HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/26/2005 (Jal'in~1 on fH"!'".:::liu l\c~\ ( - Council Meeting Minutes September 26, 2005 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 26,2005, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Schell led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: - Mayor J. Mutton Councillor A. Foster Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor P. Pingle Councillor G. Robinson Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Chief Administrative Officer/Acting Clerk, F. Wu Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella (attended until 7:40 p.m.) Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (attended until 7:40 p.m.) Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Operations, F. Horvath (attended until 7:40 p.m.) Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Director of FinancelTreasurer, N. Taylor (attended until 7:40 p.m.) Director of Emergency Services, G. Weir (attended until 7:40 p.m.) Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, H. Keyzers DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated for this meeting. MINUTES Resolution #C-406-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 12, 2005, be approved. - "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -2- September 26, 2005 - PUBLIC MEETING In accordance with section 34(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, a public meeting is being held to hear concerns and comments with respect to the Municipality's by-law to stop up and close a portion of a road allowance (Scugog Road) and to authorize the conveyance of Parts 1, 2 and 3 on an unregistered 40R-Plan to Highmark Homes. No one spoke in opposition to or in support of this road closure. DELEGATIONS Resolution #C-407 -05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Joe Fernandez be added to the list of delegations. "CARRIED" - Doug Morse appeared before Council regarding Report PSD-111-05. He advised that his family resides on Murphy Road and that he would like to address two matters pertaining to the proposed application submitted by 1559300 Ontario Limited (Ron Robinson Ltd.) to expand a mineral aggregate operation, i.e.: 1. expansion of the aggregate; and 2. entrance onto Murphy Road. Since the pit has begun operation there has been an increase in garbage, excessive noise early in the morning and the loss of wildlife. He advised that the Oak Ridges Moraine is a highly protected area and it is being affected by the gravel pit operation. The entrance of the Kovac's pit is located on Murphy Road and that Murphy Road is a gravel road with no sidewalks, causing a dangerous situation. Mr. Morse stated that the gravel pit is not an asset due to the cost of repairing the road and the damages to the environment. Janet Ralston appeared before Council in opposition to Report PSD-111-05. Ms. Ralston lives on Regional Road 20, which is directly beside the pit. She advised that if this application is approved her house will be totally surrounded by gravel pits. When her family moved into their home all the gavel pits were not in use and she thought that the land and wildlife would be protected. She quoted sections of the Oak Ridges Moraine Plan and its vision, stating that the vision is beautiful but if the expansion is approved the vision will be lost. - Council Meeting Minutes -3- September 26, 2005 - DELEGATIONS Joe Fernandez appeared before Council requesting a taxi fare increase. He noted, due to the increase in gas, his employees are spending one-half of their wages to fill the tank. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-408-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the communications to be received for information be approved as per the agenda with the exception of Items 1- 3,1- 9 and 1- 12. I - 1 C07.GE - 1-2 P03.GE 1-4 P03.GE 1-5 SOO.GE - "CARRIED" M. de Rond, Clerk, Town of Ajax, advising Council that a public meeting will be held on September 26, 2005, to consider a by-law that would place the following question on the November 13, 2006, municipal election ballot: Should the Council of the Town of Ajax approve the following resolution: 'THAT the Government of Ontario enact a resolution requiring the direct election of the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham." Julian Fantino, Commissioner of Emergency Management, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, requesting Council's cooperating in refraining from self-deploying staff or resources to the four states most affected by Hurricane Katrina. It is essential that liability and cost issues be clearly addressed before deployment. Veridian Corporation, advising that Veridian Corporation has extended an offer to assist in power restoration and re-building efforts in the U.S. states affected by Hurricane Katrina. The company has twelve experienced Iinepersons ready and equipped to be dispatched to the disaster area on short notice. Cheryl MacLeod, Executive Director, Hospice Durham, providing a copy of their Annual Report. Council Meeting Minutes .4- September 26, 2005 '- COMMUNICATIONS 1-6 SOO.GE 1-7 P03.GE '- 1-8 C10.MO '- John R. OToole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, regarding the GTA/905 Healthcare Alliance. In this letter, Tariq Asmi, Executive Director writes about the importance of applying the standards of fairness and equity to all aspects of government decision-making. However, there is clearly an inequity in funding for healthcare services in four 905-area Regions. (Namely Durham, Halton, Peel and York) Mr. O'Toole is requesting the Premier's immediate attention on this matter. Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising that the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) has made the following suggestions to Canadian municipalities offering support to the Gulf Coast Emergency: 1. Persons experienced in shelter operations and in emergency management are needed now. Local offices of the CRC should be contacted. The CRC can offer training to volunteers who have not already been through their programs. Deployments to relief assignments of the American Red Cross are generally three weeks in length, with employers expected to cover their employees' salary and benefits while on assignment. Direct on the ground expenses can be covered by the Red Cross if necessary. This is a hardship assignment requiring persons in good health. A detailed advance briefing would be provided by the CRC. Offers of financial support can be directed to local officers of the CRC. 2. 3. 4. 5. P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to Ms. E. Dowdeswell, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, advising that Regional Council on September 7, 2005, approved the following resolution: "a) THAT the following recommendations, comments and contents of Report #2005-P-62 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), as Durham Region's response to the draft Discussion Document entitled 'Choosing a Way Forward - The Future Management of Canada's Used Nuclear Fuel': i) The long-term management approach - Adaptive Phased Management (APM) - presented by NWMO provides a reasonable solution for Canada's nuclear fuel waste, however the details of actual implementation remain a concern; Council Meeting Minutes -5. September 26, 2005 -- COMMUNICATIONS ii) The Adaptive Phased Management (APM) approach addresses many of the concerns that were previously expressed by the Region. Most importantly, the need to remove nuclear waste from existing reactor sites away from large and growing urban centres and the Lake Ontario drinking water supply, is recognized by the proposed APM approach. Nevertheless, the potential for the nuclear waste to remain at Durham's existing reactor sites as the permanent solution however, is still a concern. NWMO must restructure the APM approach to ensure there are firm timelines for decision-making, based on specific options; iii) If a willing host community if found, the community and communities along transportation routes, need to be provided certainty of the nature, type and timing of facilities that will be constructed. The proposed APM approach does not provide specific timelines for making the decision of whether or not to construct an interim storage facility; ...... iv) Should the Federal government approve the APM approach, it should concurrently approve the concept of a centralized shallow interim storage facility. This will significantly reduce the community impacts, added risks, and costs associated with improved security, repackaging used nuclear fuel, and refurbishing existing reactor facilities; v) The NWMO must strongly urge the Federal government to make a decision on the long-term management approach for Canada's nuclear waste as expeditiously as possible, so that the burden of deciding how and where to manage nuclear waste is not passed onto future generations. The decisions of the Federal government will form a fundamental component of broader energy policy decisions that will be facing Provincial and Federal governments in the next decade; -- Council Meeting Minutes -6- September 26, 2005 -- COMMUNICATIONS vi) The Province of Ontario has to make future energy supply decisions in the very near future, which may include the need to construct or expand nuclear capacity. As such, NWMO must emphasize the urgency to the Federal government to make a decision on Canada's long-term management approach for nuclear waste, before any more decisions are made to construct new or expand nuclear power plants; vii) The transportation of nuclear waste to a centralized site will be a significant issue, affecting current nuclear host communities, adjacent communities and communities along the transportation routes. Therefore, it is critical that NWMO include in its final Discussion Document the need to prepare a transportation plan (which should include defined modes, routes, community impacts, security/safety measures and associated risks, etc.), as an integral component of its future siting process and public consultation program; ...... viii) The proposed APM approach includes monitoring the nuclear waste while it is in the central interim storage facility and the deep repository. The NWMO should indicate what actions might be taken if the monitoring results are not technically favourable, or unacceptable to stakeholder groups and affected communities; ix) Should the Federal government approve the APM approach as presented in the draft Discussion Document, it is requested that, as a safeguard, more stringent monitoring practices be implemented at existing reactor facilities, especially as they age; xi) Existing nuclear host communities will continue to be impacted by any long-term management approach for nuclear fuel waste for many decades. Accordingly, the NWMO must include in the final Discussion Document, a new section which clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the ownerslproducers of nuclear waste versus NWMO that is consistent with the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act and the principle of 'polluter pays'. This is needed to address the full impacts on nuclear host communities in implementing the APM approach. In this regard, NWMO should consider the timelines for the decommissioning of reactor plants as a factor; '- Council Meeting Minutes -7- September 26, 2005 '- COMMUNICATIONS xii) The issue of compensation, financial or otherwise, for current nuclear host communities and communities in close proximity to reactor sites is not included in the draft Discussion Document. NWMO's recommendation will potentially require the storage of nuclear waste at existing reactor sites for an extended period of time beyond what was originally thought. Accordingly, NWMO should address compensation, based on potential impacts and risks in implementing the recommended approach, including costs associated with emergency preparedness, security measures, municipal infrastructure (roads, water, sewer etc.) and community impacts; and -- xiii) Whether used nuclear waste remains on site in Durham Region in the interim, or is transported to a centralized site outside of Durham, the Region should continue to have an ongoing, long-term role in future decisions regarding the nuclear waste management strategy. This would allow the Region to preserve opportunities for additional financial compensation in the event the nuclear waste management approach is modified; b) THAT the Federal Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable R. John Efford, be requested to expedite a decision on Canada's long-term management approach for used nuclear fuel waste; c) THAT the peer review comments on NWMO's draft Discussion Document, prepared by Acres-Sargent & Lundy (on behalf of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities) and Robert Gadsby (on behalf of the Town of Ajax), be endorsed; and d) THAT a copy of Report #2005-P-62 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization, the area municipalities, the Federal Minister of Natural Resources, Durham's MPs and MPPs, and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities." -- -8- September 26, 2005 Council Meeting Minutes -- COMMUNICATIONS 1- 10 D02.0A I - 11 T05.HW 1-13 C06.LA 1- 14 M02.GE -- Debbe Crandall, Executive Director, STORM Coalition, advising Council on September 28, 2005, STORM Coalition, Citizens' Envrionment Watch and the Centre for Community Mapping will be hosting a community workshop for the Monitoring the Moraine (MTM) project. MTM is a three-year project created through the partnership of the three organizations and has received funding from the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation and the George Cedric Metcalf Foundation to engage and train citizen volunteers in environmental and policy monitoring of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Kim Coates, Clerk, Township of Scugog, advising that the Council of the Township of Scugog received and endorsed the Municipality of Clarington's correspondence regarding severance of non-agricultural rural parcels - relocation of heritage structures. Minutes of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee meeting dated June 21, 2005. Doug Rosser, Chair, Sport Alliance of Ontario, inviting Council to bid on one of Ontario's Games: the 2008 Ontario Winter Games for Youth, the 2008 Summer Games for Youth, the 2008 Ontario Senior Games- Actifest (Summer) or the 2009 Ontario Senior Games - Winterfest. These four unique multi-sport competitions showcase Ontario's Athletes and the community, offering participants, volunteers and spectators the chance to experience the challenge and excitement of Games, and leaving behind an important legacy of community pride and personal development. 1-3 John OToole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable Laurel Broten, Minister of the Environment, advising that the following resolution was adopted by the Region of Durham's Council on June 15, 2005: '- "a) THAT the Minister of the Environment be requested to develop an environmentally friendly but cost effective means of disposing abandoned tires, including modifying the current EA Regulations to permit cement plant facilities to allow the use of unwanted tires as an alternate fuel source as: i) unwanted tires can be an environmental hazard, as well as a health hazard for such things as providing breeding grounds for the West Nile Virus; ii) farm properties often become a refuge for a large number of abandoned tires; Council Meeting Minutes -9- September 26, 2005 -- COMMUNICATIONS iji) tires are not permitted in landfill sites; iv) it is legal to burn tires under controlled conditions in places outside of Ontario, for example in cement plant kilns; v) the steel in tires eliminates the need to use a steel additive in the making of cement; and vi) it has been proven, on a trail basis at St. Mary's Cement, that tires are a cleaner burning fuel than coal, which is typically burned, and provides energy at a consistent level in the cement facilities; and b) THAT this resolution be circulated to the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), Durham Federation of Agriculture, The Christian Farms Federation of Ontario, the National Farmers Union of Ontario, the Rural Ontario Municipalities Association, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), and all local MPP's for support." -- Resolution #C-409-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Correspondence Item 1-3 be referred to the Planning Services Department. "CARRIED" 1-9 T07.GE Reverend Christopher Greaves, Incumbent priest and pastor of St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, thanking Council and staff, specifically Ron Baker, for the new church direction sign installed this summer on the corner of King and Temperance Streets. Resolution #C-41 0-05 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Correspondence Item 1-9 be copied to Ron Baker, Traffic Coordinator. "CARRIED" - Council Meeting Minutes -10- September 26, 2005 '- COMMUNICATIONS 1-12 C06.CL Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board Meeting dated September 14, 2005. Resolution #C-411-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item I - 12 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-412-05 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Items D- 4 to D - 8, inclusive. - D - 1 M02.GE D-2 M02.GE - "CARRIED" Sally Barrie, Administrator, Community Care Durham Clarington, requesting that the month of October be proclaimed Community Support Month. Community Support includes meals on wheels services and across the Province the week of October 3 is designated as Meals on Wheels Week. Ms. Barrie is also requesting that two members of Council join their team of volunteers on Monday, October 3, to help deliver meals. This would require a commitment of 1 - 2 hours around noon to accompany volunteers on one of the eleven routes across the municipality with meal pick-up at Lakeridge Health Bowmanville. (Proclaimed) Paul Moist, National President, CUPE SCFP, requesting that October 5, 2005, be proclaimed Communities Day. The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) launched the day in 2004 to highlight the many pressing issues facing municipalities. While last year's "New Deal for Cities and Communities" is a step forward, Canadian cities and towns still face major infrastructure shortfalls. (Proclaimed) Council Meeting Minutes -11- September 26, 2005 - COMMUNICATIONS D-3 M02.GE D-4 C10.MO -- -- Edith Hopkins, CEO, Clarington Public Library, requesting proclamation of October 17 - 24, 2005, as Canadian Library Week. This year's theme focuses on the lifelong contribution libraries make to both individuals in a community and to the community itself. (Proclaimed) Township of North Frontenac, advising Council that the Township of North Frontenac passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS all municipalities in the Province of Ontario are links in the broader chain of government and that this chain is only as strong as the weakest links, the majority of which are the smallest rural municipalities with populations under 10,000 people; AND WHEREAS the level of investment to support infrastructure and economic development in the smallest rural municipalities cannot be reasonably sustained by the property tax yield; AND WHEREAS these fundamental infrastructure needs necessary to support economic development include road and bridge maintenance, construction and reconstruction; the establishment and maintenance of communications facilities; the sustainability of municipal buildings; and the provision of safe water, waste water and waste management facilities; AND WHEREAS all municipalities are required to deliver and fund social programs mandated by the provincial government through the same property tax yield that compete with these significant infrastructure needs; AND WHEREAS the current federal/provincial programs (e.g. per capita gas-tax rebates, COMRIF, EODF, etc.) directed at "small municipalities" with populations of 500,000,250,000,200,000 or less provide the smallest rural municipalities (less than 10,000 people) with inadequate financial capacity, even when banded over several years, to provide meaningful infrastructure improvements or economic development opportunities; AND WHEREAS the smallest rural municipalities comprise more than 61 percent (per Appendix A) of the total number (445) of municipalities in Ontario; continue to get less and less of the share of the pot; and get poorer and poorer relative to urban, semi-urban and rural-urban areas of the province; Council Meeting Minutes -12- September 26, 2005 -- COMMUNICATIONS AND WHEREAS the year-round populations of many of the smallest rural municipalities are typically augmented several times by the regular influx of seasonal residents, which fact adds pressure to already inadequate infrastructure and commercial bases; AND WHEREAS the establishment of a sliding funding scale (per Appendix A) inversely proportionate to those municipalities with the least populations would ensure that the smallest rural municipalities would be able to operate, compete, grow and prosper; AND WHEREAS, to be fair and equitable, this funding scale should be recognized and applied prior to the calculation of any additional per capita or other formulas that may pertain to new federal and/or provincial funding initiatives in respect of municipalities; -- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that until such time as the Government of the Province of Ontario removes the obligation of funding the many social programs through the municipal property tax base, the Township of North Frontenac recommends that the Government immediately develops and institutes, for the smallest rural municipalities, minimum capital program funding thresholds (per Appendix A) that are inversely proportionate to their permanent and non-permanent populations; AND FURTHER that all Ontario Municipalities endorse these recommendations through their respective Councils and respond to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; to their local Members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario; to Her Majesty's Leaders of the Opposition in the Province of Ontario; and to the Premier of Ontario; and Leaders of the Opposition." Resolution #C-413-05 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT correspondence Item D - 4 be received for information. "CARRIED" -- Council Meeting Minutes -13- September 26, 2005 -- COMMUNICATIONS D-5 F11.GE Brain Seaton, Project Manager, Hampton Citizen's Association, requesting a donation of $15,000 to help fund a small portion of the cost of their Hampton Pond Recovery Project. The Hampton Pond Recovery Project is a collaborative effort between the Hampton Citizen's Association as manager of the project, Central Lake Ontario Conservation as property owner, and the Municipality of Clarington as property manager. Resolution #C-414-05 Moved by Councillor Shell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Correspondence Item D - 5 be referred to the Director of Operations. D-6 F11.GE "CARRIED" Barb Hiff, Executive Director, Distress Centre Durham, requesting financial assistance to help support Distress Centre Durham. -- Resolution #C-415-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Correspondence Item D - 6 be referred to the 2006 grant process; and THAT Barb Hiff, Executive Director, Distress Centre Durham, be advised of the Municipality's Grant Policy. D-7 C10.MO - "CARRIED" City of Hamilton, advising Council that the City of Hamilton on July 13, 2005, passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the level of investment to support rural and agricultural communities and to support the development of a more competitive rural economy cannot be reasonably sustained by the current property tax yield. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: (a) THAT the Council of the City of Hamilton endorses the resolution of the Ontario Mayors for the Future of Agriculture recommending that the Province of Ontario immediately develop effective funding mechanisms specifically to support rural and agricultural development issues. Council Meeting Minutes -14- September 26, 2005 - COMMUNICATIONS (b) AND FURTHER, that all Ontario Municipal communities endorse this recommendation through their respective Councils and respond back to the Ontario Mayors for the Future of Agriculture, c/o Mayor Rita Kalmbach, Norfolk County. Resolution #C-416-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the resolution of the City of Hamilton regarding Investment to Support Rural and Agricultural Communities be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. "CARRIED" D - 8 Confidential Property Matter Resolution #C-417 -05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Pingle -- THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report - September 19, 2005 Resolution #C-418-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of September 19, 2005, be approved with the exception of Item #6. "CARRIED" - Council Meeting Minutes -15- September 26, 2005 -- REPORTS Resolution #C-419-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report CLD-027-05 be received; and THAT staff be authorized to enrol in the Pet Plan Insurance Shelter Partnership Program. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #C-420-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Item #6 of Report #1, be amended by adding the words "for a one year trial period" at the end of the second paragraph. '- "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-419-05 was then put to a vote and "CARRIED AS AMENDED." Report #2 - CLD-037 -05 - Appointment of Parking Enforcement Officer - Kim Birkett Resolution #C-421-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Ping Ie THAT Report CLD-037-05 be received; THAT the by-law attached to Report CLD-037-05 to appoint parking enforcement officer, Kim Birkett, be approved; and THAT Kim Birkett be advised of Council's actions. "CARRIED" - Council Meeting Minutes -16- September 26, 2005 - REPORTS Report #3 - Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer Resolution #C-422-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" Report #4 - Confidential Report EGD-031-05 - Property Matter Resolution #C-423-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report EGD-031-05 be approved. - "CARRIED" Report #4 - Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund Intake Two - Port Darlington Neighbourhood, Secondary Access Route Resolution #C-424-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report EGD-32-05 be received by Council; THAT the Municipality submit an application for funding to the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund - Intake Two; THAT the works listed in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood, Secondary Access Route contained in Report EGD-32-05 be endorsed as the Municipality's highest priority project and included in the application; THAT Report EGD-32-05 be forwarded to the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund Joint Secretariat; - Council Meeting Minutes -17- September 26, 2005 __ REPORTS THAT the Engineering Services Department proceed with the preparation and submission of the Canada-Ontario Rural Infrastructure Fund application, including all supporting documentation. "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS Resolution #C-425-05 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the delegation of Joe Fernandez pertaining to a taxi fare increase be referred to the Municipal Clerk's Department for review and report back to Council in two weeks. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-426-05 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Schell, -- THAT the meeting be "closed" to consider confidential legal and personnel matters. "CARRIED" The meeting continued in "open" forum at 8:43 p.m. Resolution #C-427-05 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the actions taken during the "closed" session of Council be ratified. "CARRIED" - Council Meeting Minutes -18- September 26, 2005 - BY-LAWS Resolution #C-428-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2005-186 to 2005-191, inclusive and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 2005-186 being a by-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2178 from Part Lot Control 2005-187 being a by-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a by-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington 2005-188 being a by-law to stop up and close as a public highway a portion of a road allowance (Scugog Road) and to authorize the conveyance of Parts 1, 2 and 3 on an unregistered 40R-Plan to Highmark Homes 2005-189 being a by-law to declare a portion of a road allowance situated in Lot 13, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville (Scugog Street) to be -- Surplus 2005-190 being a by-law to appoint an individual as a Parking Enforcement Officer 2005-191 being a by-law to authorize the transfer of lands from Leslie Colvin to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, for nominal consideration, the lands more particularly described as Part 8 on Plan 10R-3099, Part Lot 35, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, Municipality of Clarington "CARRIED" Resolution #C-429-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2005-186 to 2005-191, inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" -- Council Meeting Minutes -19- September 26, 2005 - CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-430-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2005-192 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 26th day of September, 2005, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-431-05 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2005-192 be approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT - Resolution #C-432-05 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:45 p.m. "CARRIED" (l!2/l)).- MAYO -