HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport No.4 11/24/1975 Report No. 4 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council;- The following is a report of the Finance Committee meeting held on November 24, 1975 in the Committee Room of the Bowmanville Town Hall. 1. Funds to Other Organizations It was recommended to Council that Item 5 of Finance Committee Report of November 10, 1975, be amended to read as follows; "That the allocation of funds to other Organizations be made four times a year after the date tax collections are due". 2. Mr. H. R. Best, Vacation It was recommended to Council that Mr. H. R. Best's memorandum with regard to vacations be concurred with as follows: 1. That Mrs. Best be permitted to carry over into 1976, the unused holidays from 1975 (i.e. two weeks less one day) . 2. That Mr. Best receive cash in lieu of holidays carried over from 1974 (i.e. two weeks less one day) . 3. That Mr. Best be permitted to carry over his 1975 holidays (i.e. two weeks) into 1976. and furthermore that the Personnel committee be requested to recommend policy with respect to carrying 'forward vacations and payment for unused vacations. 3. Miss D. Crough Floating Day It was recommended to Council that Miss Dianne Crough be permitted to use her 1975 Floating day on January 2, 1976. 4. Miss Norma Forrest - Leave of f'.bsence It was recommended to Council that Miss Forrest's request to cancel the permission to take one week's leave of absence (Resolution #C-75-1277) be approved. 5. 1976 Street Lighting Capital Budget It was recommended to Council that the Boomianville F.U.C. Manager's recommendation dated ?November 5, 1975, relative to the 1976 Capital Budget for Street Lighting be approved with the exception of the following items: Church St. from Division St. to Liberty Street Baseline Road from Hunt Street to Martin Road 6. Insurance Coverage Community Centres It was recommended to Council that the Treasurer's report dated November 20, 1975, regarding Insurance coverage of Community Centres be concurred with and that the Town cover all buildings and the local associations cover the contents which are their own property. ri t 2 1. Mileage Claims It was recommended to Council that the following mi.--eage claims as submitted by the Treasurer be concurred with. Cemetery Nick VanSeggelin Oct. 1 28 $13.44 Animal Control J. Hancock Oct. 31 Nov. 12 13.20 Administration G. Gray Sept. 15 - Nov, 17 6.00 Plumbing Inspection W. Kilpatrick Nov. 3 - 14 76.20 Building Inspection C. Warren Nov. 3 - 14 $70.09 H. Wight Nov. 3 - 14 92.40 D. Zachanowich Nov. 3 - 14 64. 35 $226.84 $335.68 8. Maintenance - McLean's Cemetery It was recommended to Council that the Treasurer consult with Mr. Best and if the McLean's Cemetery has been turned over to the Town as an abandoned cemetery, the bill of $100.00 for maintenance be paid to Orville Thertell. 9. Regional Water and Sewer Connection Charges It was recommended to Council that Council concur with the letter dated November 18, 1975 from the Regional Clerk regarding the collection of charges for extension of payment terms for Regional Water or Sewer Connection Charges. 10. Urban Service Areas It was recommended to Council that the Treasurer take the necessary action to determine what areas of the Municipality would fall into urban service areas and to make recommendations for establishing such areas. Respectfully submitted H. B. Tink, Chairman