HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-146-05 Cl~.n REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, December 5, 2005 Report #: PSD-146-05 File #: COP A 2004-005 By-law #: ~ O-B- (j 6<:1- OS Subject: PORT DARLINGTON WATERFRONT PARK - CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN DESIGNATION OF WETLAND AS PROVINCIALLY SIGNIFICANT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT report to PSD-146-05 be received as inf9rmation; and 2. THAT all interested parties listed for this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. dP~ Submitted by: A. S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services a . J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services O~0d4- Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer FL/DJC/df 23 November 2005 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-146-05 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 As reported to General Purpose and Administration Committee on November 1, 2004 (Attachment 1) staff had developed a conceptual master plan for the Port Darlington Waterfront Park. The Master Plan covers both the East Beach Area and West Beach Area. The conceptual master plan, was approved by Council at its meeting of November 8, 2004. Council amended the East Beach Portion of the master plan at the meeting of November 14, 2005 (Attachment 2). 1.2 Since approval of the conceptual master plan in November of 2004 the Ministry of Natural Resources has re-evaluated the marsh area. We recently received notification (Attachment 3) from MNR that the update has resulted in a name change from Port Darlington Wetland to Bowmanville Coastal Wetland Complex and change in status from locally significant to provincially significant. 1.3 The purpose of this report is to alert Council to the change in status of the wetland to a Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW). Staff will review the implications of this change with CLOC and other approval agencies. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Attachment 2 - Attachment 3 - EGD-50-04 Amended East Beach Portion of Master Plan Letter regarding designation as PSW from MNR Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Glenn Ransom Maria and Alvarina DeLemos Cauchon/ Abugara Port Darlington Harbour Company Port Darlington Community Association Kevin Taylor Rose Savage Scott Lumley Chris Williams Stephen Waque Shane Raymon Attachment #1 To Reports PSD-146-05 Clocmgron REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, November 1,2004 Report #: EGD-50-04 File #: By-law #: Subject: PORT DARLINGTON WATERFRONT PARK - CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Council approve in principle the Conceptual Master Plan for Port Darlington Waterfront Park near the mouth of Bowmanville Creek. 2. THAT staff proceed to obtain input from the public on the Conceptual Master Plan 3. THAT staff include the implementation of Phase 1 of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park for consideration in the 2005 capital budget and forecast. ~M~~ Submitted by: A.S. Cannella, C.E.T.' Director of Engineering Services ," . / ,. ,../ ~-J , .' .l.e<.........;'--. ~)-. j (,~ ...~. I.- Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer '. ASC/PW/jo CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION In July 2000, Council approved a Land Acquisition Strategy for the Municipality of Clarington and subsequent updates in May of 2002 (PSD-044-02) and June of 2004 (PSD-093-04). A Financial Analysis was prepared to evaluate the financial viability and funding sources for the Land Acquisition Strategy (Report PSD-043-02). The Financial Analysis report concluded that acquisition needed to be scheduled over a 20 year period. Since, that time a number of properties have been obtained and we now have sufficient lands to begin some development of the Bowmanville waterfront for parkland. Council has since June of 2004 approved the acquisition and/or expropriation of the lands necessary to develop Phase 1 of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park on the East Beach. To provide Council with a vision of what the final build out of the park development would look like, Engineering Services has had a conceptual master plan prepared for all of the lands identified in the Acquisition Strategy regardless of the land acquisition timing priority. From this conceptual plan the Phase 1 development plans can be developed for implementation in 2005 or 2006 subject to funding. 2.0 OVERVIEW OF THE WATERFRONT STRATEGY The Clarington Waterfront Strategy (1993) was prepared to provide a long-term vision for Clarington's waterfront. The Strategy identified, among other things, the lack of active and passive/recreation opportunities along the waterfront. Much of the Lake Ontario shoreline was impeded by large land owners, such as St. Marys Cement, Cameco, Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Wilmot Creek Retirement Community and large agricultural operations. To provide more public open space the Strategy identified three district parks, one in each of the three Urban Areas, focal nodes and areas of interest along the waterfront. District parks in Newcastle Village and Bowmanville were centered around the existing harbours. The district park for Courtice was identified at the bottom of Courtice Road. Two passive recreation areas were identified, one around the Wilmot Creek in Newcastle and the other around Bowmanville Marsh in Bowmanville. The Waterfront Trail, focal nodes, and areas of interest associated with the trail will be contained within a greenway of linear parks along the waterfront. (See Attachment 1) The recommendations within the strategy provided the basis for waterfront policies in the Clarington Official Plan, adopted in 1996. In the Clarington Official Plan the district parks are identified with District Park symbols, and the greenway as "Waterfront Greenway" or in some instances "Environmental Protection". REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 3 3.0 PROGRESS OF THE BOWMANVILLE WATERFRONT LAND ACQUISITION AND PARK PLANS 3.1 Overview In 1999, approximately 45 hectares (111 acres) of land in and adjacent to the Bowmanville and Westside Marshes were secured by the Municipality of Clarington as a result of negotiations with Blue Circle Cement (now St. Marys Cement) to save a portion of the Westside Marsh. These lands were subsequently transferred to Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority. A management plan is being prepared jointly by the Municipality and CLOCA to ensure the ecological functions of the marshes are not lost as a result of future quarrying by St. Marys Cement. The plan will also provide opportunities for passive recreational uses. The residents and Council were recently invited on a tour in the summer of 2004 to view the works which are nearing completion. The Municipality leases a portion of the Bowmanville Harbour Conservation Area from CLOCA. A Conceptual Plan was prepared in 2000 which recommends improvements to the boat launch, parking lot. Waterfront Trail and fish cleaning station. New play areas and a lookout are also proposed. The improvements total $1.14 million dollars. One third funding has been approved in the SuperBuild program. The implementation of these improvements are contingent on receiving the balance of funds in the 2005 capital budget. A District Park is designated at the mouth of the Bowmanville Creek for both the east beach and west beach. The Port Darlington Harbour Company (PDHC) currently owns the lands on both the east and west of Bowmanville Creek. The Municipality has been in negotiations with PDHC for sometime. The PDHC lands on the East Beach are included in the long-term acquisition strategy however at this time acquisition is not crucial to the first phase of park development. In addition, accommodating marine industry in Bowmanville Harbour is desirable from both economic and public interest aspects (e.g. an active waterfront is desirable). The Municipality has been acquiring lands on the south and north side of East Beach Road to provide for sufficient depth to the park and ancillary facilities such as parking and washrooms, etc. As such, the Municipality has prepared a design concept that can be phased in overtime and in relation to which lands will ultimately be publicly accessible. In addition, funds should be allocated in the capital budget to begin implementation such as grading, parking, seating and some plantings. 3.2 Waterfront Trail The Waterfront Trail is generally located within the Waterfront Greenway and links the District Parks, focal nodes and other areas of interest together. The total length of the trail is 31 kilometers (19 miles). Opportunities to move the trail off road and closer to the water are sought through development of lands, or by other means such as leases and licenses agreements. For the "Waterfront Greenway", in the Clarington Official Plan the intention was to have the Waterfront Trail integrated within the open space on the lake side of the roadway. REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 4 3.3 BowmanvillelWestside Marshes Management Plan CLOCA and the Municipality have been working on a Management Plan for the Bowmanville and Westside Marshes since 2001; as part of this plan a report regarding the dynamic beach and how it should be managed in the West Beach Area has been prepared. The draft report recommended that "Due to the extreme severity of the hazards (i.e. potential loss of life)" CLOCA and the Municipality continue with the long term acquisition strategy of this area. In addition, the recreational activities recommended for this West Beach and Bowmanville Marsh are passive in nature and promote the restoration of the dune area along West Beach to maintain the barrier between the lake and marsh. 3.4 Conceptual Master Plan for Port Darlington Waterfront Park A Conceptual Master Plan has been prepared to provide a vIsion for the future development of the waterfront in Port Darlington. The physical barrier of the Bowmanville Creek divides the park into two distinct sides. Each side presents different opportunities for park development. The West Beach side contains the marsh and a sand beach with level access to the waters edge. The East Beach side has a shoreline that is elevated from the waters edge and existing uses such as the marina, condominiums, and Bobby C's restaurant. The Conceptual Master Plan takes advantage of the physical features of each site to create a district park that will provide a variety of recreational opportunities for residents of Clarington and beyond. 3.4.1 East Beach Side (Attachment 2) The east side of the creek would contain the active use areas of the park. It is proposed that a large central gathering node be constructed near the waters edge at the south extension of Port Darlington Road. This space would be used for special events such as concerts in the park, fireworks displays, art exhibits, etc. A nautically themed children's playground, water play area, washroom building, and concession stand are also proposed for this portion of the park. Open green spaces would be provided for picnicking or informal play. The Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail would pass through this section of the park. Initially when the Secondary Plan for Port Darlington was being developed (1992) it was assumed that there would be adequate room south of the existing East Beach Road for the district park development; however, detailed development of the park plan and an examination of the existing and potential road alignments have yielded a much more usable park space, that will accommodate the anticipated activities in the park by shifting the road to the north. REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 5 Because the surrounding land is higher than the lake, direct access to the waters edge is limited on the east side of the creek. Walkways and waterfront lookouts would be constructed parallel to the lake along the top of the bank. Steps down to a waters edge platform would be constructed. A small beach at the west end would provide direct access to the waters edge. The architectural features throughout Port Darlington Waterfront Park, including buildings, shelters, lights and site furniture would be designed to match the architectural style of Victorian era Port Darlington. It was during this period that Port Darlington was an active summer resort. The activity and vitality of the east portion of the park would complement the existing residential, commercial, and marina uses just north of the park. Clarington's Official Plan includes a Village Commercial block along the south side of the Regional Water Treatment plant. This block could be developed with shops, artisan's studios and restaurants. The village commercial buildings would also screen the view of the Regional Plant from the park and provide the opportunity to create rooftop patios overlooking the lake. 3.4.2 West Beach Side (Attachment 3) The proposed parkland on the west side of the Bowmanville Creek will be much more passive in character and will complement the beaches and marshes that dominate the landscape on the west side. The sand beach will be the main attraction of the west beach portion of the park. The north edge of the west beach portion of the park will include nature trails along and through the marsh as well as interpretive signage and opportunities to launch non-motorized boats and canoes in the open water of the marsh. A waterfront promenade and waterfront lookouts are proposed along the north edge of the beach. Beach volleyball courts could be constructed between the beach and marsh. The volleyball courts could be used for informal play or programmed tournaments. Since the washrooms and playground on the east beach side are not easily accessible to the west beach it is proposed that a washroom building and children's playground also be constructed on the west beach side of the park. This area would also provide a neighbourhood park function for residents. The Bowmanville Creek is a barrier to pedestrians moving between the east and west portions of the park. The number and size of boats entering and leaving the lake at the mouth of the creek would make building a bridge at this location very difficult and expensive. This master plan proposes a boardwalk that connects the west portion of the park to the marsh trails on CLOCA's land. Pedestrians would follow the marsh trail north and cross the creek at a proposed bridge to the Bowmanville Waterfront Recreation Area that is scheduled to be built in 2005. A bridge at this location is not currently part of the 2005 project. Including a bridge in the project would create a more direct pedestrian connection between the east and west portion of Port Darlington Waterfront Park and between the Bowmanville Waterfront Recreation Area and Port Darlington Waterfront Park. Using a barge to transport people from the west beach to the east beach as was done in the early 1900's is also an option. REPORT NO.: EGD-50-04 PAGE 6 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 The framework to create publicly accessible waterfront has been established in the Clarington Waterfront Strategy, Clarington Official Plan and the Land Acquisition Strategy. The financial analysis provided a timeframe for the acquisition of waterfront lands and the financial means to acquire such lands. The acquisition of waterfront land was identified by Council as a priority, the timeframes established in the various strategies and studies have guided staff in their recommendations to Council and land acquisitions. We are now at the point where some development of the Port Darlington Waterfront Park is possible. 4.2 At this time it would be prudent for Council to approve in principal the Conceptual Master Plan for Port Darlington Waterfront Park so that the first phase of development can be carried out within a future context for further acquisitions and phases of development. While it is desirable to have public input prior to Council endorsement of a park master plan. staff is seeking Council endorsement at this time as the Masterplan has an impact on private property and prior to meeting with the Port Darlington Community Association. 4.3 The first phase of development for the district park is conceptual only and will have to be detailed prior to construction. A cost estimate for the development of the detailed design and construction will submitted for consideration in the 2005 Capital Budget. If approved, the project could be started in 2005 or 2006. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Attachment 2 - Attachment 3 - Map of Active and Passive/Recreational Areas in Clarington East Beach Plan West Beach Plan :'~: N31\C""3", "" ! ."j -.coUH ~ :ili~ klh~ S""~~O" Ii 'i . 1'1 j Ii "~~~ ~-"-..J~~,-r .l.... ~ -;, 1. :":.c ~ .: -~'S'iMOdB !i i: l i COll' i C~O~! ~\", O'tO-.!!!i . smOYii , " '::";)d ~ ..T....e!, ", ~ rl....'I'c:~ I "". I I '''Ol:i 1)H.B1l: i / r..........--. i ::.c3~)I" :~ ~ -~ "- Ii I ..'~on 1\ :;'Jo " ~il ill " ' r--:. I .--/ I 1'" ~:~, I I . ~/" _:~; ~ ;/ , ......:1:' ~"..:.' .....-1'" -'D ' ". ..' " / ,c.,: r < . ,'~', ,<, ~, " >,oJ t u" (' , ~~ f t''''' ~.. C" ,r:' I ~il I "1 r=~ '0 !>'U '.';' \ 0 \ \' C. .;I1'l.lN""_'. l'1.1.nos :';)c :;Nn~. ~ .~- -;- ......' " " ..: -,;, '. , ,.-.., \J ""' ~ , ~;.:: E .: 'C -= u- ";: ..j ,. - '--" " -_ C ~.~ .2 ..., '- ~ ;' 1 V -I u ,... e .... e e = 0 0 .2{U .... ..,.. U- I'J U .... 'm u .... ro L. ~~ I'J $f- ~L~""J-o tJ)UU o u C IJ') IJ') ,~ 'C .;:; 0 0 I/) .... 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Attachment #3 To Reports PSD-146-05 ~ Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Southern Region Aurora District Office 50 Bloomington Road West Aurora, ON L4G 3G8 Ministere des Richesses naturelles November 3, 2005 i i ~,' .'-'.:. ,j" David Crome Director of Planning Services Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3A6 ,'-, ' ,. U;':CLiFl""." I '''LJ,'uN ..~i Dear Mr. Crome: The Ministry of Natural Resources, Aurora District has carried out an update of the Bowmanville Coastal Wetland Complex. This complex was formerly known as the Port Darlington Wetland and was evaluated in 1984. As a result of the update, the status of the wetland complex is now changed from locally significant to provincially significant. Enclosed are the summary report, scoring record and wetland community map for the wetland complex. If you have any questions on this wetland complex, please do not hesitate to contact Steve Varga at 905-713-7370, email: steve.varQa@mnr.Qov.on.ca or Emma Followes at 905-713-7369, e-mail: emma.followes@mnr.Qov.on.ca. or FAX: 905-713-7360. The digital layers for the wetland complex can be made available on request. Sincerely, Ik~ :C ~J\ ~.1 T.C. Smith District Manager Aurora District ,... ! ~' ,,: ,:; ;I ------- If fir j ~I If i @) oil .~B' ~ 0 s ~ 0 ~ 2. · I zl ~r!a ~. l ~ ~ !.-it Ilr!! BIt ~ ::l 2l ~ i ti s r ~ . f ~ 0 R ~i ~.. . ~ .~ < ~ a H ~ ~ ~f ~J i ~~. 0 ~ ~ ~ .. If P U 'j :J =ll:c. ~8 oi I ~ If. ~t i"~ i e. r ~ i ~[i[~ ~ ~ 0 r ,...,. r OJ ii1 ! U ~ P jl It i: -- fH ~ i - '" ~j itl H iB -- fIf l~ a' ~ 0 m ~l lsj ~ hr f;t ~ H {, ) ( '8 i i~~'i s. i=l ~ 8' a l:S '< Q. c: '< iil s':l~ '\ ~':l~ v{ <(~ ... ~ CII c i i i: ell > ... ~ :.}oc\ ~",o. ~\)\\' \)0> .~i\