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Council Minutes
May 29, 1989
Minutes of a regular meeting of COuncil
held on Monday, May 29, 1989, at 7:00 p.m.,
in the Council Chambers
Present Were: Mayor M. Hubbard
Councillor P. Deegan
Councillor D. Hamre
Councillor K. Hooper
Councillor F. Stapleton
Councillor A. W::>tten
Councillor L. Hannah (On Regional Business)
Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff
Director of COmmunity Services, J. Caruana
(Until 9:00 p.m.)
Acting Fire Chief, M. creighton
(Until 9:00 p.m.)
Director of Public w::>rks, w. Evans
Treasurer, M. Marano (Until 9:00 p.m.)
Director of planning, F. Wu
'Ibwn Clerk, P. Barrie
Councillor Stapleton led the meeting in prayer.
Resolution IC-356-89
Moved by Councillor W::>tten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday,
May 8, 1989, be approved as read.
Mrs. Jane Lunn, program/cormnunity Relations Director, introduced
Mrs. Donna Davidson of the Y.W.C.A. Mrs. Davidson led Council
in a few minutes of exercise in recognition of Participaction
Day, which is being celebrated May 31, 1989.
Resolution fC-357-89
Moved by Councillor wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT a letter of thanks be sent to Mrs. Jane Lunn and Mrs.
Donna Davidson, Y .W.C.A., for their role in the "exercise break"
in recognition of participaction Day.
Council Minutes
- 2 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution 'C-358-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Mrs. Diane Vetzel be added to the list of delegations.
Mr. Grant Sinclair, Minden, Gross, Grafstein & Greenstein, 111
Richmond St. W., Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, MSH 2H5, appeared
before Council on behalf of Newcastle Meadows Inc., with respect
to the sale of Lots 36 - 39, plan 685, by the 'Ibwn to Mr. Mario
Veltri. He requested that the 'Ibwn impose as a condition of the
sale of the lots, that Block C not be included and that the lots
be subject to an easement in favour of Newcastle Meadows to
allow for temporary sanitary and other services necessary for
the developnent of Phase II of its new subdivision. Mr.
Sinclair indicated that if the 'Ibwn does not accept the current
Veltri Offer to purchase Lots 36 - 39, Newcastle Meadows Inc.,
is ready to enter into Umnediate negotiations to purchase these
lots and would very seriously consider purchasing the lots on
the same terms and conditions that were acceptable to the
council when it first dealt with the Veltri Offer.
Mrs K. Gibson, P.O. Box 57, Hampton, Ontario, LOB lJO, appeared
before Council with respect to the Rezoning Application
submitted by her father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Balson,
for Part Lot 18, Concession 5, former Township of Darlington.
Mrs. Gibson indicated that the Health Department has approved
the severance of one lot and the geotechnical survey has now
been completed. She questioned why the 'Ibwn is recommending
denial of this application.
Mr. Jonathan Head, president, Oshawa Competition Motorcycle
Club, addressed Council with respect to the Rezoning Application
submitted by the Motorcycle Club. He stated that as a condition
of the Rezoning Application, the 'Ibwn has requested that the Club
provide noise and environmental studies. However, as the Club
is a non-profit organization, they cannot adhere to these
Mr. Head requested that the Motorcycle Club be given an
exemption from this request of the 'Ibwn.
Mrs. Irene Kock, Durham Nuclear Awareness Project, Box 2143,
Oshawa, Ontario, LlH 7V4, addressed Council with respect to the
Baseline Health Study. She indicated that increased rates of
radiation have been found in the population around the Bruce and
Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations, and stressed that it is
of the upnost importance that a Baseline Health Study be put in
place for Darlington Nuclear Generating Station prior to its
start up. She asked Council to take advantage of this
opportunity and start the process for the Baseline Health Study immediately.
Council Minutes
- 3 -
May 29, 1989
John Veldhuis, Port Granby-Newcastle Environment CanIIIittee,
stated that he concurs with Mrs. Kock's comments regarding the
Baseline Health Study. Mr. Veldhuis also commented that 'Ibwn
of Newcastle representation is required at the Atomic Energy
Control Board Meeting scheduled for June 23, 1989 at which time
the application to operate the Darlington Nuclear Generating
Station A is on the agenda for information.
Mrs. Dianne Vetzal, R.R. 11, Hampton, Ontario, LOB lJO, indicated
that she and her husband are the owners of 26 acres north of the
Village of Solina on which they operate a rabittry operation.
They are presently building a new home on the farm for their
family to reside in and are requesting Council's permission to
leave the existing house standing on the property for the
caretaker of the rabbits to reside in.
Resolution 'C-359-89
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT Mr. Robert Partington and Mr. Mosey be added to the list
of delegations.
Mr. Robert partington, 10 Sylvia Court, Newcastle, Ontario,
~ lHO, stated that, as a resident of the ABSEC property's
Subdivision, he is extremely pleased with the construction of
his new home and with the co-operation which ABSEC Developnents
has given to him in the completion of his home.
Mr. Mosey, 16 Sylvia Court, Newcastle, Ontario, ~ lHO, stated
that he concurs with the statements made by Mr. partington, and
he supports the builder of this developnent in his achievements
with this new subdivision.
Resolution tC-360-89
Moved by Councillor W::>tten, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Council recess for ten minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 8:17 p.m.
Resolution fC-361-89
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT the communications to be received for information be
approved except for Items I - 2 and I - 3.
Council Minutes
- 4 -
May 29, 1989
I - 1 Correspondence received fran K.A. Osmars, Area Manager
Lakeshore Area, Ontario Hydron, Re: Lakeshore Area Study;
1-4 Correspondence received fran C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Procedure for
Consideration of Requests for Naming or Renaming
Regional Roads;
I - 5 Minutes of meetings of the Ganaraska Region Conservation
Authority, held on March 15, 29, 30, April 6, 13, 20,
I - 6 COrrespondence received fran C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: proposed
Ministerial Modifications to the Parkland Policies of
the 'Ibwn of Newcastle Official Plan;
I - 7 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Identification and
Protection of North/South Freeway Connections in the
Reg ion of Durham;
I - 8 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Application
submitted by King & Simcoe Investments Limited to Amend
the 'Ibwn of Newcastle Official Plan to Permit the
Developnent of Medium Density Residential;
I - 9 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Modification U
to the Hamlet of Enniskillen Secondary Plan;
I - 10 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Application to
Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to Permit the
Creation of Four NOn-Farm Rural Residential Lots, Town
of Newcastle;
I - 11 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Levy Against the
Area Municipalities By-law;
I - 12 Correspondence received from Tony Salerno, Ministry of
Treasury and Economics, Re: Financing Growth-Related
Capital Needs;
I - 13 Correspondence received fran C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Application to
Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to Permit
Estate Residential Developnent, Tbwn of Newcastle;
I - 14 Correspondence received from Wayne R. Shred, Secretary-
Treasurer, Oshawa and District Labor Council, Re:
Proclamation of "A Day In Mourning";
I - 15 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Bill 128 - An
Act to Amend the Planning Act, 1983;
Council Minutes
I - 2
Bell Canada Re:
Extended Area
- 5 -
May 29, 1989
I - 16 Correspondence received from P.E. Hamel, Secretary,
Atomic Energy Control Board, Re: Application to Operate
the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station "A";
I - 17 Minutes of a meeting of the Bowmanville Museum, held on
April 19, 1989;
I - 18 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Application to
Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to Permit a
Tburist and Resort Development;
I - 19 Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority, held on May 16, 1989;
I - 20 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Supplementary
Agreement No. 25 to the Darlington Generating
Station Three Part Agreement;
I - 21 Correspondence received from Mr. & Mrs. P. McCluskey,
Hampton, Ontario, Re: Closing of Mill Street, Hampton;
I - 22 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, Re: Application to
Amend the Tbwn of Newcastle Official Plan, submitted
by Townline Centre Inc. and Steven Komazec, to Permit
a Local Central Area;
Councillor Hamre made a declaration of interest with respect to
Correspondence I - 2, received from Mrs. O. M. Lyttle, Section
Manager, Business Office, Bell Canada, and refrained from
discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Hamre
indicated that her husband and her son are both employed by Bell
Resolution tC-362-89
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Correspondence I - 2 be received for information.
Council Minutes
Resignation of
Daniel Hoffman,
D - 1
Resolution Re:
Recycling of
- 6 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution tc-363-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor WOtten
THAT Correspondence I - 3 dated May 12, 1989, from Ellen Logan,
Secretary, Bowmanville Museum, advising that the Curator of the
Museum, Daniel Hoffman, has served notice of his resignation,
effective July 1, 1989, be received for information;
THAT Mayor Hubbard write a letter of appreciation to Daniel
Hoffman on behalf of the Council of the Town of Newcastle;
THAT Mrs. Logan's letter be referred to the Chief
Administrative Officer for a subsequent report to be
to the General Purpose and Administration Committee;
THAT the Bowmanville Museum Board be asked to leave the
Curator's position vacant until such time as the Chief
Administrative Officer has had an opportunity to report to the
General Purpose and Administration Committee.
Councillor Hamre made a declaration of interest with respect to
Correspondence D - 1, received from Lois A. Giles, City Clerk,
City of Guelph, with respect to initiating a program to develop
directories which could readily be recycled, and refrained from
discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Hamre
indicated that her husband and son are both employed by Bell
Resolution fC-364-89
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT the correspondence dated May 15, 1989, from Louis A. Giles,
City Clerk, City of Guelph, with respect to a resolution adopted
by City Council, requesting Bell Canada to initiate a program to
develop telephone directories which can be readily recycled be
THAT the Resolution of the City of Guelph be endorsed; and
THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Bell Canada
Enterprises Inc., and to the City Clerk of the City of Guelph.
Council Minutes
D - 2
Great pine Ridge
Kinsmen Club of
Orono and
Newcastle Street
D - 3
Mosport Park
Special Occasion
D - 4
- 7 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution tc-365-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the correspondence received frcm victor Harrison, Dance
Chairman, The Great pine Ridge Kinsmen Club of Orono and
Newcastle, regarding the planning of the fourth annual street
dance to be held in Orono, July 15, 1989, from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00
a.m. be received;
THAT the holding of the dance be approved subject to the Kinsmen
Club obtaining a road occupancy permit for special events frcm
the Public W::>rks Department; and
THAT Mr. Victor Harrison be so advised.
Resolution tc-366-89
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor WOtten
THAT the communication dated May 5, 1989 from Mr. Neil Iddon,
Mosport Marketing, Mosport Park Limited, requesting that Council
authorize the issuing of a letter approving the issuance of a
special occasion permit for July 15 and 16 and September 16
and 17, 1989 be received;
THAT the Clerk be authorized to issue a letter advising that
Council has no objection to the issuance of a special
occasion permit; and
THAT Mr. Neil Iddon be so advised and forwarded a certified copy
of Council's resolution.
Resolution tc-367-89
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the correspondence dated May 8, 1989, from D.G. Biddle,
D.G. Biddle & Associates, requesting Council's approval to
proceed with the construction of municipal services in the
Cedarbrooke Subdivision l8T-87034 - Phase II be received;
THAT the request of Mr. Biddle be approved subject to the
approval of the Directors of Public W::>rks and Planning; and
THAT Mr. Biddle be so advised.
Council Minutes
D - 5 Resolution 'C-368-89
- 8 -
May 29, 1989
Siting Task Force Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the correspondence dated May 2, 1989, from Mr. R.L. Greyell,
Secretariat Director, Siting Task Force, requesting the holding
of a meeting in the Town of Newcastle be received;
THAT the correspondence be referred to the Chief Administrative
Officer and the Mayor for a reply, restating the Town's position
with respect to a low-level waste site being located in the 'Ibwn
of Newcastle and establishing a date for a full public meeting
on this matter; and
THAT the delegation of Mr. John Veldhuis be acknowledged and he
be advised of Council's decision.
D - 6
Resolution tc-369-89
Extension of
Newcastle B.I.A.
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the correspondence dated May 3, 1989, from Dr. J. Baarbe,
Chairman, Newcastle B.I.A., regarding extension of the
Newcastle Business Improvement Area be received;
THAT the correspondence be referred to the Clerk for review and
report; and
THAT Dr. J. Baarbe be so advised.
D - 7
Resolution tc-370-89
Ganaraska Forest
Recreational Users
60-87-99. (2)
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the correspondence dated May 8, 1989, from Mr. James A.
Tedford, Community Relations Officer, Ganaraska Region
Conservation Authority, regarding the nominations for the
position of Chairman to the Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users
Committee be received and referred to the Striking Committee for
Council Minutes
D - 8
Bowmanville B.I.A.
Re: Bicycles and
D - 9
Resolution Re:
D - 10
ALS Month
- 9 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution 'C-371-89
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the correspondence dated May 5, 1989, from Mr. Garth
Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, Bowmanville
Business Centre, requesting that Council enact a by-law
requiring that bicycles be walked, if they are on a sidewalk,
and that skateboards be carried when they are in the downtown
area be received;
THAT the correspondence be referred to the By-law Enforcement
Officer for review and report; and
THAT Mr. Garth Gilpin be so advised.
Resolution fC-372-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor W::>tten
THAT the correspondence dated May 10, 1989, from Mayor Hazel
McCallion, City of Mississauga, with respect to the convening of
a meeting of the Heads of Municipalities in which an airport is
located be received and referred to the Mayor for an appropriate
reply on behalf of the municipality.
Resolution 'C-373-89
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor W::>tten
THAT the correspondence dated May 9, 1989, from Mr. Gabe
Tarticchio, President, Amyotrophic Lateral Schlerosis Society of
Ontario, requesting that June be designated ALS Month in the
Tbwn of Newcastle be received;
THAT the month of June be designated as ALS month and advertised
in accordance with 'Ibwn Policy; and
THAT Mr. Gabe Tarticchio be so advised.
Council Minutes
D - 11
permission To
Leave House On
D - 12
Metro Toronto
W::>rks Cormnittee
D - 13
- 10 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution tC-374-89
Moved by Councillor W::>tten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the correspondence dated May 12, 1989, from Mr. and Mrs. G.
Vetzal, requesting Council's permission to leave an existing
farm house on their property located in Part Lot 24, Concession
5, former Tbwnship of Darlington, for the caretaker of their
rabbits to reside in be received;
THAT the correspondence be referred to the Planning Department
for review and subsequent report to the General Purpose and
Administration Committee; and
THAT Mr. and Mrs. Vetzal be so advised.
Resolution fC-375-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the correspondence dated May 11, 1989, from Mr. Daniel
Crombie, Metropolitan Toronto Clerk, with respect to a
nomination of a representative to the Politicians Advisory
Caucus of Solid Waste Environmental Assessment Plan Public
Participation Program be received; and
THAT the Municipality appoint an individual to represent the
Town on the above-noted Caucus.
Correspondence D - 13, dated May 24, 1989, from Mr. James C.C.
Chen, Deputy Speaker, Taipei City Council, inviting Mayor
Hubbard to visit Taipei and the Republic of China during June
1989, was received as a handout.
Resolution fC-376-89
M:>ved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor W::>tten
WHEREAS the Council of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle has identified that
the develoflllent of economic and employment opportunities within
the municipality is of significance and priority; and
WHEREAS the Council has reflected and approved appropriate
funding in its current budget related to proactive measures in
order to accomplish this goal; and
WHEREAS the Mayor and her appropriate delegation have been
invited to attend a reception in honour of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle
by the Council of the City of Taipei in Taiwan during the 'Ibwn's
economic developnent mission to Hong Kong;
Council Minutes
Orchard Heights
Report tl
May 29, 1989
- 11 -
1. THAT the correspondence dated May 23, 1989, from Mr.
James C.C. Chen, Deputy Speaker, on behalf of the Taipei
City Council, be acknowledged and that the Taipei City
Council be thanked for its gracious invitation; and
2. 'mAT Mr. James C.C. Chen, Deputy Speaker, Taipei City
Council be informed that the Mayor and her delegation
would be honoured to attend the above mentioned
reception in Taipei, Taiwan on June 5, 1989.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Deegan
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Stapleton
Councillor wotten
Mayor Hubbard
Mayor Hubbard is in receipt of 20 letters signed by residents
of Orchard Heights Subdivision, ABS&: Real Estate, stating that
their homes have been properly built. She asked that
these letters be received into the public record.
Resolution fC-377-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT the letters received regarding the petition by some
residents of the Orchard Heights DeveloIJllent be received and
referred to the Planning Department for information; and
THAT the delegtions of Mr. Partington and Mr. Mosey be
acknowledged and they be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution tc-378-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of
May 15, 1989 be approved except for Item *21.
Council Minutes
- 12 -
May 29, 1989
Item 121
Resolution tc-379-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor wotten
THAT Addendum to Report Po-34-89 be received and referred to the
General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting to be held
on June 19, 1989; and
THAT the delegation of Mrs. Katrina Gibson be acknowledged and
she be advised of Council's decision and requested to attend the
meeting on June 19, 1989.
Resolution tc-38D-89
1989 Information Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hamre
Bulletin - Insert
For Tax Bills 1. THAT Report TR-46-89 be received; and
2. THAT the 1989 Information Bulletin attached to Report
TR-46-89 be approved.
Report '3
Resolution IC-381-89
1989 Mill Rate
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hamre
1. THAT Report TR-47-89 be received;
2. THAT the By-law setting the Regional and School Board
portions of the Mill Rate for 1989 be approved; and
3. THAT the by-law which amends the assessment value
reported in By-law 89-69 by $200 assessment dollars
only, be approved.
Report f4
Resolution 'C-382-89
Personnel Matter
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report
Admin 14-89 be approved.
Report 15
Resolution 'C-383-89
property Matter
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the Confidential Report of the Chief Administrative
Officer, regarding a property matter, be referred to the end of
the Agenda to be considered "In Camera."
Council Minutes
Report 16
- 13 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution fC-384-89
Striking Committee Moved by Councillor W::>tten, seconded by Councillor Deegan
Report of May 26/89
10.12.4. THAT Cbnfidential Report CD-14-89 be received;
Report 17
perpetual Care
Lot 35, B.F.C.,
THAT the appointments recormnended in Cbnfidential Report
CD-14-89 be approved; and
THAT the appointees be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution tc-385-89
Moved by Councillor WOtten, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT Confidential Report WD-60-89 be referred to the end of the
Agenda to be considered "In Camera."
Resolution 'C-386-89
Request For
Increase In
Taxi Rates
Williams Mill
Road Bridge
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Deegan
L THAT Addendum to Report CD-9-89 be received;
2. THAT Bowmanville Taxi and Deluxe Taxi be granted an
increase in the Tariff of Rates as detailed in Addendum 1
to Report CD-9-89;
3. THAT the by-law authorizing the increase in rates be adopted
by Cbuncil; and
4. THAT the applicants be so advised.
Resolution 'C-387-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor W::>tten
THAT Report WD-55-89 be lifted from the table for discussion
Council Minutes
Baseline Health
- 14 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution 'C-388-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor W::>tten
THAT Report WD-55-89 be received;
THAT the reconstruction of the Williams Mill Road Bridge be
THAT the Williams Mill Road Brie~e be improved easterly to Holt
Road to provide access to the properties owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Michael David and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drew; and
THAT Mr. and Mrs. David and Mr. and Mrs. Drew be so advised.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Deegan
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Stapleton
Councillor WOtten
Mayor Hubbard
Resolution tC-389-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the TOwn of Newcastle request the Ministry of Health to
initiate immediately, the Baseline Health Study for the
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station; and
THAT the delegations of Mrs. Irene Kock and Mr. John Veldhuis be
acknowledged and they be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution IC-390-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor WOtten
THAT the request of Mr. Jonathan Head for exemption from the
noise and environmental studies with respect to the Rezoning
Application submitted by the Oshawa Competition Motorcycle Club
be referred to the Director of Planning for review and
subsequent report to the General Purpose and Administration
Commi ttee; and
THAT the delegation of Mr. Jonathan Head be acknowledged and he
be advised of Council's decision.
Council Minutes
- 15 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution tc-39l-89
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor W::>tten
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and
that the said by-laws be now read a first time:
89-76 being a by-law to amend Tariff "A" to By-law 74-72,
"a by-law for the establishing of rates and fares to
be charged by the owners or drivers of taxicabs or other
vehicles used for hire";
89-90 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
zoning By-law of the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of
Newcastle (Foster Creek);
89-91 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
zoning By-law of the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of
Newcastle (Foster Creek);
89-92 being a by-law to establish a Reserve for Building
Maintenance and Improvements and to repeal By-law
86-46, a by-law to establish a Reserve for Building
and Energy Conservation Improvements;
89-93 being a by-law of the Corporation of the Town of
Newcastle to amend By-law 89-69, being a by-law to
adopt the estimates of all sums required during the
year for Municipal Purposes and to strike the rates
of taxation for Municipal Purposes for the year 1989;
89-94 being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums
required during the year for the school boards and
regional government purposes and to strike the rates
of taxation for the year 1989.
Resolution 'C-392-89
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor W::>tten
THAT the second reading of the following by-laws be approved:
89-76; 89-90; 89-91; 89-92; 89-93; 89-94.
Resolution 'C-393-89
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor W::>tten
THAT the third and final reading of the following by-laws be
approved: 89-76; 89-90; 89-91; 89-92; 89-93; 89-94.
Council Minutes
Acting Mayor
Property Matter
perpetual Care
Lot 35, B.F.C.
- 16 -
Resolution tc-394-89
Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the following Members of Council be appointed as Acting
Mayor during the absence of Mayor Hubbard and Councillor Hamre:
Councillor Hooper - June 1 - 4, 1989
Councillor Hannah - June 5 - 18, 1989
Resolution tc-395-89
Moved by Councillor W::>tten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Council move into Committee of the Whole.
Resolution fC-396-89
Moved by Councillor W::>tten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT the meeting be "In Camera."
Resolution tC-397-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative
Officer regarding a property matter be received; and
THAT the recommendations contained therein be approved.
Resolution fC-398-89
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton
THAT Confidential Report WD-60-89 be received; and
THAT the recommendations contained in Cbnfidential Report
WD-60-89 be approved.
Resolution fC-399-89
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT the Oommittee rise.
Council Minutes
- 17 -
May 29, 1989
Resolution tc-400-89
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the actions taken "In Camera" be approved.
Resolution fC-401-89
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor wotten
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 89-95,
being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the
Council of the Town of Newcastle, at this meeting
held on the 29th day of June 1989, and that the
said by-law be now read a first time.
Resolution fC-402-89
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Wotten
THAT the second reading of By-law 89-95 be approved.
Resolution fC-403-89
Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor WOtten
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 89-95 be approved.
Resolution tc-404-89
Moved by Councillor W::>tten, seconded by Councillor Deegan
THAT the meeting adjourn at 9: 20 p.m.