HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport No.6 01/31/1974 Report No. 6 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following is a report of a meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Bowmanville Committee Room at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31st, 1974:- 1. Regional Grants Policy THAT the letter dated January 6th, 1975 from the Regional Clerk re Grants Policy be received for information. 2. Audit of Local Boards, etc. THAT Memorial Park Association be advised that they may continue to have their books audited in the same manner as in the past. 3. Audit of Local Boards, Etc. THAT the Orono Athletic Club be advised that they may continue to have their books audited in the same manner. 4. Deloitte Haskins & Sells THAT Deloitte Haskins and Sells letter dated January 22nd, 1975 be received and the terms of reference accepted subject to the Treasurer bring in a further report. 5. Mileage Claims THAT the following Mileage Claims be approved:- Building Inspection H. Wight January 2 to 15 .....................$ 99.30 C. Warren January 2 to 15..................... 68.10 D. Zachanowich - January 2 to 15................ 67.20. ...........$234.60 Plumbing Inspection W. Kilpatrick - January 2 to 15.................................... 70.65 Administration H. DeWith - December 10 to January 23...........$ 18.00 J.F. Descent - January 13 to 16—............... 18.45 G. Gray - December 2 to January 23*ao*a*000c_, 6*45—coo—coo. 42.90 6. Statement of Accounts THAT the Statement of Accounts for January be approved subject to the deletion of the sub-total of $8,395.32 on the first page and the addition of the following:- (1) Dominion Road Machinery 41:80 Grader $41,997.50 (2) Oshawa Truck Centre 5425 Truck 20) 734.93 (3) Oshawa Truck Centre 5424 Truck 20)306o93 Continued...... Report No. 6 -- 2 � 7. DeJongt Account THAT the Treasurer verify DeJong's account of $8,600 for Animal Pound construction before paying 8. Orono Garbage Collectinn THAT the Treasurer be authorised to cancel M & M Stores garbage collection contract in Orono in view of a resolution passed by the Police Village of Orono on September 29th, 1972 and that the same apply to any similar cases who make application. 9. St. Maryts Cement Company Limited It was noted that the Officials of St. Mary's Cement Company would meet with Council in the Bowmanville Council Chambers on February 17, 1975 for a public meeting and that the public would be invited to take part by newspaper notice. 10. Interim Tax Billing THAT the dates of the interim tax billings be March 3 and May 5, 1975. 11. Coffee Machine THAT the Treasurer's recommendation to finance the maintenance of supplies through the Town's books be approved. 12. Darlington Sports Centre Construction Change Orders THAT the following additional changes at the Darlington Sports Centre be recommended to Council for approval:- (1) Plexiglass Windows........ .....................$1,337.55 (2) Plexiglass at Cafeteria 859.54 (3) Grading Work for Drainage.............. ........ 691. 75 (4) Concrete paving at North end of building..... .. 1,453.00 13. Board of Education Letter re Crosswalk at Village of Newcastle (a) THAT the crosswalk be left at Mill Street and that the Board of Education be advised that Council has no intention of removing the crosswalk at Mill Street unless a guard is located. (b) THAT the new Crossing Guard be instructed to work at Beaver Street and King Street and that Principal of the school be advised and requested to advise the children to cross accordingly. 14. Course for Parking Meter Attendant THAT the Parking Meter Attendant be sent on a course at London February 27th and 28th, 1975 with out of pocket expenses being paid out of parking meter fund. Continued..... Report No. 6 3 15. Courtice Area Plans THAT the Planner's recommendation to sell the Courtice Area Concept Plans be accepted, but that the charge should be $5,00 per copy. 16. Senate Club re Use of Library Accommodation THAT the Senate Club make arrangements with the Library Board with regard to the use of accommodation. Respectfully Submitted Kenneth No Lyall, Chairman.