HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/22/1991 . . . THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE General Purpose and Administration Committee ROLL CALL Present Were: Absent: Also Present: MINUTES PUBLIC MEETINGS July 22, 1991 Minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, July 22, 1991 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Mayor M. Hubbard Councillor D. Hamre Councillor L. Hannah Councillor K Hooper Councillor F. Stapleton Councillor A Wotten Councillor P. Deegan (On Vacation) Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (Until 3:55 p.m.) Deputy Fire Chief, H. Doherty (Until 3:55 p.m.) Director of Public Works, W. Evans Treasurer, M. Marano (Until 3:55 p.m. Director of PJanning and Development, F. Wu (Until 3:55 p.m.) Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Councillor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-494-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on July 8, 1991 be approved. "CARRIED" As required under the new Planning Act [Section 34(12)], Council is holding a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting the following: (a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - Part Lot 35, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington - 290572 Ontario Limited; (b) Propoaed Zoning By-Jaw Amendment - Part Lot 10, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville - Eiram Developments Ltd; jn1 _1,1 j . . . G.P.& A Minutes PUBLIC MEETINGS - 2- July 22, 1991 (c) Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Jaw Amendments - Part Lots 22, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington - Kennedy Youth Services Inc.; and (d) Amendment to the Town of Newcastle's Comprehensive Zoning By-Jaw 84-63 - Minimum Lot Requirement in the "Residential Hamlet (RH)" Zone - Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. Before proceeding with these matters, the Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Deputy Clerk advised that: (a) Public notices were mailed to all property owners within 120 metres by June 21, 1991; (b) Notices of the public meetings were posted on each of the sites by June 21, 1991; and (c) The notices comply with the regulations under the Planning Act. The Chairman announced that any persons wishing further notice of the passage of the by-Jaw, if passed, to leave their name, address and telephone number with the Deputy Clerk before they leave. The Chairman called on the Director of Planning and Development to briefly describe the purpose and effect of the by-Jaws and how the by-Jaws accomplish the stated purposes. The purpose and effect of the by-Jaws are as follows: (a) 290572 Ontario Limited - to permit the development, by Plan of Subdivision, of 39 single family dwelling lots; (b) Eiram Developments Ltd. - to permit the development of two (2) single family dwelling lots and a semi detached lot; (c) Kennedy Youth Services Inc. - to permit the development of a Youth Detention Centre; and (d) Town of Newcastle Comprehensive By-Jaw Amendment - to increase the minimum lot area for new lots in the residential Hamlet (RH) Zone from 3,000 square metres to 4,000 square metres. The Chairman announced that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-Jaws and that all questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman announced that Committee would hear from the objectors, then anyone in support, with the applicant speaking last. ..., n 'j, ~'- ':;..~ . . . G.P.& A Minutes PUBLIC MEETINGS - 3- July 22, 1991 (a) 290572 Ontario Limited - Report PD-160-91 Tony Slavin, 29 Lawson Road, Courtice, LIe 2K3, read the contents of his letter dated July 15, 1991 and signed by Lawson Road residents. He mentioned the following concerns: - devaluation of surrounding properties - cost of sewers - lack of information on the draft plan of subdivison - inappropriate location of the road - preservation of wild life - ouly one access route to the subdivision - noise impact on the adjacent area - destruction of trees - bussing for school children - the path of the proposed road, and - adverse impact created by fencing, drainage and removal of trees. Evylin Stroud, 89 Little Avenue, BowmanvilJe, LIe 1J9, requested cJarification from the Committee pertaining to the ratio of Tableland and Environmentally Protected Land and noted objection to development taking place on Environmentally Protected Lands. Noone spoke in favour of this application. The applicant was present to answer questions from the Committee. (b) Eiram Developments Ltd. - Report PD-16l-91 Noone spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. Joe Guzzi, G.M. Semaa & A~t.es, 110 Soctia Court, Unit 41, Whitby, LlN 8Y7, was present on behalf of the applicant to answer questions from the Committee. He advised the Committee that, due to the pie- shaped lot and the driveway entrance of the proposed townhouse unit block, the subject lots could not comply with the Town of Newcastle entrance policy, or the zoning requirement of a common wall for three or more units. As a result, the developer/builder sold and commenced construction of dwellings on the lots in the form of two singles and a semi-detached units. These four units do not comply to the zoning by- Jaw requirements for lot frontage, lot area and floor area. Therefore, a rezoning application has been submitted to the Town. 20:5 G.P.& A Minutes . PUBLIC MEETINGS . . - 4- July 22, 1991 (c) Kennedy Youth Services Inc. - Report PD-162-91 e. Williams, Group Box 7, Box 12, R.R.#3, BowmanvilJe, LIe 3K4, appeared on behalf of area residents opposed to this application and read the contents of his letter stating that alljacent properties include large farms, estate type homes and wetlands that shelter water fowl and wild life. People in the neighbourhood share some common characteristics: - open spaces - nature - peace and quiet - tranquility and privacy. To achieve these needs, residents have paid a higher tariff for larger lots, larger homes, the installation of water supply, septic tank, sump-pump, etc. He added that a rezoning of this site would generate more vehicular traffic of the commercial and passenger type, more noise, dust and possible accidents. The possibility of youths running away from the facility poses a major concern for the safety of the children and residents. The clients of the riding school on Rundle Road are mainly young girls and their concern is that their business will suffer. Bonding between the existing neighbourhood and the proposed Detention Centre residents would be weak as these two groups have nothing in common. He further noted that the site is wrongly located and that the rights, well being and protection of property values will deteriorate if this application is approved. Elsie EJston, R.R.#4, BowmanvilJe, LIe 3K5, whose property is located across the road from the proposed facility, advised that she is disturbed because of the Jack of information reJating to the proposed facility and feels that it will set a precedent for the relocation of future correctional institutions. She noted that this is not an appropriate location, property values will deteriorate, noise levels will increase and the woodlot on the north side of the property would hamper finding an individual who has run away from the Youth Centre. Bernie MnlRnRnn, R.R.#3, BowmanvilJe, LIC 3K4, submitted a letter, a petition with approximately 520 names of persons opposed to the construction of a detention facility on this site and a letter dated July 19, 1991 from Remax Reflection Realty Inc. advising that "the proposed secure custody facility would most definitely have a very negative impact upon the resale value of your property. The restrictions imposed by this type of facility would most certainly affect the desirability of your property and would adversely affect its normal value escalation in the future." He stated that the applicant has not taken into consideration the safety of residents on Rundle Road and adjacent roads. There are no street lights installed for the safety of residents or for police to seek out an escapee. Due to restrictions on bussing, he fears for the safety of his thirteen year old daughter who will have to walk on the road alone to catch a school bus. Ill. L'i"" . . . G.P.& A Minutes PUBLIC MEETINGS - 5 - July 22, 1991 At the corner of Rundle Road and Nash Road is an elementary school which is attended by young children. The unusual amount of dense bush on a portion of the property would hamper any pursuit by authorities and have area residents uneasy. The majority of youths attending the facility will not relate to any integration into the unfamiliar environment of this farming community. Other major concerns include Jack of public transportation, no fIre hydrants, fencing and future expansion. He suggested that the existing facility located in Ajax be upgraded to meet the Ministry's guidelines. A change in location is unwarranted. Gerald Smialek, 4491 Green Road, Hampton, LOB lJO, circulated a letter dated July 19, 1991 from Borden & Elliot, Barristers and Solicitors, whom he has retained, which states that: "the proposed use represents an intensive, urban use which will intrude into a predominately rural area contrary to the OtrJciaJ Plan which encourages the concentration of such uses in developed areas. The existing agricultural operations in the area may be negatively impacted by the intrusion of a large scale, residential use. These lands are designated as environmentally sensitive and may be unsuitable for development." Luba Sarnnrhin, R.R.#3, Bowmanville, LIe 3K4, owns a cattle operation adjacent to this site and expressed a major concern with the destruction of farmJand for the purpose of the construction of the Youth Centre. She advised that she is a high school teacher who works in a special school attended by children with problems and understands the needs of the future residents of this facility but she does not agree with the philosophy of the detention centre. Jenny White, circulated a letter dated July 22, 1991 expressing opposition to this proposal. She stated that as of October, 1990 and until the designation of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Freeway Link, this property is frozen. These considerations, among others, should be determined before the proposal can proceed in the normal manner. Deborah Patrick, 3240 Old Scugog Road, Bowmanville, LIe 3K2, resides approximately 1700 metres from the proposed development and questioned the ramifications of a serious offender running away from the facility. She fears for the safety of her two young daughters and advised that it would make more sense to upgrade the present facility. Resolution #GPA-495-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the Committee recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" 205 G.P.& A Minutes . PUBLIC MEETINGS . . - 6- July 8, 1991 The meeting reconvened at 11:00 a.m. EvyJin Stroud, 89 LittJe Avenue, BowmanvilJe, LIe 1J9, advised that she cannot think of a worse location to build a youth detention facility as these lands are Environmentally Protected Brian Seaton, R.R.#3, BowmanvilJe, Lle 3K4, a resident of Maple Grove, concurred with the remarks made by previous speakers and stated that his fll'st obligation is for the safety of his family. Barbara Gilham, R.R.#3, Bowmanvi1Je, LlC 3K4, moved from Scarborough four years ago to this ideal neighbourhood and noted that her family's existing peaceful lifestyle will be totally wiped out if this application is approved. Dwight Bradley, R.R.#1, Hampton, LOB lJO, resides across the road from the proposed development and stated that he has been advised by knowledgeable real estate agents that this development will have a negative impact on adjacent property values. Linda Bradley, R.R.#1, Hampton, LOB lJO, concurred with the remarks made by previous speakers and noted strong objection to the intrusion of the privacy should this application be approved. N. Jane Pepino, Q.e_, 145 King Street West, Suite 1500, Tonmto, M5H 2J3, introduced representatives from the organization, Executive Director, Architect, Program Supervisor and representatives of reJated agencies. She delved into the past history of Kennedy Youth Services Inc., an organization which has been in service for 20 years, is non-profit and operates six facilities managed by paid professional staff. These facilities fall under the jurisdiction of the Child and Family Services Act. The purpose for this application is to relocate the Rotherglen Centre presently operating in Ajax on 23 acres of land which were origina1ly used for a riding school and hockey camp. The Ajax facility which houses offenders aged 12 - 15, years for a period of one day to two years, presently enjoys a good relationship with local authorities. An extensive feasibility study indicates that it would be too expensive to upgrade the facility to meet the standards of the Ministry's requirements. The Ajax location has also become unsuitable because the offenders who once originated from the Toronto area, are now arriving from the eastern portion of Durham Region and the Town of Newcastle would be a central location for residents travelling to this facility. Ms. Pepino dispJayed a Site Plan and explained that the facility would be built on the northern portion of the land, 25 acres which are presently under cultivation. The southern portion of the lot would act as a buffer for the area residents. She dispJayed an exonometric view of the building, i.e., reception and counselling area, gymnasium, and bedrooms. She advised that the facility would house a total of 20 beds for full-time residents and 4 beds for children temporarily assigned to the facility for detention. Parameter security fencing would be installed around a portion of the facility. 206 . . . G.P.& A Minutes PUBLIC MEETINGS PRESENTATIONS DELEGATIONS - 7- July 22, 1991 She advised that Kennedy House Youth Services Inc. is willing and able to make its experts available to all parties concerned. A traffIC analysis was undertaken, at Rotherglen Centre, from July 13 - 15, 1991 which indicated slightly higher than normal traffic patterns. Ms. Pepino informed the Committee that an environmental study is being undertaken and that future expansion of the facility is not planned The Town of Newcastle was chosen for the relocation of this facility because of its ready access to Highway #401 and Highway #35/115. Construction would commence as soon as the necessary approvals are in place. (d) Proposed Amendment to the Comprehnsive Zoning By-Jaw - Report PD-163-91 Noone spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. (a) e.N. Watson & }..........Atftl will make a presentation at a Jater date. (b) B. CMndl..... Deloitte, Touche, thanked members of Staff for their excellent assistance and co-operation during the audit and advised that the overall fmancial health of the Town of Newcastle is very good Resolution #GP A-496-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the Committee recess for lunch until 1:30 p.m. "CARRIEDII The meeting reconvened at 1:30 p.m. (a) Jerry Jeans, R.R.#6, 2341 Highway #2, BowmmrviI1e, LIC 3K7, re: Report PD-165-91 - circulated a letter dated July 16, 1991 with eight signatures of adjacent residents who oppose this project because of the proposed high density use. He advised that the residents' intent is not to stop progress but to influence moderation where the residents' interests are concerned. (b) Bob Martindale, Greer Galloway Group Inc., 650 King Street East, Osbawa, LlH IG5, dispJayed an Artist's Rendering of the project and noted concurrence with the contents of Report PD-165-91. He advised that the proposed 3-storey building is below the maximum height permitted and the 23% building coverage is below that of the allowable 40%. He noted that Carnovale Construction is highly reputable and produces a high quality product. He requested that the Committee approve the application. .'.J ~'r"",J" . . . G.P.& Jl Minutes DELEGATIONS - 8 - July 22, 1991 (c) Bob Willsher, 323 Church Street, Newcastle, L1B lC6, re: Report PD-166-91 - circulated a letter dated July 22, 1991 which referred to a previous petition voicing objections to the proposed rezoning. He reiterated the following concerns: - negative impact to the neighbourhood - various changes in the proposed uses for the building and reJated confusion to residents - increased traffic and safety hazards associated therewith - noise - no need for additional doctors' offices in Newcastle Village - unsuitable location for a daycare facility, and - the property remain zoned residential. (d) Ken Slater, 15 Wertheim Crt., Suite 701, Richmond Hill, L4B 3H7, appeared on behalf of Kinrow Investments Inc. and noted conurrence with the recommendations contained in Report PD-166-91. He advised that the revisions to the application clearly indicate sensitivity on the applicant's part to the needs of adjacent residents. He advised that the maximum number of children pJaying outside at any given time will range from 10 - 15. Sound attenuation measures will be undertaken with the erection of a fence and the parking spaces provided will adequately accomodate the needs of the building. The facility will provide uses that are effective and meaningful to the community. (e) Kevin Tunney, Tunney Pl"nnn,g Ine., 340 Byron Street South, Whitby, LlN 4P8, noted concurrence with the recommendations contained in Report PD-173-91. He advised that he is in agreement with the recommendations contained in Report PD-I71-91 and was present to answer questions from the Committee. (I) Hugh V....I<1in. c/o T .in""", Ine., 1011 William Street, Suite 20, Cobourg, K9A 5J4, re: Report PD-I71-91 - was present to answer questions from the Committee. (g) Steve Wiggins, c/o Gord Mills Office, 68 King Street East, BowmanvilJe, LIe 3X21, re: Orono Youth Resource Centre - circulated a letter and petition dated July 22, 1991 requesting permission for the interim use of the front portion of the Orono Armouries building for the summer months to be used as a Youth Drop-In Centre. ?np !- \.: \} . . . G.P.& II Minutes - 9- July 8, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Application Resolution #GPA-497-91 290572 Ontario Limited DI4.DEV.91.025 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-160-91 be received; THAT the application submitted by D.G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of 290572 Ontario Limited for an amendment to the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-Jaw 84-63, as amended, be referred back to Staff for further processing; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-160-91 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GP A-498-91 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-497-91 be amended by inserting the following as a third paragraph: "THAT the proponents meet with the area residents to address their concerns. It "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #GPA-497-91 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Rezoning Application Resolution #GPA-499-91 Eiram Development Corp. DI4.DEV.91.032 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-161-91 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-Jaw 84-63, as amended, submitted by G.M. Semas & Associates Ltd. on behalf of Eiram Development Corporation, be referred back to Staff for further processing and public input; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-161-91 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. ltCARRIEDII 209 . . . G.P.& Jl Minutes -10- July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning and Official Resolution #GPA-500-91 Plan Amendment Applications - Kennedy Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah Youth Services Inc. DI4.DEV.91.005 THAT Report PD-162-91 be received; Proposed Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By-Jaw - Minimum Lot Size Requirement in the "Residential Hamlet (RH)" Zone D14.431.CO THAT the application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-Jaw submitted by Kennedy Youth Services Inc. be referred back to Stafffor further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-162-91 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-501-91 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-163-91 be received; THAT the proposed amendment to the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-Jaw 84-63, as amended, to bring the Zoning By-Jaw into conformity with the Town of Newcastle Oflicial Plan by requiring the minimum lot area for new lots in the "Residential Hamlet (RH)" Zone to be increased from 3,000 sq. metres to 4,000 sq. metres be referred back to Staff for further processing and public input; and THAT any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Canadian Tire Store Resolution #GPA-502-91 Pipe Crossing Agreement with Canadian Pacific Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten Railway L04.72.CA THAT Report PD-148-91 be received; THAT the by-Jaw attached to Report PD-148-91 authorizing the execution of a Pipe Crossing Agreement between the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute this agreement at such time as it has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, be approved; 71 ," L U . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 11 - July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning Application D. Wigmore Gunn D14.DEV.85.011 THAT the by-Jaw attached to Report PD-148-91 authorizing the execution of a Servicing Agreement between 829426 Ontario Inc. and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be approved and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute this agreement at such time as it has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works; and THAT the by-Jaw attached to Report PD-148-91 removing the "Holding (H)" symbol on the subject land be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-503-91 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report PD-I64-91 be received; THAT, in accordance with Council resolution (C# 389-85) of July 9, 1985, the amending by-Jaw attached to Report PD-I64-91 be forwarded to Council for approval to rezone 1.06 ha of land from 'Agricultural' to 'Residential Shoreline'; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-I64-91 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. IlCARRIEDIt Rezoning and Oflkial Resolution #GPA-504-91 Plan Amendment Applications - Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton Carnovale Construction D09.0PA90.045 THAT Report PD-165-91 be received; D14.DEV.90.047 THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends approval of the Official Plan Amendment application to permit the introduction of a High Density Symbol on the subject property in accordance with Attachment No.1 to Report PD-I65-91; THAT the Zoning Amendment Application be approved and the necessary by-Jaw passed at such time as the reJated Official Plan Amendment has been adopted by Regional Council and a Site Plan Agreement has been executed; and THAT the Region of Durham and the parties listed in Report PD-165-91 be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" ') 1 I t~ i ! . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 12 - July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning and Site Plan Resolution #GPA-505-91 Applications Ken SJater on behalf of Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah Kinrow Investments Inc. DI4.DEV.91.021 THAT Report PD-I66-91 be received; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-Jaw 84-63, as amended, submitted by Ken SJater on behalf of Kinrow Investments Inc. to permit the establishment of a day care, a medical or dental clinic, business, professional and administrative offices and community services uses within the existing structure be referred back to Staff to meet with the proponents and Mr. Bob Willsher, Representative of the alljacent residents, so that they may present a list of acceptable uses to Council; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-166-91 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Monitoring of the Resolution #GP A-506-91 Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten DI3.1302.CO THAT Report PD-167-91 be received; THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made at its meeting of June 27 and July 11, 1991; and THAT Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment in the event of an appeal, save and except A 91/017 to A91/019. IICARRIED" Development Charge Resolution #GPA-507-91 Policy Report prepared by C.N. Watson & Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper Associates Ltd. THAT Report PD-168-91 be received; THAT the Development Charge Policy Report prepared by C.N. Watson and Associates Ltd. be received; THAT, pursuant to the provisions and regulations made under the Development Charges Act, Staff be authorized to give notice of a public meeting of Council to be held on September 9, 1991 at 9:30 a.m.; ') 1 i L - . . G.P.& A Minutes - 13 - July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT THAT a copy of the Development Charge Policy Report and Report PD-I68-91 and the decision of Council be forwarded to the Urban Development Institute, the Toronto Home Builders Association and the Durham Home Builders Association; THAT a charge of $30.00 be applied to any person who wishes to purchase a copy of the Development Charge Policy Report; and THAT C.N. Watson & Associates Ltd. be requested to make a presentation at a future meeting. IICARRIED" Removal of "Holding (H)" Resolution #GPA-508-91 Symbol to Implement Plan of Subdivision Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton Eiram Development Corp. DI4.DEV.89.051 THAT Report PD-I69-91 be received; D12.18T.89041 Exemption from Part Lot Control Eiram Development Corporation D14.DEV.91.029 ,..- THAT Rezoning Application submitted by Eiram Development Corporation requesting the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol from the subject lands within Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-89041 being Part of Lots 9 and 10, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville for Phase 2 be approved and the By-Jaw attached to Report PD-I69-91 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT any delegation and those persons listed in Report PD-169-91 be advised of Council's decision; and THAT a copy of Report PD-169-91 and the amending by-Jaw be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department. tlCARRIEDtl Resolution #GPA-509-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-170-91 be received; THAT the request submitted by G. M. Semas and Associates Ltd. on behalf of Eiram Development Corporation for removal of Part Lot Control on Lots 79 to 84 and 89 to 104 inclusive, on Plan 10M-840 be approved; THAT the by-Jaw attached to Report PD-170-91 be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 49(7) of the Planning Act; and THAT G. M. Semas and Associates be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" 213 . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 14- July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Subdivision Application Resolution #GPA-510-91 Linmac Inc. DI2.18T.87086 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision Mrs. Mary Clarke D12.18T.85007 D14.DEV.89.050 THAT Report PD-I71-91 be received; THAT the revised Plan of Subdivision 18T-87086 submitted by Tunney Planning Inc. on behalf of Linmac Inc. proposing an increase of 26 units for a total of 238 units be approved subject to the amended conditions of approval as contained in Attachment No.1 to Report PD-I71-91; THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised of the decision of Council and that a copy of Report PD-I71-91 be forwarded to the Regional Planning Department; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-I71-91 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. lICARRIEDlt Resolution #GPA-511-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-172-91 be received; THAT the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-89007 revised and dated, October 12, 1990, as per Attachment No.3 to Report PD-172-91, be approved subject to the conditions contained in Report PD-172-91; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-Jaw, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Town of Newcastle at such time as the agreement has been fmalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning; THAT the amendment to By-Jaw 84-63 attached to Report PD-172-91, be approved and that the "Holding (H)" symbol be removed by By-Jaw upon execution of a Subdivision Agreement; and THAT the Durham Region Planning Department, all interested parties listed in Report PD-172-91 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. ttCARRIED" 214 . . . .~ G.P.& A Minutes - 15 - July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Rezoning and Subdivision Resolution #GPA-512-91 Applications Macourtice Developments Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten Inc. DI4.DEV.90.083 THAT Report PD-173-91 be received; THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends approval of the draft plan of subdivision IST-90041 dated March, 1991 subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No.1 to Report PD-173-91; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-Jaw, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of the proposed draft plan of subdivision 1ST -90041 and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at such time as the agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development; THAT the amendment to By-Jaw 84-63 attached to Report PD-173-91 be approved and that the "Holding (H)" symbol be removed by By-Jaw upon execution of a Subdivision Agreement; THAT a copy of Report PD-173-91 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-173-91 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-513-91 Town of Newcastle Official Plan Community Improvement Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton Policies - Status Report D09.1249.DU DI8.191.BO THAT Report PD-174-91 be received; and THAT Staff be authorized to advertise in local newspapers to advise the general public of the date and time of both a Public Information Centre and a Public Meeting to be held in reJation to the proposed amendment to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan that incorporates Community Improvement Policies into the same Official Plan. "CARRIED" 215 . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 16- July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OfUcial Plan Review Town of Newcastle Official Plan D09.1249.DU Provincial Interest on the Oak Ridges Moraine of the Greater Toronto Area D03.2842.0A Town of Newcastle Official Plan Bonnsing Provisions DOS.200S.DU Status Report on the Provincial Land Use Planning for Housing Statement L11.1703.PO Resolution #GPA-514-91 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-175-91 be received; THAT Staff be authorized to advertise for a Public Meeting under Section 26 of the Planning Act with respect to the review the Town of Newcastle Official Plan; and THAT the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Commissioner of PJanning for Durham Region and various citizen groups within the Town be so advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-515-91 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-176-91 be received for information; and THAT the interested parties be forwarded a copy of Report PD-176-91. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-516-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-177-91 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-517-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-17S-91 be received; THAT an extension be requested to the August 1, 1991 deadline set by the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Housing under the policy statement Land Use PJanning for Housing, in order that the Town of Newcastle may adopt official plan and zoning by-Jaw provisions, and continue work as necessary to implement the Policy Statement; and THAT a copy of Report PD-17S-91 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministries of Housing and Municipal Affairs. "CARRIED" 216 . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 17- July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Ontario Municipal Board Resolution #GPA-518-91 James Reynaert/Kirby Heights Estates Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton D09.0PA88.107 DI4.DEV.88.122 THAT Report PD-179-91 be received for information. DI2.18T.90001 "CARRIED" Changes to the Resolution #GPA-519-91 Region of Durham Act D08.2008.DU Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton By-Jaw Enforcement Monthly Report June 1991 POl.316.GE Animal Control Monthly Report for June, 1991 PI4.1304.GE Parking Enforcement Monthly Report for June, 1991 T02.1138.GE Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for PI0.333.GE THAT Report PD-182-91 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-520-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PD-183-91 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-521-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-I84-91 be received for information. "CARRIEDtI Resolution #GPA-522-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-185-91 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-523-91 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report PD-186-91 be received for information. "CARRIED" ?' -, (..1/ . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 18 - July 22, 1991 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Resolution #GPA-524-91 Wheelchair Access Building Code Requirements A09.24.PI CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-187-91 be received for information. lICARRIEDI. Resolution #GPA-525-91 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the matter removing the "Bonusing" provision from the Town of Newcastle Official Plan be referred to Staff for further action. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-526-91 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the letter dated July 11, 1991 from Mrs. Sharon Scott and residents of "Newcastle Meadows" subdivision advising that houses from Pine Knoll Homes Limited were purchased in good faith and that the builder has not honoured his commitment to the use of quality material and workmanship in the building of these houses, be received; THAT the above referenced letter be forwarded to the developer and builder for their comments and reply to the Town of Newcastle; and THAT Mrs. Sharon Scott be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-527-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Director of PJanning and Development be requested to prepare a report which addresses the ramifications of halting development applications. "CARRIED" Councillor Wotten chaired this portion of the meeting. There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda. 218 . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 19 - July 22, 1991 TREASURY DEPARTMENT 1990 Audit Report and ReJated Management Letter F03.1134.YE 1991 Grant Bowmanville Santa CJaus Parade F11.1055.CH Resolution #GPA-528-91 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report TR-54.91 be received and referred to the Council meeting scheduled for July 29, 1991; and THAT a representative of Deloitte & Touche be requested to attend the meeting to answer questions pertaining to the 1990 Audit Report. nCARRIEDII Resolution #GPA-529-91 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report TR-62-91 be received; THAT the Santa CJaus Parade Committee be awarded an additional grant of $1,000 to be drawn from account number 7007-X-298 Unclassified Admin. - Contingency; THAT authority be given to negotiate an agreement with the Santa Claus Parade Committee in a form satisfactory to the Town Solicitor and the Director of Public Works; THAT a report and applicable by-Jaw be provided to Council to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the necessary agreement upon completion of negotiations between the Town and the Santa CJaus Parade Committee; and THAT Mr. Don Welsh, Chairman, Santa Claus Parade Committee be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report TR-62-91. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GPA-530-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-531-91 be amended by adding to the third paragraph: "who will report back to Council for final approval". IICARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #GPA-531-91 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. "1 ") " . \.} L_ j . . . G.P.& A Minutes TREASURY Tender NW91-20 Westview Park Development, Phase II FlS.257.GE Tender NW91-21, Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase II FlS.257.GE - 20 - July 22, 1991 Resolution #GPA-531-91 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Report TR-64-91 be received; THAT. Kingwest Landscaping Contracting Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $50,650.49, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW91-20, be awarded the contract for Westview Park Development, Phase II, as required by the Department of Community Services; and THAT the total required funds in an amount of $54,354.0S ($50,650.49 contract + $3,703.59 design and construction administration), be drawn from the Community Services Parkland Development Capital Budget Account #7603-00001-0516. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-532-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report TR-65-91 be received; THAT Deeb Wa1lans Corp., Brighton, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $13S,OS2.43 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW91-21, be awarded the contract for the Construction of Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase II, as required by the Department of Community Services; THAT Alternate #1 (planting) in an amount of $10,675.39 and Alternate #2 (electricalllighting) in the amount of $19,429.06 be included as part of the contract award; and THAT the total required funds in an amount of $172,693.66 ($13S,OS2.43 contract + $10,675.39 Alternate # 1 + $19,429.06 Alternate #2 + $4,506.76 design and construction administration), be drawn from the Community Services Parkland Development Capital Budget Account #7603-00001-0516. llCARRIEDIt ') " ,-, / L U . . . G.P.& A Minutes TREASURY DEPARTMENT Tender NW91-27, Construction of Sidewalks - Various Locations FI8.257.GE - 21- July 22, 1991 Resolution #HGPA-533-91 Moved by Councillor Han1I'e, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report TR-66-91 be received; THAT D & R Ventura General Construction Ltd., Bramalea, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $78,067.20 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW91- 27, be awarded the contract for the Construction of Sidewalks, Various Locations, as required by the Department of Public Works; and THAT the total required funds in the amount of $121,865.29 ($78,067.20 contract + $43,798.09 contingencies, design and construction administration), be drawn from the approved 1991 Department of Public Works Sidewalk Construction budget, Account #7212-91002-X, #7212-91003-X, #7212-91004-X and #7212-91005-X. tlCARRIEDII Restoration of Resolution #GPA-534-91 Monuments - Bowmanville and Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre Bond Head Cemeteries A20.76.AB THAT Report TR-67-91 be received; Comments on the Report to the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the Provincial Municipal ReJationship AI6.335.PR THAT a purchase order in an approximate amount of $25,000.00 be issued to G. Sloan Trucking Limited, Lindsay, Ontario, for the restoration of various monuments throughout the Bowmanville and Bond Head Cemeteries, as required by the Department of Community Services; THAT the procedures set out in the Purchasing By-Law #82-2, Section 5, Paragraph 04, be waived for this particular transaction; and THAT the funds be drawn from the Community Services approved 1991 Capital Budget, Account #7402-X-0501. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-535-91 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Han1I'e THAT Report TR-68-91 be received for information; and THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is interested in participating in the process of developing the Provincial-Municipal ReJationship with the current Provincial Government. "CARRIED" 7)' _~l . . . G.P.& A Minutes Quotation Q91-6, Operation of Pro Shop Bowmanville Recreation Complex L04.334.JO FIRE DEPARTMENT Disposition of Block 134, Plan lOM-840 - Eiram Subdivision L04.2706.EI - 22- July 22, 1991 Resolution #GPA-536-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Report TR-69-91 be received; THAT B. Jones, Port Perry, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $400.00 for the 1991/92 season, and $400.00 for the 1992193 season, being the highest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifICations of Quotation Q91-6 be awarded the Pro Shop operation at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex, as required by the Department of Community Services; THAT the By-Law attached to Report TR-69-91 authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the Agreement be approved; THAT in accordance with Section 84 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, authorization be obtained from the Ontario Municipal Board prior to the execution of this Agreement; and THAT the funds be credited to Account #6400-00068-X. "CARRIED" Mayor Hubbard chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-537-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report FD-5-91 be received; THAT the Subdivision Agreement executed between the Town and Eiram Development Corp. dated April 3, 1991 be amended in accordance with Section 1.7 of Report FD-5-91; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the appropriate amending agreement and the authorizing by-Jaw be approved. "CARRIED" -') 'l " <:::~ . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 23 - July 22, 1991 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Councillor Stapleton chaired this portion of the meeting. Solina Park/Ontario Hydro Service to Solina D15.332.0N Status Update Orono Amateur Athletic Association R06.1232.GE Annual Review of Community Services Department Rates and Fees A09.1265.CE Resolution #GPA-538-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Report CS-27-91 be received; THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Ontario Hydro for the purpose of providing an easement in Solina Park; THAT the Solina Hall and Park Boards be advised of Council's decision; and THAT the $90.00 from Ontario Hydro be deposited to the credit of the Park Reserve Account #5001-7-651. "CARRIEDtt Resolution #GPA-539-91 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Report CS-28-91 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-540-91 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report CS-29-91 be received; THAT Council approve the Community Services Department's proposed Rates and Fees as outlined in Schedules I and II of Report CS-29-91 effective September 1, 1991; and THAT the proposed Cemetery Fees and Rates be forwarded to the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial ReJations for approval. "CARRIED" r')j7 ,:~ :. ) . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 24- July 22, 1991 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Hampton Citizens' Request for a Park R04.358.GE United Way Request for Non-Fee Use of Town Facilities R05.360.GE Resolution #GPA-541-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report CS-30-91 be received for information; and THAT Staff hold a Public Information Meeting from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to receive and incorporate comments from the residents in a final report to be submitted to the Parks Policy Committee and subsequently to the General Purpose and Administration Committee and Council for final approvaL "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-542-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report CS-31.91 be received; THAT the request for non-fee use of the banquet facilities at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex, on August 3, 1991, be denied; and THAT Mr. Christopher Mendes, Director for the United Way (Oshawa- Whitby-Newcastle) be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-543-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Town of Newcastle make a donation in the amount of $400.00 to the United Way to be used as proceeds towards the "Hospitality Nite"; and THAT Mr. Christopher Mendes, Director for the United Way (Oshawa- Whitby-Newcastle) be advised of Council's decision. lICARRIED" 224 . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 25 - July 22, 1991 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Seniors Activity Centre Feasibility Study Consultant Selection R05.360.GE Resolution #GPA-544-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Mayor Hubbard THAT Report CS-32-91 be received; THAT Staff be authorized to retain the services of the Greer Galloway Group for the implementation of the Senior Citizen's Activity Centre Feasibility Study as described in the Terms of Reference; THAT the necessary funds be drawn from the 1991 approved Community Services Department's Consulting Services account #7602-00000-0247; and THAT the two other Consulting Firms who submitted detailed proposals be thanked for their interest in this project and be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Councillor Hannah chaired this portion of the meeting. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Request to Pre-Service Ueso\ution #GPA-545-91 Several Plans of Subdivision Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Hubbard L04.338.NO THAT Report WD-68-91 be received; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an appropriate agreement with the North BowmanviJle Servicing Group containing the necessary provisions to satislY the terms set out in Attachment No. 3 to Report WD-68-91; THAT the appropriate authorizing by-Jaw be passed; and THAT the subdividers of the North Bowmanville Servicing Group be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GPA-546-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Attachment #3 to Report WD-68-91 be amended as follows: "that the word "cash" in the second line of paragraph 2 be deleted and replaced with: "Letter of Credit". "CARRIEDtl ./'""t , / J . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 26- July 22, 1991 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION UNFINISHED BUSINESS Orono Youth Resource Group The foregoing Reaolution #GPA-545-91 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #GPA-547-91 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Newcastle Hydro be requested by the Town of Newcastle to provide prompt and reliable service pertaining to repairing and replacing street lights. "CARRIED' Mayor Hubbard chaired this portion of the meeting. There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda. Resolution #GPA-548-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the delegation of Steve Wiggins be acknowledged; THAT Staff be directed to meet with the Orono Youth Resource Group and draw up an Agreement of Understanding for the short term use of the front portion of the Orono Armories building by the Orono Youth Resource Group and subsequently, Staff bring forward an information report; and THAT Steve Wiggins be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIEDII Resolution #GPA-549-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the meeting be "In Camera". ItCARRIED" Resolution #GPA-550-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the actions taken "In Camera" be approved, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" j"/ c_ L 0 . . . G.P.& A Minutes OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT - 27- July 22, 1991 There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. Resolution #GPA-551-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:30 p.m. "CARRIED" jf)4~~~~ thairman, PJanning epartment ~'7,lj; )~~ , ./ /