HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-15 Minutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspire future generations and enliven our community BOARD MEETING September 15, 2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo S. Cooke K. Warren S. Middleton M. Morawetz O. Casimiro Regrets: S. Elhajjeh 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. Public guests introduced themselves and included representation from Museum volunteers and staff, along with Andrew Allison, Municipal Solicitor, and Regional Councillor for Ward 1 & 2, Joe Neal. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the agenda be accepted with changes including withdrawal of delegation from Suzanne Reiner, and an addition in New Business, W. Woo will speak to two resolutions before council. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence M. Adams shared a very positive letter of congratulations from MP Erin O’Toole regarding the successes of the Canada Day event. B. Seto received two emails and asked that they be included with the minutes, from Matt Cronin, National Service Representative, CUPE, Friday, Sept 2/16 requesting information regarding posting of the September staff schedule, and a health & safety issue regarding lighting concerns in the Women’s washroom. B. Seto asked for clarification from M. Adams as he as Executive Director should have received the emails and acted on the oversights, but did not appear to be available even though not on documented bereavement or vacation leave. M. Adams stated that he responded as soon as he received the emails from the union and had the light bulbs in the women’s washroom replaced. He asked the Curator about the light bulb issue at the time and she did not recall any complaints from staff, although when questioned again after the issue was raised by the board chair, the Curator did recall there had been an enquiry by the staff. M. Adams stated that the staff schedule had been posted although with unique fall schedules to accommodate fairs and outreach (offsite) events, along with vacation absences needing cover, it was not up as quickly as usual, and once posted was also marked with many change requests. M. Adams also stated that a Collective Agreement needs to be put in place and then requirements included like timelines for posting schedules, will be followed. O. Casimiro asked why B. Seto received emails from the union to begin with. B. Seto countered that that was precisely the question. O. Casimiro requested that in future, operational emails from the union be directed to M. Adams. W. Woo asked follow up questions to clarify including what staff members are to do if the schedule is not available and M. Adams cannot be contacted, how far in advance of each month should staff expect to see the schedule, and what is the procedure for changes and alterations including who approves those changes. Clarification of documentation and pay practices was also requested as well as an explanation of how often regular meetings are held with staff to address items that might be considered routine to manage (like light bulbs and staff schedules). M. Adams stated that informally he meets with or contacts Heather and Jennifer most weeks, although no formal staff meeting was held in August at all and only a wrap up meeting in July following the Canada Day event. O. Casimiro noted that realistically vacations for a small staff make summer meetings harder to schedule. W. Woo asked if summer is a higher demand period for staffing and M. Adams stated that demand mirrors programming requirements. Camps and events all require higher staffing levels so summer does tend to be busy. O. Casimiro asked if this was a ratio issue. M. Adams stated again that immediately following receipt of the email from the union, the light bulb situation in the Women’s washroom was addressed. He added that he feels there is a greater concern in the Archives area where lighting has been an issue for a period of time. An electrician identified that ballasts may need to be replaced and estimates have been requested as he also identified that the existing lighting system is old and that soon the museum would not be able to source the light bulbs. M. Adams is working with Operations to address this. Staff was likely not aware this was happening. For an immediate solution, bulbs still available at the time were installed. A recent Health and Safety Inspection was done and documented by municipal staff, with no mention made of light bulbs out in that report. The Archive lighting was flagged thus prompting the involvement of the electrician. B. Seto reiterated M. Adam’s email response to her follow up regarding the nd two emails from the CUPE representative, Sept 2, which included the comment “As you can see there is going to be a lot of pettiness coming down the wire (plus legitimate ones) and we need to act professionally and swiftly.” M. Adams withdrew the word “pettiness” 5. Announcements: B. Seto stated that a letter of resignation from John Sturdy had been received Sept 11/16. He joined the board after the last election and sited personal challenges for his decision. He wished all well. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren That: a letter of thanks from B. Seto on behalf of the board be sent to J. Sturdy. MOTION CARRIED 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: the Special Board meeting of July 27, 2016 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Special Board meeting of Aug. 23, 2016 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED O. Casimiro asked that it be noted in the minutes that all members should be in attendance with full disclosure and all included in discussions of this magnitude. She continued stating that to be challenged with motions made during meetings when not all are in attendance is not acceptable, and referred to previous board meeting discussions regarding this behaviour. Discussion followed regarding the practice of motions being circulated before meetings when possible. M. Adams agreed this was an acceptable process. S. Cooke disagreed with M. Adams interpretation of board governance regarding this matter, stating that motions can still be accepted from the floor even with this protocol. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Board meeting of July 5, 2016 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: B. Seto asked M. Adams for the Marion Farr estate donation summary as requested at the last board meeting. M. Adams stated it had not yet been prepared. S. Cooke remarked that any communication in the minutes to the ED should be enough and that a motion as well should not be necessary. He stated that this continues to be frustrating and inefficient, and that normal expectations for meetings are that directions in the minutes should be acted upon respecting time lines stipulated. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: W. Woo That: the agenda be altered at this time to bring forward the financial report. MOTION CARRIED Finance Report – O. Casimiro stated there is no report as the financials had only been received this afternoon and there had been no meeting of the Finance Committee since the July board meeting. She requested that M. Adams speak to the financial details as provided. M. Adams stated that the totals for the year so far show that 92% of the expected revenues have been received while 71% of the budgeted expenses have occurred, and that the overall budget is solid given projected revenue streams will surpass overall budget revenue projections. M. Adams noted that there will be funds coming following the Mayor’s Golf Tournament for which the Museum had been named the 2016 benefactor. It is expected to bring in well over $30,000; a record year for the fund raiser. OPG had previously confirmed the 2016 donation of $6000, and other sponsorship money has come in this year as well. Of note in the revenue section, the Gift Shop revenues have increased significantly. Events like the Avro Arrow and other Night at the Museum events have been very revenue positive. Camp numbers are not yet in so that information is not included, and facility rentals have dropped off. M. Adams said he has yet to investigate why that is happening. The annual CMOG grant has come in at $25,161.00 which is consistent with the past few years, and so the revenue side looks very good for the year. M. Adams and B. Seto have reviewed the Exhibit and Program expense allocations recently. M. Adams stated that the expense side is less accurate when comparing 2016 to past years. This is because some allocations are not consistent with the past as line items now more specific and reflecting the new chart of accounts created by the municipality. Traditionally the numbers are divided almost equally for events versus programs with both about $15,000 each adding up to $30,000. M. Adams stated that with the significant increase in funds available this year cabinet purchases (listed under Exhibition Expenses) at $16,600 have been possible. He noted that prior to his arrival the museum had not purchased display cabinets in recent memory. Specifically, funding as a result of the Mayor’s Golf Tournament and the Marion Farr donation, not allocated for specific items, increased the museum’s capacity to afford these purchases. M. Adams read from the ED’s report documented in the April 16, 2016 approved board minutes regarding the direction given for the Marion Farr donation. “The board discussed the Rickard/Farr estate donation and it was agreed that the generous unconditional donation provide the museum with the capacity, in year one of its restructuring, to purchase and budget for further purchases of the following, but not limited to: exhibit cabinets, renewed and new signage, artefact climate control measures as they relate to conservation and highway/street directional signage.” Continuing with the financial statements, salaries continue to be the largest expense and are in line with the 2016 budget plan. O. Casimiro asked for a confirmation regarding the date for Budget submissions to Council. M. Adams stated November. Previously it had been suggested to schedule preliminary work by the Finance committee before proposing a budget reflecting the new chart of accounts as established to the board for approval. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: W. Woo That: the Finance statements be received. MOTION CARRIED S. Cooke reported that he and W. Woo had reviewed the VISA and expense statements during the afternoon prior to this meeting for April, May, June and July. They were concerned by what they saw and asked who signs off on expenses. It was noted that B. Seto did until the end of May when she stated she was no longer comfortable signing for items she felt needed to be addressed in the new Travel & Expense Policy, which at that time had not been completed. O. Casimiro took over those duties and met with M. Adams every two weeks to review, ask questions and sign off on receipts. Specifically S. Cooke stated there were concerns over hundreds of dollars in cash advances that had been signed for. O. Casimiro stated she was always satisfied with the explanations for the advances and VISA payments, and verified receipts for gas, food and meal expenses believing all were legitimate in M. Adam’s pursuit of museum business and relationship building. M. Adams gave an example of when a cash advance was needed for last minute supplies purchased from COSTCO for Canada Day, where VISA is not accepted. S. Cooke questioned O. Casimiro’s opinion on many of those, and she asked that the minutes reflect she felt it was inappropriate for him to question her opinion. She stated in her experience, the ED should be able to decide what to spend within the budget he is given, and that it is his call on specific items. She also stated that she believed that the process in place is fluid and transparent. S. Cooke responded with a clarification that the question was not about incurring expenses but rather to explain why mileage and gas were both been claimed and paid when the policy now clearly defines only mileage is acceptable and gas expenses are included in those calculations. Several examples of expenses were disclosed and discussed including gas expenses in June. M. Adams responded that the demands of the June Clarington Motorsport Expo required significant travel. The consensus was that mileage is reasonable and expected as an expense but that gas as well is not considered a typical and reasonable additional expense. B. Seto also questioned an LCBO expense to which M. Adams replied that the expense was for a liquor license for an event at the museum and not for alcohol. S. Middleton added that the bookkeeper should red flag anything that falls outside the policy. O. Casimiro stated that the bookkeeper is CPA certified. S. Cooke noted that previously that had happened when the books were in the hands of the municipality regarding the snow tire expense. In the past a revenue shortfall year after year made it challenging to pay staff wages in the early months of each year so adjusting accounts or borrowing from reserves was common practice. In 2016 the revenues for the museum are very good but the concern is that at any time, as a publicly funded entity, it is important to be accountable and spend responsibly so a review is felt necessary. O. Casimiro stated that it would be prudent for the Finance committee to meet as soon as possible. The committee is O. Casimiro as chair, K. Warren, S. Cooke and B. Seto along with ED, M. Adams. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo That: a summary on the Marion Farr donation is expected at the next board meeting even if the Finance committee has been unable to meet in the interim. MOTION CARRIED 8. Executive Director’s Report: M. Adams noted that “Archives” is not included in the report as this is a transition year and it was not previously listed as a target for 2016. Work assessing and developing procedure and policy around it is ongoing with the Curator; staff and volunteers are engaged. Visitor numbers are up considerably over last year surpassing all of 2015. Significant events, outreach and new initiatives including Nights at the Museum have been key. Canada Day attendance suffered slightly due to poor weather in the morning but was successful in content. M. Adams will continue to look at traditional as well as untraditional ways to continue the upward trend. Membership continues to change with emphasis on membership drives at special events, outreach projects and with continual updated branding. The goal is to get members more engaged rather than joining just for access to the archives (often means only a one year commitment). Volunteer hours continue to increase as well; gardeners and archives are now included more accurately in the numbers. M. Adams stated customer service is a key focus; working to improve it with more face to face time with staff and the public at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre. Energy has been focused there on major exhibits, events and gift shop sales. Entry to the Bowmanville Museum is driven through the Heritage centre for great efficiency and exposure. Staff have been directed to revisit processes to engage local schools and increase the formal education programing. Formal education numbers so far in 2016 need to improve. The programme coordinator position saw 2 overlapping maternity leaves in a 12 month period. Health and Safety training has been flagged. M. Adams has put in a request to the municipality to assist with training and it will be scheduled once the new Health and Safety Committee meets. M. Adams stated concerns that successes of the museum are not being reflected in the board discussions. In an effort to have the minutes reflect the many successes of the museum, a list of 2016 relationships will be included: Mayor’s Golf Tournament, Clarington Motorsport Expo at the Bowmanville Rotary Rib and Brews event, Orono Agricultural fair exhibits (Avro Arrow & Canadian Tire Motorsport Park displays), Heritage Week walking tours and th outdoor play (Beech St Theatre), Bowmanville Horticultural Society 50 Anniversary celebration and lily garden project, BIA street festival displays, Clarington Sports Hall of Fame display at Rickard Centre, Municipal Recreation Facility Sport Display Project to start in Courtice. Annual successes of note included the Edwardian summer teas partnering with caterers KCC that by demand were extended into September, and the summer camp program doubled in size this year thanks to a $2500 sponsorship from the Bowmanville Rotary Club to allow more children with challenges to attend. The take away was that a requirement for future success is more training for staff to deal well with the demands of the children and their unique needs. Lighting improvements at Sarah Jane facility will be a facilities priority. Other tasks ahead include work on a new web site plan (compatible with smartphones), formal acknowledgement of $5000 programming grant from Veteran Affairs, and continued promotion in print and on social media. Regarding staff, a statutory freeze has been put in place during unionization process. M. Adams feels there is a noticeable difference in efficiency and morale during this transition. The municipality HR department will engage in the work and meetings ahead during negotiations and decisions as directed in the last Special Meeting of the Board, will require full board participation as the Collective Agreement is determined. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Middleton That: the Executive Director’s report be received. MOTION CARRIED Questions from the floor included clarification regarding the regularity of newsletters produced and sent to members. Some previous members have disclosed to B. Seto that they are no longer with the museum as they feel they get little value and the regular newsletters used to keep them better engaged and informed. M. Adams asked for the contact information so he could follow up and asked that with items like this, board members come to him as soon as possible so he can seek a resolution. It was also shared that other guests and members have remarked to some board members that they would like to see the ED attending more of the museum events. M. Adams replied that he has been at virtually all special events. 9. Committee Reports: B. Seto asked the board members for permission to defer the reports from Membership, Property, and Mun. Heritage Committees until the next meeting of the board. Consensus to do so. 10. New Business: a) W. Woo presented two resolutions recently considered and carried at the General Government Committee meeting Sept 6, 2016 of council. Moved by: Councillor Neal Seconded by: Councillor Woo Resolution #GG-442-16 That the minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board, dated July 5, 2016 and July 27, 2016, be received for information; And, That the Clarington Museums and Archives Board members and staff be directed to provide access to financial records up until August 31, 2016. Carried. Resolution #GG-443-16 That Staff report back to the Council meeting of September 19, 2016 regarding possible options of dealing with the Clarington Museums and Archives Board, including:  Dissolution;  Takeover by the Municipality of Clarington; and  Any other recommendations by Staff, opening the financial records to the internal auditor. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro That: the board endorse these resolutions, requesting M. Adams to arrange for the financial records to the end of August 2016 be made available as requested. MOTION CARRIED Andrew Allison, Mun. Solicitor, remarked that Council is aware that the new th interim CAO starts in his position on Monday, Sept 19 and although he is aware of this request, has stated that he will not be able to report back by that date. W. Woo stated that the responsibility of the board to oversee expenses is onerous and extensive. O. Casimiro suggested a complete review of the policy with recommendations for changes. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke That: from this day forward, and until further determined by the board, the museum VISA card be turned over to the chair of the board and no further capital expenses be incurred. Discussion followed in which O. Casimiro asked W. Woo if the Executive Director was being disciplined and on what grounds. W. Woo said no. MOTION DEFEATED Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke That: from this day forward, an expenses form be filled out fully and with complete discloser of all details, submitted with the original receipts, and requiring two board member signatures. MOTION CARRIED Discussion followed on an appropriate form to capture all requirements. O. Casimiro stated that she had already requested the bookkeeper make recommendations on purchase requisition and dispersement forms. A significant concern raised by S. Cooke was regarding cash advances, use of VISA for ongoing purchases, and the lack of control on decisions regarding those practices. S. Cooke will provide a copy of the form used by the municipality at the next meeting of the Finance committee. W. Woo stated that the details of all transactions need to be disclosed fully on whatever form is used. O. Casimiro stated that she wanted included in the minutes that she feels it is offensive to staff, the Executive Director, and to her as Finance chair to have this motion put in place until the municipal audit is complete as it implicates significant concerns and undermines confidence in the Executive Director. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo That: the current expenses form continue to be used for every VISA transaction and be submitted with detailed back up until a new process is determined and approved. MOTION CARRIED O. Casimiro requested that the minutes reflect that S. Cooke does not have confidence in the financials at the moment. b) M. Adams then asked that B. Seto stop using the resources of the museum and staff for in his opinion, personal printing along with emailing of confidential unionization correspondence to the front desk for printing. B. Seto disagreed with M. Adams stating emails and material regarding the unionization is public information. O. Casimiro asked that it be noted the treasurers of the Board knew nothing of the request to review the VISA and expense files by W. Woo, S. Cooke, and B. Seto. K. Warren raised the fact that the board still does not have a Vice Chair. W. Woo nominated S. Cooke. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro That: S. Cooke be appointed as Vice Chairman on the Board. MOTION CARRIED At the request of the Board, Andrew Allison, Mun. Solicitor, agreed to attend the next board meeting. He will address the Board regarding the Unionization process as well as process for In Camera sessions. 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wed. October 12, 2016 at 7 p.m. Location: Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 12. Adjournment: K. Warren moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives