HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1974 Finance Committee TOWN OF NE'WCAST'LE November 15th, 1974 Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held on November 15th, 1974 in the Committee Room at Bowmanville Town Hall. Roll Call All Members were present with the exception of Councillor Allino Mayor Rickard joined the meeting at 1:30 p.m. Resolution #F-735-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. Consumers THAT the letter dated October 25th, 1974 from the Gas Co. Consumers Gas Company be received for information and re Increased that the Company be requested to furnish a listing Rates of price increases over the last ten years. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-736-74 Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Cone Entwisle. By-Law No. THAT Regional Council be advised that this Council is 74-55 of the opinion that By-Law No. 74-55 regarding cross walks in the Town of Newcastle is in order and can see no reason for changing it. "CARRIED" Resolution ;FF- i3 7-74 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con., Wearno Request to THAT Mr. and Mrs. Harness be advised that Council cannot Purchase approve of their Offer to Purchase park lands at the Park rear of their lot on Morgandale Crescent as Provincial Land Regulations do not permit at this time. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-738. 74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs„ Milani. & THAT the Letter dated October 24th, 1.974 , from Milani Milani re and Milani regarding Official Plan Amendment .for the Official Plan Bowmanville West Project, be received for information. Amendment "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 2 - November 15th, 1974 Resolution #F«739-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Mayor Rickard. Penwest THAT Penwest Developments Corporation Limited be advised, Development re in answer_ to their letter of October 18th, 1974, that Extension of. the Town Council is agreeable to negotiate the terms of Land Purchase an extension of the Agreement, but that in the meantime Conditions Council will institute proceedings to recover the ownership of the land after December 31 and furthermore, that Penwest should submit a proposal in writing. "CARRIED" Resolution #F--740-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. Closed THAT the meeting go into closed session to discuss a Meeting land matter. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-741-74 Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Lyall. Day Care THAT Mavor Rickard and Councillor Hobbs be appointed Centre as a Committee to explore locations for a Day Care Centre. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-742-74 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Durham Region THAT the letter dated October 11th, 1974, from Ross Business and Gibson Associates Limited, relative to advertising, Industrial be received and filed. Magazine "CARRIED" Resolution #Fd743-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Hope Community THAT the letter dated October 22nd, 1974, from the Hope Centre Community Centre regarding a grant .for transportation costs be received and filed. "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 3 - November 15th, 1974 Resolution 4F-744-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Wearn. Clarke THAT the Clarke Township Recreation Committee be invited Township to turn their accounts over to the Town Treasurer to Recreation administer their funds and that these funds be handled by Committee the Treasurer as before if possible and that a letter be written to the Committee thanking them for their past services. "CARRIED" Resolution 4F- 74_5-.74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. Morsvde THAT Croll and Godfrey be advised that Council cannot Investments support the position taken in their_ letter of October 11th, re Site Plan 1974 and also that the transfer of the 66 ft. parcel of Agreement land fronting on King Street East be not conveyed to the Developer until the financial obligations mentioned in the letter are settled, without a further resolution of Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-746-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Mr. H. DeWith's THAT Mr. DeWith's request to carry forward one week of Vacation his 1974 vacation to 1975 be approved subject to suitable arrangements with the Treasurer. "CARRIED" Resolution T-PF-747-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Mayor Rickard. Transfer of THAT the Treasurer's recommendation to transfer computer Computer services from I.B.M. to Canadian Imperial Bank of Services Commerce, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-'/48-`i4 Moved by Con. Hobbs , seconded by Con. Wearn. I Port Hope THAT the letter from the Port Hone, Cobourg and District Cobourg & Association for the Mentally Retarded be received and District Assoc. filed. for the Mentally Retarded "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 4 - November 15th, 1974 Resolution #F-749-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. Insurance TWF.T the Treasurer and the Chairman of Finance Committee Report on the prospects of tendering for insurance coverage. "CARRIED" Resolution #F--750-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. Eldorado THAT the Eldorado people be invited to meet with Council Disposal in approximately one month's time, but they be requested Site that prior to the meeting they should provide a brief explaining exactly what they do at the site and exactly what materials they handle and that the Regional authorities and Ministry of Environment representatives be invite(:. "CARRI:011 Resolution #F-751-74 Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Be.auvalley THAT the letter dated October 21, and November 5th, 1974 Subdivision from Mr. Strike relative to Beauvalley Subdivision be referred to the Planner and Engineering Technician for study and report. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-752-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. Regional THAT the Regional Director of Development be advised that Director of Mr. Deeth has the right and opportunity to make new offers Development re and proposals before the term of the agreement runs out and R. Deeth these proposals would be considered by Council for acceptance or rejection. "CARRIED" Resolution #F- /53- /4 Moved by Con. Hobbs , seconded by Con. Wearn. Lighting at TH1NT the letter dated November 4th from Mirix Investments Caristrap regarding lighting on Caristrap Street be referred to Street the PCU X. Manager for study and recommendation. I "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 5 - November 15th, 1974 Resolution 4F-754-'74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con, Wearno Planner's THAT the Planner's Report dated November 14th, 1974 Report re relative to a downtown study be referred to Council Downtown meeting on November 18th, 1974 and that the Planner Study make a further Report after having consulted with Murray Jones Associates, "CARRIED" Resolution 410-•755-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con, Lyall, Gas THAT the Confidential letter from McGarry and McKeon Explosion be received for information, "CARRIED" Resolution 4F- 156-74 Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Lyall, St. Mary's THAT the letter dated November 1 , 1974 and Report from Cement St, Mary's Cement, be received for information, "CARRIED" Resolution FF-757-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con, Hobbs, Wier & THAT a copy of the letter dated November 1 , 1974 from Foulds Wier and Foulds relative to the Euilding Permit for Department Store at Simpson and King Street East j be sent to Marks and McNeely for opinion, "CARRIED" I Resolution #F-758--74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Mayor Rickard. Taxi THAT the recommendation of the Town Clerk that the By-Law No, effective date of By-Law No, 74-72 be January 1st, 74-72 1975 be adopted, "CARRIED" i Finance Committee - 6 - November 15th, 1974 Resolution 4F-759-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs , seconded by Con. Entwisleo Darlington THAT representatives of. Ontario Hydro be invited to Hydra attend a Council meeting and that a copy of their Generating presentation be submitted to the Town Clerk one week Station prior to the meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution OF-760-74 Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Hobbs. Mileage THAT the following mileage and convention expense claims Claims be approved. Mileaqe Claims John Ferguson - Engineering Department Subdivision Charges Recoverable o„o „o0$65.40 Travelling.,... °.. 5895000„0$124035 Do Zachanowich - Building Inspector..... .,d000 00 81.00 Ho Wight, Building Inspector...00.—a. ......... 91.20 C. Warren •- Building Inspector.. . .. .............. 63.15 W. Kilpatrick -- Plumbing Inspector... ......... ... 111000 Fred Smith - Arena Manager..... .......—........ 37„50 Go Kennett, Recreation Department.. ... ... .. ..... 30.60 Co Mutton, Recreation Department.. ....... .—.... . 95°10 To A., Fanning, Recreation Department..... ...—. oa 28080 TOTAL..... ...$662.70 Convention Expense Claim H. Might - Ontario Building Officials Conference-0100.25 CD Warren - Ontario Building Officials Conference.. 98015 TOTAL..........$198.40 "CARRIED" Resolution #F-761-74 Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Cone Hobbs. Meeting with THAT the communication dated November 6th, 1974 from Building, etc. Mr. Ferguson, regarding meeting,be tabled to the Staff next meeting and the staff involved invited to attend. I VARRIED" i Finance Committee - 7 m November 15th, 1974 Resole Lion 41:P-762-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs , seconded by Mayor Rickard„ Parking Meter THAT the Report of the Parking Meter Attendant for Report October, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #-F-763-74 74 Moved by Con. Hobbs , seconded by Con. Wearno Street Light THAT the recommendation of Mr. Mo Jo Watson, Manager of at Durham Bowanvill.e P.U.C. contained in his letter of October 30th, Street 1974 , relative to a street light on Durham Street West of Duke Street, be accepted and 250 Watt Mercury Vapour Dusk to Daren Light be installed at an estimated cost of $1250000 "CARRIED" Resolution #F-764-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs , seconded by Con. Wearno Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" II i