HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-43-05 C1NilJglon REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: Monday November 21,2005 EGD-43-05 File #: 6 PAJ:I c/</,S"tJ-5 By-law #: Subject: 20 KING STREET EAST FACADE AND TRANSIT SHELTER RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-43-05 be received; 2. THAT the fac;:ade and transit shelter as recommended for 20 King Street East, estimated at $400,000, be conceptually approved, that $100,000 of funding be committed from the Clarington Transit Reserve Fund and the remaining $300,000 of the required funding be considered in the Municipality's 2006 Capital Budget; 3. THAT the design development of the fac;:ade and transit shelter be reviewed and refined with the input of the Bowmanville BIA, LACAC and other stakeholders; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed for this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Respectfully by, N~ .~ Submitted by: Reviewed bYO ~~~ _ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Franklin Wu Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer ASC/jo November 15, 2005 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-9282 REPORT NO.: EGD-43-05 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The concept of developing some form of fa9ade along the street frontage of 20 King Street East has been a long standing goal of the community. First conceived in the early 1990's after the CAUSE study, the concept of a fa9ade that would fill the gap created in the street wall and provide a community gathering and focal point has been reiterated in a number of studies including the recently approved Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan. 1.2 The Municipality had developed the parking lot at 20 King Street East as part of an earlier parking plan to address the immediate needs of the downtown businesses. The parking lot plan did consider the future streetscape improvements identified for this location in the CAUSE Report with the provision of water servicing and electrical ducts as well as orienting the parking lot to minimize the impact of the future streetscape improvements on the parking lot operation. 1.3 Essentially the fa9ade and transit shelter is intended as an infill to the former street and would be consistent with the architecture in the downtown core. It would provide for an active street life and shelter for the transit patrons. 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED FACADE AND TRANSIT SHELTER 2.1 The fa9ade and transit shelter would be a structural component in keeping with the pedestrian scale of the downtown. The exact location of the fa9ade is still to be determined but it is anticipated to be situated within the existing flower bed along the front of 20 King Street as shown on Attachment 1. The function of the parking lot would continue, although some of the parking spaces may have to be reoriented. The function of the fa9ade would be to provide a transit shelter and seating area for both Clarington Transit and GO Transit users. Currently the site is rather inhospitable for transit patrons especially during inclimate weather. 2.2 The original design concept for the fa9ade was developed by J.R. Freethy, Architect for the Bowmanville BIA, as a result of the CAUSE study. The design concept included in the Bowmanville CIP has been created using the historical REPORT NO.: EGD-43-05 PAGE 3 photos of the King Street and more accurately portrays the actual visual look of the street from the early 1900's. Both concepts are provided on Attachment 2. From an architectural, historical and cultural perspective the development of the fa9ade, using true historical references rather than borrowed imagery will reinforce the historic downtown. 2.3 The fa9ade can be developed over time and can also include a number of other features such as interpretative panels and displays, community message board and also provide a public gathering function. 2.4 At this point the structural feasibility of the fa9ade has been determined and a preliminary cost has been developed. The determination of the actual design and elements to be included will be discussed and refined with the Bowmanville BIA, LACAC and other stakeholders. 3.0 FUNDING OF THE FACADE AND TRANSIT SHELTER 3.1 In order to move forward with this project a review of the structural feasibility and preliminary estimated costs for the fa9ade and transit shelter had to be determined. The Municipality requested that Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (TSH) review the concept plans prepared by municipal staff to determine if the fa9ade and transit shelter are structurally feasible and to provide a preliminary cost estimate for the structural and architectural components of the fa9ade concepts. TSH determined that the concepts are feasible and provided the following preliminary cost estimates for the fa9ade and transit shelter: Structural Components - Caissons, columns and beams Architectural Components - Bricks, windows, streetscape TOTAL $225,000 J175.000 $400,000 3.2 As previously mentioned above, part of the fa9ade will provide a transit shelter function and based on the preliminary cost estimate developed for this work the transit shelter represents approximately 25% of the overall project cost. The costs for the transit shelter portion of the fa9ade are based on the additional structural requirements associated with providing the shelter overhang, REPORT NO.: EGD-43-05 PAGE 4 "enhanced" architectural features and other streetscape features associated with the development of the fa9ade and transit shelter. Based on the estimate provided approximately $100,000 of the estimated project costs are associated with the transit shelter portion of the work and as such it is suggested that funding for this portion of the work be provided from the Clarington Transit Reserve Fund. 3.3 The funding of the remainder of the fa9ade costs will be addressed through the 2006 Capital Budget process for Council's consideration. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 Based on the preliminary structural analysis carried out by TSH, it is possible to construct a fa9ade that can incorporate a transit shelter, public seating and other community features. It is respectfully recommended that the proposed cost estimate and funding be referred to the 2006 Capital Budget process and that $100,000 be committed from the Clarington Transit Reserve Fund. 4.2 The proposed fa9ade needs further refinement and as such input from LACAC, Bowmanville BIA and other stakeholders should be sought. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Approximate location of fa9ade and transit shelter Attachment 2 - Copies of the conceptual plans for the fa9ade and transit shelter Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Bowmanville BIA LACAC ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: EGD-43-05 FACADE AND TRANSIT SHELTER LOCATION RES1Al.AAllT FA<;ADE AND TRANSIT SHELTER LOCATION \ ..... ll/!l. lIl!r-ElNln:... 6TMJRNlT llM-EWPTY .-clJl'R.ftE3"l CU:""U4S 31"-1'-1:.9. ElICAVA'ION ---~~ -- - --L ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-43-05 20 KING STREET FACADE AND TRANSIT SHELTER CONCEPTS .".. ~ . "'{: M" J.ti.~."~~... ~.c~t)."': r: r!,~,/'ii"" . 'je> rlf ~... ..., Mr~ --- J J , ~ r<,~(; ~: :G~" " "J il!~ .' ;r STAFF CONCEPT - LOOKING WEST ON KING STREET EAST ."-,'d ~.1-... \ {__ ._ _.. __, '.:,'-f e,:;;. ~'~_\\,., t ,__ __ u. _.,iC 7"~~______ ~ ,.. / --=~"" 11'1 l ~~ STAFF CONCEPT - SECTION VIEW LOOKING EAST STAFF CONCEPT - LOOKING NORTH FROM SOUTH SIDE OF KING STREET ,"'- _ i ( , 4 ... . 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