HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-047-04 . Cl~-!l]glon REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 4, 2004 Resolution #: (;'p;J . ~'f;C (lei Report #: EGD-47-04 File#: By-law #: Subject: TYRONE AND LESKARD TRAFFIC CONCERNS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report EGD-47-04 be received; 2. THAT the request for an all-way stop on Concession Road 7 at Clemens Rd in Tyrone be denied; 3. THAT the request for an all-way stop on Concession Road 7 at Leskard Road in Tyrone be denied; 4. THAT the Director of Engineering Services continue to work with the CTMAC and Durham Regional Police to find ways of improving speed compliance through rural Hamlets; 5. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to consider installing directional signage to encourage inter regional traffic to use Regional roadways; 6. THAT Durham Regional Police be requested to provide radar enforcement at the peak traffic periods on concession roads and in hamlets, which are known to be routes used by cottage traffic; 7. THAT the Director of Engineering Services work with the CTMAC to develop a program to review and establish guidelines for safe operating speeds on rural roadways; 8. THAT the Director of Engineering Services and Durham Regional Police work with the trucking industry and aggregate owners to find ways of reducing truck 701 REPORT #: EGD-47-04 TYRONE AND LESKARD TRAFFIC CONCERNS Page 2 volume and speeds on the lower tier road network with particular emphasis on Liberty Street North through Tyrone; and 9. THAT the interested parties listed within this report be provided with a copy of this report and Council's decision, Respectfully by, ~/') . ,7'1"/1." 1/ ..' U'/"~f"~ Submitted by: A.S, Cannella Director of Engineering Services C ~-5- ~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ASC/RDB/dv September 27, 2004 702 REPORT #: EGD-47-04 TYRONE AND LESKARD TRAFFIC CONCERNS Page 3 1.0 BACKGROUND Traffic has been a concern for the residents of Clarington's hamlets for many of years, Traffic concerns and volumes are expected to increase along Concession Road 7 in Tyrone continuing through to Conc, Rd 8 in Leskard with weekend cottage traffic. New concerns exist that the roadway is serving as an access to and from the 407 which presently terminates at Brock Rd in Pickering. Periodic volume increases along this concession road is also associated with events at Mosport Park. Staff, have received numerous complaints of truck traffic in Tyrone pertaining to truck speeds and volume, 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 Request to prohibit truck traffic or reduce truck speeds in Tyrone Although Liberty Street North is presently under Clarington's jurisdiction it was previously a part of the Regional Road network and was intended to support trucking activity, The change in jurisdiction from the Region to Clarington has not had any effect on the actual road usage by truck traffic. On going construction activity has kept the local aggregate operators busy, which results in additional complaints from residents. The municipality would prefer to work cooperatively with the aggregate operators and trucking industry rather than creating by-law schedules and posting signs indicating permissive truck routes and posting prohibition signs. Previously the municipality has posted extended Y, load signs to some concession roads to reduce roadway damage rather than restricting truck access completely, 2.2 Tyrone Traffic Speed and Volume Concerns The CTMAC did not support an all-way stop at the intersection of Liberty Street North and Clemens Road because it did not meet the volume requirements for this type of right of way control. The committee members and staff are concerned with the vehicle speeds in the Hamlets. The Hamlet Gateway Treatments which 7U3 REPORT #: EGD-47-04 TYRONE AND LESKARD TRAFFIC CONCERNS Page 4 are passive traffic calming features have resulted in some speed reduction at the entrance points as motorists are now more aware of the speed reduction location. Residents of Tyrone generally support the gateways but want further action taken to reduce operating speeds to a safer level. Speed humps are a much more aggressive form of traffic calming which can be placed in a series to effectively reduce speeds over longer stretches of roadway but have yet to be tested in Clarington and would receive opposition from some stakeholders. Unwarranted all-way stops usually see higher occurrences of rolling stop violations. Stops signs are generally ineffective as a speed control device because the speed reduction occurs over a very short distance with new vehicle breaking and acceleration abilities. An all-way stop or traffic calming feature may give Tyrone more of a "four corners" or "downtown" appearance in combination with the existence of general store. The Municipally operated Traffic Watch Program has visited Tyrone a number of times during 2004 and although average speeds near the centre of the village are approximately 58 kmfhr they are not as high as Leskard with average speeds of approximately 65km/hr. An all-way stop is not warranted in Tyrone under provincial guidelines, which staff uses to make its recommendations. To divert some of this 407 and cottage traffic volume from local roads, Clarington staff would like to see the Region of Durham consider the installation of directional signs through out Durham to encourage traffic to use Regional Roads to reach their intended destinations. Regional Roads are better designed to handle this inter regional traffic, Staff and residents would also request more police enforcement to discourage the excessive speeding on local rural roads which are not designed for higher operating speeds. 2.3 Leskard Traffic Speed and Volume Concerns Speed is a concern in Leskard similar to Tyrone but with additional complications. Leskard is situated in a valley which encourages motorists to pick up speeds in both directions and the area appears to motorists as very rural due to the '7 U 4 REPORT #: EGD-47-04 TYRONE AND LESKARD TRAFFIC CONCERNS Page 5 residential set backs. The intersection of Concession Rd 8 and Leskard Road is off set by 98 metres resulting in a "r intersection which makes it more difficult to meet a provincial volume warrants for an all-way stop. Traffic volumes increase with weekend cottage traffic and additional concems exist that motorists are using this as a further extension to and from the 407. The hamlet has no general store or other focal point to give it a "Downtown" appearance. Unwarranted all-way stops usually see higher occurrences of rolling stop violations and would occur more at a "T" intersection with very little traffic, Stops signs are generally ineffective as a speed control device because the speed reduction occurs over a very short distance due to vehicle breaking and acceleration abilities. An all-way stop is not warranted in Tyrone under provincial guidelines which staff uses to make its recommendations. Attachments Attachment 1 - Key Map List of Interested Parties: Inspector Tom Cameron Bowmanville Community Office Durham Regional Police 77 Centre Street North Oshawa, ON L 1 G 4B7 Clayton Morgan, Chair Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee 31 Parkway Crescent Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 1 B9 Bob Szwarz Manager of Traffic, Engineering & Operations Region of Durham 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario L 1A 6A3 7U5 . ,I ; lc:t. I ~nN> & HU~ Rl'lilrbad T T i i I I I , T I I , I ! I I ! I i I ! i I I I I , I [ ! i \ I i Regi~al Rd. ~ ! i I , I I ,I I~ , I Jl I ] I ] I ~ I I II i \ liB I Ii '1 I 17 , I il . ......, t ~ ~ I I, I · II LJ Co,; >> :1 Iii} u ~ 1l . ~ ~I ! ~ n i ~ i II . \ RoEoi,. n~ , ! , I I ( I ~ I I ~ ! ! ~ , , I I i I ~ I i , I i I ~ I I . Q I Ii 0. 0 .. i i B ~iOl1~7 I ! "' i ::i TYRONE I 1 I " I J ~ _! . ~ i 0 , I I -r ~ ~ ~ ~ . J 11 i I i ! I ) ~ ~ I I. I i \:: ] . Ii ~ ~ Jil ~ 0. ~ I ill 0 ]V W~e s LEGEND . Requested AlI-way Stops Regional Rd. 20 I i L...l Rd 10 r-\--l I MOSPORT II P~K \ II l.......~........,........ I ~ ~ " t ~ o ::! - , , , I , I I , I I_d;~ Rood , I ~ ~ " ~ I S I i 'I i I .1 I I ! I LESrC \! I ~ 0- ~ " ~ .. c~Roadl ~ ] l ~ ! ] ~ z I I Engineering Services , REPORT EGD- 47-04 If ATTACHMENT NO.1 Sepl28,2004