ] 1 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Open House - Golf Course Proposal for Heber Down Conservation Area I - 12 K. Johansen, Project Manager - Environmental Assessment, Ontario Power Generation, 1675 Montgomery Park Road, P.O. Box 150, Pickering, LI V 2R5 - Pickering A: Return to Service Environmental Assessment I - 13 CAA Central Ontario, 60 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhill, L3T 7P9 - Greater Toronto Services Board Transportation Accord 1- 14 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Pickering - Joint Fire Communications Centre I - 15 Linda J. Laliberte, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - 2000 General Levy Council Agenda - 3 - March 6, 2000 1-16 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham -Request for Provincial Funding of Costs Related to the Gan Eden Application I - 17 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - 2000 Regional Budget Timetable I - 18 Atomic Energy Control Board, Communications Division, P.O. Box 1046, 280 Slater Street, Ottawa, KIP 5S9 - Radiation Dose I - 19 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - 251h Annual Maple Syrup Festival Receive for Direction D - 1 Fred Upshaw, Secretary -Treasurer, Durham Region Labour Council, P.O. Box 946, Oshawa, L I H 7N1 - "Day of Mourning" D-2 Heather Farquhar, Secretary, Liberty Pentecostal Church, 1965 Martin Road North, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3K4 - Canada Day - Fireworks Display D-3 J. Laing, Secretary, Navy League of Canada, P.O. Box 491, Bowmanville, LIC 3Z2 - Navy League Tag Days for 2000 D-4 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Durham Region Community Care Association, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, LIC 3A2 - Annual "Tag Days" D-5 Sam Synard, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities - UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination D-6 Hilda Gatchell, Volunteer Coordinator, Organ Donation Ontario, 250 Dundas Street West, Suite 406, Toronto, M5T 2Z5 - Organ Donor Awareness Week D-7 Craig Brown, Library Board Chairman, Clarington Public Library - Library Board's Current Budget Request D-8 Gavin M. Stephenson, Secretary/Treasurer, Clarington Museums, Clarke Museum and Archives, P.O. Box 152, Orono, LOB I MO - Vacancies on Board D-9 Lynn Morrow, Executive Director, Greater Toronto Services Board - GTSB Strategic Transportation Plan ' D-10 Sgt. Paul A. Malik, Community Services Coordinator, Community Services Unit, Durham Regional Police Services, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, L 1 G 4137 - 1. Implementation of a Community Neighbourhood Watch - Victoria Woods Council Agenda - 4 - March 6, 2000 D-11 Don Yeo, President, Clarington Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, P.O. Box 42, Bowmanville, LIC 3K8 - Cancer Month in Clarington and Daffodil Day D-12 Gail Johnson, President, Clarington Tiger Cats, 76 Prospect Street, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3H2 - Grant Request D-13 Gene Chartier, Manager, Transportation Planning and Design, Transportation and Construction Services Branch, Region of Durham - Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan Study, Inter -Agency Team Commencement Meeting D -14 Marcel L. Brunelle, Mayor, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby - Canada Geese D-15 Association of Municipalities -Child Pornography MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 28, 2000 2. Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 28, 2000 Report PD -022-00 - Request for Amendments to Aggregates Extraction Licence - Blue Circle Canada Inc. Confidential Verbal Report from the Solicitor - Legal Matter UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS OTHER BUSINESS BY-LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT Council Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, February 21, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers PRAYER Councillor Trim led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL February 21, 2000 Present Were: Mayor D. Hamre Councillor J. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. Rowe Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young Absent: Councillor J. Schell (due to illness) Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director, Community Services, J. Caruana Fire Chief, M. Creighton (attended until 7:50 p.m.) Direction, Planning and Development, D. Crome (attended until 7:50 p.m.) Solicitor, D. Hefferon Treasurer, M. Marano (attended until 7:50 p.m.) Director, Public Works, S. Vokes (attended until 7:50 p.m.) Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Young stated that he would be making a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item D - 15. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Resolution #C-83-00 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on February 7, 2000, be approved. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 2 - February 21, 2000 DELEGATIONS Terry Burns, 9 Claret Road, Courtice, LIE 1 W1, addressed Council requesting that action be taken to put into place a solution to reduce both speed and volume of traffic on Claret Road. Mr. Bums suggested the following actions be taken: That re-routing of traffic to larger arteries take place as soon as possible as per the development plan for the area That the intersections of Claret and Prestonvale, and Claret and Sandringham be equipped with 3 -way stops or another form of traffic control device such as speed bumps to ensure that traffic entering Claret Road will do so at a reduced speed, giving neighbourhood children a fighting chance That only local traffic be allowed on Claret Road, Saturdays and Sundays Mr. Bums stated that the Public Works Department has already completed a traffic survey and he has been advised that the volume of traffic does not warrant stop signs by the standards applied. He suggested that perhaps the length of the street had not been taken into consideration when evaluating traffic volumes and asked that this decision be made at the level of the Council who is empowered to implement a resolution without delay. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-84-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception of Items I - 2, I - 6, I - 8,1 - 13 and I -14. "CARRIED" I - 1 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated C06.CL February 1, 2000. (Received for Information) 1-3 OntarioPower Generation, advising Council of their performance report E05.GE card for the month of December 1999. (Received for Information) Council Minutes 3 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS I - 4 M. deRond, Clerk, Town of Ajax, advising that the Council of the Town C 10.MO of Ajax on February 7, 2000, the following resolution: "THAT the resolution and action plan approved by the Region of Durham Council regarding the recent Region Study Retreat recommendations be endorsed." (Received for Information) 1- 5 Helen Johns, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, M02.GE informing the Municipality of Clarington that they will be sending Bid Guidelines for the 2002 Ontario Winter/Summer Games and the 2004 Ontario Winter/Summer Games in the near future. The ministry is requesting bids for two complete sets of Games in order to allow municipalities greater time to fundraise and seek corporate sponsorship for the Games. The Bid deadline will be approximately 10 weeks after the Guidelines are distributed. The Games are held every two years and are the highest profile multi -sport competition for amateur athletes in Ontario. The Games provide an opportunity for Ontario's amateur athletes to develop their skills and move on to other provincial, national and international competitions. The Winter Games are traditionally held in March followed by the Summer Games in August. The Ontario Games offer substantial benefits to the host communities; in fact, previous Games have generated an economic impact of over $2.0 million dollars. Host communities gain recognition from across the province, generating interest in the local economy and increasing tourism. The Region of Durham, the first Regional Municipality of its size to host the Summer Games, will bring over 3000 athletes, coaches, managers and officials to the eight communities hosting the major sporting events in the region. Each community will have the opportunity to host at least one sport, creating excitement across the largest regional municipality in Ontario. (Received for Information) 1-7 Allan Evelyn, Deputy Clerk, Town of East Gwillimbury, 19000 Leslie H12.TR Street, Sharon, LOG 1 V0, advising that the Council of the Town of East Gwillimbury on January 10, 2000, passed a resolution that does not support ajoint training facility for the GTA. Their Council does support joint training facilities provided it is within an area that would make it economically feasible. (Received for Information) Council Minutes - 4 - February 21. 2000 COMMUNICATIONS I — 9 Bernard Richard, Program Specialist, Radiation and Environmental E07.GE Protection Division, Atomic Energy Control Board, following notification by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) that it intended to apply for regulatory approval for the return to service of the Pickering NGS -A reactors at the Pickering NGS facility, the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) determined that an environmental assessment was required in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) before a regulatory decision on this licensing request could be made. Accordingly, the AECB drafted a scope of assessment document, which was issued for public comment in the fall in 1999. The "scope of assessment" document provides OPG with guidance and direction from the AECB for the conduct of the assessment, the assessment process and schedule, and the structuring of the environmental assessment report to be submitted to the AECB for review and decision. The AECB has completed its review of the comments received from the public and other stakeholders on the draft version of the document, and has issued the scope of assessment document to OPG. The next step in the CEAA process is for OPG to prepare a draft environmental assessment screening report and submit it to the AECB for review. The draft environmental assessment screening report will be made available to the public and other stakeholders for comment prior to its finalization. The public and other stakeholders will also have an opportunity to comment on the environmental assessment screening report when it is presented to the Board for approval, which is expected to occur sometime in the summer of 2000 or later. (Received for Information) I - 10 Peter M. Crockett, President, The Ontario Traffic Conference, 20 Carlton H12.TR Street, Suite 121, Toronto, M513 2H5, inviting the Mayor and Members of Council to participate in the 501h Annual Convention. In 1950, a small group of municipal officials, traffic engineers and police officers met in Kitchener to discuss the need for a co-ordinated effort to improve traffic management in Ontario. Their goal was to develop a collective approach to Traffic Safety by drawing together the knowledge and expertise of those in the field of Enforcement, Engineering and Education. Fifty years later, elected officials, traffic engineers and police officers will be meeting at the Four Points Hotel, Sheraton Kitchener from June 4 - 6, 2000, to discuss today's traffic enforcement and safety issues. (Received for Information) Council Minutes - 5 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS I - 11 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising that the Provincial M02.GE Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs seeks input in the 2000 Ontario Provincial Budget. Municipalities and the Province share a common objective, to improve the economic outlook for Ontario, its communities and taxpayers. AMO has called on the Province to work with them to ensure that they provide the people of Ontario with better government at a reasonable cost without compromising representation and the principles of good government. The submission builds on the expectation that a balanced budget is likely. AMO sent the following five simple, key messages: i. A balanced budget and income redistribution programs ii. The balanced budget and local service realignment support iii. The balanced budget and the regulatory environment iv. The balanced budget and a new Municipal Act V. The balanced budget and infrastructure, the backbone of economic success (Received for Information) 1- 12 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, advising Council that the M06.GE Ontario Energy Board (OEB) issues decision regarding electricity rates. AMO provides the Municipality with a summary of the OEB decision on matters relating to the proposed rate handbook. (Received for Information) 1- 15 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, reminding the Municipality M06.GE of Clarington and pet owners that they are required to have their dog on a leash at all times during their visit to the conservation areas and also are asked to cleanup after their pet (stoop and scoop). Currently dogs are allowed in all of the CLOCA conservation areas with the exception of Lynde Shores C.A. due to its environmental sensitivity. The Authority would like to thank the majority of dog owners that follow the two -metre leash regulation and also clean up after their pet when they visit the conservation areas. The leash regulation was put in place by the Authority not only to protect nature and pets but other people using the conservation area. The Authority is issuing a warning that pet owners that do not follow the leash regulation will be subject to a fine of up to $1,000. (Received for Information) Council Minutes - 6 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS I - 16 Air Canada, notifying Council that Air Canada and Canadian Airlines will M06.GE add 30 new routes and 11 new destinations and over 380 more transborder flights a week. Starting in April 2000, customers will see a greater choice of convenient departure times in selected markets and more convenient connections. This summer, by realigning aircraft types and departure times, Air Canada and Canadian will be able to start offering new non- stop domestic routes such as Montreal -Edmonton, Halifax -Vancouver and Toronto -Victoria, along with an improved spread of daily departures featuring hourly service between Toronto -Calgary and Toronto - Vancouver. Air Canada's regional carriers and Canadian Regional Airlines will also significantly increase service in Ontario. (Received for Information) 1- 17 Michael Power, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, AOLAM thanking the Municipality for our continued support of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. Our membership renewal has been processed and we will continue to receive all the benefits and privileges of AMO membership. Our ongoing support will ensure that AMO continues to speak for the betterment of municipalities in every part of Ontario. By combining their voices through our provincial municipal association, Ontario's municipalities are able to exert a level of influence over provincial decision-making that would simply not be possible if each municipality acted alone. Our continued support sends a strong message to the Province that municipalities are united in their determination to ensure that municipal governments are given the flexibility, the scope and the ability to deal with their own local issues. (Received for Information) 1- 18 Carol Brown, Executive Director, Intercede Diversion Program, 40 King PITGE Street West, Suite 506, Oshawa, L I H 1A4, updating the Municipality of Clarington on the status of the Intercede Diversion Program. At present, they are continuing to work with offenders and provide an opportunity for the community and victim to have a voice in the consequences given to those persons who commit low-risk crimes. At the same time, Intercede provides the offender with avenues that assist them with their rehabilitation process in order to divert them from their path of criminal behavour. The success of their model is demonstrated in their low recidivism rate which is less than 1/2 that of similar cases processed through the courts. (Received for Information) Council Minutes - 7 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS I - 19 J.D. Leach, City Clerk, City of Vaughan, advising that the Council of the C10.MO City of Vaughan on January 31, 2000, passed the following resolution: "THAT the City of Vaughan not support an extension for this term of office; THAT the City of Vaughan does lend support for a four (4) year municipal term of office following the next term; THAT there are merits in amalgamation and that a transition plan be put in place after the 2000 municipal election to identify firstly amalgamation alternatives, the roles, responsibilities and time frames of affected local governments; THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities involved, the Region of York and the Province of Ontario; THAT the City of Vaughan Council does not support some of the recommendations in the Mayors' Position Paper, respecting the lack of consultation with local governments, time frames and process." (Received for Information) 1-20 The Social Development Council of Ajax -Pickering, 132A Commercial S00.SO Avenue, Ajax, LIS 2H5, providing Council with a copy of the Community Wellness Study of Durham Region. (Received for Information) 1-21 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that the Council C 10.MO of the Region of Durham on February 9, 2000, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the Regional Chair and the Clerk be authorized to execute a Street Crossing Agreement with W.F.I. Urbanlink Ltd. in a form acceptable to the Regional Solicitor and the Commissioner of Works; b) THAT Municipal Consent permits be issued to W.F.I. Urbanlink Ltd. for the installation of conduits at designated crossings of Regional Roads on the condition that no fibre optic cable be installed within the conduits until the Street Crossing Agreement has been executed; and Council Minutes - 8- February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS c) THAT a copy of Report #2000-W-13 of the Commissioner of Works be forwarded to the area municipalities." (Received for Information) 1-22 Newcastle Ratepayers Association, advising Council that the Newcastle C 10.MO Ratepayers Association passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Province of Ontario are encouraging municipal amalgamations; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newcastle Ratepayers Association wish to go on record only supporting boundary changes or amalgamations that include the entire Municipality of Clarington, and FURTHER THAT, in the case of any amalgamation of the Municipality of Clarington, the Newcastle Ratepayers Association supports only amalgamation models with Durham Region Municipalities." (Received for Information) I -23 Pat Crimmins, Deputy Clerk, The Regional Municipality of Halton, C 10.MO advising Council that the Region Municipality of Halton on February 9, 2000, passed the following recommendations: 111. THAT Regional Council endorse the Greater Toronto Services Board Resolution of December 3, 1999, concerning the Oak Ridges Moraine; 2. THAT the Regional Clerk forward a copy of Report PPW 17-00/CA-08-00. Halton Comments on the Greater Toronto Services Board Resolution Concerning the Oak Ridges Moraine, to the Greater Toronto Services Board, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and all Greater Toronto Area member municipalities." (Received for Information) Council Minutes - 9 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS 2 Minutes of the Bowmanville Museum Board dated January 12, 2000 Bowmanville Resolution #C-85-00 Museum Minutes C12.130 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Correspondence Item I - 2 be received for information. "CARRIED" 1-6 Canadian Radio -television and Telecommunications Commission, advising that telephone numbers in the 905 area code are projected to run 905 Area Code out sometime in 2004. The Canadian Radio -television and Al2.13E Telecommunications Commission has set up a relief plan working group to introduce a new area code in the 905 area. Considering the interest this issue may generate, if the Municipality of Clarington wishes to participate or be kept informed of the work being done by the 905 Relief Planning Committee, please write to the Secretary General. Resolution #C-86-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item I - 6 be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-87-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT foregoing Resolution #C-86-00 be amended by adding the following thereto: "and that the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission be advised that the Municipality of Clarington wishes to be kept informed of the work being done by the 905 Relief Planning Committee." "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 10- February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS The foregoing Resolution #C-86-00 was then put to a vote and "CARRIED AS AMENDED." I - 8 Shirley Farr, Secretary, Clarington Girls Hockey Association, extending their thanks to Marie Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk, for her part in the Clarington Girls receipt of monies in the amount of $1,384.61 from the Ontario Lottery Hockey Association Corporation. They appreciate the support of their league and the P09.GE promotion of girl's hockey in the Municipality of Clarington. Resolution #C-88-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item I - 8 be received for information and a copy be forwarded to Marie Knight Stanley. Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item I - 13 be received for information. "CARRIED" "CARRIED" 1- 13 Jena Cameron, FCM Policy Analyst, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising that FCM files submission on behalf of municipal CRTC Rights- of -Way governments regarding CRTC right-of-way proceeding. "Municipal M06.GE governments must ensure that public land is used responsibly by everyone - including telecommunications companies - and that all users pay their share." This is the message the Federation of Canadian Municipal wants heard as the Canadian Radio -television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) begins a key proceeding to look at telephone and cable company use of municipal property known as rights-of-way. FCM is urging the CRTC to define clear principles of access from which municipalities may negotiate with telephone and cable companies. Resolution #C-89-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item I - 13 be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 11 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS 1- 14 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, advising the Municipality of Clarington that CLOCA has acquired over 1000 acres in land donations CLOCA Receives recently. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority owns over 100 Acres in 3,000 acres of environmentally sensitive lands in Durham Region, Land M06.GE concentrated on the Oak Ridges Moraine, Lake Iroquois Shoreline, Lake Ontario Waterfront and the connecting valley lands. Wetlands, forests, wildlife habitat, groundwater recharge/discharge and provincially significant natural heritage sites are priorities for acquisition and stewardship. Recently 106 acres of environmentally sensitive land came under the Authority's protection through private donation and development dedication. The land acquisitions of 106 acres includes 86 acres added to the Lynde Shores Conservation Area and 26 acres by Olive Street and Townline Road, in Oshawa, known as Toad Hollow. Resolution #C-90-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item I - 14 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-91-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda with the exception of Items D - 10, D - 11, D - 12, and D -14 to D - 18, inclusive. "CARRIED" D - 1 Canadian Red Cross, Region of Durham Branch, Office Galleria, Suite M02.GE 115, 419 King Street West, Oshawa, L 17 2K5, requesting the proclamation of March as Red Cross Month in the Municipality of Clarington. They would like to take this opportunity to increase the awareness of the community in regards to the various Red Cross services available to those in need. Red Cross is also requesting that Council allow them to fly the Red Cross flag at the Municipal Administrative Centre during this month. (Proclaimed and permission granted to fly the Red Cross flag) Council Minutes - 12- February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS D-2 Beat and Edith Niklaus, expressing their concerns as to why they did not D02.OA receive any information from the Oak Ridge's Trail Association regarding the proposed usage of the unopened road allowances. Mr. and Mrs. Niklaus own Part Lot 33, Concession 8, in Clarke Township. It is a large area of farmland and bush. The north end of their farmland abuts a road allowance between Concession 8 and Concession 9, for which they want kept unopened for the following reasons. They are already experiencing trespassers, hunters, dirt bikers who damage the fences and property. Any opening to the main road will not only allow, but encourage, more of the trespassers and usage by vehicles and unauthorized users. Last summer, Mr. Niklaus repaired broken fences for days. His hard work and material cost was due to the damage caused by irresponsible adults. He has put up `no trespassing' signs, only to see them disappear. The Trail Association boasts that they do not trespass or climb fences. Yet despite this Trail not even being finalized, not only Trail Association members, but the Chair of this chapter of the O.R.T.A., have, as recently as January 29, 2000, trespassed on their property and climbed their fences. The Association has not given proper notification to the land owners as specified by Council. The Association has no regard for their own association rules, why would he expect any different actions toward the landowners. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Public Works) D-3 David and Susan Gould, 9004 Mosport Road, Orono, LOB I MO, advising D02.OA Council of their concerns regarding the Oak Ridge's Trail Association. Saturday, January 9, 2000, they were surprised to see a group of people staring down their driveway looking at their house. Mr. Gould went to investigate and they drove off. He took his car and looked to see where they had gone and discovered that they were parked at the corner of Leskard and Skelding Roads. Mr. Gould went home and a group of people were coming from the west of his property; again he investigated to see who they were. They said that they were from the ORTA. Mr. Gould told them they were trespassing and to identify themselves. They did not and the police were called. Council Minutes - 13 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS They carried on climbing over fences, knocking down small trees until they reached Mosport Road. They crossed the road and were heading for Leskard and Skelding. Mr. Gould took his video camera and went to that location. He videotaped them in the adjacent field. When they observed him they quickly headed for the unopened road allowance and proceeded to walk toward him. When they arrived, they climbed the fence and exited to their vehicles. Mr. Gould did identify three of these people, one being Mr. Forrester. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Public Works) D-4 Kent Young, Executive Officer, Durham Regional Home Builders' M02.GE Association, requesting Council to proclaim the month of April 2000 as "New Homes Month" in recognition of home construction and ownership as a basic factor in our economic progress and the quality of our lives. Brian Collins, President, will be calling hoping that the Mayor will be able to be a guest at their dinner on Tuesday, March 21, 2000, along with the other Municipal Mayors of the Durham Region and the Regional Chair. Their industry is a major component of life in our local municipalities and he hopes that we will take the time to recognize the significance of the Home Building participants by joining them on the 21" (Proclaimed) D-5 Garth Gilpin, Secretary -Treasurer and General Manager, Bowmanville M02.GE Business Centre, requesting that Council approve the following street closings for the dates and times indicated: King Street from the west side of George Street to the east side of Scugog Road, Temperance Street from the south side of Church Street to the hole in the wall, and Division Street from the south side of Church Street to the north side of the Royal Bank parking lot. Also, Silver Street from Church Street to King Street to become two-way traffic during the times indicated. Maple Festival and May 6 Closings to take place from All That Jazz 9:00 p.m. on May 5 until 7:00 p.m. on May 6 Fabulous Fifties June 24 Closings to take place from 5:00 a.m. Festival on June 24 to 8:00 p.m. (same day) Council Minutes - 14 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS Midnight Madness August 28 Closings to take place from 5:00 p.m. on August 18 to 12:30 a.m. on August 19 Apple Festival and October 14 Closings to take place from Craft Sale 7:00 p.m. on October 13 to 8:00 p.m. on October 14 Moonlight Magic December 1 Closings to take place from and Tree -Lighting 5:00 p.m. on December 1 to 12:30 p.m. on December 2 Because of the on-going success of all of their annual events, and in the interest of public safety on these occasions, they believe that the Maple Festival and the Midnight Madness events also now require a full closing of the Downtown to motor vehicle traffic. (Approved provided the organizers apply for an obtain road occupancy permits) D-6 Marilyn Holm and Bob Attwell, Senior Development Associate, United M02.GE Nations World Health Organization, requesting that the Municipality of Clarington support Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Day on Friday, March 3, 2000. Many people are shocked to learn that arthritis is a crippling disease that affects an average of I in 1000 children under the age of 16 in Canada alone. This means that more children live with the pain of arthritis than either diabetes or cystic fibrosis. Juvenile Arthritis is very real to kids that have it. It can cause great pain and suffering. March 3, 2000, is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Day, a day of hope and a day to show our support for thousands of children who suffer with arthritis every day 365 days a year, 24/7. It is very easy to participate. As a partner in JA Awareness Day they are asking that each person donate a toonie and wear a blue ribbon of hope. (Proclaimed) Council Minutes - 15 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS D-7 John Laracy, Director, Resource Development, Young Women's Christian M02.GE Association, requesting permission to sell their silk lapel daisies and bookmarks at the Municipal Administrative Centre. The Oshawa YWCA will be launching its month-long fundraising Daisy Campaign on March 8 in conjunction with International Women's Day. This day is a worldwide event promoting the prevention of violence against women in our society. As Durham Region's only provider of emergency housing for women and children, their annual Daisy Campaign provides an opportunity for the YWCA to encourage financial support from our community, while raising awareness of the issues facing homeless women and children in Durham. These are the children who are deemed at risk - the innocent victims of domestic violence, neglect and apathy. (Permission granted to the Young Women's Christian Association to sell silk lapel daisies and bookmarks at the Municipal Administrative Centre) D-8 Craig Brown, Board Chairman, Clarington Public Library, advising that at F05.CA the Clarington Public Library's regular meeting of December 15, 1999, the Board adopted a 2000 capital budget and four-year forecast. The Board approved this budget for submission to Council. The Library Board's capital budget request for 2000 is $70,000. This request is hereby submitted to Council in accordance with By-law 85-85. The detailed budget adopted by the Board is background material for this request. That documentation in print and, where necessary, in computer -readable form has been submitted directly to the Municipal Treasurer for inclusion in the overall capital budget presentation materials which will come before members of Council in the course of the budget process. (Correspondence referred to the Treasurer for inclusion with the 2000 budget) D-9 Eric Greenspoon, President - Noise Watch, 65 Front Street West, M02.GE Suite 0116, Box 35, Toronto, M5J I E6, requesting that the Municipality of Clarington proclaim April 12, 2000, International Noise Awareness Day. April 12, 2000, marks the 5°i International Noise Awareness Day. More than 25 nations around the world will be participating this year. As the world population continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, so too does the amount of man-made noise pollution. While air, soil and water pollution remain prime environmental concerns, noise pollution has overtaken them and become the most ubiquitous of all forms of pollution. Research continues to prove that noise pollution is a serious environmental and health hazard. (Proclaimed) Council Minutes - 16- February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS D - 13 Umberto Sapone, Sapone & Cautillo, 3200 Dufferin Street, Suite 201, DOO.GE Box 17, Toronto, M6A 2T3, questioning the construction and use of buildings at 3 King Street, Hampton. (Correspondence referred to staff for review and report) D- 10 Louise Gartshore, City Clerk, City of Woodstock, advising that the Council of the City of Woodstock on December 2, 1999, passed the Health Care following resolution: M06.GE "THAT on behalf of the citizens of Woodstock, Council request that the Federal and Provincial Governments fund Health Care to sufficiently alleviate the backlog of patient waiting lists and in tum set up Universal Med Care to the standard acceptable to the OMA; AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario for their endorsement." Resolution #C-92-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the foregoing resolution of the City of Woodstock requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments to fund Health Care be endorsed in principle by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" D - 11 Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, York Region, advising that the Council of Amalgamation York Region on January 27, 2000, passed the following resolution: C10.M0 "WHEREAS the Report dated January 2000 entitled "Reforming the 905 Municipalities and the Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) Maintaining the Momentum" was submitted to the Province of Ontario without the endorsement of any Council within the Region of York and public consultation; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that York Regional Council does not endorse the recommendations including the time schedule to implement the proposals in the Report; and Council Minutes - 17- February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS THAT York Regional Council requests the Province of Ontario to allow the nine area municipalities and the regional municipality an adequate time frame to investigate amalgamation options; conduct a review; undertake extensive public consultation and to report back to the Province in the next term of Council; and FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Premier, the Minster of Municipal Affairs and to all MPP's representing the 905 area; and THAT this resolution be circulated to all 905 municipalities requesting their endorsement." Resolution #C-93-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item D - 11 be received for information. "CARRIED" D-12 Bill Salter, Ontario Senior Games Association President, 1185 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 204, North York, M3C 3C6, inviting Council to apply Ontario Senior as the host of the Ontario Senior Games - Provincial Championships, Games known as Actifest 2002. Actifest is a program of the Ministry of M02.GE Citizenship, Culture and Recreation in partnership with the Ontario Senior Games Association. The Ontario Senior Games - Actifest Games are held every two years and are the highest profile multi -event summer competition for seniors in Ontario. Actifest is traditionally held in mid to late August. Ontario Senior Games - Actifest offers substantial benefits to the host communities. Host communities gain recognition across the province, as seniors come to participate, generating interest in the local economy and increasing tourism. Mr. Salter has forwarded the Bid Guidelines for the Ontario Senior Games - Actifest 2002, which has been prepared in conjunction with the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture & Recreation. The Bid Guidelines outline what needs to be included in our Bid Proposal. It is anticipated that the 2002 host community will be announced at the Ontario Senior Games - Actifest 2000, which is being hosted by the Ottawa -Carleton Region August 8 - 10, 2000. Council Minutes - 18 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-94-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item D - 12 be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 14 Jayne Carman, Deputy Clerk, County of Brant, advising that the Council of the County of Brant on February 1, 2000, passed the following Special Purpose resolution: Community Organizations "WHEREAS Agricultural Societies in Ontario are Special Purpose C 10.MO Community Organizations that have existed for approximately 140 - 150 years and have been established by Provincial Legislation (An Act Respecting Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations, 1988 - Bill 66, as well as previous Acts thereto) to provide various services including: to promote agriculture through programs and activities such as Annual fairs, livestock competitions, harness racing, agricultural awareness, etc. to provide various services and activities which promote the rural way of life to provide facilities which are needed within their mandate, but also provides local communities with a wide range of needed community facilities; AND WHEREAS the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), which is the lead agency responsible for administrating the legislation, has recently initiated a major review of the need and relevance of Bill 66 and also the programs operated thereunder; AND WHEREAS the review of the legislation and also the role of OMAFRA may result in Agricultural Societies having to pay municipal property taxes on their fairgrounds and further that any annual grants paid to Societies by OMAFRA could be eliminated; AND WHEREAS two very active Agricultural Societies are located in Brant County - the Paris Agricultural Society, which owns and operates the Paris Fairgrounds and the Burford Agricultural Society which owns and operates the Burford Fairgrounds; Council Minutes - 19- February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS AND WHEREAS the changes in property tax status would have devastating effects on both Agricultural Societies which might lead to payments of between 10 percent of the Society's annual revenues being held in taxes; AND WHEREAS the two Agricultural Societies in Brant County are major contributors to our local community in terms of tourism and economic development, as well as facilities that are made available to individuals, groups, businesses and organizations; AND WHEREAS the two local Agricultural Societies have made it very clear to County Council that the organizations could not survive if they had to pay property taxes on their grounds and further the members of both organizations would be unwilling to donate countless hours of volunteer time if any tax dollars had to be paid on volunteer efforts to maintain community facilities as well as operate needed community programs and services; AND WHEREAS the loss of any fairs, programs, activities, facilities or equipment would have major detrimental effects on our Brant County communities, as well as potentially creating the need for the County to divert additional tax dollars to operate and maintain facilities as well as services that were formerly provided by volunteers; AND WHEREAS the possible loss of any fair or fairgrounds and also the need for any tax dollars to be rediverted is totally unacceptable to County Council; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Brant respectfully petitions the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to instruct Ministry staff to cease and desist any review of the legislation affecting Agricultural Societies and Horticultural Organizations which would lead to the elimination of tax exempt status of Society owned fairgrounds; AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Brant requests the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to reinstate the full amount of grant funding that assists Agricultural Societies, it being recognized that the recent annual payments for approximately 240 Agricultural Societies and 230 Horticultural Organizations across the Province amounts to only 1.2 million dollars per year; Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D- 15 CRF Funding Issue for Farmland C10.MO -20- February 21, 2000 AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, all municipalities in Ontario, and all MPPs in the Province for their support and action." Resolution 4C-95-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the foregoing resolution of the County of Brant regarding Agricultural Societies in Ontario be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" Councillor Young stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item D - 15 and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Young advised that his family owns land on which a managed forest is located. Gordon M. Bums, Clerk, Town of North Perth, advising that the Council of the Town of North Perth on February 7, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS, the Town of North Perth experienced a funding deficiency with regard to the Local Services Realignment (LSR) as part of the Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) for 1998 and 1999; and WHEREAS, the calculation of the Farmland/Managed Forest Rebate did not equitably take into account the effect of the changes and shifts in assessment under the Current Value Assessment (CVA); and WHEREAS, the tax ratios have resulted in further shifts in taxes between tax classes in an effort to finance the revenue deficiency created by the Farmland/Managed Forest Rebate creating unfair tax burdens; and WHEREAS, the comparative tax calculation has been complicated and obscured by the LSR, the CVA, tax ratios and supposed tax room; and Council Minutes -21 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS WHEREAS, the net result is that the Town of North Perth is left without adequate funding and without tax room; and WHEREAS, the Council and staff of the Town of North Perth have brought this issue to the attention of the Minister of Finance, the Minster of Municipal Affairs and the local MLA on numerous occasions without a satisfactory response; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Town of North Perth hereby: Petitions the Province of Ontario, through the Minister of Finance, to retroactively fund the revenue deficiency created by the LSR Farmland/Managed Forest Rebate calculation, for all affected municipalities in rural Ontario Insists that action on this matter be taken immediately to enable planning and financing considerations for fiscal year 2000 FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to all rural municipalities in Ontario, to related Farm Business Organizations and to related Municipal Organizations for their consideration, support and action." Resolution #C-96-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Correspondence Item D - 15 be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 16 W.M. Bouma, Clerk -Administrator, County of Hastings, advising that the Council of the County of Hastings on January 27, 2000, passed the Special following resolution: Circumstances Funding "WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has downloaded Ontario M06.GE Works, land ambulance, social housing, child care and Provincial Offences programs to the County of Hastings through the Consolidated Municipal Services Management Agreement; AND WHEREAS the County of Hastings is responsible for providing staff, accommodation and studies on how to most effectively implement these programs; Council Minutes -22- February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the County of Hastings petition the Government to reinstate Special Circumstances Funding to cover transitional and implementation costs for these downloaded services. Further that a copy of this special resolution be circulated to A.M.O. and all other Counties with the Province of Ontario to request that they petition the Provincial Government in support of this request." Resolution #C-97-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the foregoing resolution of the County of Hastings requesting the reinstatement of the Special Circumstances Funding be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" D - 17 David A. Smith, Arthur Street, Newcastle, advising Council that he is agreeing with an article in the local newspaper regarding Clarington cat Cat Licensing licensing as being a "money grab" by local politicians. There seems to P14.AN have been very little public input, and seemed to have been rushed through, instead of letting the public become involved over a period of a couple of years. It is up to our local representatives to `hold the line' on all increases, to stop marking us pay additional fees, parking fees, etc. The Municipality has done a lot of good but he thinks that we have made an error. Resolution #C-98-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Correspondence Item D - 17 be received for information. "CARRIED" D — 18 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that the Council of the Region of Durham on January 26, 2000, passed the following 2 -Tier System resolution: C10.MO "THAT the Report of the Facilitator, Action Plan and following recommendations, from the Regional Council Study Retreat of January 11-12, 2000, be adopted by Regional Council and forwarded to the eight Area Municipalities for endorsement: Council Minutes - 23 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS THAT a modified 2 -tier system of Regional Government be retained in Durham, with a slimmed -down Region acting as an agent of the lower tier; THAT, recognizing the Province's direction in pursuing a reduction in the number of municipalities, the Region supports and encourages potential amalgamations or governance reform processes to be determined by June 30, 2000, with a final report by June 30, 2001; THAT the Region endorses the Public Works W.D.W. review and progress to date and directs staff to continue the process with all Area Municipalities with a comprehensive decision report to be tabled at Regional Council and the Area Municipal Councils by May 31, 2000; 4. THAT the Region endorses the early completion and implementation of the Durham Insurance Pool by no later than March 31, 2000 and requests that Pickering and Oshawa Council endorse participating so that taxpayers savings can be maximized; THAT the Region requests that the P.O.A. process be completed and dealt with by all Councils no later than April 1, 2000, so that implementation can be started April 1, 2001, with projected revenues of $4.0 M to the Region and Area Municipalities; 6. THAT, in order to strengthen the Area Municipal Fire Services, the Region encourage the Fire Chiefs to investigate, prioritize and report on the following items: Development of a joint emergency medical services training program. ii Joint purchase of fire flashover simulation equipment. Development of automatic aid response programs. iv Participation in Regional co-operative purchasing group. Council Minutes -24- February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS Joint fire communications resource centre. vi Development of a Regional arson investigation task force. vii Joint purchase of aerial apparatus with the York Region co-operative purchasing group. 7. THAT the Regional Council will review the issue of the number of politicians in Durham Region after the receipt of the local government studies and their outcomes, and will determine if further changes are needed. As well, at that time, the issue of direct, or indirect, election of the Region Chair will be reviewed. 8. THAT the Regional Council strike a Committee comprised of the Regional Chair, and eight Mayors to review our involvement with the G.T.S.B. and to consult with the Regional Council and Area Municipal Councils to form a position with respect to G.T.S.B. reform." Resolution #C-99-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing resolution of the Region of Durham with respect to the Regional Municipality of Durham's Action Plan for restructuring be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Council Minutes -25 - February 21, 2000 COMMUNICATIONS Recorded Vote Council Member Yea Nay Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Mutton X Councillor Novak X Councillor Rowe X Councillor Schell X Councillor Trim X Councillor Young X Mayor Hamre X NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS Report #1 Resolution #C-100-00 G.P.A. Report Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe February 7. 2000 THAT the actions taken by the General Purpose and Administration Committee on February 7, 2000, be approved. "CARRIED" Blue Circle Resolution #C-101-00 Canada Inc. L04.BL Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report SOLIC-1-00 be received; and THAT a by-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality, to execute an agreement to amend the Principles of Understanding between Blue Circle Canada Inc., and the Municipality of Clarington dated November 3, 1997, to extend the "Unwinding Date" from February 29, 2000 to April 30, 2000, with all other terms and conditions to remain the same and time to remain of the essence. "CARRIED" Council Minutes -26- February 21, 2000 REPORTS Resolution #C-102-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the Confidential Verbal Report of the Director of Community Services be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" UNFINISHED BUSINESS Rezoning Resolution #C-103-00 Application Eric Cameron Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton D14.DEV.98.061 THAT Report PD -016-00 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-104-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report PD -016-00 be received; THAT the request submitted by Eric Cameron for the removal of the Holding (H) Symbol from the subject lands be approved and that the amending By-law attached to Report PD -016-00 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT a copy of Report PD -016-00 be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD -016-00 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes -27- February 21, 2000 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Rationalizing Transit Service T03. Resolution #C-105-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report WD -14-00 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-106-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report WD -14-00 be received; THAT Council take the opportunity through this report, WD -14-00, to comment on the Highway No. 2/Highway 401 transit report and recommendations prepared by ENTRA Consultants and the Regional Transit Coordinating Committee, prior to the end of February 2000; THAT Council agree in principle with Report WD -14-00 and recommendations prepared by ENTRA Consultants and the Regional Transit Coordinating Committee to foster continued discussions towards implementing service improvements; and THAT a copy of Report WD -14-00 be forwarded to the Regional Transit Coordinating Committee. "DEFEATED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Council Member Yea Nay Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Mutton X Councillor Novak x Councillor Rowe x Councillor Schell X Councillor Trim x Councillor Young x Mayor Hamre }{ Council Minutes 28 - February 21, 2000 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-107-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report WD -14-00 be received; THAT the recommendations prepared by ENTRA Consultants and the Regional Transit Coordinating Committee form the basis for further discussions and implementation by the transit operators in Durham toward the achievement of service improvements, but that the Council of the Municipality of Clarington not support the use of tax dollars to subsidize GO Transit fares; and THAT a copy of Report WD -14-00 be forwarded to the Regional Transit Coordinating Committee. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Council Member Yea Nay Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Mutton X Councillor Novak X Councillor Rowe X Councillor Schell X Councillor Trim X Councillor Young X Mayor Hamre X Resolution #C-108-00 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the delegation of Terry Bums be received and referred to the Public Works Department for review and report; and THAT Terry Bums be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes -29- February 21, 2000 BY-LAWS Resolution #C-109-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 2000-18 being a by-law to assume certain streets with the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2000-19 being a by-law to assume certain streets with the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2000-20 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Pipe Crossing Agreement between Canadian Pacific Railway and The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for the construction and future maintenance of a proposed storm sewer at Mileage 165.60, Plan 1 ST -88047 2000-21 being a by-law to assume certain streets with the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2000-22 being a by-law to assume certain streets with the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2000-23 being a by-law to assume certain streets with the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2000-24 being a by-law to amend By-law 97-138 respecting the acceptance and assumption by the Municipality of Clarington of certain public highways shown on Registered Plan IOM -826 2000-25 being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Veltri & Sons, Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the sale of 163, 169, 185 and 1818 High Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Council Minutes -30- February 21, 2000 BY-LAWS 2000-26 being a by-law to amend a certain portion of Plan 685 as not being subject to Part Lot Control 2000-27 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle 2000-28 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement to amend the Principles of Understanding between Blue Circle Canada Inc., and the Municipality of Clarington dated November 3, 1997 2000-29 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle "CARRIED" Resolution #C-110-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2000-18 to 2000-29, inclusive be approved. "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS a) Regional Update Councillor Mutton advised that the Finance Committee has issued a zero percent guideline for the 2000 budget. Within that budget, the police will realize a ratio of 1 officer for every 790 residents. The standard ratio of 1 officer for every 750 residents is expected to be reached in the year 2002. Also, the police budget will include the acquisition of a helicopter. During the trial period, the helicopter has responded to 680 calls, saving a total of 4,200 man-hours and realising a 53 % rate of arrest. The Economic Development Office has received an Award of Excellence for the commemorative coin and also an Award of Distinction for the 25th Anniversary Projects. Councillor Novak advised that social housing will be coming to the Regional level under the umbrella of the Health and Social Services Department effective January 1, 2001. Council Minutes 31 - February 21, 2000 OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Hamre advised that the Works Committee has considered the budget for water and sewer and staff have included in this budget work for Zone II within the Municipality of Clarington. This work has been moved ahead one year from its original anticipated date. Mayor Hamre provided an update on the Governance Committee which the Mayors and Regional Chairs sit on and advised that John Weirsma, President, Veridian Connections will be making a presentation to Council on March 6, 2000, to address rate increases. b) Committee's and Councillor Mutton indicated that the Ganaraska Conservation Authority Board's Update has approved a zero percent budget and have issued a request for proposals for revenue generating ideas. One of the ideas that has come forward is an Audobon golf course and work in that area is in its very early stages. Councillor Novak advised that the Bowmanville Museum Board has created a partnership with Ontario Hydro which will see students working with the two organizations during March break. Councillor Rowe stated that Friends of Second Marsh have held their annual general meeting and have a new board and some new staff members. They have contacted the Public Works Department to inquire about extending the Yellow Fish Road Project and are on the brink of some very exciting times with the Visitors Guide and web site nearing completion. The Visual Arts Centre elected a new Board of Directors at their annual general meeting on February 16, 2000, and a new part time Assistant to the Director has been hired. The next show is scheduled for March 19 to April 28, 2000, being the 16`h Annual Winter's Harvest. A Questionnaire 2000 has been prepared with which the Visual Arts Centre hopes to receive input from the community related to their programs. Councillor Rowe circulated copies of the outgoing President's address and the Curator/Director's Reports for Members of Council and the Chief Administrative Officer. Councillor Rowe advised that the Animal Advisory Committee is working towards an Education Program to address school children with respect to dog bites. Councillor Trim indicated that the Ganaraska Conservation Authority held a public meeting last week to present the Wilmot Creek Watershed update and on February 22, 2000, the Wilmot Nature Trail Committee will be meeting. Council Minutes -32- February 21, 2000 OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Young advised that the Kawartha Conservation Authority has adopted their 2000 budget. At the annual general meeting of the Tyrone Hall Board, new members were put in place. Resolution #C-111-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the meeting be "closed" in order to discuss property and personnel matters. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-112-00 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the actions taken during the "closed" session of Council be ratified. "CARRIED" CONFIRMING BY-LAW Councillor Young stated a pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the confirming by-law. Resolution #C-113-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2000-30 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 21st day of February 2000, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-114-00 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2000-30 be approved. "CARRIED" Council Minutes -33 - February 21, 2000 ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-115-00 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:30 p.m. "CARRIED" MAYOR MUNICIPAL CLERK SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE MARCH 6, 2000 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated January 17, 2000. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-2 John Abati, Friends of Kawartha Conservation, Kenrei Park Road, R. R. # 1, Lindsay, K9V 4R1, advising Council that they are producing their 4`h Annual Bird Report for Victoria County. The report highlights sightings, programs, natural areas and feature articles relating to a variety of environmental issues. In 1998, they had to eliminate some sections of the report due to cost. This year they are approaching all their watershed municipalities for their support. The ads run between $20 and $100 with revenues going to cover the costs of printing. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, 393 University Avenue, Suite 1701, Toronto, M5G 1E6, advising that the AMO has submitted reports to Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) outlining solutions to deal with the impacts of Intensive Farming. Ontario municipalities recognize and are very proud of the province's agricultural industry. At the same time, there are emerging environmental, economic and social issues arising from intensive livestock operations that create conflicts within Ontario's rural communities. Municipalities want a balanced approach and want to work with provincial officials, the agricultural industry and stakeholders within Ontario's communities to resolve these problems. AMO is proposing several initiatives: i. Research; ii. Education and Communication; Voluntary Initiatives; iv. Regulatory Framework; V. Monitoring/Enforcement. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 2 - March 6, 2000 I - 4 William Humber, Chair, Old Bowmanville, Neighbourhood Association, 15 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, LIC 3A 1, advising Council of their organization. Neighbours in that part of the historic residential area bound by Wellington, Concession and Liberty streets in the old town of Bowmanville have recently organized themselves for the purposes of developing proactive ideas for the future enhancement of their neighbourhood. This initiative is partly in response to the future implications of increasing traffic and public works upgrades to sewers and water services, etc. Their primary goal is to develop a well-founded streetscape plan for the entire area which respects the existing character of the neighbourhood, and provides for the area's environmental and aesthetic enhancement. They are interested in ensuring that future upgrades to area services occur within the context of a streetscape plan. They would also like to recommend the introduction of positive design features in response to traffic and public safety concerns. (Receive for Information) I - 5 Walter E. Taylor, Township Clerk, Township of Uxbridge, 51 Toronto Street South, P.O. Box 190, Uxbridge, L91? 1T1, writing to The Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation advising that the Council of the Township of Uxbridge on February 14, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS construction involving resolution/renovation of buildings provides opportunities for private sector job creation; WHEREAS restoration of heritage structures provides opportunities for training of skilled workers; WHEREAS the restoration/renovation of buildings contributes to the conservation of built and natural resources, extends their economic lifespan and represents a wise reuse of resources; WHEREAS heritage structures contribute to tourism's economic benefits; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Heritage Uxbridge request that heritage structures be included in the proposed Government of Ontario's Infrastructure Program of the $20 billion public/private SuperBuild Growth Fund." (Receive for Information) 1-6 Ross L. McDougall, Mayor, City of Belleville, inviting all OSUM members to participate in the OSUM 2000 Conference being hosted in their "Friendly City" on May 3, 4 and 5, 2000. The OSUM Conference is being held at the Ramada Inn on the beautiful Bay of Quinte and the Trade Show will be situated on site at the Ramada on May 3 and 4. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 3 - March 6, 2000 I - 7 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Region of Durham, thanking the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce for their letter of January 28, 2000. Mr. Anderson would like to respond to several of the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce's points and clarify the position of the Regional Municipality of Durham. When Regional Councillors adopted the eight resolutions at Fern Resort, they did so unanimously and were aware of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce's position regarding governance. The recommendations indeed do not define a modified two-tier system or slimmed down Region. Those issues are part of the discussion regarding future governance in Durham. They need to decide what modifications they would like to see implemented. In the final analysis, they will require cost analysis data and business case models before they are able to make an informed decision on what model(s) best meet these objectives. He would appreciate receipt of the data and existing information the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce has used to lead them to your position on a preferred model. The Region agrees completely with their statement "governments must be more cost effective, efficient and accountable to the people". This is exactly why they are conducting such a review process. It is the position of the Region of Durham that a two-tier system is the most realistic model at this time, particularly with all the major services added to the Region from the Province, and is in the best interests of their citizens. While at Fern they recognized it might be that some lower tier municipalities need to consider potential amalgamations. However, that is an issue that needs to be discussed and resolved at the lower tier level. (Receive for Information) I - 8 Anthony Polci, Special Assistant - Ontario Office of the Minister of Transport, thanking Council for their letter dated January 5, 2000, to the Honourable David M. Collenette, Minister of Transport, regarding the hours of service for commercial truck drivers. The hours of service standard that currently applies to commercial vehicle drivers is being reviewed by a committee under the auspices of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA). This committee is composed of federal and provincial regulators. industry and labour representatives and other interested parties. The task of the committee is to undertake a review of the current regime covering the work rules that apply to commercial vehicle drivers and to improve safety by employing recent findings in the areas of fatigue and fatigue countermeasures. It has been noted that the current rules are difficult to understand and enforce and would benefit from simplification and updating. The department shares our views that commercial vehicle drivers' on -duty hours should not be increased. Indeed, discussions by the CCMTA committee have focused on providing greater opportunities for drivers to obtain more rest on a daily basis by increasing the minimum off-duty time that a driver must observe. This being the case, a 25 per cent increase in mandatory off- duty time has been proposed, which would result in a reduced workday. This proposal has been well received by industry representatives. Summary of Correspondence - 4 - March 6, 2000 The committee is also recommending changes to several other aspects of the regime in order to provide further opportunities for drivers to rest and intends to develop the text of a revised standard later this year. At that time, it is anticipated that information sessions will be conducted in selected locations across Canada. Subsequently, federal and provincial governments will consider the committee's recommendations. (Receive for Information) 1-9 Minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee dated December 2, 1999. (A copy of the minutes is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1-10 Mrs. Carveth and Mr. and Mrs. Eilbeck, residents of Mill Street South, Newcastle, writing to thank the Municipality for their quick and efficient service in clearing senior citizen's driveways of snow after a snow fall. They are most impressed, pleased and satisfied with the service. (Receive for Information) I - 11 J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation, advising that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has received a proposal for a golf course at Heber Down Conservation Area. Prior to proceeding with the environmental evaluation of this proposal, the Authority is hosting a public open house to provide an opportunity for their partners in conservation and the general public to provide their comments. The open house will be held at the Cullen Garden's Restaurant, 300 Taunton Road West, Whitby on March 9 and 10 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on both days. The proposal is to develop a golf course using 100 acres of land in the northeast section of the conservation area that is largely degraded and in the past has been used as a landfill site and gravel pit. The proposal also includes 60 acres of adjacent lands that are primarily worked out gravel pits and currently not under Authority ownership. (Receive for Information) I - 12 K. Johansen, Project Manager - Environmental Assessment, Ontario Power Generation, providing Council with a copy of the fourth issue of their newsletter about the Environmental Assessment (EA) being conducted on OPG's Pickering. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 5 - March 6, 2000 1- 13 CAA Central Ontario, 60 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhill, UT 7P9, advising Council that it has been CAA's policy to support an integrated and balanced plan for urban transportation, a plan that calls for investment in roads as well as public transit. Although the clubs were an active partner in the process leading up to the signing of the Greater Toronto Services Board Transportation Accord, they declined to sign the accord because they believe the GTSB transportation plan does not call for a balanced approach to transportation in the GTA. They are concerned that the focus of the GTSB, as outlined in its Removing Roadblocks study, is transit -centered and ignores motorists or proposes to penalize them. As they told GTSB staff, they agree with parts of the accord and disagree with others. We need a solution that is acceptable to the public and embraced by residents living and working in the GTA and Hamilton -Wentworth. Without a balanced approach in shaping the plan or widening the scope to include a multi -disciplined proposal, CAA can not, and will not support the GTSB Transportation Accord. (Receive for Information) I - 14 Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Pickering, advising that the Council of the City of Pickering on February 21, 2000, passed the following resolution: "THAT Report to Council CAO 03-00, concerning the establishment of a Joint Fire Communications Centre be received for information; THAT City Council agree to proceed with Phase 1 of the Joint Fire Communications Project, and authorize the expenditure of $3,672 as the City's contribution to this Phase; THAT a copy of this Report be forwarded to the municipalities of Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, and Clarington." (Receive for Information) 1- 15 Linda J. Laliberte, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, advising that the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority on January 20, 2000, approved the 2000 general levy as per the notification, which was forwarded to each municipality on December 17, 1999, with a copy of the 2000 preliminary budget. The general levy chargeable to our municipality is $144,946.66. The levy is payable in two installments, April 15`h and October 15`h. Copies of the Authority's 1999 financial statements and the Annual Report were forwarded also. (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 6 - March 6. 2000 I - 16 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham writing to the Minister of Finance, advising that Regional Council on February 23, 2000, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to provide funding to the Region of Durham to recover the legal and consulting costs to be incurred in preparing and presenting a defense with regard to the Gan Eden application before the Ontario Municipal Board; and b) THAT a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Tony Clement, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Ernie Eves, the Minister of Finance, the Durham MPPs, the Township of Uxbridge and all municipalities within the Greater Toronto Area." (Receive for Information) I - 17 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham writing to the Minister of Finance, advising that Regional Council on February 23, 2000, passed the following resolution: "a) THAT the preliminary timetable be approved for the 2000 Regional Budgets for Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage, Solid Waste Management and General Tax Purposes as set forth in Attachment #I to Report #2000-F-1 I of the Commissioner of Finance, as amended, which provides for Council approval of the 2000 Budgets and Regional Tax Rates on March 29, 2000 contingent upon the receipt by the Region of the Provincial estimates for the 2000 Local Services Realignment and the GTA Pooling costs; b) THAT if the receipt of the Provincial financial data for the Local Services Realignment and GTA Pooling is delayed, then the 2000 Regional Budget Timetable be revised accordingly to ensure that the 2000 Regional Budget for General Tax Purposes and 2000 Regional Tax Rates are not approved by Regional Council until such time as the Provincial information is received and incorporated into the Regional Budgets; and C) THAT a copy of Report #2000-F-11 of the Commissioner of Finance be forwarded to the Durham Regional Police Services Board, the Area Municipalities and the Conservation Authorities." (Receive for Information) Summary of Correspondence - 7 - March 6. 2000 1- 18 Atomic Energy Control Board, Communications Division, P.O. Box 1046, 280 Slater Street. Ottawa, KIP 5S9, reporting to Council the radiation dose due to emissions from the Darlington Nuclear Station. Anyone wishing to receive copies of future editions directly from the AECB may do so by contacting them by telephone. (A copy of the correspondence is attached to the Summary of Correspondence.) (Receive for Information) 1- 19 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, advising Council of the 25`h Annual Maple Syrup Festival being held at Purple Woods Conservation Area on March 11 to 19 and March 25, 2000. With the approach of spring a person may be sure of several things; birds will be singing, sap will be flowing and pancakes will be flipping at Purple Woods Conservation Area. The syrup festival will be open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Receive for Information) CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Fred Upshaw, Secretary -Treasurer, Durham Region Labour Council, P.O. Box 946, Oshawa, L1H 7N1, requesting that Council proclaim Friday, April 28, 2000 as "Day of Mourning" in recognition of workers killed, injured or disabled on the job. The Day of Mourning was officially recognized by the Ontario Provincial Legislature in 1988. In 19991, (An Act Respecting a Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace) passed through all stages of the House of Commons and the Senate. The Bill which now proclaims April 28 of each year as a National Day of Mourning received Royal Assent on February I, 19991, and is now law. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 2 Heather Farquhar, Secretary, Liberty Pentecostal Church, 1965 Martin Road North, Bowmanville, LIC 3K4, requesting permission to set off fireworks on their property on Canada Day, July 1, 2000. As in previous years, the fireworks will be set well back from the public in a cleared off field. There will also be two flat bed trucks which will assist as barriers and separate the public from the display. The fireworks will be supervised by a fireworks display company as well as a member of their congregation who is a fireman and several adults over the age of 21. The fireworks will be lit by a licensed supervisor from the fireworks company. This company will also be providing the permit. (Motion to approve provided the organizers apply for and obtain the necessary permit) Summary of Correspondence - 8 - March 6, 2000 D - 3 J. Laing, Secretary, Navy League of Canada, P.O. Box 491, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3Z2, advising the Municipality when the Navy League Tag Days for 2000 will occur. As in the past, this is a major fund-raiser for the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps, #279 Bowmanville, and their Cadets will once again be in uniform in front of businesses throughout Clarington. The days specified for the Tag Day canvassing are October 5, 6 and 7, 2000. (Motion to grant permission to the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps, #279 to hold their Tag days October 5 to 7, 2000) D-4 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Durham Region Community Care Association, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3A2, requesting permission for Community Care to once again canvas the local municipality in support of their Annual "Tag Days" on June 1, 2 and 3, 2000. They plan to utilize their volunteers to cover locations in Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville and Courtice areas. All dollars collected will once again go towards service provision in Clarington. (Motion to grant permission for Durham Region Community Care Association to hold their Tag Days June 1 to 3, 2000) D-5 Sam Synard, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, requesting that March 21, 2000, be proclaimed as the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Participation by municipalities from all parts of Canada has become an annual tradition which he urges us to follow. Our society is changing and becoming more diverse. Appreciating diversity and showing respect and tolerance for everyone go hand-in-hand with human rights. Canada has become a good example to the rest of the world. At the local and community level where it counts most, municipal governments continue to lead the way. With the Department of Canadian Heritage, FCM urges all communities to make 2000 the best year in planning March 21 initiatives. (Motion to Proclaim) D-6 Hilda Gatchell, Volunteer Coordinator, Organ Donation Ontario, 250 Dundas Street West, Suite 406, Toronto, M5T 2Z5, requesting that the week of April 22 through 29, 2000, be proclaimed Organ Donor Awareness Week. The Volunteer Committee of Durham Region was activated in May of 1999. Since that time they have worked to increase awareness providing speakers for Service Clubs, Church Groups, Women's Institutes, etc., as requested, attending Blood Donor Clinics, and providing information pamphlets and donor cards to various sites within the Region. Organ donation and transplantation offers positive outcomes for recipient patients as well as donor families. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 9 - March 6, 2000 D- 7 Craig Brown, Library Board Chairman, Clarington Public Library, submitting to Council the Library's Board current budget request. The request, including non- controllable impact items for 2000, is $1,235,705.00. The detailed budget adopted by the Board is background materials for this request. That documentation has been submitted directly to the Municipal Treasurer for inclusion in the overall current budget presentation materials which will come before members of Council in the course of the budget process. In submitting this budget, the Library Board continues its commitment to the provision of library service to all residents of the Municipality. Their 2000 request includes a provision for access to library service on Sundays and Mondays, days which they are not currently open to the public. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Treasurer for inclusion in the 2000 budget process) D - 8 Gavin M. Stephenson, Secretary/Treasurer, Clarington Museums, Clarke Museum and Archives, P.O. Box 152, Orono, LOB 1 MO, requesting that Council fill two vacant positions on the Board one due to absenteeism in violation of Board policy. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Clerk for appropriate action) D - 9 Lynn Morrow, Executive Director, Greater Toronto Services Board, 1000 Murray Ross Parkway, Toronto, M3J 2P3, advising that the Greater Toronto Services Board on February 4, 2000, adopted the following recommendation: "The GTSB Strategic Transportation Plan for the Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton -Wentworth be circulated to member municipalities and other stakeholders for comments by April 3, 2000, and staff report back on comments at the May 26`h Transportation Committee meeting." (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development) Summary of Correspondence - 10- March 6, 2000 D- 10 Sgt. Paul A. Malik, Community Services Coordinator, Community Services Unit, Durham Regional Police Service, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, LIG 4137, requesting permission to erect approved Neighbourhood Watch signs in the area of Victoria Woods. Through the implementation of Crime Prevention Programs, dedicated community volunteers work with police to help reduce crime in their communities. One such "Citizen Involved" Crime Prevention Program is Neighbourhood Watch. It is a project which employs an elegantly simple technique of "neighbours looking out for neighbours" to reduce threats of crime against potential victims. This letter is to introduce us to a group of concerned citizens who want to get involved in such a program. Through persistence, devotion and hard work, these people have made an honourable effort to form a Neighbourhood Watch within their community with at least 75% participation from their fellow neighbours. (Motion to approve the installation of approved Neighbourhood Watch signs in this area) D - 11 Don Yeo, President, Clarington Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, P.O. Box 42, Bowmanville, LIC 3K8, requesting Council to declare April as "Cancer Month in Clarington". He is also requesting permission to have a Cancer Society flag fly from the flag poles at the Newcastle Town Hall, the Courtice Recreation Complex and the Bowmanville Town Hall, with the official flag raising ceremony taking place at the Bowmanville Town Hall at 10:00 a.m., Monday, March 27, 2000. Mr. Yeo is also requesting that Friday, March 31, 2000, be declared "Daffodil Day". (Motion to Proclaim) D - 12 Gail Johnson, President, Clarington Tiger Cats, 76 Prospect Street, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3H2, requesting from Council that the Clarington Tiger Cats be considered for a late grant. A considerable amount of money is required to run a Minor Football Organization; for example equipment, field rentals, payment of game officials, League registration which includes adequate insurance, footballs, blocking pads, busing, etc. The Founder of this club is the same one who organized the Minor Football Clubs in Pickering and in Oshawa, so there is no lacking of experience in this endeavour. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Treasurer for inclusion in the 2000 budget process) Summary of Correspondence 11 - March 6, 2000 D - 13 Gene Chartier. Manager, Transportation Planning and Design, Transportation and Construction Services Branch, Region of Durham, regarding the Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan Study, Inter -agency Team Commencement Meeting. The Region of Durham is preparing a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to help guide the Region's transportation programs and investments for the next twenty years and beyond. The Plan will identify strategic directions for growth and the transportation system improvements required to achieve this growth in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner. The project is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA), and will address Phases I (identify the problem) and 2 (identify alternative solutions to the problem) of this process. The TMP Study is intended to satisfy the consultation and documentation requirements for any Schedule "A" and "B" projects covered by the Municipal Class EA. They plan to meet with the Inter -agency Team at least three times during the project. These meetings, in addition to written documentation, will provide us an opportunity to remain informed and give them our feedback as the project proceeds. They recognize that it may be necessary to meet with individual members during the TMP Study to discuss specific issues. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning and Development) D - 14 Marcel L. Brunelle, Mayor, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, advising that the Town of Whitby is experiencing on-going problems with the high numbers of Canadian Geese inhabiting their community. Clarington is one of nine G.T.A. lakeshore municipalities. He is confident the citizens of and the visitors to the parks and waterfront walkways in the Municipality of Clarington have all too soon discovered that the Canada Goose population has increased immensely and continues to encroach on their enjoyment of the outdoors. Mayor Brunelle has contacted the Canadian Wildlife Service requesting approval of culling and/or any other effective population control measures and financial assistance. He is requesting Clarington's support of Whitby's endeavour to remedy this situation and will be making the same request to other lakeshore municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area in the hopes that collectively we may persuade the Federal Government to approve such measures to control the adult molt population. (Motion for Direction) D - 15 Mayor Wayne Arthurs, advising that the Council of the City of Pickering on February 7, 2000, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the City of Pickering and residents of the City impassionedly recognize the highest priority of protecting children; and Summary of Correspondence - 12- March 6, 2000 WHEREAS it has been reported that the Canadian Council on Social Development in its report entitled "the progress of Canada's Children in the Millennium" notes that the child sex trade is increasing in Canada; and WHEREAS the Supreme Court of Canada is hearing an appeal from a British Columbia Court of Appeal decision that found the Criminal Code law against possession of child pornography to be unconstitutional; and WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has intervened to argue that Ontario must continue to have the authority to charge and prosecute child pornographers; NOW THEREFORE the City of Pickering and its residents respectfully request that the Provincial and the Federal Governments give the utmost priority to the protection of children from sexual exploitation as they deliberate this important case; and THAT this resolution be distributed to the Honourable Anne McLellan, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honourable Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Attorney General of Ontario, the Honourable Janet Ecker, M.P.P., Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge, Dan McTeague, M.P., Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and Save the Children (Canada); and THAT the City of Pickering requests that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario distribute this City of Pickering resolution to their membership requesting their support and similar resolutions to be sent to the Honourable Anne McLellan and copies to the City of Pickering. (Motion for Direction) COUNCIL INFORMATION (Y\ . �>� Vv, ?,Z> (!>-"^I-I MUNICIPALITY OF CLARIN'IMINF-918 Pr T O-11:07 NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Minutes of a meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on January 17, 2000 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers, Present Were: C. Abraham R.B. Rickard S. DeJong J. Mutton C. Trim D. Schmiegelow G. Worsley (secretary) MINUTES Motion by J Whitton, seconded by D. Schmiegelow THAT minutes be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" 2. BUSINESS ARISING - Christmas was played - received one complaint about playing too late at night - muste was on a timer and went off the same time each day, it was telt it was not ocr music being heard. - C. Trim's contact for the tower top is no longer doing this kind of work. R.B. Rickard will take a look at it and see if he can't fix it. J. Mutton will speak with his neighbor about using his cherry picker to install when it is ready. - Correspondence received from BIA and Patti Barrie regarding the millenium project. BIA would like our support and a member of board to sit on the committee: town has given a grant of $25,000.00 and an interest free loan of $75,000.00 Committee has to find support for 1/3 of this project and fundraise for another l/3. D Schmiegelow agreed to attend their first meeting. Lengthy discussion on how much we should and could support this project; it was suggested we use some of the Montague fund $. John and Charlie left meeting to obtain information on balance in fund, so we could finalize this discussion. Suggested that we combine our project for front entrance with the millenium project. C. Abraham will look for checklist book. Contribution plaque has been hung to the left of the stage. Fire alarms have been checked artd are o.k. :sI� TION Furnaces were checked this week. no report on any problems to date. Dayco has returned check for overpayment. t.ERK .r - Scrolls and map will be taken by G. Worsley to get quotes on fixing them ire, BY - Basement lobby still to be painted. - S. DeJong has lowered counter in kitchen near stove because it was get r JRI�}i AE the stove - stove will be moved over a little to make sure the other srde burned. wQ�. Ne D. Schmiegelov suggested come up with a 5 year pian for ,, c all, i.c. projects we would like to see done - P A. system needs to be brought up to date. S. Deicing will have it looked at for a quote. Soap dispenser to be installed in bar room Fire department has stated that caretaker's room must not have anvthing on the floor at any time. R.B. Rickard made sure this was tidied up. R.B Rickard has done a number of small repairs to caretaker's tools. It was noted that the caretaker had not reported any of these items broken. It was agreed that the hockey nets in furnace room would be disposed of It was also agreed to sell the Ping pong tables. Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by K. Moffatt THAT ping-pong tables be sold to D. Schmiegelow and C. Trim for $20.00 each. - "CARRIED" - Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by K. Moffatt THAT the 32 broken chairs be repaired now. "CARRIED" Secretary will call M. Couch or. Mondays for report on damages from rentals in future. J. Mutter. and C. Trim returned with info -nation on Montague fund there xas further discussion and the following motion made: Motion by C. Abraham, seconded by S. DcJong THAT we offer $10,000.00 from Montague Fund to millenium pry err on conditinn that application to municipality is granted to release dollars. Send BIA a letter of commitment. "CARRIED" J. Mutton reported, no answers for air conditioning yct, he v:i" rcfcr to rI Irina:h. Ceiling in bowling alley is still falling down, refer to F. Horvath Quote for auditorium floor from Higgins is $2500.00ecret a, wi!1 obtain more quotes and ask for a 3 -year commitment. R B. Rickard will investigate cost of upkeep of garden from millenium project. Masonic storage room will be cleaned up, but they do not have any room to spare for us. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by C. Trim, seconded by K. Moffatt THAT the financial be approved as reported. "CARRIED" d. BILLS Motion by J Mutton, seconded by C Abraham THAT bills be paid as presented. "CARRIED" 5. CORRESPONDENCE Thank you note received from BIPI for usa of parking lot for flea markot last summer Page 3 6, NEW BUSINESS It was a@reed that community groups could use oid tablCS in the fU1000. ChrlStian Crossroads Church has already borrowed them once. C. Trim suggested a dividing wall at back of cenotaph as part of mille nium project; this would have to be passed by the cenotaph committee. Secretary given permission to purchase a new Christmas tree and omaments up to $300.00 Motion by C ,Abraham, seconded by C. Trim THAT at T-shirt is donated to chamber of commerce for their video dance. ADJOURNED 9:00 PM February 10, 2000 COUNCIL INFORMATION Kenrci Park Road, R.R. #1, Lindsay, ON K9V 4R1 (705) 328-2271 or 1-800-668-KRCA Fax (705)328-2286 e-mail: krca@lindsaycomp.on.ca 100FEBI4 Pri Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, ON. L1C 3AG ATTN: RE: Dear Mrs. Barrie: Mrs. Patti Barrie, Clerk APPEAR BEFORE COUNCIL (Advertisement in 1999 Bird Report) I-2 2110:1,4_ GLERK ACK. BY.,,.®•• The Friends of Kawartha Conservation are producing their 41h Annual Bird Report for Victoria County. The report highlights sightings, programs, natural areas and feature articles relating to a variety of environmental issues. In 1998, we had to eliminate some sections of the report due to cost. This year we are approaching all our watershed municipalities for their support. I would like to appear before council and inform them of our publication, as well as request their support in the form of an advertisement. The ads run between $20 and $100 with revenues going to cover the costs of printing. Please find enclosed: - Advertising agreement - Excerpts from '97 and '98 Reports I can be reached at 328-2271 (days) or 878-3900 (evenings) to discuss a meeting date or any questions or concerns that you may have. Thank you, John Abati Friend of KC Encls: Friends of Kawartha Conservauon is a community based, non-profit orgammuon, dedicated to ensurim• he conservation of natural resources. Becoming a Friend is a step towards securing a healthy environment, good water quality, and beautiful places for all to enjoy. m oU ww L3 3 L w C Nm vN ow L L N(U L -�0> O O U w co JC N L dO J O WFp E > a m Q L _ w m L - w E 0wo o ° 0 0 m �cm0---��0mc M2c3o30 c` mET dap¢om aU Nm pUOwmp N«J N N O a 0 - _(wC N C CE v -O am o w C C O d y w °' -N O OQ• N M w D ? a N - OCL O Q )=OmUN OLZ N O 'O Vi c o 0)E ML N C CL O j a) O Z 0 Q)� a > N o m °` oo.SoE a m m= _oaD W p w w p ja rLo C wNaw N p O o >° p o.C L«m o 0NCD J im�0003: (D N NN ° om m uj yWo0 o u p U 3 c.c F oncy o cTUvNw>OmJmm NCE"O LL �op¢'Ea0 a)L-cL`�iMw¢ DoHN O TxLNa>oNuomi�oc` -p > T O c C O L J O L m '� w E D O) ? N m O] N T m rn p m p m E w m J E o N o m a) 0° V a c c J c J C o c mm a) c.n3wLmov�EJo oNow > w00c a Cm m m mil- o`Uo c mawe».� v> Nn acit� �U m m ZO] m `o F T v E E O c o E Ea. rn L w a) a O a a 0) N C7 Z •� of O m >, o ¢ `o CDw _T w nC. 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" F,7 R T T 7z l Q n Guc D In s o � d rQ 1OOFFB25 K, 2°1318 COUNCIL INFORMATION ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on Thursday, December 2, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. at Chief Administrative Centre - Ante Room ROLL CALL Present Were: Laurie Davis, Durham Animal Adoption Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Control Officer Wolf Klose, Orono Cat World Marie Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk Councillor Jane Rowe Nick VanSeggelen Donna MacKay Absent Were: Scott Creed, Orono Cat World Laurie Ovenden Marie Knight Stanley chaired the meeting. 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Laurie Davis, seconded by Nick VanSeggelen That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on October 14, 1999 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. COMPOSITION OF ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Discussion was held and everyone was in agreement that the composition of the Committee has been met and is satisfactory. Marie will approach Scott Creed, Orono Cat World to see if he will be available to attend future meetings and if not will determine Marie Home's interest in joining the Committee. Sheila will approach the Courtice Veterinary Clinic owners to see if they would be interested in attending our meetings. I-9 Animal Advisory Committee Minutes I - December 3. 1999 3 4. SCRAPBOOK Laurie Ovenden and Laurie Davis have started updating the scrapbook, they will bring in to the next meeting on February 9, 1999. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) A letter was sent to Constable Mounsteven & Chase congratulating them on their award. b) Public Works advises signs posted at corner of Liberty/Baseline and Liberty/Highway #2 are not possible. They are Regional roads and are out of our jurisdiction. C) A tender is not needed for the mural, however, MTO require a permit. Concerns regarding mural distracting drivers as they exit Highway 401 on Liberty Street. It was agreed to apply to MTO for permit first. Resolution #AAC-3-99 Moved by Nick VanSeggelen, seconded by Wolf Klose THAT Clerk's Department prepare and forward a report to G.P.A. for approval of the mural to be painted by Paul Livingston at the Animal Shelter. "CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY" 5. OTHER BUSINESS Nick Van Seggelen - suggested switching meeting days from Thursday to Wednesday, meets better with his schedule. Everyone agreed to meet Wednesdays. Will discuss whether it be I'` or 21 Wednesday of every month. Laurie Davis - gave us statistics of O.S.P.C.A. About 60% of cats are euthanized - 70,000-80,000/year About 20% of dogs are euthanized - 20,000/year These figures are doubled (Humane Societies and Pounds) Dogs - 40,000/year approximately & Cats - 140,000-160,000/year approximately Anyone wishing to adopt a 4 year old Lab mix? Animal Advisory Committee Minutes December 2. 1999 Jane Rowe - discussion was held regarding preparing Activity Book for Elementary School children promoting Responsible Pet Ownership. Visual Arts may be able to help with having children do some of the drawings/activities. A suggestion was made for each Committee member to bring to the next meeting, 1 sample page and a sponsor to be submitted towards the Activity Book, Resolution #AAC-4-99 Moved by Jane Rowe, seconded by Sheila Elkington That Committee pursue the idea of an Elementary School Activity Book promoting Responsible Pet Ownership. "CARRIED" Sheila - Animal Services number in phone book is listed under Animal Control. St. Stephen's Elementary School wants to donate articles to the Animal Shelter. Sheila will fax their wish list. Also Sheila suggested asking students to submit their favourite pet name to Animal Shelter so the Officers have more names to chose from. Marie - distributed the new Set Fine Schedule, Animal Services Officers are able to charge fines according to this schedule. Fines will be paid at office. If not paid, their they go to court. Interviews for part-time Animal Services Officer are Thursday, December 9, 1999. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m. Chair D nna MacKay, Secr tary Attn: Mayor Diane Hamre Page: 1 of 4 Municipality of Clar COUNCIL INFORMATION D@FEB29 Ftt 2:01.58 i -le Radiation Index 0.6 0.7 1_0 0.7 of The radiation doses due to emissions are for the most exposed persons living near the station. They would typically apply to persons living just outside the station boundary who are at their residences 24 hours a day, who drink local water, and eat local fish and produce. The doses were calculated using actual data from routine analysis of air, water, fish and vegetation samples, as well as station emission data. Most persons would actually receive less than the doses indicated because they have different eating habits or live farther away from the station. Radiation doses decrease significantly as the distance from the station increases. Since the pathway for liquid emissions is less dominant, more than 90% of the radiation dose received from the stations was due to air emissions. Anyone wishing to receive copies of future editions directly from the AECB may do so by contacting us by telephone at 1.800668.5264, or by writing to: Atomic Energy Control Board Communications Division P.O. Box 1046, 280 Slater Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5S9 Fax: (613) 995-5066 Internet e:mail: info0al0mcon.go.ca Web site: www.aecb-ccea.gc.ca * ■ Atomic Energy Commission de controls Canada ■ Control Board de I'6nergie atomique Attn: Mayor Diane Hamra Page: 3 of 4 Municipality of Clair Radiation Index The radiation doses due to emissions are for the most exposed persons living near the station. They would typically apply to persons living just outside the station boundary who are at their residences 24 hours a day, who drink local water, and eat local fish and produce. The doses were calculated using actual data from routine analysis of air, water, fish and vegetation samples, as wall as station Omission data. Most persons would actually receive less than the doses indicated because they have different eating habits or live farther away from the station. Radiation doses decrease significantly as the distance from the station increases. Since the pathway for liquid emissions is less dominant, more than 90% of the radiation dose received from the stations was due to air emissions. Anyone wishing to receive copies of future editions directly from the AECB may do so by contacting us by telephone at 1-800.668-5284, or by writing to: Atomic Energy Control Board Communications Division P.O. Box 1046, 260 Slater Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5S9 Fax: (613) 995-5086 Internet email: info®atomcon.gc.ca Nab site: www.aecb-ccea.gc.ca Commission de controls tle P6nergie atomlque I. 'AUNICIPALITY OF larington 13 ONTARIO REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 6, 2000 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2000 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION a) Report WD -15-00 2. REZONING APPLICATION Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for January, 2000 APPLICANT: JAMES TREMBLAY AND JOHN TOWN ON BEHALF OF KEN PASRICHA THAT Report PD -019-00 be received; THAT the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, submitted by James Tremblay and John Town on behalf of Ken Pasricha be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report following the receipt of the outstanding agency comments; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD -019-00 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET - BOWMANVILLE - ONTARIO • L1C 3A6 • (905) 623-3379 - FAX 623-4169 WEBSITE: wwwmuniapahly.clanngton. on. ca R°0YO1 Report #1 -2 - February 28, 2000 3• REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: TSC STORES LIMITED THAT Report PD -020-00 be received; THAT the rezoning application submitted by Norlon Builders (London) Limited on behalf of TSC Stores Limited be referred back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD -020-00 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 4. REMOVAL OF PART LOT CONTROL (40M-1984) APPLICANT: KELVIN WHALEN ON BEHALF OF 1138337 ONTARIO INC. THAT Report PD -021-00 be received; THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots 17 to 23, 36 to 44, and 77 to 82 inclusive on 40M-1984 be approved; THAT the By-law attached to Report PD -021-00 be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD -021-00 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 5. MARK STEWART - ANIMAL LICENCING SERVICE INC. AGREEMENT THAT Report CD -09-00 be received THAT Animal Licencing Service Inc., be given the exclusive rights to sell dog and cat licences door to door in the Municipality of Clarington for the year 2000 commencing on March 7, 2000 until September 30, 2000 and subject to review by Council at the termination of the agreement; THAT the Agreement be executed by the Mayor and Municipal Clerk and the authorizing By-law be forwarded to Council for approval; and THAT Mark Stewart, Animal Licencing Services Inc., be advised of Council's decision. Report #1 - 3 - February 28, 2000 6. PARKING ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY, 2000 THAT Report CD -10-00 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CD -10-00 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. 7. APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PERSONNEL AS BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENFORCING MUNICIPAL BY-LAW NO. 91-58 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT THAT Report CD -11-00 be received; THAT the proposed by-law attached to Report CD -11-00 be forwarded to Council for approval; and THAT the Senior Municipal Law Enforcement Officer provide the training and instruction necessary for the appointed persons to perform the duties of a By-law Enforcement Officer during the winter season. 8. PORT GRANBY LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE SITE THAT Report ADMIN -08-00 be received for information; and THAT Mr, Harvey Thompson be advised of Council's decision. 9. CLARINGTON BACKYARD FESTIVAL THAT Report ADMIN -10-00 be received; THAT Council endorse the overall promotion of the Clarington BackYard Festival beginning Saturday, April 29 to May 31, 2000; THAT Council approve the requested budget allocation of $20,000.00 (maximum) for the purpose of confirming a fireworks display on Monday, May 22, 2000 (Victoria Day); and THAT members of the Clarington BackYard Festival (Municipal "May-nia") Committee be informed of Council's decision. Report #1 10. WETLAND MAPPING — MNR 4- February 28. 2000 THAT the delegation of Kerry Meydam be referred to staff to make a formal request to the Ministry of Natural Resources to extend the wetland mapping forthwith and prior to the OMB hearing for Birchdale Development scheduled for April 10, 2000. 11. ACTION PLAN FOR YOUTHS THAT the delegation of Sally Ward pertaining to a positive action plan for youths be received and referred to staff. 12. APPOINTMENT TO CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Clarington Traffic Management Committee: Allan Hewitt Mark S. Lenters Clayton M. Morgan Derek Plach Gwen Woodcock; and Officer Dana Collins, Traffic Co-ordinator, Durham Regional Police Service. 'AUNICIPALITY OF larinc ton ONTARIO REPORT #2 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 6, 2000 SUBJECT: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2000 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. 2000 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST THAT Report TR -08-00 be received; THAT the 2000 Capital Budget as outlined in Report TR -08-00, and the document attached thereto, be approved; THAT Council approve the Beech Centre Capital Budget request, in addition to the capital projects identified in the budget document; THAT Attachments 1, 2 and 3 to Report TR -08-00, identifying the Reserve Fund and Reserve Fund balances and summaries of capital draws on these funds be approved; THAT the Four Year Forecast be approved in principle; THAT the 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast submitted for the Mayor and Members of Council and the Chief Administrative Officers Department be approved; THAT the 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast submitted for the Clerk's Department be approved; THAT the 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast submitted for the Finance Department and Unclassified Administration be apaproved; THAT the 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast submitted for the Fire Department be approved; THAT the 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast submitted for the Public Works Department be approved; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET • BOWMANVILLE • ONTARIO • LIC 3A6 • (905) 6233379 • FAX 6230169 WEBSITE wwwmuniciOalily.clannglonon. ca xcc.o.ro rorr Report #2 February 28, 2000 THAT the 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast submitted for the Community Services Department be approved: THAT the 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast submitted for the Planning and Development Department be approved; and THAT the 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast for the Bowmanville Museum, Clarke Museum and the Clarington Public Library be approved. REPORT #3 DN: PD -022-00 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Council File # Date: Monday, March 6, 2000 Res. # Report #: PD -022-00 FILE #: PLN 21.2.7 By-law # Subject: REQUEST FOR AMENDMENTS TO AGGREGATE EXTRACTION LICENCE BLUE CIRCLE CANADA INC. PLN 21.2.7 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -022-00 be received; 2. THAT the Ministry of Natural Resources be advised that the Municipality of Clarington has no objection to the request made by Blue Circle Canada Inc. for an amendment to their site plan under their aggregate extraction license, subject to (1) the transfer of the Closure Areas A and B of Waverly Road to Blue Circle Canada Inc., (2) the release of the Temporary Public Highway (haul road) to Blue Circle Canada Inc. and (3) the conditions set out in Appendix I to this report; and 3. THAT the Ministry of Natural Resources be advised that the Municipality of Clarington has no objection to the request made by Blue Circle Canada Inc. for an amendment to the aggregate extraction license to increase in annual tonnage from 3.0 million tonnes to 4.5 million tonnes subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to this Report; and 4. THAT Blue Circle Canada Inc., the Blue Circle Community Relations Committee, the Region of Durham, Ontario Hydro, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Coast Guard, Waterfront Regeneration Trust, the Port Darlington Community Association and any interested parties be advised of Council's decision. PD -022-00 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On November 7"i, 1997 Council endorsed the recommendations contained in ADMIN -47-97 and the Principles of Understanding between the Municipality of Clarington and Blue Circle Canada Inc. (herein referred to as Blue Circle) to implement the recommendations from the Waterfront Regeneration Trust on the Westside Marsh. In order to implement the terms and conditions contained in the Principles of Understanding, an amendment to Blue Circle's aggregate extraction license is required, specifically the site plan filed under the Aggregate Resources Act. On July 21, 1999 the Ministry of Natural Resources requested the Municipality of Clarington to provide comments on Blue Circle's request to amendment the site plan in order to implement the Principles of Understanding. 1.2 At the time of negotiating the Principles of Understanding, Blue Circle requested that the Municipality of Clarington support an amendment to their aggregate extraction license for an increase in annual tonnage extracted from the quarry from 3.0 million tonnes to 4.5 million tonnes. Council agreed to support the request provided technical reports were submitted demonstrating that, there would not be a substantial change to the emission of noise, dust, or vibration or unacceptable impact on the road system resulting from the increase. On July 8, 1999, the Ministry of Natural Resources requested the Municipality of Clarington to provide comments on Blue Circle's request to amendment the aggregate extraction license to increase the annual tonnage extracted from 3.0 million tonnes to 4.5 million tonnes. 1.3 The purpose of the report is to: briefly describe the amendments to Blue Circle's site plan, required to implement the Principles of Understanding; PD -022-00 PAGE 3 • briefly describe Blue Circle's request to increase the annual tonnage extracted from the quarry and discuss the findings and recommendations contained in the technical reports; ■ the consultation process; and • recommend conditions to be imposed on the amendments to Blue Circle aggregate extraction license. 2. DISCUSSION 2.1 Amendments to the Aggregate Extraction Site Plan Blue Circle submitted an application to amend their license in the summer of 1999. Under the Aggregate Resources Act, the Municipality may comment on the proposed amendment. Staff reviewed the amended site plan drawing and found that all of the necessary changes have been made to accurately reflect the requirements in the Principles of Understanding. The revised site plan is shown on Attachment #1. The amended site plan includes the following changes: ■ revised property boundaries to reflect transfers in land ownership between Blue Circle Canada Inc. and the Municipality of Clarington; • revised licensed boundary and limit of extraction to reflect the reconfigured Westside Marsh, the portion of Waverly Road to be conveyed to Blue Circle and the reduction of setbacks along Ontario Hydro's transmission corridors; • new bridge connecting Cove Road and Cedar Crest Beach Road; • the relocation of Blue Circle Aggregates operation west of the existing cement plant; • Westside Creek diversion channel corridors and Marsh Link area; overflow channels; through Ontario Hydro's transmission the emergency access from Cedar Crest Beach Road across Blue Circle's licensed lands to Waverly Road and Highway 401; • chain link security fencing on the partition berm and the perimeter of the site; PD -022-00 ■ detailed cross sections of slide slope and partition bene; and PAGE 4 ■ changes in zoning on the reconfigured marsh, marsh link area and hydro transmission corridor. 2.2 Amendment to Increase the Annual Tonnage Blue Circle has requested an amendment to their license from 3.0 million tonnes to 4.5 million tonnes extracted from the quarry in order to compete in the cement exporting market as well as the provide crushed stone throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Blue Circle's request for an increase in annual tonnage extracted from the quarry is not a specific condition in the Principles of Understanding. It was an item added during the negotiations process. In Council's consideration of ADMIN 47- 97, Council granted the increase in tonnage provided certain technical reports were submitted. The technical reports address the impacts of the increase in annual tonnage as well as the modified quarry operations as a result of the Principles of Understanding. 2.2.1 Blasting Report Golder VME Limited was retained by Blue Circle Cement to evaluate the impacts of blasting associated with increasing the amount of extracted material from 3.0 million tonnes to 4.5 million tonnes. The Report examined blasting conditions at 3.0 million tonnes and the proposed future extraction rate. Currently, Blue Circle does about 100 blasts per year, or an average of slightly more than twice per week. These blasts are very often carried out on the same day. A third blast may be shot the same day. Ground vibration effects are monitored on a continuous basis at Blue Circle's Technical Centre by a third party blasting consultant. Blue Circle's current blasting procedures are in compliance with the provincial guidelines. PD -022-00 PAGE 5 In order to extract at the rate requested by Blue Circle, an average of 150 blasts per year would be needed or about three blasts per week. This represents a fifty percent increase in the current number of blasts per week. The consultant concludes that the intensity of ground vibration effects from each blast would be unaffected by the additional blast. The Consultant however, recommends that once blasting progresses east of Waverly Road, the monitoring station at the Technical Centre be moved to a location to the south, and one additional station be placed in a location to east, which would detect ground vibrations near residential areas. The locations for these monitors have yet to be determined. 2.2.2 Dust Report Sophos Inc. was retained by Blue Circle Canada to examine the increase of particulate matter. Current operations results in total emissions of 118.3 metric tonnes of particulate from the limestone extraction process, overburden removal and Blue Circle Aggregates (formally CBM) stone crushing operation. Total emissions of particulate from future operations are estimated at 170.8 metre tonnes per year, but will be reduced to 144.7 metric tonnes per year once the Blue Circle Aggregates stone crushing operation is relocated. In addition, the material from overburden stripping will be used as fill for the dock expansion and will be transported via an internal haul road which will result in a reduction of particulate matter to 85 tonnes per year or approximately 30% lower than the current levels. The Consultant report recommends that Blue Circle continue with current dust suppression and stockpile operating practices, which includes sweeping of paved surfaces, seeding of overburden stockpiles where required and watering and use of dust suppressant on unpaved roads. PD -022-00 2.2.3 Noise Reports PAGE 6 Aercoutics Engineering Limited was retained by Blue Circle to address potential noise issues. The report did not address noise resulting from blasting. There are three sources of noise originating from Blue Circle's operation, namely site preparation, quarry functions and Blue Circle Aggregates operation. i) Site Preparation: The proposed increase in annual extraction does not inherently increase noise from overburden removal and storage, due to the increase in setback from the residential areas provided by the reconfigured marsh. As the quarry operation moves east, the storage areas and haul routes will be further from residential areas and shielded by berms. The consultant recommends additional berms along the overflow channel near the dock and at the mouth of the diversion channel where it discharges into the newly reconfigured marsh. (see Attachment #2) Quarry Functions: a) Drilling Blast Holes The increase in extraction will necessitate an increase in the number of blast holes to be drilled. The area presently quarried is far enough removed from the residential area that there is little impact. Extraction will proceed in an eastward direction in two or more lifts. Drilling at levels closer to the surface would increase the level of noise to 3dB, which is very slight. To mitigate any noise, the Consultant has recommended noise control zones be established east of Waverly Road. The noise control zones would permit only one drill per zone in the first or second lift and as drilling occurs at lower levels below 42 m.a.s.l., then a second drill may operate concurrently in the same zone provided there is an acoustic shielding equal to or better than 22m high and within 100m to the closest house. (see Attachment #2) PD -022-00 PAGE 7 b) Rock Transport to Processing Plant Large 100 ton trucks are used to move aggregate from the blast face to the primary crusher which is located near the plant. In order to increase trucking capacity, Blue Circle intends to use 150 ton trucks. The Consultant recommends that the new trucks be equipped with a variable speed fan and exhaust -heated body, which emit noise equivalent to 100 ton trucks. C) Aggregate Operations: The existing Blue Circle Aggregate operation will be relocated west of the existing cement plant as required by the Principles of Understanding. This would eliminate any noise impact originating from this site on Cedar Crest Beach Road residences. 2.2.4 Roads Impact Analysis Blue Circle did not retain a consultant to prepare a road impact analysis. In two letters to the Municipality dated June 7`h and October 6, 1999, however, Blue Circle provided information with respect to the traffic impact that would result from the increased tonnage. Currently 68% of Blue Circles material is transported by boat, 22% by truck and 10% by rail. The boat haulage consists mainly of cement material while the truck and rail haulage consist of aggregates. According to Blue Circle, the volume of cement plant materials shipped off-site will increase by approximately 40% from 1997 to 2001. The volume of aggregates shipped off-site would increase by approximately 28% between 1997 to 2001. Blue Circle expects that by 2001 approximately 3.5 million tonnes per annum will be extracted. In the future, as extraction increases towards 4.5 million tonnes and with an increase in the sales volume of aggregate, a portion of the aggregate material will be transported by boat. Blue Circle predicts that PD -022-00 PAGE 8 approximately 70% of the truck traffic will remain within Durham Region and that the remaining 30% would travel to the eastern Toronto area. Blue Circle notes that the proximity of the cement plant and aggregate operation to the Highway 401 minimizes any impacts on municipal road systems. Public Works confirms this assessment and does not have any objections. 2.3 Consultation Interagency Meeting In order to co-ordinate the comments from all the affected agencies on the amendments, Planning Staff convened an inter -agency meeting. The meeting was held on September 13, 1999 and was attended by representatives of Blue Circle Canada Inc, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Ontario Hydro, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Region of Durham Planning Department. The meeting was useful in providing an opportunity to discuss and clarify the details of the proposed amendments. Revisions to the proposed site plan were submitted subsequent to initial comments. Public Information Session On September 23, 1999 Blue Circle Cement held a Public Information Session at the Technical Centre to inform the public of their requests to the Ministry of Natural Resources to increase the tonnage extracted from the quarry and to amend the site plan. The consultants for noise, dust and blasting and the planning consultant were available to speak with members of the community about the proposed amendments. The Information Session was advertised in two local newspapers and invitations were delivered to area residents. Approximately 30 attended the information session. PD -022-00 Community Relations Committee PAGE 9 At the regular meeting of the Community Relations Committee held on September 20, 1999 the members of the Committee were briefed on Blue Circle's proposal for amendments to their aggregate extraction license. 3. STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 Each consultant reviewed the existing operation and the effects from noise, dust, and blasting. The current monitoring and migration measures were also discussed. The consultants also projected the emission of noise, dust and blasting at the proposed extraction rate. The blasting and noise consultants' reports did suggest there would be minimal effects on neighbouring residents from the increase in annual tonnage extracted from the site. 3.2 The blasting consultant recommends the monitor at the Technical Centre be moved south and an additional one be added to the east to detect ground vibration effect on the lakeshore residents. In the inter -agency meeting, Ontario Hydro requested a monitoring station be located near their transmission corridor. The Aspen Springs Community has also expressed concern about vibrations resulting from blasting. As such, Staff recommend that three monitoring stations be operated. The monitoring station at the Technical Centre should remain in place to detect ground vibrations near the hydro corridor and the residential areas north of Highway 401 (Waverly and Westvale Neighbourhoods). Two new monitoring stations should be added in locations to the south and east as recommended by the consultant. 3.3 Sophos Inc. suggested that there would be a reduction in particulate matter, to the east of Waverly Road, particularly with the relocation of the aggregate operation (CBM operation). The amount of dust resulting from over burden stripping has been discussed at length at Community Relations Committee as it is a concern with lakeshore residents. Blue Circle has certain dust suppression measures in place to mitigate dust emitted from over burden stripping, and stockpiles, PD -022-00 PAGE 10 however, the report does not address the amount of particulate matter released while the partition berm and diversion channel are under construction, nor does the report discuss mitigation measures. During this process, some tolerance is required in order to implement the solution for the marsh. As such, Staff encourage Blue Circle to continue with current dust suppression practices. 3.4 Aercoutics Inc. recommends the installation of acoustical berms near the overflow channel and on the partition berm where the newly diverted Westside Creek discharges into the reconfigured marsh. The berms appear to be located on the lands to be transferred to CLOCA. In addition, the berms are not shown on the site plan drawings. Staff request that the site plan be modified to incorporate prior to MNR amending the license. 3.5 To ensure that the conditions recommended by the consultants are implemented, Staff recommend the approval of the increase in tonnage and the amendment to the site plan be subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to this report. Furthermore, it is noted that the Ministry of Natural Resources is not able to approve the amendment for the site plan until such time that all the necessary portions of Waverly Road are conveyed to Blue Circle and the lease for the Temporary Public Highway being the haul road is released to Blue Circle (see Attachment #3). This will only occur once Cove Road and the bridge are dedicated as a Public Highway and all other related agreements (eg. Maintenance and Monitoring agreement with Ontario Hydro) have been executed. This will be the subject of a report by the Municipality's Solicitor in the near future. As such, Staff recommend that Council's endorsement of the site plan be conditional upon the conveyance of Closure Areas A & B to Blue Circle and the release of the lease of the temporary public highway on the haul road. The increase in the annual tonnage is not dependent on the issues regarding the closure of Waverly Road and the release of the lease on the haul road. PD -022-00 4. CONCLUSIONS PAGE 11 Staff have no objection to the proposed amendments to Blue Circle's aggregate license to amend the site plan or for the increase in annual tonnage extracted from the quarry from 3.0 million tonnes to 4.5 million tonnes subject to the conditions discussed in this report. Reviewed by, w0- -, D i Tome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning &Development Chief Administrative Officer. CS*BN*DC*df 1 March 2000 Appendix 1 - Conditions for Amended Aggregate Licence and Site Plan Attachment # 1 - Revised Site Plan Attachment # 2 - Recommended Berming Attachment # 3 - Road Closure and Conveyance Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Blue Circle Community Relations Committee c/o David Ashcroft 63 Cedar Crest Beach Road R.R.#2, Group 5, Box 36 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3K3 Lynn Davidson Environmental Manager Blue Circle Canada Inc. 400 Waverly Road South BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3K3 Ian McNaughton McNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Consultants 171 Victoria Street North KITCHENER, Ontario N2H 5C5 A.L. Georgieff Commissioner of Planning Regional Municipality of Durham Lang Tower, West Bldg. 4'h Floor, Whitby Mall 1615 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Ontario LIN 6A3 Cathy Douglas Ministry of Natural Resources Aurora District 40 Bloomington Road West AURORA, Ontario L4G 31-18 Port Darlington Community Assoc. c/o Glenda Gies R.R.#2, Group 2, Box 36 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIC 3K3 Appendix 1 to Staff Report PD -022-00 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS TO AMENDED AGGREGATE EXTRACTION LICENCE AND SITE PLAN FOR BLUE CIRCLE CEMENT BOWMANVILLE QUARRY 1. THAT, in addition to the blasting monitoring station located at Blue Circle's Technical Centre, one additional monitoring station be installed in southerly location, and one installed in an easterly location at such time as extraction commences on the east side of Waverly Road. The locations for these monitors will be determined by a qualified blasting consultant and in consultation with the Municipality of Clarington and the Port Darlington Community Association. 2. THAT Blue Circle undertake best management practices for dust suppression and stockpile operating practices, including sweeping of paved surfaces, seeding of overburden stockpiles where required and watering and use of dust suppressant on unpaved roads. 3. THAT noise control zones be established and operated east of Waverly Road in accordance with the recommendations of the report dated May 4, 1999 by Aercoutics Engineering Limited. The noise control zones would permit only one drill per zone above 42 m.a.s.l. A second drill may work concurrently in a zone below 42 m.a.s.l provided there is acoustic shielding equal to or better than a face 22 metres high within 100m from the drill in the direction of the closest houses. 4. THAT the company incorporate appropriate engineering controls when purchasing new 150 tonne trucks to ensure vehicle noise emission levels are not substantially increased from baseline levels. 5. THAT prior to approval of the amendment to the site pian, the site plan be revised to incorporate the acoustical berms on lands owned by Blue Circle Canada Inc. on the north and west sides of the overflow channel. ►� �<�4, ATTACHMENT # "uN_ 4 1 as _ _—e_—•— — _ ;Fv e1 } R 8: i $ .ap d i OF BU z° ' z Ft I z a sl , s�R+EroRs «.rnrt 1� ��� O 2q i n enmN9 RNLBUKE�� e_� Lu 0 @ i i r ® PROPOSED • s CLOSURE AREA "A" 3 PROPOSED 6 CLOSURE AREA "C" .4-..-1 PROPOSED CLOSURE AREA "D" f1T9 TEMPORARY i PUBLIC HIGHWAY SCHEDULE °Fpp oN A o ROAD MAP �pKE Da..wo wg00DAN ALSO. om..m Plµ RVEv Of PMf 0! lOi 1, PApI O, 1Nf RESERVE, EAST OF wnYEq[Y ROM, EATTo " OE THE q[SCRYF, WESL 0! WA4{gET ROAD, AND PMI Df BLOCKS "0'AS WAWRLY To "L (BEING A IRAYALL FLIED FWD ALLORpNC TO REC 5 CRED) PI/J1 691. IOWNSNIP OF OMtINGip1, rq� in Ine MUNICIPALITY OE CURINCiON R�CIONµ�4VNliPµlry OF DURHAM a m SUMMARY OF BY-LAWS MARCH 6, 2000 BY-LAWS 2000-31 being a by-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1984 as not being subject to Part Lot Control (Item #4 of Report # 1) 2000-32 being a by-law to appoint Kenneth Sherwood as a By-law Enforcement Officer (Item #7 of Report #1) 2000-33 being a by-law to appoint Terry Beauvais as a By-law Enforcement Officer (Item #7 of Report #1) 2000-34 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Animal Licencing Services Inc. (Item #5 of Report #1) 2000-35 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (approved by Council on July 5, 1999) 2000-36 being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Clarington Fieldcrest Developments Limited of Plan of Subdivision 18T-99006 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T-99006 (approved by Council on July 5, 1999); 2000-37 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year 2000