HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/09/1974 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Finance Committee September 9th, 1974 Minutes of a meeting of the Finance Committee held on September 9th, 1974, at 1:00 p.m. in Court Room No. 2. All members were present at the start of the meeting with the exception of Councillor Wearn, who attended at 2:55 p.m. Resolution #F--558-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisleo Adoption of Minutes THAT the minutes of the meeting held on August 26th, 1974, be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #Fe559-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisleo The Late THAT a floral tribute on behalf of Council be sent John Layng to the funeral of the Late John Layng. "CARRIED" 1973 Financial Mr. Walter H. Pope, auditor of the former Township of Statement - Clarke, appeared before the Committee and answered Township of various questions relative to the 1973 Financial Clarke Statement Mr. Charles E. Warren, the Chief Building Inspector, appeared before the Committee. Resolution #F--560-74 Moved by Con. Entwisie, seconded by Con. Lyall. Dudar THAT it be recommended to Council that if all requirements Construction as to set backs, frontages, etc. , required by Clarke Building Township By-Law 1653 are met and all other government Permits requirements are complied with and if the road is built in accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications requirements, building permits be issued. "CARRIED" Finance Committee - 2 - September 9th, 1974 Mr. I-I. Best the By-Law Enforcement Officer appeared before the Committee. Resolution #F-561-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs. By-Law Enforcement THAT the Report of the By-Law Enforcement Officer for Officer's August, 1974, be received for information. Report "CARRIED" Resolution YkF-562«74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Mayor Rickard. Sign THAT Municipal Planning Consultants be requested to By-Law prepare a sign By-.law for ;;ubraission to the Finance Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution afF-563-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall. Parking Enforcement THAT the hiring of a parking attendant in Orono and in Orono & Newcastle be deferred. Newcastle "CARRIED" Resolution #F-564-74 Moved by Con. 'Hearn, seconded by Con. Lyall. Mr. Best TIIAT it be recommended to Council that Mr. Bests Vacation holiday period for 1974 be carried forward to 1975 and that Council be advised further in 1975. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-565-74 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Lyall. Museum Board THAT the Museum Board be allowed the use of the Orono Use of Orono Town Hall at no charge on dates to be arranged with Town Hall Mr. Best. "CARRIED" Finance Committee - - September 9th, 1974 Site Plan Mr. S. J. Codfrey appeared on behalf of Morsyd Agreement re Investments and Mr. Glieberman appeared for GRW Morsyd Construction Investments Ltd, & GRW Construction Resolution #F-566-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT clarification be obtained from the Town Solicitor relative to the last part of the second last paragraph of his letter of August 23rd, 1974, with regard to the Morsyd Site Plan Agreements. "CARRIED" Resolution 0-567-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT the G.R.W. Construction Site Plan Agreement be included in the foregoing motion. "MOTION LOST" Resolution ItF--568-n74 Moved by Cone Wearn, seconded by Mayor Rickard. TI-ViI' the G.R.11, Construction Site Plan Agreement be processed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorised to sign same. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution -irF-569-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the foregoing motion also apply to the Morsyd i Investments Site Plan Agreement. "CARRIED" Township of Mr. Sedgewick of Deloitte, Haskins and Sells appeared Darlington and answered questions relative to the 1973 Financial 1973 Statement of the Township of Darlington Financial Statement i Resolution #F--570-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Cono Allin, Darlington THAT Councillor Wearn be authorised to handle the AreUa problem with regard to the installation of water supply at the Darlington Sports Centre. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-571-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin, Taunton THAT a letter be addressed to the Regional Works Road Commissioner requesting that the road widening Widening project on Taunton Road be carried out by the Regional Works Department at no cost to the Town of Newcastle, as thm had been no plans in the past of charging this work to the local municipality, "CARRIED" Resolution #Fa572-74 Moved by Cone Hobbs, seconded by Con, Lyall, Culverts for THAT the Works Department be authorised to supply the Drainage necessary culverts for drainage relative to the road widening specified in the foregoing resolution. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-573-74 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Cone Hobbs. i Change Order THAT it be recommended to Council that Change Order No. 9 No, 9 (Exterior Hose Bibb) in an amount of $240.00, Arena be authorised. i "CARRIED" Resolution IPF-574.-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Lyall. Payment of Staff THAT all cheques for wage payments be weekly, "MOTION LOST" i Finance Committee - 5 - September 9th, 1974 Resolution #F-575-74 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con, Allin, Day Care TIYff the Town of Newcastle subscribe to the proposal Centre for a Day Care Centre and that it be indicated that there is a suitable building available, "CARRIEDt' Resolution #F-576-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con, Lyall, Parking Meter Attendantts THAT the Parking Meter AttendantTs Report for August, Report 1974) be received for information, "CARRIED" Crossing It was agreed that the Tom Clerk should hire a Guard Crossing Guard on Waverly Road at the Portable School to replace the one at Highway 2 and the Waverly Road cut-off. Resolution IPF-577-74 Moved by Con, Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard, Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:00 p,m, and reconvene at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 12, "CARRIED"