HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/1992 . . . THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE General Purpose and Administration Committee December 7, 1992 ROLL CALL Present Were: Absent: Also Present: MINU1ES PUBLIC MEETING Minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, December 7, 1992 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Mayor D. Hamre Councillor A. Dreslinski Councillor K Hooper Councillor M. Novak (Until 12:15 p.m.) Councillor J. O'Toole Councillor D. Scott Couocillor L. Hannah (Due to Illoess) Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (Until 3:20 p.m.) Fire Chief, M. Creighton (Until 3:20 p.rn.) Director of Public Works, W. Evans (Until 3:20 p.m.) Treasurer, M. Marano Director of Planniog and Development, F. Wu (Until 3:20 p.m.) Town Clerk, P. Barrie (At 1:15 p.m.) Deputy Clerk, M. Knight (Until 12:15 p.m.) Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-733-92 Moved by Couocillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Hooper 1HAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on November 16, 1992, be approved. "CARRIED" There were no public meetings held on this date. The presentation by the Office of the Fire Marshall re: Municipal Fire Protection SUlVey was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. (see Page 10). 201 G.P.& A Minutes . DELEGATIONS . . - 2- December 7, 1992 (a) Garnet Rickard, 726 Rickard Road, R.R. #4, BowmaDville, LIC 3KS - re: Report PD-240-92 - circulated a petition containing approximately 80 signatures of persons who object to the Town of Newcastle changing the name of "Bennett Road" to ''Wilmot Creek Road". He also circulated two maps of the area in question. He delved into the historical significance of the name "Bennett". Wi1Jiam Henry Bennett originally came from England and settled in the Town of Newcastle at age 18 where he farmed the lands that were later severed for the construction of Highway 401. He questioned the wisdom of renaming "Bennett Road" to "Wilmot Creek Road" as this road does not even lead to the Wilmot Creek development. The change of name would create mass confnsion to persons already familiar with the area and would also create an undue financial bnrden to businesses whose letterhead bear the name of "Bennett Road". (b) <rl>rdon Barrie, 2591 Bragg Road, R.R. #4, BowmanvilJe, LIC 3KS . re: Report PD-240-92 - circulated a petition containing approximately 59 names in opposition to changing the name of "Bennett Road" to ''Wilmot Creek Road". He advised that the name "Bennett Road" has been used for as long as he can remember and sees no reason why this name should be changed. (c) EugeDe Dupnis, 1078 BeDDett Road, BowmaovilJe, L1C 3KS - re: Report PD-240-92 - circulated his summary of expenses related to the proposed name change which reflected total expenses of $732.00. He also indicated that the name change would cause inconvenience to visitors who have been familiar with this area for many years. (d) Mr. Taylor, Newcastle Historical Society - re: Report PD-240-92 - advised prior to the meeting that he would not be present. (e) David Rice, 17 DeaD Street, BramptoD, L6W 1M7 - re: Report PD-240-92- informed the Committee that Ridge Pine Park Inc. initiated the change of name by making application to the Planning and Development Department. He noted that people travelling to the Wilmot Creek Retirement Community, who are not familiar with the area, usually travel past this Community and, ultimately, must turn around. Renaming "Bennett Road" to ''Wilmot Creek Road" would resolve this situation. He was advised by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario that the costs for the Highway sigoage associated with the name change would amount to approximately $20,000. The applicant is prepared to pay this cost. He has polled the residents of the Wilmot Creek Homeowners' Association who have shown support for this name change. (I) Keith AIliD, 192 GleDcairu Ave., ToroDto, M4R 1N2 - re: Report PD-243-92 - noted concurrence with the recommendations contained in Report PD-243-92. )'1,) :-vL G.P.& A. Minutes . DELEGATIONS CONTD. - 3- December 7, 1992 (g) Pat Cull, 64 Bounyeastle Drive, Bowmanville, Ll C 4S8 - re: Report WD-92-92 - advised that, in his opinion, the map of the subject site is misleading. He also referred to Paragraph 3.2 of Report WD-92-92 and noted that some statements are erroneous, ie, "all vehicular and pedestrian traffic must use Bonneycastle Drive to exit the subdivision"... He referred to this statemeut as being incorrect. He reiterated his origioal request that the residents of Bonnycastle Drive do uot want a sidewalk. Mr. Cull advised that the builder would be willing to remove the existing sidewalk at no expense to the Town and that future purchasers of property ou this street would sign a waiver stating that they would not request a sidewalk at a later date. (h) Sam Cureatz, 19 Ontario Street, Bowmanville, LlC 2S2 - re: Report WD-93-92 - advised that by-laws were passed in 1973 to close unused roads but the appropriate trausfers of land to adjacent owners did not take place at that time. He advised of his concurrence with the recommendations contained in Report WD-93-92 with the exception of the applicant being requested to pay $2,700. for the land. He requested that the Committee waive this condition. . (i) Gerard Gervais, Dekkema & Gervais, 100 Allstate Parkway, Suite SOl, Markham, L3R 6H3 - re: Amendment to Subdivision Agreement 18T-890BO - circulated documeutation pertaining to Subdivision Agreement 18T-89080 - Piau 10M-839 - South Side of Highway #2 west of Trulls Road, Courtice. Mr. GelVais requested relief from conditions in the subdivision agreement pertaining to Plan 18T-89080 as it pertains to streetlighting and road maintenance. He noted that occupancy took place in December, 1990 and, since that time, the developer has been responsible for costs associated with streetlighting and road maintenance. Under the present agreement, although the developer has been responsible for these costs for two years, the wording of the subdivision agreement indicates that he would be obligated to continue paying for these costs for an additional two years. He therefore requested that the Town issue a Certificate of Release for streetlighting and a release from the responsibility of maintaining the roads. . G) Helen MacDonald, R.R. #1, Newtonville, LOA lJO - re: LW.A. Short List - circulated a document entitled "Waste (Resource) Processing". She advised that the Province of Ontario recently announced that the Stapleton Farm/Laidlaw Dump in Newtonville (known as KK2) is on the short list of proposed mega dupms in the Region of Durham. She noted that Waste (Resource) Processing is not new techoology. Some American communities have implemented waste processing programs successfully. This approacb is multi-faceted and includes: - commuuity based siting of recycliog (sorting), compo sting and storage facilities; - sorting - at source by household, commercial and industrial generators; - education/promotion; - storage instead of disposal of potentially recyclable materials; - arranging markets for commerciaVindustrial sources and end uses; and - legal controls on packaging and mandatory recycliog and penalties for refusal to collect waste. She requested that the Town of Newcastle show the Province some leadership by endorsing the concept of Waste (Resource) Processing and requesting full review of this option. 203 G.P.& A Mioutes . DELEGATIONS CONTD. - 4- December 7, 1992 (k) Virginia Tinli, Planner, Ghods Bnilders, 3293 Bayview Avenue, Suite 300, Willowdale, M2M 4JS - re: Report PD-215-92 - concurred with the recommendations contained io Report PD-215-92 and expressed willingness to adhere to the Town of Newcastle's Site Plan requirements. (I) George Armoyan, Nor-Arm Developments, U80 Finch Avenue West, Suite 710, Downsview, M3J 3K6 - re: Letters of Credit for Royal Pines Development and Pioetree Court Development - requested that the Town reduce his Letters of Credit for Royal Pines Development and Pinetree Court Development and show some fleXIbility in view of these times of recession. He advised that the subdivision was occupied in November, 1990 and, since this time, he has been responsible for costs incurred pertainiog to street lighting and road maintenance, i.e., sanding aad snow ploughing. He advised that the wording of the subdivision agreement is such that the developer is, in fact, responsible for these costs for a total period of four years rather thaa two years. He made reference to other municipalities which only have a one year requirement for payment of these charges. He is most williog to meet with staff so that all of his concerns will be addressed. Resolution #GPA-734-92 Moved by Councillor Dreslioski, seconded by Couocillor Scott . lHAT the Committee recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" The meetiog reconvened at 11:25 a.DL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Reroniog Application Michael, Stewart and Alan Clarke D14.DEV.92.040 Resolution #GPA-735-92 Moved by Couocillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslioski lHAT Report PD-238-92 be received; lHAT Rezoniog Application DEV 92-040 submitted by the Town of Newcastle on behalf of Michael, Stewart and Alan Clarke, to rerone the laads from "Agricultural (A)" to "Environmental Protection Exception (EP-9)" be approved; lHAT the amending by-law attached to Report PD-238-92 be fOlwarded to Council for approval; lHAT a copy of Report PD-238-92 and the amending by-law be fOlwarded to the Durham Region Planning Department; . 2Q4 G.P.& A Minutes . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTD. mAT the amending by-law be circulated in accordance with regulations made under the Planning Act; and - 5 - December 7, 1992 mAT any delegation and those persons listed in Report PD-238-92 be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Removal of "Holding Resolution #GPA-736-92 (II)" Symbol & Removal of Part Lot Control Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Hooper D14.DEV.92.052 mAT Report PD-239-92 be received; mAT the By-law attached to Report PD-239-92 removing the Holding (H) symbol from the subject lands be approved; mAT the request submitted by 708545 Ontario Limited for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots 1 to 50 on Registered Plan 40M 1709 be approved; . mAT the Removal of Part Lot Control By-law attached to Report PD-239-92 be approved and fOlwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50 (7) of the Plaoning Act; and mAT a copy of Report PD-239-92 be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department. "CARRIED" Town of Newcastle Proposed Street Name Change - Bennett Rd. and Wihnot Creek Rd. D19. Resolution #GPA-737-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor O'Toole mAT Report PD-240-92 be received; mAT the application to change the street names of Bennett Road and Wihnot Creek Road in Part Lots 4 and 5, Broken Front Concession and Concession One, in the former Township of Darliogton be denied; and mAT the delegations and interested parties listed in Report PD-240-92 be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" . 205 G.P.& A Minutes . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTD. - 6- December 7, 1992 Rezoning and Neighbourhood Plan Amendment D14.DEV.90.039 Resolution #GPA-738-92 Moved by Couocillor Dreslioski, seconded by Couocillor Novak TIlAT Report PD-241-92 be received; TIlAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, and the related application for a Neighbourhood Plan Amendment be closed; aod TIlAT the interested parties listed io Report PD-241-92 aod any delegation be advised of Couocil's decision. "CARRIED" Monitoriog of the Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment D13.3808.AD Resolution #GPA-739-92 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor O'Toole TIlAT Report PD-242-92 be received; TIlAT Council concur with the decision of the Committee of Adjustment made on November 19, 1992; and . TIlAT Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment io the event of an appeal. "CARRIED" Durham Regional Official Resolution #GPA-740-92 Plan aod Zoning By-law Amendment Moved by Couocillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor O'Toole D09.0PA.89.147 D14.DEV.90.012 TIlAT Report PD-243-92 be received; TIlAT the application submitted by Keith Allio to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan (OPA 89-147/D) to permit a 21 lot estate (country) residential subdivision io Part Lot 19, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke, be approved; TIlAT the application submitted by Keith Allio to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoniog By-law 84-63 (file number: DEV 90-012) to permit a 21 lot estate (country) residential subdivision io Part Lot 19, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke, be referred back to staff until such time as the related Plan of Subdivision application is submitted; and . TIlAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the applicant, delegation aod interested parties. "CARRIED" 206 G.P.& A. Minutes . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTD. Official Plan Review Resolution #GPA-741-92 Public Ioformation Centres D25.3507.NE Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Novak Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for November, 1992 P10.331.MO Amendment to Sign By-law Goodyear Canada Ltd. T07.1270.SI . By-law Regarding Hawkers & Pedlars Within the Town of Newcastle P01.1317.SE . - 7- December 7, 1992 1HAT Report PD-244-92 be received for information; and 1HAT Staff be thanked for their efforts. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-742-92 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski 1HAT Report PD-245-92 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-743-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Scott 1HAT Report PD-246-92 be received; and 1HAT the Amendment to the Sign By-law attached to Report PD-246-92, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-744-92 Moved by Councillor Dreslioski, seconded by Councillor Scott 1HAT Report PD-247-92 be received; and 1HAT the By-law attached to Report PD-247-92 be enacted and a notice placed in the local newspapers. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-745-92 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor O'Toole 1HAT the agenda be altered to consider an item listed under "Unfinished Business" at this time. "CARRIED" za7 - 8- December 7, 1992 G.P.& A Minutes . UNFINISHED BUSINESS . . Rezoning Application and Site Plan Approval Ghods Builders Inc. D14.DEV.92.026 CLERK'S DEPAR'IMENT Amendment to Bowmanville Museum Board By-law 79-67 R03.1126.BO Resolution #GPA-746-92 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Scott TIIAT Report PD-215-92 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-747-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak TIIA T Report PD-215-92 be received; TIIAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Ghods Builders Inc. to permit the development of an 81.7 m' sales pavilion comprising of four separate new home sales trailers be approved on a yearly basis from the date of passing of the Temporary Use By-law; TIIAT the Temporary Use By-law be forwarded to Council for approval at such time that the applicant has entered into a site plan agreement with the Town; and TIIAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-215-92 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-748-92 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Hooper TIIAT Report CD-28-92 be received; TIIAT the request from the Bowmanville Museum Board to include a Representative from the "Friends of the Museum" as a Member of the Bowmanville Museum Board be approved; TIIAT the By-law attached to Report CD-28-92 be approved; and TIIAT Mr. Larry Paradis, Chairman, Bowmanville Museum Board be provided with a copy of Report CD-28-92 and advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" 208 - 9- December 7, 1992 G.P.& A. Minutes . CLERK'S DEPARTMENT CONTD. . . Request for Liceuce to Sell Break-Open Lottery (Nevada) Tickets - Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association P09.3870.GE Heritage Designations 6720 Jewel Road, Orono Woodley Saw Mill R01.3773.FL R01.3771.WO Resolution #GPA-749-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Conncillor Dreslinski '!HAT Report CD-29-92 be received; '!HAT the request received from the Newcastle Village Mioor Hockey Association for an exemption from Sections 4(b) and 17(b) of the Terms and Conditions for Licensing Break-Open (Nevada) tickets be approved; '!HAT the licence be issued provided tbe licensee complies with all other Terms and Conditions of the licence; and '!HAT Daniel Peter Leddy, Vice-President, Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-750-92 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Scott '!HAT Report CD-30-92 be received; '!HAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the appropriate by-laws attached to Report CD-30-92; '!HAT the Clerk be authorized to carry out all actions necessary to complete the process of property designation pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, and detailed withio Report CD-30-92; and '!HAT Ms. E. M. Magdor, Mr. F. M. Hunkin, Mr. J. Woodley and Mrs. P. Dewell, Local Architectural Consetvation Advisory Committee, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-751-92 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski '!HAT the Committee recess for lunch until 1:15 p.m. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 1:15 p.m. 209 G.P.& A. Minutes . PRESENTATION . . -10 - December 7, 1992 Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meetiog. Barry McKinnon, Rob Browning and Boyd Finger of the Office of the Fire Marshall presented to the Committee the Mnnicipal Fire Protection SUlVey completed for the Town of Newcastle. Mr. McKinnon indicated that during this process interaction has taken place with Council, Administration of the Town, both full-time and volunteer firefighters, and the public. The review has revealed that many people are committed to the delivery of fire prevention and public education services to the community. Mr. McKinnon indicated that the trainiog program provided to the firefighters is one of the very few in the province which is truly based on skill centred testing. He indicated that the fire department has an adequate number of stations and apparatus to provide fIre suppression services to the majority of the municipality, however, he identified a concern about the level of protection provided in the eastern extremities of the Town. Because the fITe department relies upon volunteers to form an important part of the fITe attack team, there is a growiog problem with assembliog an adequate fire attack team within an acceptable time period. This is one of the maio reasons that the issue of providiog full-time firefighters round-the-clock in the Bowmanville area must be addressed. In the ioterim, platooning of the staff presently available will assist in solving this problem. A major fire suppression issue to be resolved is the methodology of providing primary response capability to the Darliogton Nuclear Geueratiog Station. This issue is directly ioterconnected to the location of the responding fire station and will no doubt be one of the most important areas of concern to be dealt with when developing a Master Fire Protection Plan. Mr. McKinnon stated that the sUlVey group have reviewed various possible locations for a new fire station aud is suggestiog that the area of Highway 57 and Highway 2 could provide the best coverage for the entire Town. Fire Station construction costs of various cities and towns were distributed to the Committee for ioformation. Mr. McKinnon stated that the Town of Newcastle presently has resources necessary to implement the recommendations contained in the report and has a snperb training program. He suggested that a Master Fire Plan Committee, consisting of perhaps two members of Council, the Chief Administrative Officer, the Fire Chief, the Treasurer, a representative of Ontario Hydro and Boyd Finger of the Ontario Fire Marshals Office be put io place to bring together various facets of the Fire Department. Resolution #GPA-752-92 Moved by Conncillor Dreslioski, seconded by Councillor Scott lHAT the presentation of the Office of the Fire Marshall regarding the Municipal Fire Protection SUlVey be received with appreciation; and lHAT the survey be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer and the Fire Chief for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" 210 . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 11- December 7, 1992 Resolutiou #GPA-753-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, secouded by Couucillor Dreslinski TIIAT Committee recess for teu mioutes. "CARRIED" The meeting recouvened at 2:36 p.m. Councillor O'Toole chaired this portion of the meeting. TREASURY DEPARTMENT List of Applications for Cancellation Reduction or Refund of Taxes F27.3841.AP Cash Activity Report October, 1992 Part A F10.3834.MO Members of Council Travel Expenses October 1992 F09.3832.GE Resolution #GPA-754-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dres1inski TIIAT Report TR-98-92 be received; and TIIAT the list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes attached to Report TR-98-92, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-755-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Scott TIIAT Report TR-100-92 be received; TIIAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M.45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended October 31, 1992, is as shown on the schedule attached to Report TR-100-92; and TIIAT Part A of the expenditures for the month of October, 1992 be confirmed. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-756-92 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Scott TIIAT Report TR-101-92 be received for information. "CARRIED" 211 G.P.& A. Minutes . TREASURY DEPARlMENT CONTD. - 12- December 7,1992 Tender NW92-39, Snow Resolution #GPA-757-92 Clearing aud Winter Maintenance of Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Scott Sidewalks and Parking Lots TIIAT Report TR-102-92 be received; F18.3837.QU TIIAT G.W.S. Landscaping, Bowmanville, Ontario, with bid prices per callout, as outlined in Schedule "A" attached to Report TR-102-92, be awarded the contract to provide snow clearing and winter maintenance for Sectious I (Bowmanville), II (Newcastle), IV (Courtice), VIII (Senior Citizens and Physically Disabled), X (Orono Armouries), XI (Bowmanville Recreation Complex), XIII (Newcastle Fitness Centre) and XIV (Memorial Park Hall), as required by the Town of Newcastle for the 1992/93 winter season; TIIAT D & F Snow Removal, Bowmanville, Ontario, with bid prices per callout, as outlined in Schedule "A" attached to Report TR-102-92, be awarded the contract to provide snow clearing and winter maintenance for Sections III (Orono), V (Hampton), VI (Newtonville), IX (Clarke library) and XII (Darlington Sports Centre), as required by the Town of Newcastle for the 1992193 winter season; and . TIIAT the funds expended be drawn from the 1992 and 1993 winter maiotenance budgets, for the respective departments; FOR1HWrnI. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-758-92 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Scott TIIAT Report TR-99-92 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered "In Camera". "CARRIED" FIRE DEPARlMENT There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda. Councillor Dreslinski chaired this portion of the meeting. . 212 G.P.& A Minutes . COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPAR1MENT -13 - December 7, 1992 Natural Outdoor Ice Rinks R06.1232.GE Resolution #GPA-759-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor O'Toole TIIAT Report CS-41-92 be received; TIIAT the program as outlioed in Report CS-41-92 be approved; and TIIA T the volunteers all be thanked for their contribution and advised of action taken by Council. "CARRIED" Councillor Scott chaired this portion of the meeting. PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR1MENT Waverly Heights Resolution #GPA-760-92 Subdivision - Certificate of A<x:cptance Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor O'Toole D12.18T.85035 TIIAT Report WD-89-92 be received; . TIIAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to issue a "Certificate of Acceptance" for the roads, storm drainage system, street lights and other related Works, constructed within Plan lOM-813; and TIIAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report WD-89-92 assuming the streets within Plan 10M-813, as public highways. "CARRIED" Construction of Resolution #GPA-761-92 Sidewalks on Highway 2 Through Newtonville Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslioski T04.396.GE TIIAT Report WD-91-92 be received; and TIIAT $80,000 for the construction of sidewalks on Highway 2 through Newtonville be approved in advance of the Town's 1993 Capital Budget; TIIAT the fuuding for this project be included in the 1993 Budget either from the tax levy and/or the existing lot levy reselVe fund as determined to be appropriate through the budget exercise; and TIIAT Ms. Ann Cataford, Ministry of Transportation, be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report WD-91-92. . "CARRIED" 213 - 14- December 7, 1992 G.P.& A Minutes . PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR1MENT CONTD. . . Request for the Deletiou of Sidewalk ou the West Side of Bounycastle Drive, Bowmauville T04.396.GE Request for Quit Claim - Sonbon Homes Sale to Chapmau L07.CH Resolutiou #GPA-762-92 Moved by Councillor Dreslioski, secouded by Mayor Hamre THAT Report WD-92-92 be received; lHAT sidewalks be coustructed ou both sides of Bonnycastle Drive as originally plauned; aud lHAT Pat Cull be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report WD-92-92. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-763-92 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dreslioski lHAT Report WD-93-92 be received; lHAT the By-law attached to Report WD-93-92 be passed authorizing the Mayor aud Clerk to execute a quit claim deed to Sonbon Homes for the uunamed street io Part 3, Plan lOR-2457; lHAT the Town's solicitor prepare the qnit claim aud take all actions necessary to complete the trausaction; lHAT the value of the land (0.047553 acres), comprised of part of the unnamed street be established at $2,700; lHAT the applicant pay $2,700 for the land plus all costs associated with the transaction; lHAT the applicaut execute an Indemnity Agreement satisfactory to the Town Solicitor in favour of the Town of Newcastle; lHAT the applicant provide: a) A release form duly executed by the property owner of Part 2, Plan 10R-2457; b) A registered reference plan describiog the unnamed street as a separate part; aud lHAT Sam L. Cureatz and hwin Hamilton, Solicitors, be advised of Council's decisions. "CARRIED" 714 - , - 15 - December 7, 1992 G.P.& A Minutes . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARlMENT CONTD. . . Policies Related to Signs for Volunteer Organizations A09.030.RO ADMINISlRATION Correspondence dated October 21, 1992 from the City of Gloucester regardiog One-Tier Government io the Region of Ottawa/Carleton L11.3859.GE Resolution #GPA-764-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Report WD-94-92 be received; THAT Resolution #GPA-480-91 which was approved by Council on July 15, 1991, be rescinded; THAT the Town pay the cost of construction and maintenance of the sign standards located at the east and west end of King Street io Bowmanville onto which the various volunteer organizations in Bowmanville attach their shields; THAT the maximum size of the shields be 24" x 24"; THAT the wording on the sign standards be "Welcome to Bowmanville"; THAT the $300 fee paid by the Koights of Columbus be returned to tbem; and THAT the representatives of the various volunteer organizations in attendance at the meeting held on Monday, November 30, 1992 and those other volunteer organizations listed on Attachment No.2 to Report WD-94-92 be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED lATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GPA-765-92 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Mayor Hamre THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-764-92 be amended by inserting the word "Historical" between the words "to" and "Bowmanville" in the fifth paragraph. "CARRIED" The foregoiog Resolution #GP A-764-92 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #GPA-766-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT Report ADMIN-13-92 be received; and THAT the correspondence from the Mayor, City of Gloucester, be received for ioformation. lICARRIED" 215 G.P.& A Minutes . OiliER BUSINESS . . - 16- December 7, 1992 Resolution #GPA-767-92 Moved by Mayor Hamre, secouded by Couucillor Dreslinski TIlAT the delegatiou of Gerard Gervais regarding an amendment to Subdivision Agreement 18T-89080 be received and referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for co-ordioation among appropriate staff and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-768-92 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski TIlAT the delegation of George Armoyan regarding Letters of Credit for Royal Pines Development and Pioetree Court Development be received and referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for co-ordination among appropriate staff and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-769-92 Moved by Couocillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski TIlAT the Director of Public Works liaise with appropriate Regional officials regarding the implementation of recycling igloos in estate residential subdivisions. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-770-92 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dres1inski TIlAT the delegation of Helen MacDonald be received and referred to the Town Clerk for preparation of a resolution to be submitted to Town Council on December 14, 1992 to endorse her request. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-771-92 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski TIlAT the meeting be "In Camera". "CARRIED" 216 . . . G.P.& A Minutes - 17- December 7,1992 OlliER BUSINESS CONTD. Resolution #GPA-772-CJ2 ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Hamre lHA T the actions taken "In Camera" be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #GP A-773-CJ2 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Hamre lHAT the meetiog adjourn at 3:40 p.m. "CARRIED" ~~L1~/~~d Chairman, Planning and Development Department 217