HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-13 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 7:00 PM Present: Suzanne Land Leo Blindenbach Jim Cleland Brian Reid Melanie McArthur Councillor Corinna Traill Dyan Amirault Regrets: Kate Potter Patrick Bothwell Paul Davidson James Hodge 1. AGENDA MOVED: by Suzanne Land SECONDED by Leo Blindenbach THAT: the agenda for September 13, 2016 be accepted CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Melanie McArthur SECONDED by Leo Blindenbach THAT : the minutes of June 14, 2016 be approved. CARRIED SWNA September 2016 Minutes 2 3. ITEMS/UPDATES Highway of Hero’s Tribute Planting The intent of the program is to plant 117,000 trees in the next 4 years along the Highway of Heroes – one tree for each of Canada’s war dead since Confederation. The SWNA falls within the 1km corridor and would be eligible for trees as part of the program. A meeting was held for stakeholders to learn more about the program and Leo Blindenbach represented the SWNA committee at the meeting. The HOH Tribute planting program will provide native trees of various sizes and recruit volunteers for planting projects. The HOH program is encouraging communities to plant on and around Remembrance Day. The committee decided that Saturday November 5 would be the best day and the number of trees would depend on the plant size and the number of volunteers available. P. Windolf will follow up with the HOH Program director to confirm the date and number of trees. 2016 Trail Construction Project At a previous meeting Peter Windolf presented the plans showing the proposed trail alignment and bridge crossing location for the new woodland trail that will connect the Waterfront Trail to the existing trail along the north side of the sewage treatment plant. The project has been awarded to R&M Construction a company who has undertaken several projects for the Municipality in the past. The deadline for completion is June 15, 2017. A construction schedule has not been received yet however they intend to do the clearing and grading through the fall and winter and the creek bank stabilization and bridge installation in the spring. The construction of a new trunk sewer along Toronto Street has started and is expected to be completed by Jan 2017. This work required a re-routing of the Waterfront Trail east of the SWNA but will not impact the trail at the SWNA until later in the project. The trail at Toronto Street may need to be closed for a brief duration (2 or 3 days) in December when a new sewer pipe is installed immediately adjacent to the trail. Clarke High School Community Outreach projects The parent council at Clarke High School is interested in increasing the visibility and promoting a positive image of the school. Catherine Bothwell a member of the parent council contacted the municipality with an offer help with community projects. The SWNA Committee considered the offer at the June 2016 meeting and suggested several potential projects. The projects the committee would like to pursue further with the school are; SWNA September 2016 Minutes 3 - designing and painting SWNA garage containers - building bird houses -creating tree identification labels Following the June meeting P. Windolf contacted Catherine Bothwell who confirmed with the Construction teacher that they are willing to build bird boxes and tree identification labels if they are provided the design. She will follow up with the art teacher this fall to see if they are interested in painting garbage containers. Bill Bickle Wildlife Photography presentation The event is scheduled for Sunday November 6 at the Newcastle and District Recreation Complex. Brian Reid will check the meeting room to ensure the equipment in the meeting room is adequate for the event. By-Law and Fishing Issues The By-law Enforcement Division was informed that cars were parking on some trails at the SWNA and that illegal overnight camping was occurring. By-Law confirmed they will have their officers monitor the area for infractions. Illegal netting of fish at the mouth of the creek was also observed by some SWNA users. This concern was passed on to the MNR Conservation Officer and the GRCA. Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up recap Jenni McNish a Hampton resident registered and organized a clean-up at the SWNA. This is a Canada wide event that encourages citizens to clean up the shorelines of lakes and rivers around the country. A small but enthusiastic group of volunteers participated on September 9. Operations Department provided the bags and gloves for the clean-up. As per the GCS Clean-up protocol a detailed inventory of the litter was taken, which Leo Blindenbach conveyed to the committee. Newcastle Fall Festival Brian Reid reminded members that the Newcastle Fall Festival is scheduled for Saturday October 1. The SWNA will have a tent and a booth to hand out promotional material for the SWNA. The committee discussed ways of bringing more traffic to the SWNA booth. Suzanne Land will follow up with Jackie’s Critters to see if they are interested in bringing some of the critters to the event. SWNA September 2016 Minutes 4 Fall Clean-up and Bird House Cleaning At the end of each fishing season the committee organizes a site clean-up. It is scheduled for Saturday October 29 at 9:00AM at the Toronto Street Parking lot. The anglers group who have participated in the past will also be invited to attend. In conjunction with the clean-up the bird houses will be cleaned out. Rather that removing, cleaning and storing the bird boxes they will be cleaned on -site and left in place over the winter. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Trail relayed a resident concern about vehicles driving on the Lake Meadow Trail from the Cobbledick Parking lot. Apparently a van drove down the trail and almost struck the resident. There is usually a large rock that blocks the trail from vehicular access but it may have been moved. Operations Department has been asked to investigate and re-instate the barrier. 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Melanie McArthur SECONDED by Suzanne Land THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 8:15 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday October 11, 7:00PM Notes prepared by: P.Windolf