HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/1974 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Finance Committee Bebruary 4, 1974. Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held at Bowmanville Town, Hall on February 4th, 1974. Present : Councillor H. B. Tink, Chairman Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor D. W. Allin Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor Ivan Hobbs Councillor K. Lyall Absent - Councillor A. D. Wearn . Resolution #F-16-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by Councillor Hobbs adoption of That the minutes of the meeting held on January 28th minutes 1974, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" The proposed by-law for the Regulating of Dogs was reviewed and the following amendments made subject to the concurrence of the By-Law Officer. Resolution #F-17-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Lyall THAT Item 1, Sec . 5 , s. s. ii be amended to read Item 1 "of a class designated as pure-bred in the regulations Sec. 5 of the Canadian Kennel Club Inc . " S . S. ii CARRIED" Resolution IfF-18-24 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Councillor Hobbs Item 2 THAT Item 2, s. s. (1) (i) read "For a male dog, if S . S. (1) (i) only one is kept - $3 . 00 "CARRIED" Resolution JL-i9-74 Moved by Councillor Entwisle, seconded by Councillor Lyall THAT Item 2. s. s. (1) (v) read "a kennel of pure-bred Item 2 dogs registered in the Canadian Kennel Club Inc. other s . s . (1) (v) than in an area zoned as residential - $25 . 00ff . "CARRIED" Finance Committee -2- The following further amendments were agreed to : further Item 2, s. s. 2 to read, amendments "The owner of a kennel of dogs. other than in an area to Dog zoned as residential that are pure-bred shall not be By-law liable to pay in respect ofsuch ure-bred dogs any license fee under Item 2, s . s. (1j,j , i, ii, iii and iv. " Item 2, s. s. 3 to read, "For the purpose of Section 2, s. s. (1 ) any spayed female dog, the owner of which produces at the time of paying the license fee for a dog, a certificate of a veterinary surgeon that the dog has been spayed and/or is sterile, shall be deemed to be a male dog. " Item 2, s . s . (9) to read, "In the case of a kennel other than in an area zoned as residential as referred to in Section 1, S. S. (5) , each pure-bred dog shall be registered and a license issued but the only fee to be paid shall be as provided in Section 2, s. s. (1) (v) and the issuer of licenses shall issue to the owner a tag as described in Section 7, s. s. W for each pure-bred dog for which the owner shall pay a fee of . 500 in addition to the license fee. " Item 4, s. s . 4 to read, "The owner of an impounded dog shall be entitled, on proof of ownership , to regain custody of the dog on app- lication to the dog pound and payment of a pound fee of $5 . 00 for the first day or part thereof and $3 . 00 for each additional day or part thereof that the said dog has been impounded, plus any veterinary charges incurred for treatment ordered by the Dog Control Officer. Resolution #F-20-74- Moved F-20-74Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by Councillor Entwisle THAT Item 4, s. s. (6 ) be amended to read, Item "Dogs that have been impounded shall be destro ed or S . S. disposed of at the end of the seventy-two (7 hour period in such manner as Council may from time to time, by resolution direct . "CARRIED" Resolution #F-21-74 Moved by Councillor Entwisle , seconded by Councillor Lyall Items 5 ,6 , 7 , 8 and 9 . THAT items 5, 69 79 8 and 9 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Finance Committee Resolution #-F-22-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard , seconded by Councillor Lyall Tl-h-�T the Treasurer obtain confirmation in writing, of Retirement the position of the "Retirement Savings Plan with Savings klan Investors Syndicate" of the Employees of the former (Clarke) Township of Clarke in relation to transferring to O.M.E.R.8. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-23--74 Moved by Councillor Entwisle, seconded by Councillor Lyall THAT the Treasurer send an Invoice to : Rice Construction c/o E.R.Lovekin , Solicitor, accounts re Village of Newcastle Rice Cons. H. Payne c/o R. Carr, solicitor, Port Hope and H. Payne attaching copies of the Municipal Planning Consultants Co . Ltd . accounts totalling ,;2,352. 05 , requesting their cheques for 41,176 . 03 each, being fifty per cent (50%) of the account rendered. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-24-74 Moved by Councillor Entwisl I e, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the statement of accounts as follows : Town of Bowmanville - Accts. paid 1973 432,917.66 Township of Darlington - " Payable 1973 89371.12 Town of Bowmanville - Accts. payable 1973 35, 043 .48 Account Tsp . of Clarke - Accts. payable 1973 2,428. 05 Village of Newcastle - liccts. payable 1973 1,454.11 Town of Newcastle - Accts . paid 1974 1039356. 98 Twsp. of Clarke - Accts. payable 1974 998-76 Town of Newcastle -- .Accts, payable 1974 74, 006 .97 Town of Newcastle Works Dept , acctspayable 1974 14, 992.89 be approved and recommended to Council for payment. ti r, Resolution #F-25-74 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor -Allin mbrship. THAT membership in the Association of Municipal Tax A.M.T.C . Collectors of Ontario for R. Bryden in the amount of of Ont . 4'25 - 00 be approved . "CARRIED" Finance Committee -4- Resolution -#F-26-74 Moved by Cou-icillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Allin petition THjLT the annual petition for Subsidy under provisions for Road of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement subsidy Act on expenditures made during 1973 for Town of Bowmanville 42091877 -30 32 , Village of Newcastle 471 .La7 Township of Clarke 3389149 . 29 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-27-74- Mowed F-27-74Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the question of salaries under Bill 162 be held salaries in abeyance pending receipt of a reply from the oolicitors. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-28-74- Moved F-28-74Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Allin TH,IXT the Treasurer ascertain from the 6olicitor the pay for position of the Council in paying members of the members of Planning and Advisory Committee. P. & �. Committee "CARRIED" The Treasurer advised the meeting that since it was discount too late in this ;rear to take any action with regard prepayment to a discount on the prepayment of taxes, that he of taxes would present to the committee a recommendation shortly after the middle of the year. Resolution #F-29-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs mbrship THAT membership in the Association of Municipalities A.M.O . of Ontario at a cost of J375- 00 be approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Lyall voted against this motion . Finance Committee -5- Resolution-01-10-74 Moved by Councillor Entwisle , seconded by Councillor Hobbs Special TH,iT the matter of placing an advertisement in the Progress "Special Progress Editions" of the Canadian Statesman Editions and the Oshawa Times, be left to the discretion of the Mayor. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-31--74 Moved by Councillor Entwisle, seconded by Councillor Allin Soil & THi�T the amount of 1;081. 00 be paid to the Ministry of Crop Improve- Agriculture and Food -toward the Soil and Crop Improvement ment Prog . Program of -the County of Durham. "CARRIED" Resolution -#F-32-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by Councillor Allin THAT the March of Dimes and the Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council be advised that , with regret, the Council is unable to make a contribution for the year 1974. Moved by Mayor. Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the above resolution be considered in two parts. "CiRRIEDII Resolution IF-33-74 Moved by Uouncillor Lyall, seconded by Councillor I.-Illin March of TH-iT the March of Dim6s be advised that, with regret , Dimes the Council is unable to make a contribution for the year 1974. "CARRIED" Resolution #F-34-74 Moved by Councillor Entwisle, seconded 'by Councillor Hobbs THAT the request of the Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council Great for a financial contribution be tabled pending receipt of Pine further information and that the Clerk contact Mr. Coling . Ridge asking him to appear before Council to present his case . "CARRIED" Financial Committee -6- Resolution --#--F-35-74 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Entwisle Tax iissist . THxT the correspondence from the Ministry of Treasury, to Elderly Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs pertaining to Homeowners Municipal Tax j'4ssistance to Elderly Homeowners, be tabled. "CARRIED" Resolution Y/-F-36-74 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Lyall THisT the Treasurer report back to the Committee, in due Tax folding course, on the feasibility of purchasing a Tax Bill machine. Folding and Stuffing Machine . "CARRIED" The Treasurer presented a draft "Capital Forecast" however, discussion of this was deferred to the next meeting of the Committee . Resolution #F-37-74- Moved F-37-74Moved by Councillor Allin , seconded by Mayor Rickard adjournment TH,iT the meeting adjourn at 5 :05 P .M. "CARRIED"