HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-12Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 1 - Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, September 12, 2016 at 1:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: D. Crome, A. Greentree, attended until 4:28 PM, J. Gallagher, attended at 7:00 PM C. Fleming, attended until 4:28 PM, M. Chambers, attended at 7:00 PM, C. Salazar, F. Langmaid, C. Pellarin, P. Wirch, L. Benson, L. Gordon 1 Call to Order Councillor Woo called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. 2 New Business – Introduction Mayor Foster added a new business item, regarding a household hazardous waste facility, to the New Business – Consideration section of the agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD-120-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of September 12, 2016 be adopted as presented, with the addition of the following New Business item: Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Carried 4 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 2 - 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD-121-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Partner That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on June 27, 2016, be approved. Carried 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Clarington Official Plan Amendment No. 107 Clarington Official Plan Review Report: PSD-054-16 David Crome, Director of Planning Services, provided brief comments regarding Draft Amendment No. 107 to the Clarington Official Plan. Mr. Crome indicated that the Draft Amendment No. 107 is a culmination of strategies that will bring Clarington’s Official Plan into conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement, the Province’s Growth Plan, the Greenbelt Plan, other provincial statues and the Region of Durham’s Official Plan and applies to all lands within the Municipality of Clarington. Mr. Crome stated the proposed policies also address community priorities such as the protection of the natural environment and agriculture, economic development, maintaining the character of the community and include areas of importance such as climate change, green development and transit oriented developments. Mr. Crome acknowledged the Official Plan Review Team members and thanked them for their hard work on the project. Brenda Metcalf addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington. She stated presently, agriculture is the number one economic driver in Durham Region and the proposed new mapping in the proposed Official Plan will assist planning staff when reviewing requests for development, but suggested more accurate information will come from the farming community. She expressed concern that the productive farmland north of Taunton Road and west of Solina Road has been deconstructed by the construction of Highway 407 and the new feeder roads. Ms. Metcalf noted that with the updated definition from greenspaces and agriculture to rural, they anticipate that this will help Planning staff to control uses in rural areas that could impede farming practices. Ms. Metcalf stated the protection of farmland is only protected if growth management policies are strong and kept in check. Ms. Metcalf indicated the Agricultural Advisory Committee supports intensification within existing urban boundaries and supports the proposed policy that states "The Municipality supports the expansion of the Greenbelt Area to provide long-term protection of Prime Agricultural Land." The Committee requests that upon implementation of the proposed policies in the plan, the Municipality continues to communicate and liaise with the agricultural community and that staff use common Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 3 - sense along with the community's farming knowledge when reviewing development requests. Byron Faretis, Past President, Wilmot Creek Homeowners’ Association, (WCHA) addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of the residents of Wilmot Creek, and Phase 8 in Wilmot Landing development proposed by Rice Developments. Mr. Faretis indicated that the WCHA is encouraged by the contents of the draft Official Plan amendment, particularly the area designated as Special Policy Area "B1" and "B2", identified in Chapter 16 as neighbourhoods. He indicated the Association views this as recognition that the future density levels for area "B2" will be 10 units per hectare as specified in Chapter 4, Table 4.2 of the Draft Official Plan amendment, which is more consistent with the existing Wilmot Creek Community and a far cry from the 30 units per hectare originally proposed by Rice Developments. He noted the Association is also pleased to know that the Special Policy area "B2" will be subject to a Secondary Plan. Mr. Faretis stated the Association is not anti-development and do recognize the benefits that development can provide for both Wilmot residents and the Municipality, but are concerned about the size, scale and scope of the development and its impact on the Wilmot community. Mr. Faretis indicated that Rice Developments has recently shared their latest concept drawing for Phase 8 and Wilmot Landing. He noted that some of the Association's earlier concerns have been addressed; however, there are still a number of major issues including the adequacy of the existing bridge to handle the increase in population travelling between both parts of the community. The Association is also questioning what will happen when all the current existing retail businesses relocate to the proposed retail facility in Wilmot Landing adjacent to Bennett Road. Mr. Faretis stated another issue is the proposed extension of the existing Waterfront Trail to Cobbledick Road as the current trail lacks adequate security in preventing unauthorized access to the community. Mr. Faretis shared metrics with the Committee on why the development proposal is so important to the residents of Wilmot Creek who have three times the investment as the property owner, and why their concerns must be recognized. Mr. Faretis requested the Committee to recognize the significant interest the residents have vested in the community and to provide them with the opportunity for strong input into the development affecting their lives and their homes. Lynn Stilwell, President, Wilmot Creek Homeowners’ Association, (WCHA) addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107 to express the Association’s views specifically with respect to the area identified as Special Policy Area “B2” covering the expansion of the Wilmot Creek Adult Lifestyle Community and a newly created area designated by Rice Development as Wilmot Landing. Ms. Stilwell stated the Association has previously met with Rice Development Corporation to address concerns with the proposed expansion including housing mix, density, impact on facilities and infrastructure and security. She stated the original development plan called for the entire area (B2) to be Phase 8 of Wilmot Creek but in response to concerns raised, a second area called Wilmot Landing was created to develop high density condominiums and assisted living facilities. Ms. Stilwell stated the Association categorically disagrees with the developer’s position that the additional volume of people will have little to no Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 4 - impact on the community noting there will be a 30% increase in the population of Wilmot Creek. Ms. Stilwell expressed concern that the area is already lacking adequate evacuation routes for the present population and feels it is essential that the current emergency exit from Fairway Drive onto Cobbledick Road be upgraded to a full time entry/exit point. Ms. Stilwell provided the following comments on Section 16.3 – Special Policy Area B – Wilmot Creek Neighbourhood: Encouraged to see section 16.3.1 recognizing Wilmot Creek as an existing lifestyle community catering to seniors and retired residents and not relegating the community to status of retirement or nursing home 16.3.3(b) The Association trusts this provision will be applicable to the existing CN railway bridge and abutting roadways to ensure the safe passage of the residents travelling between the two sections of Wilmot Creek. 16.3.3(c) The Association trusts that this provision will mandate elevators in any apartment buildings that may be contemplated and for the new clubhouse facility that has been proposed for Phase 8, regardless of any other legislation that may exist. 16.3.5 The Association expresses concern that the section goes on to stipulate that the Municipality will not assume any of these “services” or facilities and believes this is an oversight and this section must be amended to allow for Municipal Fire and Rescue Services currently provided. 16.3.6 – The Association has two major areas of concern – the waterfront trail as illustrated on Map K should be amended to reflect it running along the hydro corridor and CN rail but not running along the water’s edge through Wilmot Creek and the existing and proposed trail do not provide adequate barriers or security between the trail and existing Wilmot homes. 16.3.2(b) and 16.3.7 – In response to these sections, the WCHA submitted a petition signed by the majority of residents of Wilmot Creek advising that the proposed Rice development plan does not enjoy the support of the residents of Wilmot Creek and requesting Rice Developments, the Municipality of Clarington and representatives from the Wilmot Creek Homeowners Association to revise the proposal to the satisfaction of all parties, that the revised proposal be presented at a public meeting of Council; and, that the Secondary Plan Approval for any Wilmot Creek development application be held in abeyance pending successful completion of a revised proposal and public meeting. Ms. Stilwell requested Council to grant the Association a seat at the table for the Secondary Plan Development for Special Policy Area B2 and for future Zoning and Site Plan approvals. Lynn Stillwell responded to questions from Committee members. Gerard Gervais, Gervais Development Corporation, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of Vanstone Mills Inc., in place of Bryce Jordan, GHD, who was unable to attend today's meeting. Mr. Gervais stated he is one of the landowners of the Vanstone Mill property, located on the northwest corner of Scugog Street and Highway 2, which straddles the Bowmanville Creek. Mr. Gervais Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 5 - referred to a map on display of the existing Map 3 Land Use Bowmanville Urban Area, Official Plan consolidated in February 2014, highlighting the 12 acres of Vanstone Mill property in the valley system and corresponding land designations. Mr. Gervais indicated the proposed plan re-designates both the east and west side into environmental protection. He stated that that they have no problem with the table land north of the intersection of Church Street changing to environmental protection but want the area where the three buildings are located to remain as Town Centre as they are still intending to redevelop the site. He noted that on the west side of the creek, the area is currently designated urban residential. Mr. Gervais stated that these parcels of land could be developed into housing units which would add pedestrian traffic downtown. Mr. Gervais indicated that Bryce Jordan has submitted correspondence on their behalf and indicated he would appreciate any opportunity to meet with staff to see how they could keep their apartment site designation and their Town Centre designation on the development lands they have to date. Gerard Gervais responded to questions from Committee members. Recess Resolution #PD-122-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Committee recess for five minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 2:07 PM with Councillor Woo in the Chair. Louise Foster, Director of Land Development, Tribute Communities, address the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107 on behalf of Tribute Communities in place of Bryce Jordan. Ms. Foster indicated that Tribute Communities own a couple of parcels of land in Courtice and have also submitted comments in writing. Ms. Foster stated that while they do not have any issues that they see as unachievable, they are concerned about the mandated 15 metre vegetative protection zone as it prohibits developers from having some exceptions. She suggested that consideration be given to softening some of the wording around the prescriptive15 metre vegetative protection zone to allow that zone to be used for infiltration galleries, trail systems, etc., and flexibility to have either a lesser or greater setback. Ms. Foster referenced Chapter 4, floor space index, brought forward through the Province and through the Regional Official Plan stating it is impossible to meet the floor space index mandated by the Province and suggested that the policies speak to the floor space index but not put the actual floor space index in the Official Plan to allow for flexibility as staff works through the requirement. Louise Foster responded to questions from Committee members. Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 6 - Tino Montopoli addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of the Orono BIA. Mr. Montopoli stated he was in attendance to speak to the possibility of expanding the boundaries of the Orono Urban Boundary. Through use of a Powerpoint presentation, Mr. Montopoli reviewed the history of the Village of Orono noting there has been no development in Orono since the mid 1970’s and businesses in Orono have been struggling for twenty years. Mr. Montopoli stated the Clarington Official Plan classifies Orono as an urban area with no possibility of rounding out the urban boundary and suggested the BIA boundaries be expanded to align with the westerly boundary of the Durham County Senior’s Complex and from Taunton Road extended south to connect with the current boundary. Mr. Montopoli indicated that the additional land could accommodate up to 140 dwellings and this population base would provide needed support to local businesses. He stated they are proposing the use of private communal septic/sewer systems currently being used all over North America to eliminate the need for a trunk sewer from Newcastle. Mr. Montopoli further highlighted the benefits of the proposal which supports the achievement of complete communities and urged Council to help change the downward trend and bring economic vitality to Orono. Tino Motopoli responded to questions from Committee members. Jeff Guthrie, owner of 34 Martin Road, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, also speaking on behalf of the owners of 38 Martin Road and 42 Martin Road. Mr. Guthrie stated he was speaking to the proposal of environmental protection on the woodlands found on their properties. Mr. Guthrie stated the property owners were adamantly opposed to their properties being included in the proposal and will take all means possible to have their properties removed from it. Mr. Guthrie stated the property owners are all long-time residents of Bowmanville who care about the ecology of their neighbourhood. Mr. Guthrie expressed concern that they were not notified in advance of the proposal which proposes to make changes to their property designation. Mr. Guthrie referred to a map on display which showed the insignificance of the designated woodland he was addressing and provided a comparison to all the other proposed woodlands up for protection close to their properties. He noted all the other woodlands were massive in comparison and all have a stream or creek of some kind running through the woodlands. Mr. Guthrie highlighted a current Google Earth image of the woodland referring to a group of trees behind 46 and 50 Martin Road which is no longer there. Mr. Guthrie stated the area concerned is 36,850 square feet, not including small clearings behind 38 and 42 Martin Road and it was his understanding that in order to environmentally protect a woodland, it must be a minimum of .5 hectares. Mr. Guthrie questioned how staff could put the proposal forward without recognizing that the mapping is outdated. Mr. Guthrie concluded by insisting that the environmental protection designation for parts of 34, 38 and 42 Martin Road properties be removed from this amendment and they will launch an appeal if necessary. Jeff Guthrie responded to questions from Committee members. Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 7 - Jane McFarlane, Planner, Weston Consulting, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of Delpark Homes Prestonvale, owners of property on the west side of Prestonvale Road, at the terminus of Rosswell Drive. Ms. McFarlane indicated the property contains two separate parcels - 1539 Prestonvale Road and a second parcel to the south which does not have a municipal address. Ms. McFarlane advised that she had previously submitted comments on May 2 and August 22, and also met with staff and Council in March regarding this property. She stated the property is currently designated future urban residential in the Official Plan, and is designated future residential and neighbourhood park within the Secondary Plan for the southwest Courtice area. Ms. McFarlane stated the Draft Official Plan designates the subject property urban residential and environmental protection area. Ms. McFarlane indicated support for the re-designation; however, she noted the draft Official Plan further identifies the property on Map C as being within a residential secondary plan area that is not completed and being identified as C2 in the phasing priority. Ms. McFarlane requested these lands to be removed from the identification on Map C as C2 as they are already within a secondary plan; they are uniquely positioned from the remainder of the lands which are to be re-designated urban residential and employment lands; they should be subject to their own site specific planning study; and, they can be serviced and graded accurately. Ms. McFarlane submitted written comments in support of her delegation. Ms. McFarlane responded to questions from Committee members. Stephen Wood addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, requesting the Committee to consider expanding the Kendal Hamlet boundary to include his farm at 6759 Regional Road 18, on the east side of Newtonville Road, across from the community of Kendal and referred to a map of the area on display. Mr. Wood stated there will be long term benefits to the taxpayers and residents of Clarington and Durham Region if the boundary is expanded, noting the construction of Highway 407 and expansion of GO train service through Clarington will see an increase in population resulting in additional property tax revenue. Mr. Wood feels increased revenues could then be used to extend municipal water services to the hamlet of Kendal and avert any potential disaster resulting from the combination of Kendal's unusually high water table, shallow wells and septic systems. Mr. Wood sees the review of the Official Plan as an opportunity to designate more lands for development in Kendal and have the development community pay for the costs to extend municipal services. Mr. Wood responded to questions from Committee members. Peter Smith, 1448774 Ontario Limited - Planning Consultants, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of Dom's Auto Parts, 1604 Baseline Road. Mr. Smith stated his client is concerned with the designation of the property as a Special Study Area in the new Official Plan with the Municipality’s intent of eventually hoping for the relocation of the business elsewhere. Mr. Smith stated it is not practical or possible for Dom’s to relocate, be sold, leased or partnered due to this policy and the Municipality’s continued desire to treat Dom’s as a Special Study Area is limiting Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 8 - the operation of the business. Mr. Smith stated Dom’s should stay as a permanent use. Mr. Smith requested that any specific reference to Dom’s Auto Parts in Section 16.5 of the Official Plan be deleted; that Section 16.5.1. Special Policy Area D – Auto Wrecking Yard Facility be reworded and that Section 16.5.2 remain unchanged. Mr. Smith urged the Committee not to consider relocation but to accommodate the business within the planning area. Mr. Smith provided a written submission of his comments. Peter Smith responded to questions from Committee members. Elaine Wotten, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107 stating she purchased her property in Solina in 1977 as it was the only property zoned commercial in the Solina area and where she operated a business for several years. Ms. Wotton indicated she was never notified of any zoning change on her property and was addressing the Committee to request that the commercial zoning designation be reinstated on her property. She stated there has been substantial growth in the area with new families relocating, and feels her property would be appropriate to have commercial zoning which would create a base for a central hub for the community. Ms. Wotton indicated her property would accommodate this zoning as it is centrally located, has a 250ft frontage, and a septic system for 80 people and could operate as a daycare or a corner store to serve the area residents. Ms. Wotten distributed information about her property. Elaine Wotton responded to questions from Committee members. Chris Jones, Director of Planning and Regulation, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA), addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. Mr. Jones stated that CLOCA has jurisdiction over the western half of the Municipality and have provided input to the Official Plan review. Mr. Jones stated mapping at the scale of the Official Plan is conceptual, and will not be perfect as nature is constantly changing and evolving and that precision comes at the detailed design stage when applications are under a site-specific review. Mr. Jones indicated that the establishment of a series of fixed vegetation protection zones is an important innovation and provides a level of certainty to landowners and proponents of development allowing development to proceed more smoothly. He indicated that CLOCA supports the objectives of fixed width vegetation protection zones. He stated however, that it does not preclude the ability to apply common sense to a specific site and provides the opportunity to use the zone for other complementary uses such as trail systems and low impact development stormwater measures. Mr. Jones stated the Official Plan proposes new direction related to low impact development and green infrastructure in numerous locations which will require innovation and common sense to be applied when reviewing new stormwater management techniques which will result in development being more resilient to climate change and flooding. Mr. Jones also addressed the sequential phasing of Secondary Plans which will for the planning and implementation of LIDs or green infrastructure measures. Mr. Jones thanked staff for working with CLOCA. Chris Jones responded to questions from Committee members. Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 9 - Bonnie Martin, 2385 Maplegrove Road, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. Ms. Martin stated she was opposed to the designation of her property at 2385 Maple Grove Road being changed from Hamlet- Agricultural to Hamlet-Environmentally protected. Ms. Martin indicated that she had previously contacted staff regarding why her property would have been designated as a natural heritage system in need of environmental protection as the trees in question were either dead or diseased. Ms. Martin stated staff from the Municipality and CLOCA conducted a site visit of the property to discuss the heritage features on her property. Ms. Martin is further concerned with the environmental assessment being undertaken on a block of properties including her property to permit the Longworth extension to Holt Road. She also noted the subdivision behind her property intends to offer forested lots. Ms. Martin stated having her property designated environmentally protected devalues her property and it is not in her best interest. Ms. Martin requested the designation of her property remain as Hamlet-Agricultural as she feels there is no reason to warrant the change in designation. Ms. Martin submitted her comments in writing. Scott Waterhouse, Project Manager, Candevcon Limited, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of Highcastle Homes, owners of land in the north part of the Northglen Neighbourhood. Mr. Waterhouse indicated he had previously submitted written comments and would be providing a summary of the key aspects of the submission. Mr. Waterhouse indicated their submission is specific to lands at the very north of the urban area bounded by Regional Road 57 to the west, the urban boundary to the north, Liberty Street to the east and Concession Road 3 to the south. Through use of a map on display, Mr. Waterhouse referred to the current transportation map B1 which illustrates an east/west Type C arterial road, north of the Bowmanville urban area between Regional Road 57 and Lambs Road. He noted the proposed map J3 Transportation Network Bowmanville Urban Area now illustrates a new alignment for the east/west road within the urban boundary and stated he is not aware of any changes in policy that would require the road to be realigned. Mr. Waterhouse requested the road be deleted in its entirety as supported by their written submission including comments on the environmental impacts. Mr. Waterhouse suggested alternatively, that should the Municipality deem the road necessary, that it be located north of the urban boundary as currently shown in the Official Plan. Scott Waterhouse responded to questions from Committee members. Peter Alward, 2899 Taunton Road, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. Mr. Alward stated he purchased the property five years ago with the intention of operating a small organic farm. He advised the property is approximately 26 acres with a ½ acre designated environmentally protected. Mr. Alward expressed concern that the proposed mapping changes the designation of the property to approximately 90% environmentally protected and this will be very prohibitive to a small farming operation. Mr. Award requested the land remain as prime agriculture. Peter Alward responded to questions from Committee members. Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 10 - Recess and Suspend the Rules Resolution #PD-123-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Committee recess for five minutes; and That the meeting be extended until 4:30 PM. Carried The meeting reconvened at 4:05 PM with Councillor Woo in the Chair. All members of Committee were in attendance except Mayor Foster and Councillors Hooper and Partner. Ryan Guetter, Weston Consulting, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of a number of property owners for which he is the Planning Consultant. Mr. Guetter first addressed property fronting onto Darlington Boulevard highlighting the nature of their written comments. Mr. Guetter stated it was his intention to have further dialogue with staff to gain clarity regarding specific requests filed in their written correspondence. Mayor Foster, Councillor Hooper and Councillor Partner re-entered the meeting at 4:07 PM. Mr. Guetter commented on the natural heritage suggesting that the science dictate the land use based on scientific studies. Mr. Guetter referred to a drainage feature on the property which has been studied at length and is being dealt with through an application process noting that level of detail would not be on the Official Plan schedule. Mr. Guetter provided comments on building heights stating it is his understanding that the Courtice Secondary Plan will be maintained and they have provided suggestions to staff concerning matching building heights to the Regional Official Plan and mixed-used corridor. Mr. Guetter suggested that there be a policy that would allow for trails and trail network lands to be considered through parkland dedication and there be a permission for stormwater management facilities in all designations. Mr. Guetter then referred to property located at the corner of Nash Road and Hancock Road, currently designated in a low density urban residential designation for which he is supportive. Mr. Guetter provided comments on the height and density regimes of the Official Plan stating the current density proposes to provide a minimum density but the minimum does not correspond with an appropriate maximum and requested the language of "limited apartments" be clarified. Mr. Guetter referred to their written submission which requested consideration of four storey heights for the building typologies and density in the building table in the proposed plan. Mr. Guetter discussed a policy respecting school sites noting part of the lands on this property were intended for a school site that is no longer being considered in the Neighbourhood Plan and Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 11 - suggested that policy 18.5.3 in the proposed plan would require clarity in the event of a school site not being required. Mr. Guetter referred to a third property, owned by Medallion Developments, on Lamb's Road and Concession Street contemplated for urban residential uses. Mr. Guetter provided comments on phasing of Secondary Plans. He noted that timing associated with those studies becomes challenging and suggested there could be policies put in the plan that would allow for landowners to have a working relationship to advance studies with the Municipality and that he would provide written suggestions for language to be considered. Mr. Guetter expressed concern with the current mandate stating he will be submitting further comments on the matter. Mr. Guetter referred to a fourth property located at Bloor Street and Prestonvale Road providing comments on the natural heritage mapping and the need for science to dictate the delineation of mapping and the need to allow flexibility on the studies to be done to support development in Secondary Plans. Mr. Guetter commended staff on the Official Plan as it captures good planning principles. Mike Waldensperger 2401 Maplegrove Road, addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. Mr. Waldensperger objected to the changing of the hamlet and agricultural designation to hamlet and environmental protection designation on his property as the trees proposed to be protected are dying. He noted the only healthy trees, being heritage maples, border their property and the developers property and that they have been tagged. Mr. Waldensperger feels if a property is to be environmentally protected it should have some significance and property owners should be provided with suggestions on the types of trees to grow in the area. Mr. Waldensperger expressed concern that with the proposed extension of Longworth Road it does not make sense to change the designation to environmentally protected if there is nothing to protect. Carolyn Molinari, CM Planning addressed the Committee regarding Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107, on behalf of Fourteen Estates, the owners of five properties in Clarington. Ms. Molinari stated she has submitted written comments on each of the properties. Ms. Molinari provided general comments regarding the natural heritage system policies and quoted Policies 3.44 and 3.46 requesting the distinction of the two policies to be clarified. Ms. Molinari commented on proposed policy 3.4.16 which limits the vegetation protection zone and suggested the proposed policy be reworded to allow for the potential for reductions to the zone if supported by an EIS. Ms. Molinari commented on property owned by Fourteen Estates in Newtonville, north of Highway 401, east of Newtonville Road and south of the 28 lot draft plan approved subdivision owned by Fourteen Estates, referred to as Block 32. Ms. Molinari referred to the Rural Settlement Area policies for Newtonville 12.4.6 stating the policy restricts the development of designated lands within Newtonville. Ms. Molinari quoted policy 12.4.6 subsections (a) and (c) which will result in existing infrastructure in Newtonville to remain underutilize and requested that policy 12.4.6 subsections (a) and (c) be deleted from the draft Official Plan or wording to be added to allow development on designated lands Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 12 - within Newtonville, subject to appropriate engineering studies in support of private services. Ms. Molinari commented on the Environmental Protection designation on map A1 and the natural heritage system designation on Map D3. Ms. Molinari requested that the maps in the current Official Plan be maintained as the approved Official Plan designationon this property as the land is currently zoned for residential hamlet development and an EIS is currently underway which will refine the environmentally significant features of the property. Ms. Molinari commented with respect to the proposed expansion of Newtonville, questioning the need for the expansion of the hamlet of Newtonville given the significant amount of undeveloped land in the hamlet boundary, the limited water supply capacity available and the restriction of development through policy12.4.6 subsection (c) which prohibits development on designated lands once the capacity of municipal water supply system is reached regardless of whether designated lands remain vacant. Ms. Molinari confirmed that Fourteen Estates opposes the proposed hamlet expansion of Newtonville. Recess Resolution #PD-124-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Committee recess until 7:00 PM. Carried David Crome, Director of Planning Services, provided brief comments regarding Draft Amendment No. 107 to the Clarington Official Plan. Mr. Crome indicated that the Draft Amendment No. 107 is a culmination of strategies that will bring Clarington’s Official Plan into conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement, the Province’s Growth Plan, the Greenbelt Plan, other provincial statues and the Region of Durham’s Official Plan and applies to all lands within the Municipality of Clarington. Mr. Crome stated the proposed policies also address community priorities such as the protection of the natural environment and agriculture, economic development, maintaining the character of the community and include areas of importance such as climate change, green development and transit oriented developments. Mr. Crome acknowledged the Official Plan Review Team members and thanked them for their hard work on the project. Clifford Curtis addressed the Committee regarding the Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. He made a verbal presentation to accompany a handout. Mr. Curtis explained that he was present regarding his property which is located on Tooley Road in the Worden East Neighbourhood. He explained that, when he purchased this property in 1981, it was located within the Courtice urban boundary and was zoned R1. He added that, in 1996, the property was rezoned such that the front 200 feet which abuts Tooley Road remained R1 and the rear land zoning was changed to (H) R1. Mr. Curtis continued by noting that he had concerns with the Clarington Official Plan in 1996 and this was brought to the Ontario Municipal Board at which time an agreement was reached. He added that it was agreed that a Neighbourhood Plan was to be prepared and was completed in 2002. Mr. Curtis continued by explaining that a new Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 13 - Neighbourhood Plan was approved in February, 2016 which stated that an Environmental Study would be required. He added that a Neighbourhood Study cannot be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board and he has authorized the preparation of a number of studies. Mr. Curtis stated that he has prepared a draft plan, has met with Clarington staff, and intends to submit this plan within the next couple of months. He explained that he has two primary issues with the Draft Official Plan. He is concerned that the Municipality intends to have the existing Neighbourhood Plan changed to a Secondary Plan status. Mr. Curtis explained that it is his understanding that this provision is not within the Official Plan but will be done concurrently with the Official Plan approval. He stated that he feels this is inappropriate due to the fact that this will take a Neighbourhood Plan and change it to a Secondary Plan without adequate public consultation and review. Mr. Curtis added that this will not give anyone the right to appeal Clarington’s position. He noted that the Regional Official Plan only requires a Secondary Plan for greenfield living areas larger the 20 hectares and most of this neighbourhood should be considered infill. Mr. Curtis noted that his second issue is with the use of Natural Heritage Mapping in the Durham Official Plan to designate properties within the urban boundary as environmentally protected lands. He added that this mapping is provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources which he feels is inaccurate and does not properly show tree cover. Mr. Curtis feels the maps need to be ground truthed. He added that the Environmental Impact Study for his property only identifies a need to keep a 30 metre width of undisturbed land to the west of his property line. He concluded by asking for the Clarington Official Plan to be amended to reflect the Environmental Impact Study results between Poppyfield Drive and Springfield Lane to restrict the Environmentally Protected designation to the west of his property and that the existing Neighbourhood Plan be voided. Mr. Curtis thanked members of Committee and offered to answer any questions. Libby Racansky addressed the Committee regarding the Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation and a handout. Ms. Racansky explained to the Committee she is concerned with the land use in Special Study Areas, secondary plans and protection of the remaining natural areas. She noted that she has specific concerns with the protection of Special Study Areas of Farewell Heights and Special Study Area No. 1 – Hancock Neighbourhood. Ms. Racansky explained that the Special Study Area designation for Farewell Heights was removed. Ms. Racansky added that the extension of the Urban Boundary further north was not supported because there was not enough groundwater recharge area within the wetland complex. She added that this land was cleared prior to the Official Plan Amendment and Council needs to ensure that the nature areas are rehabilitated prior to development. Ms. Racansky asked Council to ensure that all policies are adhered to and that the estimated densities in Appendix B are amended after the Environmental Impact Study is completed. Ms. Racansky stated that all natural heritage is to be protected and Courtice north is the only groundwater area with a wetland complex in the Greater Toronto Area. She noted that Section 4.3.5, Priority Intensification Areas help ease the development on the Courtice North groundwater area. Ms. Racansky asked the Committee to ensure that the three remaining wooded areas are protected to allow Tooley Creek to function. She continued by stating that the Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 14 - Clarington Official Plan requires the reduction of greenhouse gases and, as a result, the extension of George Reynolds Drive (Map J2) should be deleted from the Hancock Neighbourhood. Ms. Racansky asked for the trail through the Special Study Area No. 1 be deleted as it is privately owned land. She added that the trail should continue through Hancock Road. Ms. Racansky asked for a listing of all flora, fauna and insects to be required as part of environmental studies. She also asked for climatology, the lowering of greenhouse gases and the impact of the lowering of the water tables in Courtice to be considered prior to future development. Ms. Racansky concluded by asking Council to ensure all Official Plan policies are adhered to and that Clarington support the provincial expansion of the Greenbelt. Stephen Waqué, Borden Ladner Gevais LLP, was present on behalf of Rice Development Corporation regarding the Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. Mr. Waqué advised the Committee that he was present regarding the land located east of Bennett Road, south of Highway 401 and north of the CNR railway line. He noted that he had forwarded a formal submission dated September 7, 2016. Mr. Waqué noted that an application for a Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) was submitted in 2002 and a Clarington Official Plan Amendment was submitted in 2003 to develop Phase 8 of the Wilmot Creek Community. He explained that the plans were placed on hold in 2005 to wait for the approval of the Regional Official Plan. Mr. Waqué added that the ROPA incorporated the subject property into the Newcastle Village Urban Area as Living Areas and was subsequently appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). He added that this was later approved by the OMB in January, 2013. Mr. Waqué noted that his client then re-activated their application and in March, 2015 there was a Public Meeting followed by additional meetings with the residents and developers. He advised the Committee that, on June 29, 2016, his client appealed their development application to the OMB and a pre hearing has been scheduled. Mr. Waqué concluded by advising the Committee that he wants to ensure that there is nothing in the Official Plan that prevents the resolution of this matter before the OMB. He added that he is concerned specifically with Sections 4.6.2, 4.6.3, 9.4.5, and the targets in Appendix B. Mr. Waqué offered to answer questions from the Committee. Stephen Waqué, Borden Ladner Gevais LLP, was present on behalf of Nash Road Developments Inc. regarding the Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. Mr. Waqué advised the Committee he was present regarding a site specific concern regarding a property legally described as Part Lot 26, Concession 3, Township of Darlington, being Part1 on Plan 10R3097 and located just outside of the Courtice Urban Boundary. He noted that he had forwarded a formal submission dated September 7, 2016. Mr. Waqué explained that, when the property was purchased in 2003, it was located outside the Greenbelt area. He added that, at that time, an application was submitted for an urban boundary expansion. Mr. Waqué added that the property was then included in the final version of the Greenbelt area without any notice to owner. He continued by explaining that, in 2006, both the Municipality of Clarington and the Region of Durham requested that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing remove the subject property from the Greenbelt Plan Area. Mr. Waqué noted that this has not been dealt with and they were advised it would be dealt with in the 10 year review, which is currently underway. He Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 15 - added that the Greenbelt Plan is currently under review by the Ministry and that they have made three submissions requesting that the property be removed from the Greenbelt Plan. Mr. Waqué concluded by asking for a flag to be placed on the subject property map advising that the Greenbelt boundary is under review and could be removed from the boundary. Anthony Biglieri and Jake Murray of the Biglieri Group, were present on behalf of 1559306 Ontario Limited regarding the Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. They made verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Biglieri advised the Committee that he was present regarding a property located at 5075 Holt Road, Hampton. He reviewed a site map and described where the property is located. Mr. Biglieri added that the subject site is currently located approximately 450 metres outside of the Hamlet boundary. He advised the Committee that they are requesting that the hamlet boundary be rounded out to include the subject site. Mr. Biglieri provided details on the size of the site and what type of development they are proposing. He continued by reviewing the transportation and traffic for the proposed development which included access to Taunton Road, Highway 418 and the proposed Highway 407 which would allow for easy access to Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville. Mr. Biglieri provided on overview of the environmental impact and noted a portion of the site is designated significant woodland and that there are no future plans for development of this section of the site as a result of the designation. Mr. Biglieri noted that the site is currently designated General Agricultural and in the Draft Clarington Official Plan the site is being proposed as Prime Agricultural Area with the wooded area to be environmentally protected. He continued by advising the Committee that, in 2010, an application was approved on the site for a golf driving range and accessory building. Mr. Biglieri added that, at that time, an agricultural review was done and the review supported the application and concluded that the site had limited agricultural potential. He stated that he does not feel that this site is suitable for the prime agricultural designation and would be more suited for residential use. Mr. Biglieri added that this site is well connected to the surrounding urban area, will not require the expansion of municipal services, and compliments the other developments in the area. He advised the Committee that their request conforms with the Provincial Policy Statement, Places to Grow Act, Greenbelt Plan and the Regional Official Plan. Mr. Biglieri concluded by requesting that the Draft Official Plan be revised to include their subject land in the Hamlet designation to allow for future residential development. John Romanov, Romanov Romanov Architects, was present on behalf of Tornat Construction Company regarding the NewCast Development Proposal. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Romanov advised the Committee he was here to request that a section of King Avenue West between Rudell Road and Pedwell Street be designated as a local corridor. He continued by noting that this would allow for a higher density development, keep with the character of the area, increase urban densification, allow for a smaller foot print, and create mixed use buildings at various price points. Mr. Romanov reviewed the section of the Official Plan that references local corridors on a map of Clarington to show that the two existing corridors are in Courtice and Bowmanville and noted where they are proposing the Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 16 - corridor designation be in Newcastle. He reviewed a map of Newcastle and explained that the area is an Arterial A road and is a significant intersection with public transportation access, which makes it a good location for a higher density development and local corridor designation. Mr. Romanov reviewed the parameters of a local corridor and provided background information on the site. He added that it was originally part of a subdivision plan and was recently sold to Tornat Construction. Mr. Romanov explained the development concept for this site which includes apartments, townhouses, and mix-use buildings. He reviewed examples of different types and styles buildings they have designed. Mr. Romanov concluded that, due to the size of property, proximity to major intersection, the location being on an arterial road and the fact that it is already serviced, it would be an appropriate location for the proposed mixed use development. John Armstrong, MasonryWorx, was present regarding the Official Plan Review. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Armstrong explained to the Committee that they are a provincial association which represents the brick, block and stone industry. He congratulated Clarington on the progressive Draft Official Plan and noted that the Official Plan pays more attention to the built form. Mr. Armstrong continued by stating they feel the Plan has good policies and language to focus on urban design guidelines and focusing on the appropriate exterior materials. He continued by providing additional suggestions which included focusing on using a quality built form. Mr. Armstrong encouraged Clarington to draft urban design manuals that are applicable throughout the municipality. He noted that they are pleased to see that Clarington has separated the architectural guidelines from the urban design guidelines. Mr. Armstrong asked for more focus on the urban ribbons and that the sides and rears of buildings are visible and that there should be concern for how these buildings will look in 50 years. He reviewed a public opinion survey that supported masonry as the most preferred and durable exterior building material. Mr. Armstrong concluded by asking for brick and stone to be used as the preferred building material and that the side and rear facades of buildings should use the same high quality materials. Hannu Halminen of Halminen Homes, was present regarding the Official Plan Review. Mr. Halminen noted that staff have done a good job on the Draft Official Plan and thanked staff for all the work that was involved. He addressed the preparation of the Secondary Plans as set out in the Official Plans and noted they will be sequential and driven by staff resources. Mr. Halminen suggested that it would be more cost effective and faster to have a landowner or developer group to participate and fund a portion of this. He noted that there have been several small changes to the natural heritage and environmental lines and he believes that these areas should be finalized by an environmental impact study. Mr. Halminen continued by stating his final issue is with land on Trulls Road north of Vivian Drive on the north side of the existing subdivision. He explained that this area is located in a special study area and the Region of Durham needed to define whether Adelaide Road would continue and where it would end. Mr. Halminen added that they submitted their proposal in 2008 and then withdrew it as they were advised to wait for the Official Plan review. He added that the Official Plan wants to implement the Secondary Plan and that they would be sequential. Mr. Halminen stated that this area is currently C3 which means this land would not be developed until 2025 to Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 17 - 2030. He asked that the existing Neighbourhood Plan be amended to include these lands 100 metres north so that they do not have to wait for a Secondary Plan. Mr. Halminen concluded by noting that this land is planned for development in 2023 and that it would create 25 lots and be a sufficient use of infrastructure. Allan Cole was present regarding the Official Plan Review. Mr. Cole advised the Committee that he resides on Courtice Road North in the Hancock Neighbourhood. He explained to the Committee that he was present due to concerns with increased urban sprawl and the protection of the Harmony Farewell Iroquois Beach Wetland Complex. Mr. Cole explained they were concerned with the recent sale of properties on Courtice Road North and with the potential sale of the 16 acre parcel of land located at 3091 Courtice Road. He continued by stating this property is zoned primarily agricultural and a portion is environmentally protected. Mr. Cole stated that he is asking for the living area of this land to be limited to a 300 foot lot that can be accessed by Courtice Road. He added they have been greatly affected by Highway 407 and that the development has increased quickly in the six years he has lived in the area. Mr. Cole asked for a moratorium be placed on the Hancock Neighbourhood for future developments until the wetland complex can be restudied to determine how the area has responded to the deforestation from the 418. He concluded by asking Council to continue to protect the environment and protected areas. Mr. Cole submitted a petition signed by residents in the Hancock Neighbourhood. [Mr. Cole informed the Clerks’ Department, after the meeting, that the parcel of land that he referred to in his delegation was at 3105 Courtice Road, not 3091.] John Janssen’s, name was called as he had previously registered to speak, but he was not present. Rodger Miller, Miller Planning Services, was present on behalf of 1816451 Ontario Limited regarding the Official Plan Review. Mr. Miller made a verbal presentation to accompany a handout of his written submission to the Municipality of Clarington. He noted that his client owns 24 acres of vacant land south of Baseline Road and west of Rundle Road. Mr. Miller added that they have conditionally acquired interest in an additional 15 acres of land south of Baseline Road on the west side. He explained that the area is currently light industrial in the current and proposed draft Official Plan. Mr. Miller noted that his client is looking to relocate an industrial facility that will be approximately 30,000 square feet. He noted that they are concerned with proposed Map A2 and Chapter 17. Mr. Miller explained that his client’s property is located in Special Study Area #4 and in the proposed Official Plan special study areas policies the land will be limited to the existing uses. He continued by explaining that Section 17.5 and 17.5.2 will restrict any development until a Secondary Plan is in place and that the lands in this area are dependent on a Regional Official Plan Review. Mr. Miller stated that they are concerned that there will be restrictions in place for an extended period of time. He requested that the proposed policies be amended to allow new development to occur based on the Official Plan policies until a Secondary Plan is approved and that the Secondary Plan be limited to the current urban boundary. Mr. Miller stated that Chapter 11 Section 11.6 states that Auto-malls be located on Type A arterials road and they are Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 18 - requesting that this be amended to included lands with exposure to major highways. He concluded by asking for clarification for Chapter 4, Map D1 as it notes that a portion of his client’s property is designated Natural Heritage System and they cannot find any reference to that effect. Joey Benoliel, Pelico Developments, addressed the Committee regarding the Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107. Mr. Benoliel explained to the Committee that they had recently purchased 18 acres of land at the corner of Baseline Road and Solina Road. He explained that they plan to build a commercial warehouse with a component of outdoor storage. Mr. Benoliel stated that, when the land was purchased, it was due to the fact it was zoned M2 and met their criteria. He continued by explaining that they are looking to open a light manufacturing business and that Superior Quilting will be the first tenant. Mr. Benoliel advised the Committee that he objects to the changing of the zoning from M2 to M1. He concluded by advising the Committee that they are looking to bring commercial business, job opportunities, and that they are looking forward to coming to the Clarington area. Warren Hung was present regarding the Official Plan Review. He made a verbal presentation to accompany a handout. Mr. Hung explained to the Committee he owns the property at 3196 Rundle Road in Bowmanville. He advised the Committee that this property has been changed to environmentally protected under the proposed Official Plan. Mr. Hung continued by noting this change would be to implement the natural heritage system. He added that no other properties in the area are being designated as environmentally protected. Mr. Hung asked for this designation to be removed. Brian Bylsma was present on behalf of the Hope Fellowship Church regarding the Official Plan review. Mr. Bylsma noted that the church is located at 1685 Bloor Street in Courtice. He continued by explaining that they had attended a public meeting and were informed that the current designation would be changed to part light industry and part residential. Mr. Bylsma explained that there is a proposed new collector road that will connect to the south end of their property. He continued by stating that they support this proposal and are asking for the residential designation to be extended to go from Bloor Street to the new proposed road (Map J2). Mr. Bylsma noted that this would split the property, with half being residential and half light industrial. He stated that they would like all of the property to be designated all residential so that the church could be surrounded by a variety of residential developments. Mr. Bylsma concluded by adding that the church currently owns approximately 21 acres at 1685 and 1711 Bloor Street. Recess Resolution #PD-125-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 19 - The meeting reconvened at 9:32 PM with Councillor Woo in the Chair. 8 Delegations No Delegations 9 Communications - Receive for Information 9.1 Nicole Wellsbury, Municipal Clerk, Township of Scugog – Proposed Changes to the Greenbelt Plans Resolution #PD-126-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Communication Item 9.1 from Nicole Wellsbury, Municipal Clerk, Township of Scugog regarding proposed changes to the Greenbelt Plans, be received for information. Carried 10 Communications – Direction 10.1 Katrina Metzner, Project Manager & Architectural Technologist, Holland Homes Inc. – Request to Repeal the Interim Control By-law for Glenview Neighbourhood Resolution #PD-127-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Communication Item 10.1 from Katrina Metzner, Project Manager & Architectural Technologist, Holland Homes Inc., be referred to Staff. Carried 10.2 Carolyn Langley, Clerk, West Lincoln Township – Mandatory Municipal Consent for Future Renewable Energy Projects Resolution #PD-128-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Partner That Communication Item 10.2 from Carolyn Langley, Clerk, West Lincoln Township regarding Mandatory Municipal Consent for Future Renewable Energy Projects, be received for information. Carried 11 Presentations No Presentations Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 20 - 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD-054-16 Public Meeting Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107 Clarington Official Plan Review Resolution #PD-129-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD-054-16 be received; That the draft Official Plan Amendment No. 107 continue to be reviewed by staff in consideration of the public comments provided at the public meeting and the written submissions; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-054-16 and any delegations, be advised of the Planning and Development Committee meeting on October 24, 2016 to consider the recommended Official Plan Amendment No. 107 to implement the Clarington Official Plan Review. Carried 12.2 PSD-055-16 Tree Protection and Planning Applications in Urban Areas Resolution #PD-130-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal That Report PSD-055-16 be received for information; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-055-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Later in the meeting (See following motion) Suspend the Rules Resolution #PD-131-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the matter of the foregoing Resolution #PD-130-16 a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #PD-130-16 was then put to a vote and carried. Carried Planning and Development Committee Minutes September 12, 2016 - 21 - 13 New Business – Consideration 13.1 Household Hazardous Waste Facility Mayor Foster provided an update on the proposed Household Hazardous Waste Facility. He noted that Region of Durham tabled Report 2016-COW -24 until the October 5, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting. Mayor Foster asked the Director of Planning to provide input to the Members of Council to the September 19, 2016 Council meeting. 14 Unfinished Business 14.1 PSD-053-16 Update on Rotosonic Borehole at Clarington Transformer Station – Request to Alter Location [Tabled from the July 4, 2016 Council Meeting] Resolution #PD-132-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the matter of Report PSD-053-16, regarding Update on Rotosonic Borehole at Clarington Transformer Station – Request to Alter Location, be lifted from the table. Carried Resolution #PD-133-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD-053-16 be received; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-053-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 15 Confidential Reports There were no Confidential Reports scheduled under this Section of the Agenda.