HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-015-05 ~!fJl-il1glOn REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2005 Resolution #: C'-rPA -11()S.06 Report #: FND-O 15-05 File #: By-law #: Subject: HANOI TRANSIT GRANT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-015-05 be received; 2. THAT Handi Transit Incorporated be provided with a supplementary operating grant of $10,000, to be financed from the Clarington Transit Reserve Fund; and 3. THAT Handi Transit Incorporated be notified of Council's decision. Reviewed Q~-= ll.A Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. Submitted by: NT/hjl REPORT NO.: FND-015-05 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND INFORMATION: 1.0 As Council is aware, responsibility for transit (including specialized transit) will be transferred to the Region of Durham effective January 1, 2006. Many transitional items are currently underway. 1.1 Clarington is responsible for costs for transit up to December 31,2005. All costs for transit in Clarington are financed from the Clarington Transit Reserve Fund. 1.2 Communication has been received from Handi Transit Incorporated (copy attached) indicating a potential shortfall for 2005. As this is based on an estimate at this time, any surplus funds would be returned upon windup of the corporation. RECOMMENDATIONS: 2.0 It is recommended that Handi Transit Incorporated be provided with the necessary supplementary grant to finance operating costs to December 31, 2005, since a windup of the corporation is underway. Attachment: Attachment "A" - letter from Handi Transit Incorporated Interested parties: Handi Transit Incorporated Att: Executive Director 44 William Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1G1J9 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 Attachment "A" HANDI TRANSIT INCORPORATED 44 WILLIAM STREET W. OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1G 1J9 OFFICE DISPATCH DISPATCH FAX (905) 571-1222 (905) 725-4OCO 1-800-263-1916 (905) 571-7390 October 5, 2005 Nancy M. Taylor, B.RA., C.A. Director of Finance/Treasurer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 JIt(t~~~ OCl 0 5 4?UAlICIP4 l005 Ury OF F;~," Cl.4 ''''AlCE !TING;, ON Dear Ms. Taylor: RE: Request for Su""lementarv Fundinl! - 2005 Handi Transit Budl!et As you are aware, 2005 will be Handi Transit's final year of operation, thus ending a twenty-four (24) year relationship with the Municipality of CIa ring ton. The year is also turning out to be very challenging financially, which is complicating an orderly "wind- down" to the operation. Backl!:round 1. Durham Region Transit will assume Specialized Transit services effective January 1, 2006 2. Handi Transit's agreements with the five (5) stakeholder municipalities, including Clarington, will terminate December 31,2005. 3. Handi Transit Inc., a Not-for-Profit Organization, has commenced a process to "wind-down" operations and legally dissolve the Corporation. 4. A clear stipulation within the dissolution process is the fact that the organization must be free of debts and/or liabilities. 5. Over the years, Handi Transit has operated with occasional operating deficits, however had the ability to build the recovery of a deficit into the subsequent year's budget. With no subsequent year to rely on, any outstanding deficit would have to be covered by the municipality. ... 2 OSHAWA - WHITBY - CLARINGTON - SCUGOG - UXBRIDGE @ 2 Potential for Oueratinl!: Deficit for the year ended Dccember 31, 2005 With reference to the attached 2005 Year-end Forecast, the main issues that could create a deficit situation are: i) Unplanned "Union" expense item ($4.500). as a result oIa termination settlement; and ii) Escalatinf! Diesel Fuel expense - May exceed budget by as much as $5.000. You'll note that we have projected a potential operating deficit of $10,000, and respectfully request that the Municipality of Clarington approve a supplementary operating grant, giving consideration to the special circumstances that the 2005 transition presents. As we have demonstrated in the past, we will explore every opportunity to minimize any deficit. At the conclusion of the 2005 independent audit, any surplus funds will be returned to the Municipality. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours truly, /~~/iM BJ.(Ben) Chartier, Executive Director c.c. Board of Directors, Handi Transit Inc. HANOI TRANSIT CLARINGTON 2005 BUDGET I FORECAST 2005 Budaet 2005 Forecast REVENUE Grant 148,000 148,000 Fares 23,000 23,000 Other 1,500 1,000 Total Revenue 172,500 172,000 EXPENDITURE Administration 48,000 48,000 Operations Fuel 13,000 18,000 Maintenance 13,500 14,000 Insurance 6,000 6,500 Taxis 2,000 2,000 Wages 65,000 65,000 Benefits 18,500 18,000 Union 0 4,500 Evening/Weekend 5,000 5,000 Other 1,500 1,000 Total Expenditure 172,500 182,000 Projected (deficit) o -10,000