HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-016-05 . - ..... (l~!i!]glOn REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: FND-016-05 File#: Resolution #:GPI\.1'i)(.,-()5 By-law #: Date: MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2005 Subject: PROPERTY REASSESSMENT UPDATE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-016-05 be received, Reviewed~~ ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. NT/hjl REPORT NO.: FND-016-05 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: 1.0 Under the current value assessment regime that has been in place since 1998, periodic province wide property reassessments take place under legislation put forward by the Ministry of Finance. The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for performing the reassessments of all properties in the province. 1.1 The 2006 taxation year is a reassessment year. This means that property values have been revised from a property valuation date of June 30, 2003 to January 1, 2005. These values will be used for purposes of property taxation in 2006. 1.2 All properties in Clarington were mailed reassessment notices commencing on October 13, 2005. Information is included in those notices pertaining to processes for requesting a reconsideration and/or appealing the valuation of the property. The municipality has received a summary of the valuation changes as of this notice date for all properties within Clarington. No information on province wide statistics has yet been released. 1.3 The Municipality will receive a final assessment roll for taxation purposes in early December that will include any amendments arising as a result of requests by taxpayers that have been processed by MPAC's cut-off dates for assessment roll generation. These are the assessments that the 2006 budget and tax bills will be based on. Any subsequent individual property changes are then dealt with as write-offs in the 2006 tax year. SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT RELATED INCREASES: 2.0 On the attached schedules (Schedules "A" and "8"), details are provided regarding assessment related increases for each property class as well as a schedule indicating average assessed value and assessment related increases for selected types of residential properties. For example, residential properties as a whole have increased in value in Clarington by 12.66%. However, single family detached considered separately have increased in value by 13.05%. 2.1 Please keep in mind that an assessment related increase does not indicate a tax increase for 2006. Generally those properties that are increasing at a rate similar to the average rate will only incur budget related tax increases or the effect of any tax policy shifts between tax classes. It is premature at this point to speculate on what those may be as tax policy is determined at the upper tier. REPORT NO.: FND-016.05 PAGE 3 CONCLUSION: 3.0 The attached schedules are provided for information only in order that Council may be informed in the event of taxpayer/constituent concerns. MPAC has extended its call centre hours in order that they may provide an improved level of customer service during notice mail out. Attachments: Schedule "A" - Total Assessed Value by Realty Tax Class Schedule "B" - Average Assessed value by Selected Residential Properties CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 Schedule nAn 'Ii>'""-,"~.;;TV ~,J (.:1:. ':\b' CVA BClse Yom' CrlClIl~]c' Report Sf~pLerllber, 2DC15 ,"ll AD 13 CLARINGTON MUNICIPALITY 1817 OM . 2003 Value Estimate . 2005 Value Estimate 6.000M 5.000M 4.000M 3,QOOM 2,OOOM 1,OOOM ' (,,~ .' ,o!" cP ,<E' i..,1f; <} ~If; 'f,..-$:'0 .~ ,~ 'i' ,< .~ i? ,0 . ~,O0 ~" ,6 ~..Q ,~ l' ." ~. ~<:; 51' ..,~" ~ ..," Commercial C Commercial 289,159,562 316,455,221 27,295,659 9.44 G Parking Lot 303,000 334,000 31,000 10.23 S Shopping Centre 16,790,500 17,693,760 903,260 5.38 Subtotal: ~ 306,253,062 334,482,981 28,229,919 9.22 Farm FFarm 224,809,745 256,778,280 31,968,535 14.22 Subtotal: ~ 224,809,745 256,778,280 31,968,535 14.22 Industrial I Industrial 55,429,340 62,449,635 7,020,295 12.67 L Large Industrial 56,512,976 58,488,634 1,975,658 3.50 Subtotal: ~ 111,942,316 120,938,269 8,995.953 8.04 Managed Forest T Managed Forest 18,735,630 20,087,090 1,351,460 7.21 .0 C CVA BClSl, Yei:1I' Change Rep[]I'l September', 2005 AD 13 CLARINGTDN MUNICIPALITY 1817 1.000M . 2003 Value Estimate . 2005 Value Estimate 6,OOOM 5,OOOM 4,OOOM 3,OOOM 2,OOOM OM (}7Y .' of cP ,~ '<~ -i.,71- ,,~ ,"~ <} ,< ,<0 ." ~" ..}?J.r::' ~7>- .e,rz,<:' ~' .5<-e. ~ ~v *~0 <i'cf ~1r .-oq,(:o ~, <<-' Subtotal: I 18,735,630 20,087,090 1,351,460 0.00 Multi-Residential M Multi-Residential 47,700,860 52,458,845 4,757,985 9,97 Subtotal: ~ 47,700,860 52,458,845 4,757,985 9,97 Pipeline P Pipeline 34,411,000 34,791,000 380,000 1,10 Subtotal: I 34,411,000 34,791,000 380,000 0.00 Residential R Residential 5,207,466,382 5,866,573,035 659,106,653 12,66 Subtotal: I 5,207,466,382 5,866,573,035 659,106,653 12,66 Total: I 5,951,318,995' 6,688,109,5001 734,79o,505~ 12,35%1 o 3 Schedule "B" CVA Base Year CIICIII!JC F1E,PDlot ~-=)EpWfnLJF;I', 2CCJ~1 AD 13 CLARINGTON MUNICIPALITY 1817 Average Assessed Value by Selected Residential Properties 50000 iii Avg of (~2003 CVA Change .J Avg of w2005 CVA Change 350000 300000 250000 150000 100000 o 301 305 309 311 313 370 Average 2003 Average 2005 % Change Property Codel Property Value Value in Value Description Count Estimate Estimate Estimate 301 Single Family Detached 14,647 22S.475 254,884 13.05 305 Link Home 4,683 180,313 201,283 11.63 308 Freehold TownhousejRowhouse 1,356 148,278 166,286 11.40 311 Semi-detached residential 858 144,628 162,853 12.60 313 Single family detached on water 111 305,216 344,276 12,80 370 Residential Condominium 821 128,104 146.430 14,31 Grand Total: I 22,587 I 188,836 I 212,672 I ~ ':c' [-:1