HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/1989 . . . . 'R:mN OF ~TLE General purpose & Administration Committee March 20, 1989 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose & Administration Committee, held on Monday, March 20, 1989, at 9:30 a.m., in the Ccuncil Chambers ROLL CALL Present Were: Ccuncillor Deegan Ccunci110r D. Hamre Councillor L. Hannah Councillor K. Hooper Ccuncillor F. Stapleton Councillor A. Wotten Absent: Mayor M. Hubbard (On vacation) Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Town Clerk, P. Barrie (Until 11:05 a.m.) Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (Until 11:05 a.m.) Deputy Fire Chief, M. Creighton (Until 11:05 a.m.) Director of Public WOrks, W. Evans Treasurer, M. Marano Director of Planning, F. Wu (Until 11:05 a.m.) Deputy Clerk, M. Knight MINUTES Resolution iGPA-250-89 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, held on March 6, 1989, be approved. "CARRIED" PUBLIC HEARINGS proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 19, Concession 2, former Tbwnship of Darlington - Nino Scanga The Chairman announced the purpose of the public meeting. As required under the new Planning Act (Section 34(12)), Council is holding a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting the proposed zoning by-law amendment for Part Lot 19, Concession 2, former Tbwnship of Darlington. The Chairman asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. Three people indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with this matter, the Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. 201 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes - 2 - March 20, 1989 PUBLIC HEARINGS The Deputy Clerk advised that: a) public notice was mailed to property owners withiin 120m of the subject property on February 17, 1989, b) Notice of the public meeting was posted on the property by February 17, 1989, and c) The notice complies with the regulations under the planning Act. The Chairman announced that any person wishing further notice of the passage of the by-law, if passed, to please leave their name, address and telephone number with the Clerk before they leave. The Chairman called on the Director of Planning to briefly describe the purpose and effect of the by-law, and how the by-law accomplishes the stated purpose. The purpose and effect of the Rezoning Application is to permit the development of a Gas Bar and Eating Establishment. The Chairman announced that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-law and that all questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman announced that Committee would now hear from objectors, first explaining that Council wishes input prior to a final decision. Mr. C. Pistritto, R.R. #6, Bowrnanvil1e, appeared before the Committee and stated that he resides in the third house east of the subject application. He has a concern that gas may leak into his septic tank and well. is approved, gas will leak into his septic tank and his well. Mrs. A. Ccnway, R.R. #6, Bowrnanville. Mrs. Conway's daughter appeared on her behalf to inform the Committee that she feels this site is an eyesore and that the approval of this application will diminish the ccst of her property and create garbage problems. Mr. Terry Mason, R.R. #6, Bowrnanville, advised the Committee that he lives directly across the street from this proposal, and the increased traffic volume generated by a gas station and eatery establishment, will endanger the safety of his two young children who are under five years of age. No one spoke in support of the application. Mr. Nino Scanga, 70 Trawley Crescent, Ajax, Ontario, L1S 3B9, displayed a conceptual drawing of the proposed project and reviewed it for the benefit of the Committee. Mr. Scanga noted that government regulations dictate that gas be stored in fibreglass tanks, this would alleviate the fears of nearby residents with respect to gas leaking onto their properties. His two year's experience in the Real Estate Business indicate that the location of commercial properties close to residential development does not decrease the property values of the latter. Mr. Scanga stated that this application could be amended by deleting the eating establishment and replacing it with convenience store. He would have no Objection to installing privacy fencing and Australian pine Bushes around the bordering parameters of the subject site. The Chairman concluded the public meet~ 2 *********************************************************************** . . . . G.P.A. Minutes - 3 - March 20, 1989 PUBLIC HEARINGS Proposed zoning By-law Amendment, Part Lot 35, Ccncession 3, former Tbwnship of Darlington - Bruce and Pamela Welsh The Chairman announced the purpose of the public meeting. As required under the new Planning Act (Section 34(12)), Council is holding a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting the proposed zoning by-law amendment for Part Lot 35, Concession 3, former Tbwnship of Darlington. The Chairman asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. No one indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with this matter, the Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Deputy Clerk advised that: a) Public notice was mailed to property owners within 120m of the subject property on February 17, 1989, b) Notice of the public meeting was posted on the property by February 17, 1989, and c) The notice complies with the regulations under the Planning Act. The Chairman announced that any person wishing further notice of the passage of the by-law, if passed, to please leave their name, address and telephone number with the Clerk before they leave. The Chairman called on the Director of Planning to briefly describe the purpose and effect of the by-law, and how the by-law accomplishes the stated purpose. The purpose and effect of the application is to permit the creation of one (1) residential lot. The Chairman announced that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-law and that all questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman announced that Committee would now hear from Objectors, first explaining that Council wishes input prior to a final decision. No one spoke in objection to or in support of the application. Mr. Bruce Welsh, 98 Varcoe Road, Bowrnanville, LIE lAl, informed the Ccmmittee that his request for the creation of one residential lot and one single family dwelling, is for the purpose of housing his mother-in-law. The Chairman concluded the public meeting. ************************************************************** 203 . . G.P.A. Minutes - 4 - March 20, 1989 PUBLIC HEllRINGS Proposed Amendments to Ccmprehensive Zoning By-law with respect to Definition Of Family, Dwelling Unit and Semi -Detached Dwelling The purpose and effect of the proposed amendments, is to clarify and amend the following definitions: (a) Family - by revising the references of the number of persons not related by blood, marriage, or legal adoption from "ten (10)" to "three (3)", (b) Dwelling Unit - clarify the definition noting that only one kitchen facility is permitted in a dwelling, and (c) Semi-detached Dwelling - clarify the definition that where the dwelling is connected below grade it is connected by footing and foundation. Furthermore, the proposed definition would prohibit the erection of a second dwelling unit to be added to an existing single family home in the "Rl" zone. Additionally, it is to amend the sideyard requirement for a semi-detached dwelling, stating that where the units are connected below grade, the distance between the interior walls above grade shall be between 1.20 metres and 1.5 metres. The Chairman announced that Committee would now hear from objectors, first explaining that Council wishes input prior to a final decision. Mr. Jean-Michel Komarnicki, 89 Little Avenue, Bowrnanville, L1C lJ9, circulated a lett dated March 20, 1989. Mr. Komarnicki stated that he has no personal interest in the proposed changes to the by-law, but is of the opinion, that there are sufficient laws, codes and by-laws to regulate where, and under which conditions, people can live without additionally imposing a rule on their personal relationship. Mr. Komarnicki requested that the term "family" be removed from Town's By-laws as this could eventually be challenged by the Cabinet and the Charter of Rights. The Chairman concluded the public meeting. ************************************************************** . DELEGATIONS Resolution #GPA-25l-89 . Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Mrs. patricia Wright be added to the list of delegations. "CARRIEDII Mr. David Rice, 17 Dean Street, Brampton, Ontario, L6W 1M7, Re: Road Closing Application - Lovekin Lands, wilmot Creek, advised the Committee that he would like to appear at a later date. Mr. Neil Ryan, R.R. i3, Bowrnanville, Ontario, LlC 3K4, Re: Ccurtice and Area Community Association - Request for Grant. Mr. Neil Ryan, Secretary-Treasurer of the Court ice and Area Community Association, circulated a letter dated March 8, 1989. He requested the Committee to look favour ably upon his request for a grant as the Court ice and Area Community Association is not only a ratepayers association but a community spirit group. 204 , ' . . . . G.P.A. Minutes - 5 - March 20, 1989 DELEGATIONS Mrs. patricia Wright, 32 Longwood Court, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIe 4A9, circulated a sketch of her street and complained that snow-plows are dumping snow on her driveway rather than distributing the snow evenly on all driveways. She requested that the Committee resolve this problem. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Application - Nino Scanga, Part Lots 19 & 20, Ccncession 2, Former Tbwnship of Darlington Our File: 60.35.491. Resolution iGPA-252-89 Moved by councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah 1. THAT Report PD-74-89 be received, and 2. THAT the application to amend By-law 84-63 submitted by Mr. Nino Scanga to permit the development of a fuel bar and eating establishment, be referred back to Staff for a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments, and 3. THAT the applicants be so advised. IlCARRIED11 Rezoning Application - Bruce & Pamela Welsh, Part Lot 35, Ccncession 3, former Tbwnship of Darlington Our File: 60.35.492. Resolution #GPA-253-89 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Deegan 1. THAT Report PD-75-89 be received, and 2. THAT the application submitted by Bruce and Pamela Welsh to amend By-law 84-63, to permit the creation of one (1) residential lot for the development of one single family dwelling be referred back to Staff for further processing, and 3. THAT the applicant be sc advised. IlCARRIED" 205 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes - 6 - March 20,1989 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Proposed Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning By-law With Respect Tb Definition of Family, Dwelling Unit, and Semi-Detached Dwelling Our File: 60.35.6. Resolution #GPA-254-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Deegan 1. THAT Report PD-76-89 be received; and 2. THAT the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law with respect to the definition of Family, Dwelling Unit, Semi-detached Dwelling and the side yard requirements pertaining to a semi-detached dwelling be referred back to Staff for further processing to enable Staff to evaluate and consider any comments/concerns offered through the Public Meeting forum. "CARRIED" Rezoning Application - Tunney planning, Part Lot 11, Ccncession 2, Former Tbwn of Bowmanville Our File: 60.35.462. Resolution iGPA-255-89 Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Stapleton 1. THAT Report PD-77-89 be received, and 2. THAT the application to amend the TOwn of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Tunney Planning on behalf of Quadrillium Corporation to permit the development of a convenience commercial lot be approved, and 3. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the applicant and the interested parties indicated in Report PD-77-889. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution iGPA-256-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the foregoing Resolution IGPA-255-89 be amended by adding, to Recommendation #2, the following: "That the (H) Holding Symbol not be removed until such time as the applicant enters into a site plan agreement with the municipality". "CARRIED" 206 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes - 7 - March 20, 1989 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Application - Terry Price, Part Lot 6, Ccncession 1, former Tbwnship of Darlington Our File: 60.35.487. Resolution #GPA-257-89 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Ccuncillor Deegan 1. THAT Report PD-78-89 be received, and 2. THAT Staff be authorized to refund Mr. Terry Price the cost of rezoning fees since the application is not necessary for the proposal, and 3. THAT the applicant be sc advised. "CARRIEDI1 Rezoning Application - Belton Masonry (Formerly J. Silva Ventury Homes) Part Lot 16, B.F. Ccncession, former Tbwnship of Darlington Our File: 60.35.381. Resolution tGPA-258-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper 1. THAT Report PD-79-89 be received, and 2. THAT Staff be directed to re-schedule a Public Meeting in respect of the rezoning application submitted on behalf of Belton Masonry to address the concerns of the Regional Municipality of Durham, and 3. THAT the applicant and the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised of same. "CARRIED" Fencing By-law Our File: 10.13.125. Resolution iGPA-259-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah 1. THAT Report PD-80-89 be received, and 2. THAT the Fencing By-law attached to Report PD-80-89 be adopted, and 3. THAT Staff be authorized to advertise in the local newspapers that Council has adopted a by-law to regulate the height, description and maintenance of lawful fences. "CARRIED" 207 . . . . G.P.A. Minutes - S - March 20, 1989 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Proposed Heritage Designations - Ontario Heritage Act Our File: 60.17.128 - 132 Resolution tGPA-260-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Deegan, seconded by Ccuncillor Wotten 1. THAT Report PD-8l-89 be received, and 2. THAT the request of the Town of Newcastle Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee to designate as Historical Structures, these properties listed on Attachment Nos. 1 through 5 to Report PD-Sl-89 be approved, and 3. THAT the Clerk prepare, send and publish the required notices of intent pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act and report back to Council following the prescribed notification period, and 4. THAT the Tbwn of Newcastle Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIEDII Population Projections For Province of Ontario Our File: 10.57.21. Resolution #GPA-26l-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hooper 1. THAT Report PD-82-89 be received, and 2. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Tbwn of Newcastle considers that the rate of growth in Durham will be greater than that forecasted in the "Experimental Subprovincial Population projection 1986 - 2011". II CARRIED n Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity Our File: 56.49.3. Resolution tGPA-262-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Deegan THAT Report PD-83-89 be received for information. IICARRIEDIl Building Inspections Pertaining Tb Absec Property in Newcastle Village Our File: 60.46.5. Resolution #GPA-263-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor WOtten THAT Report PD-84-89 be received for information. "CARRIEDII 208 G.P.A. Minutes - 9 - March 20, 1989 . PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Animal Control Monthly Report For February 1989 OUr File: 68.29.5. Resolution *GPA-264-89 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Ccuncillor Deegan THAT Report PD-85-89 be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-265-89 Moved by councillor Hoeper, seconded by Councillor wotten . THAT the foregoing Resolution tGPA-264-89 be amended by adding a new Recommendation 2 as follows: "2. THAT the Town of Newcastle contact the veterinarians' Association and the Health Unit to request that a rabies clinic be held in the Tbwn of Newcastle." "CARRIED" By-Law Enforcement Activities In 1988 Our File: 10.13.99. Resolution *GPA-266-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor WOtten THAT Report PD-86-89 be received for information. IlCARRIEDfI . parking Enforcement Monthly Report For February 1989 OUr File: 77.39.3. Resolution *GPA-267-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-87-89 be received for information. II CARRIED II RECF.SS Resolution iGPA-268-89 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. IlCARRIEDII . ?n9 ..- ,) . G.P.A. Minutes - 10 - March 20, 1989 . CLERKS . . . The meeting reconvened at 10:48 a.m. Councillor Wbtten chaired this portion of the meeting. Application for Designated Property Grant - Glen and Linda Millson, R.R. n, Enniskillen "The Eber Mil1son House" Our File: 60.17.115. Resolution #GPA-269-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Hannah, seconded by Ccuncillor Deegan 1. THAT Report CD-6-89 be rece i ved, and 2. THAT the Designated Property Grant Application submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Millson, for a grant of $1,971.50 be approved in principal, and 3. THAT the funds required be taken from the Miscellaneous Clearing Account #1003-00015-0000, and 4. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Millson and Mrs. Phyllis Dewell, Chairman of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, be advised of the actions taken. "CARRIED" Application for Designated Property Grant - St. George's Church and Parish Hall, Newcastle village OUr File: 60.17.114. Resolution tGPA-270-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Ccuncillor Stapleton 1. THAT Report CD-7-89 be received, and 2. THAT the Designated Property Grant Application submitted by St. George's Church for a grant of $3,000.00 be approved in principal, and 3. THAT the funds required be taken from the Miscellaneous Clearing Account #1003-00015-0000, and 4. THAT Mrs. Diana Grandfield, Peoples' Warden, St. George's Church, be advised of the actions taken. "CARRIEDII 210 G.P.A. Minutes - 11 - March 20, 1989 . TREASURY Councillor Deegan chaired this portion of the meeting. Cash Activity Report for February 1989 - Part A Our File: 10.57.9. Resolution tGPA-27l-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Wotten 1. THAT Report TR-26-89 be received, and 2. THAT in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Tbwn of Newcastle for the month ended February 28, 1989, is as shown on the schedule attached to Report TR-26-89, and . 3. THAT Part A of the expenditures for the month of February 1989 be confirmed. "CARRIED" Proposed Photocopier Lease - Clerk's Department Our File: 10.2.7. Resolution iGPA-272-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wbtten 1. THAT Report TR-27-89 be received, and 2. THAT Council accept the written proposal (Attachment "A"), from O.E. Inc., (Glenora Leasing Inc.), Markham, Ontario, to lease one (1) only Canon NP6650 with twenty (20) bin scrter, at a monthly cost of $366.54 plus provincial Sales Tax, for a period of sixty-six (66) months with a buyout option of $1,642.20 at the sixtieth (60th) month, and . 3. THAT Council accept the written proposal (Attachment "B"), from O.E. Inc., Markham, Ontario, for a five (5) year or two million (2,000,000) copies warranty program at a cost of 0 - 10,000 copies $0.0085 per copy, 10,000 - 25,000 copies $0.008 per copy, 25,000 + copies $0.0075 per copy, plus provincial Sales Tax, and 4. THAT the procedures set out in the purchasing By-Law 482-92, Section 5, Paragraph 04, be waived for this particular transaction, and 5. THAT the attached By-Laws (Attachments "c" and "D"), authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Agreements be approved, and 6. THAT in accordance with Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, authorization be obtained from the Ontario Municipal Board prior to the execution of this Agreement, and 7. THAT the funds be drawn from the appropriate Capital Lease ... Accounts which are allocated for the payment of a photocopy lease. "~1"1 G.P.A. Minutes - 12 - March 20, 1989 . TREASURY Co-Operative Tender WD 108-88 - Supply, Retreading and Repair of Tires and Tubes Our File: 10.2.8. Resolution #GPA-273-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hannah 1. THAT Report TR-28-89 be received, and . 2. THAT J & M Tire Sales Inc., Oshawa, Ontario, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Regional Municipality of Durham Co-operative Tender WD 108-88, be awarded the contract, in an approximate value of $ 21,000.00, for the Supply, Retreading and Repair of Tires and Tubes to the Tbwn of Newcastle, as required by the Department of Public Works, and 3. THAT the funds be drawn from the various Public Works approved 1989 Fleet Accounts. "CARRIED" Tender T89-6 - One (1) Only Street Flusher OUr File: 10.2.8. Resolution iGPA-274-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Hannah, seconded by Ccuncillor Hamre 1. That Report TR-3l-89 be received, and . 2. THAT Amaco Construction Equipment Incorporated, Mississauga, Ontario, with a total bid of $ 92,457.00, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T89-6, be awarded the contract to supply and deliver one (1) only Street Flusher, Option "A", to the Town of Newcastle, as required by the Department of Public WOrks, and 3. THAT the funds be drawn from the Public Works Department Garbage Equipment Reserve Account. "CARRIED" Tender T89-4 - Reconstruction of Nash Road, Windsor Valley Place to Trull's Road OUr File: 10.2.8. Resolution iGPA-275-89 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report TR-32-89 be referred to the end of the Agenda to be discussed "In Camera. II . IlCARRIED" 212 G.P.A. Minutes - 13 - March 20, 1989 . Councillor Deegan advised the Committee that the following dates have been scheduled for Budget Discussions: April 7, 1989 - 9:30 a.m. April 10, 1989 - 1:30 p.m. (if required) April 14, 1989 - 9:30 a.m. (if required) CCMlUNITY SERVICES Councillor Stapleton chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution IGPA-276-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Hoeper, seconded by Ccuncillor Hannah 1. THAT Report CS-07-89 be received, and . 2. THAT Council donate a gift certificate from Farrow's Bait Tackle and Hunting Supplies in Bowrnanville as a prize to this year's Salmon Derby Event, on behalf of the Tbwn of Newcastle, and 3. THAT staff be authorized to purchase the gift certificate in the amount of $200.00, and 4. THAT the necessary funds be drawn from the Tourism/Economic Development Account #7710-00000-0299, and 5. THAT Mr. Mike Hayakawa of Oshawa Whitby This Week be sc informed. "CARRIED" PUBLIC WORKS Councillor Hannah chaired this portion of the meeting. Public Works Department 1989 Vacation Shutdown Our File: 10.12.115. . Resolution IGPA-277-89 Moved by Ccuncillor wotten, seconded by Ccuncillor Deegan 1. THAT Report WD-36-89 be received, and 2. THAT the 1989 Public Works Department, two week Vacation Shutdown be scheduled from Monday, July 24, 1989 to August 7, 1989, inclusive, and 3. THAT minimum staff be retained to provide essential services in each Division during the shutdown. IlCARRIEDII . 213 G.P.A. Minutes - 14 - March 20, 1989 . PUBLIC WORKS street Sweeping Our File: 35.60.8. Resolution fGPA-278-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Hamre, seconded by Ccuncillor Hoeper 1. THAT Report WD-37-89 be received, and 2. THAT a copy of Report WD-37-89 be sent to the Secretary of the Business Improvement Areas, for Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono, the Lions Club of the Village of Newcastle, and the Chamber of Commerce of the Village of Newcastle. "CARRIEDII . Plowing Off-Road Parking Area Fbr Winter Recreational Users In The Ganaraska Fbrest Resolution #GPA-279-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Hamre, seconded by Ccuncillor Hoeper 1. THAT Report WD-38-89 be received, and 2. THAT the Tbwn of Newcastle provide a winter maintenance program to plow the off-road parking area in the Ganaraska Forest for the winter recreational users as illustrated on Attachment No.3 to Report WD-38-89, and 3. THAT a copy of Report WD- 38-89 be forwarded to Mr. Brian Hancock, Chief Administrative Officer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, P.O. Box 328, Port HOpe, Ontario, LlA 3W4. "CARRIEDII . Charges Fbr Installation of Entrance Culverts And/Or Curb Cuts Our File: 56.49.4. Resolution fGPA-280-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Deegan 1. THAT Report WD-39-89 be received, and 2. THAT Schedule "A" of By-law 81-37, be revised and the by-law be amended to reflect an increase in the charges to be made for the installation of entrance culverts and/or the making of curb cuts as shown on Attachment No. 3 to Report WD-39-89, and 3. THAT the revised charges be effective on March 20, 1989. "CARRIEDII . 214 I ' : . G.P.A. Minutes - 15 - March 20, 1989 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution tGPA-281-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Wotten, seconded by Ccuncillor Hooper THAT the delegations be acknowledged and advised of actions taken. "CARRIED" Councillor Hannah made a declaration of interest, with respect to the delegation of Mr. N. Ryan and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Hannah is an ex-officio member of the Courtice and Area Community Association. Resolution #GPA-282-89 . Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor WOtten THAT Mr. Neil Ryan's concerns be referred to Budget Discussions for 1989 and advised of actions taken. "CARRIED" Resolution iGPA-283-89 Moved by Councillor WOtten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the complaint received from Mrs. patricia Wright be referred to the Director of Public Works and that she be advised of actions taken. "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS . Resolution #GPA-284-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Hannah, seconded by Ccuncillor Hooper THAT the Siting Task Force on Low Level Radioactive Waste Management be requested to hold a meeting in the Tbwn of Newcastle. "CARRIED" Resolution iGPA-285-89 Moved by Councillor WOtten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the Committee go "In Camera." "CARRIED" Councillor Deegan chaired this portion of the meeting. . 215 G.P.A. Minutes . OTHER BUSINESS Tender T89-4 - Reconstruction of Nash Road, Windsor Valley Place to Trull's Road Our File: 10.2.8. - 16 - March 20, 1989 Resolution #GPA-286-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hooper 1. That Report TR-32-89 be received, and 2. That Kamlu Ccnstruction Limited, Sharon, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $ 617,056.10, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T89-4, be awarded the contract for Reconstruction of Nash Road from Windsor Valley Place to Trull's Road, as required by the Department of Public Works, and . 3. That the funds be drawn from the approved 1989 Public Works Capital Budget, Account #7205-88007-0000. "CARRIED" Resolution iGPA-287-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Hoeper, seconded by Ccuncillor Wotten THAT the Tbwn's Consultant be requested to provide general background information related to tenderers for future tenders. "CARRIED" Resolution iGPA-288-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten . THAT the meeting be open. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-289-89 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Ccuncillor Deegan THAT the actions taken "In Camera" be approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution iGPA-290-89 Moved by Ccuncillor Wotten, seconded by Ccuncillor Stapleton . THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:24 a.m. "CARRIED" 216