HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/25/1974 TOWN OF NE'JCASTLE Finance Committee February z5, 197 Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held at Bowmanville Town Hall on Feb . 25, 1974, at 1 P.M. Present were : Councillor Tink, Chairman Mayor Rickard, Member Councillor Allin, Member Councillor Lyall, Member Councillor Hobbs , Member Councillor Wearn , Member J. F. Descent , Treasurer R. Bryden, Tax Collector Resolution #F-56-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Feb . 11, Minutes be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-57-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con. Wearn P.U.C. THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Newcastle P.U.C. in Newcastle, be asked to collect Sewarage collection Users charges on behalf of the Town of Newcastle, of Sewage based on Provincial Sewage Works Program #1-0049-66 Rates. as outlined in their statement of Revenue and Expenditures. "CARRIED" A disdussion on rates etc. , followed. . Resolution #F-58-74 Moved by Con . Lyall, seconded by Con. Allin Plumbing THAT the Township of Manvers request that they Inspector snare with the Town of Newcastle, the services of I4lanvers a Plumbing Inspector, be declined regretfully.. Twsp . "Tie Vote" Resolution #F-59-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con . Vearn THAT the motion to decline the Township of Manvers j request re Plumbing Inspector ' s services, be tabled for further investigation . I I "CARRIED" Con. Lyall voted against the motion. Finance Committee -2- Resolution F-60-74- Moved by Con . Allin, seconded by Con. Wearn Dlemb ership s THAT memberships in the Ontario Building Officials O .B.O .A. Association, -Cor C. Warren and H. 'Wight , at a cost of 430 . 00 , be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution 0-61-74 Moved by Con . Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs Ont . �-.ssoc . THAT membership in the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs Fire Chiefs, for R. Mercer, at a cost of $15 . 00 Mercer be approved. I CARR ILD" Resolution #F-62-74 Moved by Con . Allin, seconded by Mayor Rickard Ont. Housing THAT the question of membership in the Ontario Authorities Housing Authorities Association, for G. Howden . Association be tabled for further information. Howden "CiRR I1�D" Resolution #11-63-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con . Wearn Mutual Aid DIRT memberships to the Mutual Aid Fire Services Fire Services Association for 3 fire halls �P 4p'15. 00 each, be Assoc , tabled for further information .. "C1'RR IED Resolution -;-F-64-74 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT membership in the Professional 'engineers Professional of Ontario for C. E. Watt , at a cost of $35 . 00, Engineers be tabled for further information . Assoc . Watt . "CARRIED" i Resolution #21-65-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard , seconded by Con. Hobbs City TH1iT membership in the City Engineers Assoc=i q+; Engineers at a cost of $10.00, be approved . 1lssoc . "CARRIED" Finance Committee -3- Resolution #F-66-74- Moved by Ccn . Lyall, seconded by Con.. 'Lllin TH11T Mrs, Miklos be advised by letter, to send the Newcastle bills, including; salaries, for the Newc€�stle Library Library Board to the Town of Newcastle for payment until such Board time as the new Library Board is constituted. Accts. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-67-74- Moved by Con . Allin, seconded by Mayor Rickard Newtonville THAT the monies in Newtonville Community Trust Fund Community be released as needed, for expenditures on the Commun3 ' � Trust Fund Hall, and such expenditures be supported by relative accounts. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-68-74- Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con , Wearn Remuneration THrLT the Treasurer write to Marks & McNeely that we members of are dealing specifically with lay people who are not Planning members of Council, who are to serve on the Planning Advisory Corm. Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-69-74 Moved F-69-74- Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs GReat Pine THAT the matter of the membership in the Great Pine Ridge Tourist Ridge Tourist Association be tabled until a decision ��ssoc , has been reached by the Region as to their participat- ion or non-participation . "CARRIED" Resolution #F-70-74- Moved by Con , i1llin , seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the matter of hiring a girl for the Hampton Office 6alary on the understanding that her starting salary, mention, Employee in the Clerk ' s memorandum, will be considered for Hampton adjustment in three zontho ' tiL " I "CARRIED" Finance Committee -4- Resolution_#'k-71-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con. j',Illin iipplication THAT the pro forma titled ",1pplication for Rezoning" for Rezoning and "Schedule of Fees" submitted by G. Howden, is & Schedule of concurred with. Fees "CARRIED" Resolution #F-72-74 Moved by Con . Wearn, seconded by Con. Hobbs TH.,�T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to negotiate with the Company who has made an offer to purchase Sale of 4..21 acres of industrial land at 86 , 000 . an acre, with Industrial a view to re-negotiating the selling price and Land increasing the size of the first phase and that the Industrial Commissioner ' s expertise be utilized in the negotiations and that any lands reverting to the Town through project non-completion , have an access road. IICI'iRRIEDII Councillor Lyall voted against this motion . Resolution #F-73-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con. _111in Report of THZIT the services of the Industrial Commissioner Industrial be utilized to provide a report to advise Council Commissioner as to current prices on area industrial land and that no further sales be entered into until that report has been received . "CARRIED" Resolution #F-74-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con . Wearn Statement of TILT the statement of accounts as submitted be Accounts adopted with the exception of the payment to Jackson Ypes of 4a21, 45(*, . which is set aside until next Council meeting for clarification . "CARRIED" Resolution #F-75-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con . Wearn Capital TH,iT discussion of Capital Forecast be placed Forecast as the first item of business at the next meeting on March 11, 1974. "CA-RRIED11 Finance Committee -5- Resolution #F-76-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con. Wearn Adjournment THAT the meeting adjourn at 5 :45 P.M. "CARRIED" i I I i I i