HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 01/30/1976 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following is a report of a meeting of the Finr-ice Committee held on January 30th, 1976 at 2:00 p.m. in the Committee Room at Bowmanville Town Hall:- 1. Eldorado Nuclear It was recommended to Council that Mr. McNeely write to the appropriate Provincial authorities to find out what kind of licence has been issued to the Company and if they are living within the terms and conditions of the licence and also that the Town Clerk write to the Ministry of the Environment and advise him that Council is most seriously perturbed about the reports that radio active materials are being excavated at Port Hope and dumped in Newcastle and also request that the Minister initiate a full scale investigation. 2. Newcastle Village Fire Hall The following Resolution was recommended to Council for approval: WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Ontario Municipal Board have approved of an expenditure of $140,000. (By-Law 75-74) and the debenturing of $120,000. by Board Order No. E752136; AND WHEREAS the estimated expenditure of the modifications of the former Village of Newcastle Fire Hall, owing to rising costs will be $160,000. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Ontario Municipal Board be requested to approve of an additional expenditure of $20,000. for the completion of the said modifications of the former Village of Newcastle Fire Hall. 3. Newcastle Village Fire Hall (Apartment) It was recommended to Council that the renovation of theapartment at the Fire Hall of approximately $5,000. be paid for out of 1976 Current Taxes. 4. Neacastle Village Fire Hall It was recommended to Council that the additional costs in the amount of $4,549.40 for the Fire Hall renovations be accepted. 5. Fire Hall It was recommended to Council that three additional steel posts be put into the construction of the main hall to give increased support to roof. 6. Newcastle Village Fire Hall It was recommended to Council that a cheque for $1,500 be issued to the Regional Works Department as a deposit and estimated cost of 4" water service and sewer connection. 2 7. Newcastle Fire Hall It was recommended to Council that the Region be requested to debenture an amount of $120,000 for the Newcastle Village Fiee Hall Capital Expentiture. 8. A.M.C.T. Membership Fees It was recommended to Council that in 1976 membership fees for the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers be paid for the Clerk, Treasurer and their Deputies, in the amount of $30.00 each. 9. Mutual and Fire Services Association It was recommended to Council that an amount of $45.00 be paid to the Mutual Aid Fire Fighterst Association for 1976, being three Fire Halls at $15.00 each. 10. Change Fund By-Law It was recommended to Council that Council concur with the Treasurerts recommendation to advance a Petty Cash '. ange Fund to the Animal Control Department in an amount of $25.00 and the By-Lacy 75-13 be amended accordingly. 11. Mileage Claims It was recommended to Council that the following Mileage Claims as submitted by the Treasurer be approved for payment:- Parking Attendant H. Ovenden January 9th to 15th $ 6.32 Plumbing Inspection Wm. Kilpatrick January 2nd to 15th 72.45 Building_Ins�ection H. Wight January 2nd to 15th $64.05 C. Bolton January 8th to 15th 48.75 D. Zachanowich January 2nd to 15th 72.30 185.10 Animal Control J. Hancock December 31 to January 3 12,15 Recreation Department R. Dunham October 11 to December 23 56.25 Cemetery N. Van Seggelin December 2nd to 31st 9.27 TOTAL $341.54 12, Supplementary List of Accounts It was recommended to Council that the supplementary List of Accounts as submitted by the Treasurer be approve dor payment, as amended. ..... 3 - 3 - 13. Regional Capital Budget Members of the Committee were given a copy of the Regional sewer and water capital budget and 4 Year Forecast and comments requested. 14. Dunwoody & Com2any e Bill for $175.00 It was recommended to Council that the letter dated January 27th, 1976 from Seguin, White, Biback & Schorr, Solicitors, regarding bill rendered by Dunwoody and Company Chartered Accountants be answered by the Treasurer, reaffirming previous decision of Council. 15. O.H.A.P. Studies It was recommended to Council that Murray Jones Associates be authorised to complete the programme as authorised under O.H.A.P. Secondary Plan and Public Participation Program subject to the Provincial approval of additional grant of $35,000. 16. Tyrone Hall Payment It was recommended to Council that a progress payment of $18,546.22 be made to Bowman Construction for the construction of Tyrone Community Hall. 17. It was recommended to Council that a change order for $393.29 relative to the Tyrone Community Hall be referred to Council for further clarification. 18. Interim Tax Bill Date It was recommended to Council that the due dates for Interim Tax Bills be March 22nd and May 17th as recommended by the Tax Collector. 19. Animal Control Truck It was recommended to Council that tenders be called for the sale of the old Animal Control Truck. 20. Telephone Extension It was recommended to Council that an additional telephone extension be installed for the use of Mrs. Dunham. 21. Federal and Provincial Government Guidelines The following resolut�on was recommended to Council for approval:- WHEREAS the Federal Government and the Province of Ontario have set guidelines and standards pertaining to increases in expenditures for all levels of government and industry for the year 1976; AND WHEREAS the responsibility of levying and collecting property taxes rest with the Local Municipality; 0 0 o e e o 4 _ 4 AND WHEREAS the increase in assessment available for taxation purposes has increased 5% from the year 1975 to 1976 in the area municipality of Newcastle; IT IS THEREFORE incumbent upon all concerned to exercise restraint within our economic means of financing; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all boards and commissions that are dependent upon the Municipality of Newcastle for levies or grants take the necessary steps in the preparation of their 1976 Budgets to limit their expenditures within the aforementioned guidelines and our assessment increases. Respectfully Submitted, Councillor Kenneth Eo Lyall Chairman I�