HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/28/1974 Finance Committee TOWN OF NEWCASTLE October 28th, 1974 Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held on October: 282 1974 at 1:00 p.m, in the Committee Room at Doxonanville Toch Hall. Roll Call All members wore. present with the exception of Councillor En.tWisle, who joi a( i. the meeting at 1;30 p.m. Mayor Rickard lef': at s:00 p.m. Resolution #Fw689-74 Moved by Co-.a, Hocba, seconded by Corn, Allin. Adoption of Minutes `-HAT the minut-ess of meetings held on October 15th and Octobei,-: 18th, 19741 be aclopted. "CARR IED" Resolution #F-690--74 Moved by Can. Hobbs, seconded by Cone Wear_n, Housing THAT the Mlayor be. authorised to advise Mr. Manson of Action the Housing Acticn Program that the area ,study is being Prgramme conducted v7i,:rout input from Developers. "CARRIED" Resolution 41-'-691->74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Cor.. Proposed THAT a special meeting of the Committee be arranged to Darlington. study Hr� Strilcet s report when it is received. Generating Plant "CARRIED" Resolution 1"`F•-692--71: Moved by Mayo;' Rickard, aeconded by Con. Lyall. Hope THAT the leti:er f-rom Mope Commu.iity Centre; Oshawa Community dated October- 22nd, 1974 regarding grant placed on the Centre Agenda :for the, n.oxt meetiei.g„ "CARRIED" 'T Resolution #'T-693-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Wearn. Ross THAT the letter bated October filth. 1974 from Ross Gibson Gibson Associates Li_mitee, regarding advertising of industry be Associates placed on the Agenda for the next meeting, J � "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 2 - October 28th, I Resolution QEF-694-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Allin, 1970 THAT the Solicitor who is representing the Town on the Gas claim for damages relative to the explosion on Elgin Explosion Street in 1970, be asked to report on the present status. Bowmanville "CARRIED" P,asolution #F-695-74 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Mayor Rickard, Fire & THAT Councillors Entwisle and Wearn investigate the Police matter of maintenance of the heating and air conditioning Building plant in the Fire and Police Building with the Town Maintenance Clerk and report to the Committee, "CARRIED" Resolution #F-696-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard, Bowtovm TI-LU the Treasurer contact Mr. McNeely with regard to the Subdivision TOWn's legal position relative to Morsyde Investment Companyts refusal to pay subdivision costs and that the Town Clerk advise the Public Utilities Commission not to sign the Site Plan Agreement in the meantime. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-697-74 Moved by Con. Iiobbs, seconded by Cone Entwisle, Statement THAT the Statement of Accounts for September 20th to of October 22nd, 1974 and addendum, be paid, Accounts "CARRIED" Resolution ;?'F-698-74 Moved by Con, Entwisle, seconded by Con, Wearn. THAT the foregoing resolution be amended to provide that the account to Elrose Construction for the new Arena be only paid subject to a Committee of the Mayor, Councillor Wearn and Councillor Tink reviCV7ing the account with power to delete items which they might consider should not be paid at this time, "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 3 - October 28th, 1974 Resolution 0-699-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. TH13 Resolution rF-.697-74• be further amended to provide that the Proctor & Redfern's bill of $923,20 be not paid pending a report from the Treasurer. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-700-71i. Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Wearn. THAT the following iiileage Claims be paid:- Mileage J. Hancock, Animal Control...........................$ 16.50 Claims H. Dellith, Treasury..........0........... ........... 13.65 Wni. Kilpatrick, Plumbing Inspector................... 89.10 Chas. Warren, Building Inspector,.................... 64.65 D. Zachanowieh, Building Inspector................... 31.35 H. [,Tight, Building Inspector - Mileage.....$116.70 - Land Registry Office........... 2.00- 118.70 G. Howden, Planning Department.........0..*........... 18..45 TOTAL................$352.40 Convention Expenses J. Ferguson.... ..............$ 90.20 Less: Advance.............. 4-0.00.................$ 50.20 Resolution 'kF-701-74 Moved by Mayor 2Uckard, seconded by Con. Wearn. Coin TILU the Treasurer. and Councillor Hobbs be authorised to Counting loot: into the purchase of a coin counting machine for Machine Parking Meter collections ,lith the power to purchase same in the amount of $580,00. "CARRIED" Mayor Rickard left at this point. Resolution #F-702.-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin. Mr. John THAT the request contained in Mr. John Liptay's letter Liptay of October 22nd, 1974 be rejected as it is "ultra Vires". "CARRIED" I Finance Committee - 4 - October 28th, 1974 Resolution #F-703-74 Moved by Con, Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle, Blasting at THAT in view of certain complaints received from citizens, St, Maryts St, Mary's Cement be advised that a blast rattled the Cement windows of the Town Hall at 2:56 this afternoon (October 28th) which would tend to substantiate the complaints received, "CARRIED" Resolution !kF-704-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con, Wearn, Morsyde THAT the letter dated October 11th, 1974 from Croll and Investments Godfrey and the letter dated October 17th, 1974 from the Site Plan Manager of the Bowmanville P.U.C. be tabled till the Agreement next meeting and that the P.U.C. be requested to attend, "CARRIED" Resolution #F--705-74 Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con, Allin, Trillium THAT Trillium Ceramics be advised that Council is Ceramics prepared to renegotiate the Option for the five acres Option South of their plant for one year, subject to renogiation of price and terms, "CARRIED" Resolution #F-706--74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con, Lyall. Association of THAT Council concur with the request of the Association of Municipalities Municipalities of Ontario, as per their letter of of Ontario re October 15th, 1974 for a payment of one cent per Bell Telephone capita to retire the coats of representing the municipalities at the Bell Telephone hearing for rate increase for a total amount of $281,62, "CARRIED" Resolution YIP-707-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con, Hobbs. Lycett Street THAT the owner of property to the East side of Lycett Road Street Road Allowance be advised by registered mail that Allowance we request him to let us knots within thirty days of receipt of the letter as to whether he wishes to make an offer for the East half of the road allowance, 11rARRTFnt1 Finance Committee - 5 •_ October 28th, 1974__ Resolution 0-703-74 Moved by Cone Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. Canadian THAT the letter dated Cctober 22nd, 1974, from the Imperial Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce regarding credit Bank of rating of Barmond Builders Limited and L.D.C.M. Investments Commerce Lim:itcd, be received for information and the principals ro Barmond of the Company and Shareholders be ascertained. Builders "CARRIED" Resolution Q-709-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin. Regional THAT Council approve of the additional expenditure as Works per Regional Works Department's letter of October And, Department 1974 in the amount of $5,300 and that Regional Council re be requested to debenture the interim amount on behalf Watermains of the Town of Newcastle and that a copy of the correspondence be sent to the Works Department. "CARRIED" Resolution OF-710-74 Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Entwisleo Survey Old Scugog THAT Mr. Merrill Brown be requested to provide a survey of Road the old Scugog Road in connection with a Bell Telphone project. "CARRIED" Resolution rF-711-74 Moved by Conn I-learn, seconded by Con. Allin. Tyrone THAT the tentative piano for the new Tyrone Community Hall Hall be submitted to the Chief Building Inspector for scrutiny and report and recommendations to next meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution P-712-74 i Moved by Cono Lyall, seconded by Con. Entwisleo Next THAT the next meeting be held at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Meeting November 12th, 1974 "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 6 - October 28th, 1971., Resolution #F-713--74 l-loved by Con. Entwicle, seconded by Cone Hobbs. Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned, "CARR IED"