HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/1975 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Finance Committee November 10, 1975 Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held on November 10, 1975 at 2,50 p.m. in the Committee Room of the Bowmanville Town Hall. Roll Present were: Con. 11. B. Tink, Chairman Call Con, D. W. Allin, Member Con. Ann Cowman, Miember Cor.. 1. M. Hobbs, Member Con. T" E. Lyall, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Town Clerk J. M. Mcllroy, Secretary Absent. Con. K. Entwisle, Member Resolution #F.-332-75 Adoption of Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Cowman Minutes THAT the minutes of meeting held on October 14, 1975 be approved. "CARRIED" Duplicating Mr. Koster, Cook's Office Equipment Limited, appeared before Machine Committee regarding proposed purchase of a 3M Magne Dry Photo Hampton Copier, Office Resolution #F-333--75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the machine be leased for a period of 3 months and consideration be given to purchasing it in the 1976 estimates. "CARRIED" Resolution QEF-334-75 Santa Claus Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Allin Parade Grant That Council contrilzte one-half of last year's grant of $500. to the Santa Claus Parade Fund - $250.00 "MOTION LOST" Resolution #F-•335-•75 Moved by Mayor Rickard., seconded by Con. Allin THAT Council allot $250. of the Budget for Civic expenses to the Santa Claus Parade Committee. "CARRIED" Finance Committee 2 -• November 10, 1975. Resolution #F-336--75 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin Mileage THAT the mileage claims as presented by the Treasurer be Claims approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-337-75 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Mayor Rickard Library THAT. Council concur with the Library Board's request for the Board allocation of funds for 1976 as follows- Budget January 1, 1976 - a cheque for of the 1975 Budget (Grant) March 1, 1976 - a cheque for of. the 1975 Budget (Grant) July 1, 1976 -- a cheque for 2 of the remainder of the approved budget for 1976 (Grant) October 1, 1976 - a cheque for the balance of the approved budget for 1976. (Grant) "CARRIED" Resolution #F-338-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Allin Funds for THAT the allocation of funds to other Organizations be made Other at the date tax instalments are due.(AilrN D P,l hk1 Organizations "CARRIED" Resolution #F-339-75 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. hobbs Newcastle THAT Council concur with the payment of accounts for the Pool Newcastle Lions Pool as presented by the Treasurer, totalling Accounts $15,547.07. "CARRIED" Resolution #F--340-75 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cowman Newcastle THAT the Newcastle Hall Board be instructed to take $296. for extra Hall Board work as per Mrs. Brereton's letter of October 18th, from their present Budget, specifically the item for washrooms. Recorded Vote Hobbs - Yes Allin -- Yes Rickard - No Lyall - No Cowman Yes Tink - Yes "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 3 - November 109 1975. Resolution #Y-341-75 Moved by Con. Allin., seconded by Con. Cowman Parking THAT the expenditure for the Parking Lot at the Newcastle Lot Hall be taken from the balance left in the Budget of. $99250. Newcastle less $39121. for kitchen expense and that this be advised to Community the Hall Board and also that no expenditure be made for washrooms Hall this year but requested in next year's budget. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-342-75 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin Orono Water THAT the request of the Orono Water Safety Club for Grant for Safety Club 1976 be referred to next year's budget. °P CARRIED" Resolution #F-343-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs Regional THAT the letter dated October 319 1975 from the Regional `Finance Debenture Department regarding Debenture issue on behalf of the Town of Issue Newcastle in the amount of $822,000. be received for information. $822,000. i°CARRIED" Resolution #F-344-75 Moved by Con, Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin Temporary THAT Council concur with the request from the Treasurer for Help the hiring of temporary help to type Income Tax Forms -- T-4's. Bowmanville Office "CARRIED" Resolution #F-345-75 Moved by Con. Lull, seconded by Con. Cowman Men's Public THAT the Treasurer be authorized to ask the Plumbing Inspector Washroom to check the Men's Washroom at the Bowmanvill Town Hall Bowmanville regarding possible plumbing work required. Town Hall � "CARRIED" � Finance Committee - 4 _. November 10, 1975. Resolution #F®346-75 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Coil. Hobbs Bowmanville THAT the agreement with Grinnell and Company for the maintenance Arena of the Sprinklers at the Bowmanville Arena, in the amount of Sprinkler $232.00 be processed. Contract "CARRIED" Resolution #F®347-75 Moved by Con. Lyall., seconded by Con. Allin Statement THAT the statement of Accounts as submitted by the Treasurer of Accounts for October; be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-348-75 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Cowman Clerks THAT the Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Treasurer be authorized and to attend the Fall Meeting of Zone 4 of the Association of Treasurers Municipal Clerks and Treasurers at Richmond Hill on November Meeting 19, 1975. "CARRIED" Resolution #F--349--75 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Cowman "Durham THAT the letter dated November 1, from "Today Publishing Ltd." i Today" regarding special edition, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-350-75 IMoved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin Parking THAT the Parking Enforcement Officer's report for October Enforcement 1975 be received for information. Officer's Report `'CARRIED" i Finance Committee - 5 -- November 10, 1975. Resolution #F-351-75 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin Elrose THAT the Elrose Construction final account for the Darlington Construction Arena, in the amount of $4,950. be tabled for a future meeting. Account 77CARRIED" Resolution #F-352-•75 Moved by Con, Hobbs, seconded by Con. Cowman Regional THAT Council concur with the 1976 Budget Calendar as per the Clerk's Regional Clark's letter of October 27, 1975. Budget Calendar - 1976 "CARRIED" Resolution #F-353-75 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Cowman Canadian THAT the letter received on October 14, 1975 from the Canadian Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Foundation be received for information. Foundation "CARRIED" Resolution #F-354--75 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Hobbs House THAT Council concur with the report dated October 17, from Soper the Chief Building Inspector regarding the removal of the town- Purls owned house at Soper Park and tenders be called for its removal. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" i Resolution #F-355-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Cowman THAT the foregoing resolution be amended to provide that the house be sold by auction. "CARP�IED'° j i Resolution #F-356-75 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cowman Tyrone THAT the draw in the amount of $29,571. 50 for the Tyrone Community Hall Hall Construction, be approved. Construction. 9tCARRIED" I Finance Committee - 6 - november 10, 1975. Resolution #F-357-.75 Moved by Con, Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs Brownsdale THAT a letter be sent to the Brownsdale Association advising Association that it is desirable for them to pay $150. per month and the property remain in the ownership of the Municipality and also that bulk payments be made from time to time and furthermore that an Agreement be drawn up to this effect and the Association meet with the Community Services Committee to explain the matter if they are in doubt. "MOTION LOST" Resolution NF1-358-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Lyall THAT the matter of the Brownsdale Community Centre be tabled. °'CARRIED' Resolution #F-359-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Allin Book THAT books be purchased in the amount of $1,000. and they be "A Place delivered to the Chief: Librarian who is authorized to distribute Called Solina" books to Libraries, Schools, Associations at her discretion. P'CARRIED" Resolution #F-360-75 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con.. Cowman /tl.a &/tu° P'7 � Tunnel THAT the Works Committee be requested to piiiminate the tunnel Regional under Regional Road 57 and the approaches at Martin Road and Road 57 the financing be checked to see if the Developer would be involved. "CARRIED'p Resolution #F-361-75 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Coxgnnan Adjournment. THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:45 p.m. "CARRIED"