HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/1999 , THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON . General Purpose and Administration Committee January 18, 1999 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, January 18, 1999 at 9:30 a,m., in tbe Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor D. Hamre Councillor J. Mutton Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Y Dung Absent: Councillor M. Novak Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Community Services, 1. Caruana (until 12:00 noon) Fire Chief, M. Creighton (until 12:00 noon) Treasurer, M. Marano (until 12:00 noon) Acting Director of Planning and Development, D, Crome (until 12:00 noon) Director of Public Works, S. Vokes (until 12:00 noon) Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Stanley . Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Rowe indicated that she would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to Report PD-I0-99. MINUTES Resolution #G P A - 20-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on January 4, 1999, be approved, "CARRIED" . .Jvl G.P. & A. Minutes DELEGA nONS . . PUBLIC MEETINGS . - 2- January 18, 1999 (a) Nancy Scott, Big Brothers of Cia ring ton, 23 Scngog Street, Bowmanville, LIC 3H7 - the delegation of Nancy Scott was deferred to later in the meeting because of icy road conditions. (b) John O'Toole, M.P.P., Durham East, 75 King Street East, Bowmanville LIC IN4 - advised that he is accessible and available to his constituents and the Municipality. He informed Members of the Committee of the following Provincial Government initiatives: . The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards . International Year of Older Persons . The Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation - Recreation Development Fund (RDF) . The Greater Toronto SelVices Board created by Bill 56 - noting that this is an authority to setup GO Transit only and that the Bill reflects the fact that the Province recognizes the "opting out" provision and also recognizes the rural component. He is pleased with the "Year 2000 Summer Games" which will be held in the Regional Municipality of Durham. (a) Nancy Scott, Big Brothers of Cia ring ton, 23 Scugog Street, Bowmanville, LIC 3H7 - re: Report CD-3-99 noted that, in her estimation, Council should support only the 16 local organizations which have applied for advanced funding on the basis that these organizations do not have another municipality to which they can make application in their ever increasing need for funding. Pursuant to the Planning Act, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, through its General Purpose and Administration Committee, is holding a Public Meeting for the following applications: (a) Clarington Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Applications - Part Lot 9, Concession 4, Former Township of Clarke - John and Geraldine F ialka (b) Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning Applications - Part Lot 35, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington - Taunton Terrace Limited The Deputy Clerk advised that public notice for the rezoning application was sent by first class mail on or before December 18, 1998, to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject properties in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notice was also posted on the site prior to December 18, 1998. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. Ju2 G,P. & A. Minutes - 3 - January 18, 1999 PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D . Public notice for the Official Plan Amendment application was posted on the site on/or prior to December 18, 1998. In addition, Public Notice by first class mail was sent on/or before December 18, 1998, to all property Owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the lastest municipal assessment records. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. The Clerk's Department sent public notice for the proposed plan of subdivision application by first class mail on or before December 18, 1998, to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment records. In addition, notice was also posted on site prior to December 18,1998, This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. The Chairman announced that the Acting Director of Planning and Development would describe the purpose and effect of the proposed amendments, then the objectors would be heard, followed by the supporters and the applicant. (a) Report PD-8-99 - John and Geraldine Fialka - the purpose and effect of the application is to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the construction of a single detached dwelling and related accessory buildings on each of the two existing lots. No one spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. . John Fialka, 291 Thornton Road, Oshawa, LlJ 6T2 - requested clarification regarding the need for an Official Plan Amendment application. He questioned whether the Municipality will reimburse his costs incurred for the preparation of an Environmental Protection Study ifhe is not allowed to build. (b) Report PD-9-99 - Taunton Terrace Limited - the purpose and effect of the application is to amend the conditions of draft approval by including additional lands within the limits of the draft plan and increase the number of dwellings by nine (9) - (8 additional semi- detached dwelling units and I single family dwelling unit). No one spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. Mark Foley, Taunton Terrace Limited, P.O. Box 11,319 College Avenue, Oshawa, LIH 7K8, - spoke on behalf of the applicant and noted that this project is to fmish what was previously started. D.G. Biddle and Associates will address the parking requirements. . Ju3 G.P. & A. Minutes -4 - January 18, 1999 . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Resolution #GPA-21-99 Clarington Official Plan & Rezoning Fialka D09.COPA.98,006 Amendment to Conditions of Draft Plan Approval Taunton Terrace Limited DI2.18T.97002 . . Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PD-8-99 be received; THAT the applications filed by Dave Passant, on behalf of John and Geraldine Fialka, to amend the Clarington Official Plan and the Zoning By-law be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-8-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-22-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report PD-9-99 be received; THAT the application for an amendment to conditions of draft plan approval for a revised draft plan of subdivision submitted by Taunton Terrace Limited be referred back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments, taking into consideration all the comments reviewed; THAT within 15 days of the Public Meeting, the Commissioner of Planning for the Region of Durham be advised and provided, by sworn declaration from the Clerk, the following: . That the Municipality held a Public Meeting in accordance with Section 51 (21.1) of the Planning Act for the subject subdivision application; . A copy of the minutes of the said meeting; . A copy of all written submissions received by the Municipality; . A list of all persons and public bodies, including their mailing addresses, that made oral submissions at the public meeting or written submissions; and . A copy of the report and the Council decision THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-9-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Councillor Rowe made a declaration of pecuniary interest with respect to Report PD-I 0-99; vacated he chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Rowe's husband is a partner of one of the applicant organizations. )u4 G.P. & A. Minutes - 5- January 18, 1999 . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D Resolution #GPA-23-99 Semi-Annual Report on Site Plan Activities Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report PD-l 0-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-24-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the Committee recess for 15 minutes. "CARRIED" CLERK'S DEPARTMENT The meeting reconvened at 10:50 a.m. . Applications for the Advance Funding Program P09.GE Animal Services Monthly Report December, 1998 PI4,MO Parking Enforcement Monthly Report December, 1998 T02.PA . Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-25-99 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report CD-3-99 be tabled to the Council Meeting scheduled for January 25, 1999. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-26-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report CD-4-99 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CD-4-99 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-27-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CD-5-99 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CD-5-99 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. "CARRIED" juS G.P, & A. Minutes - 6- January 18, 1999 . CLERK'S DEPARTMENT CONT'D Resolution #GPA-28-99 Appointment of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Committee CI2.PO Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report CD-6-99 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered at a "closed" meeting. "CARRIED" Councillor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Replacement of Existing Telephone and Voice Mail Systems AI2,BE L04.BE . FIRE DEPARTMENT Monthly Fire Report December, 1998 CIl.FD . Resolution #GPA-29-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report TR-3-99 be received; THAT a contract to lease for a three (3) year term from Bell Canada, the Mitel EL Telephone System with Mitel Mail and new digital sets for a total approximate monthly amount of$I,679.95, plus G.S.T. (Lease Agreement, Option 4) be approved; THAT the Municipality of Clarington authorize Bell Canada to switch the telephone lines at the Municipal Administrative Centre and other applicable off site locations, to Centrex lines; THAT the required funds be provided for in the respective current years Unclassified Administration Leases, Account #7007-00000-0520; THAT Purchasing By-law #94-129, Paragraph 6, Item 6,01, be waived for this transaction; and THAT the By-law attached to Report TR-3-99 (Schedule "A") authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" Councillor Schell chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-30-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report FD-I-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" , JuO G,P. & A. Minutes - 7- January 18, 1999 . FIRE DEPARTMENT CONT'D Resolution #GPA-31-99 Addendum to Report FD-8-98 T07,RO . . Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Mayor Hamre THAT Report FD-2-99 Addendum to Report FD-8-98 be received; THAT the Rural House Property Address Identification Program be implemented in the spring of 1999; and THAT the cost related to the program be recovered from the residents directly involved in the program. "SEE FOLLOWING MOTIONS" Resolution #GPA-32-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report FD-2-99 be divided to allow for consideration of Paragraph 3 separately. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-33-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Mayor Hamre THAT Report FD-2-99 Addendum to Report FD-8-98 be received; and THAT the Rural House Property Address Identification Program be implemented in the spring of 1999. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-34-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Mayor Hamre THAT the cost related to the program be recovered from the residents directly involved in the program, "MOTION LOST" Resolution #GPA-35-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the cost related to the Rural House Property Address Identification Program be referred to the 1999 budget discussions. "CARRIED" Jul G,P. & A. Minutes - 8- FIRE DEPARTMENT CONT'D . Emergency Planning Update PI6.FD Resolution #GPA-36-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report FD- 3-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" Councillor Rowe chaired this portion of the meeting. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Canada World Youth Exchange Program Ftussia!Clntario 1998 R06,RE Aquatic Program Statistics . Pre-Teen Dance Resolution #GPA-37-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report CS-I-99 be received for information. "CARRJED" Resolution #GPA-38-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report CS-2-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-39-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Report CS-3-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" Councillor Young chaired this portion ofthe meeting. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Request for Snow Ploughing Service for CP Railway T06.GE . Resolution #GPA-40-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report WD-I-99 be received; January 18, 1999 THAT the request for snow ploughing service on the laneway owoed by Canadian Pacific Railway serving the property at 10291 Old Scugog Road, be denied; and THAT Victoria Stephenson be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" 'I )uO G.P. & A. Minutes - 9- January 18, 1999 . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONT'D Resolution #GPA-41-99 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity December, 1998 PlO.MO Stormwater Runoff Concerns Mr. Bellman . Level of Service on Cobbledick Street, Orono Transfer Station Public Tipping Services . Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report WD-2-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-42-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report WD- 3-99 be received; THAT staff meet with the owner of the Mearns II subdivision, (Plan 18T-890M) and resolve Mr. Bellman's stormwater runoff concerns by the owner installing interim remedial stormwater management works to control the rate of runoff from their lands; and THAT a copy of Report WD-3-99 be forwarded to Mr. George Bellman, to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, and to the owner of the Mearns II subdivision lands (Plan 18T-89064), and that Mr. Bellman be advised of Council's decision in writing. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-43-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report WD-4-99 be received; and THA T staff be directed to provide a level of service to Cobbledick Street in Orono, consistent throughout Clarington, aud as recommend in Report WD-4-99, "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-44-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Report WD-5-99 be received; THAT the request of Canadian Waste to allow the public to drop off non-hazardous waste at the transfer station be approved; THAT the rate per tonne to be charged to the general public by Canadian Waste be consistent with the Region of Durham policy in place at their transfer and disposal sites, with the exception that a minimum fee of $7 .00 per vehicle be charged; THAT the Municipality of Clarington shall receive the royalty presently in place for Non-Hazardous Waste, and that the royalty for public drop-off for the site be reviewed and reported back to Council by the Director of Public Works, prior to December 31,1999; Ju9 G.P. & A. Minutes - 10- January 18, 1999 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONT'D . ADMINISTRATION Confidential Report ADMIN-2-99 THAT the current agreement be amended to permit drop-off and to provide for the payment of the royalty for this service; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the amendment to the agreement dated January 2, 1998; and THAT the appropriate by-law be forwarded to Council. "CARRIED" Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-45-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT Confidential Report ADMIN-2-99 be referred to the end of the agenda to he considered at a "closed" meeting. "CARRIED" UNFINISHED BUSINESS . Delegation of Nancy Scott P09.GE Delegation of John O'Toole ~.P.P., Durham East . Resolution #GPA-46-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the delegation of Nancy Scott, Big Brothers of Cia ring ton, be received with appreciation. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-47-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the delegation of John O'Toole, M.P.P" Durham East be received with appreciation. "CARRIED" )10 G,P. & A. Minutes OTHER BUSINESS . Low Level Radioactive Waste Committee P09.GE . ADJOURNMENT . -11- January 18, 1999 There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. Resolution #GPA-48-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the meeting be "closed". "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-49-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Mutton THAT the actions taken at the "closed" meeting be ratified. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-50-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THAT the following six individuals be appointed to the Low Level Radioactive Waste Committee, FORTHWITH: Barbara Humphrey Jean Payne Sarwan Sahota Jon A. Sigurdson John Stephenson Harvey Thompson. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-51-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the meeting adjourn ar 12:38 p.m. "CARRIED" #d$JX#I~~ MAYOR ~. - -- DEPUTY CL7' j