HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport No. 1 07/26/1976 Report No. 1. Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following is a report of a meeting of the Finance Committee held on Monday, July 26, 1976 at 9 a.m. : I. Mileage Claims It was recommended to Council that the following mileage claims be approved for payment: Parking Attendant H. Ovenden July 6-16 $ 21.45 Animal Control Mr. Fice July 5-14 $ 33.15 Cemetery N. VanSeggelin June 1-29 $ 14.10 J Plumbing Inspection Wm. Kilpatrick July 1-15 $ 47. 70 Building Inspection C. Bolton July 2-15 $72.60 H. Wight July 2-15 45.45 D. Zachanowich July 2-15 78.00 $196.05 $312.45 2. Grant - Orono Figure Skating Club It was recommended to Council that the Treasurer's recommendation that no Grant be given to the Orono Figure Skating Club this year be adopted. 3. Tyrone Hall Account It was recommended to Council that the account for. $10. for the use of Throne Hall for Hamlet Meeting be paid. 4. Perpetual Care Fund - Bowmanville Cemetery MIt was recommended to Council that the Treasurer invest $600. of the Reserve Bank Account for Perpetual Care funds from Bowmanville Cemetrry in a Trust Company Guaranteed Inves ment Certificate for 5 years. 5. Parking Meter Complaint The Secretary was instructed to advise Carolyn Neuman that her .letter complaining about parking meters in Bowmanville has not been disregarded, has been considered by the Committee of the Whole and while we regret the inconvenience to her, the parking meters form a nece,-sary function in downtown Bowmanville and that the Clerk is available to answer the points in her letter in detail, if she will make an appointment. i 9 �� - 2 - Report No. I 6. Feasibility Study - Orono Community Centre It was recoti-imended that the report from Totten Sims Hubicki re Feasibility Study of the Orono Community Centre be received for information and held in abeyance until such time as a meeting will be held with all parties concerned regarding the Orono Arena, which is being called by the Durham Fair Board. 7. Grinnell Fire Protection Contract -- Bowmanville Arena It was recommended that the Treasurer, Fire Chief and Director of Parks and Recreation examine the feasibility of including municipally owned arenas in this Contract. 8. Meetings re Uniform Water and S.exk7age Rates It was recommended to Council that the Municipality request the Regional Finance Department, supported by the Regional Works Department, where necessary, to be present at meetings in Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville to explain uniform rates for water and sewage to the users and these meetings be arranged for the month of August. 9. Repairs to Arenas It was recommended to Council that whereas the Municipality wishes to take quick action to bring Bowmanville and Newcastle Village Arenas up to Department of Labour requirement so that Arenas can op,.^rate this winter, therefore be it esolved that Leighton & Kidd present to the next meeting of Council, a proposal V-el/tlo prepare necessary documents on which Tenders can be based and for inspection of the work if it is undertaken. Respectfully submitted Ivan M. Hobbs, Acting Chairman