HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-064-05 . CJ.fJL#]glon REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: December 5, 2005 Report #: COD-064-05 File#_ By-law # C?, PA. (/7/. O.e) Subject: INFORMATION REPORT - HYBRID VEHICLES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-064-05 be received; and 2. THAT Council endorse the proposed inclusion of a hybrid pick-up truck in the 2006 Operations Department Capital Budget, subject to the vehicle replacement schedule requirements. arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director of Corporate Services \~~~'l Reviewed by: U . Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: F erick Horvath, RDMR, RRFA, Direct of Operations MM/FH/NT/LAB/km REPORT: COD-064-05 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Early this year, it was suggested that staff undertake an investigation into the cost and availability of smart and/or hybrid vehicles. The purpose of the investigation would be to determine if the availability, environmental impact and cost would substantiate the purchase of a unit for test purposes. Purchasing staff undertook a review of the market to determine the range of units available in Canada. The focus of the investigation was on the type of hybrid units; their fuel economy and the reduction in pollutants compared with their comparably equipped conventional twins. Although many manufacturer's dealers were contacted only Ford, General Motors, Toyota and Honda are currently offering a hybrid vehicle to the Canadian market. However, because of the unique design and claims of fuel efficiency and reduced pollutants, the Mercedes Benz Smart Car was also included in the review. For clarification, a hybrid vehicle is one that is powered by electricity (on board batteries) and a conventional internal combustion engine. The unit is designed to operate on batteries when operating in stop and go traffic of City driving with the engine kicking in to provide higher performance under load and at high speeds. The hybrid vehicles are designed to generate their own power to recharge the batteries while being driven and while braking. As a result, they do not rely on an external electrical power source to recharge batteries. Because the internal combustion engine is only running at higher speeds when the engine is more efficient there is less pollution and greater fuel economy. The alternative Smart Car offered by Mercedes Benz is not a Hybrid. It achieves the goal of fuel economy and reduced pollutants by using a compact design (2 passengers) powered by a fuel-efficient three cylinder turbo-charged diesel engine coupled to a six speed sequential manual transmission or the optional automatic transmission. The attached Schedule 'A' provides a list of the hybrid vehicles that are currently available in Canada. Details with respect to price, fuel economy and pollutants are also provided. For purposes of comparison, where the manufacturer offers a comparable conventional vehicle, this information is shown beside the hybrid. As you will see, the hybrids are slightly more costly, (approximately 10 to 15%) than their conventional twin. The reduction in fuel consumption and pollutants however are significant. REPORT: COD-064-05 PAGE 3 Please note that for comparison purposes, the prices shown for the hybrid units are the manufacturers suggested retail prices before delivery and taxes and the units shown are base models as are the conventional vehicles. For consistency, the fuel economy and pollutant information was taken from the 2005 Fuel Consumption Guide published by Resources Canada in partnership with Transport Canada and vehicle manufacturers. It is important to note that some of the Hybrids do have accessories included as standard that would normally be considered optional on their conventional twin. As noted above several dealers representing manufacturers were contacted to determine the availability of hybrid vehicles. Many of those who do not currently have a hybrid unit available on the market indicated that the manufacturers are currently discussing the matter or are in the process of developing units for introduction in the coming years. The responses varied from 1 to 2 years before units will be introduced and even then, the units may be introduced for a limited market, for example in Europe or in the U.S. before making the units available in Canada at some later date. With the prediction that the cost of energy will continue to increase significantly in the next five years the demand for more fuel-efficient vehicles is increasing. As demand increases and technology improves, it is hoped that the cost of hybrids will become. more reasonable and the selection more varied. However, one of the challenges for the manufacturers will be to develop and introduce units that are suitable for the commercial and public sector applications. A comparison of fuel economy (MPG) achieved by moving to a hybrid varies from 23% more miles per gallon to a high of 72% depending on the type of vehicle selected. The reduction in pollutants ranges from a low of 8% to a high of 31%, again depending on the type of vehicle selected. The decision to move to a hybrid can be based on one or more of the following factors; reduction in fuel cost, conservation of non-renewable energy and the reduction of pOllutants that contribute to environmental deterioration. Looked at from a financial perspective, it is unlikely that the fuel cost savings will pay for the added cost to purchase a hybrid, at least at today's prices. Information received from the dealers indicates that annual usage needs to be in excess of approximately 50,000 km before any savings are realized. The strongest argument for the hybrid rests on the conservation of the non-renewable energy and the reduction of the pollutants. Assuming that the environmentalists are correct in their assessment of the current state of the environment and the impact of pollutants on the atmosphere then the reduction in pollutants must be the driving force for the development and use of hybrids or the development of more efficient environmentally friendly means of transportation. REPORT: COD-064-05 PAGE 4 Given the type of vehicles currently available, mid-size and compact cars, SUVs and pickup trucks, the units best suited for Clarington's varied requirements would be the sedans and the pickup trucks with the pick up trucks being the most widely used in the fleet. Within the last month, General Motors made available a hybrid Yi-ton Chevrolet Silverado Pickup truck for demonstration purposes. The truck was tested for a few days to assess the performance and the evaluation was favourable. The Fleet Supervisor was "thoroughly impressed with the overall quality and performance of this unit" and felt "the truck had more than enough power to perform any job" expected of this type of vehicle in our fleet operation. It was noted that the Smart Car was included in this review, not because it is a hybrid but because it advertised an extremely fuel efficient means of transportation. At Approximately $17,100.00 plus delivery and taxes, the unit provides an in town fuel economy of 61 miles per gallon and produces only 2291 kg. of CO2 per year (approx.). It is certainly an interesting concept and will no doubt be popular. However, after reviewing the material and test-driving the unit it has a very limited application in a municipal fleet. The unit is very small and provides seating for two people only with very little cargo space. It may be suitable for some in-town applications, perhaps in "Municipal Law Enforcement". But, if the reduction in pollutants and conservation of non-renewable energy is to be the focus, the hybrid Honda Insight (two passengers) or the Toyota Prius (four passengers) both offer slightly better fuel economy with less pollutants. Unfortunately the cost is significantly higher. After reviewing the available units and considering the type of vehicles, that the Municipality purchases the most likely vehicle for test purposes would be the Yi-ton Pickup truck. These units are used daily in stop and go situations that offer an excellent opportunity to test a unit in a working situation. In addition, preparation for the 2006 budget has begun and there is usually a requirement for at least one pickup truck in the fleet replacement budget. Accordingly, it is recommended that Operational Services include at least one hybrid unit in the 2006 budget preparation as a replacement vehicle. Attachment: Schedule "A" CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 ~ Cl c. ..: E 0 Ol (0 Ol N 'I" 13 > ~ en :c ".:;: E ..J OlO "0 -" >< I; OJ - 0 E :> ~ 2? _Ol <( 0 -" ~ =J:: ~ 0 ~ z CO 5:<; LO '" "0 ~ l!! - 0 U 'I" Ol 0 '" 1::"E "- ~ Ol ..J ~ W cD c. 0) - ~ E I g e C') en (0 "- (0 N 0 'I" (0 0 enll.. ~ N 'I" ~ cO LO C') 0 N . . . . . . . ~ - f-< <( ....:I ::J a:l <( f-< ..: o :><'I"..91Ol f-< "0"2 "2: ...... '~..c: L.. ....:I3'OlO as II::' OJ .... ':' Ol ""'< <!>=.<:: ....:I,,:;:::> -m~> <~1::C ~ WI~ e ~~enll.. ....:10 UN - :I: ~ > Ci ~ a:l :>< :I: ~ .8,., o c :::!E~ "OE 50 ll..() o - :> <( Ol :0 co "<:: co > U LO U) 'c ...,. ~ e (0 .'!:: 15 .,f C') Ol ~N[jj . . . 5 E "- 0 '" c .~ 0 ^OlEwu ~ c '" a:: "5> ai OJ en c: L.. :::::I :::!EWI-ll.. ~ Ol c. E N 'I" ~ E E -" -" 00 00 ~ ~ - - ..J ..J (00 cO"": . . ~ '" o ~ '" c o "w ~ :>..!!! :!:: 3: E ()IW o 0 :::!E E (0(0 C')O) . . '" - c Ol c o c. 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