HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/24/1975 T014N OF NEWCASTLE Finance Committee November 24, 1975 minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held on November 24, 1975 at 21:45 p.m. in the Committee Room of the Bowmariville Town Hall Roll Present were: Con. H. B. Tink, Chairman Call Con, D. W. Allin, Member Con. K. EntwIs.-Le, Member Con. I. M. Hobbs, Member Con. K. E. Lyall, Member [Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Town Clerk, J. McIlroy, Secretary Absent, Con. Ann Cowman Reolution #F-362-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs Adoption THAT the minutes of meeting held on November 10, 1975 of Minutes be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-363-75 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Allin Funds to T14AT Resolution #F-338-75 passed on November 10, 1975, be Other amended to read as follows: Organizations "That the allocation of funds to other Organizations be made four times a year, after the date tax collections are due." "CARRIED" Resolution #F-364-75 Roved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall Mr. H. R. THAT Mr. 11. R. Best's memorandum with regard to vacations be Best, concurred with as follows: Vacation 1. That Mrs. Best be permitted to carry over into 1976, the unused holidays from 1975 (i.e. two weeks less one day) . 2. That Mr. Best receive cash in lieu of holidays carried over from 1974 (i.e. two weeks less one day) . 3. That Mr. Best be permitted to carry over his 1975 holidays (i.e. two weeks) into 1976. and furthermore that the Personnel committee be requested to recommend policy with respect to carrying forward vacations and payment for unused vacations. C I ED" Finance Committee - 2 - Novnaber 24, 1975 Resolution #F-365-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Entwisle Miss D. THAT Miss Dianne Crough be permitted to use her 1975 Crough "floating day" on January 2, 1976. Floating Day "CARRIED" Resolution #F-366.-75 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. 1Entwisle Miss Norma THAT Miss ForresCs request to cancel the permission to take Forrest one week's leave of absence (Resolution #C-75-1277) be Leave of approved. Absence "CARRIED" Resolution #F-367-75 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard Brownsdale THAT the Treasurer's report dated November 17, 1975 Community regarding "Wintario" grant for Brownsdale Community Centre Centre be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-368-75 "Moved by Con. Robbs.: seconded by Con. Allin 1976 THAT the Bowmanville P.U.C. Manager's recommendation dated Street November 5, 1975, relative to the 1976 Capital Budget for Lighting Street Lighting be approved with the exception of the Capital following items- Church St. from Division St. to Liberty St. Budget Baseline Road from Hunt Street to Martin Road. "CARRIED" Resolution #F--369-75 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. En"wisle Insurance THAT the Treasurer's report dated November 20, 1975, regarding Coverage insurance coverage of Community Centres be concurred with and Community that the Town cover all buildings and the local associations Centres cover the contents which are their own property. `"CARRIED" Finance Committee - 3 ® November 24, 1975 Resolution #F--370-75 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs Mileage THAT the following mileage claims as submitted by the Claims Treasurer be concurred with-. Cemetery Vick Van Seggelin Oct. 1 - 28 $13.44 Animal Control. J. Hancock Oct. 31 - Nov. 12 13.20 _Administration G. Gray Sept. 15 - Nov. 17 6.00 Plumbing Inspection W. Kilpatrick Novo 3 - 14 76.20 Building Inspection C. Warren Nov. 3 14 $70.09 H. Wight Nov. 3 - 14 92.40 D. Zachanowich Nov. 3 - 14 64.35 226.84 $335. 68 "CARRIED" Resolution #F•-371-75 Moved by Mayor Richard, seconded by Con. Lyall Maintenance THAT the Treasurer consult with Mr. Best and if the McLean's McLean's Cemetery has been turned over to the Town as an abandoned Cemetery cemetery, the bill of $100.00 for maintenance be paid to Orville Thertell.. CARRIED ' Resolution #F-372-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Entwisle Extension THAT :ouncil concur with the letter dated November 18, 1975 of Payment from the Regional Clerk regarding the collection of charges Terms for for extension of payment terms for Regional Water or Sevier Regional Connection charges Water or Sewer ''CARRIED" Connection Charges. Finance Committee - 4 - November 24, 1975 Resolution #F--373-75 Moved by Con< Entwi.sle, seconded by Con. Allin Financial THAT the Treasurer's Financial Report to October 31, 1975 Report be received for information. to Oct. 31 1975 "CARRIED" Resolution W-374-75 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Lyall Orono THAT representatives from the Orono Athletic Association Athletic appear at the next meeting of the Community Services Committee Association to report on how much money is required to finance the Arena modification and to discuss how this may be. accomxiodated. Resolution. #F-375-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Allin Urban THAT the Treasurer take the necessary action to determine Service what areas of the 11unicipality would fall into urban Service Areas Areas and to make recommendations for establishing such areas. CARRI FD` Recorded vote Rickard - yes Hobbs - yes Lyall. - no Pntwisle - yes Allin -,. yes Tink •-. yes Resolution W-376--75 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin H. Might Tfltd the letter from the Olitario Building Officials Ontario Association relative to the appointment of Howard Wight Building as a Director of the Association be received for information. Officials Association "CARRIED" i Finance Committee - 5 - November 24, 1975 Resolution #Fa377-75 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Dobbs Mail THAT the Town Clerk's report on cooperation given by Strike Town Staff to Federal and Provincial agencies for the distribution of aension cheques etc. during the mail strike, be concurred with, "CAR.RIEV v Resolution #F-378--75 Moved by Con. Hobbs,, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Adjournment THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:30 p.m. "CARRIED" I I i I i