HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/1976 TOWN OF NE14CASTLE Finance Committee April 12, 1976 Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Committee Room of the Bowmanville Town Hall on April 12, 1976 at 9 a.m. Roll Call Present were: Councillor K. Lyall, Chairman Councillor D. W. Allin, Member Councillor K. Entwisle, Member Councillor I. M. Hobbs, Member Councillor Ann Cowman, Member Councillor H. B. Tink, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Deputy Clerk, G. Gray, Secretary. Adoption Resolution #F-171-76 of Minutes Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Entwisle THAT the minutes of meetings of March 22, March 29, and April 1, be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-172-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Entwisle THAT the minutes of meeting of April 2, 1976, be adopted as printed. Recorded Vote "CARRIED" Con. Allin - yes Con. Entwisle - yes Con. Tink - yes Con. Cowman - yes Con. Hobbs - no Mayor Rickard - yes Con. Lyall - no Chairman Lyall asked that it be recorded in the minutes that it was his opinion that Resolution #F-160-76 is illegal. Social Mrs. Higginson appeared before the Committee representing Planning the Social Planning Council and outlined its aims and Council accomplishments. She requested a grant for the Council of $500. Resolution #F-173-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the request be referred to the next meeting of the Finance Committee for Budget Discussions. "CARRIED" There was a five minute recess. Finance Committee - 2 April 12, 1976 Northumberland The following representatives of the Northumberland and Newcastle and Newcastle Board of Education were present to discuss waiving the cost of School Board building permits for the School Board: A. MacLeod, Glen Holmes, A. W. Thompson, J. Bird, Wm. Carman, Sid Worden, Geo. Cameron and It. Prout. Resolution #F--174-76 Building Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs Permits for THAT Resolution #F-117--76 be lifted from the table. School "CARRIED" Boards Recorded Vote on Resolution #F-117-76 Con. Allin - no Con. Tink - no Con. Lyall - yes Con. Hobbs - no Con. Cowman - no Con. Entwisle - yes Mayor Rickard - no "MOTION LOST" Resolution 0-175-76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Cowman THAT the Committee continue with the Agenda. _Recorded Vote Con. Allin - yes Con. Tink - no Con. Entwisle - yes Con. Cowman - yes Con. Hobbs - yes Mayor Rickard - no Con. Lyall - no "CARRIED" Value on The Chief Building Inspector H. Wight explained that the value Building on a building permit was calculated on a square footage basis Permit plus cost of labour and material. Resolution #F- 176-76 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cowman Camera THAT the meeting go "In Cameral° to discuss a legal matter. Session "CARRIED" The meeting resumed in open session. Councillor Allin left the meeting at 11:05 a.m. �'jnanca Committee - 3 - April 1.2. M6 Res.olutiQn #F-177-76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Tink Ontario THAT the report of the Chief Building Inspector regarding the Building Ontario Building Code be received and the Clerk be instructed Code to present the proposed by-laws to the next meeting of Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-178-76 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Cowman Regional THAT Items 2, 3 and 4 of the Report of the Finance Committee Works meetings of April 1 and 2, 1976, be tabled pending further clarification by Regional Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-179-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs Christmas THAT it be recommended to Council that they support the Chamber Lighting ;:f Commerce Christmas Lighting Program for 1976 in the amount of Bowmanville $1300. as was done in 1975. "CARRIED" Councillor Lyall opposed this resolution. Resolution #F-180-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Entwisle Accounts THAT the Accounts Paid as presented by the Treasurer, be Paid approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-181-a76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT Councillor Cowman be requested to research Cheque #9292, Murray V. Jones, for $4,061.49. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-182-76 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Tink Accounts THAT the Accounts Payable as presented by the Treasurer, be Payable. approved for payment. "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 4 - April 12, 1976 Resolution #F-183-76 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Tink Mileage THAT the mileage claims as presented by the Treasurer, be Claims approved for payment. "CARRIED" Resolution 0-184-76 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Mayor Rickard O.C.L.G. THAT the sum of $50. be sent to the Ontario Conference on Local Government as requested in their letter of March 21, 1976. Resolution #F-185-76 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle THAT the foregoing resolution be tabled. "CARRIED" Resolution 0-186-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Cowman A.M.C.T. _ _ THAT _the- Clerk_and--Treasurer- or- their--designates, be Conference authorized to attend the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Conference on June 20 to 23, 1976, at the Inn On the Park. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-187-76 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Cowman Canada THAT no action be taken regarding the letter from Canada Post Post regarding the use of special Olympic Postage Meter Dies. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-188-76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs Adjournment THAT the meeting adjourn at 12005 p.m. "CARRIED"