HomeMy WebLinkAboutGG Report 2016-11-28 General Government Committee Report to Council Page 1 Report to Council Meeting of December 12, 2016 Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of Monday, November 28, 2016 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) 8.1 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated November 15, 2016 (b) 8.2 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated October 20, 2016 (c) 8.3 Minutes of the Newcastle Hall Board dated October 18, 2016 (d) 9.2 Loriann Harbers, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk, Township of South Stormont – Pupil Accommodation Review Process (e) 9.3 Amber McDonald, Deputy Clerk, Township of Georgian Bay – Pupil Accommodation Review Process (f) EGD-039-16 Report on Building Permit Activity for July, August, and September 2016 (g) FND-017-16 Financial Update as at September 30, 2016 (h) CAO-006-16 Communications Update 2. Jeany Barrett Regarding Newcastles of the World Update That the surplus funds from Newcastles of the W orld Steering Committee be set aside for use of the Newcastle of the W orld Committee for their ongoing association with the Newcastles of the World Alliance. 3. Nancy and Hugh Towie, Clarington Polar Bear Swim Committee – Clarington Polar Bear Swim – January 1, 2017 That the request for Emergency Services, Fire Hall #2, to attend the Clarington Polar Bear Swim on January 1, 2017, in Newcastle, be approved. General Government Committee Report to Council For Council Meeting of December 12, 2016 Page 2 4. David Hanratty, Director of Land & Resources, St. Marys Cement, a division of Votorantim Cimentos, and Alyson Beal, Associate, Environmental Assessment Specialist, Golder Associates Ltd. Regarding an Update on the St. Marys Cement Bowmanville Underground Expansion Project That the delegation of David Hanratty, Director of Land & Resources, St. Marys Cement and Alyson Beal, Associate, Environmental Assessment Specialist, Golder Associates Ltd., be received with thanks; and That Staff engage in consultation with St. Marys Cement on the Bowmanville Underground Expansion Project. 5. Approval of Final Clarington Transportation Master Plan That Report EGD-040-16 be received; and That Council approve the recommendations identified in the Clarington Transportation Master Plan – Final Report as provided in Report EGD-040-16. 6. New Fees for Open Air Fire/Explosion Permit – Special Effects/Movie/Theatrical/Music That Report ESD-005-16 be received; That the implementation of new service fees and an increase in fees addressed in Report ESD-005-16 be approved; and That the draft amending Fee By-Law (Attachment 1 to Report ESD-005-16), being a by law to amend “Schedule B” of By-Law 2010-142 regarding the payment of fees for information and services provided by the Municipality of Clarington be approved. 7. Responsible Pet Owners' By-law - Licensing Expiry Date and Sale of Lifetime Licenses That Report CLD-033-16 be received; That the proposed expiry date for annual licences changes to be effective January 1, 2017, be approved; General Government Committee Report to Council For Council Meeting of December 12, 2016 Page 3 That the draft by-law to amend By-law 2013-024, the Responsible Pet Owners' By-law, attached to Report CLD-033-16 as Attachment 2, be approved to change the expiry date of animal licenses from calendar year to date of purchase, to Amend Schedule "A" Fees to delete the lifetime licensing category and to provide for the grandfathering of any existing current lifetime licenses; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD-033-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 8. Ward Boundary Review Consideration That Report CLD-036-16 be received; That Council authorize a ward boundary review; That the ward boundary review be undertaken by Staff in 2019 such that any recommended ward boundary changes may be considered by Council such that they can be in effect for the 2022 Municipal Elections; and That all interested parties be advised of Council’s decision. 9. Appointments to Various Boards and Committees That Report CLD-037-16 be received; That the current appointees be thanked for their contributions to the various Boards and Committees; That Anthony Wood be appointed to the Ganaraska Forest Recreation User Committee, for a one-year term ending December 31, 2017 or until a successor is appointed; That Filip Aleksanderek be appointed to the Heritage Committee, for a term ending December 31, 2018 or until a successor is appointed; That the following three applicants be appointed to the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board for a two-year term ending December 31, 2018 or until a successor is appointed: •Sierd De Jong •Dave Eastman •Shirley Rogers General Government Committee Report to Council For Council Meeting of December 12, 2016 Page 4 That Thomas Hossie be appointed to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee, for a term ending December 31, 2018 or until a successor is appointed; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD-037-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 10. Printed Agendas for the Media That two printed copies of the Council and Committee Agendas be provided to the media until such time as the paper copies cease to be published. 11. Reconstruction of Scugog Street between Bons Avenue and Concession Road 3 That Report COD-023-16 be received; That Hard-Co Construction Ltd. with a total bid amount of $2,065,140.43 (including HST) being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2016-26 be awarded the contract for the reconstruction of Scugog Street as required by the Engineering Services Department; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $2,355,000.00 (including 1.76% HST for Municipality of Clarington and Region of Durham share and 13% HST for Developer’s share) which includes the construction cost of $1,927,920.73 (including 1.76% HST for Municipality of Clarington and Region of Durham share and 13% HST for Developer’s share) and other related costs such as design and tendering, geotechnical investigation, utility relocation, inspection, contract administration, materials testing, permit fees, and contingencies of $427,079.27 (including 1.76% HST for Municipality of Clarington and Region of Durham share and 13% HST for Developer’s share) and funded by the Municipality, the Region of Durham, and Developers as follows: Scugog St Reconstruction 110-32-330-83375-7401 $1,027,000.00 Region of Durham 100-00-000-00000-1010 $ 488,000.00 Contribution from Development 100-32-130-X-1010 $ 840,000.00 That all interested parties listed in Report COD-023-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision by the Purchasing Division. General Government Committee Report to Council For Council Meeting of December 12, 2016 Page 5 12. 2017 Interim Tax Levy That Report FND-018-16 be received; and That Council approve the interim rating by-law attached to Report FND-018-16 and authorize the Director of Finance/Treasurer to proceed with the production of the 2017 interim tax bills. 13. Executive Recruiting Services for Recruitment of a Chief Administrative Officer That Report CAO-007-16 be received; That staff be authorized to use the process as outlined in Report CAO-007-16 and the Purchasing Manager be authorized to issue a limited invitation Request for Proposal to selected companies (i.e. 4 to 6 firms) with proven expertise in executive recruiting service and to submit proposals based on the scope of work as outlined in Attachment 1; and That the Interim Chief Administrative Officer, in accordance with Recommendation 2, report back to Council with a recommendation for an award of contract to an executive recruiting firm. 14. Appointment of Deputy Mayor That, in accordance with Section 226 of the Municipal Act, 2001, c.25, during the four year term of Council (2014 through to 2018), Councillor Woo, be appointed, as the Deputy Mayor for the Municipality of Clarington from January 1, 2017 until December 31, 2017. 15. Free Parking in Downtown Bowmanville Whereas Section 34 (3) of By-law 2014-059 allows that Council may, by resolution, designate an area or areas for a certain period to be exempt from the payment of parking fees and any areas so designated shall be denoted by a parking meter cover place over the meter; Now therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Clarington designate the area in downtown Bowmanville regulated by parking meters as a Free Parking area between December 17, 2016 and January 3, 2017; and General Government Committee Report to Council For Council Meeting of December 12, 2016 Page 6 That Staff be directed to take the appropriate steps, including covering the meters with bags and advising the public via social media and notices placed on Clarington’s website. 16. Motion to Authorize Absence Whereas Section 259 (1) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 indicates that the office of a member of council of a municipality becomes vacant if the member is absent from the meetings of council for three successive months without being authorized to do so by a resolution of council; and Whereas Councillor Partner has been absent since October 11, 2016, due to extenuating circumstances, and a firm date for returning to Council meetings has not yet been determined, Now Therefore Be it Resolved That Council authorizes the absence of Councillor Wendy Partner to February 27, 2017. 17. Corporate Hiring Policy That the Interim Chief Administrative Officer report back on the following: a) staff hiring policy for relatives; and b) diversity in the workforce. 18. Proactive Ignition Interlock Equipment Whereas the Municipality of Clarington strives to be a leader in its support for proactive measures that can reduce the risks associated with drinking and driving; Whereas while there has been increased levels of enforcement, education and awareness about not drinking and driving, more needs to be done to address growing concerns related to drinking and driving and the morning after effects by responsible drinkers who take appropriate steps when leaving a bar via a designated driver or similar such programs and show up for work the next day, unaware that they continue to have levels of alcohol in their system; Whereas countries such as France, Finland, Norway, Sweden and others have implemented or are in the process of implementing legislation requiring all vehicles that transport people or are contracted by various levels of government that interact in the public realm must have a proactive ignition interlock equipment installed on vehicles; General Government Committee Report to Council For Council Meeting of December 12, 2016 Page 7 Whereas ignition interlock equipment provides safeguards that will prevent and alert an operator of a vehicle if their blood alcohol level is too high and that they and the public may be at risk; Whereas installation of such devices not only improves public safety, but may also reduce the cost of fleet insurance policies; Now Therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Clarington request the Province of Ontario to implement legislation that will require operators of public transportation vehicles to have installed devices that will proactively prevent the risks associated with high blood alcohol levels the morning after drinking; Now therefore be it further resolved that Municipal staff forward copies of this motion to The Honourable Steven Del Duca, Minister of Transportation, all Regional Municipalities within the GTA that operate public transit, including Metrolinx, MP Erin O’Toole, MPP Granville Anderson, and all local school boards.