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Council Minutes
ROll Call
June 13, 1988
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council
held on Monday, June 13, 1988, at 9:30 a.m.,
in Court ROom .2.
present Were: Mayor J. Winters
Councillor A. Cowman
councillor M. Hubbard
Councillor H. MCKnight
councillor F. Stapleton
Councillor A. Wotten
Councillor D. Hamre (On Regional Business)
Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff
Town Clerk. D. W. Oakes
Treasurer, J. Blanchard
Manager of Operations, D. Patterson
(until 10:30)
Director of planning, F. WU
Director of community Services, J. caruana
(until 11: 15)
Fire Chief, J. Aldridge (until 10:30)
Deputy Clerk, P. Barrie
Councillor stapleton led the meeting in prayer.
Resolution ltC-425-88
Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on
Monday, May 30, 1988, be approved as read.
Resolution ltC-426-88
Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT Garnet Rickard be added to the list of delegations.
Councillor Cowman made a declaration of interest with respect
to the delegation of Devon Biddle and vacated her chair.
councillor Cowman indicated that the subject land abuts her
Mr. Devon Biddle, D. G. Biddle & Associates, informed Council
that he concurs with the recommendations contained in the
Addendum to Reports PD-I03-88 and PD-l06-88.
Council Minutes
- 2 -
June 13, 1988
Mr. G. Karakokkinos, Design Manager, G.M. Sernas &
Associates, COnsulting Engineers and Planners, appeared
before Council and requested that Item #3 of the General
purpose and Administration Committee Report to Council be
tabled. He indicated that G.M. Sernas has two proposals in
the Newtonville area and they would appreciate an opportunity
to meet with the Region and the Town of Newcastle to discuss
the water supply for these proposals before Report PD-114-88
is considered.
Mrs. Terry MCKenzie, Secretary, Committee of Clarke
COnstituents appeared before Council to express the
COmmittee's strong opposition to Metro Council's proposed
landfill sites. She requested, on behalf of the Committee,
that a qualified representative attend Metro's Council
Meetings as Metro has been negligent in keeping Town Council
informed of its current activities. Also, they are
requesting a mechanism be put in place to inform of current
developments in this matter, be it a news bulletin, newspaper
notices or public meetings, in order to avoid the spread of
dangerous misinformation.
Mr. paul Groenveld, G.D.S. Disposals, appeared before Council
in opposition to the recommendations contained in the
Addendum to Report WD-35-88, regarding Town-wide garbage
collection. Mr. Groenveld asked Council how a contract of
this size can be awarded without going through the Tender
process. He indicated that he is afraid that Council is
setting a very dangerous precedent. Mr. Groenveld requested
that Council give G.D.S. and any other interested party an
opportunity to bid on disposal tenders for the Town of
Resolution 'C-427-88
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the communications to be received for information be
approved, except for I - 8 and I - 13.
I - 1 correspondence received from Miss Kay MaCDOnald,
Activities DirectorjCO-ordinator, Hillsdale Manor,
Re: Senior citizens' Month;
I - 2 Minutes of a meeting of the Bowmanville Museum Board,
held on May 11, 1988;
I - 3 Correspondence received from The Citizens For a Safe
Environment, Re: High-Level Radioactive Waste in
Canada: The Eleventh Hour, Eldorado Resources Limited;
Council Minutes
I - 8
Toronto Interim
Landfill Site
- 3 -
June 13, 1988
I - 4 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: By-law i129-88,
"being a by-law to provide that Section 2 of the
Retail Business Holidays Act, R.S.O. 1980, does not
apply to retail business establishments operating
within the Regional Municipality of Durham ...";
I - 5 correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Requests by the
Towns of Whitby and Newcastle to Reduce the Regulatory
Flood Standard of pringle Creek and Darlington Creek
to the 1:100 Year Flood Level;
I - 6 Minutes of Meetings of the Ganaraska Region
Conservation Authority, held on March 3, 1988, March
17, 1988 and APril 14, 1988;
I - 7 Minutes of a meeting of the Clarke Township Museum &
Archives, held on May 2, 1988;
I - 9 Correspondence received from Mrs. Marion Wiseman,
Bowmanville Seniors Citizens Club, Re: Municipal Grant;
I - 10 Correspondence received from P.M. Madill, A.M.C.T.,
Deputy Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: APplication to
Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan, submitted by
Regional Reclaimers Ltd., now Laidlaw Waste systems
I - II Correspondence received from Evan Rodgers, Head, policy
Planning Division, Department of Planning and
Development, Corporation of the City of Oshawa, Re:
proposed part II plan for the Eastdale Planning
I - 12 Correspondence received from Daniel Hoffman, Curator,
Bowmanville Museum, Re: "Run for the ROM" annual
fundraising event;
I - 14 Correspondence receivevd from Canada Post, Re:
Improvement of postal Services in Canada;
I - 15 correspondence received from Alice Sheffield, Re:
Municipal Grant.
Resolution #C-428-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor stapleton
THAT I - 8 be received for information;
AND FURTHER THAT Mr. R. G. Ferguson, P.Eng., Deputy
Commissioner of Works, Metropolitan Works Department, be
advised that the Town of Newcastle does not approve of any
investigation into a Metropolitan Toronto Interim Landfill
Site within the Town.
council Minutes
. Communications
I - 13 Resolution IIC-429-88
- 4 -
June 13, 1988
O.P.A. Re: Farmers Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
Retaining Retirement
Lots THAT I - 13 be received for information;
AND FURTHER THAT a copy of the correspondence be referred to
Councillor Hubbard and Dr. M. R. Michael, Commissioner of
Planning, Region of Durham, to advise sam Cureatz, M.P.P., on
the situation of a proposed amendment to the Durham Regional
Official plan regarding Farmers Retaining Retirement Lots.
Resolution IIC-430-88
D - 1
Bowmanville B.I.A.
Sidewalk sale
Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the communication dated June 2, 1988, from Mr. Garth
Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, Bowmanville
Business Centre, regarding the Annual Sidewalk sale, to be
held July 21, 22 and 23, 1988, be received;
AND THAT the requests of the Bowmanville Business Centre be
AND THAT Temperance Street be closed from King Street north
to the post Office and south to the St. John's Church
property, for the full three days of the sale, beginning on
Wednesday, July 20, 1988, at 6:00 p.m., subject to the
requirements of the General Contractor for access to the Town
Hall site being met;
AND THAT "no parking" bags be placed on the meters in the
merchant area of the DOwntown core;
AND THAT Mr. Garth Gilpin be requested to contact the public
Works Department in order to obtain a Road Occupancy permit;
AND FURTHER THAT Mr. Garth Gilpin be advised of Council's
D - 2
Resolution IIC-431-88
Ontario Good Roads
Provincial Budget
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT D - 2 be received and filed.
council Minutes
~ Communications
D - 3
Request to Reside in
present Residence
During Construction
of New Dwelling
D - 4
By-Law Re: Second
Hand Goods
D - 5
Inaugural and
Regular Meeetings
of Regional Council
- 5 -
June 13, 1988
Resolution iC-432-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the communication from Mr. James C. Clements, R.R. i2,
Holt Road, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K3, requesting that
Council approve his application for an agreement which would
permit him to live in a present standing structure, on Lot
21, Concession 1, R.R. #2, Bowmanville, Ontario, during the
construction of a new dwelling on the same property, be
AND THAT the request referred to herein be approved, subject
only to the applicant complying with all of the
municipality's conditions;
AND FURTHER THAT Mr. James Clements be advised of Council's
Resolution #C-433-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the communication dated May 26, 1988, from Jon M.
Jenkins, Chief of Police, regarding the consideration of a
by-law to licence dealers in "second hand goods" in the Town
of Newcastle be received;
AND THAT the said communication be referred to the Clerk for
review and a report and a draft by-law be prepared for the
consideration of the General Purpose and Administration
AND FURTHER THAT Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police, be advised
of Council's decision.
Resolution #C-434-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the communication dated May 27, 1988, from P.M. Madill,
Deputy Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding
Inaugural and Regular Meetings of Regional Council be
received for information;
AND THAT the Inaugural Meeting of the Council of the Town of
Newcastle be scheduled to be held on Monday, December 5,
1988, at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers, Newcastle Town
AND FURTHER THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham be
advised of Council's decision.
Council Minutes
. Communications
D - 6 Resolution tC-435-88
- 6 -
June 13, 1988'
Crop Damage During Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
Deer Hunting Season
35.31.19. THAT D - 6 be received for information;
AND FURTHER THAT the Ministry of Natural Resources be advised
that the COuncil of the Town of Newcastle does not approve of
of a 4 day shotgun only deer season to run from November 7 to
November 10, 1988, in this jurisdiction.
D - 7
Resolution iC-436-88
Port Granby Waste
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the communication dated June 2, 1988, from Mrs. Helen
MacDOnald, Secretary, Citizens for a Safe Environment,
regarding the port Granby Low-Level Radioactive Waste Site,
be received;
AND THAT Council's appreciation be extended to the Citizens
for a Safe Environment for their efforts and the donation of
the tree;
AND FURTHER THAT a copy of the communication be forwarded to
the port Granby Monitoring Committee.
Report U
Resolution tC-437-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report
of the meeting held on June 6, 1988, be approved except for
Items iI, i3, il4, t2l, and i27.
Item U
Resolution 'C-438-88
By-law 84-63 -
Dr. E.J. pinto
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Report PD-122-88 be received for information.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Hubbard
Councillor MCKnight
COuncillor Stapleton
Councillor Wotten
COUncillor Cowman
Mayor Winters
Council Minutes
Monthly Building
Item '3
Water supply System
For Newtonville
Item 114
- 7 -
June 13, 1988
Resolution #C-439-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Report PD-130-88 be received for information.
Resolution #C-440-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Report PD-l14-88 be received; and
THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of
Newcastle is not in favour of allowing water service connection
to existing homes along Highway No. 2 between Newcastle
Village and Newtonville, save and except the area along both
sides of Highway No. 2 to the C.P.R. crossing, and further
that the Town confirm its previous position that the
Newtonville Development Plan be utilized as basis for an
amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan; and
THAT a copy of Report PD-114-88 be forwarded to the Region.
Resolution #C-441-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor stapleton
Rezoning & Neighbourhood
plan Amendment - Ken THAT Report PD-126-88 be received; and
60.35.437. THAT Report PD-l26-88 be referred to the Council meeting
scheduled to be held June 13, 1988, in order to allow the
Director and Chairman of Planning and applicant an
opportunity to discuss their concerns.
Item '21
Cash Activity Report
APril 1988 part B
Mayor winters made a declaration of interest with respect to
Item i2l; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and
and voting on the wsubject matter. Mayor Winters is the owner
of Stor-All which leases space to the municipality.
Councillor Hubbard chaired this portion of the meeting.
Resolution #C-442-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Report TR-34-88 be received; and
THAT in accordance with prOV1S10n of Chapter 302, Section
81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer
reports to COmmittee that the cash position of the Town of
Newcastle for the month ended April 30, 1988, is as shown on
the schedule attached to Report TR-34-88; and
THAT part B of the expenditures for the month of April 1988
be confirmed.
Council Minutes
- 8 -
June 13, 1988
. Reports
Item #27
Resolution #C-443-88
TOwn Wide Garbage
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Addendum to Report WD-35-88 be received; and
THAT Recommendations 2, 3 and 4 of Report WD-35-88 be lifted
from the table and replaced with the following:
(i) THAT staff be instructed to renegotiate a contract for a
minimum of five years, efffective January 1, 1989, with the
Town's existing contractor for the collection and disposal of
refuse on a Town wide basis;
(ii) THAT the negotiations be based on obtaining a uniform rate
for each of the residential and commercial sections of the
(iii) THAT Section 5.06 of the Town's purchasing By-law be waived
in order to permit the implementation of Recommendation (i);
(iv) THAT staff report to the General Purpose and Administration
Committee with recommendations related to the above process;
(v) THAT a copy of the addendum to Report WD-35-88 be forwarded
to the Town's existing refuse contractor.
Recorded vote
councillor Hubbard
COuncillor MCKnight
COuncillor Stapleton
Councillor Wotten
Mayor winters
councillor COwman
Report #2
Resolution #C-444-88
1988 Information
Bulletin - Insert
For Tax Bills
Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
1. THAT Report TR-39-88 be received; and
2. THAT the 1988 Information Bulletin attached to Report
TR-39-88 be approved.
Council Minutes
unfinished Business
Application For
APprovals -
Kiddicorp Invest.
- 9 -
June 13, 1988
Resolution tC-445-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor McKnight
THAT Confidential Reports PD-l29-88 and PD-132-88 be moved to
the end of the Agenda to be considered "In camera."
Councillor Cowman made a declaration of interest with respect
to the Addendum to Reports PD-l03-88 and PD-I06-88; vacated
her chair and refrained from discussion on the subject
matter. Councillor Cowman indicated that the subject lands
abut her property.
Resolution tC-446-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
1. THAT Addendum to Reports PD-I03-88 and PD-l06-88 be
received; and
THAT Reports PD-l03-88 and PD-l06-88 be lifted from the
table; and
THAT the recommendations contained in Reports PD-I03-88
and PD-l06-88 be approved subject to a new Condition
No. 28 be added to Plan of Subdivision l8T-87034
(PD-I03-88) to read as follows:
"THAT if any part of this subdivision drains into the
Courtice Heights Storm Water System, the owner shall
reimburse Courtice Heights Developments for its share
of the costs of the said Storm Water Drainage System.";
THAT Mr. Manson be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution tC-447-88
Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor stapleton
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and
that the said by-laws be now read a first time:
88-66 being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an
agreement with Kiddicorp Investments Limited and the
Corporation of the Town of Newcastle;
Council Minutes
- 10 -
June 13, 1988
88-67 being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an
agreement with Kiddicorp Investments Limited and the
Corporation of the Town of Newcastle;
88-68 being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an
agreement with Kiddicorp Investments Limited and the
Corporation of the Town of Newcastle;
88-69 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of
Newcastle (Kiddicorp).
Resolution #C-448-88
Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor stapleton
That the second reading of the following by-laws be approved:
88-66; 88-67; 88-68; 88-69.
Resolution 'C-449-88
Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the third and final reading of the following by-laws be
approved: 88-66; 88-67; 88-68; 88-69.
Resolution #C-450-88
Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and
that the said by-laws be now read a first time:
88-81 being a by-law to prescribe a tariff of fees for the
processing of applications made in respect of planning
88-82 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of
Newcastle (Kingsberry Properties);
88-83 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law of the corporation of the Town of
Newcastle (W.E. Roth Construction) ;
88-84 being a by-law to amend By-law 79-1, being a by-law for
the regulation of parking, standing or stopping on
highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation
of the Town of Newcastle;
Council Minutes
other Business
Rezoning and
Development Plan
- 11 -
June 13, 1988
88-85 being a by-law imposing special annual drainage rates
upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under
the Tile Drainage Act, 1971;
88-86 being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums
required during the year for the school boards and
regional government purposes and to strike the rates
of taxation for the year 1988;
88-87 being a by-law regarding garbage collection and rates;
88-88 being a by-law to repeal by-law 88-70, being a by-law
to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation
of the Town of Newcastle (DeJong);
Resolution 'C-45l-88
Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor stapleton
THAT the second
88-81; 88-82;
reading of the following by-laws be approved:
88-83; 88-84; 88-85; 88-86; 88-87;
Resolution 'C-452-88
Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the third and final reading of the following by-laws
be approved: 88-81; 88-82; 88-83; 88-84; 88-85; 88-86;
88-87; 88-88.
Resolution #C-453-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
1. THAT Addendum to Report PD-126-88 be received; and
2. THAT Report PD-126-88 be received; and
3. THAT the applications submitted by Mr. Ken Simard to amend
By-law 84-63, being the Town's Comprehensive zoning By-law
and the Court ice West Neighbourhood Plan to permit the
development of a 2,165 sq.m. parcel of land in conjunction
with a .7 hectare parcel abutting Highway No.2 for a
motor vehicle dealership be approved and the appropriate
by-law and Neighbourhood Plan Amendment be forwarded to
Council for approval; and
4. THAT the applicant's request for deletion of fencing
requirements be denied; and
Council Minutes
other Business
- 12 -
June 13, 1988
5. THAT the Site Plan Agreement between Kenyon Allen Simard
and the Town of Newcastle be amended to require the
erection of a 6 foot high privacy wood fence along the
easterly and southerly boundaries of the entire property.
6. THAT the applicant be so advised.
Resolution 'C-454-88
Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor stapleton
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following By-law,
and that the said by-law be now read a first time:
88-89 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of
Newcastle (Simard).
Resolution 'C-455-88
Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the second reading of By-law 88-89 be approved.
Resolution #C-456-88
Moved by councillor MCKnight, seconded by councillor Stapleton
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 88-89 be approved.
Resolution #C-457-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Council move into Committee of the Whole.
Resolution #C-458-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor stapleton
THAT Committee move "In Camera."
Resolution #C-459-88
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT there be a 10 minute recess.
Council Minutes
Matters, Planning
& Development
Matters, Planning
& Development
- 13 -
June 13, 1988
The meeting reconvened at 10:40 a.m.
Mr. Garnet Rickard, Chairman of the Arena Fundraising
Committee, spoke to Council regarding fundraising
negotiations to date.
Resolution 'C-460-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle endorse, in
principle, the establishment of an agreement with the service
AND FURTHER THAT the matter be referred to staff for a report
to the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting
scheduled to be held JUne 20, 1988.
Resolution #C-46l-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report
PD-129-88 be approved.
Resolution #C-462-88
Moved by Mayor Winters, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report
PD-129-88 be amended by adding a recommendation as directed.
Resolution #C-463-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report
PD-132-88 be approved.
Resolution 'C-464-88
Moved by Mayor Winters, seconded by Councillor MCKnight
THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report
PD-132-88 be amended as follows:
(i) THAT Recommendation i2 be deleted; and
(ii) THAT Recommendation #5 be altered as directed.
council Minutes
- 14 -
June 13, 1988
Resolution iC-465-88
Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor stapleton
THAT the meeting be open.
Resolution iC-466-88
Moved by Councillor wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the Committee Rise.
Resolution iC-467-88
Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor stapleton
THAT the actions taken In camera be approved.
Resolution iC-468-88
Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the delegations be acknowledged, and advised of
Council's decision.
Mayor Winters and Councillor Cowman made declarations of
interest as noted earlier in the meeting and refrained from
discussion and voting on the Confirming By-law.
Resolution iC-469-88
Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 88-90,
being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the council
of the Town of Newcastle, at this meeting held on the
13th day of June 1988, and that the said by-law be now
read a first time.
Resolution 'C-470-88
Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor stapleton
THAT the second reading of By-law 88-90 be approved.
Council Minutes
- 15 -
Resolution 'C-471-88
June 13, 1988
Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 88-90 be approved.
Resolution tC-472-88
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:30 p.m.
Ii .
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