HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-140-05 Cl~n REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, November 21 , 2005 Report #: PSD-140-05 File #: 18T -92004 and ZBA 2005-010 By-law #:0<006 -C19) (-IrA.. (I t{ ~ '0 ~7 Subject: APPLICATION FOR PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND REZONING TO PERMIT 47 RESIDENTIAL UNITS APPLICANT: HOME-LAND DEVELOPMENT GROUP LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-140-05 be received; 2. THAT the application for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-92004, as amended and submitted by Home-Land Development Group Limited be APPROVED and that the Director of Planning Services be authorized to issue Draft Approval, subject to the conditions as contained in Attachment 2; 3. THAT the application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63, be APPROVED and that the amending by-law, as per Attachment 3, be forwarded to Council for approval; 4. THAT a By-law to remove the Holding (H) symbol be forwarded to Council at such time that the applicant has entered into a subdivision agreement; 5. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of Clarington at such time as the agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Directors of Engineering Services and Planning Services; 6. THAT a copy of this report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and REPORT NO.: PSD-140-05 PAGE 2 7 . THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Da i . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services ReViewedbL)~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer BRlDJC/df 15 November 2005 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-140-05 PAGE 3 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Owner: Home-Land Development Group Limited 1.2 Agent: D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd. 1.3 Plan of Subdivision: Revision to previously submitted Plan of Subdivision (18T- 92004) to permit the development of a 47 unit residential Plan of Subdivision consisting of 33 single detached dwellings and 14 on-street townhouse dwellings. 1.4 Rezoning: From "Agricultural (A) Zone" to appropriate zones to permit the proposed development. 1.5 Area: 2.17 hectares (5.36 acres) 1.6 Location: The area subject to the proposal is located east of Liberty Street (Regional Road 14) in what was the rear yards of 221, 223, 227 and 239 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville and north of the St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway and Swindells Street, in part, Lot 10, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On April 21, 2005, the Planning Services Department received a revised Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (revised 18T-92004) and a new rezoning Application (ZBA 2005-010). 2.2 Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-92004 was originally submitted to Durham Region on January 24, 1992. The original rezoning application was submitted to the former Town of Newcastle on January 22, 1992. Insufficient progress was made on the application due to a lack of consensus among the various owners resulting in the Municipality closing the rezoning file on November 29, 2000 and recommending closure of the subdivision file. The Region of Durham, being the approval authority at the time for subdivisions, did not close the subdivision file. 2.3 Documentation submitted in support of the subdivision proposal included a Geotechnical Investigation, a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, and an On-street Parking Plan. 2.4 A public meeting for the proposed plan of subdivision and rezoning was held on June 20, 2005. Staff from D.G. Biddle & Associates spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated that they reviewed the report and had no concerns and that he would work with staff to address concerns with lot sizes. At the subsequent Council Meeting on June 27,2005, a neighbour appeared as a delegation stating concern that the elevation of his property is approximately 10 feet below the property to be developed and that if the grade of the land REPORT NO.: PSD-140-05 PAGE 4 can only be partially lowered, that the house be one storey. He also requested the subdivision plan be amended to include a parkette. These issues are addressed in Section 8.2. 3.0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The site is flat, currently vacant and has no significant environmental features. 3.2 The surrounding land uses are as follows: North - South - East West - Low Density Urban Residential Uses Low Density Urban Residential Uses Medium Density Urban Residential Uses Low Density Urban Residential Uses and beyond, Liberty Street North 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT CONFORMITY 4.1 The proposed plan of subdivision is an infill subdivision in a (fully serviced) settlement area and therefore, is land use efficient, consistent with Sections 1.1.3 and 1.6.2. These sections require settlement area land use patterns to efficiently use land, infrastructure and public services facilities. This proposed subdivision makes use of the roads, watermains, sanitary and storm sewers, schools and parks that already exist in the area that surround the proposed subdivision. 5.0 OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 5.1 The Durham Regional Official Plan designates the property as Living Area and both applications conform. 5.2 The property is designated as Urban Residential (Low Density) in the Clarington Official Plan, with a Medium Density Residential symbol, and both applications conform. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE 6.1 Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, zones the property "Agricultural (A)". A rezoning of the site is required to implement the Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. 7.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 The applications were circulated to various agencies and other departments. The following summarizes comments and requested conditions of draft approval received. REPORT NO.: PSD-140-05 PAGE 5 7.2 The Clarington Building Division, Clarington Emergency & Fire Services, the French Separate School Board and Rogers Cable all had no concerns. 7.3 Both the Separate School Board and the Public School Board requested adequate sidewalks be provided. 7.4 With the submission of the Revised Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (August 2,2005), the Engineering Services Department has no further concerns provided its 14 conditions of draft plan approval are satisfied. 7.5 Veridian Connections provided detailed comments. Electric service is available on the road allowances in the property and specifically, servicing will be from Redfern Crescent, Forrester Drive and Swindells Street. Veridian has no objections to the proposed development. 7.6 Enbridge and Bell have no objections but both have several conditions of draft plan approval. 7.7 The Regional Planning Department noted the revised subdivision plan is permitted by the Durham Region Official Plan. Municipal Services . Municipal water and sanitary service is available from the existing watermain and sanitary sewer on Redfern Crescent at its current northeast terminus and at its current southwest terminus, and from the existing watermain and sanitary sewer on Forrester Drive. Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities . The property is proximate to a tributary of Soper Creek and therefore, has potential for archaeological concerns and will require an archaeological site assessment. . A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment has been completed revealing there are no environmental contamination issues and that the property is suitable for the proposed development. . A Noise Impact Study submitted by G.M. Sernas in 1992 was evaluated and noise attenuation measures were found to be acceptable. An addendum to the report is required to make appropriate references to the revised draft plan. Based on the foregoing, the Region has no objection to draft approval of this plan. Eight conditions of draft approval are to be satisfied prior to clearance by the Region for plan registration. 7.8 Central Lake Ontario Conservation has no objections to ZBA 2005-010 and proposed plan of subdivision 18T-92004. Appropriate conditions of draft approval, three in all, are to be satisfied prior to clearance by the Authority for plan registration. REPORT NO.: PSD-140-05 PAGE 6 8.0 STAFF COMMENTS 8.1 The proposed subdivision is an infill subdivision since it is surrounded by urban residential development on all sides. Construction of the subdivision will complete the road pattern for the area. 8.2 The neighbour who appeared at the June 27,2005 Council Meeting resides on the corner of Swindells Street and Redfern Crescent which is abutting where Redfern Crescent will be extended to serve the proposed subdivision. The grade difference of 10 feet he mentioned will be completely or mostly eliminated since Redfern Crescent will be essentially level and that will include the area abutting the rear yard of his property. The neighbour also spoke about park space for the proposed subdivision. The neighbourhood has its allotment of park space in the expanded Longworth Park and the Barlow Parkette. There was never a plan for park space in the proposed subdivision. 8.3 Since the Public Meeting and subsequent Council Meeting of June 27, 2005, the proposed plan of subdivision has been modified to address staff concerns. There are now 47 dwelling units in total, consisting of 33 single detached dwellings (16 x 10.15 metre frontage; 12 x 10.50 metre frontage; 3 x 15.0+ metre frontage and 2 x 16.0+ metre frontage); and 14 x 7.0 metre frontage townhouse dwellings. Staff is satisfied the subdivision's single detached lot frontages and areas are sufficiently varied, with frontages ranging from 10.15 metres to 16.0 metres or more and lot areas ranging from 288 square metres to 535 square metres. 8.4 The Finance Department advises that the taxes for the whole subject property have been paid in full. 9.0 CONCLUSION 9.1 The applications have been reviewed in consideration of the comments received from area residents, the circulated agencies, the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63. The owner has agreed to the conditions of draft approval as contained in Attachment 2. In consideration of the comments contained in this report, staff respectfully recommends the proposed plan of subdivision, as contained in Attachment 1, be APPROVED subject to the conditions of draft approval as contained in Attachment 2; and the Zoning By-law Amendment as contained in Attachment 3 be APPROVED. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Site Location Key Map and Plan of Subdivision Attachment 2 - Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment 3 - Zoning By-law Amendment Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Eric Vahamaki Steven Kay Nancy Gummow Bill Creamer Attachment #1 To Report #PSD-140-05 l~ L_ \ -~- I tl ". -- rOi : ~y .lIvme Key Map ~ '""O~ ~~_ CREST ~ 0: o Z ZBA 2005-010 Zoning By-law Amendment 18T -92004 Subdivision Plan Owner: Home-Land Development Group Ltd. Attachment 2 To PSD-140-05 CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL Plan of Subdivision 18T -92004 Lot 10, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville PLAN IDENTIFICATION 1. The Owner shall have the final plan prepared on the basis of approved draft plan of subdivision 18T-92004, prepared by D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited, identified as Project Number 105008, dated March, 2005, as revised and dated July 2005, which illustrates 33 lots for single detached dwellings, 3 blocks for 14 townhouse dwellings, 3 blocks to be developed in conjunction with adjacent lands, 1 block to be conveyed to an adjacent owner and roadways. FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 2. The Owner shall dedicate the road allowances included in this draft plan as public highways on the final plan. 3. The Owner shall name road allowances included in this draft plan to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Municipality of Clarington. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. The Applicant/owner must enter into a subdivision agreement with the Municipality which includes all requirements of the Engineering Services Department regarding the engineering and construction of all internal and external works and services related to this proposal, and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement, including, but not limited to, the requirements that follow. 5. This subdivision must be developed as a single phase. Phasing will not be permitted. 6. The west side of Redfern Crescent must be fully serviced with water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, hydro, telephone and cable television for any future lots that may front onto this street. 7. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the subdivision, the Applicant/owner must provide for the removal of any existing temporary turning circles situated adjacent to the subject draft plan. The Applicant/owner must reconstruct any roads containing temporary turning circles to an urban standard, including asphalt paving, curb and gutter, boulevard sod, sidewalks, street lighting and street trees. 8. The Owner shall be 100% responsible for the costs, financial and otherwise, associated with the removal of any existing fence, structures or other items that encroach onto the subject lands. REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 9. The Developer is required, as a condition of the development agreement, to make the front end payments to the Municipality for the amounts stated in the front end agreements entered into between the Municipality and: 1. Schickedanz Upper and Lower (Storm Water Management Works) 2. Orchard Park Subdivision (Storm Sewer Oversizing) 3. Mann Street Storm Sewer (Storm Sewer Oversizing) 10. The Applicant/owner will be required to provide appropriate cash contribution in lieu of the normal parkland dedication, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. 11. The Owner shall submit a detailed tree preservation plan to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington. No trees shall be removed until such time as this program has been approved except as authorized by the Municipality. 12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided to meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and, that all water mains and hydrants are fully serviced and the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 13. All land dedications, easements, sight triangles and reserves as required by the Municipality for this development must be granted to the Municipality free and clear of all encumbrances and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality's Solicitor. 14. The Owner shall provide the Municipality, at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement unconditional and irrevocable, Letters of Credit acceptable to the Municipality's Treasurer, with respect to Performance Guarantee, Maintenance Guarantee, Occupancy Deposit and other guarantees or deposit as may be required by the Municipality. 15. The Owner shall pay to the Municipality, the development charge in accordance to the Development Charge by-law as amended from time to time, as well as payment of a portion of front end charges pursuant to the Development Charge Act if any are required to be paid by the Owner. 16. All works and services must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, provisions of the Municipality Development By-law and all applicable legislation and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. 17. The Applicant/owner must meet all the requirements of the Municipality of Clarington, financial or otherwise. 18. The Owner shall grant such easements as may be required for utilities, drainage and servicing purposes to the appropriate authorities. 19. The Owner shall agree to maintain in full service any existing sanitary or water services within the plan which are proposed to be relocated until such time as the new services have been completed and approved by the Region and all costs incurred in relocation and abandonment of these services shall be borne by the Owner. 20. Prior to final approval, the Proponent shall engage a qualified professional to carry out to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Culture an archaeological assessment of the entire property and mitigate, through preservation or resource removal and documentation, adverse impacts to any significant archaeological resources found. No demolition, grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the subject property prior to the Ministry of Culture confirming that all archaeological resource concerns have been met including licensing and resource conservation requirements. 21. The Owner shall agree to submit to the Regional Municipality of Durham, for review and approval, a revised acoustic report or an addendum report prepared by an acoustic engineer on projected traffic volumes provided by the Durham Region Planning Department and recommended noise attenuation measures for the draft plan in accordance with the Ministry of the Environment guidelines. The Owner shall agree in the area Subdivision Agreement to implement the recommended noise report (i.e. author, title, date and any revisions/addenda thereto) and shall include any required warning clauses identified in the acoustic report. The Owner shall provide the Region with a copy of the subdivision agreement containing such provisions prior to final approval of the plan. 22. The Owner shall provide for the extension of such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities which are external to, as well as within, the limits of this plan that are required to service this plan. In addition, the Owner shall provide for the extension of sanitary sewer and water supply facilities within the limits of the plan which are required to service other developments external to this subdivision. Such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities are to be designed and constructed according to the standards and requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham. All arrangements, financial and otherwise, for said extensions are to be made to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham, and are to be completed prior to final approval of this plan. 23. Prior to entering into a subdivision agreement, the Regional Municipality of Durham shall be satisfied that adequate water pollution control plant and water supply plant capacities are available to the proposed subdivision. 24. The Owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Regional Municipality of Durham. This shall include, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Region concerning the provision and installation of sanitary sewers, water supply, roads and other regional services. 25. The Owner shall agree to convey free and clear of all encumbrances, Block 38 to the owner of the property known as 239 Liberty Street North and identified by Property Tax Assessment Roll Number: 18 17 020 060 06401. 26. The Owner agrees Blocks 37, 39 and 40 cannot be developed until such time they have been melded to adjacent lands beyond the limits of the subdivision proposal and comply with the lot frontage and lot area requirements of the zoning by-law. 27. The Owner agrees that where the well or private water supply of any person is interfered with as a result of the subdivision, the Owner shall at his expense, connect the affected party to municipal water supply system. 28. The Owner shall, if necessary, apply to the Municipality of Clarington and obtain area municipal approval of the zoning for the land uses shown on the approved draft plan in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. 29. The Owner shall retain a qualified landscape architect to prepare and submit a Landscaping Plan including fencing details, boulevard treatments, community entrance features, signage and lighting to the Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Planning Services for review and approval. The Landscaping Plan shall meet the minimum design criteria of the Municipality as amended from time to time. 30. The Owner shall adhere to architectural control requirements of the Municipality. 31. Prior to anyon-site grading or construction or final approval of the plan, the Owner shall submit to, and obtain approval from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for reports describing the following: a) the intended means of conveying storm water flow from the site, including use of storm water techniques which are in accordance with provincial guidelines; b) the anticipated impact of the development on water quality, as it relates to fish and wildlife habitat once adequate protective measures have been undertaken; and c) the means whereby erosion and sedimentation and their effects will be minimized on the site during and after construction, in accordance with provincial guidelines. The report must outline all actions to be taken to prevent an increase in the concentration of solids in any water body as a result of on-site, or other related works, to comply with the Canada Fisheries Act. 32. The Owner shall satisfy all financial requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. This shall include Application Processing Fees and Technical Review Fees owing as per the approved Authority Fee Schedule. 33. The Owner shall agree within the subdivision agreement to carry out or cause to carry out the requirements and/or recommendations of those reports outlined in Condition 31. In order to expedite clearance of Condition 33, a copy of the fully executed subdivision agreement should be submitted to the Authority. 34. The Owner must place in all agreements of purchase and sale for lots completely or partially within 300 metres of the St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway right-of-way, warning prospective purchasers or tenants of the existence of the Railway's operating right-of-way; the possibility of alterations including the possibility that the Railway may expand its operations, which expansion may affect the living environment of the residents notwithstanding the inclusion of noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the subdivision and individual units, and that the Railway will not be responsible for complaints or claims arising from the use of its facilities and/or operations. 35. The Developer is to coordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all affected authorities. 36. The Developer shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines and provide the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Gas Distribution. 37. The Owner shall agree in the Agreement, in words satisfactory to Bell Canada, to grant to Bell Canada any easements that may be required for telecommunication services. Easements may be required subject to final servicing decisions. In the event of any conflict with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the owner/developer shall be responsible for the relocation of such facilities or easements. 38. The Owner shall be required to enter into an agreement (Letter of Understanding) with Bell Canada complying with any underground servicing conditions imposed by the municipality. 39. Prior to final approval of this plan for registration, the Director of Planning Services for the Municipality of Clarington shall be advised in writing by: a) Regional Municipality of Durham, how Conditions 3, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 have been satisfied; b) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, how Conditions 31, 32 and 33 have been satisfied; c) Enbridge Gas, how Conditions 35 and 36 have been satisfied; and d) Bell Canada, how Conditions 37 and 38 have been satisfied. NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL 1. If final approval is not given to this plan within three years of the draft approval date, and no extensions have been granted, draft approval shall lapse and the file shall be CLOSED. Extensions may be granted provided valid reason is given and is submitted to the Director of Planning Services for the Municipality of Clarington well in advance of the lapsing date. 2. As the Owner of the proposed subdivision, it is your responsibility to satisfy all conditions of draft approval in an expeditious manner. The conditions of draft approval will be reviewed periodically and may be amended at any time prior to final approval. The Planning Act provides that draft approval, may be withdrawn at any time prior to final approval. 3. All plans of subdivision must be registered in the Land Titles System within the Regional Municipality of Durham. 4. Where agencies' requirements are required to be included in the local municipal subdivision agreement, a copy of the agreement should be sent to the agencies in order to facilitate their clearance of conditions for final approval of this plan. The addresses and telephone numbers of these agencies are: c) d) a) Durham Region Planning Department P.O. Box 623 605 Rossland Road East WHITBY, ON L 1 N 6A3 (905) 668-7711 b) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 100 Whiting Avenue OSHAWA, ON L 1 H 3T3. (905) 579-0411 Enbridge Consumers Distribution Area Records Co-ordinator P.O. Box 650 SCARBOROUGH, ON M1 K 5E3 Enbridge Consumers Distribution Sales Development Co-ordinator 1350 Thornton Road South OSHAWA, ON L 1 J 8C4 (905) 436-7012 1-800-265-6164 ext. 7012 Bell Canada Right of Way Floor 3 100 Borough Drive SCARBOROUGH,ON M1P4W2 (416) 296-6291 Attachment 3 To PSD-140-05 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2005- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2005-010; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "3" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Agricultural (A) Zone" to "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) Zone"; "Agricultural (A) Zone" to "Holding-Urban Residential Type Two ((H)R2) Zone"; "Agricultural (A) Zone" to "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-30) Zone"; "Agricultural (A) Zone" to "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-41) Zone"; and "Agricultural (A) Zone" to "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-20) Zone". 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2005 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2005 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2005 John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Clerk This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2005- passed this day of '12005 A.D. " I 5:: o z ~. c::: w co ...J . r:;., . . I !'ART 4. I'LAN _~~::w . I ....11. I __ I 115-5 ~ >-:-;w;(i;:;;;-EA~. ~~:~~~~~:~~~~~~~~, Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R1" ~ Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R2" m Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R2-30" , I- W W c::: - I- en en ...J - ...J W o z ~ en ~ Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R2-41" ~ Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R3-20" John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk IJ ty~ Bowmanville J I