HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/11/1974 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Finance Committee February 11, 1974 Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held at Bowmanville Town Hall on February 11, 1974, at 1 P.M. Present were : Councillor B. Tink, Chairman Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Councillor D. W. Allin Councillor K. Entwisle " Councillor I. Hibbs " Councillor K. Lyall " Councillor A. D.. Wearn " Resolution 0-38-74 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Con . Entwisle Minutes THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Feb . 4, 1974, be approved as printed.. "CARRIED" Resolution-#F-39-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs., seconded by Con. Entwisle ,Salaries THAT the committee go into closed session to discuss Bill 162 salaries - Bill 162. "CARRIED" Resolution .#F-40-74- Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by 'Con. ,Lyall I THAT the matter to do with salaries under Bill 162 be tabled and referred to Council for their meeting of February 18th to be discussed in a "COMIvIITTLE of the Whole" . I "CARRIED" Resolution #F-41-74 i Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard i H. Best THAT the request of Mr. H. Best to take holidays, Holidays (accrued from 1973 ) from Feb . 18th to March 2nd, 1974 inclusive, be granted. "CARRIED" -2- Finance Committee Resolution I F-42-74 Moved by Coil. Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT Council provide the Village of Newcastle Community Hall Board with an amount not to exceed $12, 000 , to cover Kitchen the completion of. the I-itchen addition to the Community addition Hall. That all accounts be submitted to the Town of to Newcastle Newcastle Treasurer for payment and furthermore that the Hall. balance of monies not recoverable through Grants, etc, be secured by a promissory note of the Board, due Dec. 31, 1976 , with provision for an annual payment of principal. "CARRIED" Resolution #P-43-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con , Wearn THAT the Village of Newcastle Community Hall Board be advised that they may proceed with their kitchen addition immediately, "CYIRR IED" Resolution ##F-44-74 Moved by Con . .Alin, seconded by Con. Wearn THAT the letter from the Ontario Municipal Personnel O .M.P.A. Association dated January 22, 1974, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution ##I'-45-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con . Allin City of THAT the letters from the City of Brantford dated Brantford January 22, 1974 and January 31, 1974, pertaining to Res. expense allowances for elected officials, be tabled. I "CARRIED" The matter pertaining to Office Equipment etc . for the Plumbing Inspector was referred to the Mayor for appropriate action . Resolution f#F-46-74 Moved by Con . Alli.n, seconded by Con. Wearn THAT the Finance Committee concur with the request of the Plumbing Inspector to attend the; meeting of the Ontario cont 'd . . . . . . . . . . . . . i -3- Finance Committee Plumbing Inspectors association :in Toronto on Feb . 21, P . I.A. 1974. meeting "CARRIED" Resolution #T-47-74 Moved by Con . Hobbs, seconded by Con . Allin WHAT the correspondence from the Village of Newcastle V. of N. P.U.C. relative to capital purchases and debentures be P .U. C . referred to the Treasurer for inclusion in the Capital Capital forecast in the amount of $35 , 000. for 1975 and that the purchases P.M . be so advised. "CARRIED" At this point E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, H. Best , By-law Enforcement Officer and E. Woodyard joined the meeting. Resolution#F48-74 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Wearn Twsp . of TH.,iT the committee go into closed session to discuss the Clarke Writ of Summons issued against the former Township of summons Clarke . "Ci:iRRIED" Resolution #L-49-24 Moved by Con, lOntwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall TH,�T Mr. Swartz , on behalf of Mr. Jan Ochonski be invited to attend Council to state his case pertaining J . Ochonski to the Writ of Summons issued on December 21st , 1973 , to the former 'Township of Clarke and that Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, attend the meeting on behalf of the Town of Newcastle Council. 11C1'�RRILDI' Resolution #F-50-74 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Wearn TH,'A.T Mr. E. R. Lovekin, solicitor, ascertain from the By-law 1753 O.M.B. their reasons for rejecting the Plan of Subdivision Township of for lot 35 , Con. 5, Township Df Clark; and that subject to Clarke the O.M.B . reply that the Committee recommend to Council j the rescinding of By-law 1753 of the former Township of Clarke. "Ci'd�RIED" i -4- Finance Committee Resolution #'F-A51-74 Moved 'by Con . Allin, seconded by Con . Lyall Dog Control THAT the revised Dog Control By-law au presented by the By-Law By-law Enforcement Officer, be approved and recommended to Council . "CARRIED" Resolution �#F-52-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the Committee go into closed session to discuss with Contract Bids the Architect , Mr. D. Jackson, matters pertaining to the re .Arena contract bids received for the construction of the Darlington Darlington Arena "CARRIED" Resolution #F-53-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con . Wearn T:ELiT the Architect Mr. D. Jackson, be authorized to consult with the Town ' s Solicitors on the matters pertaining to the Darlington .Arena Construction Bids. "C.tiRRIED" Mr, Keith Shackelton addressed the meeting; requesting that the Council give consideration to providing more dressing room space in thu new Darlington Lirena. The Chairman advised Mr. Shaakelton that this matter would be taken under advisement . Resolution #F-54-74 Moved by Con . Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle Advance to THAT the Treasurer be authorized to make an interim Clarke payment to the Clarke Public Library as follows: Public Library . Expenses 41, 489 . 00 Less Bal. on hand 378. 00 1,111 . 00 "CARRIED" Resolution f#F-55-74 Moved by Con . Wearn, seconded by Con. Hobbs, adjournment THAT the meeting adjourn at 5 :10 P.M. "CARRIED"