HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-009-03 CI~-!lJgtoH REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, April 14, 2003 Resolution #: Report #: FND-009-03 File#: By-law #: Subject: 2003 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-009-03 be received; 2. THAT the 2003 Capital Budget as outlined in the attached document and in this report be approved; 3. THAT Attachment #1 to this report, summarizing the financing of capital projects be approved; 4. THAT the four year forecast be approved in principle; and 5. THAT the Handi Transit request for funding to purchase an additional Handi Transit vehicle to expand service in Clarington be approved from the Transit Reserve Fund at an approximate cost of $78,000. " Reviewed by: '-." (~( Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. I .; '- (. \. NT/hjl 1301 FND-009-03 Page 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: 1.0 Impact 1.1 The recommended impact on the tax base of the proposed capital budget is an approximate reduction of -0.5%. 2.0 Major Capital Projects The major capital projects affecting the years 2003 include the following: 2.1 Corporate Services GIS Hardware and software requirements 2.2 Emergency Services Two (2) new pumpers and refurbish a third pumper Tanker truck Courtice Fire Station 2.3 Engineering Services Traffic Signals, Roenigk Drive Streetlight improvements, Bowmanville Downtown Storm sewer and sidewalks, Old Scugog Road Soccer field, South Courtice Community Park Bowmanville Community Park, Phase I 2.4 Planning Services Land acquisition requirements 3.0 Other Items 3.1 Newtonville Hall Board Capital Request This capital request relates to washrooms and accessibility issues and has been forwarded by Finance to Operations. The Director of Operations has reviewed the request and has recommended that further review is necessary and will assess the request for inclusion in the 2004 Capital Budget. 3.2 Handi Transit Through the 2003 Capital Budget process, Handi Transit has requested Council to consider the purchase of a second vehicle to meet the demands of the residents in Clarington. An additional vehicle will provide better service to residents to the east, as well as reduce times when service is denied due to capacity. 1302 FND-009-03 Page 3 4.0 Conclusion The Capital Budget is presented to Council consideration. The applicable Department Head can answer questions pertaining to their department's capital requests. The financing for most of the projects is a combination of Reserve, Reserve Funds and tax levy. Attachment #1 : Attachment #2: Capital Expenditures by Financing Source Handi Transit request CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1303 -- I Municipality of c:J~rin n 12003 CAPITAL FORECAST SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT EO Rl R5 R4 R3 iR6 I Reserve I Proiect Descrintion Proiect 10 Gross Cost Tax Levu Reserves Funds Dav. Chns Debentures 2500 Corporate Services . .... .._ _ 8130 Corporate Servlces-Admlri- tfll~i~ure ___ 2500-8130..()3100 20,000 20,000 itelephone EiiuiDment 2500..s130-03200 20000 20,000 Total- 8130 Coroorate Services Admin. 40,000 ~,ooo 0 0 0 0 8140 Infannation Tochnoloav i Comouter Hardware 2500-8140-03100 412,900 161,100 251,800 : iGIS Hardware 2500-8140-03101 170,000 130,000 40,000 I Comouter Software 2500-8140-03200 100,250 41_,200 59,050 I GIS Software 2500-8140-03301 210,000 150 000 60.000 Total - 8140 Infannatton Technoloav 893,150 482.300_ 0 ~10,850 0 0 I 8720 CommunlcationsITourism I I Communications and Tourism ! 2500-8720-031 00 7,500 7,500 I Total. 8720 CommunlcatlonslTourism , 7,500 7,500 0 0 0: 0 , , , Total - 2500 Corporate Services 940,650 529,800 OJ 410I~~O 0 0 , . 3000 Clerksl 8160 Clerks Admin I Mailina Machine 3000-8160-03001 6,500 6,500 Total - 8160 Clerks Admin 6,500 6,500 8250 Bvlaw Enforcement , I PARKING METERS ;3000-8110-03001 65,000 25,400 39 600 ___--lT~!a1 j 8250 !lylaw _~~~~menJ_ - - --- , 65,000 25,400 0 39,600 0 0 - --------'- 8260 Animal Services - 1 .. l\IARi6Us ITEMS:-AN1MAl SERVICES _ _ ~30oo-81-10-O-3002 22,213 22,213 [Total - 8260 Anima-I serYIces- - ~~13 22,213 0 0 0 0 I - -r Total - 3000 Clerks 93,713 47,613 6,500 39,600 0 0 I 4000 Finance ; 8180 Finance Unclassified Admin .-- - "I ~nClaSSified Admin - Meeting Room FumitLire 4000-8180-03100 25,000 25,000 Unclassified Admin - Other Equipment ....- 4000-8180-03101 15,000 15,000 Total- 8180 Finance Unclassified Admln- -.... ~,~~ 40,000 0 0 0 0 I Total - 4000 Finance 40,000 ~,ooo 0 0 0 0 ! 5000 Emergency Services 8210 Fire - Fleet Reolacement ~ 5000-8~-1_0..o3001 lAerialladder Truck fmO,QO<l_ 900,000: iTANKER TRUCK - 15000-8210-03002 150 000 150,000 I 0./ C) ..".. <...N c=> <-n Municipality of Clarington 2003 CAPITAL FORECAST , SUMMAR~BYDEPARTMENT IR3 EO R1 R5 R4 IR6 I I ! , I I Reserve , ! Proiect Oescrintion Proiect 10 Tax Levv ! I Gross Cost Reserves Funds Dey. Chas Debentures 'FIRE PREVENTION VEHICLE 5000-8210-03003 30 000 I 6,621 23,379 - Total-8210 Fire. Fleet Replacemont 1,080,000 0 0 1,056,621 23,379 0 I.. .8220 ~ire .- Other Equipment ... - - PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 5000-8220-03001 75,995 25,000 50,995 FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT 5000-8220-03002 22,500 22,500 FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT SQ00.8220-03003 35,000 35,000 FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT 5000-8220-03004 28,SOO 28,500 , ~ ! FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT 5000-8220-03005 30,000 30,000 ' jTotal-8220 Fire - Other Equlprl'II!:nt 191,995 141,000 0 50,995 0 0 I 18225 Ooar - Blda Capital - Fire Stations u , ,NEW COURT ICE FIRE STATION 5000-8225-03001 1,500,000 ~_ m 233,760 ~_,_266,240 j - RENOVATIONS-HEADQUARTERS STATION : 5000-8225-03003 12,500 12,500 Total- 8225 Oper- BI<fg Capital." fl~ Stations 1,512,500 12,500 0 1,266,240 233,760 0 , Total. 5000 Emergency SeryJces 2.784,495 153,500 0 2,373.856 257,139 0 I .-- 5800 Enainoerina Services + -- 18310 Eng . Roads_ ~-Structures ! ..-- . Darlinoton MEinvers ~~d Realignment 5800-8310-03101 45,000 - ~~i,qqo i BowmanviUe Waterfront Redevelooment Feasibititv Stud 5800-8310-03102 100,000 __9_,0Q0 u_ 91,000 I Drainage Improvements, Darl_inaton Street 5800-831 0-031 03 35,000 35,000 .--- I Drainaae ImOfOVements,. P'~rice Rupert Drive 5800-8310-03104 28.000 28,000 Traffic Sicnals, Roenigk Drive 5800-8310-03202 330,000 29,7<>q I _ 3QO.300 WorKs Associated with Develooment 5800-8310-03301 10,000 10,000 ------ Surface Course Asphalt. Meams Avenue ,5800-8310-O~0_1 105,000 18,0~9_ 1- 86,961 Surface Course Asphalt - Centre Street 5800-8310-03402 50,~ 50.000 Surface Course Asohalt - Concession/EI in 5800::83_10-03403 9_!~ 82,016 28,984 - , Pavement Rehabilitation - Church Street 5800-8310-03501 10,000 10,000 I ,Pavement Rehabilitation Program 5800-831 0..Q360 1 1,100,000 1,000,000 100,000 Total.8310 En - Roads & Structures 1,904,000 1,296,755 : 100,000 0 507,245 0 -- , - 8320 Enn . Sidewalks & Walkways , F9xhuntWalkway ,5800-8320-03101 80,000 10,71_2 -. 69,288 I -:lFidewalk Construction. Nash Road i58oo-8320-03102 30,000 7 ~1!~ ____ 22,824 .~ - Sidewaik Replacement - Unspecified 15800-8320-03201 100 000 100,000 , I.. TOtal. 8320 Ena . Sidewalks & Walkways 210,000 117,888 0 0 92,112 ' 0 r .-1 . 8365 Transit - Routa imorovements , iTransit Service - Route Roadwav Improvements 5800-8365-03101 50 000 50,000 T~I. 8365 Transit - Route Improvements 50,000 0 0 50,000 O! 0 I i 8390 Ena . illumination I Street Licht Imorovement . Bowmanville Downtown Core 5800-8390..Q3101 250 000 250,000 - Municipality of Ciarlo 2003 CAPITAL FORECAST SUMMARY BY OEPARTMENT EO R1 R5 R4 R3 IR6 , i , ! Reserve I Proiect Description ,Proiect 10 Gross Cost Tax Levv Reserves Funds Dav. Chas : Debenture - Street Light Installation - Prestonvale Road . .. :S8()()..8390-03102 40,000 8,628 31,372 ..... _ Street Light Installation - Regional Road 4 an_~ Middle R:~L5~00-8390-03103 20,000 20.000 ! I -- LStreet light Installation ~ Regional Road 4 and ?olina Roa~58O!J-8390-03104 20,000 20,000 Total- 8390 Eng -Illumination - 330,000 48,628 250,000 0 31,372 0 - ! 8410 Ena . Stonn Sewer System ...... Stann Sewer Improvements ~-Old Scuooa Road 5800-8410-03101 275,000 150,000 125000 Total - 8410 Ena . Sto"!l Sewer Sytitern--- 275,000 150,000 125,000 0 0 0 ------1 i8610 Ena - Park Desio" &_ ~velopment__ +- " 303,135 ; , South Courtice CQ!flmunity_p:8~ - Soccer Field 1 5800-8610-03101 350,000 46,865__ Bowmanville Communityp~rk_ - Phase 1 5800-8610-03102 170,000 c- 170,000 -- Robinson RidgE! NeightJourhood Park 5800-8610-03103 110,000 49,000 I 61,000 -- ; Baseline Parkland Fen6foo. 5800-8610-03104 10,000 10,000 , _r___ Samuel WilrrlOt Nature Area 5800-8610-03105 .. 45,000 i 4_5,00<:1_ Tree ReplacelT!~rd Prooram 5800-8610-03301 33,000 33 000 Total ~ 8610 Ena .~~ark Desliin & DeveloDment 718,000 1l)~,865 0 309,000 .. 303,135 0 Total - 5800 Enginee:ring Services ~,48_?-,~OO 1,719,136 475,000 _.359,00~-t 933,864 0 6000 Operatlons._ ... i I 8190 Ooer_~ Bldg Capital. Gen, Administration - I I ! Municipal Administrative Centre. Exterior Painti 6000-8190-03100 _I,50C! 7,500 I i-- I ! Orono Depot - Fuel.Tank Reolacement 6000-8190-03300 __~&09 9,000 i - - -- ~ I Fire/Court Buildioo -. Blda Renovations 6000--8190-03400 15,000 15,000 .)iisuafArts centre 3rd Floor Renovation 6OO0-819(!-035oo 20,000 20,0001- , ! . Al"li!,"al COntrol Buildino - Roof Re laeament 6090-8190-03600 25 000 25,000 Total. 8190 Oper. Bldg Capital. Gen. Administration 76,500 51,500 0 25,000 0 0 l- I : - 8225 Oper. Bldg Capital - Fire Stations i Fire Station #3 - Roof 6000--8225-03300 8.000 , 8,000 Total ~ 8225 Oper. Bldg G_a.pltal ~ Fire Sta!~ons 8,000 0 O. 8.~ 0 0 I I 8340 Oper - Road Network CaDltal -- -- Sidewalk Construction 6000-8340-03100 35,000 35,000 ~ f Bridge Improvements ~-8340-O3200 130,000 130,000 , - GUide Rail Installation l6000~~9-O3300 120,000 120,000 ' , ! Intersection Realignment - Con. 7 & LibenY?t. 6000-8340-03400 40,000 , 40,000 I Garbaae Receotables and Liners 6000-8340-03500 5,530 5,530 i Total. 8340 Ooor - Road Notwork.<:apital 330,530 160,530 0 170,000 0 0 I 8345 Ooer - Roads Fleet Replacement_ I Reolacement of Fleet - Roads 6000--8345-03100 340,000 340,000 New Eauioment Purchase Roads 6000-8345-03200 160,000 39,712 120,288 Fuel Pumo Reolacement 6000-8345-03300 75000 7S 000 v." o 0-. LN L::J ~ f- j I Municipality of CICirl_ngton 2003 I CAPITAL FORECAST SUMMAFlY BY~ DEPARTMENT i EO R1 TR5 IR4 R3 R6 I I ~ , Reserve iProiectDescriotion Proiect ID Gross Cost Tax Lew : Reserves i Funds Dev. Chas Debenture I New Hoist- Hampton Depot 6000-8345..03400 90,000 I 56,169 33,831 I Mobile Ra~io Replacement 6000-8345-03500 150,000 I 150,000 Total - ~J)per. r;toads Fleet: Re~aC8ment 815,000 39,712 0 621,169 154,119 0 I 1 851() Qper .Cemeterles Fleet Replacement i ,~ f--- _I Replacement of Fleet - Cemetery _____ 6000-8510-03100 15,500 15500 Total- 8510 Oper - Cemeteries Fleet RepI_~C8men~ 15,500 0 o i 15,600 0 0 I -r 8620 Ooer. Park Improvements , I I Park furniture I Eauioment i 6000-8620-031 00 90,000 90.000 Ilnteorated Pest Manaoement System i 6000-8620-03200 60,000 60000 -iTotal- 8620 Ooor - Park Improv_~ments 150,000 0 0 1~,OOO 0 0 I 8630 Ooer - Parks Fleet Reolacement I I Reolacement of fleet. Parks 6000-8630-03100 101,090 101,000 i I New Eauioment Purchase - Parks- 6000-8630-03200 30,000 7446 , 22,554 : Total- 8630 OoGr - Parks fleet Replacement 131,000 7,446 0 101,000 I 22,554 : 0 8660 Ooer - Bide Capital - Arenas & Hall Boards Newcastle Arena - S~ructural klequacv Insoection; Humic( 6000-8660-03100 22,000 I 22,000 Memorial Park - Furnace 6000-8660-03200 5,000 5,0001 Baseline Commul1ity Centre - Roof 6000-8660-03210 10,000 10,000 i Clarinaton Beech Centre - Buildinc Renovations 6000-8660-03220 20,009 20,000 i Newcastle Communi!yHall- ~rlovations 6000-8660-03300 50.009 20,000 : 30.000 Brownsdale Comml.mity Ce!ltre - Window Reolacement 6000-8660-03400 10,000 . , 10,000 ~. ,Hampton Community.!:iaU - Roof I Furnace 6000-8660-03500 30,000 , 30,000 Salina COl'!'frlunity Halt - Roof 6000-8660-03600 20,000 20,000 Havdon Halt - Well Reolacement 6000-8660-03700 6.000 6.000 Total - 8660 Ope;.- - _Bldg Capltal- Aronas & Hall Boards 175,000 33,000 0 142,000 0 0 l , 8680 Oper - Bldg Capital - Museums I Bowmanville Museum - Roof & ~il ReplacelTl~!lt 6000-8680-03100 40,000 40,000 r Clarke Museum - Woodf3:n Ext~rior Repair 6000-8680-03200 5.000 5,000 ITotal -8680 Oper - ~_!dg Capl~1 - Museums 45,000 45,~OO_ _ 0 0 0 0 I Total - 6000 Operations ~,746,530 337,188 0 1,232,669 176,673 0 I f I 7000 COl!1murl_i_ty Services , 18645 CIS. CS Admin , _-_- - ! MAC. New OffIce Furniture _ 7000-8645-03701 20,000 2O,tx?O I MAC. Miscellaneous EQuipmentlFuITIi~!1ings 7000-8645-03702 10,000 10,000 Total- 8645 CIS - CS Admin 30,000 10,000 0 20,000 0 0 1 I -~ "'650 ~ . Recreational Facilities t-- CFC -Install Roof Too Air Conditioner 7000-8650-03101 7000 7000 2003 LN C) (X) Prolect Oescriotion Proiect 10 CFC - Acid Wash Pool & Repair GrouVTile '~OOO-8650-o3102 CFC - Replace 2 Pool Chemical Control Feeders 7000-8650-03103 NtP - Re lace Main Pool Deck 7000-8650..03201 NtP - Replacement of Pool Filtration System & Feed Pum . 7000-8650-03202 NLP - Building R~pairs_ - Masonry 7~50-O3203 RRC - Improve Ver:!tilation System A Pad Dressing ROO!flS 7000--8650-03401 RRC - Pad B W~ Comer Infrared Heating 7000-6650-03402 i RRC _-Roof Audit & Repairs 7000-8650-03403 RRC - Walk Behind Scrubber 7000-8650-03404 RRC - _~epracement of 50 Chairs and Chair Cart 7000-8650-03405 RRC - Replacement of 15 Rectangle Tables ____. :7000-8650-03406 RRC - PSr:!ic Hardware Replacement in Mutti~Purpos~ Rod 7000-8650-03407 _lI3RC - Concession Equipment '7000-8650-03408 il3-RC - Lobby Electronic Dressing Board~ ___ 7000-8650-03409 .I'~RC -LobbvTV s and Seating __ 7000-8650-03410 RHe - Dressing Room Occupancy Sensors _ 7000-8650-03411 eee - Replace Ceilings - Pool Change RCl()ms 7000-8650-03501 ece - Portable Pressure Washer 7000-B650-03502 eee -fteplacement of Photocopier_ __ _ 7000-8650-03503 OSC - Replacement of Chiller . 70oo-B650-03601 ~ _ ,O!?g_-: Replacement of Ice Resurta~rRoom - ()\/emead [, 7000-B650-03602 t-- m_ il?Se - Replacement of Scoreclock _ 17000-8650-03603 Total - 8650 CIS . Recreational FacUlties j ~7000 1CO":l.mUnltv Services 'iiQoo ~Iannlng Services 18710 Plan - Equipment IOffice Furniture Total- 8710 Plan - Equipment ! I 8730 Land Acquisition I Land ACQuislfion _ :rotal ~ .8730 Land Acquisition I Total. 8000 Planning Services 1 I 8400 Clarln ton library Board 8670 library. Collection Material Main Bra~ch Library Collection Total.8670 Library -_Collection Material . 8000-8710-03001 8000-B730-03001 8400-8670-03010 8672 library. Equipment Library Automation Libra Furniture and E..ui ment ,8400-8672-03020 . 6400-8672-03030 EO Gross Cost 5,000 8,234 10,000 21,200 5.000 10,000 8.000 15,000 17,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,500 10,000 10,000 15,000 16,000 6.000 8.000 45,000_ 5,000 10,000 253,934 283,93~ 6600 6,600 410,000 410,000 416,600 90,000 90,000 10,000 10000 Munlclpali ~Clarin9t:c;t!1_ CAPITAL FORECAST .. SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT Rl IRS R4 Reserve Tax Levv Reserves Funds 5.000 8.234 10,000 21,200. 5.000 10,000 : 01 10,Cl.Q9 8.000 15,000 17,000 5.000 5.000 5,000 7,500 10,000 15,000 o 15,000 i 16,000; 6,000 8,000 1 45,000 ' 5,000 10,000 238,934 25,000 I o 258,934 6,600 6,600 o o 410000 410,~_~ o o 416,600 o o 45,000 45,000 4S 000 0_ _ 45,000 10,000 10000 , I R3 R6 Dev. Chas Debentures --- - o 0 o 0 o _~ o 0 o 0 I -- o 0 : Municlpall.ty of c:1~r1ngton ! 2003 CAPITAL FORECAST SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT EO R1 R5 IR4 R3 R6 I , Reserve !Prolect Descriotion Proiect 10 Gross Cost Tax Levv Reserves Funds Day. Chas Debenture =a" 8672 Libra~ -Equlp_nl ... .. 20,000 20,000 , 0 . . 0 .- Total. 8400 Clarington Libr~ry Board i 110,000 65,000 Oi 4S.~OO 0 .---". Grand Total i 9,902.922 3,333.837 ; 481,500 I .,719,909 1,367,616 0 V.J C) -...0 HANDI TRANSIT INCORPORATED 44 WilLIAM STREET W. OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1G 1J9 OFFICE DISPATCH DISPATCH FAX (905) 571-1222 (90S) 72S-4CX)() 1.aoo-263-1916 (905) 571-7390 November 27, 2002 Nancy M. Taylor Director of Finance / Treasurer Municipality ofClarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Re: 2003 BUDGET PROPOSAL Please fmd enclosed Handi Transit's 2003 Budget proposal for your consideration. Overview of Services and Prollrams Since 1981, Handi Transit Incorporated has provided specialized transit service to physically disabled residents of Clarington. Incorporated as a non-profit organization and a registered charity, Handi Transit also services the municipalities of Os haw a, Scugog, Uxbridge, and Whitby. The levels and terms of service to be provided by Handi Transit are contained in separate agreements with each of the five(5) municipalities. Handi Transit Van Service The vehicles, required to deliver this service, are purchased through each municipality's capital budget then turned over to Handi Transit to operate on their behalf. Handi Transit's fleet consists ofthirteen(13) specialized vans, one(1) of which is owned by Clarington. This vehicle can accommodate up to seven(7) wheelchair and four(4) ambulatory clients. Operatingfunding is derived from municipal grants and passenger fares. Other capital requirements are funded through donations and other fundraising efforts. To be eligible for Handi Transit Van service an individual must be "unable to board conventional transit". A registration form is completed, including a section for a physician that assists us in confirming eligibility. A priority booking process ensures that residents with the more restrictive mobility problems (wheelchair) are accommodated first, especially for high-priority requests(medical, work, school). 1310 OSHAWA - WHITBY - ClARINGTON - SCUGOG - UXBRIDGE @ -2 - 2002 ODeratinf! Hif!hlif!hts New ComDuter SUDDort Svstem In November 2000, we initiated a project to develop a computer support system that would streamline administrative processes and, more importantly, provide for an enhanced level of client service. The system was developed by a local company, customized to Handi Transit's specifications, at a cost of $33,000. This expense was funded entirely through external fundraising and a Federal govemment(HRDC) grant. The system was implemented in February 2002, and has exceeded our expectations with regards to service improvements. Our dispatchers can now visualize schedules much further in advance and can therefore make earlier commitments to clients. An enhanced level of client service is evidenced by a 20% increase in Clarington ridership. Client Service 2001 2002(forecast) Ridership 2,954 3,550 Turndowns (Unaccommodated requests) 121 207 As the ridership trend indicates, the pace of growth in Clarington is placing considerable pressure on the present service level. At 3,600 trips, service is at maximum capacity for the one(1) vehicle, and turndowns are occurring more often. We continue to satisfY most "high-priority" requests (medical, work, school), however there are less opportunities to provide trips for a social activity (shopping, visitfami/y, etc.). Also, we are experiencing increased demand from Orono, Newcastle, and Newtonville. Clarington's population is growing and "aging". Within this proposal, we are recommending that council consider a service expansion program, which will involve additional funding for both operating and capital requirements. 7 J. / 0 - I - x: ; . 2003 Budf!et - ODeratinf! (refer attachment) cPr- 0 We recommend that service be increased graduall over a two(2) year period. In this regard, please find attached a proposed operating budgeLfor both 2003 and 2004. The 2003 operating funding request of $117.106 represents a $ 12,100( 11.5%) increase over that of 2002. Further, the estimated operating requirement in 2004 would be $136,400. This expansion will allow ridership to increase to approximately 6,000 trips in 2004. Effectively, this 30% funding increase (over two(2) years) will provide for a 70% increase in service to persons with disabilities residing in Clarington. 1311 2003 Budeet - Caoital -i~;0-d--Y 16 ~ In order to fulfill this ex sion initiative, one(l) additional van will be required at cost of $78.000. We look forward to an opportunity to meet with you to discuss this proposal. Yours truly, BJ .(Ben) Chartier Executive Director 1312 HANDI TRANSIT INC 2003 BUDGET - CLARINGTON 2002 2002 2003 2004 BUDGET FORECAST BUDGET BUDGET REVENUE Grant $ 105,000 $ 105,000 $117,100 $ 136,400 Fares 17,000 17,000 19,000 26,000 Other 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 Total REVENUE 123,000 123,000 137,100 163,900 EXPENDITURE Administration 40,200 40,200 43,300 44,500 Operations Vehicles Fuel 7,000 7,000 9,000 12,500 Maintenance 10,000 8,000 7,000 10,000 Insurance 3,000 3,000 3,500 5,000 Wages 44,800 44,400 50,000 65,000 Benefits 10,000 11,300 13,300 17,400 EveninglWeekend Servo 7,000 8,100 8,000 8,000 Other 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 Total Operations 82,800 82,800 91,800 119,400 Total EXPENDITURE 123,000 123,000 135,100 163,900 Surplus / (Deficit) 0 o 2,000 o Opening (Deficit) ( 2,258) (2,258) (2,258) (2, 258) (258) Accumulated (Deficit) ( 2,258) (258) (258) 1313 APPLICATION FOR MUNICIPAL GRANT SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPAlITY OF CLARlNGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVlLLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 30, 2002 PLEASE PRINTfTYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1. Name of Organization/Association: NAIJE llANO! TRAI\l::>IT INC. 44 Wililiam Street West OShawa, Ontario L1G 1.1~ STREEr AOORESSlPOST OFFICE BOX CfOS-S7!-122'2- TELEPHONE TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2. Contact Person for this Application: TELEPHONE NUMBER: HOME: q~. 'f.3.0 3D 7 {, WORK: "-lD)"S7/-/Z2L 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? ~. NO If yes, when? '}o/;it; '(ddl ) 4. List the programs/services provided by your Organization. ---;;:,'fN~1UV?f7l0N Fo/L i~e.f.OV.s NiT'! .-:3/Se1-8/U T/ES S e..} { "'/'172- TI ErZ- eXEc.uTlVE Di.eECTCK NAMEiPOSITION 1314 5. Descnbe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. 4!OV//)E Jl -rvJCY1'V~ AJ.<2. /];:12$61,)05 JJ/ rH 4107]1 U T/t€5 . /0 /fcf" r-<;-< / ~/j/)P{,:d' 7/"TT/UA/ 7U f.UQe..)c ~ SCHOU L; ME!)/ c-n:.- ..-'/-;fJ/JO/N'//J'IGNTS ..,., o 77f6/L. 5CG1C /fC7/ldT/6S-. 6. CATEGORY: Recreational Social (Circle One) Civic Hall Board/Com. Centre Amount Requested 7. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle)? . /" YES V/ NO If YES AMOUNT REQUESTED d/e - Dee. $ Ice (DC It; / k;o AMOUNT RECEIVED t,t / {);C;, () ,)e, ft Ie' . / /-( -~'- YEAR REQUESTED ~ood.l.. ;1-. '~/y Ice ~ -- ~ ' If. 9/3 It Q'7 7") . (j C) , L I.... 8. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? / 1L.-::'0 :Sc/2.V'/CE T'l'E ~/c/NIPfu17E5 or- @ NO SCVGUl:-/ e.-:.c,j4!./I.J6c/ 05r(.1vJ.,-f"" /vHIR3Y.- 2G:::e/VG C~75 7DSERV/C.<5 77/6/~ 4/Yfr3<-.e3U :26,/O/Sv If YES AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED 1315 NjA CL/6iVT5 - 9. Total program or association membership in your organization. 10. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the infonnalien provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. NAME TITLE DATE c&'c/\/ C'?/~'T7&/L EJCELc.Jr7i/E ~/~,~ ~1/ 2 () ZOo 2- This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 11. Budget Infonnation: Please complete, in detail, the attached fonn. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 12. Please retum application fonn to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario l1C3A6 1316 APPLICANT ORGANIZATION: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION /--//111/[)/ T~r //1/[ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES /~SI)DeTrtT/{)-'..J FoR- (fl,!So-VS J.VJ~r ~S-+t3;Lln6S REVENUE SOURCE MUNICIPAL GRANT FUNDRAISINGIPROGRAM REVENUE PREVIOUS YEARS SURPLUS (DEFICIT) , OTHER I TOTAL 2001 /00, COD 2002 IDS coo ~L.1-5 I ./ 3/;;'-25 /000 (Qo 7'-1 ~ ,'-I-N ,-1 EXPENDITURES 2001 2002 SALARIEs/WitH!)! bk.' I v' E 12-~ ) ~ -- .s-75oo ~t - I FACILITY RENTAL ( IN ~Ll)no-,.) ,,"/v 4,)""""; _.-";b<")) -) PROGRAM SUPPLIES ( tc(A~L) 76D7 I MAINTENANCE/'A;;:5"I/'(,'17'1C:=- /4~c)4 I /Ol.a:.v ! PROM8-TION OT7-t6R- 0,?5. '3''-1-</7 '6oco OTHER iT&n IN :5"f___C: ,3'/,3 n- ~70CO - I TOTAL I //'"1,532 / .;a. ceo , NET OPERATION - EXPENSES LESS REVENUE (2ZS2) (/25: 3 ) MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2001 GRANT APPROVED I 2002 GRANT APPROVED 1('"'0< . .,--C-:. II 4/Ct:? 000- ,Sjcs-, C{)()- , 2003 GRANT REQUESTED I Ii //7 /c~ c -L.\G' 1317