HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/30/1996 . . . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Council Minutes September 30, 1996 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on Monday, September 30, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers PRAYERS Councillor Hannah led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor D. Hamre Councillor A Dreslinski Councillor C. Elliott Conncillor L. Hannah Councillor M. Novak Councillor P. Pingle Councillor D. Scott Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, W. H. Stockwell Director of Community Services, 1. Caruana (Until 7:52 p.m.) Fire Chief, M. Creighton (Until 7:52 p.m.) Solicitor, D. Hefferon (Until 7:52 p.m.) Treasurer, M. Marano (Until 7:52 p.m.) Director of Public Works, S. Vokes (Until 7:52 p.m.) Labour Relations Solicitor, G. Weir (Attended at 7:30 p.m.) Director of Planning and Development, F. Wu (Until 7:52 p.m.) Deputy Clerk, M. Knight DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest stated for this meeting. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Resolution #C-728-96 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 16, 1996, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes PUBLIC MEETING DELEGATIONS COMMUNICATIONS - 2- September 30, 1996 Pursuant to Section 4 of the Development Charges Act, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington is holding a Public Meeting to enable the public to understand the Development Charge Amendment proposal. Public Notice was placed in the local newspapers on or before August 28, 1996. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation 725/89, as amended. The purpose and effect of the proposed amendment to the Development Charge By-law is to: a) add to the list of designated services illustrated on Schedule "B" of the By-law, the development of a neighbourhood park and parkette in Plan of Subdivision 18T-95023, and a parkette in Plan of Subdivision 18T-89037 - located in South Courtice, south of Bloor Street between Townline Road and Prestonvale Road; and b) add a new section in the By-law under "PART II - GENERAL" which would in essence permit the developers to construct, at their cost, the parks within each plan of subdivision. The Municipality, in turn, would credit the costs of the park development against the park development component of the development charges that the Municipality collects. The credit arrangement would avoid the developers from being double- charged under the current development charges by-law. No one spoke in objection to or in support of the application. Karen Cashin, President, Ontario North Shore Branch, was called but was not present. Resolution #C-729-96 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the communications to be received for information be approved with the exception of Items I - 3 and I - 8. "CARRIED" I - 1 Correspondence received from Carol A Albert, Gardiner, Roberts, Barristers & Solicitors - Zoning By-law 95-163 (Klawitter); I - 2 Correspondence received from Joanne Murphy and Charlie Renaud, Retail Wholesale Canada - Campaign Against BridgestonelFirestone; . . '. Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS I - 3 1997 Schedule of Events Mosport Park P11.MO I - 8 Newsletter - Canadian Soft Drink Association M04.GE - 3- September 30, 1996 I - 4 Memorandum received from Glen Pleasance, Water Efficiency Co-ordinator, Regional Municipality of Durham - Information on Durham Region's Toilet Replacement Program; I - 5 Minutes of a meeting of the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority held on September 11, 1996; I - 6 Notes for Remarks by The Hon. AI Leach, Minister of Municipal Mfairs and Housing to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario - A Guide to Municipal Restructuring; I - 7 Correspondence received from Bryon Wilfert, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Extension of the Mfordability and Choice Today (A-C-T) Program and Distribution of New A-C-T Documents; I - 9 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Partnership Memorandum Regarding Provincial Delegation of Planning Review Functions; I - 10 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, addressed to Ms. Tonia Grannum, Clerk, Provincial Standing Committee on General Government - Tenant Protection Legislation: New Directions for Discussion; and I - 11 Correspondence received from C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Peer Review of Hydrogeological Reports Submitted in Support of Planning Applications. Resolution #C-730-96 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor THAT the 1997 Racing Schedule of Events received from The Mosport Park Entertainment Corporation, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-731-96 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the correspondence dated September 20, 1996, from Stuart Hartley, Vice-President, Ontario Region Canadian Soft Drink Association, pertaining to the Toronto Environmental Alliance, be received for information. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D - 1 Proclamation of Community Care Month M02.GE D-2 Proclamation of World Teachers' Day M02.GE D - 3 Proclamation of Ontario March of Dimes Month M02.GE - 4- September 30, 1996 Resolution #C-732-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the correspondence dated September 16, 1996 from Irene Peebles, Chair, Community Care, requesting proclamation of Community Care Month be received; THAT the month of October 1996 be proclaimed "Community Care Month" in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT Irene Peebles be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-733-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the correspondence dated September 16, 1996 from Lanny Cooper, President, District 49, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, requesting proclamation of World Teachers' Day be received; THAT October 5, 1996 be proclaimed "World Teachers' Day" in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT Lanny Cooper be advised of Council's decision. nCARRIEDII Resolution #C-734-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the correspondence dated September 16, 1996 from Jeannette Shannon, President, Ontario March of Dimes, requesting proclamation of Ontario March of Dimes Month be received; THAT the month of January 1997 be proclaimed "Ontario March of Dimes Month" in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT Jeannette Shannon be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D-4 Proclamation of Week of the Child M02.GE D -7 Proclamation of World Breastfeeding Week M02.GE D - 5 Parking - Orono Park Facility T02.GE - 5- September 30, 1996 Resolution #C-735-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the correspondence dated September 17, 1996 from Karen Cashin, President, Ontario North Shore Branch, The Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario requesting proclamation of Week of the Child be received; THAT the week of October 20 to 26, 1996 be proclaimed "Week of the Child" in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT Karen Cashin be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-736-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the correspondence dated September 12, 1996 from Donna Schinkel, Chairperson, Durham Region Breastfeeding Coalition requesting proclamation of World Breastfeeding Week Month be received; THAT the week of October 1 to 7, 1996 be proclaimed "World Breastfeeding Week" in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with municipal policy; and THAT Donna Schinkel be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-737-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Conncillor Elliott THAT the correspondence dated September 9, 1996 from Ray Bester, President, Orono Amateur Athletic Association regarding the parking fee being charged at Orono Park, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Ray Bester be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) . . . Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D - 8 Municipal Taxes F27.TA D-6 Endorsement of Two Resolutions reo Funding for Adult Education and National Unity ClO.AD MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION COMMITTEE REPORTS Report #1 G.P.A Report September 23, 1996 - 6 - September 30, 1996 Resolution #C-738-96 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-737-96 be amended by adding the following wording after the word "Works": "and the Director of Community Services." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-737-96 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-739-96 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated September 6, 1996 from Anthony Laskowsky, Barrister & Solicitor, pertaining to Municipal Taxes, be received; THAT the request be denied; and THAT Anthony Laskowsky be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-740-96 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the correspondence dated September 10, 1996, from Cheryl V. Tynski, Clerk-Treasurer, the Village of Morrisburg, requesting endorsement of two resolutions pertaining to Funding for Adult Education and National Unity, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-741-96 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of September 23, 1996, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes REPORTS Report #2 Proposed Amendment to the Development Charges By-law F21.DE UNFINISHED BUSINESS Newsletter - Drink Smart Canada M06.GE - 7 - September 30, 1996 Resolution #C-742-96 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report PD-130-96 be approved; THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report PD-130-96, amending Development Charges By-law 92-105 by: i) adding to the list of designated services illustrated on Schedule "B", the development of a neighbourhood park and parkette in Plan of Subdivision 18T-95023, and a parkette in Plan of Subdivision 18T-89037; and ii) adding a new section under "PART II - GENERAL" thereby permitting the payment of the appropriate development charges for the above noted designated services, in money or by the provision of the designated services or by a combination of both as may be agreed upon by the Municipality and the Owner; and THAT a copy of Report PD-130-96 and the decision of Council be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Mfairs and Housing, the Urban Development Institute, the Toronto Home Builders Association, the Durham Home Builders Association, all interested parties listed in Report PD-130-96 and any delegation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-743-96 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence dated August 9, 1996, from Paul Szabo, M.P., Mississauga South, requesting endorsement of a resolution to support Health Warning labels on containers of alcoholic beverages, be received; THAT the Municipality of Clarington endorse "Drink Smart Canada" and the health warning labels initiative; and THAT Paul Szabo be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes - 8- September 30, 1996 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-744-96 Emergency Disaster Plan J.E.P.P. Funding P16.GE OTHER BUSINESS LACAC Appointments C12.LA Regional Update Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the Addendum to Report FD-17-96 be received; THAT no funds be expended until the Province confirms eligibility of the project; THAT if the Province confirms grant eligibility, the project costs be reviewed and finalized in a report back to Council; and THAT Council earmark the required funds (approximately $200,000 based on the submitted proposal), from the Hydro Escrow account #5001-50-X, the balance of which is approximately $2,000,000. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-745-96 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee: Paul Halminen Simone George Victor Suppan for a term ending November 30, 1997. nCARRIED" Councillor Dreslinski was pleased to advise that the Clarington Official Plan has received approval. She also informed Members of Council that the Durham Federation of Agriculture conducted an excellent tour for Members of Regional Council on Friday, September 27, 1996. Councillor Hannah noted that, although its being inconvenient for the moment, the Highway #2 Reconstruction Project will have long term beneficial advantages to all. Councillor Elliott noted that there will be an open forum on Workfare to be held on October 16, 1996 in Whitby, Mayor Hamre stated that three members of staff will be liaising with Laidlaw pertaining to their request to have a Transfer Station in Clarington. . . . Council Minutes OTHER BUSINESS CommitteelBoards Update RECESS - 9- September 30, 1996 Councillor Dreslinski advised that the Newcastle Hall Board will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 1998 and the Orono Hall Board will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 1998, and plans are already being undertaken towards these events. Councillor Dreslinski noted that the United Church, on its 116th Anniversary, was presented a plaque for Heritage Designation by LACAC. Councillor Novak announced that the Bowmanville Museum will be holding a craft sale on Saturday, November 16, 1996. She also noted that Courtice Corners Plaza will be holding its official opening on Saturday, October 5, 1996. Councillor Pingle announced that the Bowmanville Museum Tea was a successful event. She also noted that the Visual Arts Centre has been very active during the summer with various activities. Councillor Scott advised that Newcastle Village will be holding its Fall Festival on October 5, 1996 and the Tyrone Mill will also be celebrating its anniversary. Resolution #C-746-96 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Council recess for 10 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 7:50 p.m. Resolution #C-747-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the meeting be uIn Camera" to consider a personnel issue. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-748-96 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Elliott THAT the actions taken !lIn Cameral! be ratified. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE" . . . Council Minutes BY-LAWS - 10- September 30, 1996 Recorded Vote Yea Nav Absent Councillor Dreslinski Councillor Elliott Councillor Hannah Councillor Novak Councillor Pingle Councillor Scott Mayor Hamre Resolution #C-749-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time: 96-168 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (Ridge Pine Park Inc.); 96-169 being a by-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1852, as not being subject to Part Lot Control (Halloway Holdings Limited); 96-173 being a by-law to authorize a contract between Brooklin Bulletin Publishing Company Limited, Brooklyn, Ontario, in respect of the Marketing, Sale of Space and Production of Rink Board Signs for the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex and the Darlington Sports Centre; and 96-174 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 92-105 (the Development Charge By-law), as amended, to permit a credit to be given against the amount of the development charge for the provision of a designated service and to add the development of a parkette to be located on lands comprising Block 318 on draft plan of subdivision 18T-89037, and the development of a neighbourhood park and a parkelte to be located on the lands comprising Blocks 305 and 306, respectively, on draft plan of subdivision 18T-98023 to the list of "designated Services." "CARRIEDII Resolution #C-750-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 96-168 to 96-174 inclusive, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes -11- September 30, 1996 CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-751-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 96-175, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the 30th day of September 1996, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-752-96 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the third and final reading of By-law 96-175 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-753-96 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:05 p.m. "CARRIED" &jda~~;t#~L MAYOR