HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/30/1988 . . . . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Council Minutes May 30, 1988 Minutes of a regular meeting of council, held on Monday, May 30, 1988, at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers. ROll Call Present Were: Mayor J. Winters (At 7:05) Councillor A. Cowman (At 7:04-official Business) Councillor D. Hamre Councillor M. Hubbard Councillor H. MCKnight Councillor F. Stapleton Councillor A. wotten Also Present Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Town Clerk,D. W. Oakes Treasurer, J. Blanchard Director of Public Works, W. Evans Director of planning, F. Wu Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Fire Chief, J. Aldridge Deputy Clerk, P. Barrie councillor Hamre chaired the meeting in the absence of the Mayor. Councillor Stapleton led the meeting in Prayer. MINUTES Resolution iC-381-88 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, May 9, 1988, be approved as read. "CARRIED" PUBLIC MEETING The Clerk announced the purpose of the Public Meeting and asked if any person wished to speak Re: BY-law 88-63, being a By-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of parts of the unopened road allowances, described as all of the Hambly Street and part of Elgin Street, being part of Township LOt 12, Concession 2, in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle designated as Part 1, Plan 10R-974. No one indicated a desire to speak to this matter. The Clerk announced the purpose of the public Meeting and asked if any person wished to speak Re: By-law 88-64, being a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of those portions the unopened road allowances, described as part of Edsall Avenue and part of Rehder Avenue, as shown on Registered Plan No. 82, in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle, designated as part 1 and Part 2, Plan lOR-25l7. No one indicated a desire to speak to this matter. . . . . Council Minutes PUBLIC MEETING DELEGATIONS - 2 - May 30, 1988 The Clerk announced the purpose of the Public Meeting and asked if any person wished to speak Re: By-law 88-65, being a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of that portion of the unopened road allowance, described as Lord Elgin Street, according to C.G. Hanning's plan of Part of Lot 12, in the Second Concession of the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle, designated as Part 4, Plan 10R-l866. No one indicated a desire to speak to this matter. Mrs. Helen MacDonald, on behalf of herself, Mrs. Helen SChmid, and Mrs. Wilma Martinell, thanked Council for the positive recommendations made in Report WD-32-88, regarding the petition they submitted requesting road name changes in the former Township of Clarke. Mr. John Veldhuis, Box 122, Newtonville, Ontario, LOA IJO, briefly reviewed the history of the Port Granby Dump Site, and indicated that a new site must be found. Mr. Veldhuis thanked Council for supporting the Port Granby Monitoring Committee, and citizens for a Safe Environment. Mr. Jasper Holliday appeared before Council on behalf of Frank and Alice Hayward. He indicated that Mr. & Mrs. Hayward are in support of the recommendations contained in Report PD-108-88. Resolution *C-382-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Reverend Jones be heard under Delegations. "CARRIED" Reverend Jones requested that COuncil support the application submitted by the Congregations of Ebenezer united Church and Maple Grove united Church, to build a new Manse one kilometre east of Ebenezer Church on Bloor Street. He stated that the proposed site cannot be used for Agricultural purposes, and in no cannot be used for Agricultural purposes, and that the united Church of Canada will not sign an agreement stating that the subject property will be under the ownership of the united Church of Canada for a period of no less than 50 years. Mayor Winters assumed the Chair. Resolution *C-383-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the order of the Agenda be altered to deal with the Rezoning Application submitted by Richard Gay on behalf of the united Church of Canada. "CARRIED" . . . . Council Minutes Rezoning Application - Richard Gay 60.35.432. COMMUNICATIONS - 3 - May 30, 1988 Resolution #C-384-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre 1. THAT Addendum to Report PD-l09-88 be received; and 2. THAT Report PD-l09-88 be received; and 3. THAT the Application submitted by Mr. Richard Gay, to Rezone a parcel of land in Part of Lot 25, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington, to permit the development of an additional non-farm related residential lot be approved unconditionally; and 4. THAT the applicant be so advised. "CARRIED" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Councillor Cowman Councillor Hamre Councillor Hubbard Councillor MCKnight Councillor Stapleton Councillor Wotten Mayor Winters Resolution iC-385-88 Moved by COuncillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, except for I - 12, I - 14, I - 15, I - 17, I - 18, and I - 19. "CARRIED" I - 1 correspondence received from A. Wittenberg, P.Eng., Head, Planning & Design, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Re: Recommendations by Regional Municipality of Durham's Council on Regional Transportation Systems study - Highway 401 crossings and the Ministry of Transportation Highway 401; I - 2 Correspondence received from C. Dennis Flynn, Metropolitan Chairman, The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, Re: Landfill Sites; . . . . Council Minutes - 4 - May 30, 1988 I - 3 Correspondence received from Jim Bradley, Minister, Ministry of the Environment, Re: Laidlaw Waste Systems Limited; I - 4 Minutes of a meeting of the Newcastle community Services Advisory Board, held on April 6, 1988; I - 5 Correspondence received from Brian Hancock, A/Chief Administrative Officer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, Re: Membership of Authority; Minutes of a Meeting held on April 27, 1988, and Schedule of Meetings; I - 6 Correspondence received from F. Chung, Manager, project Development, GO Transit, Re: Re-organization of Oshawa Corridor GO Bus Service to Complement the Extension of The Rail From Pickering to Whitby By Fall, 1988; I - 7 Correspondence received from M. F. Cheetham, Conference Co-ordinator, Ministry of the Environment, Re: Ontario Waste Management Conference June 12-15, 1988; I - 8 Press Release received from Brad Finch, General Manager, Canadian Weather Services Inc., Re: New Weather Service For Area Code 416; I - 9 Correspondence received from The Kawartha Conservation Authority Re: Activities of the Authority; I - 10 Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on May 17, 1988; I - 11 Correspondence received from Jim Bradley, Minister, Ministry of the Environment, Re: Spills Response Booklet; I - 13 correspondence received from Deborah Deller, Clerk of the Committee, Standing Committee on General Government, Re: Bill 106, An Act to Amend the Municipal Elections Act and the Municipal Act; I - 16 correspondence received from Ron Book, provincial-Municipal Social Services, Re: Upcoming Consultation Meetings for the provincial-Municipal Social Services Review. I - 12 Resolution iC-386-88 A.M.O., Re:Seminar Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman on Affordable Housing THAT I - 12 be received; 31. 72.2. AND THAT the Director of Planning attend the Affordable Housing Seminar to be held Friday, June 24, 1988 at the Toronto Airport Marriott; AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Planning report back to the General purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" . . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS I - 14 Y.W.C.A. Re:1988 Municipal Grant 10.57.ll. I - 15 The canadian National Institute For The Blind 10.57.ll. I - 17 wintario Grant 35.31. 99. - 5 - May 30, 1988 Resolution iC-387-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the correspondence received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, with respect to Bill 100, An Act to Amend the Education Act, and included under I - 12 of the Agenda be received; AND FURTHER THAT the Minister of Education, The Honourable Chris Ward, be advised that the Council of the Town of Newcastle endorses the position taken by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario as outlined in said communications. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-388-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT I - 14 be received for information; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of the correspondence be forwarded to the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-389-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT I - l5 be received for information; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of the correspondence be forwarded to the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-390-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT I - 17 be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Minutes - 6 - May 30, 1988 . COMMUNICATIONS I - 18 Resolution iC-391-88 . . . Eldorado Resources Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre 60.2.100. I - 19 Community Care Newsletter 35.60.16. D - 1 Resolution Re: Mentally Handicapped 35.11.2. THAT the communication dated May 10, 1988, from The Honourable Allan Lawrence, M.P., regarding the privatization of Eldorado Resources Limited be received; AND THAT Mr. Lawrence be advised that Council appreciates his efforts in dealing with the Port Granby Waste site problem and in dealing with the implications of privatization in regard to the clean-up of the site at Port Granby; AND THAT Mr. Lawrence be advised that Council has reviewed its opposition to the recommendations of the Siting Process Task Force on low level radioactive waste disposal and re-affirms its position that it opposes the recommendations of the Task Force since their adoption would imply the continuation for a protracted period of time of the present unacceptable burden on the residents of Port Granby and the Town; AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor in consultation with the Town's Solicitors, respond to the various points raised in Mr. Lawrence's letter. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution iC-392-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the previous Resolution iC-39l-88 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT a copy be forwarded to the port Granby Monitoring Committee." "CARRIED" Resolution #C-393-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT I - 19 be received for information; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of the correspondence be forwarded to the Newcastle community Services Advisory Board. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-394-88 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT D - 1 be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Minutes . COMMUNICATIONS D - 2 . . . Lions' Centre Committee of Management 35.60.3. D - 3 Town Identification Road Signs 77.2.105. D - 4 Sunday Shopping, Bill 106, Bill 119, and Bill l28. 35.72.2. D - 5 - 7 - May 30, 1988 Resolution #C-395-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the communication dated May 20, 1988, from Mr. Ronald R. M. Strike, Strike & Strike, Barristers and Solicitors, P.O. Box 7, 38 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3K8, regarding the Lions' Centre COmmittee of Management, be recei ved; AND THAT the communication be referred to the Treasurer with the direction that the Lions' Centre Committee of Management be added to the list of named insureds in the Town's policy; AND FURTHER THAT Mr. Ronald R. M. strike be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-396-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the communication dated May 4, 1988, from Mr. I. Maciver, 7 Hetherington Drive, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3P9, regarding Town identification road signs, be received and referred to the Director of Public Works for review and report; AND FURTHER THAT Mr. Maciver be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-397-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the communication dated April 29, 1988, from Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P., Leader of the Ontario progressive Conservative Party, regarding Sunday Shopping, be received; AND FURTHER THAT Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P. be advised that the Council of the Town of Newcastle is already on record as opposing the province's position on Sunday Shopping in Ontario. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-398-88 Bill 119 to Amend Business Act 35.31.5. - An Act Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre the Retail Holidays THAT D - 5 be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Minutes . COMMUNICATIONS D - 6 . . . Liquor Licence - Liberty Bowl 56.12.6. D - 7 Resolution Re: Waste Management plans 35 .11. 2 . D - 8 Clarke Museum & Archives Re: Museum Board Members' Term of Office 35.60.ll. - 8 - May 30, 1988 Resolution iC-399-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the communication dated May 12, 1988, from Hazel Clarke, Assistant Licence Officer, Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, regarding Liberty Bowl, be received; AND FURTHER THAT the communication be referred to the Director of Planning for review and report to the General purpose and Administration Committee. IlCARRIEDn Resolution iC-400-88 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT D - 7 be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-401-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the communication dated May 13, 1988, from Ms. F. Austman, Recording Secretary, Clarke Township Museum and Archives, Box 152, Orono, Ontario, LOB lMO, requesting the research of Provincial Legislation and Municipal By-laws as they relate to Museum Board Members' Term of Office, be received and referred to the Clerk for a review and direct reply; AND FURTHER THAT Ms. F. Austman be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution iC-402-88 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the previous Resolution iC-401-88 be amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT a copy of the reply be forwarded to Council for information." "CARRIED" . . . . council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D - 9 - 9 - May 30, 1988 Resolution 'C-403-88 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-40l-88 be further amended by adding the following thereto: "THAT a copy of the reply be forwarded to the Bowmanville Museum. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-404-88 Goulais River Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre Disaster Relief Committee - THAT D - 9 be received and filed. Request For Financial Assistance 10.57.11. "CARRIED" D - 10 Environment Week May 30-June 5/88 10.2.ll. Resolution #C-405-88 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the communication dated May 19, 1988, from Mrs. Helen MacDonald, Secretary, Citizens for a Safe Environment Committee, advising that the Committee wishes to present a tree to the municipality to celebrate "National Environment Week", and requesting that the Members of Council and Department Heads attend the presentation to be held at the Bowmanville Fire Hall at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, June 2, 1988, and advising of the Environment Week projects being undertaken, be received; AND THAT the offer of a tree to celebrate Environment Week be accepted; AND THAT the tree planting at the Fire Hall be considered temporary, and the tree permanently located at a Town-owned facility to be named at a later date; AND THAT the report of the Committee respecting the "Environment Week" projects be received for information; AND THAT Council's appreciation be extended to Mrs. MacDonald and the planners of the "Environment Week" projects; AND FURTHER THAT Mrs. MaCDonald be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Minutes . REPORTS Report ill . . . Item #2 Application for Subdivision APproval l8T-87034 Kiddicorp 60.46.227. Item #3 Application for Subdivision APproval, O.P.A., and Rezoning Kiddicorp 60.46.227. Report *2 Striking Committee Report of May 9/88 10.12.4. - 10 - May 30, 1988 Resolution *C-406-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the General purpose and Administration Committee Report of May 16, 1988, be approved except for Items *2 and i3. "CARRIEDII Councillor Cowman made a declaration of interest with respect to Items i2 and *3; vacated her chair and refrained from voting on the subject matter. Councillor Cowman indicated that the subject lands abut her home. Resolution *C-407-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-l03-88 be received; and THAT Report PD-l03-88 be tabled to allow the Director of Public Works and the Director of community Services to review the matter of the exchange of table lands; and THAT a further report be forwarded for the consideration of Council at the meeting scheduled to be held on June 6, 1988. "CARRIED" Resolution *C-408-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report PD-l06-88 be received; and THAT Report PD-l06-88 be tabled to allow the Director of Public Works and the Director of community services to review the matter of the exchange of tabled lands; and THAT a further report be forwarded for the consideration of Council at the meeting scheduled to be held on June 6, 1988. "CARRIED" Resolution *C-409-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report CD-24-88, Striking Committee Report of May 9, 1988, be tabled pending a meeting with the Hospital Board to discuss the appointments. "CARRIED" Council Minutes . UNFINISHED BUSINESS - II - May 30, 1988 Resolution #C-4l0-88 Extension to Draft Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor COwman APproval-Courtice Heights l8T-76027 THAT Addendum to Report PD-96-88 be received; and 60.46.ll0. THAT Report PD-96-88 be received; and THAT the correspondence from W.D.M. Consultants, dated April 6, 1988, be received and the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the corporation of the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the extension to the draft plan approval of Plan 18T-76027 to June 12, 1989; and . THAT the above request be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board and that Courtice Heights Developments Limited be so advised. "CARRIED" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Councillor Cowman Councillor Hubbard COuncillor MCKnight Councillor Stapleton Mayor winters Councillor Hamre Councillor Wotten Resolution #C-411-88 Delegations Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten . THAT Mr. Holliday's delegation be acknowledged and that he and Mr. and Mrs. Hayward be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-412-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Reverend Jones' delegation be acknowledged and that he be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-4l3-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Mrs. MaCDOnald's delegation be acknowledged, and that she be advised of Council's decision. . I'CARRIED" Council Minutes . UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS . . . - 12 - May 30, 1988 Resolution iC-4l4-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Mr. Veldhuis' delegation be acknowledged and that he be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution 'C-415-88 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a first time: 88-62 being a by-law to amend By-law 86-112, being a by-law to establish a street name inventory for roads in the Town of Newcastle; 88-70 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Special Purpose Commercial Node) ; 88-71 being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an Agreement with John DeJong and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; 88-72 being a by-law to amend By-law 79-1, being a by-law for the regulation of parking, standing or stopping on highways under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle; 88-73 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as a public highway in the Town of Newcastle (Waverly Road, part Lot 14, Concession 1, Bowmanville); 88-74 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Town of Newcastle (McFeeters Crescent, Downham Drive, SOuch Court) ; 88-75 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as a public highway in the Town of Newcastle (Kingswood Drive, Part of Lot 35, COncession 2, Darlington); 88-76 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Town of Newcastle (Kingsway Gate, Foxhunt Trail, Empire Crescent, Part Lot 35, Concession 2, Darlington); 88-77 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as a public highway in the Town of Newcastle (Kingswood Drive, Part of Lot 35, Concession 2, Darlington; 88-78 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Richard Gay) ; . . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS - 13 - May 30, 1988 88-79 being a by-law to authorize the entering into of a renewal of a lease agreement with the Schleiss Development ComPany (Silver Street parking LOt). "CARRIED" Resolution #C-416-88 Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the second 88-62; 88-70; 88-76; 88-77; reading 88-71; 88-78; following by-laws be approved: 88-73; 88-74; 88-75; of the 88-72; 88-79. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-417-88 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the third and final reading of the following approved: 88-62; 88-70; 88-71; 88-72; 88-73; 88-75; 88-76; 88-77; 88-78; 88-79. by-laws be 88-74; "CARRIED" Mayor Winters made a declaration of interest with respect to By-laws 88-63; 88-64; 88-65; vacated his chair and refrained from voting on the subject matter. The Mayor is the owner of land in the vicinity of the lands affected by the subject by-laws. Councillor Cowman assumed the Chair. Resolution #C-418-88 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a first time: 88-63 being a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of parts of the unopened road allowances, described as all of the Hambly Street and Part of Elgin Street, being part of Township LOt 12, Concession 2, in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle designated as Part 1, plan 10R-974; 88-64 being a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of those portions of the unopened road allowances, described as Part of Edsall Avenue and part of Rehder Avenue, as shown on Registered Plan No. 82, in the former TOwn of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle, designated as Part 1 and part 2, Plan lOR-25l7; . . . . council Minutes BY-Llli'IS - 14 - May 30, 1988 88-65 being a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the sale of that portion of the unopened road allowance described as Lord Elgin Street, according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of Part of Lot 12, in the Second Concession of the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle, designated as Part 4, plan 10R-1866. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-419-88 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the second reading of the following by-laws be approved: 88-63; 88-64; 88-65. "CARRIED" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Councillor Hamre Councillor Hubbard COuncillor MCKnight Acting Mayor A. Cowman Councillor Stapleton Councillor Wotten Resolution iC-420-88 Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the third and final reading of the following by-laws be approved: 88-63; 88-64; 88-65. "CARRIED" Mayor Winters and Councillor Cowman made declarations of interest as noted earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the confirming by-law. Resolution #C-42l-88 Moved by Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 88-80, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting held on the 30th day of May 1988, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" . . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS ADJOURNMENT - 15 - May 30, 1988 Resolution #C-422-88 Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the second reading of By-law 88-80 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-423-88 Moved by Councillor MCKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the third and final reading of By-law 88-80 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-424-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:17 p.m. "CARRIED" /,' ~. MAYOR h . j,\'cLz.C:,[W_Q;,~= . CLERK