HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/2005 . . . . .,~ Clq{,iogt OlJ Council Meeting Minutes February 28, 2005 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on February 28,2005, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Mutton Councillor A. Foster Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor P. Pingle Councillor G. Robinson Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Deputy Treasurer, L. Gordon Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Operations, F. Horvath Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Assistant Director of Community Services, B. Taylor Chief of Emergency & Fire Services, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, C. Tennisco Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated for this meeting. MINUTES Resolution #C-091-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on February 14, 2005, be approved. "CARRIED" ~ . . . Council Meeting Minutes -2- February 28, 2005 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES HEARING Edmond Vanhaverbeke, President, Syvan Developments Limited appeared before Council with an objection to the Development Charges applied to his Building Permit - Newcastle. Mr. Vanhaverbeke is requesting a mechanism be set in place to allow for a refund on the development charges, as the property is zoned M1 Industrial and an industrial building is being erected on the land; development charges are not applicable to industrial buildings. At this time he does not have a tenant for the property. Mr. Vanhaverbeke states they are going forward with this building "on spec" as an industrial building on industrial zoned lands. DELEGATIONS Resolution #C-092-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Ron Collis be added as a delegation. "CARRIED" a) Brenda Jeffs requested that Council take an active role by requesting public input and consultation to identify concerns regarding the Provincial distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages in Ontario. Ms. Jeffs states the following issues, other than social responsibility, which she believes the Municipality should address and communicate to the Province through the Association of Municipalities of Ontario: 1) LCBO states an agency store will not be in an area where the Municipality does not want it; when asked about their communication with Clarington, she was advised advertisements were placed in the newspaper stating "possible business opportunity" in communities. 2) The property of the agency store in Hampton is zoned C3, Hamlet commercial, which is a zoning intended to serve the needs of local residents only; not outsiders. The residents of Hampton are not under- serviced as an LCBO is located five minutes away in Bowmanville. The majority of customers are people passing through Hampton which increases the traffic in the residential hamlet. , . . . Council Meeting Minutes -3- February 28, 2005 DELEGATIONS b) Ron Collis, on behalf of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee, requested support for the Amazing Challenge on March 4, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. Councillors will traverse through downtown Bowmanville with aids to experience want it is like to be challenged and become sensitive to these challenges. The purpose of the Amazing Challenge is to promote accessibility issues and to bring out simple/inexpensive ways for businesses and the public to make small changes to aid people with challenges such as: . businesses supply wider aisles for wheelchairs and walkers; . signs and price tags with a larger font to aid the visually impaired; and . webs site designs easy to navigate visually. Mr. Collis announced that each business that partakes in the Amazing Challenge will be recognized at the Rick Hansen - Wheels in Motion on June 12, 2005 and the winning community will be honoured. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-093-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the communications to be received for information be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Items 1- 3, and 1-15 to 1-19, inclusive. "CARRIED" I - 1 M02.GE Norma Cote, Secretary, Fun Bunch Entertainment Committee, inviting residents, families and friends on July 1st, 2005 to join in the Canada Day Parade to be held in Wilmot Creek commencing at 12:00 p.m. 1-2 D02.0A Township of Scugog announcing notification of an upcoming Public Meeting to be held on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 7:45 p.m. The meeting is to consider applications to amend the Scugog Official Plan Amendment NO.8 and Zoning By-law 75-80, in accordance with provincial legislation which requires that the Township of Scugog amend the existing Official Plan and Zoning By-law to bring local planning policy into conformity with Provincial requirements. 1- 4 F11.GE Kathryn Vinson, the Rotary Club of Courtice, thanking Mayor Mutton and the Municipality of Clarington for the kind contribution to the2004 Gala Fundraiser. The kind actions allow the Rotary Club to continue their services. '- Council Meeting Minutes -4. February 28, 2005 . COMMUNICATIONS 1- 5 A01.DU 1-6 C06.HW 1-7 C06.CL 1- 8 A01.CE 1-9 C06.AC 1-10 A01.MO . I - 11 A01.AM 1-12 M06.ED 1-13 M06.ED . Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee meeting dated January 14, 2005. Minutes of the Clarington Hwy. 407 Community Advisory Committee meeting dated February 8, 2005. Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee meeting dated January 20, 2005. Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority meeting dated February 15, 2005. Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting dated February 3, 2005. Association of Municipalities of Ontario submitting a copy of AMO's response and recommendations to Bill 136, the Places to Grow Act. AMO is in support to the Province's goal of protecting environmentally sensitive land and managing growth in a sustainable way. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising of the meeting between AMO and Provincial Ministers under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on February 14, 2005 to discuss several Provincial activities which will affect Ontario's municipal governments. Craig Burch, Director of Education, Durham District School Board, presenting a copy of the 2004 Annual Report, which features the Durham District School Board's strategic plan, Durham Directions. Cathy Abraham. Trustee - Municipality of Clarington, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, thanking Council for their correspondence regarding an upcoming student trip to Hong Kong. Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board encourages cultural exchange opportunities for students. Unfortunately, due to the significant costs associated with such cross-continental trips, the Board is rarely in the position to provide financial support for these outings. The bulk of funding for such ventures is the responsibility of the individual student participants or generated through local fund-raising activities. . . . " " Council Meeting Minutes .5. February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS 1-14 A04.GE Delbert Shewfelt, Mayor, Town of Goderich, inviting Council to attend the 52nd OSUM Conference & Trade Show to be held May 4 - May 7, 2005 at the Maitland Recreation Centre. The theme is "Strong Partnerships - Strong Communities". 1 - 3 E05.GE Ron Hooper, Chairman, Board of Management, Bowmanville Business Centre, thanking Council for their actions in regards to the number of power outages in 2004 in Downtown Bowmanville. Mr. Michael Angemeer, President, Veridian Corporation, appeared before the Board of Management, as a delegation, to address the Bowmanville Business Centre's concerns regarding the outages. Resolution #C-094-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item 1- 3 be received for information. "CARRIED" Mayor David Miller, City of Toronto, on behalf of the Great Lakes Cities Initiative, inviting Mayor Mutton to the Canadian Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River meeting to be held on Friday, March 11,2005 at Toronto City Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m'. The International Joint Commission will review the Canada U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement 2005. Resolution #C-095-05 1-15 A04.GE Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item I - 15 be received for information. "CARRIED" 1-16 D02.0A Debbie Leroux, Deputy Clerk, Township of Uxbridge, requesting the Honourable Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, grant an extension to the March 9, 2005 deadline for the Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity requirement. The following resolution was passed: "THAT the Planning Committee for the Township of Uxbridge, in response to a letter dated January 24th, 2005 from Minister Gerretsen, hereby formally requests that the Minister of Municipal . . . , ~ Council Meeting Minutes -6. February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS Affairs and Housing extend the deadline for conformity with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan from March 9, 2005 deadline until a date after the completion of any "harmonization" of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the Greenbelt Plan and that a copy of the request be sent to all municipalities located within the boundaries of the Oak Ridges Moraine." Resolution #C-096-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution of the Township of Uxbridge requesting an extension to the March 9, 2005 deadline for conformity with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" 1-17 C10.MO Pat Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, copying correspondence to The Honourable Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of the Environment advising that at a meeting held on February 9, 2005 their Council passed the following resolution regarding the review of the Reports to the Minister of the Environment on Source Water Protection from the Implementation Expert Advisory Panel and the Technical Expert Advisory Panel: "a) THAT Report #2005-COW-02 of the Commissioners of Finance, Planning, Works and the Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health be endorsed and submitted to the Province as the Region's response to the December 14111, 2004 EBR postings (XA04E0021 and XA04E0022) of the Implementation Committee and Technical Expert Committee reports on Source Water Protection; b) THAT the Province reexamine previous Region of Durham recommendations with respect to the governance and models for delivering source water protection provided in Reports #2004-CQW-03 and #2003-COW-03 of the Commissioners of Finance, Planning, Works and the Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health; c) THAT the Province assess the state of source water protection planning in watersheds across the Province to fully understand the scale, scope and cost involved in creating and implementing Source Protection Plans province-wide; " . . . Council Meeting Minutes -7- February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS d) THAT the Province prepare a draft strategy for funding and delivering a province-wide source protection program, which outlines Provincial interests and priorities for source water protection, proposed programs and funding to address those priorities, and timelines for phasing in the various program elements; e) THAT the Province consult with its delivery partners (e.g., municipalities, Conservation Authorities) with respect to local priorities for action and capacity to respond to, and participate in, the Provincial source protection strategy; f) THAT the Province must ensure that municipalities have provincial financial assistance to adequately fund local source protection activities under municipal authority; g) THAT Provincial legislation to enable Source Protection Planning should: i) Recognize previous source protection work that produces the required outcomes; ii) Clarify or rationalize the application of source protection requirements imposed under other acts (ORMC Act, Planning Act, Bil/135 Greenbelt Act); iii) Extend to municipalities liability protection from actions resulting from the creation and implementation of Source Protection Plans; iv) Exempt from appeal to the OMB or ERT amendments made to municipal official plans to achieve compliance with the Source Protection Plan; h) THAT municipalities have flexibility to select risk management measures that will be most technically and cost effective in their community and geographic area; i) THAT the Province must retain and expand, if necessary, its authority and role in regulating industries and businesses that transport, use or create potential source water contaminants (e.g. chemicals, fuels, pesticides) and fulfil its duties to ensure compliance with those regulations; . . . " . Council Meeting Minutes -8- February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS j) THAT like the agricultural sector, other industries be required to produce environmental protection plans including best practices, risk reduction measures, emergency planning and training for staff, to prevent the substances they transport, use or produce from contaminating water sources; k) THAT the Province acknowledge that creation of Source Protection Plans province-wide will require multiple iterations and ongoing provincial funding to sustain the process of improvement, revision and updating of the plans; I) THAT measures imposed by a Source Protection Plan produce quantifiable benefits to a watershed or water source with respect to reduction in water-borne illness, improvement in water quality, and improved long-term sustainability of the water source; m) THAT the Province should recognize that regulations requiring actions such as re-inspections of private sewage disposal systems or decommissioning of wells may be ineffective where property owners lack the resources to comply. Provincial funding assistance or incentive programs for private property owners may be much more effective and efficient in achieving results than investment in 'enforcement' or legal' action; and n) THAT copies of Report #2005-COW-02 of the Commissioners of Finance, Planning, Works and the Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health be forwarded to the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and Durham's area municipalities and Conservation Authorities (CAs)." Resolution #C-097-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT resolution of the Regional Municipality of Durham regarding Source Water Protection from the Implementation Expert Advisory Panel and the Technical Expert Advisory Panel be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" .. . . . . Council Meeting Minutes -9. February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS 1-18 C10.MO Pat Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, copying correspondence to Ms. E. Dowdeswell, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, advising that at a meeting held on February 9, 2005 their Council passed the following resolution regarding Nuclear Waste Management Organization Document Entitled "Understanding the Choices - The Future Management of Canada's Used Nuclear Fuel": a) THAT the following comments be forwarded to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), as Durham Region's response to the Discussion Paper entitled, 'Understanding the Choices - The Future Management of Canada's Used Nuclear Fuel': i) Paramount consideration should be given to the health and safety of humans, societal well-being and the environment, now and in the future, in the selection of the long-term management approach for nuclear fuel waste; ii) Greater consideration must be given, in terms of 'fairness' and 'community well-being', to nuclear reactor host communities and communities in the vicinity of 'reactor sites, given that long-term storage of nuclear fuel waste at existing reactor sites was never proposed at the time the nuclear reactors were constructed; iii) Flexibility/adaptability must be incorporated into the economic considerations of the Assessment Framework, to ensure that technological advances can be taken advantage of in the future; iv) The Region continues to oppose long-term nuclear fuel waste storage at existing reactor sites. Long-term nuclear fuel waste management facilities should be located away from large and growing urban centres and the Great Lakes drinking water supply; v) If the selected long-term management approach is storage at reactor sites, details on the expected refurbishments, frequency of refurbishments and potential costs must be provided; vi) Details on the suitability and feasibility of storage on each of Canada's existing nuclear reactor sites must be provided, given that the Discussion Document suggests centralized storage may occur on an existing reactor site; , . . . -. Council Meeting Minutes -10- February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS vii) Clear information on the risks associated with the transportation of used nuclear fuel waste must be provided; viii) Detailed economic and financial information for each management approach must be provided. At a minimum, a full cost analysis is required, in order to understand how costs may vary from site to site; viii) Detailed economic and financial information for each management approach must be provided. At a minimum, a full cost analysis is required, in order to understand how costs may vary from site to site; ix) Regardless of which long-term management approach is implemented, information on the costs that will be incurred by the Region with respect to matters such as emergency preparedness, security measures, municipal infrastructure and associated community impacts, must be provided; x) Detailed information with respect to funding, including how funds will be raised, invested and sustained between now and the time when waste management costs are actually incurred, must be provided; xi) The Region must have an ongoing, long-term role in future decisions on any nuclear fuel waste management approach to ensure that the Region's interests, financial and otherwise are protected; xii) The NWMO must acknowledge that each of the long- term management approaches for nuclear fuel waste presents significant continuing risks for this Region. This should be a fundamental basis for considering any management approach; xiii) The impact of the cost of each long-term management approach on the price of power, and on the economy and consumers, must be provided; xiv) There is concern that the long-term management approach of storing nuclear fuel waste at existing reactor sites, is being put forward as a default option. The other two approaches may not be feasible if a 'willing host community' is not found; xv) Information on how other countries address. the issue of long- term management and best practices of nuclear fuel waste must be provided; ~ . . Council Meeting Minutes -11- February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS xvi) The Implementation Plan must require monitoring to commence as soon as the first container of waste is received by the long- term nuclear fuel waste facility that is ultimately constructed; xvii) The NWMO should make every effort to engage the public in its Study process; xviii) In collaboration with the Canadian Policy Research Networks, the NWMO should hold dialogue sessions with randomly selected, residents of Durham, to determine whether citizen values and concerns of nuclear host communities differ from other communities; and b ) THAT a copy of Report #2005-P-11 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization, the local area municipalities, Durham's MPs and MPPs, and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities". . Resolution #C-098-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item 1-18 be received for information. "CARRIED" 1-19 T05.HW Dan Remollino, MTO Project Manager, Ministry of Transportation, and Doug Allingham, Consultant Project Manager, advising that on January 17, 2005 the Minister of Environment approved, with minor amendments received during the public review period, the Environmental Assessment (EA) Terms of Reference (ToR) for 407 East. The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), in consultation with the Region of Durham, its constituent and surrounding municipalities, will commence an Individual Environmental Assessment (lEA) Study to address transportation deficiencies in the Durham Region. Resolution #C-099-05 . Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item 1-19 be received for information. "CARRIED" . . . . Council Meeting Minutes -12- February 28, 2005 CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Correspondence Item D - 12 was circulated as a handout. Resolution #C-1 00-05 Moved by Councillor Ping Ie, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Items, including the handout item, be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Items D - 7 to D - 12, inclusive. D - 1 M02.GE 0-2 C06.AC D-3 M02.GE "CARRIED" George Daniels, Community Services Coordinator, Canadian Red Cross, Region of Durham, requesting Council to declare the month of March, 2005 as "Red Cross Month" in conjunction with a flag raising ceremony. When disaster strikes, Red Cross staff and volunteers leap to action to help those affected. (Proclaimed and permission granted to fly the Red Cross flag at the Municipal Administrative Centre) Brian Duffey, submitting his resignation from the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee and requesting the appointment of a replacement member for the remainder of the term. (A letter be sent to Mr. Duffey to thank him for his service to the Committee and be referred correspondence to the Municipal Clerk) Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, Bowmanville Business Centre, requesting Council to approve the following street closings for 2005: All closures include King Street from Scugog Road to George Street, Temperance Street from Church Street to the hole in the wall, and Division Street from the municipal parking lot entrance to the Royal Bank parking lot. . Maple Festival & All That Jazz - Friday, May 6th from 8:00 p.m. (Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street) and as above from 9:00 p.m. until Saturday, May 7, at 7:30 p.m. ~ . . . Council Meeting Minutes .13. February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS D-4 M02.GE D-5 M02.GE . Fabulous Fifties Festival Friday, June 24th from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. (Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street) and as above on Saturday, June 25th from 5:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. . August Midnight Madness - Friday, August 1ih from 5:00 p.m. until August 14th at 12:30 a.m. as above. . Apples Festival and Craft Sale - Friday, October 14th (Temperance Street from King Street to the hole in wall at 7:00 p.m.; Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street at 8:00 p.m.) and as above from 9:00 p.m. until Saturday, October 18m at 8:00 p.m. . Moonlight Magic Evening - Friday, December 2nd (Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street at 4:30 p.m.) and as above from 6:00 p.m. to December 4th at 12:30 a.m. (Approved provided organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department) Paul Rowan, Parade Co-coordinator, Tyrone Spirit Day Steering Committee, requesting permission to hold a parade on June 11, 2005 from 10:00 a.m. to 11 :00 a.m. The parade will commence in the Community Centre parking lot and proceed to the ih Concession, east to Clemens Road and turn south to Summitcrest Court and Grist Mill Court, and then turn around and retrace it steps back to the Community Centre. One lane of the road will be required for the parade. The parade, as in the past, will consist of area residents with family floats, children on decorated bicycles, and farm tractors pulling wagons. The intent of the parade is to bring the spirit back to Tyrone. (Approved provided organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department) Heather Highet, Chair, Sci-Tech Ontario, requesting Council proclaim March 2005 as "Youth Science Festival Month". In Ontario over 250,000 students will participate in local and regional science fairs. (Proclaimed) . . . '" , Council Meeting Minutes .14. February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS D-6 M02.GE D-7 F11.GE Jo-Anne Cerovich, Area Co-ordinator, Clarington, March Door to Door Fundraising Campaign, Kidney Foundation of Canada, requesting Council to declare the month of March, 2005 as "Kidney Health Month" in conjunction with a flag raising ceremony. Since 1964, the Kidney Foundation has invested $78 million into research. (Proclaimed and permission granted to fly the Kidney Foundation flag at the Municipal Administrative Centre) Barb Hiff, Executive Director, Distress Centre Durham, requesting a municipal grant/contributions to support the Distress Centre Durham 'Wish List" to aid in the expansion of crisis and support services to meet the community's needs. Resolution #C-1 01-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D - 7 be referred to the Director of Community Services. D-8 C10.MO "CARRIED" K. Elizabeth Fulton, CAO/Clerk, County of Frontenac, advising that at a Special Session of Council they passed the following resolution regarding the Employment Standards Act 2000, as amended (ESA): "WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Frontenac operates the Land Ambulance service for the County of Frontenac and the City of Kingston; AND WHEREAS all employers within the Province of Ontario must comply with the Employment Standards Act 2000, as amended (ESA); AND WHEREAS Section 20 of the ESA requires all employers to provide their employees with "an eating period of at least 30 minutes at intervals that will result in the employee working no more than five consecutive hours without an eating period" (eating period requirement); AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Frontenac was found to have violated the ESA eating period requirement on six occasions in 2004; . . . , , Council Meeting Minutes .15. February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND WHEREAS all Land Ambulance services across the Province of Ontario are emergency services where employees respond to emergencies as directed by Central Ambulance . Communications Centres under the direction of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care; AND WHEREAS there are times during the shifts of the employees of a Land Ambulance service when taking a break may place patients at mortal risk; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Frontenac petitions the Province of Ontario, through the Minister of Labour, to amend Ontario Regulation 285/01 to include an exemption for paramedics in the employment of municipalities across the Province of Ontario." Resolution #C-102-05 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D - 8 be received for information. "CARRIED" D-9 C10.MO Robert Prowse, Town Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill, advising that at a Special Meeting of Council held on February 7,2005 their Council passed the following resolution regarding Greater Toronto Area Pooling: "WHEREAS the City of Toronto has consistently said it is distinct from other municipalities in Ontario and wishes to independently negotiate with other levels of government; AND WHEREAS the City of Toronto has recently withdrawn as a member of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; AND WHEREAS the City of Toronto is currently considering withdrawing from the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance; AND WHEREAS the City of Toronto currently receives payments for Pooling Costs from municipalities located outside of its boundaries for services rendered by the City of Toronto inside of its boundaries; . . . ,. .. Council Meeting Minutes .16- February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS AND WHEREAS the payment of such Pooling Costs amounts to taxation without representation on the residents of the Town of Richmond Hill; AND WHEREAS the City of Toronto has not paid its share of the costs of operating the GO Transit system despite all other GO Transit partners meeting their funding obligations; AND WHEREAS the Town of Richmond Hill believes that the payment of Pooling Costs to the City of Toronto by municipalities outside the City of Toronto is inconsistent with the stated intentions of the City of Toronto to be considered distinct from other municipalities and to independently negotiate with other levels of government; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Richmond Hill will withhold its share of Regional Pooling Costs estimated to be $15,660,000 in 2005 Regional Levy, and should the City of Toronto wish to use Richmond Hill taxpayer money, Council and Staff would be happy to negotiate directly with the City of Toronto; AND FURTHER, that this resolution be sent to all municipalities in the greater Toronto Area requesting their support and requesting that they pass a similar motion in this regard; AND FURTHER, that this resolution be sent to the provincial Minister of Finance, Greg Sorbara; Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, John Gerretsen and to the Federal Minister of State (Infrastructure and Communities), the Honourable John Ferguson Godfrey." Resolution #C-1 03-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution of the Town of Richmond Hill regarding Greater Toronto Area Pooling be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" . . . . .. Council Meeting Minutes -17- February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS D - 10 E07.GE Association of Municipalities of Ontario requesting municipalities forward a resolution in support of the CAN/OCNA Newspaper Stewards Special In-kind Blue Box Contribution. Resolution #C-1 04-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item D - 10 be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 11 C10.MO Clerk, County of Oxford, advising that at a meeting their Council passed the following resolution regarding the Tsunami Crisis: "That Oxford County Council supports relief efforts as the result of the tsunami destruction in Southern Asia and to deal with secondary and tertiary response to the crisis request that: The Association of Ontario Municipalities co-ordinate respective interested Ontario municipalities in twinning projects to directly link them with impacted cities and towns in Asia in an effort to share tangible and intangible resources and: Municipalities in Ontario be requested to engage in this program that will assist in the rebuilding of the infrastructure in affected areas and; The Clerk is requested to forward this motion to AMO, all Ontario municipalities, the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and The Federation of Canadian Municipalities." Resolution #C-1 05-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Correspondence Item D - 11 be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -18- February 28, 2005 COMMUNICATIONS D -12Brenda Jeffs requesting Clarington take an active role in regards to the Provincial review of distribution and sale of alcohol beverages in Ontario by requesting public input and consultation to identify concerns. Resolution #C-106-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item D - 12 and the delegation of Brenda Jeffs be referred to the Director of Planning Services. “CARRIED” NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report – February 21, 2005 Resolution #C-107-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 21, 2005, be approved. “CARRIED” rd Report #2 - Waste Management of Canada Corporation 3 Lease Amending Agreement Resolution #C-108-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report #COD-008-05 be received; rd THAT the 3 lease amending agreement with Waste Management of Canada Corporation be approved to extend the agreement on a month to month basis until July 31, 2005; and . . . ~ ~ . Council Meeting Minutes .19- February 28, 2005 REPORTS THAT the By-law attached to Report #COD-008-05, marked Schedule "A", authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved. "CARRIED" UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-1 09-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Ron Collis be thanked for his delegation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-11 0-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the Development Charges Hearing of Edmond Vanhaverbeke, President, Syvan Developments Limited, be referred to staff for a report to Council. "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS Reqional Update Councillor Schell presented a copy of the Annual Report of CLOCA which will be distributed to the residents of Clarington. Councillor Trim submitted literature on the upcoming Rocky's Ride for Diabetes, commencing July 1st, in St. John's, Newfoundland and concluding July 31st, 2005 in Victoria, British Columbia. This campaign is to encourage awareness and fundraising for Diabetes. Councillor Trim referred to the 2004 Annual Reinforcement Activities of the Health Department; to identify health hazards in the Community such as food safety restaurants, grocery stores, public services such as nurseries, spas, swimming pools and lakes, Tobacco Control Act and the Smoke Free By-law, Rabies Control Program, Safe Water Program, Public Areas, Tobacco Control Act and Smoke Free Environment violations. '" ~ . . Council Meeting Minutes -20- February 28, 2005 OTHER BUSINESS Boards & Committees Updates Councillor Foster encouraged all of Clarington to partake in the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee's upcoming Amazing Challenge March 4, 2005. Also, the Councillor congratulated everyone on their excellent effort of Winter Wonderlearn held on February 19, 2005; it was a huge success. In closing, Councillor Foster announced Friends of the Second Marsh will be hosting a "stomp event" to raise funds for the Great Lakes Conservation Centre. Mayor Mutton announced a location analysis and financial feasibility will be conducted regarding the Newcastle Branch of the Clarington Public Library. Councillor MacArthur attended a meeting of approximately 450 local farmers held on February 22, 2005 in Port Perry. The Councillor was requested to pass on their concerns with Provincial and Federal Government in regards to erosion, the Greenbelt Act, Oak Ridges Moraine, and agricultural property value. Furthermore, Councillor MacArthur announced the Honourable Minister Andy Mitchell will be at Uxbridge Town Hall at 1 :00 p.m. on February 29, 2005 to address agricultural issues. . Resolution #C-112-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the Director of Engineering express Councils' concerns of the detouring/directing traffic through the hamlet of Newcastle and all Highway 401 communities when accidents occur on Highway 401; and THAT this matter be part of the Ministry of Transportation's study report. "CARRIED" BY-LAWS Resolution #C-113-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2005-024 and 2005-032, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: . 2005-024 being a by-law to authorize a third lease amending agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Waste Management of Canada Corporation (Report COD-008-05) . . . ~] ,~. " Council Meeting Minutes -21- February 28, 2005 BY-LAWS 2005-025 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Applicant: Baywood Homes) 2005-026 being a by-law to amend By-law 86-112, a by-law to establish a Street Name Map and Street Name Inventory in the Municipality of Clarington 2005-027 being a by-law to exempt certain portions of Registered Plans 40M-2220 and 40M-2226 from Part Lot Control (Applicant: Port of Newcastle Homes) 2005-028 being a by-law to extend the period of time that Interim Control By-law 2004-061 would be in effect passed pursuant to Section 38 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended (South Courtice Business Park Study) 2005-029 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Applicant: 1287561 Ontario Limited) 2005-030 being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for Private Property 2005-031 being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for Private Property 2005-032 being a by-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for Private Property Resolution #C-114-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2005-024 to 2005-032 inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-115-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Council recess for five minutes and reconvene in a "closed" session to discuss a personnel matter. "CARRIED" . ---. " -. Council Meeting Minutes -22- February 28, 2005 CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-116-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2005-033 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 28th day of February, 2005, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-117-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2005-033 be approved. "CARRIED" . ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-118-05 . Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:16 p.m. "CARRIED" ~