HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-10-12 Minutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspire future generations and enliven our community BOARD MEETING October 12, 2016 Clarington Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Room 1A, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto W. Woo S. Cooke H. Ridge (Curator) 7:23 pm K. Warren S. Middleton M. Morawetz Regrets: S. Elhajjeh M. Adams (ED) 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. Public guests introduced themselves and included representation from Museum volunteers and part time staff. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be accepted with the change that In Camera be moved to the final item as directed becoming standard practice. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: None received. 5. Announcements: B. Seto stated that a notice of resignation had been circulated by O. Casimiro by email to all Board members: September 19, 2016 Dear Bonnie and Members of the Board: I am no longer able to contribute as a Board member on the Clarington Museum and Archives Board of Council. Please accept this letter as confirmation of my resignation. The Museum is a special place and I wish Michael and his team continued success. Best, Olinda Casimiro Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board accept the resignation of O. Casimiro. MOTION CARRIED M. Morawetz requested that we send an appropriate thank you on behalf of the Board to O. Casimiro noting appropriately her many contributions while serving on the Board. M. Morawetz announced that the annual Beef Supper that is a fundraiser for th Eldad United Church in Solina is coming up on Sunday, Nov. 6. Tickets are available through her. It was noted that many fall dinners by our local churches occur in the coming weeks. All were encouraged to support and when able attend these important events in our community. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Middleton th THAT: the minutes of Sept 12 2016 be approved with the amendment to the first paragraph of page 7, found in Item #7 of the agenda under “Business Arising from Minutes” stating “They were concerned by what they saw and asked who signs off on expenses. It was noted that B. Seto did until the end of May…” This should correctly read “It was noted that B. Seto did until the end of April when she stated she was no longer comfortable signing….” MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Special Board minutes of the Open Session on Oct 5th 2016 be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: M. Adams prepared and circulated prior to the meeting due to his absence for a funeral this evening, the requested summary of Unbudgeted Expenses for 2015 and 2016, including suggestions regarding allocations that could fall within the scope of the Marion Farr estate donation. The Finance Committee will review the document in more detail at the next meeting noting specifically items that would respectfully fall within the capacity of the Marion Farr estate donation. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Cooke That: the Financial statement of Unbudgeted Expenses for 2015 and 2016 had been received. MOTION CARRIED 8. Executive Director’s Report: No report was submitted prior to the meeting. 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance – No report other than the Unbudgeted Expense statement discussed in Item 7 of the agenda was submitted as no committee meeting has occurred recently. b) Collections – No formal report was received. As H. Ridge, Curator, was able to attend the meeting at the last minute, she spoke to the recent work on the Collection following the plan put in place to further safeguard the items, catalogue and continue to vet the collection. She is working with a number of great volunteers. There has been no recent meeting of the committee. B. Seto asked about the flood that occurred this year at the Clarke site. It had been discovered by a staff member visiting the location to meet with the pest control company and do the hydrothermagraph readings. H. Ridge and M. Adams were both immediately notified and H. Ridge contacted and worked with Operations to move items and install fans after using shop vacuums to collect most of the water. When asked, H. Ridge stated that she is aware of staff routinely checking the Clarke site on the first Thursday of each month. She was not knowledgeable about other times when a staff representative might have been there. In Sept she knew of two trips, one for pest control and one to meet cleaners, and Oct st 1 there was a staff event held at the site. S. Middleton asked why the collection items sit on the floor. H. Ridge replied that most are up on pallets to keep them off the floor but some larger and heavier items (buggies and a safe for example) have not been moved. She would like to see that happen. When asked by B. Seto, H. Ridge stated that the trip to the Clarke site from the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre and back is 38 Km. and that she does claim mileage when she makes that round trip. It was noted that the Board’s understanding was that hydrothermagraph readings were required more often than once a month. S. Middleton stated during his orientation as Property Committee chair, he was told that weekly readings are required. Expense documents show two trips each week being claimed for the Clarke location. H. Ridge then explained how the information is downloaded and analysed on computer, stating that records are kept and each time that happens a dot shows on the graph. c) Membership – No report on membership. d) Property – Nothing further to the discussion after the Clarke flood notes. e) Heritage – K. Warren stated the next meeting of that committee is Tues. th Oct. 18 2016. The upcoming Durham Region Heritage Conference being th hosted by Clarington Heritage Committee takes place Sat. Oct. 29 at Town Hall. One of the guest speakers will be M. Morawetz representing the Jury Lands Foundation, presenting on Camp 30. 10. New Business: th a) S. Cooke reported back to the Board regarding Council’s response Oct 11 to the staff report requested regarding the Resolution #GG-443-16, September 6, 2016 about possible options to deal with the Museum. A change in the composition of the Board was determined such that in future the Board will be made up of 2 Councillors and 5 members at large for a total of 7. The Board is then reduced including the removal of a position filled in the past by a member of the Newcastle Village & District Historical Society. The two representatives per Ward has been changed such that good candidates from anywhere in the Municipality can be considered. All present Board members will be grandfathered in maintaining a total of 7 with the recent resignations. It was also determined that for the present a Committee of the Whole be the operating dynamic. In future should committees be struck including an executive committee, a member of Council must sit on each committee. b) B. Seto requested an examination of the Museum bylaws for direction in handling absentee Board members in future. This item was recommended for discussion at the next meeting and will be put on the agenda. 11. In Camera Items: Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren. That: at 8:05 in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that b) deals with personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. MOTION CARRIED Guests of the meeting were excused. Discussion followed. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo That: at 9:10 pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED 12. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wed. November 9, 2016 at 7 p.m. Location: TBA 13. Adjournment: S. Middleton moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives