HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/09/2005 ~ g2:/pglon '-' GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: May 9,2005 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. ROLL CALL 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of April 25, 2005 301 4. PRESENTATIONS 'Iw (a) Andrea Gabor and Tim Smith, Urban Strategies, regarding Clarington Energy Business Park Study Report PSD-064-05 5. DELEGATIONS (a) Lynda Townsend Renaud, Law Office of Lynda Townsend Renaud - regarding A YT Corporation (b) Tim Wittaker, publisher, Clarington This Week, regarding distribution of the Clarington This Week Paper 6. PUBLIC MEETINGS (a) Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and to Amend Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision Applicant: Intracorp Holdings Inc. Report: PSD-059-05 501 '-' (b) Application to Amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applicant: A YT Corporation Report: PSD-060-05 503 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905) 623.3379 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON G.P. & A. Agenda - 2- May 9, 2005 '- 7. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) PSD-059-05 - Amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 601 18T-87021 Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA2005/007 to Permit the Development of 284 Residential Units Applicant: Intracorp Holdings Ltd. (b) PSD-060-05 - Revised Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning 620 Applications to Permit Retail Commercial, Large Format Retail, and Hotel Uses Applicant: A YT Corporation (c) PSD-061-05 - Amendment to Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T97027 639 to Permit a 323 to 423 Unit Residential Subdivision in the City of Oshawa Beechnut Development Corporation Inc. Part Lots 2 and 3, Concession 3, City of Oshawa (d) PSD-062-05 - Report of the Experts Panel on Sound-Sorb, 644 EBR# XA05EOO05 "- (e) PSD-063-05 - Bill 60 Amendments to Ontario Heritage Act 654 (f) PSD-064-05 - Clarington Energy Business Parks Study 662 8. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT No Reports 9. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT No Reports 10. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT No Reports 11. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT No Reports 12. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT "- (a) CLD-18-05 - Private Parking Enforcement 1101 (b) CLD-20-05 - Private Parking Enforcement 1104 G.P. & A. Agenda - 3 - May 9, 2005 '- (c) CLD-21-05 - Heritage Designations - 1113 6585 Regional Road 34 and 4675 Bethesda Road (d) CLD-22-05 - Quarterly Parking Report 1121 13. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) COD-021-05 - CL2005-2 Valley's 2000 Pong Construction, 1201 Bowmanville Creek Valley opposite Hetherington Drive (b) COD-022-05 - CL2005-1 Pedestrian Walkway, Courtice - 1208 Foxhunt Trail to Darlington Boulevard (c) COD-023-05 - Lions Club Offer to Lease, Clarington Beach Centre 1214 (d) COD-024-05 - Ontario Realty Corporation Lease Agreement 1217 14. FINANCE DEPARTMENT No Reports "- 15. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S DEPARTMENT No Reports 16. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 17. OTHER BUSINESS 18. ADJOURNMENT "-' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HANDOUTS/CIRCLUA TIONS FOR GPA I I Cf!J!ilJgron I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ MEMO CLERK'S DEPARTMENT To: Mayor Mutton & Members of Council From: Len Creamer, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Date: May 9,2005 Subject: LAND USE CONCERNS OF MR. J. HASIUK At the meeting of Council held on May 2nd, in response to a delegation of Mr. J. Hasiuk, Council requested that staff meet with Mr. Hasiuk concerning his outdoor storage operation located on South Service Road in an attempt to clarify the Official Plan and zoning requirements for the property. The Municipal Law Enforcement Division has an open file on this property and had already processed charges against Hasiuk's company for a violation of the Zoning By-law prior to his appearing before Council. These char~es had been sent by registered mail on May 2nd and were received by Mr. Hasiuk on May 4 . As requested by Council, staff met with Mr. Hasiuk on Friday May 6, 2005. Staff from the Planning Services Department were asked to attend as well to address Mr. Hasiuk's concerns regarding the land use designation and zoning of his land and the permitted uses on the property. In light of the charges before the court, Municipal Law Enforcement staff had to caution Mr. Hasiuk at the start of the meeting that any comments made by him could be used in court. Mr. Hasiuk indicated that he understood and his questions were more directed to the Planning Services Department. Mr. Hasiuk however refused to speak on the matter in the presence of the Planner in attendance at the meeting claiming that he was biased against Mr. Hasiuk's case. The subject lands are designated "Light Industrial" in the Clarington Official Plan and zoned "Holding-Light Industrial ((H)M1) Zone". Neither the Official Plan nor the Zoning By-law permit outdoor storage. The Planner informed Mr. Hasiuk of this information at the meeting. Mr. Hasiuk's two issues included the permitted uses on the land he owns and the requirements for removal of the "H" Holding symbol to permit development on the property. Mr. Hasiuk indicated that he was willing to come back at another time and speak in the presence of another Planner about this matter but would not proceed with the staff member present in the meeting. The meeting ended approximately 7 minutes after it began. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 t I I I I CLERK'S DEPARTMENT MEMO PAGE 2 Municipal Law Enforcement staff are proceeding with the charges and the court date has been set for May 24th for First Appearance. Although Council's direction was for a Report to be submitted to Committee, given the outcome of the meeting, this information is being submitted in memorandum form. For y r in~ rmation. anager, Municipal Law Enforcement I cc: Frank Wu, CAO Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk David Crome, Director Planning Services Department I I I I I I I I I I I I LC*ct I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ "'C ~ ... en ~ L- ea c.. en en CI) s::: -- en ~ m ~ C) L- CI) s::: W s::: o LO "'0 C)o s::: C\I ~ -i: 0) ea >. - ct:S (.)~ ". "0 !:2~ Q) n;;rl i1=;~~; .... LL::H~m E ....J \\\\----1111111111: Q) a. Q) t~!l,iw ....J ~Uo CD c .... ... CO c.!) fJJ . Zw ct_ CC e,:, t.:) I("'IJ CX:W;Z W ~~- CC a: ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tn CI) ... :::s .c -- J.... ... ... c::c CI) :::s C'" -- c::: ::) tn .... CI) ... -- en CI) ..t: I- >- - .- - .- ~ .- tn .- > J: C) .- J: "0 c: co tn tn (1) o o co "0 o o CJ ~ - - tn tn co (1) (1) 3: (1) (1) =J: - o 0 -- -~ c: J.. .!3:! co a.. a.. c: c: - o 0 co - - C)C)J.. c: c: - __ __ (/J "i: "i: :::::J co co "0 C c .E . . (1) J.. :::::J - :::::J -J: ~ - J: :::::J 1:: 0 o tn c: (1) (1)J: J:- - 0 0- -- tn tn c: co "O.!3:! 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Zw c::c_ t:Q c.:J (.) ~ O::w;z W :)~- ic::C c:: ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CI.!Jlmgron MEMO TO: Mayor and Councillors FROM: David Crome, Director of Planning Services DATE: May 4,2005 RE: PSD-062-05 FOR MAY 9 GPA PSD-062-05 had been drafted prior to the referral from Council on May 2, 2005 of Communication 0-17 regarding Nitro-Sorb from the Municipality of Madoc Township. PSD-062-05 is a report on the Experts Panel on Sound-Sorb and their recommendations. The report recommends endorsement of the panels recommendations. Sound-Sorb is a mixture of soil and paper fibre biosolids at approximately 30/70. Nitro-Sorb is a mixture of compost and paper fibre biosolids at approximately 30170. Both "products" are registered trademarks; however, there could be all manner of other products in the same type of fonmulation with slightly different ingredients. The common element in these "products" is the paper fibre biosolids which the Ministry of Environment has exempted from the waste regulations by ruling that when it is mixed with another material it forms a product. While the Expert Panel did not deal with Nitro-Sorb, given their findings and the way in which they have fonmulated their recommendations, they could be applied to Nitro-Sorb and any other "product" of similar formulation. To address the Resolution from Madoc and also protect the Municipality of Clarington from spreading of Nitro-Sorb or other similar "products. we are recommending that an additional recommendation be added to PSD-062-05 as follows: 4. THAT the Minister, also be requested to apply the recommendations of the Expert Panel to other products, such as Nitro-Sorb made with similar compositions to Sound-Sorb and mostly composed of paper fibre biosolids; (J}1-Jrc{ David cc: Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905}623-0830 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '05APR22 prt12:45:53 THE LAw OFFICE OF LYNDA TOWNSEND RENAUD April 21, 2005 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Attention: Clerk Dear Madam: Re: Public Meeting AYT Corporation May 9, 2005 Enclosed, please find a submission which was previously forwarded to staff at the municipality. We would appreciate the Clerk distributing this submission to all members of Council in preparation of the A YT public meeting at the General Purpose and Administration Committee on May 9, 2005. In addition, we would appreciate your registering us as a delegation speaking with respect to the A YT Corporation at the General Purpose and Administration meeting. Yours truly, LYN.D .A-TOWNS~N RENAUD LA W/ZOF E \ ,., i' ~l ) : -^ "'./ " ...; ." ,. . <:.- ' \. ...C/'t.."tC lY '- To'wnsend Renaud c: Mr. R. Hann Mr. B. Jordan Ms. B. Kelly SUITE 2, 1400 CORNWALL ROAD, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6J 7W5 PHONE: 905 8298600 . FACSIMILE: 905 829 2035 Iyn. tow nsend@on.aibn.com . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE LAw OFFICE OF LYNDA TOWNSEND RENAUD March 9, 2005 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. David Crome Mr. Dennis Hefferon South Tower Royal Bank Plaza 2600-200 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J4 Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. 13 Collier Street Barrie, Ontario L4M 1H2 Attention: Mr. Bob Lehman Urban Metrics 144-146 Front Street West Suite 460 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2L7 Attention: Mr. Doug Annand Dear Sirs: Re: Application to Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan AYT Corporation and Clarington Commercial Policy Review Comments on behalf of Valiant Property Management Municipality of Clarington We are providing comments on the subject application on behalf of Valiant Property Management (Valiant). As will be explained below, the comments will necessarily touch upon the ongoing Clarington Commercial Policy Review (CPR). SUITE 2, 1400 CORNWALL ROAD, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6J 7W5 PHONE: 905 829 8600 . FACSIMILE: 905829 2035 Iyn .Iownsend@on.aibn.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Municipality of Clarington Mr. Carlo Pellarin Marcil 4, 2005 Page 2 Our UnderstandinG of the Application and the CPR Based on comments made at the public meeting for the subject application (February 21, 2005), we understand that the application will be revised to request approvai for retail warehouse uses including a home improvement centre in addition to commercial uses already permitted in the Light Industrial designation. You have advised that the Municipality will be requesting written clarification of the range of requested uses from the proponent. We understand that once clarification is received, the firm of urban Metrics, which has already prepared the Retail Market and Impact Analysis for the CPR, will prepare a Retail Market Impact Analysis of the subject application for the Municipality at the applicant's cost. It is the Municipality's intention to have the completed market impact analysis available to the CPR consultants (Meridian Planning Consultants Inc.) so that the results can be given consideration as part of the Final Report on the CPR. Valiant's Interest in These Matters Valiant owns about 6.35 hectares bounded by Clarington Boulevard, King Street, Green Road and the unopened Concession 2 right-of-way. All of this area is within the boundary of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area and is designated Retail Commercial in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan. Valiant began assembling the land in this quadrant of the Main Central Area after it was designated Retail Commercial. Valiant's application to amend the Official Plan was only necessary in order to allocate f100rspace from the next threshold of the Secondary Plan's phasing policy. The Valiant site comprises the only lands designated Retail Commercial in the Central Area without a retail floors pace allocation. With an allocation to its lands, Valiant could develop up to 16,680 square metres of additional floorspace including a Home Depot store. Valiant has two potential concerns with the subject application. The first would be if the approval of the AYT application would preclude, or be in place of, the development of the Valiant site for its designated purpose. This Issue will be assessed by the CPR. The second potential concern would be if the early development of the AYT site would create an unacceptable market impact on the Bowmanville West Main Central Area in general and the Valiant site in particular. This issue will be assessed by the Retail Market and Impact Analysis. Commercial Policv Review It is our opinion that the Valiant lands within the Main Central Area should remain the preferred location for meeting the shopping needs of Clarington residents prior to the allocation of commercial development opportunities to any other locations not currently designated for commercial use. In particular, no approvals should be given to the A YT site, if at all, until the Valiant site Is built out. The Draft Final Report on the CPR supports this view. Amongst the report's executive summary points for the locations of commercial growth are the following points. 14. From an urban structure perspective the preferred policy approach is to concentrate commercial uses in existing urban areas. The existing Centres are and will be central - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Municipality of Clarington Mr, Carlo Pellarin March 4, 2005 Page 3 to the growing population. In addition, they form the 'nodes' along Glarington's main street, a key element of the long term urban structure objectives... 16. Gonsistent with the current Official Plan policy other new centres or commercial areas should not be created over the five year term. 20. The Bowmanville Regional Gentre...as well as the Gourtice Gentre, Gourtice West District and the Newcastle Village Downtown District should have sufficient land areas designated with boundaries provided for in Secondary Plans to allow for additional commercial development in the range of 720,000 square feet of gross leasable floor space. This growth could occur in the existing designated areas and/or the expansion of the areas dependant on the achievement of the urban structure objectives of the Municipality. In summary, the Draft Final CPR report concluded that it is not necessary to designate new commercial areas beyond the Central Areas identified in the Durham Regional Official Plan to meet the Municipality's commercial needs for the next five years. This is reinforced by the Report's recommendation to direct retail warehouses to existing centres and to remove retail warehouses as a permitted use in Light Industrial Areas (pages 23 and 35). We believe the work to date on the CPR reinforces our opinion that the current commercial needs of the Municipality can and should be met in existing designated centres and commercial areas first, and that there is no need to add the A YT site to the Municipality's commercial land supply at this time. Retail Market impact Analvsis On the assumption that the AYT application is being revised to permit retail warehouses in an Employment Area, Section 11.3.18 of the Durham Regional Official Plan would apply. In order for the AYT application to proceed, Section 11.3.18 c) requires that the retail market study being prepared by urban Metrics demonstrate that "the proposed retail uses and the cumulative amount of f100rspace will not unduly affect the viability of any designated Gentral Area on Map 'A' and Gentral Areas and Specific Purpose Commercial Areas designated in area municipal official plans". As noted above, the Valiant site is designated Retail Commercial in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan. Therefore, the retail market analysis must ensure that the viability of the development of Valiant lands will not be unduly affected by the designation and development of retail uses on the AYT site. This matter is typically addressed by a review of commercial floorspace needs, allocating floorspace to designated sites and determining if there is any residual unmet need that could be assigned to the potential new site. This is the approach which has been used in the CPR study to date. The market study component of the CPR concluded that 720,000 square feet of new retail space can be built in the short term (i.e. to 2010) without causing undue impacts on the existing commercial centres. In distributing this required floorspace, the CPR study I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Municipality of Clarington Mr. Cano Pellarin March 4. 2005 Page 4 has recommended not to make a distinction as to the type of f1oorspace. We have indicated Valiant's concurrence with this approach within Central Areas siting the same reasons as the CPR consultants: 1. this approach can best respond to the changing consumer preferences, 2. there is less and less distinction among store types in the goods that are retailed from inside various "boxes", and 3. individual uses within the "boxes" are likely to evolve over time, changing the makeup of the goods being sold but maintaining the retail significance of the areas they are located within. Notwithstanding our acceptance of this general principle, there appears to be some specific concern by the Municipality with regard to the market impact of home improvement centres on existing retaiiers. There are two potential home improvement centres proposed on designated lands in Bowmanville. They are the Home Depot proposed for the Valiant site and another one on the Torgan site at Waverly Road and Baseline Road. It is also our understanding that the A YT application proposes a third home improvement centre. Given the specific concern about the market impact of home improvement centres, we have explored this issue in some depth. At the outset, it must be understood that the market impact component of the CPR has not concluded that only one home improvement centre can be built in the short term without significant impacts on existing retailers. The conclusion on this matter is set out on page 14 of the CPR and reproduced below (emphasis added): Home Improvement Centre - One home improvement centre can proceed by 2007, without impacts on existing retailers in Clarington. As noted earlier although onlv one home improvement centre has been evaluated, our analysis does not preclude another store entering the market. With continued market growth, the available residual potential in other store categories which sell home improvement merchandise, and the opportunity for increased recapture of sales form outside of Clarington in the future, would not preclude another home improvement centre from entering the market beyond 2007. It is not expected that the impacts of two such stores would be siqnificantlv qreater than one store qiven the limited facilities in C/arinqton at the present time. It appears that there was not a more definitive conclusion on the impact of two home improvement stores because urbanMetrics' oniy evaiuated the impact of one such store. In order to fill the information gap, Valiant commissioned Robin Dee and Associates to conduct an impact analysis assuming two home improvement stores, based on urbanMetrics' original research and data. Enclosed is a copy of Mr. Dee's letter report. It is Mr. Dee's conclusion that the Clarington market will be able to support the entry of two new format home improvement facilities as early as 2006 and that their initial impact will be essentially on each other as they compete for market share. Given that the sites for the two home improvement centres on the Valiant and Torgan lands are already designated, we submit that any market impact analysis being conducted for the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Municipality of Clarington Mr. Carlo Pellarin March 4, 2005 Page 5 A YT application (if it is looking specifically at impact in the home improvement market segment) must examine the incremental impact of a third home improvement centre in the short term (i.e. to 2010). It is likely that IT the AYT site is approved and IT it is to contain a home improvement centre, the timing of the implementation of this component of the development may have to be regulated through some form of staging policy in order to avoid an undue economic impact on the Valiant site and, by extension, the Main Central Area. Conclusion The Valiant site is designated Retail Commercial and has the physical capacity to accommodate up to 16,680 square metres of additional commercial floorspace. Valiant has co-operated with the Municipality in working through the process of removing the floorspace caps that have prevented the site from developing to date. Valiant's concerns with the A YT application are if it in any way precludes the immediate development of the Valiant site or has an undue economic impact on its development. We understand that both of these issues will be examined on behalf of the Municipality by its Commercial Policy Review consultants who are currently addressing Municipal-wide commercial planning and market impact issues. This letter provides our input on behalf of Valiant for the consideration of Municipal Staff and its consultants during their review of the A YT application and the completion of the CPR. If there are any questions or concerns with the above, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Enc!. cc: Mr. R. Hann, Valiant Property Management Mr. B. Jordan, Sernas Associates Mr. R. Dee, Robin Dee and Associates Mr. Carlo Pellarin, Municipality of Clarington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9lo-h/v 0w & A~ REAL ESTATE COUNSELORS & ECONOMISTS February 25, 2005. Mr. Robert P. Hann, Valiant Property Management, 177 Nonquon Road, 20th Floor, OSHAWA, Ontario. LIG 3S2. Dear Mr. Hann: Re: Clarington-Home Improvement Space You asked improvement follows: me to review the market base for additional home space in Clarington in the years ahead and I report as 1. Scope of the Review with the background market study for the Clarington Commercial Policy Review (CPR) recently completed, which included consumer surveys to measure current capture rates and an inventory of existing retail/service space, it was not necessary to conduct any new original research. Instead we have drawn directly on that background research and on the analysis of the home improvement space market in Clarington as presented in the report entitled "Clarington Commercial policy Review, Retail Market and Impact Analysis, Municipality of Clarington, Ontario" ("the Report") dated December 17, 2004, prepared by urbanMetrics inc. and Tate Economic Research Inc. 2. The Analysis Specifically, our analysis, which is attached, draws on the inputs utilized in Table 19-B of the Report. The analysis in Table 19-B examines the market support for one additional home improvement facility in Clarington and the impact thereof on existing home improvement operations in the municipali ty. Our analysis on the other hand, tests the expected market support for the entry of two additional home improvement centres in Clarington. Under those circumstances, the future Clarington capture rate (share of Clarington home improvement expenditure potential that is served by home improvement facilities physically located in Clarington) will be greater than if there is but one new entry into the market. Specifically, we anticipate the Clarington capture rate increasing beyond the 65% level projected for the entry of one new home improvement centre up to 90% with two new entrants. While residents on the west 345 BALBOA COURT, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6J 6K2 1 . TEL: (90S) 338-7338 FAX: (905) 338-7338 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I side of the municipality in, say, the Courtice area will likely spend less than the average locally in Clarington, those residents around Bowmanville and further east will spend more than the average share locally. Except for the modified Clarington capture rate, all other inputs in our analysis are the same as those in the original Table 19-B. 3. The Findinqs In realistic terms, the earliest entry date for any new home improvement centre into the local Clarington market is likely to be some time in 2006. The second full calendar year of operation is likely to be 2008. Our modified analysis attached indicates a market support base for some 185,000 square feet of additional home improvement space in Clarington in 2008. In what will be a very fast growing market, the warranted additional home improvement space escalates to over 330,000 square feet by 2013. 4. Conclusion The Clarington market will be able to support the entry of two new format home improvement facilities as early as 2006. Assuming their combined space totals some 200,000 square feet, their initial impact will be essentially on the sales performance that they themselves will be able to achieve as they compete for market share. Such competition will only be to the benefit to Clarington residents and there will be no adverse or critical impact on the planned function of the Bowmanville central area, east or west. with the rapid growth of the market that is projected, the sales performance of the new entrants on average will quickly surpass the $300 per square foot level. 5. Recommendation with no risk of undermining the Bowmanville central area, two new should be permitted the opportunity in the immediate future without any of their entry. planned function of the home improvement centres to enter the local market restriction on the timing I trust that these comments adequately illustrate the available market support base for the entry of new home improvement space in the Clarington market. If you have any questions, please call. Yours truly, lIobill DCL&Asmia(cs _ - . .... "--<~) ~):(~,/;? ~&i Robin Dee. 2 I I I I I I I I I III Z o ... ..J ..J ... :E <II- '-' III ... III >- ..J <( Z <( w U <( iij'o. ....1Il ~~ ....1- ~~ <tct I-ct 1.1<( ~~ ::q~ ....0 1:1:1- ~1Il '"'I- ... Zi ~ w' lil:E ~~ III -= ..0 OCllct '1-00. "'\lj....:E ....-=1:1:... w....~w ~~i1i:E <(....1.10 I-Wlil:I: I I I I I I ""' o w ... 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I ...............---......""" ~---- -. ~ land Development Engineering land Development Planning Municipal Engineering Services Transportation & Transit Planning Utility Infrastructure Design Water Resources Engineering SE~NAS ASSOCII.l.TES fi member of Tile Sern85 GrDup Inc 110 Scotia Court T .905.686.6402 Unit41 F.9D5.43n877 Whitby, ON sernas:com UN 8Y7 March 7, 2005 The Law Office of Lynda Townsend-Renaud 1400 Cornwall Road, Suite 2 Oakville, Ontario L6J 7W5 Attention: Ms. L. Townsend-Renaud Dear Ms. Townsend-Renaud: Re: Application to Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan AYT Corporation and Clarington Commercial Policy Review Municipality of Clarington Our Proiect No. 02092 I am writing to provide you with my planning opinion with regard to the A YT application as it relates to the application by Valiant Property Management which is being considered by the Municipality of Clarington in the context of its Commercial Policy Review (CPR). Nature of the Applications To compare the relative merits of the two applications, one must first have a clear understanding of the nature of each. The Valiant site is located within the Bowmanville West Main Central Area. It is designated Retail Commercial with sufficient land area to accommodate up to 16,680 square metres of floors pace in addition to the bank which exists on the site. The Valiant amendment application seeks to allocate retail floorspace to its designated lands. The floors pace allocation has been provided for in the Retail Thresholds policy (Section 5.2.4) of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan. This policy allows for the allocation of some 14,000 square metres (in addition to the :1:3,000 square metres already allocated to the Valiant site) now that the Clarington population threshold of 78,000 persons has been crossed. The amendment proposed by Valiant will merely assign this anticipated floors pace to its property, the only undeveloped lands designated Retail Commercial in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area. It is our understanding that the AYT application will be formally revised to request approval for retail warehouse uses in addition to the limited range of commercial uses already permitted in the Light Industrial designation. ...2/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ --- ----~ ~ The Law Office of Lynda Townsend-Renaud Ms. L. Townsend-Renaud March 7, 2005 Page 2 The AYT application would, therefore, be processed under Sections 11.3.17 and 11.3.18 of the Durham Regional Official Plan and Section 11.5.2 of the Clarington Official Plan which permits the consideration of retail warehouses in the Light Industrial designation by amendment to the local Official Plan subject to specific criteria including potential market impacts. Planninq Opinion It is my opinion that the Valiant lands within the Main Central Area should remain the preferred location for meeting the shopping needs of Clarington residents prior to the allocation of commercial development opportunities to any other locations not currently designated for commercial use. In particular, no approvals should be given to the A YT site, if at all, until the Valiant site is built out. In order for the A YT application to proceed, Section 11.3.18 c) of the Durham Regional Official Plan requires that a retail market study demonstrate that "the proposed retail uses and the cumulative amount of f100rspace will not unduly affect the viability of any designated Central Area on Map 'A' and Central Areas and Specific Purpose Commercial Areas designated in area municipal official plans". As noted above, the Valiant site is designated Retail Commercial in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan. Therefore, the retail market analysis must ensure that the viability of the development of Valiant lands will not be unduly affected by the designation and development of retail uses on the A YT site. The market study component of the CPR concluded that 720,000 square feet of new retail space can be built in the short term (i.e. 2010) without causing undue impacts on the existing commercial centres. This residual market need was then assigned to existing designated sites within the Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle Central Areas and an existing Highway Commercial site (Torgan). I concur with this approach and believe that it is a very appropriate methodology for implementing the commercial hierarchy policies of the Durham and Clarington Official Plans. It should be noted that the Draft Final Report on the CPR proposes to allocate floorspace beyond the existing designated lands given that the market study component identified floors pace needs which exceed the capacity of currently designated lands (such as Valiant's). When it comes to the location of this additional demand, the CPR is recommending that existing Central Area locations be further reinforced. .3/ I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~! -- ...... ---~ ~ The Law Office of Lynda Townsend-Renaud Ms. L. Townsend-Renaud March 7, 2005 Page 3 Amongst the report's executive summary points regarding potential locations of commercial growth are the following points. 14. From an urban structure perspective the preferred policy approach is to concentrate commercial uses in existing urban areas. The existing Centres are and will be central to the growing population. In addition, they form the 'nodes' along Clarington's main street, a key element of the long term urban structure objectives... 16. Consistent with the current Official Plan policy other new centres or commercial areas should not be created over the five year term. 20. The Bowmanville Regional Centre...as well as the Courtice Centre, Courtice West District and the Newcastle Village Downtown District should have sufficient land areas designated with boundaries provided for in Secondary Plans to allow for additional commercial development in the range of 720,000 square feet of gross leasable floor space. This growth could occur in the existing designated areas and/or the expansion of the areas dependant on the achievement of the urban structure objectives of the Municipality. I concur with the recommendation to not designate new commercial areas beyond the Central Areas and allocations set out in the Durham Regionai Official Plan as long as those Central Areas have the physical capacity to accommodate the commercial floorspace needs. In this instance the CPR has concluded that there is sufficient land to meet the Municipality's commercial needs for the next five years (when the allocations would be reviewed again). This is reinforced by the Report's recommendation to direct retail warehouses to existing centres and to remove retail warehouses as a permitted use in the Light Industrial Areas (pages 23 and 35). Conclusion The Valiant site is designated Retail Commercial and has the physical capacity to accommodate up to 16,680 square metres of additional commercial floorspace. Any process which is recommending the allocation of commerciai f100rspace to meet currently unmet demand (such as Clarington's CPR), must allocate floors pace, first and foremost, to existing designated commercial lands. This leads to the conclusion that the Valiant site must be provided with an allocation prior to any consideration being given to the A YT site. ...4/ I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~i .... -----'-""- - II ~ The Law Office of Lynda Townsend-Renaud Ms. L. Townsend-Renaud March 7, 2005 Page 4 As for the allocation of floorspace beyond the capacities of existing designated lands, there are many salient arguments for choosing lands that reinforce the existing commercial and urban structure of the Official Plans over lands that are currently designated Light Industrial (such as the AYT site). The Draft Final Report of the CPR makes these arguments and supports the notion of reinforcing the importance of Central Areas. I trust that the above is of assistance to you in making submissions to the Municipality and the CPR consultants on the AYT application and the CPR. Yours truly, SERNAS ASSOCIATES ~~LPRPP Principal, Planmng Manager BLJ/br cc: Valiant Property Management, Attn: Mr. R. Hann I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Newcastle IGA 131 King Avenue East, Newcastle, Ontario. LIB 1H3 (905) 987-4627 -(905) 987-3053 fax May 9,2005 Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON, Ll C 3A6 Re: Planning File Nos.: COPA 2004-007 and ZBA 2004-055 (Revision 1) The proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, 1990 submitted by A YT Corporation to permit the development of 54,215 sq.m. (583,600 sq. ft.) of retail commercial and restaurant floorspace, large format warehouse club retail floorspace, and a hotel and convention facility at the northwest corner of Highway 401 and Bennett Road in Bowmanville. This letter is in response to a request from the Municipality of Clarington regarding this application by AYT Corporation. We are stunned that the Municipality ofClarington is even considering a development ofthis magnitude. This development application in principal, is contrary to the fundamental purpose of the official plan which is to allow gradual development and concentrate commercial retail development in the Main Central Areas ofClarington's Urban Areas. There are numerous instances where the Downtowns or Main Central Areas are devastated and become Ghost towns when large 'Big Box' developments are allowed to occur in adjacent areas. We are doing everything we can to improve Downtown Newcastle. We have invested millions of dollars building a new grocery store, renovating the Historic Massey building and renovating our old building to attract a new hardware store. We have done this not only because we are residents of Newcastle village, but also because we believe in the Municipality's own official plan to limit retail development to the Main Central Area. Our redevelopments have sparked resurgence in Newcastle village and I think the Municipality should encourage this. This development application so close to Newcastle will devastate the downtown businesses. We urge the Municipality ofClarington not to allow this development application to proceed further, because it is contrary to the Municipality's official plan and because of the devastating impact it will have on the downtown businesses of Newcastle village. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . PUBLIC MEETING, MAY 9,2005 AYT CORPORATION ApPLICATION TO AMEND CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW - BENEFITS OF THE A YT ApPLICATION- 1. SATISFIES POLICIES WITHIN THE REGIONAL AND MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL PLANS: )> This proposal will help secure the role of Bowmanville as the eastern anchor of the Region and the dominant urban centre in Clarington )> The proposed uses will enhance and diversify the employment base and increase employment opportunities in the area )> The A YT development would contribute to the balanced growth initiatives of both plans o Balancing employment growth and population growth o Increasing the non-residential assessment tax base )> The proposal will represent visible and significant investment along the Highway 401 frontage of the Bowmanville Urban Area 2. SERVICING EXPANSION OPPORTUNITY )> A YT is committed to the extension of municipal services to this eastern portion of Bowmanville sooner than anticipated by the Region, thereby helping this area develop in the near future o According to Regional Capital Budget Forecast, municipal servicing was not likely to be extended to the area until 2013-2021 timeframe )> Extension of servicing meets the policies of the Official Plans: o The Region regards servicing the Urban Area as a priority o The Municipality generally does not permit development on lands within Employment Areas that are not municipal serviced )> This will attract further investment in the area and further balance residential growth with needed employment growth 3. BASELINE ROAD EXTENSION OPPORTUNITY )> A YT is committed to the extension of Baseline Road easterly to Bennett Road )> The proposal will enhance the existing transportation network and further enhance the development potential of lands in the eastern portion of Bowmanville 4. OPPORTUNITY TO ENHANCE THE EAST END OF BOWMANVILLE: )> This application will assist in balancing the significant growth occurring in the West Bowmanville )> This proposal has the potential to create a Gateway to East Bowmanville o Similar to how the Green Road and Highway 2 intersection are intended to function as a Gateway to the (West) Bowmanville Urban Area )> The A YT proposal could open up the east end for other employment developments o Thereby attracting new investment and desirable growth SITE CONCEPT PLAN IS ATTACHED . I . I I . 0 I ci e I t . I ~ , I g n 0 Co . I I I I I I , 8 ~ " z Baseline Road (Future Access) (NOT TRAVElLED) IJ I~ I I~ ~ o r l E ~ " I ~ . B' ..~..~.... ,CAU .CAU I!:::::=::J ,2,344hq.m. 2,34O","nI. .CRU *CRU ~ ~,~~ ~~~/,,,~ =-::: ~~-:'it. II~~~~OO~~~OO~~~~ OB~ ~ :lIE1 mrnro :.. :~ :mrnrnrnrnrnrnrn I. ~'" l} 'J.." Y , r.. ~ --- , , Storm Water Management / 1.48 ha /' --... "," -....... " ------_/" T tal Site Area = 21.85 ha et Development Area = 20.37 he GFA = :t54,215 sq.m. :t~~Sq.n. Lot Coverage = 26.1% Parking Spaces Provided = ::!; 2,614 --- --- '"""" "'4"18 High Way 401 14.4 Site Developement Concept for A YT Corporation Bennett Road & Highway 401 Municipality of Clarington ~ Scale 1 : 3.500 May 4. 2005 04586 - I Jl(H( AM;(.CaF W'.PF~ ~ .0 n " z; I N72"26'OCo"E 8.23 1 ~I <r ! 1-, G)' , "I , " G) <II . N I '" ~ '" ~ ~ N72'JO'OO" '" \ ~ ,~ ..... 8 \ iO!~ \ i ~ 'F ~ i! I ,'" i! ~I ~I ~I ~ ! , I ! 1lj ~~I ~~I ~j. F:=----.-----~2.2D Walker, Nott, Ora(JceYic AssOCiat96 UmlleCl - -..... ,-- '>> MAY-06-2005 02:48 AM RONVICE 9056557128 I II I I I I I i I I I I I , II I II I ! I I I I I II . Protect !h~ Ridges Deb Vice Co-Chair, Protect the Ridges (905) 655-5045 Martin Feaver Co.ChaIr, Protect the Ridges (905) 655-8846 Clerk Municipality ofClarington Fax: 905.623-6506 Re: Report of the Expert's panel on Sound-Sorb EBR#XA05000S File No: PLN 33: 12 P~01 : I 'l I , i I I I ;1, I f " i I j:; ! !' ; i, r Please circulate the following letter which we hope can be presented to the Mayor and Cou~ H for their meeting on May 9th, 2005 at 9:30 a.m.. Also attached is a copy of the current Protect the Ridges newsletter which we believe may provide useful background. Thanks, f Deb Vice PTR Co-Chair Phone: 905-655-5045 Fax: 905-655-7128 ~J\~ MAY-06-2012J5 , 1212:49 AM RONVICE 9056557128 P.02 I Ii I I I I I I .' I . I I I I I I . I ii' " 'j , ' Protect The Ridges May 5, 2005 The Mayor and Councilors, Municipality of Clarington On behalf of the Protect The Ridges group, we strongly urge you to support th~ Planning Services recommendation (PSD-062-05) that the Minister of the Environment \ be requested to immediately implement the recommendations of the Experts Panel Orl Sound-sorb. As many of you are aware, it has now been over 5 years since the Sound-sorb issue i our community first came to light. It has now spread across the Province. Ukewise Nitro-sorb (a mixture of about 80% paper sludge with 20% compost) is no~ being spread on agricultural fields across Durham. It is, in our view, critical that municipalities make it clear to the Minister of th~ Environment that they expect the ministry, in conjunction with the waste producers an, ' haulers to be accountable to the public for the environmental safety of the disposal 0' , waste products. The panel of independent scientific experts takes this view, Protect the Ridges tak this view, and we very much hope that the Municipality ofClarington will take this view.' Thank you for your consideration to this matter, Yours truly, Deb Vice Co-Chair, Protect the Ridges (905) 655-5045 :i!:.b-. ~Jt-t Co-Chair, Protect the Ridges (905) 655-8846 , I MAY-06-2005 02:49 AM RONVICE 9056557128 P.03 I I I I I: II II I Ii ~ i I II Protect Th.~Ridges y2005 Ii I; I .1 I Ii I I II II Expert Panel recommends Ministry of Environme t exemption for paper (sludge) waste be rescinded "The product formulation exemption should NOT be applied to Sound-So 11 "Paper fibre biosolids are a waste. Their bulk use in the environment even . composting requires regulatory control." . The final report from the 'Independent Panel of Scientifi~ Experttl' reviewing the stu 'Sound-sorb' (a 'product' made from paper sludge and sand), to determine if it adverse effects on human health or the environment, is now in the hands of the Minisl Environment Oan, 31, 2005). Sound-sorb has been used to construct berms at gun clubs across Ontario, inclu Oshawa Skeet and Gun Oub. It is exempt from Ontario's waste management regu1 . Reg. 347.3, Section (2)1 because the paper sludge is wholly used in the 'manufa . product'. As an exempt material, Sound-sorb is not subject to any Ministry of the Envir:1 [MOE] controls. Under the regulatory exemption the material could legally contain m~ hazardous or liquid industrial waste. The MOE policy decision to exempt Sound- never posted on ihe Environmental Registry for public notice and comment. In its final report, e Ex rt Panel re ed that should not be uncontrolled manner as an exempt waste as it is at Dresent. Rather, the report stated t . Panel believes that regulatory instruments that would control Sound-sorb in its use .:benus should provide the means to exert the regulatory control that the MOE may deem app.. . for other bulk uses of PFB" (paper Fibre Bi08Olidl! - more commonly known as 'paper sl\l Specifically, the Panel recommended that: "Paper fibre biosolids should be contro Certiflcales of Approval or legal instruments that provide equal or better hUDllln health and the environment at all stages from its generation" through tr comp08t1ng and final use in the construction of benns. 1he use of Raper fibre biosolid mixed with mineral soil should also be subject to MOE control with respect to its pre and use in the environment by a Certificate of Approval Or legal instrument that provid or better protection for human health and the environment.". The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario took a similar position in his 2003 repo stated "The mini.try's Dnt, and probably most significant error was to ellempt So from the Regulation 347 of the Environmentall'roledion Act, deciding to class it as a rather than a waste." The Expert Panel also recommended that the Oshawa Skeet and Gun Cub berm sh~ subjected to long-term monitoring of the groundwater (for contaminants including lead, I TPH, pH and BOD). , , I . I I MAY-06-2005 02:50 AM RONVICE 9056557128 P.04 I I Ii ! I' I I II I I I Ii I, I I I I I I I Ministry of the Environment still moves at 'snails' Protect the Ridgell and Premier Environmental Services continue to expreSll conce broken promises, delays, inconsistent data and testing. Further, the ongoing unanswered questiOlUl persists. FOI' instance, the results 01 the Site Specific Risk Assesl the Oshawa Skeet and Gun Club berm (initiated after testing in November 2001 fotu1 over contaminated site limils) has not yet been released to the public. ce'. about ue of ent of levels : I $10,000 fine for fill regulation violation. Alarmingly, MOE investigated a 70,000 tonne Sound-sorb berm built in Flamborough, n "that leachate from the berms was acutely toxic for lead, exceeded Provincial Water' Objectives for pH and E.coli and was high for suspended solids and BOD. Toxicity tel trout and daplmia resulted in 100% mortality:' Unregulated paper sludge being spread on field' Paper sludge is piling up in farm fields and being spread as the 'product' Nitro-sorb 1 'ch is exempt under the same MOE policy decision as "Sound-sorb'. Nitro-sorb is a mixture ~ paper sludge with some yard-waste comp06t. Unlike when paper sludge was spre (under Certificates of Approval (a practice that was stopped after 11 years of 'testing' becaul . there was no demonstrable benefit) there are no rules about where, or how thickly Nitro-sor lean be spread. It doesn't even fall under the Nutrient Management Act. It is completely unregl ted. Local Public Health Agencies want sludge regulat' . alPHa (ASBOdation at Local Public Health Agencies) in a December 2003 resoluti . "Paper fibre biosolids when defined as waste are subject to stringent environmental due to the significant microbial activity and putrescence that occur during deoom well as the potential leaching of certain toxins into groundwater or onto crops if applied on agricultural land. These controls, which include a prohibition on winter ap a limit to the length of storage time and assesementa by waste generators, do not Sound-Sorb becaUlle it is defined as a 'product' rather than a 'waste'. We are therefor the Ministry to remove this exemption, which is contradictory and una . inunediately subject the land application of Sound-Sorb to the proper approval p and environmental ('Ontrols under Ontario Regulation 347", Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority calls for action and increased controls on sludge~. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA Jan. 6/S,R. #4504-05) s~ our concerns: '1t appears that this issue has been mismanaged, that some violatiol regarding the storage and handling of some of the materials of concern, and that there at concerns expressed by the residenls. After a period of 5 years the questions J unanswered. The province is the governing authority and should be urged to compl their analyses expeditiously and make a final ruling on all matters of concern," CLOCA senti' letter to the minister urging the province to bring all the relevant studies to conclusio ;in an expeditious manner and to review and revise Regulation 347 (3) 'specifically as it de with proceSlled or recycled waste material to provide fOl'increased controls"', Still the MOE takes no action. No date yet for a pu meeting to review the Experts Panel recommendati ' MAY-06-2005 02:51 AM RONVICE 9056557128 P.05 I I' I I I I. I I I:: I I, I I' I I". .:1 I: I I; I . .' :l! Durham Region, Municipalities and Durham Region Federation of Agriculture urge con~ On December 15, 2004 the Regional Municipality of Durham passed a resolution, Ontario Ministry of the Envirorunent (MOE) be urged to continue groundwater moni and around the Oshawa Skeet and Gun Oub for the life of the berm; that the U tenlUlt Government in Council be urged to amend Regulation 347 under the Environmental pj. ction Act by ending the exemption of paper fibre biosolids or products derived from them ~ \ch that their spread and/or storage is subject to a provisional/certificate of approvallssuby the MOE; that the Government of Ontario be urged to pass Bill 125, the Environmental Pi tection Amendment Act, 2004, respecting the regulation of the spreading and/ or storage of . r fibre biosolids or products derived from them; that the MOE be urged to place a moratori. on the construction of paper fibre biosolids and Sound-Sorb berms; and that the MOE be . ed to place a moratorium on the stockpiling and storage of paper fibre biosolids on fannlandi The motion was endorsed by the Municipality of Oarington and Durham Region F. of Apicultlm! Oanwuy 05). ' Unregulated yard waste dump on Moraine is gm The Harmony Road North composting site that is exempt from regulations because it under a 'permit by rule' as a 'Nonna! Farm Practice' is growing as it now receives waste from across Durham. This despite the fact that the 'Normal Farm Practices' co~ pt was rejected by a Review Board under the Fanning and Food Production Protection Act, i the monitoring wells reveal water contamination. , I How can you help stop the dumping? The Ministry has released the <<Report of the Experts Panel on Sound Environmental Registry and eslll . and c Ministry encourages interested individuals to take advantage of this 90 day review p . submit your comments on the report by May 26, 2005. The EBR posting, report i and contact information on the submission of comments can be accessed at the follml/ g web address: ! http://www.ene.~ov.on.ca/envreeisl1:y/024645EX.htm EBR Registry Number: XA05EOOO5 The report and comments received will be taken into consideration in future decisions' de by the Ministry of the Environment on the management of paper fibre biosolid materials. ' Oip and mail the note on the reverse of this page to the Minister to arrive before ursday May 2.6,2.005, or fax it to: (416) 314-6748, or email to'dombrowsky.mpp@liberal.ola.o~ by that date. ' I Phone caDs to 416-314-6790 will also be registered and taken into consideration. It is very important that you send or phone in your comments anj .' that you let the ministry know what you think and that you are inter. ted. If you don't make your opinion known, especially when the ministry is asking you to, , then don't complain when things happen that you don't waDi MAY-06-2005 02:52 AM RONYICE 9056557128 P.06 Several mills nOW rely on 6CI'ap paper as the main raW material for new products. with ble and . indus not . ult of the This industrial waste (created at a rate of 700 tonnes a day right heR in our area) disposed of - and theD! is both economk and environmental pressure on ind government to 'divert' waste from over-burdened landfill sites. But... Unregulated dumping and spreading is not waste diversion, it is appears to be: unregulated dumping and spreading. That me' . accountability, no responsibility for either the producer or the Mi .,1.______n_n ..~...oo~oom_.n.mm.nn...............___oo_muu.._____.......................__m__noooooooo_....................._oooo___;' -. I I I I . . I' Did you know... The paper sludge we're talking about is the residue from recycling paper iII1d pac ' contains the fibres that are too short to recycle (essentially clay) the inks, glues, ete that removed, the chemicals used to effect that removaL and those that are residual from tlI making process. ! For those who feel "if we create the problem (of waste paper) we should deal with the . aocording to the Toronto Star, there were 430,614 tonnes of paper and 156,902 tonnes' packaging recycled within Ontario in 2003. That's a total of almost 590 thousand to '. w' i less than th i' 0 for lin _ the "alue of recycled newsprint has risen to $108 per tonne (up 35% since 1994) and corrugated cardboard has risen to $119 per tonne (up 27% over the same period). . .It ustbe paper t" : cycled ate. Ii Ii I , I, 1'1 -, il " ii The Honourable Leona Dombrowsky Minister of the Environment 12th Floor, 135 St. Oair Avenue West Toronto, Ontario M4V IPS EBR Registry Number. XAOSEOO I" , .' I I I Dear Minister, As pressure to divert waste from landfill increases, there is a critical need for ~ enforceable legislation to protect Ontario uoundwater and farmland from thai waste. Please ensure that the recommendations of the Expert Panel on 50Wld ' implemented. Specifically that: "Paper fibre biosolids should be con Certificates of Approval or legal instruments that provide equal or better prot human health and the environment at all stages from its generation, through composting and final use in the construction of berms. The use of paper fibre . material mixed with mineral soil should also be subject to MOE control with r~ its preparation and use in the environment by a Certificate of Approval: legal instrument that provides equal or better protection for human health - d the environment. " Thank you for your comideration, Name: Phone: (905) Addrell8: 06-May-2005 t. . I I I trn. MOr'w.liaJ I"'" Calgary IIlWYOtK I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04:29pm From-Osler Hoskin & Harcourt llP 4169626666 T-I02 P.002/003 F-256 Osler. lIoskin & Harcourt LLP Box 50, 1 First C.nadlan PI.ce 'toronto, Ontario, Canada MBX 188 416.362.2111 MAIN 416.862.6666 FACSlMILE OSLER May 6, 2005 Slanley 6. St.ln Direct Dial: (416) 862-6439 :!istem@osler,oom Our Matter Number: 1037')94 By Facsimile Clerk's Department 2nd Floor 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 Dear Sirs: Development Application by A YT Corporation Public Meeting - Monday, May 9, 200S Weare writing on behalf of Zellers Inc, with respect t,) the A YT Corporation application to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law. As you know, Zellers has been involved in the commercial policy revie\. respecting future CO)Jl1l1ercial development in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area. Please add this letter to the materials to be considered by the General Purpo;e and Administration Committee meeting of May 9, 2005. The A YT application is a recent addition to the other applications for commercial uses that are being considered along the Highway 2 eorrid> ,r. The options for development of the Highway 2 corridor have been the subject of extensive consideration by the Municipality's staff and consultants and drew a higil level of participation at a public meeting held on April 20th. In this context, the A YT application introduces a new site that is trying to seek some of the future allocation for commercial development There are some threshold questions that must first be addressed as to the nature and extell1 of future commercial development that is warranted. A second question is the extent to which such development should take place in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area. Another issue is whether phasing is appropriate so new growth in commercial faciliti<:s is harmonized with population growth. At this time, the appropriate concentration of retail space in a well defined urban context, such as Option B discussed at the public meeting, must be addressed. Indeed, some of the development proposed fur the West Main Ctntral Area is, in our submission, prentature. This would make the addition of the A YT proposal even more problematic at this time. 1n conclusion, our client's position is that the Municipality already has enough in the way telecopy TOR r2Z;13tl761.:!.1 n~IAr.r.Clm 06-~ay-l005 1-. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04:18pm From-Osler Hoskin & Harcourt llP 4168626666 T-102 P.003/003 F-256 OSLER Page 2 of department store and other DSTM proposals .In its platter for consideration, unresolved as to scale and timing of development. The. introduction of a new node of this magnitude, unrelated to the existing commercial areas, is beyond the scope of the current review. The A YT site may be warranted in the futllIe, but there are already enough matters requiring resolution. We are also interested in seeing the assessment of th,: Town's peer review consultants, bearing in mind the comments previously submitted b) our client's consultants. Yours very truly, Stanley B. Stein SBS: c: David Crome, Director of Planning ServiCes Ira Kagan, Kagan Shastri T05U':!:Z: 11Q76~:!:, I