HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/1995 . . . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Council Minutes December 11, 1995 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, December 11, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. in the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex PRAYERS Councillor Hannah led the meeting in prayer. The quartet Earth Angels led the assembly in the singing of O'Canada. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor D. Hamre Councillor A. Dreslinski Councillor C. Elliott Councillor L. Hannah Councillor M. Novak Councillor P. Pingle Councillor D. Scott Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, W. H. Stockwell Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (Attended Until 11:45 p.m) Fire Chief, M. Creighton Solicitor, D. Hefferon Treasurer,~. ~arano Director of Public Works, S. Vokes (Attended Until 11:45 p.m.) Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu (Attended Until 11:45 p.m.) Clerk, P. Barrie DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. Mayor Hamre advised Council that the Municipality has been presented with a certificate from St. Stephen's Secondary School recognizing their support of Take Our Kids to Work 1995. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Resolution #C-883-95 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on November 27, 1995, be approved; and THAT the minutes of a special meeting of Council held on December 4, 1995, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes PUBLIC MEETING - 2 - December 11, 1995 Mayor Hamre announced that a public meeting will be held to discuss the proposed Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission Boundary Expansion. She indicated that Council would first hear from those in objection to the proposal, then those in support and then Clarington Hydro and Ontario Hydro would be drawn by lot to determine who would address Council first. Bob Peters, 51 Potters Lane, Enniskillen, LOB 1HO, indicated that he presently receives a good level of service from Ontario Hydro with minimal power outages. He questioned the wisdom of entering into the amount of debt required for the expansion and urged that Council not rely on one study alone. D. Hartford, 19 Saunders Avenue, Bowmanville, L1C 3Y4, an employee of Ontario Hydro, questioned why it is necessary for all residents to pay the same rate for their hydro. He is concerned that the takeover will cost more than anticipated and the debt will take longer to payoff. He questioned whether competition is all that bad and whether Council believes that service from one supplier will be better than from competitors. Cliff Derby, 2064 Nash Road, Bowmanville, LIE 2M2, an employee of Ontario Hydro for the past 24 years, stated that the Ontario Hydro employees are a credit to the Municipality. He cannot believe that Council would want to borrow over $20 million at this time for the takeover. Brian Burtis, 6 Shoreview Court, Bowmanville, L1C 3V2, advised Council that in Innisfil, where the Public Utilities Commission expanded its boundaries, the ratepayers were told of a decrease, which in reality they did not receive, and, in fact, the rates went up for local businesses, some as much as 100%. He questioned, with the amount of money that would be borrowed to effect the takeover, how can the municipality receive a decrease. John Stephenson, 5300 Old Scugog Road, Hampton, LOB lJO, stated that he receives excellent service from Ontario Hydro and cannot see the sense in borrowing $20 million in these political times. Boyd Knox, R.R. #1, Orono, LOB 1MO, indicated that he is presently an Ontario Hydro employee but was formerly employed by the Clarington Hydro Electric Commission. He stated that Ontario Hydro provides a comparable service to the Hydro Commission and it is ludicrous to spend $20 million when in fact all that will be happening is the stickers on the trucks will be changed. Jack Locke, 10 Maryleah Court, Bowmanville, LIC 4H4, indicated that he is associated with the services of both Ontario Hydro, at his home, and Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission, at his business, and stated that both services are very good. He indicated that it is not wise at this political time to borrow the amount of money necessary for the expansion. Also, it is difficult for him to believe that costs will in fact decrease. Mr. Locke feels that competitiveness between the two services is good for the municipality. . . . Council Minutes PUBLIC MEETING - 3- December 11, 1995 Bill Newby, 71 Cove Road, Newcastle, LIB 1B6, a resident of Wilmot Creek, indicated that the residents of Wilmot Creek are concerned about the debenture of $20 million and stated that they do not want their taxes raised. Ron Robinson, Oshawa Durham Homebuilders Association, P.O. Box 260, 64 King Street East, Oshawa, L1H 1CO, indicated that an expansion of the Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission's boundaries places developers and new home purchasers in a poor situation as Ontario Hydro does not presently charge levlevies. He stated that the new U2 rate which is being charged by Ontario Hydro has brought the hydro rates in the Courtice area in line with other areas. Jim Hisson, 4146 Concession Road 4, Orono, LOB 1MO, advised that he is a very satisfied customer who has been receiving exemplary service from Ontario Hydro and he questions how the Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission expects to give just as good a service. Charlie Trim, 3 Edsall Avenue, Bowmanville, L1C 2A7, addressed Council on behalf of Goodyear, the biggest customer of the Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission. He stated that his company has no complaints with the service received from Clarington Hydro, however, he advised that the timing is not correct and the management of Goodyear feels there is no reason to proceed with this expansion. Brent Neill, 4 Wrenn Blvd., Bowmanville, LIC 4N2, stated that in these changing economic times the boundary expansion does not make sense. Mohammed Kaka, 2075 Concession 4, Orono, LOB 1MO, advised that an increase in hydro rates would have an ill effect on him and he feels the timing is not right for the boundary expansion. Rob McGlashan, 33 Fieldcrest Avenue, Courtice, LIE 2X3, indicated that the boundary expansion has been brought forward at a bad time and with Ontario Hydro able to guarantee a five year rate freeze, they should be eligible to take over the Hydro-Electric Commission area. Carl Gillbank, 3690 Mountjoy Road, Blackstock, LOB lBO, questioned the reality of the cost of the Hydro-Electric Commission takeover as being $250,000. He indicated that Ontario Hydro states that the fignre is closer to $2.5 million. Mr. Gillbank also indicated concern over the environmental impact the expansion would have. Bonita Cunningham, 1545 Stephenson Road, Newcastle, LIB 1L9, addressed Council on behalf of the Economic Development Liaison Committee, and requested that Council veto the expansion this time, as there are too many uncertainties with the proposal. Brenda Peeter, 10525 Regional Road 57, Blackstock, LOB lBO, advised Council that Clarington Hydro-Electric's Consultants, E.C.M.I., made the same recommendations for boundary expansion in Nanticoke and that proposal has been rejected. In Innisfil where expansion went forward, the hydro rates skyrocketed. . . . Council Minutes PUBLIC MEETING - 4 - December 11, 1995 Gilles Morais, 33 Valleycrest Drive, Courtice, LIE 1H7, questioned that with a debt of $28 million being taken on by Clarington Hydro, how can they possibly lower the rate of hydro. Mike Rice, 19 Bruntsfield Street, Courtice, questioned why the boundary expansion is going ahead at this time when the Provincial Government has appointed Don McDonald to study electrical services within the entire Province. Dave Doorenspleet, 220 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, LIC 2M8, indicated his opposition to the boundary expansion based on the amount of money it will cost. Tim Pilgrim, R.R. 3, Cavan, questioned why Council would want to take a $20 to $30 million risk at this time when all levels of government are trying to maintain what they presently have and not expand. Brian Grabko, 1055 Denise Drive, Oshawa, LIH 2Y4, questioned that if Clarington Hydro can reduce their rates once the expansion has taken place, why haven't they done so yet. Randy McDougall, 68 Roser Crescent, Bowmanville, questioned why Clarington Hydro have given no guarantees that their hydro rates will be decreased. He also questioned why the Municipality would want to take on this amount of debt for a service which we presently have. Tim Chandler, 61 Hartsfield Drive, Courtice, LIE 1L9, stated that the present trend in government is to delay everything and questioned why, therefore, the Municipality would consider the boundary expansion. Norman Meens, 5605 Old Scugog Road, Hampton, LOB lJO, questioned how Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission plans to deal fairly with present Ontario Hydro employees. Peter Vreeker, 2712 Taunton Road, Hampton, LOB lJO, stated that each time the government wants to expand the comment is always made that it will save tax dollars. However, once the program is in place and tax dollars are increased, it is too late to rectify the situation. Paul Reesor, 26 McCrimmon Crescent, Bowmanville, addressed Council in support of the boundary expansiou for Clarington Hydro. He indicated that Ontario Hydro took an active role in the legislation which was passed in December of 1994 allowing for local authorities to expand their boundaries. The proposed expansion would allow all residents to enjoy equal and reduced rates and enhance economic prospects for the Municipality. He stated that Ontario Hydro distracts the residents with a new U2 rate for Courtice residents, however, the expansion would give every customer this same attractive rate. . Council Minutes PUBLIC MEETING . . - 5- December 11, 1995 Bruce Taylor, 20214 Concession Road 7, Enniskillen, LOB lJO, indicated that in 1977n8 this whole issue was first raised with Council. However, at that time studies and present information were not in place nor was the legislation which allows for the expansion. It is his opinion that this expansion is an honest attempt to even the playing field for aU residents of the Municipality. He requested that Council give the Hydro-Electric Commission an opportunity to even out the playing field. Karen Pyke, 11 Orchardview Blvd., Bowmanville, LlC 2J6, an employee of Clarington Hydro, stated that she has received numerous caUs from individuals who are, in fact, Ontario Hydro customers complaining that the office is not open to the public to aUow them to deal face-to-face with an individual. She questioned why is it that only now Ontario Hydro's new rate is being announced and stated that the time is right for the Clarington Hydro boundary expansion. Susanne Elston, 1604 Bloor Street, Courtice, LIE 2S3, an Ontario Hydro customer presently serving on the Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission, indicated that the boundary expansion will provide an opportunity for all municipal residents to pay the same for their hydro consumption. She stated that this is a positive move for the community and an investment in the future. Revenues generated by Clarington Hydro will be present in order to pay back the debt. Chris Bieber, Utility Manager, Central Ontario Electric, Ontario Hydro, indicated that Ontario Hydro's principle is "what's good for the customer, good for business and good for employees." He indicated that a new U2 rate has recently been introduced for Courtice customers, however, all customers are important to Ontario Hydro. Therefore, an 8% reduction was realized in September and a further reduction will be passed on in the near future. The company is re-engineering and looking at aU of its processes in an attempt to improve upon them. He stated that the Corporation deserves an opportunity to continue with its quality service in the Municipality. George Van Dyk, Chairman, Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission advised that he has been on the Commission since 1979 and during that time has consistently been asked why some people in the Municipality pay Hydro-Electric Commission rates and others pay Ontario Hydro rates. He guaranteed that residents would realize a .73% reduction rate in their hydro, provided Ontario Hydro does not raise its rates for Clarington Hydro. Mr. Van Dyk stated that if Ontario Hydro gave their new U2 rate to all residents, the Hydro-Electric Commission would give up their fight for boundary expansion. Roger White of E.C.M.I., briefed Council on his study conclusions. He indicated that the Innisfil boundary expansion saw a rate increase of 1.5% immediately and a further 1.5% increase six months later. Both of these increases had been approved by Ontario Hydro prior to the expansion. Subsequent to the expansion, however, the residents realized a rate reduction and additional reductions are anticipated next year. Mr. White invited Council to proceed with an independent audit of the study if they should so desire. . . . Council Minutes Clarington Hydro Electric Commission Expansion E06.GE RECESS - 6- December 11, 1995 Resolution #C-884-95 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the order of the agenda be altered to allow for consideration of Report TR-79-95 at this time. nCARRIEDIl Resolution #C-885-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT Report TR-79-95 be open for discussion. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-886-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report TR-79-95 be received; THAT the matter of the Clarington Hydro-Electric Boundary Expansion be referred to appropriate staff to arrange for an independent audit of the E.C.M.I. Study, such audit to be paid for by Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission, with the auditors chosen by the Municipality in consultation with the Hydro-Electric Commission; THAT the report of the auditor be forwarded to Council, and include information on the MacDonald Report and the Golden Report recommendations to the Province of Ontario; and THAT Chris Bieber, Central Ontario Electric and George Van Dyk, Clarington Hydro-Electric Commission, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-887-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT Council recess for 15 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 10:30 p.m. . . . Council Minutes DELEGATIONS - 7 - December 11, 1995 Ahmed Kaka, 22 Sl. Dennis Drive, Unit llA, Toronto, M3C 1ES, appeared before Council representing his family, the owners of 60 acres located at the northeast corner of Highway 115 and Concession Road 4. He stated that complaints have been received regarding two mobile homes which are located on the property. Mr. Kaka indicated that one of the mobile homes is owned by the tenant who is residing in the house and the other is owned by he and his family. Mr. Kaka stated that the By-law Enforcement Officer has advised that the zoning on the land will not allow for the mobile homes to be located on the property. He advised that the mobile home owned by the tenant is being renovated and will be moved at such time as the renovations are complete and the other is owned by his family with the intent of using it as a secondary dwelling when the family moves here. Maureen Remington, Box 44021, Oshawa, LlH SB5, addressed Council with respect to the recommendations put forth by the Waterfront Trust, which she feels are very attractive proposals. She disagrees with the criticism that the Waterfront Trust did not adequately reflect the work group discussions, nor that it reflects the residents' concerns about roads and crossings based on the available information. She requested that Council negotiate with Mr. Winkle, President of Sl. Marys to put into writing the verbal promise he made at the December meeting, that he would alleviate any well problems which may be experienced. Also, she suggested that perhaps Council may try to receive the one-half cent of the four cents levy/tonne of aggregate which presently goes to the Region. Mrs. Remington thanked the Mayor and Councillors for bringing in the Trust to produce an arrangement which has many advantages and solves so many problems. Ted Remington, Box 44021, Oshawa, L1H SB5, addressed Council with respect to the Waterfront Trust Proposal. He indicated surprise that someone had complained that Sl. Marys was threatening and the workshops were one sided. His experience was that these hearings were very fair, that the Trust bent over backward ensuring that everyone was heard, that after each topic everyone, including observers, was asked for opinions and questions and the meeting did not proceed until everyone was heard. He agreed that the discussion did become heated at times, however, with the issues being so sensitive and hard decisions having to be made, this is to be expected. Mr. Remington thanked the Mayor and Council and the Waterfront Trust for creating a better situation for all residents at the beach. Bob and Bette Morrison, 97 Cedar Crest Beach, Bowmanville, complimented Mr. Rick Symms of the Waterfront Trust for the patience and professionalism displayed during the Waterfront Regeneration Trust Working Groups. They consider the recommendations to be a fair and accurate description of the group findings and, although the recommendations will not please everyone, it is time that all parties accept the solution. They requested that Council endorse the recommendations put forth by the Trust. . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS - 8- December 11, 1995 Resolution #C-888-95 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the communications to be received for information be approved. IICARRIEDII I - 1 Municipal Alert received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario - AMO Executive Secures Additional Commitments From Minister Leach; 1-2 I - 3 I-4 I - 5 . 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 I - 11 I - 12 I - 13 . Correspondence received from John Hubicki, 403 Lakeshore Drive, Cobourg, K9A 1S2 - Siting Task Force; News Release received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Need for Change, Golden Task Force Tells Leach; Correspondence received from Inspector J. Adams, Officer in Charge of 16 Division, Durham Regional Police Service - Halloween 1995; Correspondence received from the Recycling Council of Ontario - Participation in Waste Reduction Week 1995; Correspondence received from The Right Honourable Romeo LeBlanc - Governor General's Award; Correspondence received from Alex Shepherd, M.P., Durham - The Industry Canada Disk, Making The Connection; Correspondence received from Sandra Krane, Acting City Clerk, City of Oshawa - Golden Task Force Recommendations; Correspondence received from David Ferguson, Manager, Ministry of Transportation - 1995 Subsidy Allocation - Municipal Transit; Minutes of a meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on November 20, 1995; Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on November 21, 1995; Press Release received from Rogers Community 10 - Over $75,000 Raised for Durham Charities; Municipal Alert received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario - AMO to Prepare a Municipal Response to Bill 20, The Land Use Planning and Protection Act, 1995; . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D -1 Red Cross Request to Plant Flowers M02.GE - 9- December 11, 1995 I - 14 Correspondence received from the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority - 1996 Meeting Schedule; I - 15 Municipal Alert received from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario - AMO Succeeds in Securing Remedies to Offset 50% Reduction in Major Transfe~i; I - 16 Minutes of a meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee held on November 21, 1995; I - 17 Correspondence received from Robert Potvin, Atomic Energy Control Board - Restart of Unit 2 of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station; I - 18 Correspondence received from AI Leach, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Planning and Development Approval System; I - 19 Correspondence received from The Honourable David Crombie, Commissioner, Waterfront Regeneration Trust - Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy: Next Steps; I - 20 Minutes of a meeting of the Clarke Museum and Archives held on November 7, 1995; I - 21 Correspondence received from A.L. Georgieff, Commissioner of Planning, Regional Municipality of Durham - Greater Toronto Area Transportation Plan - Progress Update; and I - 22 Ontario Municipal Board Notice Regarding Several Referrals and Appeals. Resolution #C-889-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 2, 1995, from Donna Chamberlain, Branch Manager, The Canadian Red Cross Society, requesting that the Municipality of Clarington plant flowers depicting their 100th anniversary in one of the garden areas of the Municipality, be received; and THAT the Canadian Red Cross Society be congratulated on their 100th anniversary and advised that, unfortunately, the Municipality cannot grant their request for the planting of flowers at this time. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-2 Bowl for Millions Week M02.GE D - 3 Appointment to the Clarington Library Board C06.CL D-4 Proclamation of Kidney Month M02.GE - 10- December 11, 1995 Resolution #C-890-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 27, 1995, from Nancy Scott, Executive Director, Big Brothers of Clarington, requesting proclamation of Bowl for Millions week, be received; THAT the week of February 17 to 24, 1996, be proclaimed "Bowl for Millions" Week in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; THAT permission be granted for Big Brothers of Clarington to fly their flag in the Town Square during Bowl for Millions Week; and THAT Nancy Scott be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-891-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 23, 1995, from D.M. FoIz, Director of Education, The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate School Board, regarding the appointment to the Clarington Public Library Board, be received; THAT Cathy McKeever be appointed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington to represent The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate School Board on the Clarington Public Library Board; THAT the appropriate by-law be prepared and presented to Council; and THAT Cathy McKeever, D.M. Folz and Cynthia Mearns, Chief Librarian, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-892-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 22, 1995, from Diane Truyens, March Drive Chair, The Kidney Foundation of Canada, requesting proclamation of Kidney Month be received; . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D - 6 Clarington Hydro Boundary Expansion E06.GE D - 8 Clarington East Food Bank Request For Grant F11.CH D - 11 Waterfront Regeneration Trust Report D03.GT - 11 - December 11, 1995 THAT the month of March 1996 be proclaimed "Kidney Month" in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; THAT permission be granted for The Kidney Foundation to fly their flag in the Town Square during Kidney Month; and THAT Diane Truyens be advised of Council's decision. IICARRIEDlI Resolution #C-893-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 22, 1995, from Michael R. Patrick, Chair, Economic Development Liaison Team regarding the Clarington Hydro Boundary Expansion, be received for information; and THAT Michael Patrick be advised of Council's decision with respect to this matter. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-894-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 21, 1995, from Lorraine Black, Secretary, Clarington East Food Bank, requesting a municipal grant in the amount of $10,000, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the 1996 budget discussions; and THAT Lorraine Black be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-895-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 21, 1995, from Brian Henshaw, regarding the Waterfront Regeneration Trusts' document entitled "Westside Marsh Report and Recommendationsll, be received; . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D -12 Community Care Tag Days M02.GE D - 14 Driftwood Theatre Group Request for Financial Grant F11.CH D - 15 Waterfront Regeneration Trust Report D03.GT - 12- December 11, 1995 THAT the correspondence be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for review in consultation with the report; and THAT Brian Henshaw be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-896-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated December 5, 1995, from Roxy Barnes, Administrator, Community Care, requesting permission to hold Tag Days on June 6, 7 and 8, 1996, be received; THAT permission be granted for Community Care to hold Tag Days as requested; and THAT Roxy Barnes be advised of Council's decision. llCARRIEDl! Resolution #C-897-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 20, 1995, from Jeremy Smith, Artistic Director, Driftwood Theatre Group, regarding the 1996 summer theatre season, be received; and THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Community Services to advise Mr. Smith of the municipality's park schedule during the summer of 1996. IICARRIEDlI Resolution #C-898-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 27, 1995, from Leah Houston, regarding the Waterfront Regeneration Trusts' document entitled "Westside Marsh Report and Recommendations", be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for review in consultation with the report; and THAT Leah Houston be advised of Council's decision. ItCARRIEDII . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D - 16 Request for Information on the Municipality's Coat Arms M09.GE D - 18 Waterfront Regeneration Trust Report D03.GT D - 5 Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee AOl.GA - 13- December 11, 1995 Resolution #C-899-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 21, 1995, from Dave Fowler, 336 Third Avenue, #2, Troy, NY, 12182, requesting information and illustrations of the Municipality's flag and coat of arms, and requesting permission to illustrate the Municipality's coat of arms in a book or article, be received; THAT the correspoudence be referred to the Clerk for response and his request to illustrate the Municipality's coat of arms in a book or article, be approved; and THAT Dave Fowler be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-900-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 23, 1995, from Gary and Rona Lea Zolumoff, regarding the Waterfront Regeneration Trusts' document entitled "Westside Marsh Report and Recommendations", be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for review in consultation with the report; and THAT Gary and Rona Lea Zolumoff be advised of Council's decision. IICARRIEDlI Resolution #C-901-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the correspondence dated November 24, 1995, from James Tedford, Manager, Stewardship Services, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, requesting the Municipality of Clarington appoint new representatives to the Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee, be received; THAT Marianne McBride, 3817 Wilcox Road, Orono, LOB 1MO, be appointed as Clarington's representative on this Committee; and THAT James Tedford and Marianne McBride be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-7 Ontario Senior Games Actifest '98 M02.GE D - 9 Province Wide Settlements by Interest Arbitrators Lll.PR D-1O Bell Canada Rate Increase Al2.BE D-13 KIN Magazine Message of Support MOl.CL - 14- December 11, 1995 Resolution #C-902-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated November 20, 1995, from Bill Salter, Chairperson, Ontario Senior Games, forwarding an invitation to the Municipality to apply as the host of the 1998 Ontario Senior Games Provincial Championships, known as Actifest '98, be received for information. IICARRIEDII Resolution #C-903-95 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the correspondence dated November 21,1995, from Thomas A.W. Derreck, City Clerk, City of St. Catharines, requesting Council's support for a resolution pertaining to Province Wide Settlements by Interest Arbitrators, be received for information. nCARRIED" Resolution #C-904-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the correspondence dated November 17, 1995, from Barbara Liddiard, Director of Council Services, regarding the Bell Canada Rate Increase, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-905-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated December 1, 1995, from Doug Ingersoll and Daphne Adey, 1995-96 National Presidents, Kinsmen and Kinelte Clubs of Canada, requesting the Municipality of Clarington purchase a Message of Support in the KIN Magazine, be received; THAT a one/twelfth page ad at a cost of $275.00 be purchased by the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT Doug Ingersoll and Daphne Adey be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D - 17 Economic Development Officer C12.EC MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS Report #1 G.P.A. Report December 4, 1995 Item #2(b) Bill 20 Land Use Planning and Protection Act L1l.PR - 15 - December 11, 1995 Resolution #C-906-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the correspondence dated November 17, 1995, from Michael Patrick, Chair, Economic Development Liaison Team, regarding the resignation of the Economic Development Officer, Todd Letts, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the 1996 budget discussions; and THAT Michael Patrick be advised of Council's decision. IICARRIEDII Resolution #C-907-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of December 4,1995, be approved with the exception of Items #2(b), #2(d) and #15. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-908-95 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Report CS-39-95 be received; THAT Council approve the acceptance on behalf of the Municipality of a quit claim transfer from each of the Official Boards of the Enniskillen United Church of Canada, the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada and the Northumberland- Clarington Board of Education of their respective interests in the Enniskillen Community Hall lands which are more particularly described as part of the south half of Lot 18, Concession 8, Georgraphic Township of Darlington; THAT Council pass by-laws in the form of the by-laws contained in Appendix A to accept the quit claim transfers referred to in the above recommendation; THAT, at the request of the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education, the front entry sign at the Hall be given to them for historical purposes; . . . Council Minutes REPORTS Item #2( d) Management Review of Community Services Dept. H08.0R Item #15 Enniskillen Community Hall Lands L07. - 16- December 11, 1995 THAT Council accept the tender of the G. McQuaid Contractors for the demoliton of the Enniskillen Community Hall who is the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the quotation; and THAT the required funds (in the amount of $4,587.00 plus tax) be drawn from the Parkland Cash-in-lieu Fund 1110-00166-0000 (Attachment No.1 to Report CS-39-95), FORTHWITH. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-909-95 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-908-95 be amended by deleting the words "Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education" in the fourth paragraph and inserting the words "Enniskillen Public School" in their place. "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-95 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-91O-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report ADMIN-32-95 be received for information; THAT Council confirm the reporting structure of the Facilities Manager as per the Management Review which creates the position of Property Manager reporting directly to the Chief Administrative Officer; and THAT the appropriate staff be advised, FORTHWITH. IlCARRIEDII Resolution #C-911-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the Municipality contact the adjacent land owners to offer them the opportunity to purchase the Enniskillen Community Hall lands which are more particularly described as Part of the south half of Lot 18, Concession 8, Geographic Township of Darlington. '!CARRIED'! . . . Council Minutes REPORTS Report #2 Report #3 Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works Program Report #4 Clarington Place Purchase of Lands L07.CL Report #5 - 17 - December 11, 1995 Report TR-79-95 was considered earlier in the meeting. (See page 6) Resolution #C-912-95 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Report WD-58-95 be received; THAT the application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for Infrastructure Funding for King Street Storm Sewers, Ontario Street to Frank Street, be revised and resubmitted to reflect the revised project schedule; and THAT additional funds, required over and above those approved under the Infrastructure Program, be obtained by either requesting the Province to reallocate any funds from other underspent Clarington Infrastructure projects or from Public Works Lot Levy Reserve Fund. tlCARRIED" Resolution #C-913-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT Report ADMIN-36-95 be received; THAT, subject to written concurrence of Clarington Place Limited to an extension of the closing date being received by the Municipality prior to December 29, 1995, the closing date of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Municipality and Clarington Place Limited which was authorized by Council's approval of Report PD-58-95, be extended to March 31, 1996, with the other terms and conditions of the Agreement remaining the same; and THAT Mr. Dennis Hefferon, Shibley Righton, be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-914-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Confidential Verbal Report pertaining to a property matter, be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during an !lIn Cameral! session. lICARRIEDII Reports WD-59-95 and CD-35-95 were distributed to Council as handouts. . . . Council Minutes REPORTS Report #6 Report #7 Tile Drainage Loan Application F11.RO - 18 - December 11, 1995 Resolution #C-915-95 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report WD-59-95 be referred to the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting scheduled to be held on January 8, 1996. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-916-95 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT Report CD-35-95 be received; THAT the Tile Drainage Loan Application submitted by John Roznik in the amount of $17,000 be approved; THAT the by-law attached to Report CD-35-95 be approved and forwarded, together with all necessary support documents, to the Regional Municipality of Durham for processing; and THAT John Roznik be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" UNFINISHED BUSINESS Sale by Tender Orono Armouries F18.QU Resolution #C-917-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT Report TR-78-95 be lifted from the table; THAT Report TR-78-95 be received; THAT the by-law attached to Report TR-78-95 marked Schedule "A" be approved, authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute a lease agreement with 760719 Ontario Limited/Apogee Productions; and THAT 760719 Ontario Limited/Apogee Productions, be advised of Council's actions. "CARRIED" . Council Minutes - 19 - December 11, 1995 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-918-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the delegation of Ahmed Kaka be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for review with the Planning Department and the By-law Enforcement Officer, and the preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Ahmed Kaka be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-919-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the delegations of Maureen Remington and Ted Remington and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morrison, be acknowledged and received with appreciation. "CARRIED" . BY-LAWS Resolution #C-920-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 95-172 95-173 95-174 95-175 95-176 95-177 . being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (Green Martin Properties); being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (Syvan Developments); being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (Alexandris Investments); being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (Kiddicorp Investments); being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (765400 Ontario Ltd.); being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (Thomas Greenslade); . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS - 20- December 11, 1995 95-178 being a by-law to accept the quit claim transfer of the interest in the Enniskillen Community Hall of the Official Board of Enniskillen United Church of Canada; 95-179 being a by-law to accept the quit claim transfer of the interest in the Enniskillen Community Hall of the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education; 95-180 being a by-law to accept the quit claim transfer of the interest in the Enniskillen Community Hall of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada; 95-181 being a by-law to amend By-law 94-196, being a by-law to appoint Members to the Clarington Public Library Board; 95-182 being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an agreement between Consumers Gas and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for an easement through Peter's Pike Parkette; 95-183 being a by-law to authorize the execution of documents between Dufferin Aggregates and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for the closure and conveyance of the unopened road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession 10, former Township of Clarke; and 95-185 being a by-law imposing special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990. llCARRIEDI! Resolution #C-921-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 95-184, being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Offer to Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and 760719 Ontario Limited o/a Apogee Productions in respect of a lease of the premises known as the Orono Armouries, Park Street, Orono, Ontario, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-922-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 95-172 to 95-185 inclusive, be approved. IICARRIEDlI . . . Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS CONFIRMING BY-LAW - 21 - December 11, 1995 Resolution #C-923-95 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the Regional Update and CommitteelBoards Update, be referred to the Council meeting scheduled to be held on January 29, 1995. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-924-95 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the meeting be "In Camera." IICARRIEDII Resolution #C-925-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 95-186, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this regular meeting held on the 11th day of December 1995, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-926-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the third and final reading of By-law 95-186 be approved. "CARRIED" . . -. Council Minutes ADJOURNMENT - 22- Resolution #C-927-95 Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:03 a.m. nCARRIEDIt i / I J>? Z/Yj /,.- December 11, 1995 / l.n. /) /, /Y' ''.A) . _'/ ,-_{.,L.:.-...L--L... ,fl. \ _,f / Ihnd"j MAYOR --_/ ; . . CLERK