HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/2010 1,'U('l'gizilJg OlJlarJo DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 25,2010 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEETING CALLED TO ORDER INVOCATION DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENTS ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held January 11, 2010 PRESENTATIONS a) Mayor Abernethy - State of Clarington Address b) Deputy Chief Sherry Whiteway, Inspector Dave Kimmerly, Inspector Chris Ostler, D/Sergeant Stan Pinkney, S/Sergeant Karen Moloney, Durham Regional Police Service - Patrol Staffing Analysis Project c) Reverend David Chisling - Recognition of Work with the "Been There" Youth Program d) Donald Rickard, Winner of the Grain Farmers of Ontario 2009 Soybean Yield Challenge for Zone 2 e) Joan Kimball, The Village Card & Gift Shoppe - Good Will Ambassador to Clarington DELEGATIONS (List as of Time of Publication) a) Sheila Hall, Clarington Board of Trade - Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show (Staff Report #1) b) John Mutton - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) c) Kerry Meydam on behalf of Jim Richards - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Correspondence Item D - 2 and Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Council Agenda - 2 - January 25, 2010 d) Bruce Wood - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Correspondence Item D - 4 and Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) e) Gordon McCallum, The Memorial of Heroes - Landscape Memorial Adjacent to the "Highway of Heroes" (Correspondence Item D - 13) COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information 1-1 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated December 10, 2009 I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated November 11, 2009 I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated November 17, 2009 I - 4 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board dated December 14, 2009 I - 5 Linda Gasser and Louis Bertrand - Durham/York Residual Waste (Incinerator) EA I - 6 Doug Reycraft, Chair, Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario (MEPCO) - Financial Support from Municipal Employers 1-7 Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade & Office of Economic Development - Support of New Nuclear Build at Darlington I - 8 Gerry Waterhouse, Site Manager, Nuclear Logistics Inc. Canada - Support of New Nuclear Build at Darlington I - 9 Peter Hume, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) - 2009 Successes and Membership Support I - 10 Linda Gasser - Amended Incinerator EA - Process and Costs I - 11 Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Economic Development Officer, Clarington Board of Trade - Update on Activities Regarding the New Nuclear Build Project at Darlington I - 12 Stuart Harrison, General Manager, Policy Committee, Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce - Refurbishing of Rail Line Between Havelock! Peterborough and Toronto I - 13 Darlene Brown, Executive Director, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington - "Bowl for Kid's Sake" Fundraising Event Council Agenda - 3 - January 25, 2010 I - 14 Leith Moore, Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) Chair - Municipal Best Practices I - 15 Jonah Kelly, Planning Department, Region of Durham - 2010 Durham Environmental Advisory Committee Annual Awards Program Receive for Direction D - 1 Lyle Goodin, Rotary Club of Bowmanville - 3rd Annual Rotary Ribfest D - 2 Jim Richards - Direct Election of the Regional Chair D - 3 Dianne McKenzie, Executive Director, Epilepsy Durham Region - Request for Proclamation of Epilepsy Awareness Month and "Wear Purple and Show You Care" Public Awareness Campaign D - 4 Bruce Wood, President, Oshawa Ratepayers Association - Direct Election of the Regional Chair D - 5 J. Arthur Wynn, President, Newcastle/Bond Head Ratepayers' Association- Redevelopment of Properties on King Avenue D - 6 Debbie Hunter, Office Administrator, MS Society, Durham Regional Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - 2010 Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign D - 7 G. P. Carroll, P.Eng., President, Municipal Engineers Association - MEA Book Presentation - "Sharing With Pride" D - 8 Robert Stevens - Recognition of Bowmanville Along Highway 401 D - 9 James Slyfield - Proposed Realignment of Middle Road D - 10 Dr. Debra Jefferson - Request to Engage Peer Reviewers - Final and Amended Waste (Incinerator) EA Documents D - 11 Kerry Meydam - Durham/York Energy-From-Waste D - 12 Stephanie Cappuccitti - Request for Extension to Building Permit D - 13 Gordon McCallum, The Memorial of Heroes - Draft proposal for Landscaped Memorial Adjacent to the "Highway of Heroes" COMMITTEE REPORT(S) 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 18, 2010 Council Agenda - 4 - January 25, 2010 STAFF REPORT(S) 1. Report CAO-003-10 - Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION 1. Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson Whereas good management and prudence dictate that any organization review and retain or change, as appropriate, its business practices; and whereas the Municipality of Clarington must deal with legal issues of growing complexity and volume and the costs associated with these issues. Therefore be it resolved that a report be prepared within eight weeks by our CAO Frank Wu and the Municipal Solicitor Dennis Hefferon to consider the current policies and practices of the legal services provided to the Municipality of Clarington with a view to retaining those policies and practices that serve the Municipality well and suggestions for improvements and potential cost savings where prudent and appropriate. 2. Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster WHEREAS the lower tier Municipalities of Oshawa, Ajax and Pickering in the last municipal election placed a referendum question on the ballot to poll the question of direct election of the Durham Regional Chairman; WHEREAS the public supported direct election in those municipalities at 88 percent of electorate support; WHEREAS changing the process of electing the Regional Chairman needs a vote of the new Regional Council after the municipal election in order to request the Province to change the Municipal Act. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington place a referendum question on the ballot to poll the question of direct election of the Durham Regional Chair, and; THAT this resolution be copied to all Municipalities in Durham and; THAT Whitby, Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge be encouraged to place a similar question on the ballot for the 2010 election. Council Agenda - 5 - January 25, 2010 3. Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Resolution #C-622-09, as amended, as it relates to the method of counting ballots during the 2010 Municipal Election be reconsidered, to allow for the following motion to be introduced: 'THAT vote tabulating equipment be utilized for the 2010 Municipal Election'." UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Item 12 of Report #1 (Staff Report CLD-001-1 0 - Sale of Fireworks - Perfect Party Place) (Tabled by Council on January 11, 2010) 2. Resolution #C-013-1 0 (Tabled by Council on January 11, 2010) Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Resolution GPA-351-09 which approves Pay Equity for the Non-Affiliated staff be amended to rescind the following clause: That in order to maintain pay equity Department Heads and Emergency Services Deputies be adjusted by the recognition pay value if awarded to the Fire Association employees at 3%, 6% and 9% effective January 1, 2010 without retroactivity to prior years; and THAT the remaining clauses of the resolution remain unaltered. BY -LAWS NOTICES OF MOTION OTHER INFORMATION CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT ~l!mgton Council Meeting Minutes JANUARY 11, 2010 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on January 11,2010 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Woo led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Absent: Absent: Also Present: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim - Councillor W. Woo Councillor M. Novak Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Engineering Services, 1. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Later in the meeting, Mayor Abernethy stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1 (f) of Report #1. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Foster announced that he and Councillor Hooper attended Dr. G. J. MacGillivray Public School Young Rotarian Early Act Club for children in grade- school. Councillor Hooper announced a Spaghetti Dinner fundraising event will be held on January 22,2010, at LeSkratch in Oshawa to aid the victims of the New Year's Day fire at the Bowmanville Co-op. Councillor Hooper extended appreciation to the Red Cross who provided assistance to the residents. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - January 11, 2010 Resolution #C-001-1 0 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on December 14,2009 and the minutes of a special meeting of Council held on December 16, 2009, be approved. "CARRI ED" PRESENTATIONS There were no Presentations considered under this Section of the Agenda. DELEGATIONS There were no Delegations considered under this Section of the Agenda. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-002-1 0 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Item I - 4. "CARRIED" I - 1 Minutes of the Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities dated July 20, September 11, September 25 and November 5, 2009 I - 2 Minutes of the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee dated December 1, 2009 I - 3 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated December 8, 2009 I - 5 Gary Toft, Director of Communications, Office of the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario) announcing the launch of Intake Two of The Community Adjustment Fund supporting economic recovery and job creation; advising that community organizations, small to medium- sized businesses, municipalities, aboriginal organizations and colleges and universities that have been affected by the global recession can now apply for funding; and, indicating that applications for funding in 2010-11 will be accepted from December 15, 2009 to January 18, 2010. Applications are available at www.southernontario.gc.ca . Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - January 11, 2010 I - 6 Diane Ploss, Policy Advisor, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, forwarding information on the 2009 Ontario Tourism Event Marketing Partnership Program, (TEMPP) a program to assist in the marketing of a selection of tourism events and festivals across the Province; outlining program objectives, project criteria and funding levels; and, indicating that applications for funding must be received four months prior to the date of the tourism event. Further information is available at www.tourismpartners.com. 1-7 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on December 16, 2009, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to 2011 Census Geographic Convergence Project - Inclusion of the Durham Road Network File: "a) THAT Regional Council request Statistics Canada to include the Region of Durham's Road Network File in the 2011 Census Geographic Convergence Project; and b ) THAT a copy of Report #2009-P-79 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Area Municipalities and Durham MP's for their information." 1-8 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on December 16, 2009, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to 2010 Interim Property Tax Levy: "a) THAT a 2010 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be imposed on the Area Municipalities for all property tax classes; b ) THAT the amount due from each Area Municipality to be equivalent to 50% of their respective share of the estimated Regional Property Taxes collected in 2009; c) THAT the 2010 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be paid by the Area Municipalities seven days subsequent to the installment due dates established by each Area Municipality for the collection of their respective interim municipal property taxes; d) THAT the Regional Clerk be requested to advise the Area Municipalities of the 2010 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy for all property tax classes; and e) THAT the requisite by-law be approved." Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - January 11, 2010 1-9 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on December 16, 2009, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to the timetable for approval of the 2010 Regional Business Plans, detailed budgets and public notification provisions: "a ) THAT the following dates for approval of the 2010 Business Plans and Budgets for Property Tax Purposes by Standing Committees and Council be confirmed: Plannin Committee Works Committee Health & Social Services Committee Finance & Administration Committee Re ional Council Februa 2,2010 Februa 3,2010 February 4, 2010 February 9, 10 & 11 (if required), 2010 Februa 17,2010 b) THAT staff be authorized to notify the public of Regional Council's intention to adopt the 2010 Regional Business Plans and Budget for General Property Tax Purposes, the Police Services Board and Outside Agencies, Regional Transit and Solid Waste Management at its regularly scheduled meeting of February 17, 2010; and c) THAT a copy of Report #2009-F-101 be forwarded to the Police Services Board, the Conservation Authorities, other Outside Agencies and the local Area Municipalities." I - 10 Tara Alkhalisi, Project Coordinator, DurhamIYork Residual Waste Study, forwarding a copy of the Addendum to the EA Study Document (as amended November 27,2009), to be made available for public inspection. I - 11 The Honourable Lisa Raitt, P.C., M.P., Minister of Natural Resources, Canada, informing Council of the Government's decision to invite investors to submit proposals for the commercial reactor division of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL); highlighting a number of key objectives to guide the restructuring process of AECL including the decision to internally re-organize AECL by separating the commercial reactor division (CANDU Inc.) and the Research and Technology Division (RTD) and to invite proposals from companies to invest in CANDU Inc.; and, indicating that the Government believes that strategic investment in CANDU Inc. will make it more competitive at home and abroad, give it global scale, lead to new opportunities for the Canadian Nuclear Industry and to position Canada's nuclear industry to retain high-skilled jobs and create new job opportunities in the future. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - January 11, 2010 I - 12 Chief Constable Mike Ewles, Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS), announcing that in 2010, DRPS will be implementing a number of changes that will enhance frontline service, specifically in the area of emergency response and neighbourhood problem-solving; indicating the revised patrol map and new work zone areas will be based on five areas: West Division (formerly 19 Division), Central West Division (formerly 18 Division), Central East Division (formerly 17 Division), East Division (formerly 16 Division) and North Division (formerly 15 Division); attaching a diagram of boundaries; and, forwarding copies of the 2008-2010 Strategic Business Plan and 2008 Annual Report. I - 13 Tania Laverty, Manager, Communications, Region of Durham, News Release dated December 16, 2009, announcing the adoption of the Region's 2010 Accessibility Plan, based on information contained in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 which aims to remove and prevent barriers for people with disabilities, especially through the incorporation of five standards: customer service, information and communications, transportation, employment, and built environment. Copies of the Plan are available from the Region's website at www.durham.ca. 1-14 P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on December 16, 2009, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to regulations to the Green Enerqy and Green Economy Act, 2009 and Renewable Energy Project approvals process: "a) THAT Joint Report #2009-J-49 be received for information; and b ) THAT a copy of Joint Report #2009-J-49 be forwarded to the Durham Area Municipalities for their information." 1- 15 Rebecca Evans, President, Durham Region Home Builders Association, writing to Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, advising several members of the Association have received requests for payment of Development Charges for sanitary sewerage services in accordance with subdivision agreements and noting that draws will be taken from existing letters of credit if payments are not received; and, requesting a temporary hold of this process to allow representatives to discuss an equitable means to manage these conditions which will be essential to the regeneration of the building industry in Durham. Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - January 11, 2010 I - 16 The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and the Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, announcing the release of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) allocations for 2010; acknowledging that the $709 million provided in respect of OMPF mitigation was special one-time assistance for 2009 and that requests for 2010 would be considered in the context of the province's worsening fiscal situation; indicating that the government will not be providing full mitigation beyond 2009 but will provide $25 million in transitional assistance for 2010 only and suggesting that municipalities should continue to exercise prudent fiscal management in their future budget planning. Further details on the 2010 OMPF will be provided to Municipal Treasurers in the near future and is also available at www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/budget/ ompf/2010/. I - 17 D. Jeffrey Dea, Project Officer, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment, forwarding copies of the Notice of Completion of Ministry Review and the Ministry Review of the 407 East Environmental Assessment for public review, outlining the procedure for making a submission or requesting a hearing on the application; and advising that submissions or requests for hearing must be received by the Ministry of the Environment by January 29,2010. I - 4 Winter Warmth Media Release dated December 1, 2009, announcing the United Way and local utility partners launch of the 2009-2010 Winter Warmth Program, an initiative that helps financially struggling families and individuals to pay their energy bills during the cold winter months; listing participating local utility companies; and, directing inquiries to call centres at participating utilities who will advise customers about how to apply for the program and direct them to the appropriate agency. Resolution #C-003-1 0 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item I - 4, regarding the 2009-2010 Winter Warmth Program, be received for information. "CARRI ED" Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - January 11, 2010 CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-004-1 0 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 9 be approved as per the agenda. "CARRIED" D - 1 Gene S. Ponniah, expressing concern with the manner in which a municipal by-law complaint regarding wet leaves from a neighbouring property was interpreted under current by-laws; the limited scope taken by the Officer in pursuing the complaint; and, offering suggested amendments to various by-laws to aid in enforcement, to address standards for the maintenance of all properties and to address isolated shortcomings. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk) D - 2 Meg Lush forwarding a petition to stop the closing or relocation of the daycare operated by Helena Diogo and the sitters at 10 Rickaby in Bowmanville due to having too many children. The correspondence indicates there have been no previous complaints and the operators provide a safe, loving and convenient environment to a number of children who will be uprooted from their routines, their friends and comfort zone by the Order. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk) D - 3 Bill and Terry Thompson expressing concern with comments made by Guiseppe Braccia at the Council meeting of December 14, 2009, concerning Mitchells Corners; indicating that Mr. Braccia was not speaking on behalf of all residents of Mitchells Corners as many residents are against the construction of sidewalks and sewers and that those who signed the petition thought it was just to have the ditches filled in; and, questioning what steps can be taken to oppose Mr. Braccia's request. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Engineering Services) Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - January 11, 2010 D - 4 Marc Van Herwijnen advising he is not in support of sewers and sidewalks being constructed on Trulls Road in Mitchells Corners and suggesting that speed bumps be installed on Trulls Road to reduce speeding north of Pebblestone Road and south of Taunton Road to address safety concerns. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Engineering Services) D - 5 Lou Politano, P.Eng., Regional Director, Ministry of Transportation, responding to Council's correspondence regarding the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study for the widening of Highway 401 from Salem Road to Brock Street in the Towns of Ajax and Whitby; urging the Minister to work closely with the Region to ensure that the design for the sidewalks on the bridges meet the proposed standard within the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) legislation being a minimum width of 1.8 meters; advising that the Ministry's practice for sidewalks on bridges requires that the width of the sidewalk crossing a bridge matches the width of the sidewalk on the approach road; and, indicating that the Ministry will consult with Regional and Municipal staff to ensure that the proposed works meet design standards and can be compatible with municipal plans, and that exact widths and financial responsibility will be further addressed with staff during the assignment. (Correspondence referred to the Ac~essibility Advisory Committee) D - 6 Grant Algar requesting an extension to Building Permit No. 08.0509 for 4327 Fices Road until April 30, 2010, due to problems resulting from a wet summer, early winter with cold temperatures, lack of available trades and delayed siding. (THAT Grant Algar be granted an extension for the use of temporary living quarters at 4327 Fices Road until April 30, 2010 subject to the signing of a further letter of undertaking) D - 7 Keith Isnor, Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board, requesting $2,000 from the Sturch Estate in the Bowmanville Museum Reserve Funds to purchase storage bins for the doll and toy collection at Clarington Museums and Archives. (Request approved for $2,000 from the Sturch Estate in the Bowmanville Museum Reserve Funds) Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - January 11, 2010 D-8 D-9 D - 10 D - 11 Allen Eidsness expressing concern with vehicles parked on Dale Park Drive during the daytime and overnight creating a safety issue, particularly during the winter when snowbanks reduce the travelled portion of the roadway making it difficult, and occasionally, impossible to drive down the street; suggesting that "No Parking" signs be installed on Dale Park Drive; also expressing concern with cars parked on Varcoe Road creating an unsafe situation for drivers exiting from Dale Park Drive onto Varcoe Road to see southbound traffic on Varcoe Road due to vehicles parked on the east side of Varcoe Road, and suggesting that the "No Parking" sign be moved northward to create a safer intersection. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Engineering Services) Linda Duffie, Immediate Past President, Lions Club of Bowmanville, requesting the week commencing May 15, 2010, be declared "Lions Club of Bowmanville" Week, in Clarington in recognition of the Club's 75th Anniversary of community service to the municipality. (Proclaimed) The Township of Mapleton advising Council that on December 8, 2009, the Township of Mapleton adopted the following resolution pertaining to wind energy projects in the Village of Arthur: "WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Mapleton has received a petition of 250+ citizens with concerns about health issues and ground water protection; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Mapleton hereby request that the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Environment issue a moratorium on wind energy projects until a health study has been completed by an independent third party; AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the County of Wellington and other municipalities within the County of Wellington for their support and endorsement, as well as the Association of Municipalities of Ontario." Ric McGee, Mayor, City of Kawartha Lakes, advising Council that on October 27,2009, the City of Kawartha Lakes adopted the following resolution pertaining to wind turbines: "WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has recently passed the Green Enerqy Act: and WHEREAS the Township of Manvers in the City of Kawartha Lakes has been identified for wind farm development; and Council Meeting Minutes - 10- January 11, 2010 WHEREAS currently a number of wind turbine development companies have publicly signaled a desired presence; and WHEREAS wind-generated power is an established source of renewable energy being created globally; and WHEREAS there are legitimate concerns and studies relating to alternative energy sources put forward from various sources that have expressed concerns regarding health, safety and economic impacts for those living close to developed sites; and WHEREAS discrepancy exists on the health effects potentially created by the presence of industrial wind turbines; and WHEREAS this discrepancy on the potential health effects is proving to be destructive and divisive to the social and cultural fabric of rural communities; and WHEREAS other Ontario municipalities, have passed resolutions expressing concern with respect to the health effects associated with wind turbines; and WHEREAS with the passage of the Green Enerqy Act, the Municipality is excluded from the input and decision making process relating to the location, setbacks, etc. and this impacts on the municipality's ability to address the public concern and control good planning principles throughout the municipality; and WHEREAS the right of an individual to appeal the location and placement of alternative energy sources such as wind turbines and solar panels has been removed with the passage of the Green Enerqy Act; and WHEREAS the proposed study areas of windmill projects may include or abut schools; residential areas; conservation areas and the Oak Ridges Moraine; and WHEREAS populated and publicly owned and occupied lands are being identified for industrial wind turbine development; and WHEREAS the guidelines for the Green Enerqy Act do not specify whether the infrastructure costs related to the windmill projects will be covered by the province, the municipality or the wind companies; and WHEREAS in many other jurisdictions the required setbacks range between 1.5 km and 2 km; Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - January 11, 2010 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Kawartha Lakes requests in advance of the issuance of any permits and the commencement or continuance of any projects that the appropriate Provincial Health Officials conduct a study of the adverse health effects now being experienced where windmill projects are fully operational to determine the possible adverse health effects; a full environmental study be done to determine the possible impact on the conservation areas and the Oak Ridges Moraine and that an independent economic impact study be done to determine all related potential costs that will be incurred by the Municipality and the effect on property values in the affected areas; THAT this resolution be forwarded with a request for action and support to: The Ontario Ministries of Health, Environment and Energy, Chief Medical Officer of Canada, Chief Medical Officer of Ontario, Medical Officers of Health at Public Health Units, Environment Canada, Environmental Commissioner, Health Canada, all MPPs and MPs, The Premier's Office, The Prime Minister's Office, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM); and THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities and native territories in Ontario requesting their support." Resolution #C-005-1 0 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the resolutions from the Township of Mapleton and the City of Kawartha Lakes, with respect to wind energy projects, be endorsed. "CARRIED" D - 12 Mayor Rick Bonnette, Town of Halton Hills, advising Council that on June 29,2009, the Town of Halton Hills adopted the following resolution pertaining to disposition of surplus real property: "WHEREAS Ontario's Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement, the Places to Grow Act etc. recognizes that in order to accommodate future population growth, support economic prosperity and achieve a high quality of life for all Ontarians, planning must occur in a rational and strategic way; Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - January 11, 2010 AND WHEREAS the Government of Ontario recognizes within its Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc. that an integrated and coordinated approach to making decisions about growth across all levels of government will contribute to maximizing the value of public investments; AND WHEREAS a key purpose of Ontario's Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc., is to enable decisions about growth to be made in ways that sustain a robust economy, build strong communities and promote a healthy environment and a culture of conservation; AND WHEREAS Ontario's Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc. encourages municipalities, conservation authorities, non government organizations and other interested parties to develop a system of publicly accessible parkland, open space, trails, and recreation areas within the Greater Golden Horseshoe; AND WHEREAS Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc. encourages municipalities to establish an urban open space system within built- up areas, which may include rooftop gardens, communal courtyards, public parks and recreational areas; AND WHEREAS the sale of existing public green space or active or passive parkland associated with school sites declared surplus, in whole or in part, by local school boards solely for redevelopment fundamentally undermines the intent, purpose and spirit of Ontario's Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc. as identified above; AND WHEREAS a large majority of existing public green space or active or passive parkland associated with school sites and owned by local school boards have been in use by the public for decades and have become significant elements of that community's system of publicly accessible parkland, open space, trails and recreation areas and have been the subject of formal joint use/reciprocal use agreements between school boards and municipalities; Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - January 11, 2010 AND WHEREAS local school boards indicate they are constrained in their consideration of innovative, community oriented, or future focused opportunities for the disposal of surplus property necessary to meet the purpose, intent and spirit of the Provincial Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc. because of Ontario Regulation 444/98 (Disposition of Surplus Real Property) and in particular the Provincial Government's requirement that an "offer must be for sale, lease or otherwise dispose of the property at fair market value; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Government of Ontario immediately amend Ontario Regulation 444/98 (Disposition of Surplus Real Property) to require meaningful consideration of innovative, community oriented and/or future focused opportunities for the disposal of surplus properties intended to meet the purpose intent and spirit of Provincial Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc. by supporting a municipality's system of publicly accessible parkland, open space, trails, and recreational areas; AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Government of Ontario and the Ministry of Education direct local school boards to explore innovative, community oriented and/or future focused opportunities for the disposal of surplus properties within local municipalities on a 'first right of refusal basis' in order to meet the purpose, intent and spirit of Provincial Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc. by supporting a municipality's system of publicly accessible parkland, open space, trails and recreational areas; AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Government of Ontario and the Ministry of Education introduce sufficient flexibility in the Ontario Regulation 444/98 (Disposition of Surplus Real Property) requirement for local school boards to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of property at fair market value by permitting the sale, lease or otherwise disposal at significantly less than fair market value based on highest or best development use to enable those projects to meet the purpose, intent and spirit of Provincial Planning Legislation including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow Act etc. by supporting a municipality's system of publicly accessible parkland, open space, trails and recreational areas; AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Education, all local municipalities in Halton, AMO, and local MPP Ted Arnott for consideration, endorsement and implementation. Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - January 11, 2010 Resolution #C-006-1 0 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the resolution from the Town of Halton Hills, with respect to the disposition of surplus real property, be endorsed. D - 13 "CARRIED" Mayor David Guergis, Township of Essa, forwarding a resolution adopted by the Township of Essa calling for an independent third- party review of the NVCA, their local Conservation Authority, in response to escalating costs and the steady stream of new restrictions, new permit fees and studies required to develop in their municipality; advising his goal is to see the planning part of the Conservation Authority be amalgamated into the upper tier to eliminate multi levels of costly bureaucracy leaving conservation staff to focus on repairing watersheds, building public and private partnerships to plant trees, stabilize river banks, improve spawning beds, etc.; acknowledging that his motion is specific to NVCA and indicating that he has been requested to circulate the motion by his area colleagues; and, suggesting that if other jurisdictions have strained relationships with their Conservation Authorities, now is the time to deal with it. Resolution #C-007-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the resolution from the Township of Essa, with respect to conservation authorities, be received for information. D - 14 "CARRI ED" P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on December 16, 2009, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to Memorandum from Dr. Robert Kyle, Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health, dated December 3, 2009 Re: Lambton County Council Resolution: "a) THAT the following recommendations of the Lambton County Council dated October 7, 2009, with respect to restructuring of health care in rural and northern communities, be endorsed: 'THAT the County of Lambton support the resolution concerning a moratorium on major health care restructuring as follows: Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - January 11, 2010 WHEREAS the Health and Long-Term Care Minister recently appointed a Small and Rural and Northern Health Care Panel to review and better coordinate access to health care services in Rural and Northern Ontario; WHEREAS to call for a moratorium on the restructuring of health care services in rural and small communities to be imposed upon each Local Health Integration Network in the Province of Ontario until such time as a province-wide review process has been conducted. The Ontario College of Family Physicians, Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, Rural Section of the Ontario Medical Association and the Society of Rural Physicians have endorsed this call; WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient for small, rural and northern Municipalities to call upon the government to impose a moratorium on any further reductions to health care services in rural and northern communities; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Lambton County Council that it hereby petitions the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario and the Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care to impose a moratorium upon each Local Health Integration Network to prevent any further reductions and/or restructuring in health care services in rural and northern communities in the Province of Ontario until such time as a Province-wide review process has been conducted, resulting in the following action: 1. The urgent establishment of knowledgeable representation, similar to those involved in the Rural and Northern Health Care Framework, to provide recommendations to the LHINs regarding the role and future of emergency departments and small hospitals; 2. The adoption of the standards that have been developed identifying the services that are required to provide emergency care; 3. The identification of how many emergency departments are needed in each community and in each LHIN; Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - January 11, 2010 4. The adoption of standards regarding the level of services that should be available in local ru ral hospitals to support the health care needs of the local population; 5. The adoption of standards regarding the level of services that should be available to local communities to provide the non-hospital based services that are required to meet the health care needs of the local population; 6. The implementation of a system to ensure accessibility to regional services (London) that are deemed necessary to support local delivery systems; 7. The implementation of standards regarding EMS availability in the event of a closure of an emergency department; THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to all small, rural and northern Municipalities in the Province of Ontario for support; and further, THAT the Ontario Ombudsman and Auditor General are so notified of this action as well as all other appropriate persons and local Members of Parliament.'; and b) THAT the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Durham's MPPs and municipalities, and Lambton County Council be so advised." Resolution #C-008-1 0 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the Region of Durham, with respect to the Memorandum from Dr. Robert Kyle, Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health, dated December 3,2009 Re: Lambton County Council Resolution, be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 15 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that on December 15, 2009, the City of Kingston adopted the following resolution pertaining to exemption of electricity sales from Provincial portion of harmonized sales tax: Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - January 11, 2010 "WHEREAS Ontario's 2009 budget has proposed to harmonize sales taxes, the implementation of which will apply to electricity rates starting July 1, 2010, having the effect of increasing electricity rates by 8% across the Province; and WHEREAS this increase in taxation on electricity bills will provide undue hardship to the residents and businesses of Ontario, particularly middle and low income families who are being hard pressed during the current economic recession due to reduced incomes and job losses and small businesses that are struggling to stay financially viable; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to exempt electricity sales from the provincial portion of the single harmonized sales tax; AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to all Ontario municipalities with a population over 50,000 for their support; AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Premier, Deputy Premier/Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Minister of Finance, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the AMO." Resolution #C-009-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the resolution from the City of Kingston, with respect to exemption of electricity sales from Provincial portion of harmonized sales tax, be endorsed. "CARRI ED" COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report January 4, 2010. Resolution #C-O 10-10 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 4,2010 be approved, with the exception of Items #1 (f) and #12. "CARRI ED" Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - January 11, 2010 Mayor Abernethy stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1 (f) of Report #1 - Delegation of Mr. Richard Ward Regarding Ongoing Property Issues. Mr. Ward's delegation also included reference to the compliance audit of John . Mutton; therefore, Mayor Abernethy stated the pecuniary interest as one of the individuals who brought the complaint forward against the individual at the centre of the Compliance Audit was a member of his 2006 Election Campaign, and he competed for the position he now holds with the individual who is at the centre of the Compliance Audit. Mayor Abernethy vacated the Chair and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Deputy Mayor Trim chaired the remainder of the meeting. Item 1 (f) Resolution #C-011-1 0 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegation of Richard Ward, regarding ongoing property issues, be received for information. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE": Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Pecuniary Interest Mavor Abernethy ~ Councillor Foster ~ Councillor Hooper ~ Councillor Novak ~ Councillor Robinson ~ Councillor Woo ~ Councillor Trim ~ Item 12 Resolution #C-012-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Item 12 of Report #1 (Staff Report CLD-001-10) be tabled until the next regular Council meeting. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - January 11, 2010 STAFF REPORT(S) There were no reports considered under this section of the Agenda. BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION Resolution #C-013-1 0 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Resolution GPA-351-09 which approves Pay Equity for the Non-Affiliated staff be amended to rescind the following clause: That in order to maintain pay equity Department Heads and Emergency Services Deputies be adjusted by the recognition pay value if awarded to the Fire Association employees at 3%,6% and 9% effective January 1,2010 without retroactivity to prior years; and THAT the remaining clauses of the resolution remain unaltered. "TABLED LATER IN THE MEETING" Resolution #C-014-1 0 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of considering personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees. "CARRI ED" The meeting resumed in open session at 8:04 p.m. The Deputy Mayor advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed. Council Meeting Minutes - 20- January 11, 2010 Resolution #C-015-1 0 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-013-1 0 be tabled until the next regular Council meeting. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE": Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Pecuniary Interest Mavor Abernethv ..J Councillor Foster ..J Councillor Hooper ..J Councillor Novak ..J Councillor Robinson ..J Councillor Woo ..J Councillor Trim ..J UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-O 16-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Addendum 2 to Report PSD-067-09 be received; THAT Report PSD-067-09 be tabled until the April 12, 2010 meeting of Council; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-067 -09 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" BY -LAWS Resolution #C-017-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2010-001 to 2010-005 inclusive; 2010-001 Being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year 2010 Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - January 11, 2010 2010-002 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle [Bowmanville Investments Inc. (Smart Centres)] 2010-003 Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owner(s) of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2001-002, any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands and the Municipality of Clarington in respect of S-C-2001-002 2010-004 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of the New Memorandum of Understanding between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Valleys 2000 (Bowmanville) Inc. 2010-005 Being a by-law to amend By-law 96-32, as amended, to require the payment of fees to file an appeal to a Property Standards Order THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" NOTICE OF MOTION a) Councillor Foster and Councillor Robinson gave notice that they will be introducing the following motion aUhe next Council meeting: "Whereas good management and prudence dictate that any organization review and retain or change, as appropriate, its business practices; and whereas the Municipality of Clarington must deal with legal issues of growing complexity and volume and the costs associated with these issues. Therefore be it resolved that a report be prepared within eight weeks by our CAO Frank Wu and the Municipal Solicitor Dennis Hefferon to consider the current policies and practices of the legal services provided to the Municipality of Clarington with a view to retaining those policies and practices that serve the Municipality well and suggestions for improvements and potential cost savings where prudent and appropriate." b) Councillor Robinson and Councillor Foster gave notice that they will be introducing the following motion at the next Council meeting: "WHEREAS the lower tier Municipalities of Oshawa, Ajax and Pickering in the last municipal election placed a referendum question on the ballot to poll the question of direct election of the Durham Regional Chairman; Council Meeting Minutes - 22- January 11, 2010 WHEREAS the public supported direct election in those municipalities at 88 percent of electorate support; . WHEREAS changing the process of electing the Regional Chairman needs a vote of the new Regional Council after the municipal election in order to request the Province to change the Municipal Act. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington place a referendum question on the ballot to poll the question of direct election of the Durham Regional Chair, and; THAT this resolution be copied to all Municipalities in Durham and; THAT Whitby, Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge be encouraged to place a similar question on the ballot for the 2010 election." c) Councillor Woo and Councillor Foster gave notice that they will be introducing the following motion at the next Council meeting: "THAT Resolution #C-622-09, as amended, as it relates to the method of counting ballots during the 2010 Municipal Election be reconsidered, to allow for the following motion to be introduced: 'THAT vote tabulating equipment be utilized for the 2010 Municipal Election'." OTHER INFORMATION Councillor Robinson questioned whether the Host Community Agreement for the Energy-From-Waste Facility has been executed by the Region. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that he forwarded the agreement to the Region in the late summer/early fall with minor changes. He stated the Region has not acted upon the Agreement to date as they are concentrating their efforts in working out a contract with the vendor; but indicated that despite the agreement not being formally executed, both Clarington and Regional Councils have approved the agreement and staff is moving forward as if the agreement had been executed. Councillor Foster extended congratulations to staff of the Mayor's Office for organizing the Mayor's Levee. He suggested that in future, a coordinated open house be investigated with the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Representatives and School Board Trustees to allow the public to meet all representatives at one event. Mayor Abernethy stated a pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from voting on the Confirming By-law. Council Meeting Minutes - 23- January 11, 2010 CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-O 18-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2010-006, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 11 th day of January 2010; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-019-1 0 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:14 p.m. "CARRIED" MAYOR MUNICIPAL CLERK DRAFT LIST OF DELEGATIONS January 25, 2010 a) Sheila Hall, Clarington Board of Trade - Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show (Staff Report #1) b) John Mutton - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) c) Kerry Meydam on behalf of Jim Richards - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Correspondence Item D - 2 and Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) d) Bruce Wood - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Correspondence Item D - 4 and Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) e) Gordon McCallum, The Memorial of Heroes - Landscape Memorial Adjacent to the "Highway of Heroes" (Correspondence Item D - 13) SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE January 25, 2010 CORRESPONDENCE TO BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION I - 1 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated December 10, 2009. (Copy attached) I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated November 11,2009. (Copy attached) I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated November 17, 2009. (Copy attached) I - 4 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board dated December 14, 2009. (Copy attached) I - 5 Linda Gasser and Louis Bertrand, writing to the Durham Works Committee expressing concern that neither Councillors, the public and/or EA reviewers appear to be receiving accurate information about the study progress and costs; that due to the piecemeal revisions and erratic release of documents, it is very difficult for reviewers to get a comprehensive view of the project as a whole and its potential impacts; that the additional billable hours required to finalize the EA study, the additional work preparing responses to initial review period comments, amended documents and amended appendices and addendum will result in significant unanticipated consulting fees and costs to Durham taxpayers; and, requesting the Regional Works Committee to direct staff and the project team to prepare a detailed report listing all amended and revised documents, explaining the rationale for all changes, showing the additional project expenditures beyond those set out in the Commissioner of Works' memo dated November 20th, to provide a realistic forecast of estimated expenses to obtain EA approval and Certificates of Approval, should the EA be approved" and to clearly describe the impact of the latest study changes past the project extension granted by the Ministry of the Environment on project timelines. Summary of Correspondence - 2 - January 25, 2010 1-6 Doug Reycraft, Chair, Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario (MEPCO), indicating in 2006, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) was appointed as the sponsor representative for municipal government employers for the OMERS Pension Plan creating MEPCO; advising that MEPCO has and will continue to develop well-informed and well-researched proposals for Plan changes; indicating that MEPCO, along with other Plan sponsors, are asking the government for relief from the solvency requirement for this public sector pension plan, a practical step that would immediately improve the overall health of the Plan; advising that MEPCO will remain focused on what long-term funding strategy for the Plan could look like, will be mindful of the significant role that investments play in concert with benefit and contribution decisions; and, hoping that MEPCO can count on financial support from all municipal employers to allow them to continue to represent municipal government employers interests. I - 7 Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade & Office of Economic Development, endorsing support once again for the New Nuclear Build at Darlington; advising that with the CANDU reactor division of AECL being put up for sale, time will be of the essence and it will be critical for Ontario to encourage continued movement in this process to allow the project to move forward with the work done to date; highlighting the predicted economic boost for Clarington, Durham Region, and the Province and the need to keep the momentum going for these investments to flourish, help Ontario's economy blossom in these hard times and to provide high quality jobs; trusting that required decisions and discussions to keep this project moving forward are well underway; and, offering to help facilitate discussions to advance this critical project. I - 8 Gerry Waterhouse, Site Manager, Nuclear Logistics Inc. Canada, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, indicating that as a business situated within the chosen host community for the New Nuclear Build in Darlington, Nuclear Logistics Inc. Canada is continuing to prepare for the economic stimulus this project will inject into Ontario, Durham Region and the Municipality of Clarington; indicating Ontario's opportunities for job creation, export opportunities and business expansion through this project are tremendous and will prove to be a motivator for all industries; applauding the government for the direction it is following to ensure that the Province's energy demands are met in the long term; and, trusting that required decisions and discussions to keep this project moving forward are well underway and that they will hear in the near future that the project will soon be moving forward. Summary of Correspondence - 3 - January 25, 2010 I - 9 Peter Hume, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), highlighting AMO's 2009 successes in advancing public policy that serves communities and property taxpayers, and in developing programs through their corporation, Local Authority Services, which help to stretch tax dollars; advising the Board will continue its policy and advocacy work on environmental fronts and will protect the financial gains made over the years; indicating the Board has approved a modest increase of 1.5% in membership for 2010 and advising that the theme for the Annual Conference is "Propelling Economic Prosperity" and hoping municipal officials will attend to garner new ideas and to explore innovations to community well-being; and, hoping that the Association can count on the municipality's membership support in 2010. I - 10 Linda Gasser forwarding a copy of her delegation to the Durham Works Committee of January 13, 2010, regarding the Amended Incinerator EA process and costs, expressing concern that correspondence regarding the incinerator is often redirected by staff and not always made available to decision-makers in a timely manner; that Council appears not to have a good understanding of the Amended EA study status and prospects for approval and don't appear overly concerned with errors or the costs to address them; requesting two more items be considered, subsequent to her January 7th letter, requesting that the Project Team be directed to update the Project Website to reflect the latest extension request and related review timelines and to explain the EA review process and possible Ministry responses to the Amended EA so that Council may anticipate what action Committees/Council may need to take in the near future; and, requesting that the Works Commissioner provide written updates any time an EA review extension is requested and to describe the reasons and provide copies of letters to the Ministry as well as their responses. 1-11 Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Economic Development Officer, Clarington Board of Trade, providing an update on the activities that the Board of Trade and Office of Economic Development have undertaken over the past year regarding the New Nuclear Build Project at Darlington including attraction of Nuclear industry businesses from outside Clarington and educating the existing business community regarding opportunities for diversification; maintaining communication with Ontario Power Generation's New Nuclear Division, AECL, Infrastructure Ontario and the Organization of Candu Industries (OCI); hosting the first Energy Summit which attracted over 100 people representing a mix of OCI membership, Clarington businesses and individuals from the development Summary of Correspondence - 4 - January 25, 2010 community, forwarding correspondence to over 20 political officials and stakeholders on behalf of the Board of Trade expressing appreciation for the investment opportunity for Clarington, and encouraging their partners to send a similar letter on behalf of their business or association; indicating an additional letter of support will be sent to the New Minister of Energy and Infrastructure once the appointment, expected in late January or early February, is made; and, advising they have been awarded $15,000 by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to provide a peer review on the socio-economic impact outlined in the Environmental Impact Study submitted by Ontario Power Generation, which will help to raise the profile of interest for the project at the Provincial and Federal levels of government. I - 12 Stuart Harrison, General Manager, Policy Committee, Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce, writing to the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada and the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, expressing concern that nearly two years ago, the Federal Government committed $150 million to refurbish the rail line between Havelock/Peterborough and Toronto which has yet to be spent; indicating that the funding is tied to the Build Canada Fund, and requires the signature of the Province of Ontario; acknowledging that the Province has commissioned a study by Metrolinx which will address aspects of the passenger service, which has yet to be released; providing an overview of the two key components to the rail line including freight and passenger service; and, recommending that the freight issues be separated from the passenger issues and that the refurbishment of the line begin, before the $150 million investment is lost. I - 13 Darlene Brown, Executive Director, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington, extending an invitation to participate in "Bowl for Kid's Sake" to be held February 16 to 22, 2010, at Liberty Bowl, in support of Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington programs. On-line registration and pledging is available at http://c1arinqton.kintera.orq/bfks or bowlers may collect pledges and bring pledge money to the bowling alley on the day of bowling. In 2009, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington reached more than 350 children with their innovative and creative programs and are committed to serving more children in 2010. Summary of Correspondence - 5 - January 25, 2010 1- 14 Leith Moore, Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) Chair, forwarding a copy of "Creating a More Efficient Development Approval Process: Municipal Best Practices, December 2009", a document developed in an effort to improve the efficiency of the municipal development approvals process and providing municipalities with the opportunity to identify efficiencies that will improve the process and deliver the municipal outcome while generating savings to the municipal taxpayer. I - 15 Jonah Kelly, Planning Department, Region of Durham, advising nominations are being accepted until March 1, 2010, for the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) Environmental Achievement Awards, a program established to recognize individual or group efforts in six award categories that promote, preserve and enhance Durham's natural environment. Nomination forms are available at www.durham.ca/deac or by contacting Jonah Kelly at 905-668-7711 . CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Lyle Goodin, Rotary Club of Bowmanville, advising of the 3rd Annual Rotary Ribfest to be held on the playing fields of the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex from June 11 to 13, 2010, and requesting permission to have a banner placed on the hydro poles, west of the railway during the week of May 17, 2010 and removed during the week of June 14,2010, in support of Rotary Ribfest. (Motion to approve installation of banner and to advise Veridian) D - 2 Jim Richards requesting Council support direct election of the Regional Chair and to place a question on the ballot in 2010 to let the electors decide; expressing concern that appointing the most senior municipal position, the Regional Chair, by elected Regional Councillors and not elected by the people is not democratic, fair or acceptable. (Motion to advise of Council's action regarding the placing of a referendum question on the ballot concerning Direct Election of the Regional Chair) Summary of Correspondence - 6 - January 25, 2010 D - 3 Dianne McKenzie, Executive Director, Epilepsy Durham Region, requesting that March be proclaimed "Epilepsy Awareness Month"; indicating their public awareness campaign "Wear Purple and Show You Care", is underway; and, encouraging participation by purchasing a ticket to attend their Charity Gala or by wearing purple on Friday, March 26, 2010 to support the more than 36,000 people living with epilepsy in Durham. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 4 Bruce Wood, President, Oshawa Ratepayers Association, advising that 88% of Oshawa citizens voted to have the Regional Chair elected by general vote of the electors in the last Municipal election with two other area municipalities voting similarly; and, requesting Clarlngton Council to reaffirm the public's sentiment in this regard. (Motion to advise of Council's action regarding the placing of a referendum question on the ballot concerning Direct Election of the Regional Chair) D - 5 J. Arthur Wynn, President, Newcastle/Bond Head Ratepayers' Association, expressing concern with the state of the boarded up properties on King Avenue at the east end of the Village; acknowledging that the Wall bridge House has been designated as an historical site but that it should not remain in its present condition indefinitely; and, advising Council that the Association adopted a resolution to notify the Municipality of concerns regarding the properties and hoping that any proposed suitable development would be supported and expedited by the Planning Services Department. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 6 Debbie Hunter, Office Administrator, MS Society, Durham Regional Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, advising the 2010 Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign will take place during Mother's Day Weekend and requesting approval for tag days to permit the MS Society to sell carnations on Friday, May 7 and Saturday, May 8, 2010, in support of on-going research into the cause and cure of MS and to provide assistance for persons with Multiple Sclerosis and their families. (Motion to grant permission to sell carnations on May 7 and May 8, 2010) Summary of Correspondence - 7 - January 25, 2010 D - 7 G. P. Carroll, P.Eng., President, Municipal Engineers Association, advising that 2009 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) Annual Workshop and to celebrate this occasion, the MEA has published a book of its history, entitled "Sharing With Pride" to be made available free to all municipalities in the Province in an effort to bring greater awareness of the role of municipal engineering in providing sustainable infrastructure; and. respectfully requesting that the book be placed in a municipal library for public reference. D-8 D-9 D - 10 (Motion to refer correspondence to the Chief Executive Officer/Library Director) Robert Stevens requesting that Bowmanville be recognized along Highway 401 on the south side of the highway in one of two locations; forwarding photographs of other municipal entrance features including Port Hope, Brighton, Cobourg, Belleville and Quinte West; and, forwarding a cheque in the amount of $1 ,000 to be used as seed money only to accomplish his request. (Motion to forward correspondence to the Ministry of Transportation and to John O'Toole, MPP) James Slyfield, expressing concern regarding the impacts of the proposed realignment of Middle Road on residents and properties in the 5th Concession resulting from Council's recommendation that Middle Road be kept open and bridged over the proposed Highway 407; requesting that Council respond to specific concerns highlighted in his letter to Council of September 21, 2009; indicating the proposal to extend both his and a neighbouring driveway are most troubling and suggesting that Clarington Council accept responsibility for compensation, accommodation or consideration regarding the matter; and, encouraging Council to withdraw their recommendation to keep Middle Road open and bridged. (Motion for Direction) Dr. Debra Jefferson, advising she has been monitoring the Waste Incinerator Environmental Assessment (EA) study since 2007 noting citizen reviewers have identified errors, omissions, information gaps in the final documents and that the Project Team has required three extensions to deal with the number of comments received and issues raised; that the final and amended EA documents are substantially different from what Durham Region Council approved on June 24, 2009 and from the draft EA documents that Clarington's peer reviewers submitted comments on last July; indicating that a second Summary of Correspondence - 8 - January 25, 2010 D - 11 D - 12 EA inspection period is scheduled to begin February 26, 2010, providing the last formal opportunity for review and comments and requesting that Council direct staff to engage peer reviewers to review the Final and Amended EA documents and that Clarington staff and Council receive professional advice around a formal submission during the second public inspection. (Motion for Direction) Kerry Meydam, expressing concern regarding recent developments with the Durham Energy-From-Waste EA and the overall EA process to date; stating there have been numerous valid concerns raised by residents and government reviewers during the process; indicating that a third extension and postponement of the MOE's formal review period for the Amended Durham/York Residual Waste Study EA has been granted and that the most recent version is very different from the version voted on by Regional Council on June 24, 2009; advising that residents are concerned that human health and the environment could be seriously impacted due to the deficiencies in the studies as well as the lack of opportunity by residents to respond formally to all amendments and addendums prior to release of the Ministry Review document ,due to the disorganized and incomplete way the entire EA is progressing; stating she feels that Clarington and its residents are at a disadvantage because of the early dismissal of the municipality's peer reviewers prior to the completion of the EA and long before all the changes to the EA documents since being submitted to the Province; and, requesting that Clarington Council reconsider the early dismissal and consider re-hiring the independent experts to review the final documentation prior to the Minister making a decision on this EA and that Council reconsider support of the incineration project until such time as a proper EA is completed with full documentations and local studies. (Motion for Direction) Stephanie Cappuccitti, requesting an extension to Building Permit #09.0271 for 4440 Courtice Road for an additional six months due to weather and unforeseen building problems. (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence - 9 - January 25, 2010 D - 13 Gordon McCallum, The Memorial of Heroes, forwarding a copy of a draft proposal for construction of a four seasons custom landscaped memorial, recognizing Canadian heroes who have fallen during the Afganistan conflict, adjacent to the "Highway of Heroes" in Bowmanville; and, requesting Council's assistance and suggestions that will help to obtain any necessary Federal and Provincial Government approvals to facilitate the construction. (Motion for Direction) GANARASKA REGION SOURCE PROTECTION AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE AUTHORITY 1- 1 December 10,2009 SPA 06/09 1. Welcome and Call to Order Vice Chair Ray Benns called the meeting to order at 8:45 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Raymond Benns, Vice Chair- Township of Alnwick!Haldimand Brian Fallis, Chair - Township of Cavan Monaghan Miriam Mutton - Town of Cobourg Bob Spooner - Town of Cobourg Mark Lovshin - Township of Hamilton Twila Marston - Township of Hamilton Cal Morgan - Municipality of Port Hope Linda Thompson - Municipality of Port Hope Gord Robinson - Municipality of Clarington Charlie Trim - Municipality of Clarington ALSO PRESENT: Linda Laliberte, CAO/Secretary- Treasurer Mark Peacock, Director, Watershed Services Pam Lancaster, Stewardship Technician ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Dave Marsh - City of Kawartha Lakes ALSO ABSENT: 2. Minutes of Last Meetinq SPA 26/09 MOVED BY: Cal Morgan SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin THAT the Ganaraska Region Source Protection Authority approve the minutes of the October 15,2009 meeting. CARRIED. 3. Adoption of the Aqenda SPA 27/09 MOVED BY: Gord Robinson SECONDED BY: Twila Marston THAT the agenda be adopted with additions. CARRIED. 4. Deleqations None .. Minutes SPA 06/09 Page 2 5. Presentations: None. 6. Reports for discussion: None 7. Correspondence: a) #7 cc. Ian Smith, Director, Ministry of the Environment Re: Extension Request for Submission of Trent Conservation Coalition Assessment Reports to the Ministry of the Environment. Note and file. SPA 28/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Linda Thompson Twila Marston THAT the Source Protection Authority receives correspondence item GRSPA#7 for information. CARRIED. 8. Other Business: a) Technical Rules: Assessment Report, November 16, 2009 SPA 29/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Bob Spooner Cal Morgan THAT the Source Protection Authority receives the Technical Rules: Assessment Report, November 16th, 2009 for information. CARRIED. b) Draft Assessment Report Chapters SPA 30/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Gord Robinson Twila Marston THAT the Source Protection Authority receives draft chapters of the Ganaraska Region Source Protection Area Assessment Report for information and optional review. CARRIED. c) Orono Water Supply System GUDI Status SPA 31/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Charlie Trim Cal Morgan THAT the Source Protection Authority receives this staff report regarding the Orono Water Supply System change in status (groundwater GUDI to Groundwater non-GUDI) Minutes SPA 06/09 Page 3 for information. CARRIED. d) Source Protection Committee Chair's Quarterly Report SPA 32/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Linda Thompson Cal Morgan THAT the Ganaraska Region Source Protection Authority receive the Source Protection Committee Chair's December 1, 2009 Quarterly Report for information 9. Adiourn The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. on a motion by Bob Spooner. CHAIR to ..'..../ -) \.. '-.1 rV..' / \ I '\ f ^ \ ,.t2s.,>-j !.. - M.L'L~.( CAO/SECRETAR -TREASURER ... GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE FULL AUTHORITY December 10, 2009 FA 08/09 1. Welcome and Call to Order The Vice-Chair called the Full Authority meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Raymond Benns - Township of Alnwick/Haldimand Brian Fallis - Township of Cavan Monaghan Miriam Mutton - Town of Cobourg Bob Spooner - Town of Cobourg M~rk Lovshin - Township of Hamilton Twila Marston - Township of Hamilton Cal Morgan - Municipality of Port Hope Linda Thompson - Municipality of Port Hope Gord Robinson - Municipality of Clarington Charlie Trim - Municipality of Clarington ALSO PRESENT: Linda Laliberte, CAO/Secretary- Treasurer Mark Peacock, Director, Watershed Services Greg Wells, Manager, Planning and Regulations Pam Lancaster, Stewardship Technician George Elgear, General Superintendent Magdi Widaatalla, Manager Watershed Services Members of the Public ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Dave Marsh - City of Kawartha Lakes ALSO ABSENT: 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None 3. Minutes of Last Meetinq The Board Members welcomed Chair Brian Fallis back to the Board. They stated they were very pleased to see him and remarked on how well he looked. Linda Thompson referred to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority's administrative procedures, section 9 in regards to a question being reconsidered and requested the minutes be recorded in a manner that reflects the proper administrative procedures therefore no including the question for reconsideration. FA 67/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Linda Thompson Charlie Trim THAT the Full Authority approve the minutes of the October 15th, 2009 meeting. Minutes FA 08/09 'Page 2 CARRIED. 4. Adoption of the AQenda Miriam Mutton asked the Vice Chair for a response to her previous email. The Chair responded he would reply and made reference to the administrative procedures as just discussed. FA 68/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Linda Thompson Charlie Trim THAT the Full Authority adopt the agenda. CARRIED. 5. DeleQations: None 6. Presentations: a) Clean Water - Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program - 2009 Year in Review - presentation by Pam Lancaster, B.Sc., Stewardship Technician Pam Lancaster, Stewardship Technician gave the members the presentation on the four program areas: Municipality of Clarington, Town of Cobourg, Township of Hamilton and Municipality of Port Hope. FA 69/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Bob Spooner Linda Thompson THAT the Full Authority receives the presentation for information. CARRIED. b) Update on Watershed Planning - presentation by Pam Lancaster, B.Sc., Stewardship Technician The Stewardship Technician, Pam Lancaster, presented an update to the members on watershed planning. FA 70/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Twila Marston Mark Lovshin THAT the Full Authority receives the Update on Watershed Planning presentation for information. CARRIED. 7. Business ArisinQ from Minutes: a) 2010 Levy vote FA 71/09 ..Minutes FA 08/09 Page 3 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Gord Robinson Cal Morgan THAT the Full Authority adopt the 2010 Levy in the amount of $788 ,615.00. CARRIED. A recorded vote is required. Twila Marston, Township of Hamilton (6.2686%) Yes Cal Morgan, Municipality of Port Hope (9.36635%) Yes Miriam Mutton, Town of Cobourg (11.0582%) Yes Mark Lovshin, Township of Hamilton (6.2686%) Yes Gord Robinson, Municipality of Clarington (22.1905%) Yes Bob Spooner, Town of Cobourg (11.0582%) Yes Linda Thompson, Municipality of Port Hope (9.36635) Yes Charlie Trim, Municipality of Clarington (22.1905%) Yes Ray Benns, Township of Alnwick/Halimand (1.0218%) Yes Brian Fallis, Township of Cavan Monaghan (0.2011 %) Yes The total percentage present to vote was 99.90. To carry the motion 51 % total of those present is required (50.949) and cannot be from a single municipality. The vote was ca rried. 8. Chair and CAO/Secretarv- Treasurer Remarks Vice Chair Ray Benns stated it was wonderful to see Brian Fallis at the meeting and wished him a speedy full recovery back to the Chair's position. Ray also informed the members that Alnwick/Haldimand had been preparing for the torch run and have recently found out that the torch will not be going through Grafton, Ontario. He stated that any support that could be shown for the torch to go through Grafton is appreciated. There is a website on the Toronto Sun that can be contacted. The CAO/Secretary- Treasurer reported that the AD Latornell was well attended. The sessions were very good and she reported that a few of the sessions she attended on "green" facilities were excellent. She reported that she and the Vice-Chair attended Conservation Ontario meeting on Monday in Toronto. The proposed levy for Conservation Ontario has yet to be finalized. She stated that it was great to see the Chair in attendance. She wished the members a very happy holiday season. 9. Business from the Board Members. Mark Lovshin welcomed Brian Fallis back to the Board and said how it was so good to see him. He has also been informed that the Flying Asian Carp have passed the electric fence. This can be a lead to very dangerous situation. He informed the members that Hamilton Township had their Christmas party at the new Ganaraska Forest Centre and all who attended enjoyed themselves and the facility. He also wanted to pass on his congratulations to Greg on the birth on his son, Camden, November 11, 2009. He wished the members a very Merry Christmas. Miriam Mutton informed the members that the Town of Cobourg's new dredger has been keeping busy in Whitby. See also stated that it was great to see Brian Fallis. Cal Morgan stated he had a very good year on the Board, and it was good to see the Chair back and wished everyone a very Merry Christmas. Minutes FA 08/09 .-page ~ Brian Fallis said that it was good to see everyone. He wanted to thank Alex Ruth, member on Kawartha Conservation, for bringing him to the meeting and wished everyone the best for the holidays. Bob Spooner told the member that the ice rink in Cobourg would be opening on Friday at 6:30 p.m. He also announced that the successful bidder for the new community centre in Cobourg had been selected and that a shovel would be going in the ground in the new year. He as well stated that it was good to see the Chair. . Twila Marston wished everyone a Merry Christmas and reminded everyone to enjoy family and friends over the weekend. She said it was good to see the Chair at the meeting. Charlie Trim said it was great to see Brian Fallis and that it did take a minute to recognize him and that he looks good. Charlie stated that the members and staff had an exciting year, one of the most exciting in the history of the Ganaraska with the building of the new Ganaraska Forest Centre. He wished everyone a very Merry Christmas. Linda Thompson wished everyone a Merry Christmas and said it was great to see Brian Fallis. She told the members that the staff of the Municipality of Port Hope had a great day at the new Forest Centre. She also asked if there was an update in regards to Perry Town. Mark Peacock briefed her on the situation. Gord Robinson thanked staff for all their hard work and was glad to see that the Clean Water-Healthy Land programs which he had pushed for in Clarington had been now initiated with success in other watershed municipalities. He as well stated that it was nice to see the Chair at the meeting. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas and the best in health and happiness. 10. Correspondence: FA 72/09 MOVED BY: Linda Thompson SECONDED BY: Bob Spooner THAT correspondence items #17 through #20 be received for information. CARRIED. 11. Applications under Ontario Requlation 168/06: The process of issuing and Board approval of permits was reviewed. Permits approved by Executive: a) 168/06-954-11/09 (revised) - Region of Durham -Installation of feeder main from water treatment plant and placement of fill - attached b) 68/06-1043-11/09 - Town of Cobourg - Dredging bed of Lake Ontario at entrance to harbour and placement of material - attached c) 168/06-1044-11/09 - Rajesh Krishnan (Town of Cobourg) - Construction of carport addition - attached d) 168/06-1045-11/09 - Mariyn Wybenga (Municipality of Clarington) - Regrading to achieve positive slope for drainage - attached e) 168/06-1046-10/09 - Municipality of Clarington - Stabilization and repair of eroding embankment - attached f) 168/06-1047-10/09 - Tom Gjorgievski (Township of Hamilton) - Construction of replacement residential dwelling - attached g) 168/06-1048-10/09 - Joan Souch (Municipality of Clarington) - Construction of sunroom and deck addition - attached h) 168/06-1049-11/09 - Ministry of Natural Resources (Municipality of Port Hope) - .Minutes FA 08/09 Page 5 Remediation of historic creek - attached i) 168/06-1050-11/09 - Matt Vaughan (Town of Cobourg) - Demolition of existing home and building new home - attached j) 168/06-1051-11/09 - Robert Haley (Township of Hamilton) - Demolish and replace existing garage - attached k) 168/06-1052-11/09 - Barr's Developments Ltd. (Municipality of Clarington) - Installation of culvert beneath Boulton Street - attached I) 168/06-1053-11/09 - Rakesh Gupta (Township of Hamilton) - Construction of addition to existing building - attached m) 168/06-1054-11/09 - Kaitlin Group Ltd. (Municipality of Clarington) - Extension of Lakebreeze Drive - Phase 2 - attached n) 168/06-1055-11/09 - Dale Kerohan (Municipality of Clarington) Construction of family dwelling, septic and shed - attached 0) 168/06-1056-11/09 - Donna Morse (Township of Hamilton) Reconstruction of existing dwelling - attached FA 73/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin Charlie Trim THAT the Full Authority approve permits issued by the Executive. CARRIED. Permits requiring Full Authority discussion: None 12. Committee Reports: a) Ganaraska Forest Recreation Users Committee - November 5th, 2009 FA 74/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Linda Thompson Mark Lovshin THAT the Ganaraska Forest Recreation Users Committee minutes be received for information. CARRIED. 13. New Business: a) 2010 Economic Adjustment Miriam Mutton asked if the Authority had gone through a compensation plan recently. The CAO/Secretary- Treasurer responded that once was completed three years ago. FA 75/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Cal Morgan Twila Marston THAT the Full Authority approve the 2010 Economic Adjustment staff report. CARRIED. Minutes FA 08/09 ... Page'6 b) Kendal Crown Lands Property Concerns Charlie Trim expressed some concern and that there needs to be some assurance that financial contributions will be received to maintain the property. Brian Fallis asked in regards to the Ministry selling title. He also stated that a management fee should be considered. Miriam Mutton stated that she shares the concerns of Charlie and Brian and suggested a study take place. Bob Spooner stated that staff would be bringing back a report that would allow for review. Gord Robinson suggested that the anglers and hunters be involved and stated that there is a lot of local support for this initiative which may help if funding becomes an issue. FA 76/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Charlie Trim Bob Spooner THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority authorize staff to begin discussions with the Ministry of Natural Resources staff and the Municipality of Clarington to develop options for the management of the Kendal Crown Lands. The results of these discussions to be brought back to th~ board for its consideration and review. CARRIED. c) GRCA Alcohol Policy Miriam Mutton asked for some clarification on some of the requirements. FA 77/09 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Twila Marston Gord Robinson THAT the Full Authority approve the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Alcohol Policy to become effective immediately. CARRIED. 14. Other Business: None. 15. In Camera None 16. Adiourn The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on a motion by Bob Spooner. CHAIR Present Regrets: Absent: Staff: CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING 1-2 MINUTES November 11, 2009 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario K. 1snor, Chair M. Carlton 1. Rook 1. Witheridge W.Tanner Councillor G. Robinson S. Laing Mayor Abernethy P. Ford B. Colville 1. Murray M. Rutherford Conrad, Executive Director M. Home, Recording Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:00 p.m. Lisa Tercel and Jacqueling Frith, students of the Museum Management Course at Sir Sandford Fleming College, were welcomed at this board meeting. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the agenda be approved with the addition of item 6(b) "Friends Report" MOTION CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the minutes of the September 9,2009 board meeting be approved. MOTION CARRIED 4. BUSINESS ARISING (a) The Executive Director informed the board members that as of this date nothing has been heard on the Stimulus Fund,however, no other not for profits have received their announcements yet either. It is understand that this Stimulus Fund is still under review. (b) The Executive Director advised the board members that a request had been received from the Paranormal Society to conduct a paranormal investigation which would include both sites, the Bowmanville museum and the Clarke museum. The museum's Spirit Walks have been most successful and there seems to be an interest in this type of program. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the Executive Director continue negotiations with the Paranormal Society. MOTION CARRIED 5. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the correspondence be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Finance Committee: Moved by: J. Rook Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the Finance Committee report be accepted with the exception of the 2010 Budget. MOTION CARRIED The remainder of the Finance Committee Report dealt with the 2010 Budget. Lengthy discussion followed after which the following motion was made: Moved by: Councillor Robinson Seconded by: J. Rook THAT the Budget 2010 be approved and forwarded to the Director of Finance. MOTION CARRIED (b) Friend's Report: S. Laing reported on the upcoming Friends Craft and Bake sale which will be held November 21 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre before and during the Santa Claus Parade. Two new crafts were shown to the Board members that will be available for sale this year, as well as many delicious foods. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Executive Director informed the board members that the museum has a new head volunteer gardener and that Miller Waste Systems has become a corporate sponsor offering compost for all of our gardening needs. A new concept is being proposed being Veterans' Appreciation Day(s) which could open July 1 sl weekend; which would interact with the Camp 30 program. As the museum has committed to the Peterborough Museum for their Vaudeville exhibit which has been proposed for the middle of September this would mean moving the Vaudeville exhibit to the middle of October. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the museum staff continue with the planning ofthese exhibits. MOTION CARRIED The Saturday morning cartoon workshop has been cancelled due to lack of interest. 8. NEW BUSINESS: The Executive Director proposes that the Clarke Museum be placed on a seasonal visitor schedule, being opened by appointment only, as is the Bowmanville museum, from October 1 to April 30. Staff would however, continue to attend the Clarke museum every Thursday. On May 1 st and until September 30, the Clarke museum would resume summer hours of Thursday and Sunday from 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the Executive Director's Report be accepted, including the recommendation that the Clarke Museum be opened by appointment only for the period October 1 to April 30. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the Fire Inspection Report be deferred to the December meeting. MOTION CARRIED 9. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington Museums and Archives will be held on DECEMBER 9, 2009 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre beginning at 7:00 P.M. 10. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: J. Witheridge THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:20 p.m. CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE 1-3 Minutes of Meeting No.9 November 17th, 2009 MEMBERS PRESENT: Victor Suppan Karin Murphy David Reesor Duane Cook Karina Isert Paul Allore Councillor Mary Novak James Rook Ingrid Saravia Leslie Wilson REGRETS: Andrew Kozak PLANNING STAFF: Isabel Little GUEST: C nthia Strike ia Strike, attended the meeting orey addition to the building. The include the window lintels and the n on the south side of the building ing addition and will be slightly MOTION 09.27 , Seconded by Karina Isert eCHO has no 0 ion to the proposed addition to the property at 68 Centre Street, asented at the emb r 09 meeting, and recognize the loss of two brick lintels on the so ide of the stru .e. Th mmittee recommends that the addition be constructed of eith Iy new brick or fully boar hd batten on both stories, which would better complement the arC itectural features e house, and leave the original brickwork as is. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES: MOTION 09.28 Moved by Paul Allore, Seconded by THAT the minutes from September 15, 2009 be accepted "CARRIED" MOTION 09.29 Moved by David Reesor, Seconded by THAT the minutes from October 20, 2009 be accepted "CARRIED" BUSINESS ARISING: Camp 30 An explanation was provided to the Committee members via e-mail as to why buildings 7 (fire hall/maintenance carpentry shop), 8 (library/storage building), 11 (industrial arts building), and 14 (administration building) were recommended to be removed from the Register but not for demolition at this time. The Municipality has not received a record of the history will contact Kem Majid and ask for any information tha HeritaQe Conservation District Review nville tennis club. Staff 'Ied. MTO BuildinQs in 407 Route MTO will inform staff when the ownership of he the Ministry's name. nsfers into 49 and 63 Beaver Street 10lh w e property owners of 49 and ese a proposal to the CHC to st, which is scheduled to close et Sout. Some tree trimming would be wners were asked if they would consider They will give it their consideration and staff . The Committee approved the following e owners. the relocation of 49 and 63 Beaver Street South to the Beaver Street South and 45 Edward Street East, oval of the buildings there is a need to soften the view of aver et road frontage by providing a landscape strip similar ed on the King Avenue East road frontage with additional trees. ildings is to be conducted with minimal impact on the existing The property 0 hers are requested to proceed with designation of both buildings upon relocation. Inventory Update: The project has been put on hold until the weather improves. 2 Doors Open: Leslie Wilson is the CHC's representative on the Doors Open Ontario committee. The application fee is $1600 and the deadline for submission is December 10th. Staff will confirm who is covering the cost of the application fee. Next Meeting January 19th, 2010 Meeting Room 1A, 7:00 3 Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board Meeting: Dec14th , 2009 1-4 Attendees: Larry Quinney, Mark Canning, Paul Rowan, Gwen Woodcock, Walter Loveridge, Patty Woodcock, Sue Sutcliffe, Laurie Lafrance, Lynn Morrison Approval of Minutes from Nov 18th Board Meetin~ Motion: Lynn Morrison Second: Laurie LaFrance Fundraisin~/ Community Events . Singles dances - Improving attendance at each dance. Board members should share volunteering for one dance each or bring 1 volunteer each. T . Dance Lessons - Dec 6th is the last and is making good funds for the hall. It will continue in the new year with minimal cleaning required for the hall. . Cooking Classes - Continue to the end of the year . Discussed the priority need to attract volunteers. Mark to work with Municipality on best practices . Discusssed ideas for Social Media to attract volunteers, renters and people interested in the programs and services at the TCC Treasurer's Report: . Denise will review year end results at the January meeting Bar Report: . Nothing to Report Seniors Report: Nothing to Report Cleanin~/Maintenance Report: Discussed the need for snow clearing at the TCC. Will approach Ted Skinner at suggest $35-$40 per clearing Bookin~ Report: Nothing to Report Municipalitv of Clarin~ton Issues: . Nothing to Report New Business: Nothing to Report Motion to Adiourn: Motion - Paul Second - Walter ~!fJriJJ.gron REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 2010 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2010 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) EGD-004-10 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for December, 2009 (b) ESD-002-10 Monthly Response Report - December, 2009 (c) Delegation Richard Ward, Regarding Property Standards Bill, Tax Billing and I nvestigation to Justify 2. HIGHWAY 407 EAST ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT REVIEW THAT Report PS D-O 10-1 0 be received; THAT Report PSD-010-10 be approved as the Municipality of Clarington's comments to the Ministry of Environment on the "Notice of Completion of Ministry Review" for the 407 East Environmental Assessment; THAT, to mitigate the impact of the East Durham Link interchange on the road network within the Clarington Energy Business Park, the Highway 407 Project be revised to incorporate the construction of Energy Drive as a project-related work, in lieu of the reconstruction of the South Service Road in this same section; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Report #1 - 2 - January 25, 2010 THAT, in compensation for the loss of 28 ha of employment lands in the Clarington Energy Business Park and the Courtice Industrial Park as a result of the Highway 407 Project and in light of the Province's reluctance to designate additional industrial lands in Clarington, the Ministry of Transportation be requested to acquire additional lands within the Energy Park to allow for their early development for industrial purposes in accordance with the Municipality's Energy Business Park Secondary Plan; THAT, in compensation for the loss of Rundle Road north of Regional Road 4 and the resulting impact on the road network, the Highway 407 Project be revised to incorporate the construction of Holt Road between Regional Road 4 and Concession Road 6 to maintain north-south connectivity within the local road network and to minimize traffic impacts on the hamlets of Solina and Hampton; THAT the Ministry of Transportation be required to undertake a more detailed traffic analysis as part of the Highway 407 Environmental Assessment to examine the impact of a tolled highway scenario on the local road system; THAT the Highway 407 Project be revised to incorporate the acquisition of appropriate lands to provide an interchange at Liberty Street and the Highway 407 mainline either as an alternative to or in addition to the Darlington/Clark Townline Road interchange, with appropriate provision for emergency access to the highway; THAT the Municipality concurs with the Ministry of Transportation that additional discussion is required to address the issue of maintaining access to agricultural lands on Washington Road; THAT the Municipality of Clarington and the Ministry of Transportation will have to continue to liaise on the mitigation of impacts on cultural heritage resources to ensure both provincial and local heritage objections are satisfied; THAT staff be authorized to continue discussions and negotiations with the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Transportation to achieve acceptable solutions to the above-noted issues; THAT a copy of Report PSD-010-10 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Regional Municipality of Durham; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-010-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Report #1 - 3 - January 25, 2010 3. 2009 ANNUAL REPORT ON APPLICATIONS FOR PLANS OF SUBDIVISION THAT Report PSD-011-10 be received; and THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-011-10 and Council's decision. 4. EXCHANGE OF LANDS WITH CLOCA, BOWMANVILLE VALLEYLANDS AND LONG SAULT CONSERVATION AREA THAT Report PSD-012-10 be received; THAT the property being Parts 1,3,4 ,and 5, Plan 40R-14254, former Darlington Township, Roll Number 181701011022800, approximately 57.5 ha, in the Long Sault Conservation Area be declared surplus; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the by-law attached to Report PSD-012-10 on behalf of the Municipality declaring Parts 1, 3,4 and 5, Plan 40R- 14254 as surplus; THAT the property be conveyed to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in exchange for 8 properties set out in Schedule 1 in Attachment 1 attached to Report PSD-012-10, approximately 45 ha in the Bowmanville Urban Area, along the Bowmanville valley; THAT the Municipality of Clarington will be responsible for the nominal costs associated with the disposal of the Long Sault Conservation lands including, but not limited to, the cost of any public notices or advertising, land transfer tax, survey costs, legal fees and registration costs; THAT CLOCA would be responsible for the nominal costs associated with the disposal of the Valleylands including, but not limited to, the cost of land severances, easements, land transfer tax, survey costs, legal fees and registration costs; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all documents necessary to register required easements and convey the lands to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority providing they are to the satisfaction of the Municipal Solicitor; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the by-law attached to Report PSD-012-1 0 on behalf of the Municipality to execute the land exchange offer from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for the lands in the Bowmanville Valley; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-012-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Report #1 - 4 - January 25, 2010 5. APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF PART LOT CONTROL APPLICANT: PRESTONVALE HEIGHTS LIMITED - 40M-1929 THAT Report PS D-O 13-10 be received; THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lot 115, on 40M-1929 be approved; THAT the Part Lot Control by-law attached to Report PSD-013-10 be approved; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-013-10, any delegations and the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. 6. THE DURHAM REGION TRANSIT - LONG TERM TRANSIT STRATEGY THAT Report PSD-014-10 be received; THAT Council endorse the Durham Region Transit Long Term Transit Strategy with . the following amendments: · That consideration be made for built heritage or cultural heritage landscapes; · That the proposed Rapid Transit service along Highway 2 be extended to the Transitway Station at the future Durham East Link (407); · That consideration be given to including additional Enhanced Conventional Service routes along its proposed terminus on Baseline Road to Liberty Street and north to Highway 2; · That local transit service to Orono be maintained and improved through the planning period of this strategy; · That two additional GO Rail station sites be identified on the east side of Bowmanville and near Newcastle/Highway 35/115; THAT Durham Region Transit be congratulated for developing a bold, comprehensive and innovative vision for transit in Durham Region that will assist in transforming the urban character of the Region; and THAT Durham Region Transit be provided a copy of Report PSD-014-10 for their information and action therein. Report #1 - 5 - January 25, 2010 7. USE OF CORPORATE RESOURCES FOR ELECTION PURPOSES POLICY THAT Report CLD-002-10 be received; THAT the proposed draft policy regarding the use of corporate resources for election purposes, as contained in Attachment 1 to Report CLD-002-1 0 be adopted; and THAT the draft by-law, as contained in Attachment 2 to Report CLD-002-10, adopting the Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes be approved. 8. CO-OPERATIVE TENDER C2009-127, ASPHALT REGISTRY HOT MIX ASPHALT, COLD MIX ASPHALT AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COLD MIX ASPHAL T THAT Report COD-002-10 be received; THAT Miller Paving Limited, with a total bid price of $7,700.00 (excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder for delivery of hot mix, meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender C2009-127, be awarded the Asphalt Hot Mix Registry for the Municipality of Clarington's requirements; THAT Innovative Surface Solutions, with a total bid price of $189,500.00 (excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder for delivery of high performance cold mix, meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender C2009-127, be awarded the Asphalt High Performance Cold Mix Registry for the Municipality of Clarington's requirements; THAT the funds expended for hot mix in the amount of $7,700.00 be drawn from the Department of Operations, 2008 unspent High Float program in account number 100-00-000-00000-2926 in the amount of $7,700.00; and THAT the funds expended for high performance cold mix in the amount of $189,500.00 be drawn from the Department of Operations, 2008 unspent High Float program in account number 100-00-000-00000-2926 for $9,300.00,2009 unspent High Float Program in account number 110-36-330-83680-7401 for $19,700.00 and 2010 Current Budget Pavement Patch account 100-36-381-10255- 7112 in the amount of $160,500.00. Report #1 - 6 - January 25, 2010 9. TENDER NO. CL2009-44 - NEWCASTLE ARENA ROOF REPLACEMENT THAT Report COD-003-1 0 be received; THAT Bel-Con Design-Builders Limited, Belleville, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $322,960.00 (plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2009-44, be awarded the contract for Newcastle Arena Roof Replacement, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department; and THAT the funds required in the amount of $349,250.00 (Le., which includes $322,960.00 for tendering and contingencies), be drawn from Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RINC) Funded Project (Newcastle Arena Roof) account number 110-36-370-83674-7401. 10. JENNIFER COOKE, MANAGER OF COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING, REGARDING BIZPAL DEMONSTRATION THAT the presentation by Jennifer Cooke, Manager of Communications and Marketing, demonstrating the BizPal software be received with thanks. 11. GARY JEFFERY, CHAIR, AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CLARINGTON, REGARDING THE COMMITTEE'S 2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS THAT the presentation by Gary Jeffery, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington (AACC), regarding the AACC's 2009 accomplishments, be received with thanks. 12. MIKE GAZO, REGARDING REPORT CLD-001-10, REGARDING SALE OF FIREWORKS BY PERFECT PARTY PLACE THAT the delegation of Mr. Mike Gazo, regarding Report CLD-001-10, regarding the sale offireworks by Perfect Party Place, be received with thanks. 13. PROPOSED CENOTAPH BY WHITECLlFFE TERRACE THAT the Planning Services staff be authorized to discuss and provide in-kind services, where feasible, for a proposed cenotaph with WhiteCliffe Terrace. 14. CANADIAN N~CLEAR ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE THAT Ms. Sheila Hall be asked to attend the Canadian Nuclear Association conference in Ottawa February 23 to 26, 2010, on behalf of the Clarington Board of Trade; and THAT the CAO be directed to allocate the necessary funds. Cl~pn Staff Report # 1 REPORT CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Meeting: COUNCIL Date: January 25, 2010 Resolution#: By-laW#: N/A Report #: CAO-003-10 File#: Subject: CANADIAN NUCLEAR ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE AND TRADE SHOW RECOMMENDA TIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report CAO-003-1 0 be received; 2. THAT Clarington Board of Trade be requested to secure and staff an Exhibitor Booth on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington at the Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show Feb.23-25, 2010 in Ottawa; and 3. THAT the CAO be authorized to expend upward of $7,000. to fund this project and the said funds be drawn from the Economic Development Reserve Account. Submitted by: ( ) ~ -=:: &sr.c Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5717 REPORT NO.: CAO-003-10 PAGE 2 REPORT: 1. At its meeting held on January 18, 2010, the GPA passed a resolution inviting the Board of Trade to make a presentation to Council with respect to the coming CNA Conference and Trade Show and directed the CAO to investigate the funding source for participation at the Trade Show. 2. Once a year, the Canadian Nuclear Association hosts a national nuclear industry conference and trade show in Ottawa. This is a very high profile event drawing upward of one thousand delegates primarily representing the nuclear and nuclear related industries, government agencies and universities. Major members include Ontario Power Generation, Bruce Power, Cameco, Power Workers' Union, Areva, AECL, etc. This year's event is being held at the Ottawa Westin on February 24 - 26 inclusive. 3. As the conference and trade show is such a premium event, it offers tremendous opportunity for networking and showcase Clarington to the representatives of all the nuclear and nuclear related industries, all under one roof. Given the pending decision of the Ontario Government regarding New Build, it would appear prudent for the Municipality of Clarington to raise profile of this issue and to make it known to the nuclear industries that we are ready and willing to assist in their investment decisions in Clarington. 4. The cost of operating an exhibitor booth is $3,500 for members and $7,000 for non- members. Since Clarington is not a member of CNA, it would have to apply for membership and pay the minimum annual membership fee of $2,500 in order to take advantage of the lower booth fee for a member. Staff will be looking into this matter further to find out the most cost effective way to make this happen without committing the Municipality to a longer term membership obligation. In any event, it would appear a maximum of $7,000 is needed for this project. The Director of Finance advised that there is sufficient funds in the Economic Development Reserve Account for this type of one-time project. REPORT NO.: CAO-003-10 PAGE 3 5. The Executive Director of the Clarington Board of Trade endorses this project and has agreed to look after all logistics related to manning the booth and promoting Clarington as part of its mandate to deliver economic development service for the Municipality. Since it does not have the budget fund to undertake this project, hence the financial partnership with the Municipality becomes paramount. Staff have reviewed this project, are in full support of moving forward, and respectfully request Council to approve the recommendations contained herein. UNFINISHED BUSINESS #1 Excerpt - Item 12 of Report #1 The following item was tabled by Council on January 11, 2010: 12. SALE OF FIREWORKS - PERFECT PARTY PLACE THAT Report CLD-001-10 be received; THAT the request of Mike and Carmen Gazo, Owners, Perfect Party Inc. to sell fireworks year round, be denied; and THAT Mike and Carmen Gazo be advised and forwarded a copy of Report CLD-001-10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS #1 CfJJlpn REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE January 4, 201 0 I~eso t ~.d-I JrJ 'F b fA- - 0/9 - / () C--OIQ.-IO CLD-001-10 File #: By-law #: Date: Report #: Subject: SALE OF FIREWORKS - PERFECT PARTY PLACE RECOMMENDA TIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-001-10 be received; 2. THAT the request of Mike and Carmen Gazo, Owners, Perfect Party Inc. to sell fireworks year round, be denied; and 3. THAT Mike and Carmen Gazo be advised and forwarded a copy of Report CLD-001-10. Submitted by: () ~-= W "'--' Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB* c{ A I " --0{ c--- GJ -' Gordon Weir, AMCT, CMM111 Director, Emergency & Fire Services CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 REPORT NO.:CLD-001-10 Page 2 of 3 1.0 BACKGROUND At the Council meeting held on December 14, 2009, Council referred correspondence from Mike and Carmen Gazo, Perfect Party Place, to the Director of Emergency and Fire Services and to the Municipal Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Gazo are requesting to sell fireworks year round in their store located at 205 King Street East, Bowmanville. By-law 92-160 restricts the sell of fireworks to the five day period immediately preceding the day for the observance of Victoria Day and Canada, on Victoria Day, and on Canada Day. 2.0 EMERGENCY SERVICES COMMENTS The Emergency Services Department does not feel comfortable with allowing fireworks to be available for sale throughout the year. There are too many needless injuries, especially with children through the misuse of consumer fireworks. There is the problem of fireworks being mistakenly sold to minors and the storage of fireworks adds to the fire hazard of a building. Many fire officials and fire safety organizations feel that sale of consumer fireworks should be completely banned and families be encouraged to attend firework events run by professionals. Clarington Emergency Services agrees with this stance. 3.0 MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMENTS By-law 92-160 only allows for fireworks to be set off in the municipality during the five day period immediately preceding the day set for the observance of Victoria Day and Canada Day, and on Victoria Day and Canada Day. Should Perfect Party Place be permitted to sell fireworks year-round, any fireworks purchased would have to be stored until these dates. If consumers are purchasing the fireworks outside ofthese allowable times, it may lead to confusion as to the REPORT NO.:CLD-001-10 Page 3 of 3 requirement in the by-law for the specific times of setting off the fireworks. For these reasons, the Municipal Law Enforcement Division does not support the request for year-round sales. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the comments and concerns of the Emergency Services Department and the Municipal Law Enforcement Division, it is respectfully recommended that the request of Mike and Carmen Gazo, Perfect Party Place, to sell fireworks year-round in their store located at 205 King Street East, Bowmanville, be denied. Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Mr. and Mrs. M. Gazo Owners Perfect Party Inc. Excerpt of Council Minutes of January 11,2010 BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION UNFINISHED BUSINESS #2 Resolution #C-O 13-10 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Resolution GPA-351-09 which approves Pay Equity for the Non-Affiliated staff be amended to rescind the following clause: That in order to maintain pay equity Department Heads and Emergency Services Deputies be adjusted by the recognition pay value if awarded to the Fire Association employees at 3%, 6% and 9% effective January 1, 2010 without retroactivity to prior years; and THAT the remaining clauses of the resolution remain unaltered. "TABLED LATER IN THE MEETING" Resolution #C-O 14-10 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of considering personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees. "CARRI ED" The meeting resumed in open session at 8:04 p.m. The Deputy Mayor advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed. Resolution #C-015-1 0 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-013-1 0 be tabled until the next regular Council meeting. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE": Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Pecuniary Interest Mayor Abernethy .y Councillor Foster .y Councillor Hooper .y Councillor Novak .y Councillor Robinson -J Councillor Woo -J Councillor Trim -J SUMMARY OF BY-LAWS JANUARY 25,2010 BY-LAWS 2010-007 Being a by-law to declare the lands more particularly described as Parts 1,3,4 and 5 on Plan 40R-14254, former Darlington Township in the Municipality of Clarington to be surplus (Item 4 of Report#1 ) 2010-008 Being a by-law to authorize the Exchange of land: Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 on Plan 40R-14254, former Darlington Township be transferred to Central Lake Ontario Conservation as set out in . Schedule 1 and P.1. N. Numbers 266150214; 266150215; 266140034; 266140035;26932043;26932048; 266440044; and 266450071 as set out in Schedule 2 be transferred to the Municipality of Clarington (Item 4 of Report #1 ) 2010-009 Being a by-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1929 from Part Lot Control (Item 5 of Report #1) 2010-010 Being a By-law to adopt the Use of Corporate Resou rces for Election Purposes Policy (Item 7 of Report #1) HANDOUTS/CIRCULA TIONS COUNCIL FINAL LIST OF DELEGATIONS January 25, 2010 a) Sheila Hall, Clarington Board of Trade - Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show (Staff Report #1 ) b) John Mutton - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) c) Bruce Wood - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Correspondence Item D - 4 and Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) d) Gordon McCallum, The Memorial of Heroes - Landscape Memorial Adjacent to the "Highway of Heroes" (Correspondence Item D - 13) e) Linda Gasser - Request to Engage Peer Reviewers - Final and Amended Waste (Incinerator) EA Documents (Correspondence Item D - 10) f) Linda Gasser - DurhamIYork Energy-From-Waste (Correspondence Item D - 11) g) Richard Ward - Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment Notice of Completion of the Ministry of Environment Review (Item 2 of Report #1 ) h) Wendy Bracken - DurhamIYork Energy-From-Waste (Correspondence Item D - 11) i) Paul-Andre Larose - Request to Engage Peer Reviewers - Final and Amended Waste (Incinerator) EA Documents (Correspondence Item D - 10) and Durham/York Energy-From-Waste (Correspondence Item D - 11) j) Louis Bertrand - Request to Engage Peer Reviewers - Final and Amended Waste (Incinerator) EA Documents (Correspondence Item D - 10) k) Louis Bertrand - Durham/York Energy-From-Waste (Correspondence Item D - 11) I) Cecil Mackesey - Direct Election of the Regional Chair (Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion) m) Gord Lee, Newcastle Arena Board Chair - Newcastle Arena Loan Payment MAJOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROJECTS PLANNED FOR CLARINGTON INFRASTRUCTURE Highway 407 OPG Darlington B Nuclear New Build OPG Darlington A Refurbishment Facilities OPG Darlington A Refurbishment Reactors GO Rail Extension MAJOR PROJECTS OPG Nuclear Office Complex - Energy Park Durham Region EFW Facility - Energy Park Port Granby Low Level Radioactive Waste Project Concession Road 7/8 Rehabilitation Concession Road 6 Smart Centres/Bowmanville (Halloway) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 , i~,:.. DURHFlM REElIDNFlL J~f]?J UW "w PDLICE fJ:'lfJJJjill I Focus on Frontline Patrol ...a new approach Presented by Insp. Ostler, Insp. Dave Kimmerly 1 - 1 - -"J 7;J LliJ .....l~ ~r.J '- _~ r.t1'lJ.fIiJ Insp. Chris Ostler Insp. Dave Kimmerly 2 t6 i.$ pRiii.:icNi5 Overview · Introduction · Overview · Questions .* -,'.w.".o "".~ DURHFlM REDIDNRL ~- tkiJ :~. PDLICE J':"~:J]/jjJ'" "0 . ---- -- The Challenges ~ · Growth patterns · Workload imbalance · Cross area dispatch · Balancing Reactive and Proactive activity 3 & . pRiii:ii::Nii I ....- ..., I r.... .1 /j.[I, ... J _~..J' ,,~ ~ ~-, JJliiJ'.. The Challenges · Region-wide, multi- jurisdictional flow of crime · Sophisticated crime requires specialized resources · Major crime investigations "front end loaded" 4 .* '. .~..~. 0_.\.., DURHRM REDIDNRL .,~~..' PDLICE ". . _ ,;1_ ,r:t:'. _ ~:iJ-...; uu.J I tYJjJfjjJt... Historical Patrol Zones and Traditional Policing · Inherited from municipal police forces pre-1974, based on municipal boundaries · Adjustments made to meet changing call patterns, but only inside existing boundaries · Not reflective of workload, travel time or geographical barriers 5 ~. . . pULicE - r.J - I .-~ _ ~ ....J.. LItLJ Principals of Patrol Staffing Analysis · To create and encourage ownership of work areas by Frontline Patrol Officers · To balance workload for the frontline and to operate frontline units at, or above preferred staffing levels · To facilitate call response and Problem-Oriented Policing by creating more time for Frontline Patrol Officers to actively participate in problem-solving and directed patrol 6 · 1\ fJfji'lTl /- ,.. It... ,.,,,, ~ . . '.. ' .' ;t'" . . ~ , . .' ~ -;~... . .'. ' . I ~~ Jty"s ,etMI,:" 1 \,~~~ !, . ..Ill.. .......~ . .. <.,. '- . - ~ . pAiii.:icE I ~I ~ - , I! ..... _... ;,JI ~ LJl.L} Analyzing Patrol Data' · New technologies allowed for in-depth analysis of Calls for Service, response time, work volume and complexity · Current patrol areas do not support the distribution of workload · Based on detailed analysis, internal project team recommended adjustments, effective January 2010 7 l~ fl[JJ1iJJ'... & . pRiiLicE . - [;:l"':.J liiJr"'I ... ~ ~ i ..... ... .J... "'- L ~ k e New Work Areas 5 , m c , . o e 'J . ,. l~. ( 'l /" ,/ ,J-" . y 4> Durb.m Ropoul Polic. S.nic. Di1iuou, - JIUUI.,- 1010 - U6ilr, ntrEE1 - Free-A"at D Nem Oh'''O' D East ::MS,I::r CJ Co,1r.I Eut D',I,':n CJ C~tr:1I W~tit [)'~I'I::n CJ We" ~.'.f.l:n Balanced workload '\ -f '" Reflective of geographical barriers l ~-_ r------1 .....---. I 1> 1$ S TS tlI -~ 1,1".1...11_;'.' _......1 Work area ownershi~ Work areas aligned for more efficient response Promote problem-solving ~J(h Dhision ;1 -l t! ..'. ._, :: \. ... ') I ,: ~;:-' , .. -~/ r --+., I ~ - .' " , 'f. _-' ~~ ..,' '- !..~, ~k:.;J ~ ,_ ~~Jl~ - fJ...... t I I'; j' 51 ' I I -;, , I ...~Ih. { II a r _ L1 k ( 0 I: ~. r i 0 . . piiLicE East Division Hybrid Urban & Rural Policing Model Focus on prevention Staffing reflective of workload and geography More Proactive time Courtice work area and staff will join East Division after completion of new building (est. 2012) . It .....'...,..,. . . " ," " . tf!,' . ~~. ... ~, , . .' ~.. .;~ # - - . ".::- }:. I mty;.,setyl., '\.:--~.;.~.....;,. t'] t '..1 J 7a ,i- y Regional Rd 19 64~Aglonal Rd 20 .' . C bus eoiu bus' Ional Rd 3Regional d 3 '. ~ " -J \ ~ ~ ' '" , . ~"-) ," . ~3 d~ I..'.' . . ~l J' I . 8 . I Regioni" HI~ay 2 - ~ . , I ~ !..rl 4 ijj1' .., & . pRiiLiCE f. - J.... VliJ"" f' I ~ '" ..I... ..I Our Commitment · Enhanced level of frontline patrol · Main building to be replaced · No change to CIS, CRU, school officers or regional support services · Helps us move to a more proactive, problem- solving model · Municipal statistics still available 10 11 ~ - r.:l ":I Y:':"_ _ ~ =->& ~~ lJw ,. r j)........... ~ !Jj IJJ..I~ Questions? Thank You , . . pRiiLici5 -------.- ((.. ---- ----............~ /----' I YJ ............~ Always Rcnember _____~ Rappele::-,'olls TOllJoUIS .......... THE MEMORIAL OF HEROES ) I ...~-'. . l ........;...."'"*-' . -'. THE MEMORIAL OF HEROES -~ from South West View Overa I I b'~~~~ ~ l I .~:................ '.. THE MEMORIAL OF HEROES Side East Monument View of Incineration Gross Under-Estimations of the Health Impact (What you are not told ~ what is going to hurt you) Paul-Andre Larose, Ph.D./Physics A Presentation to Clarington Municipal Council Monday 201 % 1/25 HEALTH or Incineration: Hormonal, Embryonic, Ashes, Landfill, Taxes, Heritage Introduction . Submission to E.A. + Critical Items . Response + Misses the Points + Confusion between "Upset" and "Fai'lure" . This Topic: Under-Estimation + Exposure + Health Impact HEALTH or Incineration: Hormonal, Embryonic, Ashes, Landfill, Taxes, Heritage Concerns . Project Team Ignores: + Component Failure Rate + Redundancy Issues + Outage Duration + Resultant Exposures HEALTH or Incineration: Hormonal, Embryonic, Ashes, Landfill, Taxes, Heritage Ana 0 - . All Systems Running . Partial Systems Running Failure Mode HEALTH or Incineration: Hormonal, Embryonic, Ashes, Landfill, Taxes, Heritage Ex~osure Implications .. 1000/0 of Population Affected + Continuous Background Exposure + Peaked Intermittent Exposure cIF Unavoidable - No Redundancy. 'iT Never Considered . Fallacy: the 3 x 1000/0 + 1 000/0 of Systems + 1000/0 Functional + 1 000/0 of the Time HEALTH or Incineration: Hormonal, Embryonic, Ashes, Landfill, Taxes, Heritage Risk Analysis . R.A. is the science of evaluating + Health risk; + Environmental risk; + Engineerinq risk. . Includes Epidemiological Data . Considers "Worst Case Scenarios" + The "Down Sides" + Durham Takes Opposite Approach ~ij "Best Case Scenario" is NOT Risk Analysis HEALTH or Incineration: Hormonal, Embryonic, Ashes, Landfill, Taxes, Heritage Unanswered Questions . Probability of major equipment systems . Likely Duration of Event/Outage . Expected Emission Levels during Event . Resultant Exposure to the Population HEALTH or Incineration: Hormonal, 5mbryonic, Ashes, Landfill, Taxes, Heritage Conclusion . This Concern is not new + Raised years ago . Ignorance or Else? . Council and Citizens + Entitled to know + Before further authorizations HEALTH or Incineration: Hormonal, Embryonic, Ashes, Landfill, Taxes, Heritage