HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-059-05 Cl~n REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: November 14th, 2005 Report #: COD-059-05 File#_ D c.f} J ~y-laW #(/1 0 DQ CA t..5 (.6# 6Pf}-4!l1-D-S Subject: Tender CL2005-20, Guide Rail Installation Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-059-05 be received; 2. THAT Peninsula Construction Inc, Fonthill, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $89,239.26 (excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2005-20, be awarded the contract for the Guide Rail Installation, as required by the Operations Department; 3. THAT the total funds required in the amount of $118,688.81 ($89,239.26 tender plus consulting, contingencies, emergency work and Net GST) be drawn as follows: a) $92,212.00 from 2005 and 2004 Capital Budget for Guide Rail Installation Account # 110-36-330-83639-7401 b) $26,476.81from the 2005 Current Budget for Guide Rail post Miscellaneous Account # 100-36-384-10310-7112; and 4. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved. Submitted by: ~~ - Reviewed bU ^-<'~~ ~:~arano, H.B.So., C.M.a. Franklin Wu, Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer /(f4U~ r?x-u c:k-. 0-11\ fr Nancy Taylor, B.B.A., C.A., Director of Fi nce Submitted by: , DMR, RRFA, Director of Operations MM\LAB\NT\FH\km REPORT NO.: COD-059-05 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Guide Rail Installation within the Municipality of Clarington, as required by the Operations Department. Subsequently, tenders were advertised and received as per Schedule "B" attached. The total project cost, including Project Administration, and costing allocation is as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "B" and will be provided from the accounts specified in the recommendations of this report. As the total funds required for the project exceed the budget allocation of $119,000.00, it is recommended that Part "B" Reid Road, Newtonville, and Part "D" Lake Road, Bowmanville, be deleted which reduces the total bid cost to $89,239.26 resulting in the total funds required (including contingencies and consulting) of $118,688.81. The low bidder has previously performed similar satisfactory work for the Municipality of Clarington in 2004. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Operations. After further review and analysis of the bids by the Operations Department, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Peninsula Contracting Inc., Fonthill, Ontario, be recommended for the contract of Guide Rail Installations. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-lAW 2005- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Peninsula Contracting Inc. Fonthill, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Guide Rail Installation. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Peninsula Contracting Inc., Fonthill, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2005. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2005. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk NOV-09-05 WED 09:27 AM TSH COBOURG FAX NO, p, 01/02 SCHEDULE "B" . lilt Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 513 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Canada K9A 5G6 (905) 372-2121 Fax: (905) 372-3621 E-mail: cobourg@lsh.ca www.\sh.Cil engineers architects planners Nowmber 8, 2005 Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager The Municipality ofClarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. 1..1 C 3A6 Dear LOll Ann: nc: Guide Rail Installation - Various Locations Contract No. CL2005-20, Municipality of Clarin~ton Tenders for the above projcct were opcncd at the Municipal Offices on Friday, August 26, 2005, at 2:00 p.rn. The bid~ received, exclusive of GST, are summari7.ed as follows: BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Peninsula Construction Inc. $136,796.99 E~~!}~~~.~U.!-.o. N Bob Hendrickson Construction Ltd., $166,392.00 POrt Perrv, ON -.......--,"-....--,..---. Hughson Pencing & Guide Rail Rejected * .~_-----,__..'...._........_..._..- Atlas Fence West Inc. Rejected * "'.....-.."'.......,.......... 01< Rejcelcd by Municipality of Clarington as Bids did not meet submission rtlqu iremems as outlined in tile Tender. The low bidder's submitted tcnder has been reviewed and is in order. Peninsula Construction Inc. have undertaken similar work for the Municipality of Clarington with the completion of the 2002 and 2004 Guide Rail Contracts and has also bccn awarded and commenced work on Contract CL2005-21 involving various culvcrt, guide cable and erosion repair works. TSH administered and is admlnisrcring the previously mentioned works and Peninsula Construction completed the work to dale to an acceptable level. This tcnder is composed of four different sites from the 2004 and 2005 Capiral Budgels. ^ cost apponiol1lTIcm is arrached detailing the estimated total project cost.s based on rhe low bid for each individual site. $92,212.00 of the funding for the contract shall be obtaincd from the 2004 and 2005 Capital Budget- Guide Beam Installation, Account # 110-36-330-83639-7401 and $26,788.00 [rom the 2005 Current Budget - Guide Rail Post Miscellaneous, Account # I 00-36-3R4-1 031 0-71 12. As the NOV-09-05 WED 09:28 AM TSH COBOURG FAX NO, p, 02/02 SCHEDULE "B" Corporation or Ihl.: Municipality of Claring[on November 8, 200:') 2 total project costs are estimated to be $53,000.00 over budget it is recommended that Part B - Reid Road and Part D - Lake Road, including associated administration anc1 contingency costs totalling $53,311.19, be deleted from the project resulting in a total project cost of $118,688.81. With the deletion of Part B and Part D, the total projcct costs can be funded from the above noted aCCOl1nts and b;i~ed on the past experience of the low bidder it is recommended that Contract CL2005,.20 bc awarded tC) peninsula Construction Inc. in the total amount of $89,239.26 (exe!. of G.S:r.). Tem]er ucposits shall be retained until such timc thelt the low bidder has provided executed contract documents. Should you require any additional information, please comact the undersigned. Best regards, -'~"7 ffi~ ----- ._./~~._~ -..,. Ron Albright, P.Eng. Projecl Enginecr RA/ym PI N~ 64/1.om:SIl/21227.doc Encl. cc: Mr. P. lIorvath, Municipality of Clarington (+ cnc1.) Mrs. K. Rand, Municipality of Clarington (+ encl.) TIM fo w -J ::> o w ::t ~ V) I/) s:: o - CtI CJ s:: 0 o...J -I/) C'lj s:: 0 .i: 'i: CtI CtI 0> ....' o s:: >d2 :!:..... -Ct1 CtI- Q.CU '-- .~ I/) s:: s:: j= ~ 'cu 0::: CI) "'C j C) 'OLO'<t :J:OCD 'S: 0 '<t Q)No) 0:: a::i ~ ON ...... 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