HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport No.3 10/12/1976 Report No. 3 Mayor Rickard & Members of Council : The following is a report of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Committee Room of the Bowmanville Town Hall on Tuesday, October 12th, 1976 at 9 a.m. 1 . Statement of Accounts THAT it be recommended to Council that the Statement of Accounts as presented by the Treasurer in the following aoounts be approved: Accounts Paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 268, 164. 20 General Accounts Payable. . . . . . . 29, 534 . 53 Works Dept . Payable. . . . . . . . . . . . 79,650. 11 $1, 377, 348. 84 2. Preston ' s Transport THAT it be recommended to Council that Cheque #1112 (Preston ' s Transport) be paid. 3. Mileage Claims THAT it be recommended to Council that the following Mileage Claims be approved : -- Administration Mrs . D. Fernlund Sept . 1 - 30 $ 30.00 Animal Control W. Fice Sept . 16 - 29 $ 31 .00 A. Fredriksson Sept . 24 - Oct . 1 13. 20 J. Hancock Sept . 27 - 30 41 .20 85.40 Parking Attendant Mrs. Ovenden Sept . 13 - 24 55.40 Recreation Department C. Mutton Sept . 1 - 30 $171 .40 J. Caruana Sept . 1 = 30 145.60 G. Kennett Sept . 1 - 30 104 .60 421 .60 Building Inspection C. Bolton Sept . 16 - 30 $103. 60 H. Wight Sept . 16 - 30 76 .60 D. Zachanowich Sept . 16 - 30 116.40 296 .60 Plumbing Inspection W. Kilpatrick Sept . 16 - 24 71 .20 Committee of Adjustment M. Remington Sept . 22 $ 10. 00 W. Yellowlees July, Aug. & Sept . 26 .20 36 . 20 e TOTAL $996.40 t f t - 2 - FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT 4 . Issuance of Licences It was recommended to Council that the Treasurer ' s Report regarding the issuing of Licences at Bampton Office be adopted as follows : - 1 . The Issuance of Licences be transferred to Mr. Best in Hampton. 2 . We apply to have him made a Commissioner for taking Affidavits. 3. The necessary By-laws be amended to accommodate these changes. 5 . Police Department Lease THAT it be recommended to Council that Council concur with the .report of the Treasurer dated October 7th, 1976, regarding extending the Police Department ' s Lease of the Bowmanville Police Office for the year 1976. 6. Providence Cemetery Fund THAT it be recommended to Council that the Treasurer ' s Report dated October 7th, 1976 regarding the Providence Cemetery Trust Funds be received for information and that the Sub--committee check to see if the funds can be used for maintenance purposes, with authority to seek legal advice if necessary and that if the Sub-committee sees fit , that the sum of up to $1145. 73 be expended. 7. Planning Expenses THAT it be recommended to Council that the undernoted accounts be paid and the Planner again reminded not to use Consultants without the approval of Council : - Murray V. Jones Associates - re Regional Draft Official Plan $1, 105. 05 - Bowmanville Shopping Centre 1, 185. 20 S. Newcastle Community Hall Roof THAT it be recommended to Council that Heather & Little ' s bill in the amount of $10, 615 . 00 for repairs to the Newcastle Community Hall be paid subject to the apreval of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates. 9. 1977 Budgets THAT it be recommended to Council that each Committee of Council have prepared by the respective departments, an analysis of 1976 programs and budgets to be presented to Finance Committee on December 13, 1976 and at that time, submit proposals for recommendations to be included in 1977 Budgets and that each Department Head be advised by the Treasurer. Respectfully Submitted, Councillor H. Bruce Tink Acting Chairman