HomeMy WebLinkAboutADM-05-05 Clw:JllgtOn REPORT Meeting: Date: EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE October 17, 2005 Report #: ADMIN 005-05 File # 10.12.6 SPA. f.(o'j-OS By-law # Subject: Corporate Health and Safety Program Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1.) THAT The Annual Report of the Corporate Joint Health and Safety Committee Report ADMIN 005 -05 is received for information. , ---- Submitted by: Reviewed by: rdon Weir, AMCT, CMM111 Craig Mac m, Co-Chair, Non-Affiliated 2004 - 2005 Co-Chair, ffiliated 2005 Reviewed by: 0 ~ -.J.. ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. GW:sr CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 REPORT: ADM-005-05 BACKGROUND PAGE 2 As set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Employer must prepare and review annually a written Occupational Health and Safety policy and develop and maintain a program to implement that policy. The Committee is currently updating the detailed Corporate Health and Safety Program to incorporate minor changes and additions to the various sections. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Since the last report to Council, the Committee would like to report on the following activities: . Joint Health and Safety Committee Resource Manual 2003 is being reviewed and up-dated and will be reprinted with copies sent to all departments. . Purchased and supplied frames for safety messages for all Municipal buildings including arenas and pools, etc. . Various Committee members have obtained Sector Specific Training identified on the Joint Health and Safety Committee list on all Health and Safety Boards. . Various Committee members have also obtained Basic Certification. . Supplied Basic Workplace Inspection Training to Committee members and workers assisting with the inspections. . Added several members as sub-committee members, which assisted in streamlining monthly inspections. . Supplied all members, Department Heads, J.H. & S. Boards etc with current Occupational Health and Safety Acts and Regulations. . Purchased numerous Safety Training Video packages, and created an inventory of current resources available. . Terms of Reference and By-law regarding Health and Safety were reviewed and updated in 2004, approved by Council in Report ADM-03-04 . Improvements were made to the way the Committee does business: more timely correspondence, updated bulletin boards, improved inspection procedures and schedules. REPORT: ADM-005-05 PAGE 3 . Over the past couple of years the Committee conducted several workplace accident inspections. Followed up with recommendations on how to prevent any further accidents. . Tracked all work place accidents over the past three years and have compiled lists of most common type accidents. . List of these accidents circulated to the Health and Safety Committee and Department Heads. . In 2004 conducted several training sessions dealing with most common types of accidents/injuries, which included proper lifting techniques and slips and trips training. . Supplied fire extinguisher training for municipal staff. . Currently co-ordinating ergonomic training and individual audits where required. . Included in annual budget, opportunity for Health and Safety Committee Members to attend annual training conferences. ONGOING MATTERS These are some of the initiatives that the Committee is pursuing: 1. Up-dating and redistributing the Joint Health and Safety Committee Resource Manual. 2. Continually monitoring Accident/Injury Reports to determine common areas that require possible training, etc. 3. Up-dates to staff and management on current Health and Safety issues such as Bill C-45 legislation, etc. 4. Co-ordinating Corporate wide programs offering such training as W.H.M.I.S., First Aid and C.P.R., etc. REPORT: ADMIN 005 -05 PAGE 4 CERTIFICATION Each year we encourage new members to attain their Basic Certification Training as well, once this has been achieved, to take the Workplace Specific Certification Training. Currently we have one affiliated co-chair certified with the Workers Health and Safety Centre in a Train the Trainer role. Workers Health and Safety Centre offers a variety of courses and as we purchase them our trainer will be able to deliver these courses to both the Committee as well all staff throughout the Municipality. CO-CHAIRS Over the past several years Gord Weir (Non Affiliated) and Adrian Coolen (Affiliated) have been the Co-Chairs for the Joint Health and Safety committee. Adrian Coolen recently stepped down as co-chair and has been replaced by Craig Macklem. Adrian remains as a Committee member. ACCIDENTS There have been 48 accidents reported so far in 2005 (stats ending October 30/05). Of these 26 required first aid, 22 required medical aid and 5 were lost time accidents. We have had no serious accidents to-date that required any type of investigation. SUMMARY The Joint Health and Safety Committee continues to be an effective resource to the Employer. The Committee continues to work on awareness with regard to safety matters and recognizing workplace risks, assisting in their resolution. The Committee acts as the link between workers and management working to resolve all health safety related issues. The Municipality of Clarington is fortunate to have employees, representing both the affiliated and non-affiliated workers, who are committed to health and safety in the workplace.