HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/1994 . !) . . THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose and Administration Committee May 2, 1994 ROLL CALL Present Were: Absent: Also Present: MINUTES PUBLIC MEETINGS DELEGATIONS Minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, May 2,1994 at 9:30 am., in the Council Chambers. Mayor D. Hamre Councillor A Dreslinski Councillor C. Elliott Councillor L. fI ~nn~ h Councillor J. O'Toole Councillor D. Scott Councillor M. Novak Chief Administrative Officer, W. Stockwell Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Public Works, W. Evans Deputy Fire Chief, W. Hesson Treasurer, M. Marano Director, Planning and Development, F. Wu Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-287-94 Moved by Councillor Dres1inski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the minutes of a regular meeting held on April 18, 1994, be approved. "CARRIED" Mayor Hamre welcomed the newly appointed Regional Councillor Carson Elliott to the meeting. No public meetings were scheduled for this day. (a) Peter John""". and lIOII. Peter Jnhmv,". 31 Wrenn Boulevard, Bowmanvi11e, LIe 4N1 - were called but were not present. 2U1 G.P.& A Minutes . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Castle Heights Resolution #GPA-288-94 Subdivision, 10M -834 Certificate of Release Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Scott D12.18T.88038 - 2- May 2, 1994 THAT Report PD-50-94 be received; THAT pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 5.26 of the Subdivision Agreement between the Municipality and Kingsberry Properties, the Municipality has no objections to the issuance of the "Certificate of Release"; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute on behalf of the Municipality of C1arington the "Certificate of Release"; and THAT Kingsberry Properties be informed of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-289-94 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski ./ . THAT the confidential verbal report from the Director of Planning and Development pertaining to a property matter be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered "In Camera". "CARRIED" CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Property Matter/ Confidential Report P01.PR Resolution #GPA-290-94 Moved by Councillor IfAnnAh, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Confidential Report CD-7-94 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered "In Camera". "CARRIED" Parking Enforcement Resolution #GPA-291-94 Monthly Report for Month of March, 1994 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor O'Toole T02.5193.PA THAT Report CD-15-94 be received for information. llCARRIED" . Implementation of Bill 47 - Parking Enforcement T02.5274.MU Resolution #GPA-292-94 Moved by Councillor Dres1inski, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT Report CD-l6-94 be received; 2U2 G.P.& A Minutes . CLERKS DEPARTMENT CONT'D THAT the Committee recommend to Council that a resolution be passed to implement the provisions of Bill 47 as required upon the Proclamation Date or as soon as practicable; - 3- May 2, 1994 THAT the Municipality establish a First Attendance Parking Tag Facility; THAT the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers be designated pursuant to Section 20 (1) of the Act as being responsible for administering the First Attendance Parking Tag Facility; and THAT the Ministry of the Attorney General's office be advised of Council's actions and be requested to designate the Municipality under Regulation. "CARRIEDIl Councillor O'Toole chaired this portion of the meeting. TREASURY DEPARTMENT , . CL94-7, One (1) Only Compact Window Van F18.5406.QU Resolution #GPA-293-94 Moved by Councillor Dres1inski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT Report TR-17-94 be received; THAT Marigold Lincoln Mercury Sales, Whitby, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $19,110.70 (including taxes), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL94-7, be awarded the contract to supply one (1) only Compact Wmdow Van, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Department of Public Works; and THAT the funds expended be provided from the approved 1994 Public Works Fleet Account, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" Purchase of Pavement Resolution #GPA-294-94 Marking Services F18.5406.QU Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report TR-18-94 be received; THAT the procedures set out in the Purchasing By-law No. 82-96, Section 5, Paragraph 06, be waived for this particular transaction; THAT Council authorize the Region of Durham to provide pavement marking services at an estimated cost of $32,000; and . THAT the funds be drawn from the 1994 approved Public Works Budget for Pavement Marking, Account No. 7208-00431-0249. "CARRIED" 2.u3 - 4- May 2, 1994 G.P.& A Minutes . TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D /' . . Tender CL94-8, Asphalt and Surface Treatment Pulverizing F18.5406.QU CL94-8, Three (3) Only One Ton Pick Up Trucks F18.5406.QU Tender CL94-9, Surface Treatment F18.5406.QU Resolution #GPA-295-94 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT Report TR-19-94 be received; THAT the tie bid between Miller Paving Limited, Markham, Ontario and Roto Mill Services Ltd., Brampton, Ontario, in the amount of $32,689.36, be broken by means of a draw to take place at the Municipal Administrative Centre in the presence of the Clerk and the Purchasing and Supply Agent; THAT the subject bidders be advised of the time, date and location of the draw and that they be invited to attend; THAT the contract be awarded to the winner of the draw; and THAT the funds be drawn from the approved 1994 Department of Public Works Road Maintenance budget, FORTHWITH. "CARRIEDrt Resolution #GPA-296-94 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Mayor Hamre THAT Report TR-20-94 be received; THAT Cowan Pontiac Buick, Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $72,287.85 (including taxes), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL94-18, be awarded the contract to supply three (3) only One Ton Pick Up Trucks, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Department of Public Works; and THAT the funds expended be provided from the approved 1994 Public Works Fleet Account, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-297-94 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT Report TR-21-94 be received; THAT Duncor Enterprises Inc., Barrie, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $563,600.78, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL94-9, be awarded the contract to supply and apply Surface Treatment to various roads as required by the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT the funds be provided from the 1994 Department of Public Works Road Maintenance Budget. "C~"4 G.P.& A Minutes . TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D - 5 - May 2, 1994 Tender CL94-3, Reconstruction of Mearns Avenue F18.5406.QU Resolution #GPA-298-94 Moved by Councillor DresJinski, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT Report TR-22-94 be received; THAT George H. Harding Construction Co. Ltd., Whitby, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $494,781.12 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL94-3, be awarded the contract for the Reconstruction of Mearns Avenue, as required by the Department of Public Works; and THAT the funds in the amount of $520,000.00 be drawn from the approved 1994 Public Works Capital budget, Account #7205-94001-0261. "CARRIEDII Tender CL94-17, Resolution #GPA-299-94 One (1) 'I, Ton Pick Up Truck Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Elliott F18.5406.QU THAT Report TR-23-94 be received; . THAT Roy Nichols Motors, Courtice, Ontario, with a total bid of $24,589.30 (including all taxes), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL94-17, be awarded the contract to supply and deliver one (1) only 'I, Ton Pick Up Truck to the Municipality of Clarington, as required by the Fire Department; and THAT the required funds be drawn from the approved 1994 Fire Department Capital Budget, Account #7102-00001-0504, FORTHWITH. "CARRIEDtI Tender CL94-19, Resolution #GPA-300-94 One (1) Only One Ton Pick Up Truck C/W Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dres1inski Utility Body F18.5406.QU THAT Report TR-24-94 be received; . THAT Boliday Ford Ltd., Peterborough, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $46,285.25 (including taxes), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL94-19, be awarded the contract to supply one (1) only One Ton Pick Up Truck clw Utility Body, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Department of Public Works; and THAT the total funds in the amount of $47,090.25 ($46,285.25 tender + $805.00 painting) be provided from the approved 1994 Public Works Fleet Account, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" 2u5 G.P.& A Minutes . TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D / . . Quotation Q94-5, E1ectrical Services, Street Lighting F18.5406.QU PurchaseofaMad Vac for Litter Pick-Up A15.5042.PU FIRE DEPARTMENT - 6- May 2, 1994 Mayor Hamre made a declaration of interest with respect to Report TR-25-94; vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Mayor Hamre is a member of the Clarington Bydro-Electric Commission. Resolution #GPA-301-94 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Report TR-25-94 be received; THAT George Moore Electric, Bowmanville, Ontario, with bid prices of $30.50 per hour for Journeyman Electrician and $23.00 per hour for Journeyman Electrician's Services for Street Lighting, as required by the Municipality of Clarington for 1994; and THAT the funds expended be drawn from the Street Lighting Accounts #7230-00201-0000 and #7230-00101-0000. IlCARRIED" Resolution #GPA-302-94 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Report TR-26-94 be received; THAT the procedures set out in the Purchasing By-law #82-96, Section 5, Paragraph 06, be waived for this particular transaction; THAT the contract to purchase a "Mad Vac" for litter Pick-up in the amount of $35,362.50 (including taxes) be awarded to V Qnip, BurJington, Ontario, FORTHWITH; THAT staff be authorized to obtain quotations and subsequently purchase a trailer suitable for transporting the Mad Vac, FORTHWlTH; THAT the total required funds, estimated to be $42,000.00, for the purchase of the Mad Vac and the trailer be obtained from the 1994 Public Works Department Equipment Reserve Fund Account; and THAT the Secretary of the Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono RIA's be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report TR-26-94. "CARRIED'! There were no reports considered under this section of the agenda 2u6 G.P.& A Minutes . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Councillor Hannah chaired this portion of the meeting. - 7- May 2, 1994 Delegation from Resolution #GPA-303-94 Krista Dales - Petition for Fence Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Mayor Hamre Along C.P.R. Railway Tracks, Bowmanville THAT Report WD-25-94 be received; T07.GE THAT the staff be authorized, FORTHWITH, to call tenders for the supply and erection of a 6 foot chain link fence on the south side of the C.P.R. tracks, as illustrated on Attachment No.2 to Report WD-25-94; THAT the required funds, estimated to be $17,000, be obtained from the Lot Levy Reserve Fund, Account #1110-00157-X; and THAT Krista Dales be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report WD-25-94. "CARRIED' COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT -' Councillor Dreslinski chaired this portion of the meeting. . Request of Resolution #GPA-304-94 Bowmanville Kinsmen Re: Carnival Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor O'Toole M02.5177.CE THAT Report CS-18-94 be received; THAT the request of the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville to use two rows of the parking lot to run a 'garage sale" at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex be approved; THAT the parking lot be cleared and made available to vehicular parking no later than 4:30 p.rn., June 25, 1994; and THAT the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville be informed of action taken by Council. "CARRIEDII Councillor Scott chaired this portion of the meeting. . 2u7 G.P.& A Minutes . ADMINlSTRATOR Infrastructure Grant Applications F11.5367.PR /' . - 8- May 2, 1994 Resolution #GPA-305-94 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Report ADMIN-10-94 be received for information. "CARRIED' Resolution #GPA-306-94 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the meeting be "In Camera". 'tCARRIED" Resolution #GPA-307-94 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the actions taken "In Camera" be approved. UNFINISHED BUSlNESS IlCARRIED" OTHER BUSlNESS ADJOURNMENT . Resolution #GPA-308-94 Moved by Councillor Dres1inski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:40 am. ~. /: Depu ierk - rP 2'J8