HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-05 MinutesTyrone Community Centre Board Mtg. Wednesday, June 5, 2016 Present: Chairman: Joy Vaneyk; Treasurer: Claude Godin; Secretary Cecile Bowers; Members: Larry Quinney; Corinne VanDeGrootevheen; Dave Taylor; Alvina Hare; Danielle Carroll; Paul Rowan; Walter Loveridge Excused: Marlene Craig; Kat Caplan; Corinna Traill Minutes of May 17, 2016 Meeting: Correction: Marlene Craig was present, missed on minutes. M/S by Larry Quinney & Dave Taylor.CARRIED. Treasurer’s Report : $3,000.00 was received from the Municipality to help pay for our new floor polisher. Book Balance (after countertops are paid at cost of $2100.00) $20,669.28. Also monthly dances from January to May this year, our profit is $6,000.00. Also noted that cost this past month was including countertops, a total of $3200.00. M/S by Walter and Corinne to accept Treasurer’s report. CARRIED. Maintenance Report: T.S.S.A. report received for Propane. New tank which will be mounted on sand, stone then patio slab, to be done June 27. We need to “ground” stove ON button to electrical panel in Janitor’s room. Larry’s report. Dance Report: By Dave Taylor that there were 156 present.... Door: $1450.00 Bar $935.00 Total $2385.00 (not profit) Joy asked is screen door for bar has been purchased and when will be installed....Claude too busy so Dave volunteered plus Danielle volunteered her husband to help. Joy brought up question where we might be planning to have our Christmas Party. Corinne suggested that we check out Country Perks area..... Hall Bookings: Danielle stated no bookings in July but August is full. Old Business: Danielle stated she has emailed Chris with dates available for installation of countertops, renovations, etc. Joy read the updates from Saturday, May 28 Municipal Meeting Updates and discussion regarding the 40th Anniversary Planning Everyone was given items to look into before next meeting June 27. Secretary has most items listed....not in minutes as yet. New Business: Joy noted that we need to take inventory of all items in hall, Danielle volunteered to do this task & report at Sept. Mtg. M/S Walter & Dave to adjourn. CARRIED.