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Special Council Minutes
September 9, 1991
Minutes of a special meeting of Council
held on September 9, 1991, at 1:30 p.rn.,
in the Council Chambers
Present Were:
Mayor M. Hubbard
Councillor P. Deegan
Councillor D. Hamre
Councillor L. Hannah
Councillor K Hooper (Attended at 2:15 p.m.)
Councillor F. Stapleton
Councillor A Wotten
Also Present:
Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana
Fire Chief, M. Creighton
Director of Public Works, W. Evans
Town Solicitor, D. Hefferon
Treasurer, M. Marano
Director of P1anning, F. Wu
Town Clerk, P. Barrie
Councillor Stapleton led the meeting in prayer.
Mayor Hubbard indicated, that in accordance with Section 4 of the
Development Charges Act, a public meeting is being held to enable the
public to understand generally the development charge proposal
Mr. Harvey Partner, Chairman, Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission
introduced the following individuals who were present for the meeting:
George Van Dyke, Commissioner
George Moore, Commissioner
Pauline Storks, Commissioner
Dave Clark, Manager; and
Bud Moore, Manager
Mr. Gary Scandian and Mr. Craig Binning, of C.N. Watson and Associates
Limited, gave an overview of the Town of Newcastle proposed Development
Charge Policies. Through his presentation Mr. Scandian highlighted the
following areas:
What are development charges?
What qualifies as growth-related services?
Town of Newcastle's current practice
Schedule of recommended development charges
Other recommendations
Development charge comparisons within the Region of Durham
Development charge market impact theories; and
A timetable for the implementation of the Development Charge
Special Council Minutes
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September 9, 1991
Mayor Hubbard indicated that Council would hear from anyone present
wishing to speak on this matter.
Dennis Szechy, G.M. Sernas and Associates Limited, 110 Scotia Court,
Whitby, LlN 8Y7, addressed Council on behalf of Oceanfront Development,
owners of land located south of the 401 Highway and west of Bennett Road.
Mr. Szechy voiced his concern with respect to the recommendation of
implementing a non-residential levy and indicated that this is a new tax
which will have major negative impact on the competitiveness of the Town of
Newcastle. The proposed rate is the highest within the Region of Durham
at $91,000 per acre (based on 40% density). Mr. Szechy indicated that the
population growth of 4.7% per annum appears too high and the industrial
growth of 5.3% per annum seems even higher. He stated that if these
forecasts are accurate, perhaps we are living beyond our means. Mr. Szechy
reiterated that if the new charges are implemented, Newcastle will be priced
right out of the market.
Yvonne Hamlin, Goodman and Carr, 200 King Street West, Toronto
M5H IB7, addressed Council on behalf of the South Bowmanville Industrial
Park and indicated her concurrence with the comments previously made by
Mr. Szechy. She requested that Council seriously consider the impact of
placing a levy on the commercis1/industrial base.
Mr. John Scott, Markborough Properties, 1 Dundas Street West, Suite 2800,
Toronto, M5G 2J2, addressed Council with respect to the proposed
Markborough Properties/West Bowmanville Development. He indicated that
if Council should approve a non-residential charge, $1.5 million will be added
to the nearly $3 million cost of this development. He indicated that the
implementation of a commercial/industrial levy could affect the economic
viability of the Town of Newcastle and may mean deferral of construction
until the economy improves. Mr. Scott stated that the Town of Newcastle
needs to become more competitive and requested that Council reconsider the
implementation of this levy.
Mr. Daryl Hudgin, Ontario Homebuilders Association, 20 Upjohn Street,
Toronto, M3B 2V9, stated that in these trying times, increasing the levy is
totally unrealistic and will bring new construction sites to a halt in the Town
of Newcastle. He indicated that homeowners simply cannot afford the cost
of an increased levy. He indicated that the report proposes over 1100 units
constructed per year and, since ouly 590 units per year have been
constructed over the last five years, Mr. Hudgin feels this prediction is very
unlikely. It is his feeling that the increases in the taxes should be spread
out throughout the entire Town, not just placed on the new homeowner.
Mr. Bob Schickedanz, 3311 Bayview Avenue, Suite 105, Willowdale,
M2K IG4, stated that the proposed charge is an unfair taxation on new
home buyers and questioned why it should only be the new homeowners
that are paying for the increased services. He stated that if people expect to
receive services above those required by law, the population in general
should pay for it. Mr. Schickedanz feels that more consultation with the
development industry is required prior to implementation of the new levy.
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September 9, 1991
Resolution #C-515-91
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Council recess for 10 minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 3:10 p.m.
Mr. Wayne Jeffery, questioned the consultant with respect to parkland
acquisition through subdivision agreements. Mr. Gary Scandian replied to
Mr. Jeffery's question.
Mr. Steven Frank ofW. Frank Real Estate, 234 King Street East,
Bowmanville, LIC IP6, stated that he has had the opportunity to meet with
buainesses and see how companies make their decisions on where to locate.
He stated that the Town must create incentives and become more
competitive rather than placing large levies on the land (in order to attract
the industry which is desperately needed).
Mr. Bill Manson, WDM Consultants, 20 Clematis Road, Willowdale,
M2J 4X2, questioned the parkland acquisition clause of subdivision
agreements as to whether or not the municipality may buy additional land
from that allocated in the Planning Act and also how the municipality will
pay hack for oversizing of services.
Resolution #C-516-91
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hannah
THAT the proposed Development Charge Policy Report prepared by
C.N. Watson and Associates Limited, together with all submissions received
with respect to this matter, be referred to staff for analysis and preparation
of a subsequent report.
Resolution #C-517-91
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 91-137, being a by-law to
confJrID the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this
meeting held on the 9th day of September 1991, and that the said by-law be
now read a first time.
Special Council Minutes
Resolution #C-518-91
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September 9, 1991
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the second reading of By-law 91-137 be approved.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Deegan
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Hannah
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Stapleton
Councillor Wotten
Mayor Hubbard
Resolution #C-519-91
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the third and fmal reading of By-law 91-137 be approved.
Resolution #520-91
Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:40 p.rn.