HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-23-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# -L--) )-C, Date: July 10th, 1995 . Res. # (,3 0_f) l&I - z Report#: ABM!N-2:3 By-Law# Subject: DURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY GRANT FOR ELECTRICAL UPGRADES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1) That Report Admin -23-95 be received; 2) That a grant in the amount of $27, 000 . be approved for the Durham Central Agricultural Society, with an agreement to repay same, without interest, over a period of five years; 3) That the required funds be drawn from the Unclassified Administration Contingency Account #7007-X-298 ; 4) That appropriate staff arrange for the completion of the necessary documents covering the repayment of the said grant; 5) That the Durham Central Agricultural Society be notified of Council' s decision. BACKGROUND: During the 1995 Budget deliberations, Council passed resolution, GPA -183-95, "That the issue of the upgrade to the electrical facility at the Orono Fairgrounds be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer. " The Chief Administrative officer has been in contact with the president of the Agricultural Society and has been advised that upon the closing of the 1994 Fair, the Society was advised by Hydro inspectors that there was a severe deficiency in the hydro service to the fairgrounds and unless this deficiency was corrected, the Durham Central Agricultural Fair would not be allowed to operate in 1995 . The grounds would also not be available for any special events such as the Ontario Rodeo Championships that are scheduled for the Fairgrounds in the Fall of 1995 . 106 RECYCLED PULD PAPER CC L E @ EIA RIG B-RID C4 RECYCLED PAPER ADMIN #23-95 WORK REQUIRED: To bring the electrical service up to modern day standards, the following work must be completed; Bury the main feed (8000 watt service) underground. The existing system is contrary to the requirements of Clarington Hydro. Raise overhead power line to 40 foot poles from the present 25 and 30 foot poles . Again this is a requirement of Clarington Hydro as the existing method creates a danger with the construction of midway and rodeo tents . Increase the overall power supply from a 400 transformer to a 600 transformer in order to service the requirements of a larger Fair production and Rodeo Finals . Considering the present ad hoc service, the site is only receiving about 65. of available service, whereas the new service would provide a 300. increase . Remove, reroute, and replace present wiring as well as the removal of the existing block electrical building. This would allow an additional 200 amp service to vendors in the showbarn. INVESTMENT REQUIRED: The Durham Agricultural Society have carried out a lengthy investigation on the cost of providing the necessary changes to the electrical services and have identified the following; Bury cable and install 40 foot poles . . . . . . . . . . . . $7, 500 . Installation of Hydro transformer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 , 325 . Removal of present service, rerouting, rewiring. . $12 , 600 . GST. . . . . . $1, 632 . PST. . . . . . $1, 866 . Total Funding Needed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26, 823 . The completion of this project will allow the Durham Central Agricultural Society to not only continue with their expansion program of the annual fair, but will also allow the expansion of the commercial use of the site during the nonfair period, resulting in growing revenues for the Association. Needless to say, the major problem that the Association is facing is the availability of immediate funds to carry on with the necessary work. 1107 ADMIN #23-95 The Durham Agricultural Society is requesting a grant from the Municipality of Clarington in the amount of $27, 000 . , which would be repaid, interest free, over a period of five years . Upon discussing the future marketing program for the site with the President of the Society, it is staff' s feeling that repayment of such a grant could take place over a five year period without undue hardship for the Association. The Municipal Act, Section 113 allows the Municipality, if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Municipality, to make a loan to a non business enterprise (see copy of Section 113 attached as Schedule #1) . In 1994, Council made a similar grant to the Rotary Club of Bowmanville and the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville in order for the service clubs to purchase bleachers for the Durham Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds to be used for the Ontario Rodeo Finals that was held on the site of the Fairgrounds . In recognition of the significant economic advantage provided to the community by way of the contribution through improvements made to the Durham Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, it is respectfully recommended that the Municipality make a Grant, that will be paid back, interest free, over a period of five years, to the Durham Central Agricultural Society, in the amount of $27, 000 . for the expansion of electrical services as outlined in this report . The funds are recommended to be drawn from the Unclassified Administration Contingency account, ( Account # 7007-X-298) which has a present balance in excess of $100, 000, uncommitted, prior to this draw. The Durham Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds are considered by all to be a significant and unique asset to the community and the enhancement of the Fairgrounds will help to ensure continued expansion of the events at the Fairgrounds and ultimately continued economic advantages throughout the Municipality of Clarington. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer Att . i 1108 Attachment #1 to Report ADIIIN-23-95 148 Chap. 302 MUNICIPAL Sec. I Ila (7) 8. The power, right, authority and privilege of the council to raise money by the issue of debentures or Otherwise for the acquisition of lands or construc-tion of buildings shall not be transferred to the local board. 9. Upon the repeal of the by-law establishing the local board, the local board ceases to exist and its under- taking, documents, assets and liabilities shall be assumed by the municipality. Regulations (8) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regu- lations, (a) prescribing maximum amounts that may be expended by municipalities or any particular mu- nicipality under a program referred to in subsection (2); (b) defining "small business" for the purposes of this section. Definitions (9) In this section, "eligible small business" means a small business included in a program referred to in subsection (2) that is in occupation of premises leased to it under this section; ("petite entre- prise admissible") "municipality" includes a metropolitan, regional and district municipality and the County of Oxford. ("municipalite") 1986, c. 24, s. 1,pan. General 113.—(1) Notwithstanding any special provision in this Power to make grants Act or in any other general or special Act related to the mak- ing of grants or granting of aid by the council of a municipal- ity, the council of every municipality may, subject to section 112, make grants, on such terms and conditions as to security and otherwise as the council may consider expedient, to any person, institution, association, group or body of any kind, including a fund, within or outside the boundaries of the municipality for any purpose that, in the opinion of the coun- cil, is in the interests of the municipality. Loans, P guarantees, (2) The ower to make a grant includes, etc. I I 1109 t. 150 Chap. 302 MUNICIPAL Sec. I]3(2) (a) the power to guarantee a loan and to make a grant by way of loan and to charge interest on the loan; (b) the power to sell or lease land for nominal consider- ation or to make a grant of land, where the land being sold, leased or granted is owned by the municipality but is no longer.required for its pur- poses, and includes the power to provide for the use by any person of land owned or occupied by the municipality upon such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the council; (c) the power to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of, at a nominal price, or to make a grant of, any furniture, equipment, machinery, vehicles or other personal Property of the municipality or to provide for the use thereof by'any person on such conditions as may be fixed by the council; and (d) the power to make donations of foodstuffs and mer- chandise purchased by the municipality for such purpose. Application (3) A guarantee of loan made under this section shall be deemed to be a debt for the purposes of section 149 and, where the term of the loan in respect of which such guarantee tl is made may extend beyond the current year, such guarantee shall be deemed to be an act, the cost of which is to be raised in a subsequent year and shall be subject to the provisions of R.S.O. 1980, section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. c. 347 � i Definitions (4) In this section, 4 (a) "land" includes a building or structure or a part thereof; ("bien-fonds") R.S.O. 1980. (b) "person" includes a municipality as defined in the c. 303 Municipal Affairs Act and includes a metropolitan. regional and district municipality and the County of Oxford. ("personne") R.S.O. 1980, c. 302, s. 113. Awards and 114. The council of every municipality may provide for, competitions (a) offering awards and gifts to persons whose actions or achievements are, in the opinion of council, wor- thy of note; and ; i a i