HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/1993 . . . Council Minutes PRAYERS ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: MINUTES DELEGATIONS TOWN OF NEWCASTLE February 8, 1993 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, February 8, 1993, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers Councillor Harmah led the meeting in prayer. Mayor D. Hamre Councillor A Dreslinski CouncilIor L. Hannah CouncilIor K. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor J. O'Toole Councillor D. Scott Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (Attended until 7:40 p.m.) Fire Chief, M. Creighton (Attended until 7:40 p.m.) Director of Public Works, W. Evans (Attended until 7:40 p.m.) Treasurer, M. Marano Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu (Attended until 7:40 p.m.) Town Clerk, P. Barrie Resolution #C-94-93 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on January 25, 1993, be approved. "CARRIED" Ms. Evylin Stroud, 89 Little Avenue, Bowmanville, LIC IJ9, and other members of FOCUS, a local womens' group, were present to answer questions from Council regarding their request to erect a memorial plaque to commemorate the women who died in the Montreal massacre and all other female victims of violence (Correspondence Item D - 5 of the Agenda). Mr. Jim Bishop, T/A Lacross International, 285 Lake Road, Box 8, R.R. #2, Bowmanville, LIC 3K3, was called but was not present. Council Minutes - 2- February 8, 1993 . COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Elena R8""n~ky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, LIE 2M1, addressed Council with respect to Reports PD-22-93, PD-23-93 and PD-245-93 (Items #4, #5 and #6 of Report #1). She expressed opposition to the proposals stating that drainage of the land will be affected if this area is allowed to be developed, and she indicated that since the land has been cleared of trees, the wild anima1 species have decreased dramatica1Iy. She submitted a petition signed by several residents expressing their opposition to the proposals. Ms. Racansky read into the record, a letter from Pam Callus, requesting that Council reject the applications as they are premature and shortsighted and urging Council to ensure that an environmental impact study be done on this area Russ Aitchison, 9 Y orkville Court, Courtice, LIE 2A 7, was ca1Ied but was not present. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-95-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception of Items I - 1 and I - 3. . "CARRIED" I - 2 Minutes of a meeting of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority held on January 19, 1993; I - 4 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Collection of 2% Fee for Applications for Certificates of Approval Processed Under the Ministry of the Environment Transfer of Review Program; 1-5 Correspondence received from John Harrison, Councillor, Township of Delhi and Dave Cooke, Minister of Municipal Affairs - Disentanglement; I - 6 Correspondence received from Dave Cooke, Minister of Municipal Affairs - Provincial Municipal Relations; I - 7 Correspondence received from Daniel Crombie, Metropolitan Clerk, The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto - Proposed Northern Ontario Solid Waste Management System Project at the Former Adams Mine Site. . . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS I-I Ministry of Tourism and Recreation - 1993 Grant Fll.GE 1-3 Agricultural Land Protection Program Discussion Paper D05.GE D -1 Request For Grant Fl1.GE D-4 Red Cross Month M02.GE - 3 - February 8, 1993 Resolution #C-96-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the correspondence dated December 22, 1992, from Charles Bouskill, Director, Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, advising that, because requests for f"mancia1 assistance for recreation programs in communities throughout Ontario for 1993 exceed the funds available, the Ministry is unable to approve grants for communities with populations exceeding 30,000, be received for information. "CARRIED'1 Resolution #C-97-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the correspondence dated January 20, 1993, from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, forwarding the Region's comments on "An Agricultural Land Protection Program for Ontario: A Discussion Paper", be received for information. 'CARRIED" Resolution #C-98-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated November 10, 1992 from Bryan Denham, Executive Director, Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimaIs requesting a grant of $2,500, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the 1993 budget discussions; and THAT Bryan Denham be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-99-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated January 19, 1993 from Edith Alger, President, The Canadian Red Cross Society requesting proc1amation of Red Cross Month, be received; THAT the month of March 1993 be proclaimed "Red Cross Month" in the Town of N ewcastIe and advertised in accordance with Town policy; . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-6 Navy League Tag Days M02.GE D-S Increase In Parking Violation Fines T02.P A D-9 KK2 Potential Landf"ill Site D03.DU -4- February 8, 1993 THAT permission be granted to The Canadian Red Cross Society to fly the Red Cross flag at the Municipal Administrative Centre during "Red Cross Month"; and THAT Edith Alger be advised of Council's decision. lICARRIEDII Resolution #C-IOO-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated January 10, 1993 from Bob Cook-Abbott, Navy League of Canada, requesting permission to hold Navy League Tag Days, be received; THAT permission be granted to the Navy League of Canada to hold their annual Navy League Tag Days during the period of Thursday, April 22 to Saturday, April 24, 1993 in the Town of Newcastle; and THAT Bob Cook-Abbott be advised of Council's decision. nCARRIED" Resolution #C-IOI-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated January 25, 1993 from AE. Lindaay, Traffic Operations, Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding increases in parking violation fines, be received; THAT Council reallIrm its poaition of July 13, 1992 that it supports the existing fine structure; and THAT AE. Lindaay be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-102-93 Moved by CouncilIor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated January 12, 1993 from Patricia Vickery regarding the I.W.A decision to consider the KK2 site for a potentiallandf"ill site, be received; and . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-11 Parking At Fitness Centre T02.GE D -13 Smoking By-law SOS.SM D -14 Cancer Month M02.GE - 5 - February 8, 1993 THAT Ms. Vickery be forwarded a copy of Report PD-2S-93, Interim Waste Authority Durham Region Landfill Site Search; Step 5 - Short List of Candidate Sites, and advised of Council's decision in this matter. "CARRlED" Resolution #C-I03-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated January 26, 1993 from Mrs. Gordon Smale regarding the shortage of parking at the N ewcastIe Fitness Centre, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Community Services for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Mrs. Gordon Smale be advised of Council's decision. "CARRlED" Resolution #C-I04-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence received from J.S. Windatt expressing disappointment that the Town of Newcastle has not adopted the Model By-law Regulating Smoking in Public Places, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Joint Health and Safety Committee for review in conjunction with this matter; and THAT J.S. Windatt be advised of Council's decision and thanked for making his concerns known to Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-105-93 Moved by CouncilIor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated February 1, 1993 from Ernest Eves, Treasurer, Canadian Cancer Society requesting proclamation of Cancer Month, be received; THAT the month of April 1993 be proclairned "Cancer Month" and April 1, 2 and 3 be proclairned "Daffodil Days" in the Town of Newcastle and advertised in accordance with Town policy; . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-2 Pedestrian Crosswalk Townline Road T01.CR D - 3 Refundable Cans and Bottles CI0.AD D - 5 FOCUS - Erect a Memorial Plaque M02.GE - 6- February 8, 1993 THAT permission be granted to the Canadian Cancer Society for the raising of their flags on Thursday, April 1, 1993, in Bowmanville, Newcastle and Courtice; and THAT Ernest Eves be advised of Council's decision. llCARRIED" Resolution #C-I06-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated January 18, 1993 from Ruth Satelmajer, Principal, College Park Elementary School requesting the placement of a crossing guard on Townline Road North, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of P1arming and Development for appropriate action and the preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Ruth Satelmajer be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-I07-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the correspondence dated November 24, 1992, from Dorothy Field, Clerk-Treasurer, The Corporation of the Township of Gordon, requesting endorsation of a resolution requesting the Ministry of Environment to promote refundable cans and bottles by the beverage industry, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-I08-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated January 25, 1993, from Evylin Stroud, requesting permission to erect a memorial plaque to commemorate the women who died in the Montreal massacre and all other female victims of violence, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Community Services and Councillor Dreslinski, Chairperson, Community Services Department, to meet with members of FOCUS and implement their request; and THAT Evylin Stroud be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIEDII . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D -7 ODREB To Host A Trade Fair M02.GE D-1O P1arming & Development Reform In Ontario CI0.AD D -12 Tire Disposal and the 3 "R's" E07.GE MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION -7 - February 8, 1993 Resolution #C-109-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the correspondence dated January 22, 1993, from Dale Anderson, Political Affairs Committee Chairperson, Oshawa & District Real Estate Board, requesting the Town of Newcastle's participation in the Board's Annual Civic Evening scheduled for April 20, 1993, be received; and THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of P1arming and Development for appropriate action as deemed necessary; and THAT Council be advised of action taken. "CARRIEDtI Resolution #C-110-93 Moved by Councillor Harmah, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the correspondence dated January 21, 1993, from Ross Trimble, Clerk- Treasurer, Corporation Township of Ramsay, requesting endorsation of a resolution regarding amendments to the P1arming Act, be received and referred to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-111-93 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT the correspondence dated January 26, 1993, from Frances Aird, Clerk- Administrator, Township of Hope, requesting Council's endorsation of a resolution with respect to tire disposal and the 3 "R's" be received; THAT the resolution of the Township of Hope be endorsed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle; and THAT The Honourable Bud Wildman, Minister, Ministry of the Environment and Energy and Frances Aird be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes REPORTS Report #1 G.P.A Report February 1, 1993 Item #5 Rezoning And Subdivision D14.DEV.92.033 DI2.18T.92014 Item #7 - 8- February 8, 1993 Resolution #C-112-93 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the General purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 1, 1993, be approved with the exception of Items #5, #7 and #10. "CARRIEDll Resolution #C-113-93 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-23-93 be received; THAT the proposed plan of subdivision 18T-92014 be referred back to staff to be considered in the context of the Town of Newcastle's Official Plan Review; THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by WDM Consultants be referred back to staff to be considered in the context of the Town of Newcastle's Official Plan Review; THAT a copy of Report PD-23-93 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-23-93 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" Recorded Vote Yea Nav Absent Councillor Hannah Councillor Hooper Councillor Novak Councillor O'Toole Councillor Dreslinski Councillor Scott Mayor Hamre Councillor Novak made a declaration of interest with respect to Item #7 of Report #1 and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Novak indicated that a member of her family is an executive member of the Hungarian Culture Club. . . ., Council Minutes REPORTS Rezoning Application DI4.DEV.90.069 Item #10 Landfill Site Search - Short List D03.DU - 9 - February 8, 1993 Resolution #C-114-93 Moved by Councillor Dres1inski, seconded by Conncillor Hannah THAT Report PD-25-93 be received; THAT the request to close rezoning application me DEV 90-69, submitted by Mr. David Salmers on behalf of the Hungarian Culture Club be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report pending the disposition of the Stop Work Order issued January 20, 1993; and THAT the interested parties listed in Report PD-25-93 and any delegation be advised of Conncil's decision. "CARRIED'l Resolution #C-115-93 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Conncillor Hannah THAT Report PD-28-93 be received; THAT Report PD-28-93 be forwarded to the Interim Waste Authority and The Honourable Ruth Grier, Minister of the Environment, as the response of the Town of Newcastle to the IWA Durham Region Landfill Site Search; THAT a meeting be arranged with the Manager of the Interim Waste Authority and held in the Town of Newcastle, to discuss the various concerns identified in Report PD-28-93, and that members of the community also be invited to attend; THAT The Honourable Ruth Grier and the Interim Waste Authority be requested to give serious consideration to the recommendations contained in Report PD-28-93; and THAT the Durham Region Planning Department, Mrs. Helen MacDonald, Rev. David Black and any delegation be forwarded a copy of Report PD-28-93 and a copy of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) . . . Council Minutes REPORTS - 10- February 8, 1993 Resolution #C-116-93 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-115-93 be amended as follows: a) second paragraph - deleting the words "The Honourable Ruth Grier, Minister of the Environment" and replacing them with "The Honourable Bud Wildman, Minister of the Environment and Energy"; and b) fourth paragraph - deleting the words "The Honourable Ruth Grier" and replacing them with "The Honourable Bud Wildman." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-115-93 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-117-93 Moved by CouncilIor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT Confidential Report CD-2-93 (Handout) and Confidential Report ADMIN -1-93 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered "In Cameralt "CARRIED" UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS Resolution #C-118-93 Moved by Councillor Dres1inski, seconded by Councillor HAnnRh THAT the delegation of Elena Rap"n~1<y be acknowledged and she be advised of Council's decision. !'CARRIED" Resolution #C-119-93 Moved by CouncilIor Hannah, seconded by CouncilIor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a fll"st and second time: 93-28 being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Town of Newcastle . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS OTHER BUSINESS - 11- February 8, 1993 93-29 being a by-law to amend By-law 92-8, a by-law to establish the Local Architectural Conservation Authority Committee for the Town of Newcastle; and 93-30 being a by-law to being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation to permit the Town to establish and layout a road in Concession 5, Lot 25, in the former Township of Clarke and to permit the Ministry to build the road to the Town's standard at no cost to the Town. llCARRIED" Resolution #C-120-93 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the third reading of by-laws 93-28 to 93-30 inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-121-93 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT staff investigate and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on the implementation of a by-law to regulate topsoil removal in rural areas. "CARRIEDII Resolution #C-122-93 Moved by Councillor Drealinski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT Council move into Committee of the Whole. "CARRIEDII Resolution #C-123-93 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the meeting be "In Camera" "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT - 12- February 8, 1993 Resolution #C-124-93 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT the actions taken "In Camera" be confirmed. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak made a declaration of interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from discussion and voting on the ConfJrming By-Jaw. Resolution #C-125-93 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Jaw 93-31, being a by-Jaw to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of N ewcasUe at this meeting held on the 8th day of February 1993, and that the said by-Jaw be now read a fll'st and second time. "CARRIEDII Resolution #C-126-93 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the third and fmal reading of By-Jaw 93-31 be approved. l'CARRIED" Resolution #C-127-93 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:06 p.m. "CARRIED" it;~~/A~~.J MAYOR