HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/1994 (Special) . . . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose & Administration Committee ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: PUBLIC MEETING June 23, 1994 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Thursday, June 23, 1994 at 7:00 p.m., in the Dr. Emily Stowe Public School Mayor D. Hamre Councillor A. Dreslinski Councillor C. Elliott Councillor L. Hannah Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. O'Toole Councillor D. Scott Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Mayor D. Hamre chaired the meeting. Mayor Hamre requested that one minute silence be observed in memory of Mr. Garnet Rickard, former Mayor of the former Town of Newcastle, who passed away this afternoon. Mr. Rickard gave more than 40 years of support to this municipality and the citizens of the Municipality of Clarington owe a great deal of gratitude to him because Mr. Rickard taught us so much about the process of democracy. Pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act, the Municipality of Clarington Council, through its General Purpose and Administration Committee, is holding a Public Meeting with respect to the Clarington Draft Official Plan. Before proceeding with this matter, the Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Deputy Clerk advised that public notices with respect to the Clarington Draft Official Plan, were placed in the following newspapers: Courtice News, Clarington This Week, Canadian Statesman and the Orono Times, during the weeks of May 18, 25 and June 1, 1994. This notice procedure is in compliance with Ontario Regulation 402183. The Chairman announced that the Director of Planning and Development would make a brief presentation of the Clarington Draft Official Plan. Lib . . . Special G.P.& A. Minutes PRESENTATION DELEGATIONS - 2 - June 23, 1992 The Director of Planning and Development gave a slide presentation which highlighted the following: Official Plan Review Process Public Consultation Process - Household Survey Draft Official Plan - Challenge and Constraints Plan Frameworks Strategic Directions - Environmental and Resource Management Urban Growth Management (Map) Strategic Directions - Housing Strategic Policies - Economic Development Heritage Conservation Land Use Policies - Residential Neighbourhood - Central Areas - Employment Areas - Rural Settlement Areas - Agricultural Areas (Map) - Green Space System (Map) - Aggregate Resources (Map) Special Policy Areas Special Study Areas West Side Creek Marsh (St. Mary's Cement Property) Infrastructure Policies - Transportation System Infrastructures and Service Policies - Park and Community Facilities Implementation - Six Major Implementation Tools Where do we go from here? The Director of Planning and Development advised that submissions pertaining to the Draft Official Plan will be received from members of the public until October 30, 1994. Elena Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, L1E 2M!, referred to paragraph 19.12.1 of the Draft Clarington Official Plan noting that this community has no need for an airport. She stated that the wood lots drawn on the maps only reflect 40 - 50% of their size. She added that the Draft Clarington Official Plan, in her estimation, does not even come close to reflecting the desires of people who moved from densely populated areas to rural areas in order to enjoy the ecological systems. She is highly concerned that each time that the Courtice Heights Development is amended, it reflects a higher density and has less and less regard for the environment. She expressed concern that the Draft Official Plan does not address the adverse effect that an additional population of 30,000 people will have on the environment. L19 . . . G.P.& A. Minutes DELEGATIONS - 3 - June 23, 1994 Ann Cowman, 55 Darlington Blvd., Courtice, L1K 1A1, advised that she has three major concerns which include the following: 1) Housing of the frail and the elderly; 2) The preservation of Farewell Creek which in some parts is no deeper than four inches; and 3) The proposed Highway 407. She advised that she would be putting her concerns in writing. Jean Pepino, Solicitor, appeared on behalf of 289143 Ontario Limited who own a 42-acre parcel of land at the southeast corner of Bloor Street and Prestonvale Road. She advised that Mr. Freedman owns 65 acres of land on the west side of Prestonvale Road. She noted that the 42-acre parcel of land had a "commercial park with light industrial" designation. A planning study conducted by McCauley Shiomi Howson in June of 1992 recommended three options. It was her understanding that option 2, the preferred option, met the municipality's approval. She was surprised to discover that the whole property had been designated as "Community Park Site." She advised that her client is open to discussions pertaining to an appropriate designation of this property or the municipality's interest in acquiring this property. Hugh Neill, 2111 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, L1C 282, circulated correspondence stating that he, his wife and others on Prestonvale Road South, are unhappy with the widening of Prestonvale Road south of Glennabbey to a type "C" arterial (upto 98' wide) from the existing 18' of pavement (approximately 50 - 60' of allowance). He suggested that Members of the Committee consider extending the new proposed street which runs east from Prestonvale, just south of Glennabbey, to Bloor close to where Robert Adam now meets Bloor Street. He also articulated objection to another strip mall and large quantities of medium and high density housing less than 500' from his house. He suggested that "high density" areas should be divided equally around the Courtice area to prevent the area of Prestonvale, Bloor and Robert Adam Drive from becoming "the other side of the tracks" area. In his estimation, the proposed mall would be best placed south of Bloor Street, near the intersection of Bloor and the new street (Robert Adam). Henriett Witzke, R.R. #3, Bowmanville, L1C 3K4, advised that north Courtice should be allowed to develop now. L20 . . . G.P.& A. Minutes DELEGATIONS RECESS - 4- June 23, 1994 Mr. Bob Hann, Valiant Property Management, advised that he owns several properties in the Municipality of Clarington and requested clarification on how the Draft Clarington Official Plan will affect him. He stressed that he has received approval on some of the projects and does not want to start the whole public meeting process all over again. He questioned the designation of the Lake Iroquois shoreline and disagrees with its location on the Draft Official Plan. He advised that there is no creek on either side of the road on his land located at King and Trull's Road. He circulated documentation pertaining to concerns about neo-traditional planning retailing proposals, noting that the new "urbanism" plan is just a fancy word for higher density. He added that the concept of stores at the end of a road does not work and is not good planning. He introduced Ms. Lynn Townsend, who advised that her client is willing to conduct a study of Courtice but not a secondary plan study. She made the following suggestions: 1) The Draft Official Plan should be reviewed to allow more flexibility pertaining to street line frontages; 2) The policy is unclear as it relates to the Lake Iroquois shoreline; 3) The "Zellers" type store could perhaps be accommodated in the main central area; 4) Phased and sequential development which is more flexible should be allowed; 5) The types of retail stores could be refined; and 6) Paragraph 23.6.2 - the word "will" should be replaced with the word "mayll, Resolution #GPA-421-94 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah TIIAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. L2i . . . G.P.& A. Minutes DELEGATIONS - 5- June 23, 1994 Donna Roka, 2236 Trull's Road South, Courtice, L1E 2N2, informed Members of the Committee that she has been a resident of Trull's Road South for 35 years. She advised that her well water has been coutaminated since 1991. When analyzed, this water indicates a 100% fecal count and she has been told that the water is not drinkable even if it is boiled. She questioned why she and her neighbours must live with this situation, and drive to the fire hall to obtain water, when new water connections have been installed to serve new subdivisions only inches away. She urged Members of the Committee to take action to rectify this situation. Glen Easton, 314 Clendenan Avenue, Toronto, M6P 2X3, appeared on behalf of Mr. Schleiss and Mr. Holland who own property in the northwest quadrant of Courtice. He shared Ms. Pepino's interest in the acquisition program. He also requested some clarification pertaining to the Regional Report being prepared on the easterly extension of Adelaide Street and what impact it will have on his clients. He was also interested in the study of the woodlots of North Courtice, as to their completiou and whether or not he will be allowed to have some input. Josephine Vooys, 2364 Trull's Road South, Courtice, L1E 2N2, advised that she is located beyond the urban boundary and requested that water services be extended to include St. Therese Church, the school and her home. Gais Waissglass, Cosmart Marketing Corp., P.O. Box 401, 209 Dundas Street, East, Whitby, L1N 5S4, appeared on behalf of a landowner who owns 57 acres in the Port Darlington area, supported the changes made to the Secondary Plan. Dick Vooys, 2364 Trull's Road South, Courtice, L1E 2N2, expressed fear that the proposed road planned to alleviate the problem on Glennabbey Drive, will only transfer the problems to the residents fronting on this new road. Ross Miller, 131 Glennabbey Drive, Courtice, L1E 2B7, expressed a serious concern pertaining to the new road configuration being proposed to alleviate the problems on Glennabbey Drive. He is opposed to the high density housing being proposed in this area and, in his estimation, is not needed. W.D. Manson, 20 Clematis Road, Willowdale, M2J 4Y2, appeared on behalf of various landowners in Courtice and requested consideration of the following: I) Increasing the proposed population of Courtice; 2) Increasing the rate of growth; and 3) Changing the "high density" designation to "low density." . ) -) (~/LC . . . G.P.& A. Minutes DELEGATIONS ADJOURNMENT - 6 - June 23, 1994 He made the following requests pertaining to his clients: 1) Protection of the draft approval pertaining to 18T-90046; 2) Protection of the draft approval pertaining to 18T-91005; 3) Courtice Heights Developments encompasses 25 acres, 75 percent of which is located within the urban area and a 24-acre parcel located on the east side of Courtice Road not be divided as Hancock North and South. The projected cost of 1.8 million dollars for the retention pond is not financially viable if the project is split. He requested that all of the Hancock neighbourhood be allowed to proceed. 4) William Tonno Construction Ltd., owns lands in the North Courtice Area. He suggested that the Draft Official Plan be amended to allow the interim boundary to include this special area study and that the "green" area on the map be painted "yellow." Ken Shaw, 3292 Hancock Road North, Courtice, LIE 2M!, advised that he has owned an 11 acre parcel of land for 10 years and that he, also, is experiencing problems with the quality of his well water because of new construction. He requested that the boundary be amended to include his property. Resolution #GPA-422-94 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:15 p.m. "CARRIED" $~~ffi~~d Chairman, Planning Department ~ .-/-/ Depu er. r