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Report #:
By-law #:
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee
recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report FND-014-03 be received; and
2. THAT the correspondence from the Municipality of Trent Hills entitled Response
to School Accommodation report be received for information.
Submitted by:
Reviewed bYO ~~
Franklin Wu,
Chief Administrative Officer.
REPORT NO.: FND-014-03
1.0 At the Council meeting of March 17, 2003, correspondence item 0-18 from the
Municipality of Trent Hills (Attachment "A") was referred to staff. The Municipality
of Trent Hills was requesting the Province of Ontario to change its funding
formula for the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board from urban status to
rural status and provide adequate funding to keep rural schools open and ensure
busing service to those schools.
2.0 Staff have contacted the school board to request clarification on this issue. A
response was received from Mr. Bob Alllison, Superintendent of Business
Services and Treasurer (Attachment "B")
3.0 As indicated in the letter from the school board, there is no 'rural school board'
category in legislation. The rural communities funding that is being proposed is
detailed in the attachment to Mr. Allison's letter and is supported by the Kawartha
Pine Ridge District School Board.
4.0 It is recommended that the correspondence received from the Municipality of
Trent Hills be received for information as this issue is being appropriately
addressed by the Board. They are aggressively pursuing all opportunities for
Attachment "A" - Correspondence from Municipality of Trent Hill
Attachment "B" - Correspondence from Kawartha Pineridge District School Board
40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169
I1~ 18:12 FAX i05 653 5203
Attachment "A"
The Council of the Municipality of Trent Hills, at their meeting held on February 17, 2003, passed the
fOllowing resolution for which your suPPOrt is requested.
WHEREAS the KPR Board of Education jurisdiction is composed Primarily of a rural sparsely
populated area;
AND WHEREAS a great percentage of the Board's students have to be bused to ~chool;
AND WHEREAS in many cases these buses travel great distances to complete their runs . translating
into great cOsJSin tenns of studenl time on the road, fuel and operation of buses, and the environment;
AND WHEREAS KPR and the Province of Ontario are closing schools and consolidating the student
population in a few centres;
, ,,--,
AND WHEREAS this' atnoh would impact students and their families detriInentalIy (socially,
emotionally, .financiallY);
AND WHEREAScl6smg 6J rotal scho61s will. detract from the existing high quality of life that our
rura1conunUnil:i!=,s~oy; :
AND WHEREAS the PrOvince of Ontario is investing (with Partners) considerable finances for the
Early Yea~s togiy;e stud~tl;a.hea1thy gart. to life and better preparation for school entry;
, ,.l .,'.
AND WHEREAS ll;lllQ.Ycommu.nitieshave started (and will continue to expand) breakfast programs at
locations near the s<ihoi:JIs for needy students to help them cope with already long dayS;
AND WHEREAS th~.l?rovincialGovernment states it is in suPPOrt of economic develQPment and
growth in its rural areas;_.. . .
AND 'WHEREASt.qeGQvemmmt has contributed significant sums of money to -B,ural}Qb Strategy
and SuperBuild projects in the interest of job creation and economic development;' ,
AND WHEREAS itis.a known fu.ct: that a good school in a .coIlUllunity is a ~y ekment in attracting
residents, servic:es,a:tid.~conomic development; . ',. .
,.."-"., ','- .....; <:"",';
AND WHEREAS murticipalities are actively endeavouring to promote economic development;
TIiEREFORE be it: resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Trent Hills requests the Province
of Ontario to . change, its . fun~;1.l~ formuJa for KPR from urban to rural status and prpv:ide adeqllll.tf!
funding to. keep rura.l s,Chools open and ensure bUSing service to those schools; , ,.' .
. . ,- -'C",' .: ' ._ .. _,
<, "..,
ND FURTHER, that this resolution be forwarded to the KPR Board of Education, and all lower and
pper tier municipalities in the Board's jurisdiction for their consideration and sUPPort; .
FURTIiER, that letters of suPPOrt be forwarded to MPP's responsible for the KPR jurisdiction.
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Attachment "B"
15 May 2003
Nancy Taylor
Director of Finance
Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowrnanville, ON L 1 C 3A6
Dear Nancy Taylor
With respect to the Municipality of Trent Hills request for support in
designating the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board as a rural
school board', attached is a copy of the Govemment's recent press
release regarding rural and remote communities.
Also attached is Recommendation #15 of the Education Equality Task
Force, which is supported fully by our Board, Currently, there is no "rural
school board" category in legislation, Dr. Rozanski's recommendation
addresses the Municipality of Trent Hills issues.
R.A. Allison
Superintendent of Business Services and Treasurer
~ Jeff Sprang <jsprang@opsba.org> on 05101/200303:37:55 PM
To: Jeff Sprang <japrang@opsba.org>
Subject: Eves government appoints advisor on education in rural ana remote communities
Provincial Government News Release
Eves government appoints advisor on education in rural and
remote communities
May 1, 2003
TORONTO - Elizabeth Witmer, Deputy Premier and Minister of Education, today announced
that Dr. James Downey, former University of Waterloo President, bas been appointed to provide
the government with recommendations on the development of the $50 million strategy to help
small rural and northern schooh.
"Our government is committed to ensuring that all students have equal access to a quality
education acros.~ the province,"said Witmer. "With his background, Dr. Downey will be able to
provide Otlr govemment with advice on how to strengthen schools in small rural and remote
communities. "
Dr. Downey has been president of three universities: Carleton University in Ottawa, the
University of New Brunswick and, more recently, the University of Waterloo. He is currently
Professor of English and Director of the Centre for the Advancement of Co-operative Education
at the University of Waterloo.
In the early 1990's, Dr. Downey co-chaired New Brunswick's Commission on Excellence in
Education, which published two repolts that guided education reforms .in that province. In his
role as the Minister's Advisor on a rural education strategy, he will:
· Consult witb education partners and other community leaders in rural and northern areas on
the role and future of the local community school;
· Lead research into best practices in other jurisdictions to support small schools in
single-school communities;
· Review Ministry gu.ideljnes and board practices on schqol closures to ensure that local
decisions are open and accountable, as rcquircd under the Education Act;
· Identify school boards that need additional suppon to operate small schools in single-school
communities; and,
. Develop recommendations, using the student-focused funding formula, to distribute the
$50 mil!.ion allocated yearly for the rural education strategy to school boards.
Dr. Downey will submit his report to the Minister in June 2003 so that action can be taken before
the start of the new school year. His recommendations will be based .on the principles of fairness
and stability of the funding formula and will respect the constitutional framework for education
in Ontario, which includes public, Catholic, English- and French-language school boards.
HI look forward to consulting with as many interested people as time will allow,"said
Dr. Downey, "and T will do my best tQ provide the gavernment with sound advice about how to
provide students in rural and north.ern schaals with the best educational opportunities possible."
As part of its response ta the Rozanski report, the government announced in March that it will
provide $50 million in new ongoing funding, starting in September 2003, for the rural education
strategy. In addition, eligible school boards willreceivc $19 million to help address highcr costs
in small rural and northern schools.
Education Eauality Task Force
Recommendations that Projected Provincial Funding Impact Potential Impact on KPR
15. Ille Ministry of Education allocate EETF estimate that core-support funding tor
core-support tunding through the small schools in single-school
Geographic Circumstances GranIto communities will cast $50 million.
school boa rds that have decided to
keep open a small school ill a single-
schooi community and that, under
the updated Foundation and Special
Pu rpose Grallts (thai is. updated as
described in recommendation 1). do
not have an average school size that
is sufficient to generate tunding tor
core-support staff for Ihal smali
$chool, and turther, that the core-
support funding cover the following:
. a full.time principal and secretary
for each elementary and secondary
. a fuli-time support staff person for
each elementary and secondary
school to ensure a safe. clean, and
well-maintained school, an d
. a full-time individual in a secondary
school to provide advice on Gareers
and post secondary education to
secondary school students and
advice to Grade 8 students an
secondary sella oj place ments
16. the Ministry of Education extend the EETF estimate that extending the duration of
duration of the Declining Enrolment the Declining Enrolment Adjustment
Adjuslment 10 Ihree years will COSI $5 million.